It’s been a while since NBC and Kevin Vicklund published the unremarkable result that the White House scanned the President’s birth certificate with a common office machine, previewed it, and saved it for the White House web site. (The work they did is remarkable for its ingenuity and skill, but the result was not.)
Birthers have been raising “anomaly” after “anomaly” ever since the White House released the document. Birther “experts” claimed that normal PDF files don’t have layers that can be moved around. That was debunked by the conservative National Review magazine quickly, but there are birthers to this day who still believe that particular nonsense. Then the Cold Case Posse admitted that there are supposed to be layers, but they say the White House PDF had too few layers. Then the Cold Case Posse published another report that said the PDF had too many layers. They babbled about artifacts, halos and clipping regions combining their ignorance into a consensus of theories that birthers ate up, even when one theory contradicted another.
Today, scratch any birther, and they will say “experts have confirmed that the birth certificate is 100% a forgery.” No expert has ever published a report saying that but birthers are convinced, and you’d be wasting your time arguing the point. They have their talking points and they will not be moved.
Nevertheless, birthers have taken note of the Xerox WorkCentre 7655 replication of their anomaly collection in White House birth certificate scan. While I don’t make a habit of trolling birther blogs, I do sometimes mention that the birthers are summarily proved wrong by the Xerox demonstration, and they are predictably agitated. Given that the birthers concocted all manner of nonsense following the original bombshell of the release of Obama’s long-form birth certificate, one could hardly expect a different reaction when all of their “experts” were felled with one stroke of the Obot flyswatter.
And today I noticed just such a discussion at The Las Vegas Guardian web site with this comment from “therak”:
The Xerox excuse is another attempt to throw everything possible up against a wall to see what will stick.
I notice when all these theories to EXPLAIN THE MULTITUDES of forgery tell tale signs are offered… not only do they fail to explain the nomalies… but the people who throw out the EXCUSE NEVER seem to offer a VERIFIABLE and REPEATABLE recipe of settings and software for everyone to verify the excuse is valid.
Give me the recipe. Explain not only the Xerox Workcentre 7655 model… but what software and what SETTINGS to achieve ALL THE NOMALIES (sic) seen in the birth certificate. I notice the explanation tries to say a feature called “Edge Erase” causes the clipping mask that hides information (to explain that anomalie (sic)). Uh… hate to break it to you… but “Edge Erase” Deletes (OR CROPS) information… not HIDE it… thus that excuse doesn’t work.
So tell me what SETTINGS achieves the magical fabricated ANOMALIES seen in Obama’s birth certificate? Please list every setting and software used so I can duplicate it as well as everyone else… VERIFIABLE RECIPE. Where is it?
They’re in denial, but we knew they would be. It’s the way conspiracy theorists always handle evidence against them.
It would be amusing if NBC summarized a list of settings required to duplicate the anomalies on the Xerox 7655. Given what I have seen (way to technical for me to understand it all), I’m sure NBC could provide such a list..
I have seen nothing that NBC produced refutes the CCP claims. NBC has been able to approxminate some of the anolmolies but no where comes close to what the CCP has shown regarding Obama’s BC.
What is this strange thing you call a “xerox”? I smell another conspiracy.
Obviously “TXE” stands for “That Xerox Enigma”. 😉
John, here’s a test of your ability to think rationally:
The Cold Case Posse report from Pappit hinged on the assertion that based on Pappit’s expertise that no software or hardware produces a PDF with multiple one-bit layers. The Xerox machine produces multiple one-bit layers.
Would you at least go so far as admitting that Pappit didn’t know what he was talking about when he based his report on that claim?
Nothing? Seriously? Okay… let’s test that assertion.
Using the standard profile for scanning a document and emailing in on the Xerox WorkCentre, then opening the PDF in Preview, rotating it 180 degrees and then saving to PDF results in “anomalies” that are identical (not merely approximate) to the Whitehouse posted PDF:
1. Initial scan of 600 DPI
2. Separation into a jpeg background and multiple monochrome foregrounds
3. Alignment of two boundaries with 8×8 bit offsets
4. Alignment of two boundaries with internal object
5. Downsampling the background to 150 DPI
6. Downsampling the foregrounds to 300 DPI
7. Saving the JPEG with a quality factor of 47.48% with specific Quantization Matrix
8. Embedding a YCbCr comment into the generated JPEG
9. Original JBIG2 compression (by Xerox)
10. Images are all in landscape direction
11. PDF version is changed (by Preview) from 1.x to 1.3
12. JBIG2 objects are now encoded as FlateDecode monochrome bitmaps
13. ObjStm objects are decomposed into multiple XObjects
14. /Rotate tag is replaced with cm level rotations
15. Metadata shows Preview creator/producer information
16. A clipping mask is added
Now… would you please provide us two corresponding lists of “anomalies.” The first list would be those “anomalies” that are merely “approximate,” and the the second would be those “anomalies” that are not replicated at all.
Thank you.
John, even if the CCP were to admit what nbc posted is true, you wouldn’t “see” it or believe it. You would claim they were “gotten to” or “bought off/threatened”, just like very birther does when they’re shown to have failed… again.
There is no forgery, there is no fraud, and there’s no… zip, zero, nada evidence of such anywhere, CCP or otherwise.
The 2 big things that I have yet to see NBC produce which confirms the forgery are:
1. The Date and Signature Stamp on their own seperate layers that can be moved around as each an individual unit.
2. The application of the green safety background as single total unit.
As far as the other produced artifacts, these are really just irrelavent red herrings that the obots try to use to distract people from larger main problems with the document.
NBC has spouted alot of technobabble on his blog in an attempt to confuse the reader to accept his position. If NBC really thinks he has found the technology used and can produce the PDF identical to the White House PDF, he should certainly do so. Creating a youtue video similar to the CCP videos would be best in convincing any doubter instead trying spout technobabble jargon. I can tell you the results are stunning in the CCP videos and would smilmillary stunning if Obot could produce them as well. You have to remember, they did 1200 computer tests and were unable replicate the anomolies in the PDF BC.
Mike Zullo has admitted that doubters and Obots have been able to replicate some the anomolies found in the WHBC PDF. The problem is that no doubter or obot has been able to produce ALL and in correct precision the anomolies to that of the WHBC PDF.
Does the Xerox through it’s optimization produce the white halo effect on the document? Let’s see it.
What forgery, John? What data has been materially altered with intent to deceive? The answer is, nothing.
Digital manipulation (if indeed there is any) does not equate to forgery nor fraud. Zullo and the CCP are idiots. The red herring, as you put it above, is any and all talk of forgery of the pdf. Sane people (and real investigators, real experts and real prosecutors) know this. That is why there’s no prosecution, no submission to any real LE authority.
Zullo himself has stated they don’t have enough evidence to convict Obama of jaywalking, much less anything else. Yet they seem to believe (or rather believe they can keep donations coming in) there is evidence to remove Obama from office. They obviously also don’t have any evidence to convict anyone elseof anything. Yet people such as yourself keep buying into this nonsense. Mind boggling.
Keep moving those goal posts.
BTW, Obama is still YOUR president.
Just wanted to take some time to rub some salt and barb wire into the wound there.
Don’t worry, he’ll have to leave the White House, honest! …In January…of 2017.
the timing is suspicious. like the release of the second certificate.
Good point, John! And working backwards, the problem with believing that an iceberg could have sunk the Titantic, is that no iceberg-ship collision has since been found to duplicate ALL of, and with correct precision, the impact leaks that supposedly sunk the Titantic.
Obama has likely never been closer to not becoming our President, than the day before you found out that he would be running for that office. In fact, if there were enough anti-Obama persons like you exposing your critical ignorance to the public, John, only the 22nd Amendment would probably keep Obama from being elected to a third term.
john is either a victim of Zullu’s scam or he is a Zullu sock puppet. An informational pdf copy can only be considered a forgery if it does not match the original, the photos of the original actually do match. This issue is over, Zullu can’t change that.
The whole concept of Irony is completely lost on you, isn’t it John…
Because nothing has more truthiness than a youtube video…
I have to admit, you do seem genuinely stunned…
And it would be impossible to do so, since birthers manufacture faux anomalies as required.
Too bad for you that it’s completely irrelevant what “anomolies” are on the WH PDF. His birth certificate could be printed on a shred of used toilet paper – and AS LONG AS HAWAII CONFIRMS IT – it is legitimate. Your side can never get that truth through your thick skulls.
That’s an awfully wordy way of saying “technology confuses me.”
I’m convinced john is a performance artist. Not even birthers can be as genuinely blind as he presents himself. Either that, or he is a graduate student writing a disertation on Poe’s law and is using us as his guinea pigs.
Oh my god.
I must create a law- maybe call it John’s law which is
“Youtube is the last refuge of scoundrels”
I always- always assume that anything offered as proof on Youtube is BS.
If a person can’t explain his thesis in writing- I assume a Youtube video is meant only to dazzle a person with BS and call it rose petals.
NBC’s PDF does have separate “Date and Signature Stamp” that can be moved around and placed anywhere on the document.
Even the President’s LFBC PDF does not have a green security layer that can be turned off as a single unit. Turn off that layer turns off text and line art that are embedded in the background layer. NBC’s PDF does the same thing.
Grab that loser straw a little tighter, john. You’re circling the bowl.
MRC compression is known to produce halos (from a scholarly paper on the process), but NBC seems to think that the “halo is in the original” which would seem to me to be rather facially impossible.
I don’t have access to the Xerox machine under discussion or I’d be testing stuff myself.
what exactly about it is suspicious?
Close, no cigar. Every single one of the monochrome bitmasks on the Whitehouse PDF and on NBC’s reconstruction can be moved about as an individual unit. This includes things that make obvious sense together (such as the Signature Stamp) and things that do not (such as the layer containing part of the printed text, part of a date stamp, and single cursive stoke from a handwritten date). This was pointed out to Zullo almost two years ago, but he either does not understand it or he is trying desperately to ignore it.
Wrong again. First, the green safety paper is not a single total unit. It is part of the JPEG layer which also includes all of the form frame, some of the printed form text, most of the signatures, most of the penciled coding marks, and a single digit from the Certificate Number. They are all on this layer because it is the only color layer, and the form frame could not be stripped out by the compression algorithm because it blends seamlessly with the green weave pattern at the shadow of the curved volume spine.
Actually, these “other” artifacts are the very ones that birthers have used to support their now disproved accusations since April of 2011.
Yes. It results when the JPEG is anti-aliased after the other layers have been stripped out.
Have you been talking to George Zimmerman?
Well lets not keep our birthers waiting. Let’s see NBC’s birth certificate recreation and his associated workflow.
Stunning in their incompetence, I will grant you that.
Where have you been?
well, like everything else, it comes with a long delay fuse…
and the fact that the antibirthers, who declared this issue settled years ago, are now touting a new theory.
now, was a special waiver required to get NBC to discover this brilliant new revelation?
more importantly, can we get confirmation from the whitehouse, that they did indeed use a Xerox copier that day. or are those records sealed.
Really? That’s it? We’re not touting a NEW theory, we’re debunking your (the birthers) theory…big difference.
Do you remember the reason the COLB was released in the first place scott? Further, since you’ve already proven you’ll not accept anything proving the President is eligible but will accept the word of a scam artist, why would the President or in fact any clear thinking American even care what you think?
How are they touting a new theory? NBC’s analysis only further backs up the MRC explanation that flew over you birthers heads. I notice you’re still posting but still haven’t answered our previous questions.
The White House held a press conference announcing to the world, “Here is the President’s ‘long form’ birth certificate.” Hawaii has verified that the document is real. You don’t accept either are are telling the truth there, so even if the White House was to humour you, what’s would be the point?
can someone (a taxes paid employee with a name) there that day tell us they made a (the) Xerox copy, is my point. the legal tightrope walking by dan Pfeiffer is notable, as is the forbidden photo record by miss savannah guthrie.
Call them: 202-456-1414
You make my point for me. You already doubt if not reject pretty much everything released so far. That you would not doubt if not outright reject further statements by any White House employee or intern is, well, laughable. So what would be the point trying to satisfy you?
Can Scott answer a single question from anyone without changing the subject? You’ve already had names verifying documents from Hawaii and you didn’t trust them so what would another name do for you?
“Forbidden”? How so?
Next question?
It is further proof the President is eligible…scott can’t have that.
Can you write a clear straightforward sentence?
One of the many problems with you is that you pull dubious claims out of thin air and attribute them to anti-birthers.
John Woodman never said that the LFBC PDF is genuine. What he said, in effect, is that the supposed anomalies in the PDF are not anomalies at all.
The anti-birthers have never previously said that they knew what specific hardware and process was used to create the LFBC PDF. No theory about specific equipment was touted until NBC discovered that the LFBC almost certainly was created by a Xerox WorkCentre 7655. It is disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise.
Can you catch a falling star without burning your hand? Can you put the sky in your mouth? Can you say to an earthquake..’hey hold still for a second’? No! Such is Mango
What “new theory?” The theory that the “anomalies” were entirely the ordinary results of the operation of ordinary scanning and compression software has always been the anti-birther assertion.
The National Review offered the theory the same day as the the certificate was released:
Dr. Neil Krawetz floated the theory one day later:
I published my preliminary version of the theory in June 2011:
NBC has not come up with a new theory at all. He has proved the old one through diligent detective work and couple of brilliant flashes of insight. He has cut the legs out from under any residual ambiguity that allowed birthers to hold out hope in the otherwise pointless flailing of the Cold Case Posse.
While birthers tend to think the posse is their final hope, we anti-birthers (and maybe even you) know that it;s actually their last gasp.
I prefer to call it their last scam…maybe someone will file a complaint in AZ or even better a bunch of retired folks from the tea party realize they’re being conned and go to the press. That would be fun… “OLD JOE ROBBED US!!!” hehehe
When you lay with dogs you’re bound to get fleas
No, no…
First of all, since I scan a document with a halo already, it cannot be used to verify the halo creation.
Secondly, I believe it is a product of the following steps
1. Scan at 600 DPI
2. Separate layers
3. create JPEG and BMP
4. Downsample JPEG by 4x (this can be done in frequency domain as well as in bitmap domain, if you need any explanations, let me know 🙂 ) The fact that the JPEG aligns with 8×8 boundaries at 300 DPI is a hint
5. Downsample the BMP to 300×300
Yes, MRC will create a halo but so will JPEG as it encodes the ‘white space’ behind the lifted characters as well and this will inevitably leak into the layer.
But I need a clever way of testing this… And I have been focused on other factors first.
ROTFL… Some see conspiracies everywhere…
Excellent references… And yes, it has been a fun ride so to speak.. Hermitian is still pressing the matter and he and others have helped strengthen the case as well.
John, well, he is in full denial and may never recover…
“Why wont he release the long form It’s a conspiracy!” “He released the long form it’s a conspiracy”
It’s turtles all the way down
And JPotter identified MRC in the Xerox equipment on this blog in March of 2012, following NBC’s comment about MRC.
I have a legal question related to release of the president’s Long Form Birth Certificate. How should we read Hawaii Revised Statute 338-18 (b) (point 9)?
Can the ORIGINAL birth record be released under court order for inspection, or can only a copy of the original be released for both inspection and possession?
Here’s the wording:
(b) The department shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record. The following persons shall be considered to have a direct and tangible interest in a public health statistics record.
(9) A person whose right to inspect or obtain a certified copy of the record is established by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
IANAL, I read it as under a court order the DOH can allow someone to come into their office and inspect the original record or they can issue a certified copy.
My guess is the court order would specify which one.
They could sue Joe and HAVE STANDING! OMG THIS IS IT THEY WILL WIN! *lol*
The same smoothing algorithms that JPEG uses for anti-aliasing text edges will necessarily result in this effect where the stripping out of text has left stark edges between the color of the security weave and the blank spaces left behind. And as can be seen from the signatures and the single digit left behind from the certificate number, the JPEG layer has been rather aggressively anti-aliased.
Yeah, thanks, that’s also the way I read it but I think a grammatical case could be made for inspection of a copy as well.
I wonder why the birthers have never sought a court order.
Wouldn’t it have to come from a Hawaiian court or a Federal court? Neither have not been very friendly to birthers.
As I think about there have been several Hawaiian court cases where birthers have tried to get the court to allow them to inspect DOH vital records or give them certified copies.
Martin, Taitz, Sunahara, Wolf and Justice, all tried it and failed. I think Martin failed all the way up to the Hawaiian Supreme Court.
You are correct, sir! With the able assistance of the “Birther Scorecard:”
Constitution Party v. Governor Lingle. State of Hawaii Supreme Court: complaint contesting 2008 Presidential election results and contending that the Governor’s administration failed to require proof that candidate Barack Obama was qualified to be a candidate for President of the United States. Dismissed; reconsideration, Dismissed. 12/2008.
Hamrick v. Health Director Fukino. US District Court, Hawaii: seeking a copy of Obama’s certified birth certificate to determine whether he is natural born citizen; Dismissed, 5/2009.
Justice v. Health Director Fuddy. Hawaii state Circuit Court: seeking access to records relevant to Obama’s eligibility, Dismissed; Dismissal affirmed, Hawaii Court of Appeals. 10/2009 & 4/2011.
Martin v. Governor Lingle. Hawaii state District Court: seeking to compel disclosure of Obama’s birth records based on challenge to his eligibility. Dismissed; Hawaii Court of Appeals, Dismissed; Hawaii Supreme Court, Writ Denied. 1/2009 & 8/2009.
Martin v. Attorney General Bennett. Hawaii state District Court: seeking to compel disclosure of Obama’s birth records based on challenge to his eligibility; Dismissed; 9/2010.
Sunahara v. Hawaii Department of Health. Hawaii state District Court: complaint seeking access to birth/death records of Virginia Sunahara based on connection to Obama’s eligibility; Dismissed, Appeal pending. 3/2012.
Taitz v Astrue. U.S. District Court, Hawaii: ex parte application to compel discovery regarding Obama’s eligibility in a related case in the District of Columbia; 10/2011.
Taitz v. Health Director Fuddy (Freedom of Information Act). Hawaii state Circuit Court: appeal of agency refusal to grant access to documents allegedly related to Obama’s eligibility; Dismissed; Rehearing Denied; petition for reciprocal subpoena enforcement, Denied; Ex-Parte Amended Motion for Reconsideration, Denied. 11/2011 & 2/2012
Taitz v Obama. Hawaii Office of Elections: petition seeking to challenge Obama’s eligibility to be on 2012 ballot and demand for an emergency hearing on this challenge; Petition rejected. 12/2011.
Taitz v Judge Rhonda A. Nishimura. Hawaii Supreme Court; petition for a Writ of Mandamus to force Circuit Court Judge Nishimura to issue a court order forcing the Hawaii Department of Health to grant access to birth vital records related to Obama’s eligibility. Petition Denied. 1/2012.
Thomas v Hosemann. US District Court, Hawaii; action seeking to compel Hawaii Dept. of Health to provide access to documents related to Obama’s eligibility; Dismissed. 12/2008.
Wolf v Health Director Fuddy. Hawaii state Circuit Court; seeking to compel disclosure of documents allegedly related to Obama’s eligibility; Dismissed. 9/2011. Appeal to Hawaii Court of Appeals, Summary Disposition Order Affirmed by Intermediate Court of Appeals, 5/31/13.
Squalling about ‘settings’ and ‘software’ is some hilarious goalpost shifting.
1. Typical office setting, no one in the office knows much of anything about the technical configuration of these leased multifunction units. A service company sets them up, networks them, configures them. It is safe to assume the ‘scan to PDF’ function of the WorkCentre in question is standard, factory default. The users set their document, hit ‘go’, and go check their e-mail.
2. This is a meaningless, disingenuous, dead-ender ‘challenge’. Any answer can be dismissed with ‘nuh-uh’, and the truth (see #1) will be dismissed with a very ironic “obviously, you don’t know what you’re talking about”.
3. I receive documents from a client scanned on a WorkCentre 7535. They are, from file structure, markup, image composition and quality, and birfer “anomaly” perspectives, identical to the LFBC PDF …
4. ….. and the Obama’s tax returns. That bit of comparison by NBC was truly inspired. Gosh, one entity handles the Presidents personal documents. And use the same equipment to do so. Duh.
Yes, WorkCentre-generated PDFs have halos. Xerox MRC is a process involving 3 TYPES of layers. It’s called 3-layer MRC, and certain desperate persons, grasping at straws, like to take that term literally (“but there’s more than 3 layers …” *facepalm*)
Xerox MRC segments images into 3 TYPES of layers. 2 types from the image itself: 1) an overall background (to be hammered by JPEG), 2) foreground layers (to be higher-res, monochrome bitmaps). The 3rd type is created, a masking layer that is simply a copy of all the foreground layers, in white.
The white mask is flattened onto the background. Then the background is resampled at half-resolution and highly-compressed. Resampling from 300dpi to 150dpi causes the white masks to ‘swell’ and anti-alias, and the compression amplifies the effects. When the still-sharp foreground layers are placed over their formerly identical masks, which are now diluted into the background …. voilá, “halos”.
If you can’t picture this in your mind birfers, fire up GIMP or Photoshop or Painter* or Xara or CorelDRAW …. or any raster editor that supports layers … and simulate the process. It’s not too hard.
* That’s PAINTER, a Corel product … Microsoft Paint won’t cut it, birfers 😛
A bit of luck and knowing what to look for. Too bad it is gray-scale so the embedded JPEG comment is LinearGray no YCbCr but luckily i have other resources to check…
Indeed, there are still some issues to resolve
1. Firmware of device
2. Settings of device
However we have some cool information already that allows us to point to the forger, now it is a matter of ‘catching it in the ‘act” 🙂
yes, that’s my guess as well.
No need to guess, it’s spelled out in the Xerox white papers and patents, screamingly obvious after looking at MRC PDFs, easily simulated in principle, and all predetermined by the very nature of pixelated imagery.
Something about my post above that may not be clear. The fact that PDFs scanned on similar models of WorkCentre at completely unrelated offices are identical in construction demonstrates the silliness of suggesting that any settings or software–other than typical defaults–is of concern.
I did some preliminary experiments and the results show a halo as well. For the full effect, I should get my hands on security paper or a better background than I have managed so far. Will prepare some experiments and if that fails, I may have to buy 500 sheets @$26.00 plush shipping…
May still be worth it…
Well, the printer I looked at shows a border of .11 inch, while the default is .10. So there may be some variations. Will have to see if the Tax PDF shows any hints.
Obviously the entire xerox corporation is part of The Conspiracy.
Quick! Tell john!
We diiiiiiiid! We diiiiiiiid!
The Ursula Burns – Obama connection was highlighted on this blog
long ago. … not like I expect any birfer to listen!
No more PDF file nonsense. No more White House website nonsense. No more white halo effect. No more links and layers. No more typography. No more CCP. No more Mr. Conspiracy. No more people who haven’t a clue what they’re about. No more any of this stuff.
Mr. President:
Call a press conference. Show the two paper birth certificates your lawyer picked-up for you in Hawaii and let everyone see the damn things. Let the damn press see them, touch them, smell them, hear them, chew on them anything they damn well want. They are two damn pieces of damn paper. Not the damn Crown Jewels of England. If they are damaged, have your damn lawyer get you two more.
You’re a busy man but PLEASE set aside 20 or 30 minutes from golf and deal with this.
April 27, 2011, 8:48 AM. The White House held a regular press briefing (they call it the Press Gaggle) and Obama’s attorney briefed the press on the announcement that the President was to make later that morning. He held up the original birth certificate for everybody to see. One reporter, Savannah Guthrie of NBC touched it and felt the raised seal and took a picture of it.
So, birther, exactly why are you demanding Obama do what he already did over two years ago? Because you are a stupid, ignorant birther, that’s why.
I’ve been trying to find that video for ages!
He did this already
You started it!!! We already knew it was only for informational purposes and trying to find forgery was a fool’s errand. We’re just trying to show how really foolish you are.
So…lemme get this straight. The birthers, who started this roller-coaster of stupid, now want the ride to stop?
And no Fuzz, I don’t think the President is gonna pay any attention to people like you going “Show us yer papers, BOY!”
Now that’s no way to talk about another’s man’s birth certificate, whether an original, a certified copy, a copy of a copy, or a xerox’d press handout.
You’ll be happy to know the President has done as you wished:
Now, if you disavow PDF Madness, on what grounds will you choose to dismiss this inconvenient truth? How about simply: “It can’t be legitimate because it implies Obama is legitimate! Everyone knows that’s impossible!”
I suppose you meant to post this on ORYR, WND, Carl Gallup’s and Orly’s site.
Are we back to “it never was about the BC” now? Or will you repeat your demands about the PDF in 3 months, totally ignoring you just said you don’t care about those pesky details?
Moving goalposts is hard work. It’s tempting to avoid digging new holes when there’s so many existing holes you could stick them in.