Confusing good and evil, sense and nonsense, ethical and unethical, scientific and crackpot—all these really irritate me. I think labels matter and that it’s important to assign them correctly and fairly. I also believe in recognizing merit when it’s earned. So I wasn’t too thrilled when commenter scott e called Mike Zullo: “Commander Zullo.”
Now I am perfectly willing, and indeed desirous of calling Mike Zullo by his proper title. I see “Lt. Zullo” or “Detective Zullo” on birther blogs; however, I have no knowledge (and I have been paying attention) that Zullo bears any law enforcement title in his role heading the Maricopa County Arizona Cold Case Posse, a 501(3)(c) non-profit educational charity. A couple of decades ago, it is reported, Zullo had a job with a municipal police department, but the title he held then is not known. Mr. Zullo is certainly welcome to leave a comment to this article clarifying his title. I’ll start using it.
The photo is of a character named Commando Cody from a movie serial, Radar Men from the Moon. The “Z” on the costume was added.
[Update: The correct title for Mike Zullo within the Cold Case Posse (later disbanded) is “commander.”]
Each MCSO posse is an independent entity, as we all know, and it is my recollection that the head of each posse (usually elected by the membership, as I recall) is referred to as the posse commander.
In that context it is not a rank but a title. I looked once and I don’t think the MCSO uses Commander as a rank. Some departments do and it usually correlates to Major: In order Officer, Sgt., Lt., Capt, Major or Commander and then into the Deputy or Assistant Chiefs.
Some of the large posses probably use ranks to denote senior members or those in charge of certain elements. I doubt they are subject to the same tests and promotion requirements of certified deputies and, of course, they have not authority over certified deputies, reserve or paid.
As it regards his time in New Jersey he was, as you recall, on a very small department with more crossing guards than sworn officers and, when I checked, it had no detectives. In small departments field officers usually handle follow-up investigations before the case is turned over to prosecutors. That, I suspect, is the extent of his experience as a “detective”.
Bottom line: Commander, Lieutenant or Grand Poobah……Mr. Zullo is playing the birthers for fools.
How about, Mike Zullo = Optimus Primo
According to Wittypedia, Optimus Primo is leader of the Decepticons, a faction of bots from the planet Conspiritron. They specialize in transforming unfounded claims into grandiose hoaxes. The Decepticons are constantly waging verbal warfare with the Obamabots.
I think we should be able to give him a title too, just like the birthers. Some Clown Administrative Manager Chief has a nice ring to it. SCAM Chief for short.
This is what happens when yours is the last name called at role call for decades.
Don’t do it, Grand Moff Zullo! It’s a trap!
If you visit right wing sites you will find heavy use of “appeal to authority”, that’s exactly was this rank assignment is. Same with phony academic titles. They think it gives them credibility, actually it is good for a laugh.
I have a name for him too, but it won’t get through Doc’s swear filter! 😉
Bravo on the Commando Cody reference, bravo!
Personally, while I do openly mock First Sea Lord Zullo’s seemingly arbitrary titles, I’m more interested in his real experience rather than what he calls himself. What actual cases has he investigated? Which ones were done so as part of the CCP? What were his roles in said investigations? Has he lead any investigation other than the one into the supposed birth certificate fraud? What cold cases has the CCP investigated? (and so on).
Grand Mufti Zullo can call himself whatever he wants. From what I can tell,many birthers make the mistake that his title is what should give him authority. Things like real investigation experience, a reputation of good judgement, and (especially in this case) non-partisanship would be among the many things I would give more weight to than whether he’s called a “Lt.” or “Commander.”
The question concerning Zullo the most is:
“How can I get another free vacation in Hawaii out of this?”
After years of searching, I finally got all all three volumes of Radar Men on VHS. (Beware the 2-volume “complete editions.” There is a Vol. 3.)
VHS? You sir, are hardcore.
Sounds like a question for the narrator’s next cliffhanger spiel.
I believe the correct title is “Head Duck-weigher”. He’s looking for a really big one.
Admiral General Zullo? Oh, wait, that was Aladeen.
I don’t know….frankly, the guy kinda looks like Gomez from the Addams Family to me.
And Corsi and WND Books milk his doctorate for all its worth for this reason. I’d like to think Harvard wishes they would stop.
The first thing any good fascist does is to confer some overblown military title upon himself. Par for the course. May I suggest Generalissimo Zullo?
His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Zullo, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Arizona in General and Kenya in Particular.”
Paul Lentz at the Fogbow has found several instances of postmarks with only two digits in the year. Didn’t Supreme Kommadante Zullo say they had looked and none existed?
This is just one of the many lies of Mike Zullo. I have heard him tell the Galluping Pastor who loves to hear his own voice that he is a Commander.
I think that Zullo limited himself to Selective Service forms, and has never released the number that he actually looked at. He leaves the confirmation-biased birthers to imagine a very large number.
I think a lot of what Zullo does is to let the birthers imagine things, rather than saying something specific. It’s much more impressive that way (to the weak minded).
That’s a fun page.
how ’bout “doctor” zullo ?? lol…
mike explains the whole thing in one of his interviews…
i’ll try to remember where I heard it. w/carl gallups I think…
did I miss a link to those pictures of the other registrations from 1980 ?
does foad mean what I think it does RC ? (capital R, not rC, like richCares)
No, Zullo never released the images of the registrations he supposedly checked to show that there were no 2-digit years. He didn’t even say how many. Very unconvincing.
Oh my…this is rich. A man who calls himself Doctor is making fun of imaginary titles that have never actually been used by the person in question. Dr. C is such an ignorant propogandist hypocrite. Thanks for my daily dose of laughter.
For scott e:‘
for scott e, here’s links from Paul lentz’s post at fogbow
ex 1:
ex 2:
ex 3:
ex 4:
Paul says “Just 4 examples, which took me less than 5 minutes to find with a Google image search.”
If I had to bet, I’d say Zullo had no more than 17 sample registrations apart from Obama’s. That guess is based on the fact that the registrations that appeared in the Posse presentation and in their e-book were among the same registrations that were published by Susan Daniels and ORYR in 2011:
But I don’t believe that Daniels was responsible for procuring those cards; just publishing them. I believe the person who actually obtained them was Linda Bentley, who in 2010 got 17 cards via a FOIA request:
I think this again speaks to the Posse’s investigative tactics and bias that they again simply borrowed existing research from other Birthers.
i’m not sure why you are showing examples of 4 digits and a centered 2 digit.
one thing I noticed is two different dates on the reg, and the ss has it checked as
I have to see more from Hawaii at that time. odd, unless there are direct comparisons.
It also shows how little follow-up investigation they did.
Linda Bentley also obtained the registration cards for two individuals who registered at the same Honolulu P.O. within days of President Obama (both are part of the CCP’s exhibits). Their registration cards had stamped Document Locator Numbers (DLN) and the three individuals have individual Selective Service numbers. When those are examined it makes the whole forgery theory look silly.
JUL 29 1980 DLN – 0897 080 632, SS 61-1125539-1, Barack Obama
JUL 31 1980 DLN – 0897 080 653, SS 61-1125556-5, Darrel Oniwa
AUG 02 1980 DLN – 0897 080 613, SS 61-1125522-7, Bruce Henderson
All three have an effective registration date of Sept 4th, 1980.
President Obama’s DLN and SS number are between Henderson’s and Oniwa’s. That’s a neat trick for someone who either never registered or forged a registration in 2007.
BTW, Bruce Henderson was born on August 25th, 1961, I wonder what his BC certification number is? I bet it is lower than the Nordykes’.
File a FOIA request with the Selective Service. Draft registrations are public records.
I’m going to suggest to our good Doctor that he bestow an honorary doctorate on Mr. Zullo: Doctor of Deception.
He has certainly earned it.
“I have to see more from Hawaii at that time. odd, unless there are direct comparisons.”
why, did the Bush administration commit fraud? That is so silly! Send a FOIA request and see what you get (however birthers never research just babble)
Thanks for all your help, but I still don’t understand something.
Say the pdf isn’t a forgery. OK. But how do you know it’s not a scan of a forgery?
The NBC lady that seen “the original” ain’t a document expert.
Could the PDF be a genuine scan of a forgery?
Entirely possible.
But Dr. Onaka issued three certified verifications that the information on the PDF matches the information on the original at the DOH. Why make a forged document and put the same information on it?
The State of Hawaii has verified on multiple occasions that the information on the PDF at the White House matches what they have on file, and they detail that they provided the President with the original certified copy. I refer you to the Hawaii Department of Health web site:
Why would the President forge a document that he already had to say what it already said? The whole idea behind the forgery conspiracy theory makes no sense at all, and it never did.
It’s a genuine copy of a fake Dior.
“OK. But how do you know it’s not a scan of a forgery?”
the state of Hawaii says it’s content is correct, so stop asking.
in 2017 when Obama leaves office he will have buildings, airports, naval ships named after him. his place in history is assured,where will you be, still asking about forgeries, that is silly.
Of course. Anything is possible. The vault copy from which the certified copy on security paper was made could also be a forgery. Obama could be a forgery!
But other than wishful thinking there is no evidence that any of that is true……is there?
It’s meant to keep you up at night.
Are the goalposts moving again?
Are we headed for a claim that the vault copy is a forgery?
Looks like there may be life in the old website yet, Doc.
Wait, are you telling us that Extreme Clown Commander Zullo was lying to us when he said there was NO original document, that the PDF was completely computer generated? But even more interesting, why DIDN’T the JIC Zullo ever even bother to question the WITNESSES to the document to ascertain their level of competency to whether it was a valid or not? So let me ask you JC, how many investigations have you heard about where the investigative agency doesn’t even interview eyewitnesses?
We had an agreement. Thanks. NOT.
My doctorate is not imaginary; it came with my literary license.
I have inside info that Obama is behind the San Francisco plane crash.
Actually that is a pretty old theory. Jerome Corsi suggested that someone inserted the fake Obama certificate into the bound volume removing the certificate of some deceased person. Remember Corsi’s mole?
As an officer in the International Jewish Conspiracy, I am authorized to say the blog author’s use of “Doctor” is reasonable, and we are certifying such use as כשר.
Also, GLH, we are monitoring your internet connection with the help of the NSA.
I know! I know! It happens all the time on TV shows.
Actually the whole thing is really a low budget made-for-cable TV show that can’t afford all the extra actors to play witnesses and those sorts of things.
It’s the Zullo Show!
I’d forgotten about that one.
Crazy time!
He isn’t a doctor???? I don’t believe it. His website has done wonders for my dyspepsia for years.
Me too.
Oh, please don’t tell me that.
Remember the discussion we had about worst movies? And my nomination of the film “The Bubble” AKA “The incredible invasion of Earth” or something like that?
Its about a bunch of people trapped in a small town by an invisible barrier and boasts the worst script of all time and the worst acting of all time and zero tension and a completely false promotional campaign. Absolute drek.
“They” are remaking it for TV (or rather have already made it). The name has changed again, this time its called “The Dome” (in Australia that is; I think its called “Under The Dome” in the US – gotta keep up that tradition).
Please don’t tell me that its just a vehicle for this birther stuff. Did Obama put the Dome there? Are the inhabitants the passengers that were ‘disappeared’ off the planes on 9/11? Is Patrick McGoohan playing “Number 1”?
Actually it’s a cross between The Three Stooges Meet Frankenstein and the Truman Show with a little Groundhog Day thrown in.
He kyurd mie dislexsia, to.
I’m going back to my flim camera.
!! מזל טוב
don’t I need a valid ss number ?? I noticed 0’s registration is sept 30th, no ??
Well, titles for Mr. Zullo:
Der Fuehrer?
Conducator? (Antonescu in Romania)
Il Duce?
Supreme Ruler?
President for Life?
Pontifex Maximus? (Matthew Hale adopted that Roman title to run his neo-Nazi World Church of the Creator. Now he’s doing 40 years for conspiring to murder a federal judge who actually ruled FOR him)
Shining Sun of Humanity? (Stalin)
Greatest Genius in History? (Stalin)
Father of Orphans? (Stalin again)
Grand Sachem of Tammany Hall?
Holy Roman Emperor?
Khan of Nakhitchevan?
I like the one from Hungary:
Regent of the Kingdom. That was Admiral Miklos Horthy’s title. He was an admiral without a navy, in a country without a seacoast, acting as regent for a kingdom, which did not have a king.
So, Dr. J, Dr Pepper, Dr. Dre, Doctor Who, Doctor Octopus, Doctor Destiny, Doctor Manhattan, Doctor Strangelove, Doctor Zoidberg, Doctor Doom, Doctor Orpheus, Doctor Evil, Doctor Frank-N-Furter and Doctor Fate must really blow your mind.
I would think not. You should be able to ask for all registrations from Hawaii for a date range. If it takes a lot of work, you might be asked to pay something.
And my own model, Dr. Science. (We both have a master’s degree — in science!)
If in some Bizarro world, the Birth Certificate on file in Hawaii is a forgery…..well then how would that in anyway implicate Barack Obama?
What Barack Obama presented at the press conference was certified as true by the State of Hawaii- so President Obama would have still been presenting to all of us an official certified Birth Certificate copy.
As Doc points out the whole forgery thing just doesn’t make any sense and never has.
IF in Bizarro World, someone did ‘forge’ the BC and ‘slipped it into’ the Department of Health- why, how and when would they have done so?
At birth or soon after? Why would anyone risk going to prison to put a forged BC on file? So that Barack Obama could aspire to be President 50 years later?
If not then- when? None of this makes sense- if his BC didn’t show his birth in the U.S., he would not have been able to get a U.S. passport as a kid- if he was naturalized, State would have records of his naturalization.
None of this whole cockamamy story makes any sense- and it is telling that no Birther tries to present a scenario that would possibly be valid- instead they just claim ‘forgery’.
Stupid Birthers. How much will Zullo and others be able to continue to skim off of them.
Dr. John (with Ringo Starr):
A message from Orly Tatiz: Мазель тов!
Corsi Claims He Has Identity Of Individual Behind Birth Certificate Forgery – May 22, 2011
-World Net Daily’s Dr. Jerome Corsi will soon release details of the key person who helped create Obama’s newly forged birth certificate.
-Dr. Corsi reports the key person is in the Media. Also, more explosive details revealed during today’s interview on Infowars Radio Show regarding Obama’s destroyed birth records in Kenya and more…
Don’t forget my favorite…Doctor Detroit!
“Generalissimo Francisco Franco is stubbornly clinging to death…”
H.L. Mencken: “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.”
To be fair, Corsi was at a low point then. It’s understandable that he got erratic with his claims.
He went from flirting with Trump and national exposure to being viewed as a crank and a breakup with his former MSM buddy, Hannity, in the blink of an eye.
But what is one to make of the claims to their titles of arch-fiend Professor Chaos, and his sidekick General Disarray?
My favorite character name is still Major Major Major Major.
Hi Dr. C!!!
OH, I LOVE the image!!! That sooo fits Zullo! The pointy little head. The costume. The overall dorkiness!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Corsi seems to have abandoned the birther train altogether, preferring instead to release a (potentially) “normal” book on the success of the Obama campaign. This got him immense negative feedback on WND from the wingnuts who yell “he only won through election fraud” and “Romney threw the election on purpose”. So it seems he doesn’t care about that specific group of fools anymore which can only mean the sales of the latest WND crap books must be plummeting.
Gotta love Dr. Merkwürdiglieben (the correct translation would’ve been Dr. Seltsameliebe; in Germany the movie was called “Dr. Seltsam oder wie ich lernte, die Bombe zu lieben”).
What is your major malfunction, Major Malfunction?