Obama porn bombs talk show hosts

This one came in an email with title: “URGENT ALERT: Patriots are being set up – PLZ FWD” signed by Bob Powell1 editor of The Truth is Viral blog.

photo of Bob Powell in a suit in front of a world mapThe Obama administration will apparently stoop pretty low in an attempt to save itself from an inevitable implosion, even to the point of planting child porn on the computers of unsuspecting Patriots. They know that they are doomed, and what is the old maxim, "If you can’t kill the message kill the messenger"?

We ALL know what is coming folks. A good many of the talk show hosts that receive this message are dedicated to spreading the truth about this vile, murderous, and, IMO, Satanic administration in their own way, some of you don’t even believe in God; but we are all being targeted in one way or another because each of us has a piece of the puzzle. Just because you haven’t gotten a visit yet doesn’t mean that you won’t in the near future.

The original source of the story (itself poorly substantiated) is two self-reported incidents of anonymous porn-invested emails (watch video starting at 1:30), neither of which targeted talk show hosts or resulted in visits by government agents. These were amplified by the repetition of rumor into an attack on patriots and talk show hosts by the Obama administration.

The email ends with this advice:

My advice? Get right with God, and in the meantime, be VERY careful about opening email attachments.

I can’t fault that advice. I never open email attachments from strangers, and for that matter I don’t open email attachments from friends and family unless I’m expecting them, or they make sense in context—because with all of the address book hacking these days, I get lots of forged emails from friends and family.

If you do get child porn attached to an email, delete it or better report such emails to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tip line that will forward your report to appropriate law enforcement.. You’re not going to get a knock on your door just because a junk email you received has child porn in it. But by all means don’t collect them and burn them onto a DVD! That’s evidence of intent to possess. And by double all means, don’t forward it to everybody in your address book and tell them to forward it to everybody in their address book. 🙄

1I cannot be absolutely certain that the email actually came from Bob Powell.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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5 Responses to Obama porn bombs talk show hosts

  1. Arthur says:

    Bob Powell . . . add his name to the list of the puny malcontents who think this nation embraces their sputtering hatred, idiotic paranoia, and apocalyptic Christianity.

    As evidenced by an appeal on his blog, Bob also has a cash-flow problem. But with God’s help, he’ll get to that march on Washington to bring down this tyrannical regime!!!

    “Until I can raise enough money to get to Washington D.C., every penny donated will be put towards that cause. When I return, donations will be reinvested in the show so that we can continue bringing you the Truth others are either too afraid, or too morally bankrupt, to report.*

    “A portion of the donations we receive go towards everyday living expenses, specifically utilities. The $300 a month this blog brings in puts me over the limit to receive Medicaid and other assistance that we had been receiving. We start each month with $300 less than we would have if I were to sit on my couch and keep my mouth shut, because between lost cash benefits and food stamps we lost $600 a month.*

    “We depend on your generosity to keep pushing against the enemies of freedom. If you believe in what we are doing to spread the Truth about these Last Days, please support our efforts. You donations are greatly appreciated, will be put to good use, and are not tax-deductible.

    “Semper Fi, and God Bless you all. Bobby”

    *Capitalized “Truth” is always truthier than mere “truth.”

    **How much you want to bet that he’s voted for politicians who would restrict or eliminate his social welfare benefits?

  2. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Oh noes, a white Christian patriot on food stamps?
    This cannot be!
    We all know only black Muslim terrorists are food stamp recipients!!!!1!!!eleven!!!
    How do his own supporters believe him?

  3. Arthur says:

    Good old Bob Powell doesn’t seem to be as poor as he lets on. Here he is in a video from last week, driving what appears to be a newer model car, condemning Adam Kokesh (the wacko who was arrested for brandishing a shot gun near the White House). According to Powell, Kokesh just might be a super-sneaky Obot working for George Soros! Powell calls those who have condemned him for condemning Kokesh, “basement-dwelling cheese dicks.”

    Powell also revealed that he and “Chief” Mark Kessler are leading the Sept. 9th march on Washington. Of course, Kessler has already dropped out.


    This guy is as seriously deluded as that nut Rudy from Texas.

  4. Arthur says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): Oh noes, a white Christian patriot on food stamps?

    Here’s how Bob describes himself:

    “I realize I’m a bit harsh for some Christians, but I can assure you that I am a Blood-bought, Bible-believing, Sword-wielding, Armor of God-wearing, Oath-keeping Christian Jarhead. I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and if need be I will put myself in harm’s way in order to protect the lives of His children. I believe that this is our last opportunity to do so peacefully.”

    In other words, Bob loves peace and his Savior, and will kill you to prove it!

  5. Well DUH. If he STOPPED ACCEPTING donations, he’d up up $300 a month.

    Arthur: “A portion of the donations we receive go towards everyday living expenses, specifically utilities. The $300 a month this blog brings in puts me over the limit to receive Medicaid and other assistance that we had been receiving. We start each month with $300 less than we would have if I were to sit on my couch and keep my mouth shut, because between lost cash benefits and food stamps we lost $600 a month.*

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