Monthly Archives: July 2013

Irrational optimism

One thing puzzles me about the birthers–their optimism. Conspiracy theorists in general are not at all optimistic. They see themselves as the voice in the wilderness crying, but largely unheeded. They believe they know the truth, but they also believe … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Psychology, Misc. Conspiracies | Tagged , | 166 Comments

Reading list

I’m not the man I used to be—birthers don’t get me excited as much any more. There’s a hint to the reason in my recent article, The Fixer. A story just isn’t as interesting without the suspense of not knowing … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Media | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Why Obama’s birth certificate can’t be believed

This is the first (and so far only) submission in my 1000-word challenge to those who think President Obama isn’t constitutionally eligible to office. Adrien Nash, a prolific writer on the subject, presents a good case that it is difficult … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Location | Tagged , | 500 Comments

Site changes

I reported earlier that I had problems with emails being blocked from this site. It was due to someone sharing an IP address with my mail and web host who had an infected site. To prevent this issue, I bought … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged | 26 Comments

What case?

Here’s a comment that appeared on The Free Republic forum: Undoubtedly, the walls are closing in on Obama. Reed Hayes will serve as an unimpeachable witness before Roy Moore’s Alabama Supreme Court and from there the United States Supreme Court … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged , , , | 38 Comments

The Fixer

I’d like to share briefly an anecdote from my college days. In English class we were assigned to read Bernard Malamud’s book, The Fixer. It’s the story of Ukrainian Jew falsely prosecuted for a crime, and the story ends with … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , | 44 Comments