Monthly Archives: July 2013

1000 Words

I was really motivated to write something after hearing the Reality Check Radio show tonight. RC played a clip from the Carl Gallups radio show where Gallups challenged any “Obot” to call the show and prove that Obama is even … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo | Tagged , | 279 Comments

Department of State FOIA delay

I have very little sympathy for what birthers do, and for what they are trying to prove. Nevertheless, there is one thing that I share with them, and that is frustration over government foot-dragging when it comes to FOIA and … Continue reading

Posted in FOIA | Tagged | 262 Comments

Abusing the disabled

I had a special opportunity today to meet a young man who was a gold medalist at the 2011 Special Olympics in Athens. I’ve done some volunteer work with the Special Olympics over the years, and I along with the … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo, WorldNetDaily | Tagged , , | 176 Comments

The occasional open thread: renewing your mind

Place your Obama conspiracy comments  not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

Posted in Open Mike | Tagged | 111 Comments

Anonymity and Freedom of Speech

I support the right of anonymous speech, and that’s a longstanding policy on this blog. It’s an application of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you—that particular formulation is from Jesus, but all … Continue reading

Posted in Featured Articles, FOIA, Lounge, Orly Taitz, Punking the birthers | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 69 Comments

Tired of Astrue? Try Colvin.

On June 25, Orly Taitz (DBA Defend Our Freedoms Foundation) filed suit in Maryland federal court against Carolyn Colvin, the current Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. It’s a lawsuit involving a request under the Freedom of Information Act for … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz, Social-security numbers | Tagged , , , | 21 Comments