Monthly Archives: July 2013

Waiting for Zullo

This is a compilation of things promised by, or information reasonably expected from Mike Zullo and the Cold Case Posse, that we are still waiting for. While Zullo uses phrases like “ongoing investigation,” from the beginning the Cold Case Posse … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo, Selective Service | Tagged , , | 436 Comments

Commander Zullo

Confusing good and evil, sense and nonsense, ethical and unethical, scientific and crackpot—all these really irritate me. I think labels matter and that it’s important to assign them correctly and fairly. I also believe in recognizing merit when it’s earned. … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo | Tagged , , , | 76 Comments

Citizenship dream

I awoke this July 4th morning with a very vivid dream on my mind. It was a travel dream, with ships and planes providing the setting. When the old wooden sailing ship I was on landed, I found out that … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , | 19 Comments

The Cold Case shuffle

The patience of birthers with the Cold Case Posse amazes me still. Essentially the Cold Case Posse says: Look at all this evidence, but it’s not convincing. We’re keeping private all the evidence that is convincing. Take the Reed Hayes … Continue reading

Posted in Editorial, Mike Zullo | Tagged , | 77 Comments

Birther fallback on Obama’s PDF

Dr. Conspiracy considers latest birther image analysis Besides the PDF does not have a chain of custudy (sic). The reporters (sic) copy does. His birth certificate is still a forgery with at least 19 points of forgery on just the … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , | 33 Comments