The occasional open thread: Birther apocalypse edition

Place your Obama conspiracy comments  not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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231 Responses to The occasional open thread: Birther apocalypse edition

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Orly has really been very quiet lately.
    Well, she’s still raving like the loon she is, but at a much less frequent rate.
    Maybe she’s starting to get it through her skull that screaming the loudest doesn’t put you at the front of the line, and that her bag of tricks is all but empty. She’s been going “off topic” more often as well.

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG: Maybe she’s starting to get it through her skull that screaming the loudest doesn’t put you at the front of the line

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Or so she heard.

  3. Jim says:

    I think she’s just kind of stuck. No cases are having any movement, no new cases to file, and birthers are abandoning her left and right. She’s got new news for them.

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think she’s just kind of stuck.No cases are having any movement, no new cases to file, and birthers are abandoning her left and right.She’s got new news for them.

    And as we know, if there is one thing she hates more than Obama, is people not paying attention to her. Mmmm I smell a meltdown coming. =D

  5. Joey says:

    Small world open thread department. Colonel Denise Lind was the Terry Lakin court martial judge and the Bradley Manning court martial judge.
    To the right wing, Colonel Lind is a traitor and a heroine at the same time.

  6. Loren says:

    This morning I published my second blog post documenting Wayne Allyn Root’s four-year-long decline into Obama conspiracism:

  7. ArthurWankspittle says:

    Are we coming to the end of birtherism? Apart from Zullo’s scam “any day now send money” which will doubtless continue as long as he keeps getting money, what else is left? A handful of court cases which will continue the tradition of getting thrown out. What else is there?

  8. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I suspect that the choir of dullards at places like Birther Report will be singing “♬Any. Day. Now. OH LAWDY! Any. Day. Now. OH LAWDY!♬” until they drop dead.

  9. Rickey says:

    This morning I published my second blog post documenting Wayne Allyn Root’s four-year-long decline into Obama conspiracism:

    Very nice analysis. I would just point out that Root wasn’t accurate when he early on stated that he and Obama graduated Columbia “on the same day.” As the 1983 graduation program makes clear, Root graduated in January, 1983. Obama graduated in May.

  10. Loren says:

    Are we coming to the end of birtherism?

    I doubt we’re coming to the end of birtherism, but a hopeful part of me suspects that we may be approaching the end of birtherism having any semblance of a public presence.

    The only attorney still engaged in any birther activity is Orly, who is a joke. WND and Corsi have thrown their hands up in defeat. Arpaio doesn’t seem interested anymore. Trump’s unlikely to resurrect his role in a non-election year. We haven’t heard any rumblings from the citizen grand jury folks in a long time.

    Really, the closest thing birthers have to a public face anymore is Zullo and maybe Carl Gallups, and they’re starting to turn on Zullo. If the Cold Case Posse goes radio-silent, then all you’re really left with is a smattering of birther blogs and commenters who post at FreeRepublic and the like.

  11. And a fine article it is, well-documented and informative.

    Loren: This morning I published my second blog post documenting Wayne Allyn Root’s four-year-long decline into Obama conspiracism:

  12. Orly Taitz is all over this one. She’s a Bradley Manning fan.

    Joey: Small world open thread department. Colonel Denise Lind was the Terry Lakin court martial judge and the Bradley Manning court martial judge.
    To the right wing, Colonel Lind is a traitor and a heroine at the same time.

  13. Keith says:

    Loren: The only attorney still engaged in any birther activity is Orly, who is a joke.

    Why do you feel the need to insult comedians with such vulgar vitriol?

  14. Keith: Why do you feel the need to insult comedians with such vulgar vitriol?

    I’d call Orly a clown, but I don’t want to insult the circus.

  15. Joey says:

    Loren: I doubt we’re coming to the end of birtherism, but a hopeful part of me suspects that we may be approaching the end of birtherism having any semblance of a public presence.

    The only attorney still engaged in any birther activity is Orly, who is a joke.WND and Corsi have thrown their hands up in defeat.Arpaio doesn’t seem interested anymore.Trump’s unlikely to resurrect his role in a non-election year.We haven’t heard any rumblings from the citizen grand jury folks in a long time.

    Really, the closest thing birthers have to a public face anymore is Zullo and maybe Carl Gallups, and they’re starting to turn on Zullo.If the Cold Case Posse goes radio-silent, then all you’re really left with is a smattering of birther blogs and commenters who post at FreeRepublic and the like.

    Larry Klayman is also still around. The Alabama Supreme Court appeal is his.

  16. Benji Franklin says:

    Loren: Really, the closest thing birthers have to a public face anymore is Zullo and maybe Carl Gallups, and they’re starting to turn on Zullo.

    Gallups interviewing Zullo 10 years from now:”Well, Mike, I understand that after 12 years of the forged Obama birth certificate being basically, overlooked by the media and, really, sad to say, by the entire civilized world, you’ve met earlier today with some real Washington VIP’s who listened VERY CLOSELY to your presentation over breakfast this morning, and you feel in the last five minutes, there’s been REAL MOVEMENT towards a full blown Congressional investigation – can you fill us in on that, Mike?”

    Zullo: “Sure, Carl, first, let me say that if this does not lead to a full blown investigation, it will at least lead to a substantially blown investigation. And the VIP’s this time are the real deal – these are baby sitters who have at one time or another worked for part-time house painters, all of whom, and I said ALL, Carl, and you can quote me on this, all of these painters have either painted houses or wanted to paint houses in neighborhoods where Congressmen have been spotted being driven in Limo’s!”

    Carl Gallups: “Wow! And this kind of progress costs money, right Mike?”

  17. Keith says:

    Benji Franklin: Carl Gallups: “Wow! And this kind of progress costs money, right Mike?”

    The electricity in your comments is palpable, Benji.

  18. Keith says:

    Nothing more needs to be said, this essay speaks for itself:

    After Huntington Beach Riot, We Need to Talk about White Youth and Violence

  19. Whatever happened with the Steve Stockman interview on Gallups show? I thought Stockman was so anxious to come on his show?

  20. Arthur says:

    I’m happy to report that lunatic sheriff Mark Kessler has been suspended for 30 days:

  21. The Magic M says:

    This Chief Kessler is really a piece of work. I think anyone with an Obama sticker on his car has a good case for self-defense and to shoot Kessler if Kessler pulls him over. I mean, why would anyone have to take a risk to be in a one-on-one with somebody with a badge and a gun who’s declared he likes to shoot liberals, with no witnesses present?

  22. Arthur says:

    Arthur: lunatic sheriff

    He’s a police chief, not a sheriff. My error.

  23. Jim says:

    Arthur: He’s a police chief, not a sheriff. My error.

    Oh no, that’s the city he works for error.

  24. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Lol Carl Gallups just visited the Many Lies of Mike Zullo facebook page to let out a large whine:!/TheLiesOfMikeZullo/posts/697923356891216?comment_id=110306752&offset=0&total_comments=17&notif_t=share_reply

    “PPSIMMONS Waaaa Waaaa Waaaaaa! Good grief. Do you wet your pants still? Gallups and Zullo LIARS? Zullo has put over 200 points in a sworn affidavit and filed it with the Supreme Court of Alabama. Reed Hayes has filed a sworn affidavit. Zullo stood in front of Sheriffs, police chiefs, attorneys, elected officials, congressmen, etc. NONE have accused his evidence of being a “lie.” Gallups has faithfully reported ALL these facts. So how are THEY lying? And what have YOU put in a sworn affidavit? Oh that’s right….”

  25. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m happy to report that lunatic sheriff Mark Kessler has been suspended for 30 days:

    Falcon over at Birther Report is having a serious rage-on over his personal hero Kessler getting suspended. Any time I see Falcon lamenting, it gives me a happy.

  26. Arthur says:

    Jim: Oh no, that’s the city he works for error.

    Not says the notorious raptor at ORYR. According to Falcon, Kessler’s suspension was the work of commies!

    “In my opinion, Chief Kessler was suspended because the global communists see that some may start rounding them up and putting them in their graves, where they belong, plain and simple. They’re frightened.”

    Yes, folks, he believes that a global communist conspiracy infiltrated the 6 member borough council of Gilberton, Pennsylvania (pop. 867) and got them to vote 5-1 to slap Kessler with a 30 suspension. Keep that in mind the next time you think you can use reasonable argument to convince a birther to mitigate his extremism.

  27. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Oh yeah. If there’s one thing Pennsylvania is known for, it’s those tricksy commies infiltrating towns so small that you blink, and you’ve missed them. 😉

    The fact that Kessler was being all threaty and belligerent with automatic weapons, has absolutely nothing to do with the suspension as far as Chickenhawk is concerned.

  28. Jim says:

    Arthur:Keep that in mind the next time you think you can use reasonable argument to convince a birther to mitigate his extremism.

    If they had reasonable minds none of us would be here.

  29. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: The fact that Kessler was being all threaty and belligerent with automatic weapons, has absolutely nothing to do with the suspension as far as Chickenhawk is concerned.

    I guess that’s a perfect example of a conspiratorial mindset, i.e., to ignore straightforward evidence and embrace far-fetched explanations that support one’s world view.

    BTW, here’s an interesting NYTimes article on the conspiratorial mindset:

  30. Loren says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:
    Lol Carl Gallups just visited the Many Lies of Mike Zullo facebook page to let out a large whine:!/TheLiesOfMikeZullo/posts/697923356891216?comment_id=110306752&offset=0&total_comments=17&notif_t=share_reply

    “PPSIMMONS Waaaa Waaaa Waaaaaa! Good grief. Do you wet your pants still? Gallups and Zullo LIARS? Zullo has put over 200 points in a sworn affidavit and filed it with the Supreme Court of Alabama. Reed Hayes has filed a sworn affidavit. Zullo stood in front of Sheriffs, police chiefs, attorneys, elected officials, congressmen, etc. NONE have accused his evidence of being a “lie.” Gallups has faithfully reported ALL these facts. So how are THEY lying? And what have YOU put in a sworn affidavit? Oh that’s right….”

    I’m giving a talk on Pseudolaw at Dragon*Con next month. I need to remember to mention, at least in passing, the attitude that treats affidavits as being almost magical. As if having a document notarized mystically made all of its contents true; “How dare you suggest Zullo lied…he signed an *affidavit*!!”

  31. Jim says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:”Lol Carl Gallups just visited the Many Lies of Mike Zullo facebook page to let out a large whine:”

    Did he post the link for it too? hehehe

  32. GLaB says:

    Just when it seemed birtherism was quietly slinking away:

    NRA’s Ted Nugent: Obama Has A “Phony Birth Certificate”

  33. gorefan says:

    Does anyone know what happened to the source for President Obama’s college records? Orly was going to get all the documents form her.

  34. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: es, folks, he believes that a global communist conspiracy infiltrated the 6 member borough council of Gilberton, Pennsylvania (pop. 867) and got them to vote 5-1 to slap Kessler with a 30 suspension.

    Can you prove the Global Communist Conspiracy was behind Kessler’s suspension? Huh, huh??

  35. CarlOrcas says:

    GLaB: NRA’s Ted Nugent: Obama Has A “Phony Birth Certificate”

    The NRA’s Ted Nugent has a phony brain.

  36. CarlOrcas says:

    Does anyone know what happened to the source for President Obama’s college records?Orly was going to get all the documents form her.

    She’s probably tied up in Orange County traffic. Any day now.

  37. CarlOrcas says:

    CarlOrcas: Can you prove the Global Communist Conspiracy was behind Kessler’s suspension? Huh, huh??

    Or wasn’t behind it…..whichever you like. Everyone needs an editor!

  38. Arthur says:

    For those of you who are familiar with the poster “Falcon” at ORYR, he’s having a mad at a former CCP member who he believes is voting down his posts:

    “I know you’re here thumbing down posts that you don’t like and those that reference you. After all I did to defend you, as you took my reputation in your hands – now is pay back time . . . I can’t stand that you lurking like a b*tch thumbing good posters down while you hide like the a**hole you are.”

    If you want to have a little fun with Falcon, go over ORYR and do some voting.

  39. Northland10 says:

    For those of you who are familiar with the poster “Falcon” at ORYR, he’s having a mad at a former CCP member who he believes is voting down his posts:

    “I know you’re here thumbing down posts that you don’t like and those that reference you. After all I did to defend you, as you took my reputation in your hands – now is pay back time . . . I can’t stand that you lurking like a b*tch thumbing good posters down while you hide like the a**hole you are.”

    If you want to have a little fun with Falcon, go over ORYR and do some voting.

    I love a birther spat. It’s like watching wild animals fight, but without the guilt.

  40. Arthur says:

    Northland10: I love a birther spat. It’s like watching wild animals fight, but without the guilt.

    Maybe wild animals . . . or jilted lovers. When Falcon bellyaches, “After all I did to defend you, as you took my reputation in your hands,” he sounds like a complaining maiden who realizes she lost her virginity to a cad.

  41. CarlOrcas: The NRA’s Ted Nugent has a phony brain.

    The NRA’s Ted Nugent is a phony guitarist. His schtick is killing animals for sport.

  42. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m still waiting for Nugent to make good on his promise that he would either be dead or in prison if Obama won re-election. C’mon Ted! Be a big man and live up to your word!

  43. Keith says:

    This is quite funny: If Facebook existed in WW2

    I’m pretty sure you should be able to read that with out signing up to an account.

    Some of the comments contains jokes at the expense of France; sorry about that Lupin and others of the Francophile frame of mind.

  44. Arthur says:

    Keith: I’m pretty sure you should be able to read that with out signing up to an account.

    Didn’t work for me. Here’s a different link (no sign-in required) to what I imagine is the same thing you were writing about:

  45. Keith says:

    Arthur: Didn’t work for me. Here’s a different link (no sign-in required) to what I imagine is the same thing you were writing about:

    Yeah that’s it. The one I gave didn’t have a link, and I couldn’t figure out how he embedded it in his post.


  46. Curious George says:

    Two years later, we hear adnauseam that “any day now” Gallups and Zullo will reveal their findings. Two years have gone by. How many years are we expected to wait? How many donations will be made over the coming years? For whatever reason this brings to mind a song from the late 1960s. I hope we don’t wait this long…..

  47. Curious George says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Falcon over at Birther Report is having a serious rage-on over his personal hero Kessler getting suspended. Any time I see Falcon lamenting, it gives me a happy.

    No communist conspiracy to get your feathers all ruffled up. Kessler was suspended 30 days by the city council for misuse of borough property (firearms belonging to the borough), according to CNN.

  48. The Magic M says:

    Curious George: For whatever reason this brings to mind a song from the late 1960s.

    I rather think of that song from that Futurama episode about the frozen dog – “If it takes forever, I will wait for you…” 😉

  49. ZixiOfIx says:

    Are we coming to the end of birtherism? Apart from Zullo’s scam “any day now send money” which will doubtless continue as long as he keeps getting money, what else is left? A handful of court cases which will continue the tradition of getting thrown out. What else is there?

    We’re not anywhere near the end. First, birthers will remain as long as President Obama is in office. His mere presence offends them terribly and keeping them agitated and angry. Angry, agitated, looking-to-be-offended birthers click the Paypal button. That button makes the birther world go ’round.

    Second, expect Ted Cruz to say or do something that angers up the whack-o-sphere. That will make him the next target of Birthers, Inc. I’m sure it’ll happen, because it always happens in far-right politics, but am unsure how far it’ll go.

  50. Northland10 says:

    ZixiOfIx: His mere presence offends them terribly and keeping them agitated and angry.

    This sums up all of Birtherism. Their anger leads some of them to think that allmif Obama’s actions are planned to intentionally offend the Birthers.

  51. Curious George says:

    The Magic M: I rather think of that song from that Futurama episode about the frozen dog – “If it takes forever, I will wait for you…”

    Good one. But must we really wait forever for an accounting of donations and expenditures?

  52. Arthur says:

    Curious about the face (and dialect) of the red-blooded, no-necked, ‘Merican birther? This video, recorded during a meeting Alabama congresswomen Martha Roby held with her constituents, will satisfy your curiosity. It may also leave you sick to your stomach. The citizen begins his question by referring to President Obama as a “foreign-born, America hating despot,” and is greeted with grins, cheers, and applause.

  53. Arthur says:

    That Alabama gentleman in the video above got me thinking about Neil Young. What Young sang about 42 years ago on “Harvest” still rings true today:

  54. Sactosintolerant says:

    Something I’ve always wondered, but don’t have the software to try on my own:

    When a multi-layered Photoshop image is saved as a PDF, do the PDF “layers” even match the layers in the original image?

  55. I think the answer is yes but it depends on the version from what I read here.

    The Birthers, including most of their so-called experts and Zullo, keep misstating that the LFBC PDF contains multiple layers when opened in Adobe Illustrator. That is not correct. It contains a single layer with nine objects.

    Something I’ve always wondered, but don’t have the software to try on my own:

    When a multi-layered Photoshop image is saved as a PDF, do the PDF “layers” even match the layers in the original image?

  56. RanTalbott says:

    ArthurWankspittle: What else is there?

    As ZixiOflx said, the movement/mania/whatever is sustained by visceral feelings that don’t need any verifiable progress or belief in eventual victory to sustain them. They’re not tied to anything real: how often have you been challenged with some bogus claim that was thoroughly debunked months, or even years, ago?

    And it’s mixed in with a lot of other things that can keep it going: birthers will frequently intersperse rants about other right-wingnut shibboleths (like Benghazi, death panels, government takeover of [take your pick]) into their regurgitations of the birther tribal myths.

    It’ll definitely continue until well _after_ Obama is out of office.

  57. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RanTalbott: As ZixiOflx said, the movement/mania/whatever is sustained by visceral feelings that don’t need any verifiable progress or belief in eventual victory to sustain them. They’re not tied to anything real: how often have you been challenged with some bogus claim that was thoroughly debunked months, or even years, ago?

    And it’s mixed in with a lot of other things that can keep it going: birthers will frequently intersperse rants about other right-wingnut shibboleths (like Benghazi, death panels, government takeover of [take your pick]) into their regurgitations of the birther tribal myths.

    It’ll definitely continue until well _after_ Obama is out of office.

    I’m sure it’s something they’ll tell their grandkids about how they fought in the birther wars of 2008 and 2012

  58. Keith says:

    I’m off to Viet Nam and Cambodia for 3 weeks.

    I’ll let you know if anybody there gives a ratzazz about where Obama was born.

  59. Jim says:

    I’m off to Viet Nam and Cambodia for 3 weeks.

    I’ll let you know if anybody there gives a ratzazz about where Obama was born.

    Watch out for Zullo…he may be headed that way! 😀

  60. Steve says:

    If you don’t mind, I have a general question about college records.

    The people who claim President Obama had some obligation to release his college records are fond of saying “When you go for a top-level job, you are required to release your college records to your prospective employer.”

    I could see this for someone without much employment history, someone who graduated recently, but if someone is in their 40s or 50s and had been out of school for more than a quarter century, do employers typically ask that of them?

    President Obama has been out of school now for about three decades. If he chose a different career path and maybe tried to get a CEO job or something like that, would he be required to provide any employers with his college records or would they be more concerned with what he had done in the three decades that followed his graduation?

  61. Lupin says:

    @ Steve:

    I’ve been asked for a copy of my diploma(s) once or twice, but no one has ever asked to see college records/transcripts (as far as I know).

    Anecdotally, my dad used to be in the (French) military and one day, in an idle conversation, one of the spooks let him know that they knew that his son was working in the United States. Dad was a bit creeped out.

    Based on what we hear / read about the NSA & the likes, I’m pretty sure that at some point during his career as senator, Obama’s records were checked (legally or otherwise).

  62. Keith: I’m off to Viet Nam and Cambodia for 3 weeks.

    I’m off to the Pearl. Happy trails.

  63. Dave B. says:

    It’s like Arpaio said about his own Cold Case Posse:
    “They call it a circus, which is an insult to dedicated people that work for circuses.”

    (about 12:47)

    misha marinsky: I’d call Orly a clown, but I don’t want to insult the circus.

  64. richCares says:

    “They call it a circus,”
    actually Zullu was supplied a used car by Sheruf Jo Jo, it was purchased from the Ringling Bros. circus which identified it as surplus Klown Kar”

  65. Curious George says:

    I ran across this by the Dr.

    “In September of last year, you published an image of a 1961 birth certificate on WorldNetDaily.

    The race for Father and Mother, while redacted, still show the code value of “3” for both. If you folks at the Cold Case Posse presented honest codes used by Hawaii in 1961, then those race entries would be [American] “Indian.”

    So now you know.

    Sleep well

    Kevin Davidson
    (Dr. Conspiracy)”

    Has anyone determined what the redacted race information is for the mother and father on the WND “genuine” 1961 bc in the linked article above? Does the redacted race information match code 3, Indian?

  66. Yes, the redacted information was been extracted using image enhancement techniques from bleed through visible on the back of the form (an image subsequently replaced by WND to block this information). John Woodman did the heavy lifting on this one and he subsequently talked to the person named on the certificate and confirmed what’s on it. You can read his results here:

    The short answer is “no,” they are not Indian. Code “3” is for “Part Hawaiian.”

    See also my article confirming code “3” for another certificate here.

    Curious George: Has anyone determined what the redacted race information is for the mother and father on the WND “genuine” 1961 bc in the linked article above? Does the redacted race information match code 3, Indian?

  67. J.D. Sue says:

    Wishing our President a Happy Birthday!

  68. donna says:

    Lupin: Based on what we hear / read about the NSA & the likes, I’m pretty sure that at some point during his career as senator, Obama’s records were checked (legally or otherwise).

    i believe before obama sat for the IL bar exam, he was fingerprinted and had to undergo a background check

    i’m pretty sure J.D. Sue can confirm that

  69. J.D. Sue says:

    donna: i believe before obama sat for the IL bar exam, he was fingerprinted and had to undergo a background check

    I don’t remember ever being fingerprinted. We were subject to a character and fitness review, which includes a background check.

  70. Curious George says:

    Dr. C…..

    “The short answer is “no,” they are not Indian. Code “3″ is for “Part Hawaiian.”

    See also my article confirming code “3″ for another certificate here.”

    If the CCP was using the real federal code for 1961 “Hawaii Girl’s” parents’ race as “part Hawaiian” (Hawn-Caucasian-Korean) & (Hawn-Caucasian-Chinese) would have been coded as “V” correct? Code 3 would indicate possibly the use of another set of codes. Did you ever discover a complete set of Hawaii state codes utilized for race of parents for 1961? The July 17, 2012 CCP press conference really missed the mark.

  71. Curious George says:

    Curious George:
    Dr. C…..

    “The short answer is “no,” they are not Indian. Code “3″ is for “Part Hawaiian.”

    See also my article confirming code “3″ for another certificate here.”

    If the CCP was using the real federal code for 1961 “Hawaii Girl’s” parents’ race as “part Hawaiian” (Hawn-Caucasian-Korean) & (Hawn-Caucasian-Chinese) would have been coded as “V” correct?Code 3 would indicate possibly the use of another set of codes.Did you ever discover a complete set of Hawaii state codes utilized for race of parents for 1961?The July 17, 2012 CCP press conference really missed the mark.

    And the CCP wouldn’t work with Woodman?

  72. You may notice at the bottom of each article a new button labeled “Print Friendly.” This plug-in allows you to print, email, or convert to PDF an article or page on this blog. The results are much more compact and attractive than just printing from your browser. You don’t get, however, the comments on the article.

    Just ignore the ad and click on the options at the top of the windows that pops up.

    I would appreciate knowing whether any one has any use for this experimental feature.

  73. No. Woodman offered to go to Phoenix and share his findings, but they wouldn’t even return his calls.

    Curious George: And the CCP wouldn’t work with Woodman?

  74. I think that when I went to work for the State of South Carolina right out of college, they asked me for a college transcript to prove that I qualified for the position (which required a college degree), but I was never asked for one after that, and I was President of a company for a while. Also, I have never asked a job applicant for a transcript.The job applications asked for education, but we never checked it. References and work history were all that mattered.

    Steve: I could see this for someone without much employment history, someone who graduated recently, but if someone is in their 40s or 50s and had been out of school for more than a quarter century, do employers typically ask that of them?

    President Obama has been out of school now for about three decades. If he chose a different career path and maybe tried to get a CEO job or something like that, would he be required to provide any employers with his college records or would they be more concerned with what he had done in the three decades that followed his graduation?

  75. Northland10 says:

    Does it come with layers?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    You may notice at the bottom of each article a new button labeled “Print Friendly.” This plug-in allows you to print, email, or convert to PDF an article or page on this blog. The results are much more compact and attractive than just printing from your browser. You don’t get, however, the comments on the article.

    Just ignore the ad and click on the options at the top of the windows that pops up.

    I would appreciate knowing whether any one has any use for this experimental feature.

  76. There are two things to note here:

    First, the codes presented as 1961 codes by the Cold Case Posse were actually for 1968-69. The 1960-61 codes were different and the CCP misrepresented the image from the manual they showed. The second mistake was that the CCP claimed that Hawaii was paid to code the data for the federal government. That was not true in 1961, although it became true in later years. In 1961 Hawaii and 47 other states sent copies of their records on microfilm to the NCHS who coded and keyed them (2 states coded their own). Hawaii coded the records for their own purposes and they used their own codes that were totally different from the authentic 1960-61 federal codes and from the federal 1968-69 codes.

    I don’t know of any complete list of the Hawaii codes from 1961. When I asked the Hawaii Department of Health for information about past practices, they told me that they had nothing in their records, and that no one still worked there from that period. Certainly a collection of certificates could be reviewed and the codes determined (this is what I and others partially accomplished), but there’s no motivation for the State of Hawaii to do it for us.

    Curious George: If the CCP was using the real federal code for 1961 “Hawaii Girl’s” parents’ race as “part Hawaiian” (Hawn-Caucasian-Korean) & (Hawn-Caucasian-Chinese) would have been coded as “V” correct? Code 3 would indicate possibly the use of another set of codes. Did you ever discover a complete set of Hawaii state codes utilized for race of parents for 1961? The July 17, 2012 CCP press conference really missed the mark.

  77. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhino?

    Northland10: Does it come with layers?

  78. Dave B. says:


    Dr. Conspiracy:
    What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhino?

  79. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    I don’t know of any complete list of the Hawaii codes from 1961. When I asked the Hawaii Department of Health for information about past practices, they told me that they had nothing in their records, and that no one still worked there from that period. Certainly a collection of certificates could be reviewed and the codes determined (this is what I and others partially accomplished), but there’s no motivation for the State of Hawaii to do it for us.

    What about a Health Report from 1961. You could certainly glean what they were collecting from that. You may not know the exact codes, unless they were in the report, but you’d know what categories they were collecting.

  80. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: if someone is in their 40s or 50s and had been out of school for more than a quarter century, do employers typically ask that of them?

    No, they do not. The only people who ask for school transcripts are: employers hiring new graduates for entry level positions, university admissions officers reviewing applications for another degree program, and birthers who want to harass President Obama.

  81. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    There are two things to note here:

    First, the codes presented as 1961 codes by the Cold Case Posse were actually for 1968-69. The 1960-61 codes were different and the CCP misrepresented the image from the manual they showed. The second mistake was that the CCP claimed that Hawaii was paid to code the data for the federal government. That was not true in 1961, although it became true in later years. In 1961 Hawaii and 47 other states sent copies of their records on microfilm to the NCHS who coded and keyed them (2 states coded their own). Hawaii coded the records for their own purposes and they used their own codes that were totally different from the authentic 1960-61 federal codes and from the federal 1968-69 codes.

    I don’t know of any complete list of the Hawaii codes from 1961. When I asked the Hawaii Department of Health for information about past practices, they told me that they had nothing in their records, and that no one still worked there from that period. Certainly a collection of certificates could be reviewed and the codes determined (this is what I and others partially accomplished), but there’s no motivation for the State of Hawaii to do it for us.

    If the state was using federal codes for race of parents in 1961 the code “V” would have been used on Hawaii Girls’ BC not “3” for part-Hawaiian correct?

  82. Yes, that is correct.

    See: (page 12)

    or (page 6)

    Curious George: If the state was using federal codes for race of parents in 1961 the code “V” would have been used on Hawaii Girls’ BC not “3″ for part-Hawaiian correct?

  83. There is a Statistical Supplement to the Department of Health’s Annual Report (if memory serves me right, it is the 1960-61 report) but I have not been able to find a library with a copy they would share with me, nor did the Hawaii Department of Health respond to my request for the information. I sort of let this issue slide. I suppose I could file a UIPA with the State or one of our Hawaii reader might drop by the library there.

    Jim: What about a Health Report from 1961. You could certainly glean what they were collecting from that. You may not know the exact codes, unless they were in the report, but you’d know what categories they were collecting.

  84. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Another sign that birtherism is slipping, is when you see Birther Report pimping out “advertorials” as news articles. With headlines like “Newspaper publishes truth* about Phony Fraud Smelly Doo-doo head Obama!”

  85. justlw says:

    Say, if you squint, doesn’t that one pixel look kind of like an “X” … ?

  86. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Yes, that is correct.

    See: (page 12)

    or (page 6)

    Thanks Doc.

    Do you have any reason to doubt the validity of Hawaii Girl’s BC based on the coding or anything else observed?

  87. RanTalbott says:

    misha marinsky: The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Well, she’s certainly gotten greased 6 ways from Sunday in court.

  88. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    RanTalbott: Well, she’s certainly gotten greased 6 ways from Sunday in court.

    Sounds filthy.
    Think I need a therapy after that mental image…

  89. RanTalbott says:

    Sorry for giving you that image: I was going for the “gang killing” connotation.

  90. Well, something has happened. An important new piece of evidence has been obtained, one that completes compelling proof of illegal activity. I have started discussions with an attorney about possible next steps. An article should be forthcoming in the next few days.

  91. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: compelling proof of illegal activity

    Is that “proof beyond probable cause”? Or just “proof beyond a level needed to get the suckers to pony up more cash”?

  92. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well, something has happened. An important new piece of evidence has been obtained, one that completes compelling proof of illegal activity. I have started discussions with an attorney about possible next steps. An article should be forthcoming in the next few days.

    Would it be illegal activity on part of a birther or birthers or on the part of someone else?

    Good luck!

  93. Jim says:

    Oh thanks Doc, now you you’ll have me waiting and wondering…is this your “Any Day Now!”? 😀

  94. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well, something has happened. An important new piece of evidence has been obtained, one that completes compelling proof of illegal activity. I have started discussions with an attorney about possible next steps. An article should be forthcoming in the next few days.

    Found another possible contact address for you. The Arizona Corporation Commission shows that The Maicopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse was sent a Notice Of Pending Dissolution with an effective date of 10/08/2010. The notice was sent to

    Mike Zullo
    6715 E. Peak View Rd
    Cave Creek, AZ 85331-6599

    Maricopa County Assessors records show the property as a code (4) rental property.

  95. Chuckle.

    It’s a teaser, but I promise you that you will find out fairly soon (at least within a week or so).

    Jim: Oh thanks Doc, now you you’ll have me waiting and wondering…is this your “Any Day Now!”?

  96. Well, that certificate came from Jerome Corsi himself, who published it as an “authentic Hawaiian birth certificate.” The coding is also consistent with another part Hawaiian certificate I have.

    Curious George: Do you have any reason to doubt the validity of Hawaii Girl’s BC based on the coding or anything else observed?

  97. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: Found another possible contact address for you.The Arizona Corporation Commission shows that The Maicopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse was sent a Notice Of Pending Dissolution with an effective date of 10/08/2010.The notice was sent to

    Mike Zullo
    6715 E. Peak View Rd
    Cave Creek, AZ85331-6599

    Maricopa County Assessors records show the property as a code (4) rental property.

    That is one of two pieces of property owned by the Zullo Family Trust as I recall.

    [I have redacted this comment. It is public information, but it’s not directly relevant to the birther controversy, and I am uncomfortable with this kind of personal material entering the discussion. The blog policy on personal information does not apply to Zullo because he has chosen to make himself a public figure, but still I decided to delete the stuff. Doc]

    For everyone’s information this is all public information available on the Maricopa County Assesor’s and Treasurer’s websites.

  98. Rickey says:

    Patrick McKinnion announced today that he retiring from debunking birthers and exposing their racist rants. He is burned out on birthers and wants to focus on other things.

    Enjoy your retirement, Patrick. And thanks for five years of entertainment, outrage and enlightenment.

  99. Majority Will says:

    Patrick McKinnion announced today that he retiring from debunking birthers and exposing their racist rants. He is burned out on birthers and wants to focus on other things.

    Enjoy your retirement, Patrick. And thanks for five years of entertainment, outrage and enlightenment.

    Seconded. Awesome effort.

  100. Arthur says:

    Rickey: He is burned out on birthers and wants to focus on other things.

    I always enjoyed his summaries, but I certainly don’t blame him for being burned out. Having to read and listen to all the garbage that he’s sifted through has got to be hard on the soul.

  101. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: Interestingly the property taxes haven’t been paid for two years and there are now tax liens totaling more than $12,000 on the property Another $5,000 in taxes will be due in a couple months.

    Following the logic of Terry Lakin, perhaps Zullo feels that since Barack Obama is an illegal president, he’s not required to obey laws, including paying property taxes.

  102. charo says:

    FWIW regarding transcripts, my husband was an independent contractor as a programmer for a state agency in 2011 and had to provide transcripts. I started the process last year for a position as an independent contractor for a different agency and had to do the same. He is 51, and I am 48. Getting the job, receiving the contract, and being put into the voucher system for payment took a long time; that’s government for you. Redacted:

    From: **** Gina S. ****
    Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 12:48 PM
    To: *big cheeses*

    Good afternoon:

    Attached please find everything we have in our file on *****including: resume, law school transcripts, references, and two writing samples.

    Thank you!

  103. Joey says:

    Presidents who would not have been able to submit college transcripts because they never attended college:
    George Washington
    Harry Truman
    Martin Van Buren
    Andrew Jackson
    Zachary Taylor
    Millard Fillmore
    Abraham Lincoln
    Andrew Johnson
    Grover Cleveland
    Source: “The Presidents”; History Channel television series

  104. Arthur says:

    I know there are some Pastafarians among the posters here (i.e., those who venerate the Great Spaghetti Monster in the Sky–praise his spicy meatballs!) and I wanted to direct you to a article about a noodler who won the right to wear a pasta strainer on his head for his government I.D. photo.

  105. Suranis says:

    Hah, you see Obots! Even your Doc C has come around to knowing the Userperator is an illegal fraud! Back your bags and prepare for the pain! We are all going to be vindicated!!


    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well, something has happened. An important new piece of evidence has been obtained, one that completes compelling proof of illegal activity. I have started discussions with an attorney about possible next steps. An article should be forthcoming in the next few days.

  106. Arthur says:

    Suranis: Even your Doc C has come around to knowing the Userperator is an illegal fraud!

    I can’t wait until Dr. C. is on Carl Gallups’ show! Maybe he’ll even get to meet PPSimmons?

  107. Rickey says:

    FWIW regarding transcripts, my husband was an independent contractor as a programmer for a state agency in 2011 and had to provide transcripts. I started the process last year for a position as an independent contractor for a different agency and had to do the same.He is 51, and I am 48. Getting the job, receiving the contract, and being put into the voucher system for payment took a long time; that’s government for you. Redacted:

    From: **** Gina S. ****
    Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 12:48 PM
    To: *big cheeses*

    Good afternoon:

    Attached please find everything we have in our file on *****including:resume, law school transcripts, references, and two writing samples.

    Thank you!

    I received my degree in January, 1975. I know that I had to authorize my first employer to obtain a transcript, but I don’t recall any subsequent employers asking for one. I’m sure that I could get proof of my degree if I needed it, but I have no idea how long transcripts are kept.

  108. aarrgghh says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Well, something has happened. An important new piece of evidence has been obtained, one that completes compelling proof of illegal activity. I have started discussions with an attorney about possible next steps. An article should be forthcoming in the next few days.

    and send money!

  109. Dave B. says:

    He done good. Now he can give us some more of those awful recipes.

    Patrick McKinnion announced today that he retiring from debunking birthers and exposing their racist rants. He is burned out on birthers and wants to focus on other things.

    Enjoy your retirement, Patrick. And thanks for five years of entertainment, outrage and enlightenment.

  110. Lupin says:

    Keith: Some of the comments contains jokes at the expense of France; sorry about that Lupin and others of the Francophile frame of mind.

    I’m used to it. It’s usually from Americans who don’t know history in general, and WWII history in particular. You don’t find the Brits or the Danes or the Russians making these kind of easy jokes because they know better.

    When I lived in L.A., my wife (who’s a member of the WGA) told me she’d been told by a sitcom writer (who worked on CHEERS) that when looking for a laugh, you could always add a line in the script making fun of the French and you’d be guaranteed a laugh. (This long predated the debacle of the Iraq invasion so it wasn’t a political thing at all.)

  111. Lupin says:

    Through DAILY KOS, I read a NEW YORKER article entitled “Taken” about the abuse of police forfeiture which I thought was quite scary:

    Highly recommended!

  112. Arthur says:

    Lupin: Highly recommended!

    Lupin: Through DAILY KOS, I read a NEW YORKER article entitled “Taken” about the abuse of police forfeiture which I thought was quite scary:

    Simply awful. I had heard of people who were transporting large amounts of drugs who have had money and vehicles seized, but not ordinary citizens.

  113. 60 Minutes did a piece on this maybe 10 years ago.

    Lupin: Through DAILY KOS, I read a NEW YORKER article entitled “Taken” about the abuse of police forfeiture which I thought was quite scary

  114. The article is now posted, and I don’t think you will ever hear a word about it on the Gallups show.

    Arthur: I can’t wait until Dr. C. is on Carl Gallups’ show! Maybe he’ll even get to meet PPSimmons?

  115. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: 60 Minutes did a piece on this maybe 10 years ago.

    I had no idea! What an eye-opener.

  116. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: VIDEO: House GOPer Won’t Push Back on Birther Calling Obama “Communist Despot”

    “Communist despot”???? Shouldn’t any invective be at least a little grounded in reality?

    And if not, then let’s use classic monsters instead.

  117. John Reilly says:

    Dr. Taitz says today that getting rid of Pres. Obama is more important than whether Sen. Cruz is a natural born citizen.

    Thereby cementing my belief that it was always about race.

  118. Keith says:

    A quick note from Hanoi.

    Ha long bay is BEAUTIFUL.

    An iPad SIM card plus a months worth of totally unlimited Internet access costs around $US 5.00

    but anyway WIFI is free almost everywhere

    They spell the Russian general’s name Ti Top instead of Titov.

    I haven’t yet found anyone who is interested in knowing where Obama was born.

  119. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I don’t think you will ever hear a word about it on the Gallups show.

    Unless it’s to dismiss it as “typical Obamabot propaganda.”

  120. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Arthur: Unless it’s to dismiss it as “typical Obamabot propaganda.”

    I think there’s a 50/50 chance. He’ll say see the obots are scared they’re now trying to get the IRS to target the CCP. “See this is proof that Obama and the IRS is targeting conservative groups”

  121. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    John Reilly: Dr. Taitz says today that getting rid of Pres. Obama is more important than whether Sen. Cruz is a natural born citizen.Thereby cementing my belief that it was always about race.

    But Cruz has a hispanic last name.

  122. Arthur says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: “See this is proof that Obama and the IRS is targeting conservative groups”

    Good point.

  123. Arthur says:

    Remember the talk about “millions” of people descending on Washington D.C. in early September, to take over the capital and ram through a bither/tea party agenda? Well, one of the guys who’s promoting it is begging for money to haul his sorry ass to the East Coast. He writes,

    “In order to get to Washington D.C. though, I need your help. The $2,200 it is going to cost me to rent a vehicle and get to D.C. and back with my gear is equal to more than 2 months of my Social Security Disability income. I will gladly throw my own body on the gears to ensure a future for my children and grandchildren, but I need you to get me to the machine.”

    The guy doesn’t seem very disabled in this video:

    And it looks like he had enough money to get to Super Bowl XLVI in 2012:

    And he appears to have a nice car in this video:

    Could this RWNJ be a fraud and a liar? Hey, I’m just asking questions!

  124. Arthur says:

    At ORYR, one poster warned another about leaving comments at the horrible Dr. C.’s website. “Don’t post there,” he said. “The doc will get your ip address then hack your computer. Lucas smith said he thought the doc hacked his computer.”

    That’s not very nice of you Dr. C!

  125. justlw says:

    Ha, you think that’s something. I posted here, and Dr. C snuck into my car while it was parked at the mall, and turned the radio volume way, way up!

  126. Rickey says:


    Could this RWNJ be a fraud and a liar? Hey, I’m just asking questions!

    He loves his monthly government checks, I see.

  127. Arthur says:

    justlw: I posted here, and Dr. C snuck into my car while it was parked at the mall, and turned the radio volume way, way up!

    I wonder if it was Dr. C. who drained my battery that night I left my headlights on in the garage?!

  128. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Arthur: I wonder if it was Dr. C. who drained my battery that night I left my headlights on in the garage?!

    I heard a story about someone who got drunk and Dr. c stole their steering wheel until they realized they woke up in the backseat.

  129. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: I wonder if it was Dr. C. who drained my battery that night I left my headlights on in the garage?!

    My toilet keeps running in the middle of the night. Just asking.

  130. Northland10 says:

    CarlOrcas: My toilet keeps running in the middle of the night.

    Then you better go catch it, or it’s a chamber pot morning for you.

  131. Arthur says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: I heard a story about someone who got drunk and Dr. c stole their steering wheel until they realized they woke up in the backseat.

    I think it was someone in Germany who said it first, but Dr. C. is our misfortune!

  132. donna says:

    so orly weighed in on ted cruz and any other would be birthers who may become candidates

    since obama has (thus far) gotten away with:

    “1. a stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425

    2. using fabricated Selective Service Certificate with a fabricated cancellation US stamp

    3. using a fabricated birth certificate. Judges are covering it up.”

    and 4. since judges have been in cohoots with obama and every other obot, “[w]e are seeing now 5 years of documented complete corruption of the US government, including the U.S. Judiciary, dismantling of the rule of law, United States of America descending into the mob rule and the rule of a criminal enterprise.”

    and as a result 5. who the hell cares about ted cruz or any other person who is not a “natural born citizen” in violation of the constitutional requirements of a “third class of citizens” specifically and solely for the presidency and vp?

    6. not until we “see Obama being found liable for fraud and use of stolen and fabricated IDs, if we will see Obama criminally prosecuted and sent to prison, if we will see all of his accomplices sent to prison, then we will start talking about the eligibility of other candidates.”

    “Here is my answer to the question of eligibility of Ted Cruz”

  133. US Citizen says:

    Basic question if anyone’s been keeping tally or has study results:

    How many birthers has this site “cured” of their original beliefs?
    A full 180 degrees from spouting the latest meme to informed and convinced.

    Are there are any members that originally onsidered themselves birthers at first, but are now convinced fully otherwise?

    Just curious. Not a troll.. “concern troll” including.
    A wider sampling beyond just this site would be interesting also.
    Any studies?

  134. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: At ORYR, one poster warned another about leaving comments at the horrible Dr. C.’s website. “Don’t post there,” he said. “The doc will get your ip address then hack your computer. Lucas smith said he thought the doc hacked his computer.”

    Textbook example of “clinging to confirmation bias” – “don’t look at evidence to the contrary, you might lose your soul!”.

  135. charo says:

    Rickey: I received my degree in January, 1975. I know that I had to authorize my first employer to obtain a transcript, but I don’t recall any subsequent employers asking for one. I’m sure that I could get proof of my degree if I needed it, but I have no idea how long transcripts are kept.

    The state requires transcripts, no matter if it is your first job or not. My husband and I both held various professional positions. You have to get the transcript yourself, and it’s not as cheap as it used to be. I got the impression the transcripts were converted to electronic storage. I think receiving it electronically was on option.

  136. The only data I would put forward is polling results that have varied over time. Birther beliefs took a dive after Obama released the long form, but it steadily built back up with stories of its forgery.

    US Citizen: How many birthers has this site “cured” of their original beliefs?
    A full 180 degrees from spouting the latest meme to informed and convinced.

  137. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Birther beliefs took a dive after Obama released the long form, but it steadily built back up with stories of its forgery.

    Retreat, regroup, resume attack – an obvious tactic.

  138. The Magic M says:

    Rickey: I received my degree in January, 1975. I know that I had to authorize my first employer to obtain a transcript, but I don’t recall any subsequent employers asking for one. I’m sure that I could get proof of my degree if I needed it, but I have no idea how long transcripts are kept.

    Although of little interest to the case itself, for those curious, my personal experience in Germany was as follows:

    School diploma: required for enrolling at university, not required for my jobs (though some employers require it if it’s your first job).
    University diploma: part of my previous job applications. Any additional transcripts are kept for 10 years I believe, but are not required nor released under any circumstances.
    Birth certificate: not required for getting a new ID (the old one suffices) or anything else when dealing with government agencies.

    The only occasion I ever needed my BC in my life was when I officially quit the Protestant church (to not pay church tax anymore) which is a declaration made at a government agency, not the church itself. I don’t know why ID wasn’t sufficient, maybe it’s just that the rules are old and nobody bothered changing them.

  139. I’ve been trying to restore the Twitter feed to the sidebar. The widget I was using stopped working when Twitter changed their API, and the developer of that widget no longer appears to be supporting it.

    I tried a new widget, but it’s not working either. I have a query open with that developer.

  140. I understand that Obama an Putin are in discussion about opening US FEMA camps in Siberia.

    donna: since judges have been in cohoots with obama and every other obot, “[w]e are seeing now 5 years of documented complete corruption of the US government, including the U.S. Judiciary, dismantling of the rule of law, United States of America descending into the mob rule and the rule of a criminal enterprise.

  141. Arthur says:

    I am no fan of police violence, but I did enjoy seeing this birther getting knocked on his ass and handcuffed by irritated cops. He was part of a small group of Californians who have taken to demonstrating on highway overpasses. The fun starts about 3:30 in.

  142. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    LOL! That was too funny! “Don’t push me!” *purposefully falls over*
    I suspect keyboard commandos such as Falcon would have been just as whiny, if not whinier.

  143. Methinks the birther protests too much.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: LOL! That was too funny! “Don’t push me!” *purposefully falls over*
    I suspect keyboard commandos such as Falcon would have been just as whiny, if not whinier.

  144. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Methinks the birther protests too much.

    He seemed to be doing everything he could think of to get the cop to actually slug him, and didn’t know how to react when that failed…well aside from screaming like a little pansy anyway. I have no doubt that Birther Report, Free Republic or WND will try and paint this guy in the same light as General Patton or something.

  145. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I suspect keyboard commandos such as Falcon would have been just as whiny, if not whinier.

    I could hear this coming out of Falcon: “HELP! I’m afraid! Don’t taze me bro, I gotta bad ticker!”

  146. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Arthur: I could hear this coming out of Falcon: “HELP! I’m afraid! Don’t taze me bro, I gotta bad ticker!”

    If my mental image of Falcon matches the real deal, he probably does have a bad ticker. Granted my mental image of him is “Comic Book Guy” from the Simpsons, so take that with a grain of salt.

  147. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Also, Doc. You look quite dapper! I caught your hat-less self on your Youtube page!

  148. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: I could hear this coming out of Falcon: “HELP! I’m afraid! Don’t taze me bro, I gotta bad ticker!”

    “Don’t tread on me – I’m delicate!”

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Granted my mental image of him is “Comic Book Guy” from the Simpsons

    I don’t think he’s a fat nerd. He’s either an old fart like Fitzpatrick or a hateful white collar racist like Mark Gillar.

  149. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well I found a new way to get under Falcon and company’s skin a ORYR.
    All it takes is using the “thumbs down” button. Apparently having comments voted down wounds their collective e-peen. I’ve seen an increase in whining about the sudden increase in thumbs downs, so I must be doing something right. 😉
    I know birthers have fragile egos, but wow, they’re easier to set off than I thought.

  150. Majority Will says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Well I found a new way to get under Falcon and company’s skin a ORYR.
    All it takes is using the “thumbs down” button. Apparently having comments voted down wounds their collective e-peen. I’ve seen an increase in whining about the sudden increase in thumbs downs, so I must be doing something right.
    I know birthers have fragile egos, but wow, they’re easier to set off than I thought.

    His handle should be Titmouse.

  151. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Majority Will: His handle should be Titmouse.

    I’ve met hummingbirds fiercer than he.

  152. Rickey says:

    Arthur: I could hear this coming out of Falcon: “HELP! I’m afraid! Don’t taze me bro, I gotta bad ticker!”

    I had a brief encounter with Falcon a week or so back when he claimed that Obama is running scared because he signed an executive order giving him and his family Secret Service protection for life. I pointed out to Falcon (with a link) that it was a bill that Obama signed, not an executive order, and that it applies to George W. Bush and all future presidents. Falcon’s idiotic response made it clear that he does not know the difference between a bill and an executive order

  153. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: Falcon’s idiotic response made it clear that he does not know the difference between a bill and an executive order

    Falcon’s posts make it clear that he doesn’t know the difference between poop and Shinola. He is a singularly unpleasant (and I assume unhappy) human being. ,

  154. Kiwiwriter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Well I found a new way to get under Falcon and company’s skin a ORYR.
    All it takes is using the “thumbs down” button. Apparently having comments voted down wounds their collective e-peen. I’ve seen an increase in whining about the sudden increase in thumbs downs, so I must be doing something right.
    I know birthers have fragile egos, but wow, they’re easier to set off than I thought.

    Birthers are more concerned about being embarrassed and humiliated in the court of public opinion than they are about being trounced and rejected in the courts of the federal system.

    The stings of the courts they expect, because they “just know” the courts are corrupt tools of the great conspiracy, but they expect the average people they deal with to be on their side. All “true believers” really think the vast mass of average people are really on their side, and either are afraid to manifest their support because of them being oppressed, or they simply haven’t “seen the light.”

    True believers think that once they remove the veil from the people’s eyes, the people will all spontaneously rush from their homes, brandishing money, rifles, and documents, to support their cause.

    So they are furious when the reaction to their presentation of the great case is derision, contempt, and ridicule, instead of awe, wonder, and admiration.

  155. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well if the courts are “against them”, congress is “against them”, and a majority of their fellow citizenry is “against them”. You gotta wonder why they bother hanging around this country of ours then, huh? Though to be honest, I doubt any other country would have them.

    Guess we’ll need to stick ’em those Fema camps after all. 😉

  156. Kiwiwriter says:

    Remember thetalk about “millions” of people descending on Washington D.C. in early September, to take over the capital and ram through a bither/tea party agenda? Well, one of the guys who’s promoting it is begging for money to haul his sorry ass to the East Coast. He writes,

    “In order to get to Washington D.C. though, I need your help. The $2,200 it is going to cost me to rent a vehicle and get to D.C. and back with my gear is equal to more than 2 months of my Social Security Disability income. I will gladly throw my own body on the gears to ensure a future for my children and grandchildren, but I need you to get me to the machine.”

    The guy doesn’t seem very disabled in this video:

    And it looks like he had enough money to get to Super Bowl XLVI in 2012:

    And he appears to have a nice car in this video:

    Could this RWNJ be a fraud and a liar? Hey, I’m just asking questions!

    He wants to overthrow the government, but he’s dependent on his Social Security money for disability.

    I love it when my Irony Meter explodes.

  157. Kiwiwriter says:

    Some additional comments:

    1. Sorry to see “Bad Fiction” close its run on covering the Birthers, but they are disintegrating into infighting and helpless rage and paranoia…it will be interesting to see how they evolve, in 2016, into absolute frothing hatred of Hillary Clinton. I wonder if they will accuse her of being born in England or Canada? Probably they’ll just call her a murderer and a lesbian, the latter being the greater offense to birthers, of course.

    2. The demands to impeach Obama retroactively will continue, but there will be fewer of them…presidents always look better in the rear-view mirror, and such demanders will be looked at as really crazy, even by the questionable standards of the far-right wing.

    3. I would like to have read “Falcon'”s response on the difference between a bill and an executive order, but I don’t want to get infected with malware.

    4. My webmaster died last week, which means my web page on World War II may die an early death as well, after years of work on it.

    5. I haven’t been around because I was at the Society for American Baseball Research 43rd National Conference in Philadelphia for a week, hobnobbing with other baseball researchers. The difference between being a fan and a researcher is that researchers study the game and write papers and presentations on it, while fans yell trash talk at fans of opposing teams, among others. I met the niece of Buck Weaver, nailed in the 1919 Black Sox scandal. 86 years old, in a wheelchair, but sharp as a tack, trying to clear her uncle’s name.

    6. The shocker of the event for me was the tour of historic baseball sites in Philadelphia, in a giant tour bus, that took us through North Philly slums, which were ghastly — far worse than the South Bronx of my youth. The natives peered at our immense bus, as it picked through the narrow streets, with a mix of incredulity and irritation. They wondered why middle-aged and older white people were going in a tour bus through their lousy neighborhood, blocking traffic (hence the irritation). Very sobering tour, about the real issues that this nation faces. President Obama’s birth certificate is NOT one of them.

    7. Nobody mentioned Obama’s birth certificate at the SABR conference, either.

  158. Arthur says:

    Kiwiwriter: 4. My webmaster died last week, which means my web page on World War II may die an early death as well, after years of work on it.

    I’d be interested in seeing your site about WWII. Hope you can get it up and running. Let us know!

  159. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Well I found a new way to get under Falcon and company’s skin a ORYR.
    All it takes is using the “thumbs down” button.

    I’ve been doing that, too. At one time he was blaming someone from the Surprise, AZ Tea Party who had a falling out with Mike Zullo.

  160. Kiwiwriter says:

    Arthur: I’d be interested in seeing your site about WWII. Hope you can get it up and running. Let us know!

    Here’s the site:

  161. Arthur says:

    Kiwiwriter: Here’s the site:

    Your site is great! Over the past couple of years, I’ve developed an immense interest in the Pacific War, especially the battles that occurred on, around, and over Guadalcanal. I’ll be reading your material on USS Washington with interest.

  162. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’ve been trying to restore the Twitter feed to the sidebar. The widget I was using stopped working when Twitter changed their API, and the developer of that widget no longer appears to be supporting it.

    I tried a new widget, but it’s not working either. I have a query open with that developer.

    I see you have a new one that includes one tweet repeating the “Obama’s first act was to seal all of his records.” Sigh…

  163. donna says:

    more “news” at ORYR: Friend of the Court in Alabama Eligibility Case Claims Obama Became a “naturalized citizen of Indonesia around 1968.”

    8/8/2013: An Amicus Curiae brief filed by Atty. Albert W.L. Moore, Jr. in an eligibility case now before the Alabama Supreme Court contends that the man known as “Barack Hussein Obama II” became an Indonesian citizen during his youth, traveled on an Indonesian passport, and rejected U.S. citizenship “by refraining from registration with the Selective Service System.”

    Link to article

  164. The Magic M says:

    donna: An Amicus Curiae brief filed by Atty. Albert W.L. Moore, Jr.

    Oh noes, more Klayman clone crackpots?

    As a lawyer, he should know that even an amicus brief cannot just be 100% unfounded allegations and speculation and claims that “if you just do enough discovery, you will find the proof for all of this”.

    So this would be doomed to fail under any circumstances, even if this was actually a trial with Obama as the defendant and they were still in trial court.

    I mean, seriously, if someone makes such bold precise claims as to who issued a “certificate of loss of nationality” to Obama and when, you’d expect he’d at least add some evidence to his brief, even if he knows the AL SC will not hear evidence.

    And he also seems to miss that even the initial case did not have Obama as defendant and there is no way a case of “does the SOS have a duty to verify eligibility” could be restyled as “can the court require proof a certain candidate was the son of his parents”. Courts neither have nor exercise such broad sua sponte rights.
    This guy appears a lot like Orly – claim “national importance” and stomp your feet for the court to “do something and investigate”.

  165. justlw says:

    This morning’s headline:

    Joe Arpaio Requiring His Deputies To Carry AR-15s At All Times, Fight Crime Even When They’re Off Duty

    The article goes on to add that Arpaio has also asked Mike Zullo to make random nonsense up and blurt it out to passers-by on the street, even when he’s off duty.

  166. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    This morning’s headline:

    The article goes on to add that Arpaio has also asked Mike Zullo to make random nonsense up and blurt it out to passers-by on the street, even when he’s off duty.

    Well this can only end well!

  167. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Hey Doc Mike Zullo is going to be on Gallups again today and will be “taking calls from callers” Maybe you can ask them about their balance sheet and what the sheriff’s office said about their expenses.

  168. Dave B. says:

    Moore’s a nut who thinks Obama’s grandfather was really his father and his mother was really his half-sister. I’d like to sit him down with Linda Joy Adams and then hide and watch.

    more “news” at ORYR: Friend of the Court in Alabama Eligibility Case Claims Obama Became a “naturalized citizen of Indonesia around 1968.”

    8/8/2013: An Amicus Curiae brief filed by Atty. Albert W.L. Moore, Jr. in an eligibility case now before the Alabama Supreme Court contends that the man known as “Barack Hussein Obama II” became an Indonesian citizen during his youth, traveled on an Indonesian passport, and rejected U.S. citizenship “by refraining from registration with the Selective Service System.”

    Link to article

  169. Dave B. says:

    But how could Zullo ever be off duty?

    This morning’s headline:

    The article goes on to add that Arpaio has also asked Mike Zullo to make random nonsense up and blurt it out to passers-by on the street, even when he’s off duty.

  170. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dave B.:
    But how could Zullo ever be off duty?

    No kidding! I thought “Incompetent idiot” was 24/7 gig! What gives?

  171. Dave B. says:

    Another mustachioed fellow who’s a real hound:

    He ALWAYS gets his man. Of course, Zullo’s not a patch on Quincy Adams Wagstaff.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: No kidding! I thought “Incompetent idiot” was 24/7 gig! What gives?

  172. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dave B.: Moore’s a nut who thinks Obama’s grandfather was really his father and his mother was really his half-sister. I’d like to sit him down with Linda Joy Adams and then hide and watch.

    Don’t forget about Nancy Owens as well it would be funny to get them together and have them go at it.

  173. Oh ho. Have I got a new conspiracy theory about Obama! Can’t share it for two weeks and waiting for new documentation to arrive.

  174. There is another.

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Don’t forget about Nancy Owens as well it would be funny to get them together and have them go at it.

  175. donna says:

    GOP Rep ‘Just Misspoke’ When He Expressed Support For Birtherism

    Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) backed away on Friday from the support he seemed to express for birtherism at a town hall earlier in the week, with his spokeswoman telling TPM the lawmaker simply “misspoke” at the time.

    Mullin’s spokeswoman talked to TPM after multiple reports surfaced with videos showing the freshman congressman telling a woman who was preaching the birther conspiracy theory at his town hall in Afton, Okla., “I believe what you’re saying.”

    “No, no, he’s never been a birther,” spokeswoman Ashley Kehl said. “He’s never proclaimed to be a birther or supportive of that.”

    Kehl initially said the quote had been “taken out of context,” and blamed it on the website Think Progress, which had published the video online.

    When TPM pointed out that another, unedited version of Mullin’s exchange was also available online, Kehl said she would review the footage in order to provide “a better answer.” About an hour later, she provided an amended response.

    “I re-watched the video and the congressman just misspoke,” she told TPM. “He doesn’t support the birther argument. He just misspoke when he said that. He, however, did not misspeak when he said, ‘I do not support this President whatsoever.'”

  176. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Oh ho. Have I got a new conspiracy theory about Obama! Can’t share it for two weeks and waiting for new documentation to arrive.

    August is a sloooooooow month.

  177. Jim says:

    JPotter: August is a sloooooooow month.

    Preseason NFL football has begun! 😀

  178. Rickey says:

    The Magic M: Oh noes, more Klayman clone crackpots?

    As a lawyer, he should know that even an amicus brief cannot just be 100% unfounded allegations and speculation and claims that “if you just do enough discovery, you will find the proof for all of this”.

    Moore spouted some of his nonsense here back in 2010. He is just another bitter old white man (I’m old and white, but not bitter). Notice that he has adopted many of Sven Magnussen’s crackpot theories.

    I believe that I have read all of the amicus briefs filed to date in the McInnish appeal, and not one of them cites any precedent or statutes. I wonder if the members of the Alabama Supreme Court are beginning to regret their decision to take on the appeal.

  179. Crustacean says:

    Doc, you are being such a tease!! How am I supposed to wait two weeks for this??

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Oh ho. Have I got a new conspiracy theory about Obama! Can’t share it for two weeks and waiting for new documentation to arrive.

  180. JPotter says:

    Jim: Preseason NFL football has begun!

    Exactly. Even the football is fake.

  181. Jim says:

    JPotter: Exactly. Even the football is fake.

    It’s not a pigskin anymore??? 😥

  182. donna says:

    “New Evidence: Obama’s Mother Formally Changed Last Name To Obama In 1963. Not February 1961.”

    This is new information received today from a FOIA request to the Social Security Administration by attorney Orly Taitz. She posted it on her website which Free Republic will not let you post a link to in the Source URL box above. Here is an excerpt from the press release she posted. The link to the press release in typed in below.

    c. It is not clear, why did Ann Dunham apply for a change from Dunham to Dunham Obama in 1963, when she divorced Barack Obama senior. One would expect her to change her name in February 1961, when she reportedly married Obama, not in 1963, when she divorced him. This application for SSN change for Ann Dunham was released for the first time today.

    d. It is not clear, why did Ann Dunham apply for yet another change of her SSN card in June of 1995. This June 1995 application for a change of the SSA card was released for the first time in SSA July 29 2013 letter to Taitz and was received today. This change was made only a few months before Ann Dunham passed away on November 7, 1995. Incidentally, November 7 happens to be the day when the Communist revolution in celebrated in Russia. Ann Dunham passed away at home with only her two children present. There was no attending physician at the time of her death, no autopsy by a coroner. Her remains were cremated and buried at sea. Typically there is a requirement for a permit for a burial at sea. There is no record of such permit ever being granted or requested.

    Press release: more information received today from the SSA. FOIA officer was given until September 9th to provide SS-5 of Harry Bounel, whose Social Security number 042-68-4425 Obama fraudulently used in his 2009 tax returns

  183. Monkey Boy says:

    Kiwiwriter: 2. The demands to impeach Obama retroactively will continue, but there will be fewer of them…presidents alwayssometimes look better in the rear-view mirror, and such demanders will be looked at as really crazy, even by the questionable standards of the far-right wing.

    Oh, how I long for Richard Nixon. Our last truly progressive President.

  184. justlw says:

    donna (Quoting Orlena): Incidentally, November 7 happens to be the day when the Communist revolution in celebrated in Russia.

    Incidentally, August 30 (Orlena’s birthday) happens to be the day when:

    • King Theodoric the Great died of dysentery
    • Indians killed over 500 settlers in Alabama
    • Germans defeated the Russians in the Battle of Tannenberg in WW I
    • The event triggering the Red Terror took place in 1918
    • Thurgood Marshall became the first African-American Supreme Court Justice
    • Left-wing activists set off a bomb killing 8 and injuring 378 in Tokyo
    • A de-commissioned Russian submarine with 800kg of spent nuclear fuel sinks, killing 8

    Orlena shares her birthday with:

    • Huey Long
    • Roy Wilkins
    • Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia
    • Former L.A. top cop Daryl Gates
    • Warren Buffet
    • John “Papa” Phillips
    • Congressman and noted thespian John “Cooter Davenport” Jones
    • Molly Ivins
    • Lewis Black
    • Fred Hampton of the American Black Panther Party
    • Alexander Lukashenko
    • Frank “TV’s Frank” Conniff

    Coincidence? I think not.

  185. donna says:

    justlw: Coincidence? I think not.

    KUDOS, best ROAR of the day

  186. justlw says:

    donna: KUDOS, best ROAR of the day

    “November 7 happens to be… .” Gahh.

    I can’t believe what a tool Orly is. Every day brings new travesties, great and small.

  187. Rickey says:


    Quoting Orly:

    c. It is not clear, why did Ann Dunham apply for a change from Dunham to Dunham Obama in 1963, when she divorced Barack Obama senior. One would expect her to change her name in February 1961, when she reportedly married Obama, not in 1963, when she divorced him. This application for SSN change for Ann Dunham was released for the first time today.

    They were divorced in 1964. Orly can’t even get simple things like that correctly.

  188. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    justlw: • Frank “TV’s Frank” Conniff

    That reminds me, I need to get TV’s Frank something for his birthday. Maybe some…Deeeeeeeeeeeeeep hurrrrrrrrrrrrrting!
    …Nah, links to Orly’s website would make a terrible present.

  189. MattR says:

    Rickey: Quoting Orly:
    c. It is not clear, why did Ann Dunham apply for a change from Dunham to Dunham Obama in 1963, when she divorced Barack Obama senior. One would expect her to change her name in February 1961, when she reportedly married Obama, not in 1963, when she divorced him. This application for SSN change for Ann Dunham was released for the first time today.

    They were divorced in 1964. Orly can’t even get simple things like that correctly.

    I used to work with a back guy who was dating a white woman who had a child from a previous marriage. The child’s had the last name of her biological father, who also happened to be black.. My coworker took his girlfriend and her aughter to Jamaica and on the way back home, the appearance of a black man, a white woman and a mixed race child with three different last names led to some suspicion from the custom’s agents and a bunch of additional questioning before they were satisfied that my coworker was not trying to smuggle (or kidnap) a child back to the USA.

    That was within the last ten years. I can only imagine what it was like in the early 1960’s. I would guess that Stanley Ann Dunham ran into similar issues trying to raise a mixed race child with a different last name and just decided it would be easier to add ‘Obama’ to her name

  190. John Reilly says:

    There has got to be a circle of Hell for someone (let’s not mention names and run afoul of Doc’s efforts to keep this a civil place) to imply that something was fishy about Ann Dunham’s passing.

    Had there been an attending physician and a burial at sea permit (if, indeed, one is required) John would tell us that the signatures don’t look right. Helen would tell us it’s a document which can’t be certified. And Dr. Taitz would serve some FOIA requests.

    Ms. Dunham died. Lots of people do that, and someday John, Helen and Dr. Taitz will die.

    Ms. Dunham died at home, with her family. Lots of people do that, as well.

    This is not a cause to try to create a criminal conspiracy.

  191. donna says:

    Obama Protested By Birthers In Florida

    President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle were met with signs saying “Obama lies” and “Kenyan Go Home” ahead of a speech in Florida on Saturday.

    According to a White House pool report, the president’s motorcade was pulling into the Hilton Orlando where the Disabled American Veterans are holding their convention when it passed about 50 protesters on both sides of the street. The protesters — “many of them older and most of them white,” according to the report — were holding birther signs and signs calling to “Impeach Obama.”

    Obama cited progress in reducing the backlog of disability claims in his address Saturday. The first lady also addressed the veterans during the appearance, the Obamas’ last before they go on vacation.

    UPDATE: Below, a photo of the “Kenyan Go Home” sign, via BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski:

  192. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think it says “Kenyan” on that sign, because the woman couldn’t remember how Gs are in the N word.

  193. I was reading a paper about belief in 9/11 conspiracy theories, about Truthers. According to the paper, belief in these theories peaked. While prominent liberals were Truthers, they have largely gone silent on the topic since Obama was elected in 2008. The Truther movement now is largely Tea Party and Libertarian.

    If that is a model for the birthers, then birtherism should drop off significantly after Obama leaves office.

  194. Interesting I suppose, but I don’t see any particular conclusions one can draw from it.

    November 7, 1995? Wow! exactly 55 years after the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses in a windstorm, a mere four months after the bridge’s completion.

    donna: “New Evidence: Obama’s Mother Formally Changed Last Name To Obama In 1963. Not February 1961.”

    November 7…

  195. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was reading a paper about belief in 9/11 conspiracy theories, about Truthers. According to the paper, belief in these theories peaked. While prominent liberals were Truthers, they have largely gone silent on the topic since Obama was elected in 2008. The Truther movement now is largely Tea Party and Libertarian.

    If that is a model for the birthers, then birtherism should drop off significantly after Obama leaves office.

    Sounds like it’s time to reserve the HillaryClintonConspiracyTheories url, Doc.

  196. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If that is a model for the birthers, then birtherism should drop off significantly after Obama leaves office.

    Unless, of course, if Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio enter the race. If they do, I’m sure all those Constitution-loving birthers will be opposing them.

  197. donna says:

    Arthur: Unless, of course, if Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio enter the race. If they do, I’m sure all those Constitution-loving birthers will be opposing them.

    not orly – she already posted that if no one cares about the “usurper-in-chief”, obama, then why should she or anyone else care about rubio & cruz

    i posted her comments (and mine) on this thread (donna August 7, 2013 at 1:18 am)

    6. not until we “see Obama being found liable for fraud and use of stolen and fabricated IDs, if we will see Obama criminally prosecuted and sent to prison, if we will see all of his accomplices sent to prison, then we will start talking about the eligibility of other candidates.”

  198. Slartibartfast says:

    I guess the truthers were just looking for a way to attack President Bush for something horrible that he didn’t do (which seems strange as there were plenty of horrible things that he did do…). When I was debunking truther nonsense, my perception that it was primarily coming from moonbats was a big part of the reason why I did it (because they made the left look like idiots). I don’t understand why more conservatives didn’t step up to put the birthers in their place.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was reading a paper about belief in 9/11 conspiracy theories, about Truthers. According to the paper, belief in these theories peaked. While prominent liberals were Truthers, they have largely gone silent on the topic since Obama was elected in 2008. The Truther movement now is largely Tea Party and Libertarian.

    If that is a model for the birthers, then birtherism should drop off significantly after Obama leaves office.

  199. Slartibartfast says:

    Best physics class video ever

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Interesting I suppose, but I don’t see any particular conclusions one can draw from it.

    November 7, 1995? Wow! exactly 55 years after the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses in a windstorm, a mere four months after the bridge’s completion.

  200. JPotter says:

    donna: why should she or anyone else care about rubio & cruz

    Theeennnnnnn why should she care about Obama? LOL!

  201. JPotter says:

    CarlOrcas: Sounds like it’s time to reserve the HillaryClintonConspiracyTheories url, Doc.

    Just dust off the ’90s and add water!

  202. Reopen Whitewater, update the Clinton Hit List. Oh, and the Clintons are Bilderbergers AND reptoids.

    Hillary fits in to the New World Order conspiracy theories.

    CarlOrcas: Sounds like it’s time to reserve the HillaryClintonConspiracyTheories url, Doc.

  203. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Reopen Whitewater, update the Clinton Hit List. Oh, and the Clintons are Bilderbergers AND reptoids.

    Hillary fits in to the New World Order conspiracy theories.

    Don’t forget poor Vince Foster.

  204. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Hillary fits in to the New World Order conspiracy theories.

    Absolutely …. black helicopters and FEMA camps gun confiscation and commie healthcare plots. So much of the poo flung at Obama is recycled from the Clinton era, is generic rightwing paranoia, it doesn’t matter which “liberal” politician is in the White House. To the truly paranoid, all politicians are “liberal”.

  205. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Reopen Whitewater, update the Clinton Hit List. Oh, and the Clintons are Bilderbergers AND reptoids.

    Hillary fits in to the New World Order conspiracy theories.

    And remember, the internet was just in its infancy when the Clintons took over, so they MUST be in on the conspiracy or else President Obama wouldn’t have been able to show his BC on the internet!

  206. donna says:

    after his speech as the final speaker at the Family Leadership Summit, ‘Was There A Birth Certificate?’: Trump Battles ABC’s Jon Karl Over Obama’s, Ted Cruz’s Citizenship

    if there’s anyone who can speak about “Family Leadership” among a group of religious conservatives, it’s the thrice married, serial adulterer, trump

    Potential 2016 presidential contender Donald Trump spoke to ABC’s Jonathan Karl Sunday morning and reignited the birther issue that he helped spark back in 2011, questioning the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and wondering whether Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, was eligible to president

    I’m pretty convinced he was born in the United States,” Karl said.

    “Ah! Pretty convinced,” Trump said, and rolled over Karl’s objections that he was 100% sure Obama was an American citizen. “Pretty sure is not acceptable.”

    Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)

    “If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

    sen. rafael “ted” cruz was preceded by his father, Pastor Rafael Cruz, as speakers – “Socialism requires that government becomes your god,” he said. “That’s why they have to destroy the concept of God. They have to destroy all loyalties except loyalty to government. That’s what’s behind homosexual marriage.”

    pastor cruz previously said of son “ted” “You know Ted, you have been gifted above any man that I know and God has destined you for greatness.’ And I started making declarations about the Word of God to him every day.”

    He went on to suggest that his son is destined to save freedom in America, and even David Brody called Cruz’s political career “a thing of God.”

    Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is already winning over Iowans more than two years before the caucuses.

    After Cruz’s speech, a crowd of reporters and fans waited eagerly for the chance to talk and even get an autograph. Donald Trump may have been talking inside the room but no one cared. After all Trump may have been a celebrity but he wasn’t Ted Cruz.

    so do we believe the birther trump or pastor cruz when thinking of “ted” as the anointed one and the next president of the US?

    does the church “trump” the state when thinking of a “natural born citizen”?

  207. G says:

    I agree with both of you. They will just recycle the typical anti-gov and NWO paranoia that they’ve been ranting about for the past several decades. I’m sure there will be a healthy dose of misogynistic bigoted nonsense added to the mix against HRC, just as these hate-based paranoids glommed onto all sorts of “not one of us” bigotry in their Obama Derangement Syndrome.

    But I fully suspect that many of the very same players who “claim” whatever specific “Konstitutional” reason against Obama will simply turn their attention to pimping and pushing “conspiracy!” against HRC or whatever non “sufficiently one of them” candidate comes down the pike…

    So while their stories are always changing and updating and often inconsistent, what remains as close to a constant as possible, is the paranoia, hate and bigotry in these same political conspiracists’ minds. That includes both the usual smear merchant cast of that set, as well as the hopeless “true believers” and the subset of humanity that are merely gullible and easily drawn to such irrational mindsets.

    JPotter: Absolutely …. black helicopters and FEMA camps gun confiscation and commie healthcare plots. So much of the poo flung at Obama is recycled from the Clinton era, is generic rightwing paranoia, it doesn’t matter which “liberal” politician is in the White House. To the truly paranoid, all politicians are “liberal”.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Reopen Whitewater, update the Clinton Hit List. Oh, and the Clintons are Bilderbergers AND reptoids.

    Hillary fits in to the New World Order conspiracy theories.

  208. Arthur says:

    Another Republican appears to give support to a birther constituent, only to have disavow his words when news of his cravenness gets out:

    “GOP Rep ‘Just Misspoke’ When He Expressed Support For Birtherism

    “Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) backed away on Friday from the support he seemed to express for birtherism at a town hall earlier in the week, with his spokeswoman telling TPM the lawmaker simply ‘misspoke’ at the time.

    “Mullin’s spokeswoman talked to TPM after multiple reports surfaced with videos showing the freshman congressman telling a woman who was preaching the birther conspiracy theory at his town hall in Afton, Okla., ‘I believe what you’re saying.’

    “‘No, no, he’s never been a birther,’ spokeswoman Ashley Kehl said. ‘He’s never proclaimed to be a birther or supportive of that.’

    “Kehl initially said the quote had been ‘taken out of context,’ and blamed it on the website Think Progress, which had published the video online.”

  209. G says:

    Politicians have a funny way of claiming “misspoke” when they are caught blatantly pandering and cozying up to crazy people…

    Either way, this is a lose-lose for him and the Birthers. He’s quickly thrown Mikki Booth and the Birthers to the curb at the first sign of getting caught “entertaining” them and the video is quite damaging to his credibility of claiming this is simply “misspeaking”…

    …So he’ll be ridiculed and tarred as a birther and the video will live on as proof. He should have been smart and blown her off in the beginning instead of pandering in the first place…

    Arthur: “Kehl initially said the quote had been ‘taken out of context,’ and blamed it on the website Think Progress, which had published the video online.”

  210. I could buy “I believe you” meaning “I believe that you are sincere” or “I hear you.”

    The up side of this is that the denial gets much wider coverage than the tiny meeting that they were addressing.

    G: Politicians have a funny way of claiming “misspoke” when they are caught blatantly pandering and cozying up to crazy people…

  211. Steve says:

    after his speech as the final speaker at the Family Leadership Summit, ‘Was There A Birth Certificate?’: Trump Battles ABC’s Jon Karl Over Obama’s, Ted Cruz’s Citizenship

    if there’s anyone who can speak about “Family Leadership” among a group of religious conservatives, it’s the thrice married, serial adulterer, trump

    Potential 2016 presidential contender Donald Trump spoke to ABC’s Jonathan Karl Sunday morning and reignited the birther issue that he helped spark back in 2011, questioning the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and wondering whether Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, was eligible to president

    I’m pretty convinced he was born in the United States,” Karl said.

    “Ah! Pretty convinced,” Trump said, and rolled over Karl’s objections that he was 100% sure Obama was an American citizen. “Pretty sure is not acceptable.”

    Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)

    “If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

    sen. rafael “ted” cruz was preceded by his father, Pastor Rafael Cruz, as speakers – “Socialism requires that government becomes your god,” he said. “That’s why they have to destroy the concept of God. They have to destroy all loyalties except loyalty to government. That’s what’s behind homosexual marriage.”

    pastor cruz previously said of son “ted” “You know Ted, you have been gifted above any man that I know and God has destined you for greatness.’ And I started making declarations about the Word of God to him every day.”

    He went on to suggest that his son is destined to save freedom in America, and even David Brody called Cruz’s political career “a thing of God.”

    Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is already winning over Iowans more than two years before the caucuses.

    After Cruz’s speech, a crowd of reporters and fans waited eagerly for the chance to talk and even get an autograph. Donald Trump may have been talking inside the room but no one cared. After all Trump may have been a celebrity but he wasn’t Ted Cruz.

    so do we believe the birther trump or pastor cruz when thinking of “ted” as the anointed one and the next president of the US?

    does the church “trump” the state when thinking of a “natural born citizen”?

    Is latching on to a particular choice of words like “pretty convinced” the way Trump did a legitimate debate tactic?

  212. Slartibartfast says:

    I don’t know, but it reminds me of how David Farrar insists that “little to no probative value” is more than “no probative value”. Is David “out of breath” a good role model to emulate?

    Steve: Is latching on to a particular choice of words like “pretty convinced” the way Trump did a legitimate debate tactic?

  213. donna says:

    Steve: Is latching on to a particular choice of words like “pretty convinced” the way Trump did a legitimate debate tactic?

    not to worry, trump said of rafael “ted” cruz’s eligibility “that will be ironed out”

    will trump’s iron be china-made?

    will trump demand to see cruz’s canadian hospital records? what about where he attended school while in canada?

    after his US student visa expired, his father requested asylum in the US – so he was here illegally?

    and then after being granted asylum here, he became a canadian citizen?

    why did his father wait until 2005 to become a US citizen?

    in this article, it appears that the only thing trump was definitive about was his own net worth (which is disputed) $10 Billion according to trump – $$3.2 billion per forbes

    otherwise he “declined”, “declined”, “declined”, “declined”, “declined”, “declined”, “declined” – some “debate” that would be

  214. 3Fiddy5 says:

    Unrelated topic.. Any word on the release of the eagerly awaited Reed Hayes report?

    Such a mystery why it hasn’t been released by now.

    One might start to think that Zullo has “something to hide”.

  215. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Unrelated topic.. Any word on the release of the eagerly awaited Reed Hayes report?

    Such a mystery why it hasn’t been released by now.

    One might start to think that Zullo has “something to hide”.

    The main something that Zullo has to hide, is the fact that he has nothing to show.

  216. I moved this to the open thread.

    One may reasonably assume that Mike Zullo finds it to his advantage not to release the report.

    I can think of two plausible reasons for keeping the report under wraps:

    1) As long as it is not released, Zullo can claim an expert has determined the Obama Certificate a 100% forgery while no opponent can attack the report, since they have not seen it. It becomes invulnerable to criticism.

    2) Zullo is planning to release the report as part of an upcoming for-profit publication.

    Both options have their appeal.

    3Fiddy5: Unrelated topic.. Any word on the release of the eagerly awaited Reed Hayes report?

  217. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Both options have their appeal.

    I put my money on both being true.

    That said I’m still trying to figure out Zullo’s end game. I don’t see a scenario that works out well for him.

  218. Benji Franklin says:

    CarlOrcas: I’m still trying to figure out Zullo’s end game. I don’t see a scenario that works out well for him.

    I think scandal mongering always disproportionately appeals to those who have illegitimate goals in the public arena, because they see it as a potentially easy way to harness the often surprising power of scandal as a social and then politically useful phenomenon: for the trouble of manufacturing a snowball you have a chance of starting a President-removing avalanche.

    With the spectre of that unrealistically imagined possibility always looming, Zullo doesn’t care how bad he looks from a critical analysis of the weakness of the case he is making against Obama or the possibility that he will have some minor brush with the law himself along the way. We see an ultimately failing sad sack behaving like a pathetic cartoon villain, but he’s imagining what a hero he’ll be to all the haters if he succeeds.

  219. Jim says:

    CarlOrcas: That said I’m still trying to figure out Zullo’s end game. I don’t see a scenario that works out well for him.

    I think this covers it.

  220. donna says:

    GOP Rep: We Have The Votes In The House To Impeach Obama

    Fielding a question from a birther at a gathering in Luling, Texas, Farnethold at first lamented that Congress didn’t do more to investigate Obama’s birth certificate.

    “I think unfortunately the horse is already out of the barn on this, on the whole birth certificate issue.” Farenthold said. “The original Congress when his eligibility came up should have looked into this and they didn’t. I’m not sure how we fix it.”

    “You tie into a question I get a lot, if everybody’s so unhappy with what the President’s done, why don’t you impeach him,” Farenthold continued. “I’ll give you a real frank answer about that, if we were to impeach the President tomorrow, you could probably get the votes in the House of Representatives to do it. But it would go to the Senate and he wouldn’t be convicted.”

    Farenthold said the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton should serve as a cautionary tale for Republicans. Clinton was impeached by the House in 1999, but was not convicted by the Senate and therefore remained in office.

    “What message do we send to America if we impeach Obama and he gets away with what he’s impeached for and is found innocent? What do we say then is okay,” the Congressman conclude. “Aside from the fact that it wouldn’t be effective, I think there’s some potential damage to society that would be done with a failed attempt at impeachment.”

    It was the latest interaction between a GOP congressman and a birther at a recent town hall. Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) told an angry woman last week who identified herself as the “birther brincess” that investigating the birth certificate was a non-starter, even though he said he believed what she was saying. A spokeswoman for Mullin subsequently told TPM that the congressman “just misspoke” and is not a birther. Meanwhile, Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told constituents earlier this month that he’ll back a birther bill in the House, although he believes the issue is a “distraction.”

    how have those 40 repeal, defund and not replace obamacare votes worked out?

  221. CarlOrcas says:

    Jim: I think this covers it.

    I will be surprised if there is a lot of money involved.

    Any day now.

  222. CarlOrcas says:

    Benji Franklin: We see an ultimately failing sad sack behaving like a pathetic cartoon villain, but he’s imagining what a hero he’ll be to all the haters if he succeeds.

    For those who have lived through Arpaio’s reign in Maricopa County this sounds a lot like his delusion.

    That’s why, in the back of my mind, I wonder if Zullo doesn’t see a future for himself in Arizona politics. Crazier things have happened in Arizona!

  223. Sef says:

    donna: “You tie into a question I get a lot, if everybody’s so unhappy with what the President’s done, why don’t you impeach him,” Farenthold continued. “I’ll give you a real frank answer about that, if we were to impeach the President tomorrow, you could probably get the votes in the House of Representatives to do it. But it would go to the Senate and he wouldn’t be convicted.”

    For those who ask “What would the charge be?” the answer is obvious: “Presidentin’ while not a gooper.”

  224. G says:

    Which just shows the danger of the current GOP mindset. They would impeach for political reasons, not any REAL cause for impeachment (as there certainly isn’t any). If these clowns gained enough control of government, they would just target their political enemies willy-nilly, facts be danged…

    donna: “You tie into a question I get a lot, if everybody’s so unhappy with what the President’s done, why don’t you impeach him,” Farenthold continued. “I’ll give you a real frank answer about that, if we were to impeach the President tomorrow, you could probably get the votes in the House of Representatives to do it. But it would go to the Senate and he wouldn’t be convicted.”

  225. J.D. Sue says:

    John Reilly: There has got to be a circle of Hell for someone (let’s not mention names and run afoul of Doc’s efforts to keep this a civil place) to imply that something was fishy about Ann Dunham’s passing.

    I agree.

    And note that Orly alleges there was a “burial at sea” without a permit after Ann Dunham was cremated. I don’t think you need a permit to scatter ashes….

  226. It’s an EPA thing. The EPA grants a general permit for the scattering of ashes outside the three mile limit, but this was on a beach if memory serves me right. EPA regulations prohibit the burial at sea of human remains (cremated or otherwise) within three miles of shore.

    See 40 CFR 229.1 summary here:

    Orly was on this back in 2009–see this very old comment here:

    J.D. Sue: I agree.

    And note that Orly alleges there was a “burial at sea” without a permit after Ann Dunham was cremated. I don’t think you need a permit to scatter ashes….

  227. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It’s an EPA thing.

    Thanks for setting me straight, Doc. I should know better than to underestimate the law. I guess I dodged a legal bullet when I had considered, but reconsidered, spreading ashes of one of my own beloved deceased off a favorite beach on Lake Michigan …. What if I had actually done so, and then decided to run for President….?

  228. J.D. Sue:spreading ashes of one of my own beloved deceased off a favorite beach on Lake Michigan

    Jimmy Hoffa?

  229. donna says:

    a re-cap: “A new kind of Birther and death panel insanity explodes”

    “In GOP town halls this month, lawmakers are using new language to validate doubts about the President’s citizenship”

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