Sharon Rondeau is a birther who runs a subscription web site called The Post & Email. Rondeau styles herself a journalist, and in that guise, she approached the US Defense Department with a rather bizarre query1 addressed to Lt. Col Catherine Wilkinson (MPS Georgetown University, US Military Academy West Point), a media relations officer:
Hi Cathy, my newspaper has been following the Obama eligibility/identity question for the last four years since its inception in August 2009.
May I obtain a statement from the military about whether or not they are aware that the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website since April 27, 2011 has been declared a “computer-generated forgery” by a law enforcement investigation?
Is the military aware that a congressional investigation into the forgery might be launched as a result of the Cold Case Posse’s investigation?
Does the military have the ability to analyze the Obama birth certificate image and Selective Service registration form to determine if they are authentic? If so, why has that not been done?
What are the ramifications if the U.S. military has been taking orders from someone who achieved the office of president and commander-in-chief by fraud?
Thank you very much.
Sharon Rondeau, Editor
The Post & Email
[address redacted]
Wow! Sounds a little like “have you stopped beating your wife?” In the real world, the Cold Case Posse is a bunch of volunteer clowns. Obama’s Selective Service application is confirmed both by FOIA from the Bush administration, and an online registration query run by a reporter in California. And most important, I think anybody in the US military ought to know that they don’t police the political process in the United States. There are laws against that sort of thing. This isn’t some third-world dictatorship, despite what birthers may think.
The Defense Department provided a succinct reply courtesy of Lt. Col. J. Todd Breasseale, Press Officer for the Department of Defense:
Dear Ms. Rondeau,
We can only assume that your query is not a legitimate question and is some sort of nonsensical joke.We are happy to consider reality-based requests, but do not entertain absurdities from the web.
Very respectfully,
Yes folks, the Defense Department blew her off. This veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan called her absurd. Now he could have said more about the proper role of the military in US Politics (i.e. none) but he didn’t, perhaps because he recognized that he was dealing with a nut case. Of course you cannot shut up a birther, and Rondeau sent an even longer response that she was dead serious and that it must be true because she heard it on the radio and saw it on YouTube (linking to an article on her own subscription-restricted web site was definitely not cool):
Dear Lt. Col. Breasseale:
It is absolutely not a joke. I provided references to legitimate sources with evidence made public on numerous radio shows and in a 57-page affidavit in a current court case in Alabama, a copy of which I have received personally from its author, the lead investigator on the case:
I am stunned at your response and can obtain an interview for you with lead investigator Michael Zullo if you wish, as I have spoken with him directly on many occasions.Here are articles and interviews which Zullo has provided:
I also interviewed him here:
Two formal press conferences were held last year announcing the findings of fraud and forgery, one on March 1 and the second on July 17, calling for a congressional investigation:
Rep. Steve Stockman has pledged to launch an investigation, and that is certainly not “nonsense.”
Here, a second congressman states his support for a bill requiring an investigation:
How can this issue possibly be ignored?
Additionally, I never received a response from you regarding the evidence I told you I possess regarding a politically-motivated court-martial which contains a fraudulent signature. The case is well-known and has been covered up by the NCIS and the U.S. Navy for almost 24 years. Earlier this week, I referred the matter to the House Armed Services Committee.
Late last month, Dr. George Little had promised future openness and “no spin” from the military, and I had hoped that his public affairs officers would keep that pledge. I have always asked serious questions in my contacts with your office, and I assure you that this query is very serious. In fact, it is a matter of national security, as Zullo has stated on many occasions that there is no evidence that Obama is even a U.S. citizen.
My father was a veteran of World War II in the China/Burma/India theater and I always had great respect for our military. I can therefore assure you that I have no desire to engage in “absurdities” with anyone in your office.
I would be happy to speak with you by phone and provide proof of my identity should you need further assurance of my sincerity.
Sharon Rondeau, Editor
The Post & Email
[address redacted]
I would like to focus on one of the questions Rondeau raised: “How can this issue possibly be ignored?” Lt. Col. Breasseale demonstrated exactly how the issue can be ignored in his one-word reply:
You can’t argue with crazy.
I understand that Rondeau is dead serious. There are lots of kooks that are dead serious, but that doesn’t make them any less a kook. If the military had any responsibility related to the issues that Rondeau raised, perhaps a more complete response might have been warranted, but they don’t have any such role. She might as well have been demanding that they stop fluoridation of the water or stop the teaching of evolution in the schools.
Over at Obama Release Your Records, some think it’s the end of the world:
We are so desparately (sic) infiltrated by the enemy now. And, I feel within a very short time, weeks, we’re gonna’ be in some deep doodoo. I think there are many sleepers about to be activated. We’re going to have to be vigilante just to protect ourselves, family, etc… within the short term. I think you, and most of us here on the same page have fought the good fight against an enemy that has had time to assemble over a period of time. Hide your food & the other "you know whats"… I have a feeling they’re gonna’ make a move soon. If it comes to this scenario….we’ll find out just how many we have on the right side.
Read more:
- Squeeky Fromm’s take on the story
- Reactions at The Free Republic
- Comments at The Fogbow
- Consternation at Obama Release Your Records
1Most readers here will be familiar already with this story. I include it for posterity.
2Perhaps “nuts” would have been more appropriate, pun intended.
“Nuts” indeed. Cue, Gen. McAuliffe …. for the only proper reply to a deluded wannabe (in this case) enemy who has convinced themselves they have you surrounded .. when the exact opposite is true!
“Hi, Cathy”?
Not “Dear Lt. Col. Wilkinson, but “Hi, Cathy”?
Does she think she’s talking to one of her imaginary friends?
Re: “You can’t argue with crazy.”
It is, as the old line goes, like trying to teach a pig to sing: It only wastes your time and annoys the pig.
Like back in the day when Orly got that one word email, assumed West was calling her “nuts” and then sicked Charlie Lincoln on them, lol. Good times. 🙂
What kind of voodoo curse does Captain “I have no cocern” Zullo have over these zombies to get them to run offense for him? Sharon, what does that Hawaii Verification of Live Birth say about the CCCP alleged forgery that is backed up by the CCCP with 110% court ready evidence? The despair is becoming evident. The birther rabbit hat is empty. Watch for Gallups and Arpaio to finally wake up and see how ridiculous this charade makes them really look.
LOL! I would have LOVED to see the expression on her face when she read that reply. Oh, it must have been priceless.
OT: That reminded me of something I saw online, where someone replaced all the “ACK!”s in Cathy, with F-bombs. Suddenly a marginally funny comic strip became a real gut buster for me.
the first draft read “Hey Col. Catty-Kins!”
I don’t always read articles and comments at ORYR, but when I do I prefer FALCON. Stay crazy, my friend!!
The treasure trove of in(s)ane bullcrap at ORYR the last couple of days has been amazing – from the Rondeau stuff Dr. C wrote about in this article to the “Obots are now in Shurf Joe’s crosshairs” and the Mark Levin claptrap. Hatred and misery just drip from every word they write (not to mention a bizarre obsession with homosexuality and poop – as if we don’t know what THAT says about them).
But Chickenshit – er, I mean, Falcon – is the gold standard. In the interest of giving those in need a taste of their own medicine, I’ve been entertaining myself the last couple of days by posting ruthless, caustic replies to his comments. Of course, no one but the Admin who deletes them will ever see them, but somehow just typing the words is like a tonic for my soul. Example:
“What’s your point, chickenshit? Do you prefer age INAPPROPRIATE sex education for kindergartners? They just want to teach kids, when approached by a predatory pedophile such as yourself, to NOT get in your car, but instead to kick you in the balls. Too bad you don’t have any.”
I guess I’m not as nice a crab as I thought I was, because it feels so good to write my little love letters to Chickenshit…
So over at Free Republic a commenter has unearthed Intertube Evidence that Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale is gay, which he says “explains a lot.”
There are also several anti-birther comments, my favorite being “Urine, meet the wind.”
And when another anti-birther was accused of not wanting Obama to go to jail, he says “If I think voodoo is a stupid way to treat cancer, does that make me in favor of cancer?”
Wow! The birthers really got a collective black eye, didn’t they?
I think Rondeau is a true believer. She has an uncanny ability to ignore or disbelieve real facts and to focus only on things she really, really wants to be true.
She gives that list of “here are websites with real evidence” without any realization that WingNutDaily, PP Simmons, InfoWars and Birther Report are not credible sources of information. She believes every word that Walt Fitzpatrick tells her — note her reference to his court-martial 24 years ago. She has absolute faith in the fake imaginary “investigation” by Zullo the Clown and the Cold Cream Posse. I’m sure she was stunned by Lt. Col. Breasseale’s response.
What amazes me is that, after being gushed like a bug by Breasseale, she decided that he just wasn’t “educated” enough about the facts. She thought — after receiving that abrupt and, frankly, rude response from him — that he was probably still open to persuasion on the issue. She didn’t get abusive like so many birthers do. She tried to craft a persuasive and rational reply, and missed by a country mile.
She assumed that if she calmly replied, gave him a lot of links to birther websites and stories, and then told him all about her great love of the military because of her father’s service, that Breasseale would reconsider his position and become a birther. She can’t understand why everyone doesn’t believe the birther nonsense. I wonder if she’s even heard about NBC’s great work with the Xerox Workcentre.
She reminds me somewhat of the interview I did with Mark Gillar. For two solid hours we discussed all sorts of birther stuff. At that time, he claimed he was still new to the subject. But at the end of the interview he assured me that some officials at the Health Dept. in Hawaii were going to have to be convicted and jailed. The very idea that they’re the ultimate authority as to whether their own vital records are valid or not simply could not penetrate his brainbone.
This is part of why birthers still fascinate me. I’m sure that in other areas of her life, Rondeau is perfectly rational and intelligent. It’s not easy to play the harp, and she’s worked in orchestras in the past. But when it comes to this one conspiracy theory, her brain is wired differently from normal people.
“This isn’t some third-world dictatorship, despite what birthers may think.”
Orly Taitz
“She might as well have been demanding that they stop fluoridation of the water or stop the teaching of evolution in the schools.”
That’s next.
“I include it for posterior.”
Doubt it.
It’s disgusting how birthers instinctively attempt to attack the person of anyone who doesn’t agree with them. I did see that exchange … how quickly it went from “how dare he…” to “I’m googling the crap out of him!”
And this from nuts who are quick to squeal “ad hominem!“
When did you interview Gillar, Foggy? Curious as to how that statement jives with my interactions with him back in June 2011. At that time, he was already quite old in the subject!
What do you expect from people, and I use that word very loosely when describe birthers, who think that words like “black”, “gay”, “Muslim”, “communist”, “liberal”, “female”, etc are deep-wounding insults? People who seem to think that only the opinions of white, straight, conservative Christian males matter?
He interviewed me. Here’s a link. Fair warning: the MP3 is 14 MB in size (two hour interview).
This, as I said, was in his early days as a birther. We had a nice friendly conversation, but he was told by Corsi not to have me on his show again.
Mike Zullo on “True News Radio?”
This is on the official Clown Cars Posse web site?
You’ve gotta be kidding. That’s totally hilarious!
Hey, thanks for the link! Right off the top, he called you the “King of the Anti-Birthers” … ah, flashbacks to the good old days. This is from approximately the time I was talking to him. He was aggressively seeking an anti-birther to discuss present objections to PDF Madness.
I ran into what I would call a “peripheral birther” today. One of those countless Americans who has heard the rumors, not really looked into them, and simply accepted what he has heard: Obama must’ve been born in Kenya, because I read it somewhere on the internet.
I think I managed to disabuse him of the idea.
For some reason today I am waxing a bit philosophical about the “birther movement” in general. It’s like, what has this all been about?
The words that come to mind are simply:
“Just an example of stunning, monumental stupidity.”
And fortunately, it’s an example of at least a somewhat benign stupidity. There are some stupidities out there that are far more toxic than this one.
Not that this one is any boon to mankind. On the contrary, it’s a colossal waste. But compared to idiocies like communism, naziism, militant Islam, and so forth, it’s fortunately not even in the same league.
I suppose we can count ourselves fortunate to be standing against the stupidity of birtherism, and not against the stupidity of a communist regime.
OMG! It looks like Sharon Rondeau is appealing to the Vatican!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Oh Squeeky! You so crazy! LOL!
But in all honesty, she’s probably going to actually try that.
Btw, props for incorporating the B-movie screencap into the letter.
“Just an example of stunning, monumental stupidity.”
I don’t run into it often but here is a rather sad example. I work with a lady who spent 30 plus years as a ‘computer’ specialist with the government. She is not an idiot by any means. However, she is a full fledged TEA party devotee who doesn’t see the irony of wanting ‘smaller’ government while continuing to take a payday from the government.
We had a retirement ceremony yesterday for three people and part of the awards given was a letter of ‘appreciation’ for their years of service as a government employee from the President of the USA. Her comment was. “Those may not be ‘legitimate’, I hear.” No one laughed at her attempt at humor, so she said it again. Again no reaction. It did my heart good to know that everyone ignored her and the obvious attempt at delegitimizing President Obama. I was tempted to call here out, but I didn’t feel that was the time or place.
I knew right away it wasn’t real. Sharon would have addressed it “Dear Frankie”.
Hmmm…..a scenario springs to mind (teaching pigs *not* to sing):
Passerby: What are you doing with that pig?
Birther: I’m teaching it to stop singing.
Passerby: But it’s not singing.
Birther: It was two minutes ago!
Passerby: So…congratulations? You did it?
Birther: I can stop any pig anywhere from singing. I am an expert.
That is why I have presented clear proof to the powers that be, all of them, justices, military and police, legislators, that the President is not a natural born citizen, that he was born in Kenya without a doubt, but if he was born here he was born to a foreign father and is ineligible as a result of his dual citizenship and lack of American patrilineage, or if that is not enough his mother was not actually his mother, she just took him in from a traveling circus, or even if you say none of that is true, he still forged his own birth certificate and I can prove it. How, you ask? Remember, I am an expert. We have established that. That means I can testify in court as an expert witness. That means the President is a fraud.
Passerby: Truly astounding.
Birther: Just watch. I’ll stop this pig from singing in front of your very eyes.
Passerby: Okay, but it’s not singing now anyway.
Birther: That’s your job. You get it to sing, and I’ll get it to stop, legally, constitutionally, and even peacefully, without violence.
Passerby: I’m not going to waste my time trying to teach a pig to sing!
Birther: Why not? What are you afraid of? Go on, deny you are afraid!
Passerby: I am not afraid.
Birther: And there it is for everyone to see: you can’t even admit your fear.
Passerby: Pigs don’t sing. End of story. I mean, there’s not even a story to start, much less end.
Birther: Oh, you can say that, but can you explain the harmony in pig grunts, can you ignore their natural tenors squealing, can you honestly claim you do not hear the orchestra in all that mud? You can’t, can you? No, you can’t. Just like you can’t explain the smiley face on the President’s birth certificate.
And if you can’t make a pig sing, can’t even acknowledge their natural born vocal qualities, you are just going to end up as one more sheeple sheared by the Obama administration, because if you can’t make a pig sing, they are going to make you sing. You’ll just love that, won’t you?
Passerby: Gotta love how someone can stop a pig from doing what it doesn’t even do in the first place.
Birther: Fortunately, we are not all as foolish as you. Mark my words. One day you’ll be singing in the mud, eating the pig slop, drinking the chemtrails, and you’ll beg us to teach you how to stop singing. And we will, we will teach you. But you won’t listen. Only the pigs will listen and learn. Only the pigs will stop singing. You will be lucky to dream of how you once were human. All because you wouldn’t look at the evidence of pigs doing three part harmony, all because you refuse to connect the dots between singing pigs and a conspiracy to defraud the American people.
Passerby (a single nod to self, a single wag of the index finger): Noted.
Pig: Brruhp.
Love it! But is a natural born pig vocalist born in the soil with two pig vocalist parents? Birthers need to know.
Personally I think Sharon Rondeau is mentally ill.
Speaking of Birfoons getting a slap with the reality stick…..
After a long stint of Birfers going all birfie on Cruz (whilst trying to say it is only being raised by Ebil Liebtards) over at Freak Rethuglic, JimRob is starting to bring the hammer down on them.
Being the grift`n, lyin SOB he is, I am of the opinion that his sudden new found distaste for Birfers lies in 2 needs.
1. Cruz is the only suficiently guano RWNJ to meet FR’s desperate need to get the ‘right’ party in the White House
2. The quarterly Freepathons to pay for his and his families lifestyle are running longer and longer and he has found on previous occassions that a sudden purge does wonders for donations
This week at least 3 anti-Cruz birfers have been zotted and the irritatingly named Cold Case Posse Supporter was warned to cool it or else……Tears before bedtime methinks…. 🙂
I missed the zotting – who went? Please dog let it be edge919 and DL.
Nah, those two are still there, the wording from Rim Job
CATO Institute: Yes, Ted Cruz Can be President
31 August, 2013 6:23:13 AM 287 of 304
Jim Robinson to Seizethecarp
Either give it a rest or go somewhere else to post. I’m not interested in your slander of two great conservatives (Levin and Cruz). Drop it or begone!!
Post Reply | Private Reply | To 274 | View Replies
Request to remove themselves (Jude of WV)
CATO Institute: Yes, Ted Cruz Can be President
31 August, 2013 5:39:55 AM 272 of 304
Jim Robinson to Jude in WV
Consider it done.
Post Reply | Private Reply | To 270 | View Replies
One of the “zotted”, Ride3
CATO Institute: Yes, Ted Cruz Can be President
31 August, 2013 4:29:57 AM 252 of 304
Jim Robinson to Rides3
Retreads should keep a low profile.
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Cold Custard Pussy Supporter put on notice
CATO Institute: Yes, Ted Cruz Can be President
31 August, 2013 2:44:27 AM 219 of 304
Jim Robinson to Cold Case Posse Supporter
I’m not implying any such thing. I’m stating that if you post another slanderous attack on Mark Levin or Ted Cruz like you did earlier today, your ass is zot.
If you wish to attack good conservatives, start your own damned website and have at it. You’re not going to do it here. Good luck with that.
Post Reply | Private Reply | To 216 | View Replies
To: Hugh the Scot
Who said there was an effective date? I believe at least two hard (nut) cases got zotted today and at least one thread that was full of nasty, lying, slanderous attacks on our conservative friends Levin and Cruz got pulled. No further definition of nasty, lying, slanderous attack is required. You can figure it out for yourself.
201 posted on 31 August, 2013 1:53:21 AM by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 195 | View Replies]
Basically the entire thread is RimJob getting testy with Birfers…….
Thanks – this is going to be fun to watch. Looks like ORYR will be the last refuge for the nutters.
Yep. Kind of like watching footage of a python unhinging its jaw and swallowing a goat. Horrifying and fascinating all at once, impossible to look away.
I’m convinced some of the regulars at ORYR are capable of unhinging their jaws.
Robinson even put a special link on the front of the forum which takes you to that thread:
(The box and the arrow are mine.)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Their minds are certainly unhinged so I suspect anything is possible.
He’s still scum though.
He crows about praising vets as American heroes, but lets stuff like this go unchecked.
I guess he means people should only praise the “right” kind of vets. Otherwise, a veteran’s death is to be made the stuff of ridicule. :facepalm:
There’s lots of crazy going around today:
Pat Buchanan says Syrian chemical attack “reeks of false flag operation.”
And Jerome Corsi is pushing the same nonsense….
Crazy time!!
They’re late to the party – Ron Paul was on it two days ago:
hmmmm … can’t wait to see ol’ Pat on the McLaughlin Group tomorrow. Syria will be “Issue One”, but you know Pat won’t dare fly the crazy flag there.
The expression Birther “movement” is easier to comprehend if you read “Birther” as a misspelling of the word “bowel”.
Social misfits and political eccentrics have always been with us but before the Internet era, their audience was generally limited to a voluntary audience of mostly other unemployed park-dwellers within hearing distance of the speaker’s soapbox.
The astonishing potential audience provided by a nearly limitless Internet sounding board and virtual assembly hall has given every Tom, Dick, and Orly access to national throng of sad sacks who are ready to become the pawns of information Charlatans like Zullo and Gallups.
But these are not the few hundred, possible non-reading park-bench-sleeping self-styled revolutionaries-in-waiting who ultimately would only steal your father’s Oldsmobile. The new rabble is thousands of perpetually angry and or under-informed and or under-educated folks who can too easily be convinced EXACTLY who is to blame because while they can read, they cannot accurately PARSE English and also are not able to reconcile their personal perspective on issues, with a measure of respect for logical argument and the truth.
The Birther bowel movement is all about turning “freedom of speech” into “freedom to misinform”. Upon its scattered WEB based informational toilet are perched the now-familiar Birther-Clown-Troupe of crap-spouting Stool Pigeons, styled as “whistle-blowers” and hate-spewing political operatives laughingly styled as “journalists” bending over backwards to stir the resulting waste of words into something only Obama-haters can easily swallow and pretend to digest.
And yet for a few reasons, we continue to have to take them seriously. For the Birthers imagine that if they could just get the SCOTUS or Congress or the Military or one competent assassin to join them in their toilet, they could flush Obama out of the White House.
And against that failingly remote possibility, and in defense of sensible and honest political discourse, we are responsibly still here responding to their ridiculous utterances.
We get the McLaughlin Group on Saturday, and surprisingly, Syria wasn’t Issue One. In fact, Syria didn’t come up once, not even as an aside . . . or an Assad.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Fortunately, they are mainly only their own foolish marks, fleecing each other silly, both monetarily and morally, while drifting further and further from being able to distinguish reality at the same time…
For many of them, these are their final twilight years. What a downward spiraling legacy they are doubling down upon… A sad path and a sad end to a bunch of sad sacks.
Since the title of this entry is Birther smacks headlong into real world, I hope it’s okay to post a link to another place birthers are currently smacking headlong into reality with quite a bit of force.
The owner of Free Republic has posted an article from the libertarian think tank, the Cato Institute which says that Ted Cruz is eligible to run for president. CATO Institute: Yes, Ted Cruz Can be President.
Those birthers who continue to insist that Cruz is not eligible because he was born in Canada are getting “the zot” (having their accounts banned) if they protest too strenuously.
It’s a thing to behold. Many long-time birthers are simply livid. Additionally, a thread about Mark Levin being wrong for having said basically the same thing about Ted Cruz (that Cruz is eligible) was deleted. See comment number 201 by the site owner:;page=201
It’s worth reading the Cato Institute’s piece, if only to read their weak attempt to appease birthers by stating that the whole Obama birther issue has been over Obama’s mother’s age – not solely his place of birth, which is a load of dingoes kidneys.
wHAAAAAAAAAT? OK, I looked it up online, and …. you’re right. Led off with middle class jobs and Obama visits Amazon warehouse. McLaughlin and Buchanan are buddies from way back sooo … “Mclaughlin gives Buchanan a pass by avoiding issue”? Heh.
Well, there’s always next week.
When I worked in Washington – many, many moons ago – those shows were taped earlier in the week – Tuesday to Thursday – and, as a result, they often didn’t deal with a major end-of-the-week development until the following week.
So how the hell are you supposed to pronounce a name like “Breasseale” anyway?
Briz EEL.
Now see, I knew I’d come to the right place!
: I think you, and most of us here on the same page have fought the good fight against an enemy that has had time to assemble over a period of time. Hide your food & the other “you know whats”… I have a feeling they’re gonna’ make a move soon.
She forgot to put this line in….It a famous internet meme.
“…He’s climbin’ in your windows, he’s snatchin’ your people up, tryin’ to **** ‘em. So y’all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband cause they’re ***in’ everybody out here…”
-Antoine Dodson
Oh, yeah…Sharon’s a “true believer.” She thinks that if she just “educates” the good colonel, he, like the rest of the world, will have the veil lifted from his eyes, and join her cause. “True believers” think that everyone in the world is really on their side, but not allowed to join the army of liberation…because of official oppression, threats, blackmail, ignorance, bribes, and so on.
“True believers” can be hilarious, but also deadly. However, I think Sharon is most likely to simply jam up e-mail bandwidth.
We know that Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite who has spoken harshly of Israel and its “Amen Corner” in Washington, admiringly of Belgian Nazi and SS general Leon Degrelle, and harshly about blacks and other ethnicities. So I’m not surprised to hear that coming from Pat Buchanan. Ghastly man.
I think the “birther movement,” knowing that it can neither succeed in the courts of law nor public opinion, are evolving into the drive to impeach Obama…they are hoping that a Republican majority House and of gaining a majority Republican Senate in 2014 will put enough Tea Party nutters into office to shove such a bill through.
Hey, it nearly worked on Andrew Johnson…
Then again, that has been the goal of the ODS crowd for the past two congressional cycles. The problem with their strategy is that there are only so many districts, even with gerrymandering, that can support full-blown crazy. For all the success that the anti-Obama Tea Party wave of 2010 had, it also served to shoot itself in the foot in enough key races to prevent their ability to grab the Senate in both 2010 and 2012.
Yeah, they’ve got another shot in 2014, but doubling-down on the crazy is just as likely to blow up in their face as it has been so far. Maybe even more so, because it seems more and more people are getting turned off by some of this excessive regressive bigotry and obstructionism. I think they are already pretty close to maxed-out on districts that will support an open frothing wack-a-loon.