I hate spam. I hate email spam. I hate comment spam. It drives me up the wall. One month we got over 10,000 spam comments on this blog, and it’s rolling in again, this time from IP addresses in China, 800 spams since yesterday.
Want a genuine knock-off NFL jersey, or a Louis Vuitton handbag? Ugg boots? Go no further than the dumpster outside Obama Conspiracy Theories for more than you can shake a stick at.
I suppose I could block the whole country from my site.
I am starting t see a lot more spam comments on my blog. Every once in a while a real comment gets flagged for too many links and it may be there for a week before I member to check the ones in the spam cue.
119 Spams just since I wrote the article. I’ve decided to get out the big hammer, and added some IP address blocking to my .htaccess file:
# Thwart the wily Chinese spammer
order allow,deny
deny from 27.159.
deny from 27.153.
deny from 110.85.
deny from 110.86.
deny from 27.150.
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
allow from all
At least one of those is from Venezuela.
Doc: “I suppose I could block the whole country from my site.”
I have a much better suggestion, let’s send all the birthers to China and let them become citizens of China. Maybe then they’ll get an idea of what it is really like to lose their freedoms and not the faux outrage they do so well.
I have found that the many links restriction has no practical value. Akismet will catch anything that will, and you end up getting false positives.
The Chinese are comi-…damn it! Forget to set my alarm. 😉
Is there a lot of Birther action in China?
I thought the CCCP and China were rivals …but in OCT they have found a common enemy?
Latest .htaccess:
order allow,deny
deny from 27.150.
deny from 27.159.
deny from 27.153.
deny from
deny from 110.85.
deny from 110.86.
deny from 110.89.
deny from 117.26.
deny from
demy from
deny from
deny from
deny from 222.77.
allow from all
I’m in vietnam, not China
I’m in Philly, not the Pearl.
Any wily spammers there?
But I’m probably wrong.
I’ll be in Cambodia tomorrow. I’ll ask them about Vietnamese spammers.
I just block all of China from accessing my site. I don’t know anyone in China nor would I communicate with them . the signal to noise ratio is so large, that China is a spam haven and that more spammers use their unpatched, not-up-to-date, severely broken, servers than a normal citizen. So too bad.
In addition to China, I block all of Russia, Romania, the Netherlands, the Ukraine, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Zaire, Vietnam, Malaysia, and India.
Doc: Are you sure you’re not being hacked by birthers? Could this be harassment?