Orly Taitz reports that she filed a FOIA to find out what happened to two quo warranto complaints she sent the U. S. Department of Justice, and they say they can’t find them.
The Taitz web site is “messed up” in terms of displaying her documentation, but clicking around returns what may be the operative response. It says that the kinds of records she is asking for are either not routinely retained, or that they are exempt from FOIA. The reply is rather dense.
I get a security warning in Chrome when I try to open the response linked at Taitz site.
It’s just a PDF.
Perhaps the birther bigots can get right into its layers and let us know if it’s on the up and up.
It works now. The response seems clear to me. They either have no records or the records they have are exempt from FOIA regulations and they are not required to tell her if exempt records exist or both. TS for Orly.
It would appear that what Orly is asking for is excluded from FOIA by statute.
Has the language of such replies changed? I don’t remember seeing any reference to “this answer cannot be construed to say requested documents exist or don’t exist” before.
I wish they would change the language of replies to her, to a printout of a middle finger, stamped, dated and notarized.
“The reply is rather dense.”
…as is the recipient.
Blown off by a Glomar response. BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!