Florida paper points finger at Birther Rep.

The Ocala Star Banner newspaper on their web site published an article highlighting alleged racist and birther comments from Florida Republican congressman Ted Yoho of Gainesville, writing:

U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Gainesville, has drawn national attention and scrutiny in recent days for comments questioning the authenticity of the President Barack Obama’s birth certificate and declaring as "racist" a tanning bed tax that’s part of the Affordable Care Act.

The paper identified the venue at which Yoho made the birther remarks, a Tea Party event in Gainesville. Gainesville Tea Party President Laurie Newsom says that the majority of the crowd of 150-200 people felt that the economy and the deficit took precedence over an investigation of Obama’s birth certificate.

The birthers have just started to appear in comments.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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14 Responses to Florida paper points finger at Birther Rep.

  1. richCares says:

    isn’t that yahoo instead of yoho

  2. Rickey says:

    Yoho also believes in a magic reset button.

    He then gave a seemingly contradictory statement about the call for a birth certificate investigation.

    “They said if it is truly illegal, he shouldn’t be there and we can get rid of everything he’s done and I said ‘I agree with that.’ ” Yoho said. “But is that the best way to spend our time.”

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    isn’t that yahoo instead of yoho

    I sure could go for a Yoohoo…or six.

  4. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Maybe I’m missing something doc but I only see 9 facebook comments on the article and haven’t seen any birther comments yet. Is there another comments section that isn’t loading for me?

  5. JPotter says:

    a “tanning bed tax” racist? LOL! Yes, keeping the poor melanin deprived down.

    Pricing risk is a basic function of economics. Same rationale in this case as taxing tobacco as a public health burden.

    I’m sure he’s agin’ that’n too.

    If he’s really unfamiliar with pricing risk, let’s explore the idea that tying interest rates to credit scores is racist.

  6. Rickey says:


    Pricing risk is a basic function of economics. Same rationale in this case as taxing tobacco as a public health burden.

    I’m sure he’s agin’ that’n too.

    If he’s really unfamiliar with pricing risk, let’s explore the idea that tying interest rates to credit scores is racist.

    That also applies to the Affordable Care Act. One of its objectives is to lower the average risk by increasing the number of healthy people who have health insurance. The more healthy people there are in the insured pool, the lower the average risk is, which should lead to lower (or at least more stable) premiums.

  7. They’ve been deleted.

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Maybe I’m missing something doc but I only see 9 facebook comments on the article and haven’t seen any birther comments yet. Is there another comments section that isn’t loading for me?

  8. Northland10 says:

    No comment from John yet?

  9. John Reilly says:

    I was under the impression that it was not possible to use a tanning bed while wearing a sheet and a hood.

    Rep. Yoho is seeking to be Exhibit A as to why Congress is held in high regard by 12% of the population.

  10. The Magic M says:

    JPotter: a “tanning bed tax” racist? LOL! Yes, keeping the poor melanin deprived down.

    Actually that idea isn’t new; I remember reading about it earlier this year or last year on WND and other right-wing sites. Didn’t Rush peddle or even invent it?

    There’s a good article about how conservatives try to pervert the meaning of “racist”:

  11. JPotter says:

    The Magic M: There’s a good article about how conservatives try to pervert the meaning of “racist”:

    The best part is the comments section. What a honeytrap. Allege that conservatism has any coincidence with racism, and they’ll rome a’runnin’, fallin’ all over themselves to prove it!

    Of course they don’t like being called ‘racist’; I’m sure sex criminals don’t like being called ‘sex criminals’. I don’t like being called fat, particularly when I slob out and fatten up a bit. The truth hits to close to home. Like we say here, “If you don’t want to be ridiculous …”

    It struck me the other day that the wingers are attempt to do with ‘racist’ what homosexuals did with the epithet ‘queer’. Water it down, make fun of it, even adopt it, to try to defang it. I don’t think they’re catching on to why that’s not going to work so well!

  12. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    No comment from John yet?

    Now don’t go jinxing a good thing here. 😉

  13. mrheuss says:

    Ted Yoho is my rep – lives down the road. Built his political base by putting up signs on the side of the road by his house. This is unfortunate – he’s actually a pretty nice guy who has always come across as passionate, but sane. Then again, I’ve never talked to him at a Tea Party Event.

    I actually voted for him. *sigh*

    Oh well.

  14. Rickey says:

    Ted Yoho is my rep – lives down the road. Built his political base by putting up signs on the side of the road by his house. This is unfortunate – he’s actually a pretty nice guy who has always come across as passionate, but sane. Then again,I’ve never talked to him at a Tea Party Event.

    I actually voted for him. *sigh*

    Oh well.

    If you see him, tell him that he needs to brush up on the Constitution. Even if Obama were found to be ineligible, there is no “magic reset button” which would undo everything which Obama has signed into law,

    I like to remind birthers that if there were a magic reset button and Obama were found to be ineligible, it would mean that the Bush tax cuts expired several years and every taxpayer would be on the hook for back taxes.

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