Who the hell is Ted Nugent, and why should I care that he’s a birther?

I can barely understand why I’m covering this story, much less the Huffington Post. Thanks to the Wikipedia, I now know that there is a 65-year-old rock musician named Ted Nugent who had hits like “Wango Tango” in the 1970’s.

Huffpo reported on one of his rants that included praise for Sheriff Arpaio and the phrase “phony birth certificate.” But why should I care about just another RWNJ? Maybe he and Reed Hayes can go hunting or something—BYOB.

Last month Nugent expressed an interest in running for President of the United States as a Republican in 2016. Forget that.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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22 Responses to Who the hell is Ted Nugent, and why should I care that he’s a birther?

  1. Jim says:

    He fits in with the birthers naturally, he’s famous for his song “Cat Scratch Fever” and the birthers are famous for being as annoying as the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.

  2. Bob says:

    My guess the reason Huffington Post “reported” this is that Huffpo and World Nut Daily like to give publicity each other. It’s like when celebrity spats flare up and then you find out that the two celebrities share a publicist. Or perhaps it’s a kind of unspoken courtesy; if WND links to HuffPo then HuffPo links to WND. One thing is for sure; nobody except the dozen or so Birthers left, cares about Ted Nugent’s opinions.

  3. Jim: he’s famous for his song “Cat Scratch Fever”

    Dr C: Listen to that song, and you’ll understand evolution.

  4. bovril says:

    Nugent is a classic RWNJ and hypocrite.

    Board member on the NRA, gun freak (says a very strong 2A supporter)
    Draft dodger
    Borderline pedophile
    Dead beat father

  5. CarlOrcas says:


    The delusional Nugent is playing the public like a cheap fiddle with his claims to martyrdom. The latest:

    “I’m like a Black Jew In Nuremberg 1938 and the Brownshirts can’t stand me. So I’ll just keep derailing their trains, shall we say.”


  6. John Reilly says:

    Misha, I disagree. Mr. Nugent’s existence is evidence that the theory of evolution is wrong.

  7. Joey says:

    “If Obama is reelected, I’ll either be dead or in jail.”–Ted Nugent

  8. Punchmaster via mobile says:

    Still waiting for him to make good on that promise.

  9. justlw says:

    Ted Nugent is a fellow that any birther should be proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with. You may have gleaned from the comments on the HuffPo article that there are two especially noteworthy items from his past:

    • He dodged the draft by soiling himself for a week before reporting to the draft board.

    • When he was 30 took a fancy to particular young lady, but was unable to marry her because she was underage. So he instead arranged with her parents to become her legal guardian.

    So he’s just a swell guy. I understand why Uncle Mike Huckabee was so excited and honored to be able to jam with him on that moving Christian hymn “Cat Scratch Fever.”

  10. Diana Ross and Berry Gordy are from Detroit.

    Ted Nugent and the Chevy Vega are from Detroit.

    Anyone else see a pattern?

  11. John Reilly: Misha, I disagree.Mr. Nugent’s existence is evidence that the theory of evolution is wrong.

    Nugent could not possibly be the missing link.

  12. Rennie says:

    misha marinsky:
    Diana Ross and Berry Gordy are from Detroit.

    Ted Nugent and the Chevy Vega are from Detroit.

    Anyone else see a pattern?

    Hey hey, now, let’s not be hating on the D.

  13. Rickey says:

    Ted Nugent is a fellow that any birther should be proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with.You may have gleaned from the comments on the HuffPo article that there are two especially noteworthy items from his past:

    • He dodged the draft by soiling himself for a week before reporting to the draft board.

    Nugent has given conflicting stories about how he avoided being drafted, but he did fail a pre-induction physical on 8/28/69, when he was 20 years old.


    When he turned 18 he was still in high school so he was given a 1-S deferment. It looks like he graduated high school in 1967 and he was classified 1-A on his 19th birthday. It appears to me as though he didn’t graduate high school on time – in those days 18-year-old boys who hadn’t been accepted to a college were reclassified 1-A shortly after graduation, but Nugent didn’t lose his high school deferment until he was 19. In any event, he then got himself a student deferment by enrolling in Oakland Community College. He obviously dropped out of college because he was reclassified 1-A on 2/18/69, and six months later he failed his physical. So he is just another chickenhawk, like Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh.


  14. jdkinpa says:

    Being the same age, and having the same draft qualifications as Nugent, I was 1-A right out of high school as well. I graduated in June 66 and was drafted in May 68. I got classified 4-F because of a car accident I was in and at the time disqualified me. Seemed a broken pelvis was a deterrent for slogging through rice paddies.

    I started college in the fall of 69. This was at a small state college in West Virginia. Yet it seemed that about half of the guys I knew were from up north and though they wouldn’t admitted to it; you could tell the only reason they were in college was to avoid the draft. Far to much partying and far too little studying. It also was pretty evident they wanted to remain ineligible for the draft because they were getting married just before graduation or if flunking out. It was a very common way to stay out of the Army/Marines back then. One guy I remember was flunking out, couldn’t find a girl to marry, so he joined the Air Force. Funny thing, I ended up joining the Army in 74 after the military went all volunteer. Retired after 20 years. Nugent is slime and has little respect in the military community, retired anyway, except for the RWNJs who are so blinded by their hate for the ‘black’ guy in the WH they’d throw in with anyone who reinforced that hatred.

  15. Rickey says:

    Being the same age, and having the same draft qualifications as Nugent, I was 1-A right out of high school as well.I graduated in June 66 and was drafted in May 68. I got classified 4-F because of a car accident I was in and at the time disqualified me.Seemed a broken pelvis was a deterrent for slogging through rice paddies.

    I started college in the fall of 69.This was at a small state college in West Virginia.Yet it seemed that about half of the guys I knew were from up north and though they wouldn’t admitted to it; you could tell the only reason they were in college was to avoid the draft. Far to much partying and far too little studying.It also was pretty evident they wanted to remain ineligible for the draft because they were getting married just before graduation or if flunking out.It was a very common way to stay out of the Army/Marines back then.One guy I remember was flunking out, couldn’t find a girl to marry, so he joined the Air Force.Funny thing, I ended up joining the Army in 74 after the military went all volunteer.Retired after 20 years.Nugent is slime and has little respect in the military community, retired anyway, except for the RWNJs who are so blinded by their hate for the ‘black’ guy in the WH they’d throw in with anyone who reinforced that hatred.

    I graduated high school the same year as you. I had been accepted to St. Bonaventure University but I was sick of school and wanted to get away from home. During the spring of ’66 a Navy recruiter came to my school to address the senior boys, and it sounded interesting to me. Within a week of graduation I enlisted. So many draft-eligible boys were enlisting that they had a backlog of several months to begin boot camp. To keep us out of the draft the recruiter swore us into the Navy reserve, so we were inactive reservists until we started boot camp.

    I was reclassified 1-A within a few weeks of graduation and a few weeks later I received my induction notice, but by then I was in the Navy reserve. The recruiter told me that I would almost certainly get an induction notice soon, so he gave me a document to send to the draft board when my notice arrived and I never heard from the draft board again.

    Apparently how quickly you were reclassified and how quickly you were sent an induction noticed depended a lot on your local draft board.

    There was a college in Iowa, Parsons College, which was dubbed “Drop-Out U.” because it would accept anyone who applied. Those were strange times. Just about anyone could avoid being drafted into the Army by enlisting in the Navy or Air Force, but the draft only required two years of active duty and enlisting required four (three if you enlisted in the Army). When you are 18 years old four years seems like forever, so many boys decided to roll the dice and be drafted.

    I actually had three older brothers who were 4-F. One had epilepsy, one was legally blind in one eye, and the other had to have surgery on both feet which made him ineligible. I also knew a couple of guys who learned how to deliberately raise their blood pressure at the time of their physicals.

    And then there were the deferrals. Cheney received multiple deferrals. Mitt Romney got a religious missionary deferral, then a student deferral, and then he got married. Bill O’Reilly took a job teaching school and received an occupational deferral. Several of my high school classmates also became teachers after college and received occupational deferrals.

    I don’t have any regrets about what I did. The experience was good for me, and because I served in a combat zone I get nearly free medical care from the V.A. – I just have small co-pays for office visits and prescriptions.

  16. Crustacean says:

    “Maybe [Nugent] and Reed Hayes can go hunting or something—BYOB”

    BYOB? Bring Your Own Birther?

    “Le Diner de Cons” comes to mind…

  17. While “bring your own birther” certainly fits, the intended acronym was “bait your own bear,” a reference to Nugent’s previous hunting practice that netted him a hefty fine.

    Crustacean: “Maybe [Nugent] and Reed Hayes can go hunting or something—BYOB”

    BYOB? Bring Your Own Birther?

    “Le Diner de Cons” comes to mind…

  18. Majority Will says:

    “Ted Nugent: Trayvon Martin Got What He Deserved”

    “Nugent is no stranger to controversy. In the heat of the 2012 elections, Nugent laid bare his distaste for President Obama by threatening him and all elected Democrats, calling on conservatives to “chop their heads off in November.” The remark prompted the Secret Service to bring in Nugent for questioning but didn’t stop the Romney campaign from actively seeking Nugent’s endorsement and bending to the musician’s will in an attempt to secure it.”


  19. The Magic M says:

    The one guitar legend I’m not going to mourn.

    He’s pretty much destroyed his reputation, even German music shows mentioning him as a great musician always add that he’s caused much controversy due to racist statements in the recent past.

  20. JoZeppy says:

    I am still at a loss why conservatives love this guy so much. He’s an admitted draft dodger (actually admitted to deficated in his clothes to avoid the draft) and child molester. But then again, a good portion of conservative leaders believe fighting their wars are things for people who don’t have “other priorities” and sexual perversion….well…again…seems to fit the bill for them too.

  21. Crustacean says:

    One thing I love about Germans (at least the ones I’ve met personally) is how magnanimous they can be. But this is going too far. The land that gave the world Beethoven, Bach, and Brahms (that’s just a part of the “B” section!) – not to mention Rammstein and the Scorps, from the rock-n-roll genre – should feel no compunction to use the words “Ted Nugent” and “great musician” in the same sentence.

    The Magic M: German music shows mentioning him as a great musician

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