Monthly Archives: September 2013

September 9 March on Washington

Taking back America So today was the day of that big march of “freedom loving people” on Washington, DC, to take the government back from the rest of us freedom loving people. Some title the  march “Walk like an Egyptian,” … Continue reading

Posted in Birther events, Marches and Protests | Tagged , , , | 61 Comments

A fable

I was over at ORYR this morning, and they had embedded at the head of the article an ad in the Washington Times. This is a excerpt from it: … in a period of 21 months, using every forensic test … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , , , | 18 Comments

Is there an Obot mole in the Cold Case Posse?

RC called Mike Zullo. Wow! I wouldn’t have done that, not after the brouhaha resulting from the time I called Orly Taitz. But more power to RC, bless his heart. You can read about the call on the Reality Check … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo | Tagged , , | 34 Comments

Xerox Corporation may become “person of interest” in Cold Case Posse investigation

The birthers certainly notice the anti-birther claims that Obama’s long form birth certificate is just a plain old scan by a Xerox machine of the original (rotated and saved by Preview on a Mac computer). In fact they anticipate that … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , , | 27 Comments

Anti-birthers advance

While the Cold Case Posse remains quaking in the bunker putting up a brave front by issuing disingenuous statements of their lack of concern, the anti-birthers taste the blood in the water. Was that too dramatic? Did I mix metaphors? … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-birthers, Birth Certificate | Tagged , , , , | 49 Comments

Willfully ignorant

“Willfully ignorant” is the least-favorable way I could briefly characterize the attitude of Florida Congressman Ted Yoho in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews last Wednesday. When asked about President Obama’s birthplace, Congressman Yoho replied: No comment. When pressed Yoho … Continue reading

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