The rebranding of Orly Taitz

It once was the “World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site,” but as commenters here have noted, Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. has changed the emphasis of her site. Today it’s titled:

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

with a new graphic touting her “Defend Our Freedoms Foundation.”

Even though Taitz is branching out, this does not mean that she’s stopped birthing, as evidenced by a recent article saying:

Obama’s operatives are spreading rumors that are not true. They are claiming that MS court ruled for Obama, this is not true, there is no decision in MS or MD or 2 cases in Dc or 3 cases in CA. all 7 cases are still pending. they have been spreading similar rumors before [errors in the original]

The smack downs in those cases we are still anticipating, but they are inevitable. Taitz seems to feed on the notoriety she gained among the birthers by filing lawsuits against President Obama; she seems to need this kind of attention. Once before she made a foray into more general litigation by challenging the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), and one might anticipate that she would try to insinuate herself into future “current affairs” lawsuits.

On the new site we can see that the same old grammar errors, and titles that contain most of the articles remain. Much of the non-birther content is borrowed from other sources. While her new direction would appeal to a broader audience than birthers, her vacuous content and disdain for quality production will not. We are not looking at the next Huffington Post.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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34 Responses to The rebranding of Orly Taitz

  1. I can’t help but think that her next gambit will be an advice to the lovelorn column.

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I can’t help but think that her next gambit will be an advice to the lovelorn column.

    Or a guide on how to achieve Orly’s signature “I never sleep. EVER!” look.

  3. Benji Franklin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I can’t help but think that her next gambit will be an advice to the lovelorn column.

    I don’t know, Doc – her romantic advice might depend too frequently upon constant access to, and a rousing competence in adjusting, a standard issue dental chair.

    Given her apparent misadventure with the appallingly socially inept, but attractively disbarred Charles Lincoln the Thurd, she might have more success offering an advice to the shopworn column!

  4. Jim says:

    Nothing new from Zullo and Gallups in a while, Taitz rebranding herself, Klayman failing miserably…

    it’s getting downright boring!!! 😀

  5. alg says:

    Nothing new from Zullo and Gallups in a while, Taitz rebranding herself, Klayman failing miserably…

    it’s getting downright boring!!!

    Indeed it is. Birtherism is evaporating right before our very eyes. Former notables are desperately searching for a new gig to lavish their overstated egos with. I regard Orly Taitz as perhaps the most pathetic example of this phenomena.

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    alg: Indeed it is.Birtherism is evaporating right before our very eyes.Former notables are desperately searching for a new gig to lavish their overstated egos with.I regard Orly Taitz as perhaps the most pathetic example of this phenomena.

    And sites that used to be very birther friendly in the past, have either folded or shut birthers out. As someone mentioned in an earlier thread, Birther Report is probably the last bastion that birtherdom has left.

  7. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: And sites that used to be very birther friendly in the past, have either folded or shut birthers out. As someone mentioned in an earlier thread, Birther Report is probably the last bastion that birtherdom has left.

    So it seems and it is even getting crazier: Latest nonsense, courtesy of Mara Zebest, is ” Obama Best Friend Arrested For Brutal Rape & False Imprisonment” –

    A 9th grade acquaintance, from 40 years ago, morphs into a “best friend” when it involves Obama and, of course, the ORYR regulars lap it up.

  8. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: So it seems and it is even getting crazier: Latest nonsense, courtesy of Mara Zebest, is ” Obama Best Friend Arrested For Brutal Rape & False Imprisonment” –

    A 9th grade acquaintance, from 40 years ago, morphs into a “best friend” when it involves Obama and, of course, the ORYR regulars lap it up.

    Yeah, birthers are masters of blowing things out of proportion.
    Obama could say in an interview that he doesn’t care for mustard on hotdogs. Birthers would take that remark and inflate it to “Obama declares war on Mustard manufacturers.” and the comments would be stuff like “Only communist Muslim gays hate mustard!”

  9. Bob says:

    The only thing you can learn at Orly’s website these days is what piques her interest enough to make a post about. I can’t imagine her developing much of a following as a general political interest site — there’s no logic or consistency or knowledge imparted. There’s no discussion as every comment is moderated and filtered through her brain. She doesn’t seem to allow helpful or truthful comments and it’s even just difficult to read

    Lately, there seems to be fewer parody trolls in the comments leaving the sad, true believers spouting their conspiracy-inspired gibberish.

    For a long time one of her regular commenters was a spam-link to a raunchy porn site.

  10. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Yeah, birthers are masters of blowing things out of proportion.


    I can see it now: If Obama walked on water they would complain he was too lazy to swim.

  11. Thinker says:

    Orly Taitz will fail as a pundit, just like she has failed in everything else she has done except in her choice of husband, which has apparently worked out pretty well for her. She will never be able to give up birfing. If she had the ability to give up birfing, she would have given it up a long time. Her birfing and related batshittery have caused her to become a national punch line. Her political analysis is just as fact-free and uninformed as her legal briefs are. And it will always contain a birfery element to it, since that is her obsession.

  12. Northland10 says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Obama could say in an interview that he doesn’t care for mustard on hotdogs. Birthers would take that remark and inflate it to “Obama declares war on Mustard manufacturers.” and the comments would be stuff like “Only communist Muslim gays hate mustard!”

    If he did say that, he might have to retire to Hawaii as Chicago would not let him back. If he said he liked ketchup on a hot dog, there would be frogmarching. Chi-town does not take well to insulting the dog.

  13. Curious George says:

    Remember all the noise from Dr. Taitz wanting criminal charges filed based on the CCCP evidence? Could it be she finally saw the Maricopa PA’s letter that said he had reviewed the evidence and saw nothing there but speculation? That really would have taken the wind out of her birther sails. She now is aimlessly adrift in the doldrums. That goes for the entire birther movement as well.

  14. donna says:

    taitz’s next website will advance her dentistry and real estate cred –

    who me, birther, hardly

    i was just exploring, getting pay pal dollars & customers so i can flip homes in southern CA

    i mean really …….. someone from a non-aba approved online law school bringing down the leader of the free world? who would believe that?

  15. Thinker says:

    This is an interesting question. She has certainly acknowledged that Maricopa County DA Bill Montgomery has said they don’t have anything that approaches the standard necessary to justify an indictment. I believe it is her position that Sheriff Joe and Mike Zullo should disregard the DA’s comments and submit a “criminal complaint” anyway. I suppose she thinks they should just submit reams of daffydavits from lunatic “experts” and unfiltered raw output from illegally accessed databases, all defectively stapled and inartfully collated to give it that special Orly touch. That’s how she’d do it. And she’s a licensed attorney. So it must be right.

    Curious George:
    Remember all the noise from Dr. Taitz wanting criminal charges filed based on the CCCP evidence? Could it be she finally saw the Maricopa PA’s letter that said he had reviewed the evidence and saw nothing there but speculation? That really would have taken the wind out of her birther sails.She now is aimlessly adrift in the doldrums. That goes for the entire birther movement as well.

  16. Andrew Morris says:

    It’s all about Orly, orl the time. Her site traffic was tanking and she thinks this is a way to drive up the page views…although she still thinks that every page view is a “supporter”. She knows less than zero about the stuff she now writes on, though when she copies something she delights in saying “yap, the WSJ agrees with me”. But she has a real problem with birtherism, as her own arguments (crap though they are) would disqualify Cruz, for whom she clearly has the hots. She’s trying to walk away from the hole she’d dug by saying there is no longer rule of law.

  17. red-diaper baby 1942 says:

    I usually don’t like to follow up these links to radical right-wing websites (at some level I think I’m afraid my laptop will self-destruct). But the one offered by Carl Orcas, about the “best friend”, sounded irresistible. There was nothing particularly interesting in the “article” itself, but the first comment was wonderful:

    “What do you expect from someone who sought out the Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists? Obama’s whole life has been associations and affiliations with the dangerous fringe elements. And he’s proud of his rejection of societal norms and so are his racist dead-enders that form his base.”

    Well, we Structural Feminists sure are out to destroy the world. For the record: I’m a lifelong feminist, and I taught structuralist theory, as applied to language and literature, for many years. I guess that should put me on the FBI most wanted list.

  18. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Her understanding of reality is as shoddy as ever.
    She thinks the GOP defeated Obamacare, by tantruming the government into shutting down. What she doesn’t realize is that it goes into effect Oct 1, shutdown or no. According to CNN, its funding isn’t dependent on the congressional budget process.

  19. red-diaper baby 1942: I guess that should put me on the FBI most wanted list.

    I am a communist:

  20. Random Person says:

    Long time lurker….first time commenting…love this site…can someone please explain to me what the heck is a FEMA coffin? What is the birther obsession with FEMA?

  21. ZixiOfIx says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I can’t help but think that her next gambit will be an advice to the lovelorn column.

    I’m hoping for one of those late night infomercials selling in-the-egg egg scramblers and towels that can hold a bathtub’s worth of water. She could be Moldavia’s answer to the Sham Wow! guy.

    Or maybe she could go into a general law practice. She could be a real-life Lionel Hutz. I Can’t Believe It’s a Law Firm! No, Money Down!
    Lionel Hutz in action:

  22. Dave says:

    The FEMA thing is a whole nother conspiracy theory. According to this theory, what FEMA is really up to is setting up and, in due course, operating concentration camps. Exactly who will be detained in these camps is a bit vague but the general idea is all good decent patriotic right-thinking people are targeted.

    Random Person:
    Long time lurker….first time commenting…love this site…can someone please explain to me what the heck is a FEMA coffin?What is the birther obsession with FEMA?

  23. Random Person: What is the birther obsession with FEMA?

    People who disagree with the government, and are outraged about NSA’s warrantless wiretapping, are going to be sent to a FEMA concentration…

    Wait – there’s a knock at my door….aiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  24. Here is a good article on FEMA “coffins” (actually grave liners)

    Random Person:
    Long time lurker….first time commenting…love this site…can someone please explain to me what the heck is a FEMA coffin?What is the birther obsession with FEMA?

  25. Lani says:

    Random Person:
    Long time lurker….first time commenting…love this site…can someone please explain to me what the heck is a FEMA coffin?What is the birther obsession with FEMA?

    Well, I’m reporting to FEMA camp in Honolulu shortly. YIKES! I am being forced against my will to take emergency measures in the event of a disaster to ensure the best outcomes possible.

  26. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Here is a good article on FEMA “coffins” (actually grave liners)

    And here are two more:

    Apparently, right-wing fears of FEMA go back decades. This article on the Southern Poverty Law Center, provides some useful background information:

    Now, the OP asked,

    Random Person: What is the birther obsession with FEMA?

    which seems to me to be a question of why–why are they obsessing about FEMA and not some other federal agency? The only answer I can offer is that since Barack Obama became president, various politicians and media figures have hinted at or explicitly linked FEMA to nefarious acts and that was enough to whet the paranoia of the right-wing. Birthers are, first and foremost, paranoid right-wingers, and birtherism is just one of many conspiracies they delight in.

  27. Birther Weary says:

    I’m really glad my ad blocker let’s me block that image. There’s just something very disturbing about her crazy smile.

  28. Kiwiwriter says:

    Random Person:
    Long time lurker….first time commenting…love this site…can someone please explain to me what the heck is a FEMA coffin?What is the birther obsession with FEMA?

    Pleasure before business:

    Welcome to the site, and enjoy it, Random Person.

    As for why the birthers are obsessed with FEMA: All conspiracy theorists are obsessed with FEMA, since it was invented. They see it as the definitive tool by which the grand tyranny, mass exterminations, forcible lobotomies, and destruction of the world in the name of Satan will be achieved.

    It’s not just a birther thing…scratch ALL the conspiracy theories, and you’ll find FEMA front and center.

    The conspiracy nuts try to ignore the agency’s incompetence under “Heckuva Job Brownie” during Katrina, which speaks volumes about the realities of the agency. If they couldn’t handle Katrina, and couldn’t properly cover up their failures during Katrina, how could they possibly mastermind a secret operation to strip America of its liberties, massacre its people, seize private holdings and guns, turn it over to foreign powers (and Satan), and keep the plans secret?

  29. Keith says:

    Kiwiwriter: The conspiracy nuts try to ignore the agency’s incompetence under “Heckuva Job Brownie” during Katrina, which speaks volumes about the realities of the agency. If they couldn’t handle Katrina, and couldn’t properly cover up their failures during Katrina, how could they possibly mastermind a secret operation to strip America of its liberties, massacre its people, seize private holdings and guns, turn it over to foreign powers (and Satan), and keep the plans secret?

    Hey! Katrina was a FEMA masterstroke, doancha know? It went EXACTLY as planned, in every detail.

    You folks who think that FEMA is some incompetent failure are just blind. Didn’t Dubya praise their actions (‘Heckuva job’)? And don’t you remember that Dubya was the same guy that told us we were already operating under the New World Order?

    How can you possibly imply that FEMA was incompetent during Katrina?

  30. katahdin says:

    Kiwiwriter: Pleasure before business:

    Welcome to the site, and enjoy it, Random Person.

    As for why the birthers are obsessed with FEMA: All conspiracy theorists are obsessed with FEMA, since it was invented. They see it as the definitive tool by which the grand tyranny, mass exterminations, forcible lobotomies, and destruction of the world in the name of Satan will be achieved.

    It’s not just a birther thing…scratch ALL the conspiracy theories, and you’ll find FEMA front and center.

    The conspiracy nuts try to ignore the agency’s incompetence under “Heckuva Job Brownie” during Katrina, which speaks volumes about the realities of the agency. If they couldn’t handle Katrina, and couldn’t properly cover up their failures during Katrina, how could they possibly mastermind a secret operation to strip America of its liberties, massacre its people, seize private holdings and guns, turn it over to foreign powers (and Satan), and keep the plans secret?

    To be fair, under Clinton FEMA was a showpiece agency. During the flooding in the Midwest in 1993, FEMA spread out over several states, delivering food, blankets and generators with superb efficiency. After the Oklahoma City bombing, FEMA was there helping within 12 hours.
    Then Bush wiggled his way into office and put the Arabian horse guy in charge.
    Democrats govern. Republicans don’t believe in it.

  31. G says:

    Excellent points.

    katahdin: To be fair, under Clinton FEMA was a showpiece agency. During the flooding in the Midwest in 1993, FEMA spread out over several states, delivering food, blankets and generators with superb efficiency. After the Oklahoma City bombing, FEMA was there helping within 12 hours.
    Then Bush wiggled his way into office and put the Arabian horse guy in charge.
    Democrats govern. Republicans don’t believe in it.

  32. Kiwiwriter says:

    katahdin: To be fair, under Clinton FEMA was a showpiece agency. During the flooding in the Midwest in 1993, FEMA spread out over several states, delivering food, blankets and generators with superb efficiency. After the Oklahoma City bombing, FEMA was there helping within 12 hours.
    Then Bush wiggled his way into office and put the Arabian horse guy in charge.
    Democrats govern. Republicans don’t believe in it.

    Yes, under Clinton, FEMA did well…Bush turned it into a national disgrace.

  33. dunstvangeet says:

    Republicans campaign on a platform of Government does not work. Then when they get elected, they prove it…

  34. CarlOrcas says:

    Republicans campaign on a platform of Government does not work.Then when they get elected, they prove it…

    Great line!!

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