Taitz gets lump of coal for birthday

Taitz v. Obama appeal postponed

Here’s what Orly said [link to Taitz web site]:

Suddenly, on my birthday (yet again, never fails), another road block was placed in front of me.   My September 26 hearing in Taitz v Obama was postponed till October. No explanation was given aside from a short note that it was done.

She has a point. It was on her birthday, August 30, 2011, when Judge Royce Lamberth dismissed Taitz v. Astrue. I wrote about that in my article “Taitz gets sucky birthday present.” On her birthday in 2012, Orly reports that someone called her on the phone and cussed her out and in 2010, she says her Facebook account was suspended [link to Taitz web site].

I got a cake for my birthday this year and a replica Dr. Who (Tom Baker) scarf.

Note: The case is G047746, and you can search for it here.


Oral argument rescheduled for October 23, 2013. On Sept. 10 Taitz filed a motion for leave to submit a supplemental brief and CD with “newly discovered information.” It was denied.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to Taitz gets lump of coal for birthday

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “I got a cake for my birthday this year and a replica Dr. Who (Tom Baker) scarf.”

    Well that beats the hell out of anything I’ve gotten for my birthday, well excluding that year I got a Sony Playstation as a Christmas+Birthday present.

  2. RetiredLawyer says:


    Maybe these events are a sign from above that you are not on the right path, and should, instead, spend more time with your family.

  3. Bob says:

    1. Has she ever gotten any good news on any day of the year related to her weird Obama-eligibility-fetish?

    2. How do we know that August 30th is her birthday? Orly’s word on the subject isn’t any good.

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    2.How do we know that August 30th is her birthday?Orly’s word on the subject isn’t any good.

    Hell, Orly’s word that she’s not a lizard-person isn’t any good either!
    …Actually she’s NEVER gone on record to deny allegations that she’s a lizard person.
    Well well well…I guess Orly Taitz is a bit more foreign than we’ve been led to believe!

  5. Smirk4Food says:

    Dr. Conspiracy said,

    “I got a cake for my birthday this year and a replica Dr. Who (Tom Baker) scarf.”

    That’s enough scarf for about three people. Are you sharing the Fourth Doctor’s scarf with anyone?

  6. Greenfinches says:

    : a replica Dr. Who (Tom Baker) scarf

    what excellent taste you have Doc; the only true Doctor Who, for me, none of these later rapscallions….

  7. Daniel says:


    Maybe these events are a sign from above that you are not on the right path, and should, instead, spend more time with your family.

    To which Taitz’ family responds.. “No! We have a better idea!!!”

  8. Baker is my favorite, although Peter Davison was also good IMO.

    Greenfinches: what excellent taste you have Doc; the only true Doctor Who, for me, none of these later rapscallions…

  9. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Baker is my favorite, although Peter Davison was also good IMO.

    He’s the earliest Doctor I remember seeing, back when they had the show on PBS. Tom Baker will always be my Doctor.

    It amuses me to no end, that the man narrated Little Britain, which for the uninitiated is 120% extremely raunchy toilet humor. Consider yourselves warned! 😉 But the stuff you hear him say! “This show has ended a little earlier than usual, because a man is trying to take my clothes off, and I must ask him why!”

  10. My sonic screwdriver’s gone missing. I think I left it on Androzani.

  11. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    You know, David Bowie was actually asked to play the bad guy on that serial, but he had prior obligations.

  12. Found it. It was in the computer bag.

    Dr. Conspiracy: My sonic screwdriver’s gone missing. I think I left it on Androzani.

  13. roadburner says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Baker is my favorite, although Peter Davison was also good IMO.

    personally patrick troughton is my choice. he set the standard, though pertwee was good.

    birthday prezzies?…got V.I.P. tickets for the moto GP in zaragoza…yay!

    i’ll ask the other V.I.P’s if they have the information on the president that we’re still waiting for


  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    My favorite thing about the Pertwee years was The Brigadier, the most unflappable character in all of Whodom. Now there was a character who got better with age. Very much of the “Oh… Something apocalyptic is happening. *sigh* It must be Tuesday.” demeanor. Even in his later years Nicholas Courtney reprised the role in the Audio dramas.

  15. Kelly says:

    My daughters became Who fans with David Tennant, but have since learned of past doctors. In fact, my youngest daughter has seen every Dr. Who episode since its inception that has survived the decades. Tom Baker was also my doctor. Who didn’t watch Dr. Who on PBS on Saturday nights, along with Faulty Towers, To the Manor Born, and Butterflies??

  16. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I love how the younger Doctor Who fan base is going “This new guy is too old!!!”, in regards to Peter Capaldi being chosen to play #12. That’s how you can tell a long time fan, from someone whose only seen the revived series.

  17. Sef says:

    Greenfinches: what excellent taste you have Doc; the only true Doctor Who, for me, none of these later rapscallions….

    Ahhhhh, Jenna-Louise Coleman!

    I find it fascinating that “The Doctor’s Daughter” is actually the Doctor’s daughter. And I presume you all know who Romana II is married to. The saddest is that Sarah Jane is no more.

  18. Greenfinches says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Peter Capaldi

    I will always see him as Malcolm Tucker, and be ready to wince at the profanity as such…..

  19. Keith says:

    I quite like all the new ones. I buy into the whole regeneration thing. Each new Doctor is completely new, only the memories are the same. Some have more flaws than others, or are less clever and get into fatal trouble quicker than others. These Doctors, don’t last as long before regeneration.

    I’m half expecting the next Doctor to end up being Rory.

    But yes, the ultimate doctor IS Baker. Forty years from now, our kids may be putting Tennant in the same class.

  20. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I love how the younger Doctor Who fan base is going “This new guy is too old!!!”, in regards to Peter Capaldi being chosen to play #12. That’s how you can tell a long time fan, from someone whose only seen the revived series.

    Ha! I actually saw the very first episode when I was little. Yes, at the Belgian seaside you could watch BBC in those days, provided you had a good antenna, and the weather was not too bad. The good old days, when everything was free, if your dad was willing to climb onto the roof to adjust the antenna, for France, Britain or Holland, or just clean it. Instead of paying through the nose to a cable or satellite company, and hearing every year that the BBC is asking too much for the right to transmit their programmes, so they have to adjust the price of the package that includes the BBC.

    How do I know that I watched that first episode, even though the only thing I remember about the First Doctor was that he looked way too old to be a “cosmonaut”? I distinctly remember the Doctor’s companion, his granddaughter (!) accidentally “predicting” decimalisation when doing money arithmetic at school. And my mother and father claiming ardently that it would never happen, they had both lived in England for so long that they knew the English would never stand for it. Doctor Who got banned from our television set for three years as silly science fiction. No daleks for me until 1966.

    Two things that strike me as weird with hindsight: the first episode was broadcast between the assassinations of JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald, and yet that is not part of my Doctor memory, but decimalisation is (though I remember being told of the assassination when coming home from school). Also funny: whereas bloody foreigners could watch this, many in the UK could not, because of a power failure.

    Fifty years ago. Two anniversaries fast approaching.

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