Doc testifies at the Supreme Court of Bun Dogs

Last Tuesday night, as I have already written, the Supreme Court of Bun Dogs convened on Reality Check radio and convicted Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups of several charges. What I didn’t have available at the time was the photo of my appearance on the show. Here it is:

Dr. Conspiracy with a tray of hot dogs

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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38 Responses to Doc testifies at the Supreme Court of Bun Dogs

  1. richCares says:

    just need some Onions!

  2. CarlOrcas says:

    How many of those did you eat, Doc?

  3. I was primarily serving hot dogs, but I did end up with a couple of the excess.

    How many of those did you eat, Doc?

  4. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was primarily serving hot dogs, but I did end up with a couple of the excess.

    Good man! No need wasting a perfectly good hot dog……or two.

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Hot dogs today, cloning dinosaurs tomorrow. 😉
    Sorry, had to say it! In this pic you bear a striking resemblance to circa 1993 Richard Attenborough.

  6. JPotter says:

    That is quite a collection of dogs! I trust there was a bodacious “fixin’s bar” to boot?

  7. Keith says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Hot dogs today, cloning dinosaurs tomorrow.
    Sorry, had to say it! In this pic you bear a striking resemblance to circa 1993 Richard Attenborough.

    Well I think Doc looks like he could be my long lost secret twin brother, especially when we both have a hat on.

    And I get confused with Richard Dreyfus all the time. I even managed to sco… no, that’s a story for a different time, different blog.

  8. Yep, that’s him. I recognize him from the show.

    Hey, today is Northland10’s birthday.

  9. red-diaper baby 1942 says:

    Doc, I hate to say it, but that is just about the least appetizing picture of ‘food’ I’ve seen in a long time. The American hotdog is almost entirely devoid of actual nutrients, and any flavor it might have comes from outside; that’s why it has to have so many condiments. And the buns: starchy and stodgy, equally devoid of both nutrients and flavor, and a sickly white /pale beige in color. In fact, that is a picture of ‘non-food’.
    Is it stereotyping to say that this is “white people’s food”? If so, I apologize. But that was my first reaction to the picture. My own personal preference is for good traditional Mediterranean food, especially Italian and Provencal, but also North African. The former relies more on strong herbal seasoning, the latter on spices, but both are very good: full of color, flavor, texture and nutrition. Can you really say the same of the American hotdog?
    By the way, saw your post on ThinkProgress this morning!

  10. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    You’re not buying the right hot dogs then.

  11. The Magic M says:

    Supreme Court of Bun Dogs

    Anagram: “George Soros Bump Cut Fund”

  12. Rickey says:

    red-diaper baby 1942:
    Doc, I hate to say it, but that is just about the least appetizing picture of ‘food’ I’ve seen in a long time. The American hotdog is almost entirely devoid of actual nutrients, and any flavor it might have comes from outside; that’s why it has to have so many condiments. And the buns: starchy and stodgy, equally devoid of both nutrients and flavor, and a sickly white /pale beige in color. In fact, that is a picture of ‘non-food’.

    There is no such thing as the generic “American hot dog.” The quality of hot dogs is as variable as any other food. And New Yorkers would quibble with your claim that a hot dog has to have “so many condiments” – most New Yorkers are happy with a little mustard and some sauerkraut or cooked onions. A New York hot dog is quite different from a Chicago hot dog.

    It’s true that you can buy flavorless hot dogs on the cheap, but there is no comparison between an Armour hot dog and hot dogs from Nathan’s, Vienna Beef, Sabrett, Hebrew National, etc.

  13. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: It’s true that you can buy flavorless hot dogs on the cheap, but there is no comparison between an Armour hot dog and hot dogs from Nathan’s, Vienna Beef, Sabrett, Hebrew National, etc.

    Amen!! I like Hebrew National’s Jumbo Beef Franks.

  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: Amen!! I like Hebrew National’s Jumbo Beef Franks.

    Yeah, or some Nathan’s!
    I do love me some Hebrew National though. I got a taste for them, when I used to go to Texas via Amtrak every few months. I always hated when we’d go over seamless track though. A train ride without the “click-clack” just isn’t as enjoyable.

  15. I think you would have been even more emphatic in your comment had you actually eaten one of them. Pretty awful, and all I can say in my defense was that I had nothing to with selecting the ingredients, nor did I sample the dogs until I had finished serving everyone else.

    These hot dogs, however, were excellent after grilling:

    red-diaper baby 1942: Doc, I hate to say it, but that is just about the least appetizing picture of ‘food’ I’ve seen in a long time.

  16. I buy Nathan’s all-beef.

    Rickey: It’s true that you can buy flavorless hot dogs on the cheap, but there is no comparison between an Armour hot dog and hot dogs from Nathan’s, Vienna Beef, Sabrett, Hebrew National, etc.

  17. Lower your expectations. There were little packets of catchup, mustard, and pickle relish.

    JPotter: That is quite a collection of dogs! I trust there was a bodacious “fixin’s bar” to boot?

  18. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Yeah, or some Nathan’s!
    I do love me some Hebrew National though. I got a taste for them, when I used to go to Texas via Amtrak every few months. I always hated when we’d go over seamless track though. A train ride without the “click-clack” just isn’t as enjoyable.

    Amen on the “click-clack” also!!

    I also like Nathan’s but the only jumbo dog we can get is Hebrew National. There are some local brats that are awfully good but it’s not the same.

  19. sfjeff says:

    Now I am hungry for hot dogs.

  20. Daniel says:

    I usually buy good quality hot dogs, and then toss them in the smoker for half an hour before roasting them. You wouldn’t believe how much it improves the flavor.

  21. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Lower your expectations. There were little packets of catchup, mustard, and pickle relish.

    Ketchup? Don’t disrespect the dog.

  22. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I usually buy good quality hot dogs, and then toss them in the smoker for half an hour before roasting them. You wouldn’t believe how much it improves the flavor.

    Smokers make everything better!

  23. Keith says:


    Stop it, youse guise!

    I live in Australia you know. Australians wouldn’t know a hot dog if it hit them in the mouth.

    Hot dogs in Australia are universally ‘cooked’ in a bain-marie. They are then left in the bain-marie FOR HOURS. If there was any possible chance that the hot dog had any flavour at all, it is given absolutely no chance what-so-ever to find its way into your mouth. Boiling ’em is OK when you are a kid and want a quick hit (sometimes I zap one in the microwave even today). But leaving them in warm water for hours on end makes them smell bad and taste even worse. Eeeeeccccccchhhhh.

    Shortly after I moved to Australia, I had some friends over for a 4th of July BBQ and grilled the best quality hot dogs I could find (which means they were pretty darn ordinary) on my charcoal brickette Webber. People came up to me and said, “Gee, I didn’t know you could do hot dogs like that”. Incredible, but true.

    Remember the movie “Crocodile Dundee” from 20 years ago? Remember how he takes the woman on a tour of the Northern Territory, and shows her vistas from the top of escarpments, and teaches her to eat witchitee grubs (she says ‘Can you eat that?’ Then she take him on a tour of New York and shows him vistas from the top of buildings, and teaches him to eat hot dogs ‘with everything’ from a street cart (he says ‘Can you eat that?’.

    And remember the exchange where Dundee laughs off a would be mugger in New York with the line “That’s not a knife, THIS is a knife!”? Well, I first saw the movie in a crowded theater in Melbourne. When I saw the hot dog scene, I snorted, rather loudly for a theater, “Now THAT’S a hot dog”.

    Everybody turned to look at me for some reason. I think I went home with two cracked ribs from when my wifes elbow tried to collapse one of my lungs.

  24. Arthur says:

    Somebody over at Birther Report is mad, I mean, he’s SIZZLING, because of this hot dog business!

    “WHERE is Mike Zullo? It’s been a WEEK since the disgusting fake trial by Faggy and his fake suckup piece of crap minions! If anyone spent two hours making fun of ME like that, they’d be SORRY by now.

    “Instead of fighting back … instead of arresting Faggy for obstructing a LAW ENFORCEMENT INVESTIGATION … instead of doing ANYTHING to combat those loser no account dipwads … Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups seem to have disappeared!

    “That’s NOT the way to deal with a fake loser like Faggy and the other fake Fagblow losers. Even if you can’t arrest them, you strike back somehow, some way, or it’s like you’re admitting they WON! Honest to God, after Faggy and RC and Dr. ConJob spent two whole hours laughing their asses off at Zullo and Gallups, is the right approach to simply disappear for a week? Are they crying on their Wheaties or something?

    “The ONLY acceptable outcome is to arrest Faggy and Dr. ConJob and RC for conspiracy and obstruction of justice! Put them behind bars and see how funny they think THAT is! If none of them gets arrested by the end of this week, I’m giving up on Zullo and Gallups, I swear I am. I think I’m finally understanding why some people here are calling them Team Turncoat. I never thought I’d say anything like that, but allowing those punks to get away with what they’re doing is UNACCEPTABLE!”

  25. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    LOL, yeah I saw that. Apparently birthers think the First Amendment applies to them, and/or the kind of speech they agree with.

  26. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Oh no we upset the birthers again! Whatever will we do?

  27. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Pat ourselves on the back, then have a cookie.

  28. Arthur says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Oh no we upset the birthers again! Whatever will we do?

    Offer them a hot dog?

  29. I replied:

    Making fun of someone does not constitute obstruction, even if Zullo’s Posse (which for all we know is just him) were actually a law-enforcement investigation, which it isn’t. Since when does a REAL law enforcement investigation have to beg for money to operate? If it were official, the County would be funding it. They aren’t and it isn’t.

    Zullo and Gallups spent an hour on Gallups Freedom Friday show REALLY defaming Bill Bryan (Foggy) so badly that they were afraid to give his real name, and struggling mightily to come up with SOMETHING defamatory they could say about me, but failing to come up with anything except my name and a few meaningless “connections.” They spent the balance of the hour whining that nobody would tell them who Reality Check (RC) really is, saying they won’t accept any solid well-documented evidence from the ObamaBots unless they give him the name, address and phone number of Obot they know. Well, we all know what THAT leads to — shameful defamation.

    At the end of the Gallups show a week ago Friday, they said they were turning the switch on the Obots, and would stop wasting any more time on them. Follow your leader–we are of no consequence. Just keep saying that.

    The anti-birthers did put on a hilarious satirical show ridiculing Gallups and Zullo in return. They earned it. I charged Gallups with accessory to impersonating a police officer, because Gallups keeps calling Zullo “Lieutenant” and the Demarest NJ Police Department where Zullo reportedly worked 20 years ago doesn’t have any lieutenants.

    In the mean time RC is finishing up his report on the Xerox 7655 scanner, and the proof will convince even the staunchest critic of Obama that the Cold Case Posse investigation is an incompetent fraud, and Obama’s long form PDF is a simple untampered with scan of a paper document.

    Arthur: “WHERE is Mike Zullo? It’s been a WEEK since the disgusting fake trial by Faggy and his fake suckup piece of crap minions! If anyone spent two hours making fun of ME like that, they’d be SORRY by now.

  30. The comment you cited was subsequently deleted (or moved somewhere else).

    Arthur: Somebody over at Birther Report is mad, I mean, he’s SIZZLING, because of this hot dog business!

    “WHERE is Mike Zullo? It’s been a WEEK since the disgusting fake trial by Faggy and his fake suckup piece of crap minions! If anyone spent two hours making fun of ME like that, they’d be SORRY by now.

  31. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The comment you cited was subsequently deleted (or moved somewhere else).

    Really? I just checked (using the link I provided and then going to the website independently) and the comment under discussion was the first to appear.

  32. My bad.

    Arthur: Really? I just checked (using the link I provided and then going to the website independently) and the comment under discussion was the first to appear.

  33. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The butthurt over there is generating so much energy, that you can power Cincinnati for a month!

  34. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    The butthurt over there is generating so much energy, that you can power Cincinnati for a month!

    Interesting how the birther movement has fallen so badly. The fun part, for us, is that it is no longer a movement, just the butt of jokes. The Trial of Zullo and Gallups put them in proper perspective. I’m so glad they did it.

    Q: How many birthers does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None, they prefer to live their lives in the dark.

  35. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Is it bad that I wanted the mock trail to be like “Trippin’ in court?” 🙂
    I think one of the reasons birthers are so angry, is that anti-birthers are just so much better at satire than they are.
    The best birthers can muster are really crappy Photoshops.

  36. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Is it bad that I wanted the mock trail to be like “Trippin’ in court?”

    I wanted RC to introduce himself as the judge…

    Here Come Da Judge!

  37. Keith says:

    Arthur: Somebody over at Birther Report is mad, I mean, he’s SIZZLING, because of this hot dog business!

    From the ‘article’:

    Col. Allen West was on Fox News’ The Kelly File to respond to Rep. Grayson’s campaign sending out a fundraising letter depicting the Tea Party as the KKK. West correctly pointed out the KKK was started by the Democrats.

    Somebody should remind Mr. West that after the Civil War, the Democrats took a long time to reform. They sort of isolated the old neer-do-wells into the branch that became known as the ‘Dixiecrats’. If the KKK was started by folks that identified with the Democratic Party, it was the Dixiecrats.

    The Dixiecrats abandoned the party altogether in the mid 70’s. Remember John Connelly? He was the DEMOCRATIC Governor of Texas that got shot at the same time as John Kennedy. A few years later he was running for the REPUBLICAN party Presidential nomination. He was just one of the prominent ones that switched.

    It may be true that the KKK was started by people who considered themselves Democrats. But they have all moved into the Republicans now.

  38. The Magic M says:

    Keith (quoting source): West correctly pointed out the KKK was started by the Democrats.

    The same way the US were founded by the British, Mozart was German (Salzburg was part of the Holy Roman Empire when he was born) and the Christian faith was founded by a Jew. I don’t think the right-wingers have any problems with any of that.

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