If the Cold Case Posse ran 911

Posse: Cold Case Posse 911. What is your emergency?

Citizen: I’m across from the Party Tyme liquor store at 123 Main Street in Luptown. Two guys carrying guns and wearing masks just went in. Send  the police quick!

Posse: What is your name, address and telephone number please?

Citizen: My name? Look, I don’t want to get mixed up in this. Just send the police.

Posse: I see that you are calling from a pay telephone at 124 Main Street. We cannot determine your name and your address from a pay phone caller id.

Citizen: Jesus, there’s shooting! I can hear it. Two, no three shots!

Posse: We cannot send anyone until you give us your name, address and telephone number.

Citizen: [Expletive deleted]? Somebody could be dying in there!

Posse: We cannot send anyone until you give us your name, address and telephone number.

Citizen: OK. My name is Jeremiah Smith and my address is 123 Oak Street, Apt 4 and my phone number is 123-456-7890.

Posse: Thank you Mr. Smith. Is there anyone there with you?

Citizen: Yeah, my girlfriend. The masked guys are running out with a bag spilling money. They’re getting into a car. A guy is staggering out of the store and he’s bleeding bad! Send an ambulance!

Posse: What is the name, address and telephone of your friend?

Citizen: [Expletive deleted]? Why do you need my [expletive deleted] girlfriend’s name, man? The robbers are getting away.  It’s a black Ford F-100 truck license ABC-1234. I think the guy on the sidewalk is dead.

Posse: I’m sorry Mr. Smith. We cannot accept an emergency call unless we have the name of the person reporting the emergency and the names and address of everyone who helped them gather the information. We need to run background checks on all of you before we can dispatch emergency services. Please be advised that anything we find out of a negative nature will be held against you, broadcast (along with any negative connections and ugly speculation we can think up) on the Carl Gallups Freedom Friday radio show, and published on the Internet.

Citizen: [Expletive deleted] [hangs up].

[It’s] difficult to take information …, especially from sources who for the most part want to be anonymous.

…we are going to run a criminal background check on you. We’re also going to need to know others involved in helping you getting this information.

— Mike Zullo Oct. 11, 2013

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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67 Responses to If the Cold Case Posse ran 911

  1. john says:

    Don’t worry about RC. His identity is already known. Its the most trusted birther secret. Eventually he will outed.

  2. No, the most trusted birther secret is how much money Zullo and Gallups rake in from their marks.

    Don’t worry about RC.His identity is already known.Its the most trusted birther secret.Eventually he will outed.

  3. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: Don’t worry about RC. His identity is already known. Its the most trusted birther secret. Eventually he will outed.

    Any day now any day now. It’s funny how birthers make claims then never go about proving them. It really hurts your credibility.

  4. Arthur says:

    john: Eventually he will outed.

    I am R.C.

  5. Keith says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Any day now any day now.It’s funny how birthers make claims then never go about proving them.It really hurts your credibility.

    Hurts their credibility?




    It just doesn’t compute.

    Zero times zero is still zero.

  6. Curious George says:

    Believe it or not, there are law enforcement agencies that will ask for your name, your address and your date of birth when you call 911 to report a crime. So yes, there are agencies that will do a background check on you to see who you are and if there are any wants or warrants outstanding on you the caller. As we all know, Commander Z is not law enforcement. He is part of a non-profit public charity and is a pretend cop. He’s also not interested in anything or anyone who may “clear the president.” That was done sometime ago by the Hawaii Department of Health.

    And yes, John, how much money has the CCCP received from donations? How much money have you received?

  7. Curious George says:

    Keith, “Zero times zero is still zero.”

    The new math: Zullo times Zullo is Zero. Gallups times Gallups is Zero. Zullo plus Gallups is still Zero.

  8. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Don’t worry about RC.His identity is already known.Its the most trusted birther secret.Eventually he will outed.

    John, you’ve been wrong about everything else thus far. Why should anyone think you’re right about this?

  9. If John should perhaps make a statement as to who RC is, we really couldn’t accept it, without John’s name, address, phone number and the names, addresses and phone numbers of everyone involved in developing the information. And of course, there would have to be background checks.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: John, you’ve been wrong about everything else thus far. Why should anyone think you’re right about this?

  10. scott e. left a comment, but he’s banned so I delete it. The comment basically says that this is the most desperate thing I have ever written.

    On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is “not at all desperate” and 10 is “brimming with confidence” I guess I’d give the story a 5.

  11. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: scott e. left a comment, but he’s banned so I delete it. The comment basically says that this is the most desperate thing I have ever written.On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is “not at all desperate” and 10 is “brimming with confidence” I guess I’d give the story a 5.

    I wonder if Scott ever looks in the mirror when he says these things. His own writing is filled with nonsense claims and desperation.

  12. MN-Skeptic says:

    Doc, the only problem with your analogy is that it leaves out the first step, and I’m not sure how to modify your analogy in order to include that step.

    For all birthers, including Zullo, the first step is to examine the information provided to see if it supports their beliefs and disparages the President. If it does, then it is blindly accepted (see esp. Butterdezillion). Only if it appears to contradict their beliefs, or in any way support the President, is it rejected and ridiculed. At that point Zullo falls back on what he perceives to be proper investigation techniques and demands name, rank and serial number of the person providing the information.

  13. AROD says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: John, you’ve been wrong about everything else thus far. Why should anyone think you’re right about this?

    Why is it so important to know who the real RC is? I never understood that – how does that help their loser cause?

  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    AROD: Why is it so important to know who the real RC is? I never understood that – how does that help their loser cause?

    Birthers can’t easily attack an unknowable enemy. RC is one of the anti-birthers who shined a giant floodlight on birther stupidity. Without a name or address, they can’t harass or make threats to him.

  15. Kiwiwriter says:

    John, we’re still waiting on the big dig at Arlington National Cemetery.

  16. Zero times zero = Zullo 😆

    Keith: Hurts their credibility?

    Zero times zero is still zero.

  17. Daniel says:

    AROD: Why is it so important to know who the real RC is? I never understood that – how does that help their loser cause?

    It doesn’t…

    But they think it’s intimidating, which gives them a false sense of potency and relevance.

  18. Daniel says:

    Curious George:
    Believe it or not, there are law enforcement agencies that will ask for your name, your address and your date of birth when you call 911 to report a crime.

    However they won’t hold up sending emergency vehicles while they attempt to collect that information, especially if the crime being reported is a serious one requiring immediate attention.

  19. ArthurWankspittle says:

    Doc, the only problem with your analogy is that it leaves out the first step, and I’m not sure how to modify your analogy in order to include that step.

    For all birthers, including Zullo, the first step is to examine the information provided to see if it supports their beliefs and disparages the President. If it does, then it is blindly accepted (see esp. Butterdezillion). Only if it appears to contradict their beliefs, or in any way support the President, is it rejected and ridiculed. At that point Zullo falls back on what he perceives to be proper investigation techniques and demands name, rank and serial number of the person providing the information.

    The second Posse question should be: “Are they white?”

  20. Hermitian says:

    Well it’s an irrefutable fact that both NBC and RC posted a scan to PDF file from the Xerox 7535 which had altered objects which do not appear anywhere in the WH PDF image of the Obama LFCOLB. These objects could not be attributed to MRC compression.

    It’s also a fact that both Obots claim that the White House used a Xerox 7655 to scan one of the two certified copies of Obama’s LFCOLB and then posted the LFCOLB PDF image on the White House server on Apr. 27, 2011. However neither has posted even one scan to PDF file of the dozens of trials that they have claimed to have made on the Xerox 7655.

    The images that have been posted (purportedly from the dozens of trial scans on the Xerox 7655) consistently show that much more of the text remains with the background layer than in the case of the WH LFCOLB image. The printouts from PDF parser results also show NA objects which are likely the new objects that are not seen in the WH LFCOLB.

    All of the Obama PDF images that are Green background are very poor quality images.

  21. Suranis says:

    One of the birther memes and stock answers is that we are all too scared to reveal our true names so we know we are peddling a lie. Some of us have shown our real names, some haven’t. RC has chosen not to. Big deal.

    I do know he isn’t Rick Rockwell though. Though he might be a proffessor at the Miskatonic university.

    AROD: Why is it so important to know who the real RC is? I never understood that – how does that help their loser cause?

  22. JimmyJam says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: I wonder if Scott ever looks in the mirror when he says these things.His own writing is filled with nonsense claims and desperation.

    I doubt it. scott e has drunk the birther Kool-Aid so completely and deeply that he is incapable of self-reflection or insight on this (non) issue. He’s in the cult and only de-programming can bring him back to sanity.

  23. Daniel says:

    Well it’s an irrefutable fact that both NBC and RC posted a scan to PDF file from the Xerox 7535 which had altered objects which do not appear anywhere in the WH PDF image of the Obama LFCOLB.These objects could not be attributed to MRC compression.

    It’s also a fact that both Obots claim that the White House used a Xerox 7655 to scan one of the two certified copies of Obama’s LFCOLB and then posted the LFCOLB PDF image on the White House server on Apr. 27, 2011.However neither has posted even one scan to PDF file of the dozens of trials that they have claimed to have made on the Xerox 7655.

    The images that have been posted (purportedly from the dozens of trial scans on the Xerox 7655) consistently show that much more of the text remains with the background layer than in the case of the WH LFCOLB image.The printouts from PDF parser results also show NA objects which are likely the new objects that are not seen in the WH LFCOLB.

    All of the Obama PDF images that are Green background are very poor quality images.

    You need to get a dictionary and look up the word “fact”. It doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.

  24. I didn’t alter anything. I have no idea what you are talking about and I am certain that you do not either. I suppose you and Zullo have now raised the bar to the point that unless we produce a scanned pdf without having the original that is not bit for bit identical to the White House pdf then we have failed.

    That is how desperate these small minded conspiracy nuts like Hermitian and Zullo have become.

    Hermitian: Well it’s an irrefutable fact that both NBC and RC posted a scan to PDF file from the Xerox 7535 which had altered objects which do not appear anywhere in the WH PDF image of the Obama LFCOLB. These objects could not be attributed to MRC compression.

  25. The reason more text on the 7535 scans remains with the background layer is that when you are working with a printout of a the lower resolution WH LFBC PDF vs the original it causes more of the text to smear into the form lines. Anything touching the form lines gets plucked into the background layer during MRC compression. Want to guess what happens when you use a better original like say the AP JPG printed on to some green basket weave paper?

  26. Curious George says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Birthers can’t easily attack an unknowable enemy. RC is one of the anti-birthers who shined a giant floodlight on birther stupidity. Without a name or address, they can’t harass or make threats to him.

    Why do they need to know who RC is? Why doesn’t Corporal Z expose the identities of his super hero CCCP members? How many of them are former used car salesmen? Do they wear tights and capes with funny pointed shoes?

  27. We can declare victory on the PDF argument when we reproduce the White House PDF reasonably well on ANY office machine because the purpose of the exercise is to disprove birther claims that it is impossible. So 7655 vs. 7535 is irrelevant, and to argue otherwise is a diversion (born of desperation).

    Let me remind you of what Mike Zullo said in his July 17, 2012 press conference:

    For example, the pdf file released by Barack Obama has eight 1-bit layers and one 8-bit color background layer. This is not consistent with optimizing a document but is consistent with tampering. Were the layers truly the result of optimization, we would have seen only one 1-bit layer and multiple 8-bit background layers.

    The Xerox WorkCenter machines we tested do EXACTLY that, 8 one-bit layers and one 8-bit color background layer. That proves beyond any doubt that on this point Mike Zullo and his experts demonstrated incompetence. I don’t think that can be overstated. Time and time again Zullo has made categorical statements that just flat aren’t true.

    Now you say that the scans to date are of poor quality, but you would naturally say that and your personal value judgments mean nothing. Frankly, your saying that some artifact isn’t the result of MRC compression is laughable, given the number of times your side has said that, and been proven wrong.

    Not a lot of results have been published because those doing the work want an unassailable product, and that required a very good original to start from, something we now have. We’re not any hurry. You’ve already lost the controversy. Obama’s been elected twice and the birther movement has fallen into irrelevancy. We’re just tying up loose ends for posterity.

    Well it’s an irrefutable fact that both NBC and RC posted a scan to PDF file from the Xerox 7535 which had altered objects which do not appear anywhere in the WH PDF image of the Obama LFCOLB.These objects could not be attributed to MRC compression.

    It’s also a fact that both Obots claim that the White House used a Xerox 7655 to scan one of the two certified copies of Obama’s LFCOLB and then posted the LFCOLB PDF image on the White House server on Apr. 27, 2011.However neither has posted even one scan to PDF file of the dozens of trials that they have claimed to have made on the Xerox 7655.

    The images that have been posted (purportedly from the dozens of trial scans on the Xerox 7655) consistently show that much more of the text remains with the background layer than in the case of the WH LFCOLB image.The printouts from PDF parser results also show NA objects which are likely the new objects that are not seen in the WH LFCOLB.

    All of the Obama PDF images that are Green background are very poor quality images.

  28. CarlOrcas says:

    john: Eventually he will outed.

    To what end, john?

  29. JPotter says:

    Zullo911 forgot to ask Citizen for an affidavit recounting what he thinks he saw at Party Tyme Liquor.

    Those shots weren’t fired until someone swears it out for a notary.

    Response time must be measured in infinities in the Zulloverse. Witness the relentless “silence timer” 😉

    Hopw does Zullo even know when he awake in the morning? When Papa Corsi scrawls out a fresh memo assuring him it is so?

    A short farce waiting to be written: The Epistemology of Mike Zullo !

  30. The Magic M says:

    Reality Check: you and Zullo have now raised the bar to the point that unless we produce a scanned pdf without having the original that is not bit for bit identical to the White House pdf

    … and can be created by the press of a single button without touching any of the default settings on the computer while standing on the second floor of the White House at a temperature of exactly 21.5 degrees C and a humidity below 53% using standard office paper that has been proven to have been bought in DC.

  31. The Magic M says:

    JimmyJam: He’s in the cult and only de-programming can bring him back to sanity.

    You’d rather get the Pope to renounce the Bible or Tom Cruise to quit Scientology.

    AROD: Why is it so important to know who the real RC is? I never understood that – how does that help their loser cause?

    Because they still believe that some birther debunkers are high-level Obama operatives and that “exposing” them would give their cause more credibility (as in “see, it’s not ordinary citizens, it’s his personal anti-birther Czar and Joe Biden’s brother-in-law, so that must mean there’s something to it!!!!!!”).

  32. Curious George says:

    Doc, “Time and time again Zullo has made categorical statements that just flat aren’t true.”

    That applies also to the rest of the crew on the sinking S.S. Birther. One thing to keep in mind….Zullo, as a former law enforcement officer, probably was trained to lie, just as newbee cops are now trained to lie. Of course they never openly call it a lie they call it a ruse, which means fraud, deception or trickery. Doesn’t that pretty well sum up this CCCP fiasco?

  33. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well it’s an irrefutable fact that…

    Since when did birthers care about facts? When you’re not moving goal posts, you’re far too busy repeatedly screaming the n-word at the top of your lungs, and stomping your feet when you don’t get your way.

    But I’ll humor you, how is your so-called fact irrefutable?

  34. Sef says:

    The Magic M: Because they still believe that some birther debunkers are high-level Obama operatives

    Little do they know. Little do they know. …

  35. Hermitian says:

    Reality Check: I didn’t alter anything

    Then why did you post only the Xerox 7535 scan to PDF rather than one of your purported many scans from the Xerox 7655? Trying to throw Zullo a curve ball ?

    By the way what is the name of the person who produced and supplied the Xerox 7535 scan. How do you know that he did not alter it?

    So where are these new scans from copies that you purportedly printed on Green paper? These you’ve also rat holed ? Didn’t post any of these for Zullo ?

    I thought so. You and NBC are both very slippery guys. But you do know what happens to very slippery guys ?

  36. Hermitian says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Since when did birthers care about facts? When you’re not moving goal posts, you’re far too busy repeatedly screaming the n-word at the top of your lungs, and stomping your feet when you don’t get your way.But I’ll humor you, how is your so-called fact irrefutable?

    Well Dude ! No one has refuted my claim yet.

  37. Claim? What claim?

    I claim that there is a marble on my desk. Let’s see you refute that.

    Hermitian: Well Dude ! No one has refuted my claim yet.

  38. JPotter says:

    Hermitian: Well Dude !No one has refuted my claim yet.

    Your ‘irrefutable’ “fact” has suddenly been downgraded to a mere ‘claim’? Why the backpedal, Herms? 😛

  39. Hermie does that. When he is shown to be flat wrong he starts making accusations that people are altering files. That is what got him put on moderation at NBC’s blog.

  40. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Hermitian: [More birther side-stepping]

    Hey Doc, I think the Phantom Zone could use another denizen, what say you? If Hermitan can’t even answer a simple question, does he really need another chance?

  41. JPotter says:

    john: Its the most trusted birther secret.

    That’s the most trusted birther secret? I thought The Beeg Sekrit was “Mike”s last name 😉

  42. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I might be mistaken, but I do believe that John just outed himself at birther report. Posting a post very similar to the one he made here about RC. Oh, the irony.
    ” RC’s identity is the trusted birther secret.”

  43. Curious George says:

    Doc…..”Not a lot of results have been published because those doing the work want an unassailable product,…”

    The type of work the CCCP should have done in the first place.

    Andrew…..”I might be mistaken, but I do believe that John just outed himself at birther report. Posting a post very similar to the one he made here about RC. Oh, the irony.
    ” RC’s identity is the trusted birther secret.”

    I’ll bet Space Cadet Z and his CCCP asteroids are very close to Kerchner and all the other Birthers in F-Troop.

  44. He’s never gone to any trouble to hide his identity and it’s been known for ages. We just don’t talk about such things here.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I might be mistaken, but I do believe that John just outed himself at birther report. Posting a post very similar to the one he made here about RC. Oh, the irony.
    ” RC’s identity is the trusted birther secret.”

  45. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Point taken.

  46. This is because, duh, RC only has access to a 7535 on a semi-regular basis, and not the 7655. It makes no difference. RC did the scans himself, so no imaginary third party to blame. So go back into the ban queue where you belong.

    Hermitian: Then why did you post only the Xerox 7535 scan to PDF rather than one of your purported many scans from the Xerox 7655? Trying to throw Zullo a curve ball ?

    By the way what is the name of the person who produced and supplied the Xerox 7535 scan. How do you know that he did not alter it?

  47. Hermitian says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy
    October 24, 2013 at 8:00 pm Dr. Conspiracy(Quote)

    We can declare victory on the PDF argument when we reproduce the White House PDF reasonably well on ANY office machine because the purpose of the exercise is to disprove birther claims that it is impossible. So 7655 vs. 7535 is irrelevant, and to argue otherwise is a diversion (born of desperation).
    Let me remind you of what Mike Zullo said in his July 17, 2012 press conference:
    For example, the pdf file released by Barack Obama has eight 1-bit layers and one 8-bit color background layer. This is not consistent with optimizing a document but is consistent with tampering. Were the layers truly the result of optimization, we would have seen only one 1-bit layer and multiple 8-bit background layers.
    The Xerox WorkCenter machines we tested do EXACTLY that, 8 one-bit layers and one 8-bit color background layer. That proves beyond any doubt that on this point Mike Zullo and his experts demonstrated incompetence. I don’t think that can be overstated. Time and time again Zullo has made categorical statements that just flat aren’t true.
    Now you say that the scans to date are of poor quality, but you would naturally say that and your personal value judgments mean nothing. Frankly, your saying that some artifact isn’t the result of MRC compression is laughable, given the number of times your side has said that, and been proven wrong.
    Not a lot of results have been published because those doing the work want an unassailable product, and that required a very good original to start from, something we now have. We’re not any hurry. You’ve already lost the controversy. Obama’s been elected twice and the birther movement has fallen into irrelevancy. We’re just tying up loose ends for posterity.

    Well it’s an irrefutable fact that both NBC and RC posted a scan to PDF file from the Xerox 7535 which had altered objects which do not appear anywhere in the WH PDF image of the Obama LFCOLB.These objects could not be attributed to MRC compression.
    It’s also a fact that both Obots claim that the White House used a Xerox 7655 to scan one of the two certified copies of Obama’s LFCOLB and then posted the LFCOLB PDF image on the White House server on Apr. 27, 2011.However neither has posted even one scan to PDF file of the dozens of trials that they have claimed to have made on the Xerox 7655.
    The images that have been posted (purportedly from the dozens of trial scans on the Xerox 7655) consistently show that much more of the text remains with the background layer than in the case of the WH LFCOLB image.The printouts from PDF parser results also show NA objects which are likely the new objects that are not seen in the WH LFCOLB.
    All of the Obama PDF images that are Green background are very poor quality images.

    You slippery fellows never address any of my questions.

    Here’s my results comparing my B&W scan of my B&W printout of the WH LFCOLB to the actual WH LFCOLB Green-background PDF image. The B&W print was made with print resolution of 600DPI. The B&W PDF image file was doubly compressed and is approximately half the size of the Xerox 7535/Preview PDF file.


    Likewise here’s the same B&W image compared to NBC’s (and RC’s ???) Xerox 7535/Preview image.


    I did this work last March.

    I know a crummy image when I see one. Only a blind Obot would brag about the image quality of any of the many versions of Obama’s LFCOLB.

  48. JRC says:

    Hermitian, are you going into a meltdown?

    Address this point……from Doc C.

    “Let me remind you of what Mike Zullo said in his July 17, 2012 press conference:
    For example, the pdf file released by Barack Obama has eight 1-bit layers and one 8-bit color background layer. This is not consistent with optimizing a document but is consistent with tampering. Were the layers truly the result of optimization, we would have seen only one 1-bit layer and multiple 8-bit background layers.
    The Xerox WorkCenter machines we tested do EXACTLY that, 8 one-bit layers and one 8-bit color background layer. That proves beyond any doubt that on this point Mike Zullo and his experts demonstrated incompetence. I don’t think that can be overstated. Time and time again Zullo has made categorical statements that just flat aren’t true.”

    You can’t can you? So you start name calling, and try to obfuscate the issue by avoiding the central issue at hand. You say don’t look there, look over here. Because you have a losing hand, you try to change the rules. Aces aren’t the highest cards in the deck, they are only the lowest cards.

  49. Showing pictures with no explanation, and accusing people here of misrepresenting results are not “questions” and they don’t warrant comment. I’m deleting any future comments from you (unless I decide not to). 👿

    Hermitian: You slippery fellows never address any of my questions.

  50. nbc says:

    Hermitian is still unable to address how all the observed features are found in the Xerox generated documents

    He refuses to address these simple facts.

    Instead he claims that the overlap is not ‘good enough’…

    But fails to explain anything…

    He is just upset that Vicklund and I exposed his musings as poorly supported with facts and evidence.

    He served his purpose as his objections helped strengthen the Xerox workcentre hypothesis to such an extent that noone is willing to touch it.

    Without Hermitian, this may not have been achieved so in some indirect way, he has contributed to the demise of the CCP’s most relevant ‘evidences’.

  51. Hermitian says:

    Next you Xerox boys are going to claim that the Xerox capabilities include the detection of a repeating pattern of elements, the detection of a missing element in this pattern, the creation of a substitute element in a one-bit image mask layer and then the placement of that created element over the position of the missing element.

    And then the same Xerox also misplaces some of these substitute elements relative to the repeating pattern.

    Sure, when pigs can fly.

    [There are several news reports of the Xerox software substituting images that are similar, with the amazing result that it actually changed one number into another. Doc]

  52. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I might be mistaken, but I do believe that John just outed himself at birther report. Posting a post very similar to the one he made here about RC. Oh, the irony.
    ” RC’s identity is the trusted birther secret.”

    He didn’t out himself we’ve known who he was for quite some time. Only one person is that incredibly stupid.

  53. gorefan says:

    nbc: Without Hermitian, this may not have been achieved so in some indirect way, he has contributed to the demise of the CCP’s most relevant ‘evidences’.

    Yes, we should all be grateful to Hermie for adding to the results (even if inadvertently) that drove a stake through the heart of the CCP’s imitation of an investigation.

    Thank you, Hermie

    Seriously, thank you.

  54. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Birtherism had poisoned its own well. How deliciously amusing!

  55. Rickey says:

    Don’t worry about RC.His identity is already known.Its the most trusted birther secret.Eventually he will outed.

    Any day now, John?

  56. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    He’s never gone to any trouble to hide his identity and it’s been known for ages. We just don’t talk about such things here.

    I believe that most of us figured out John’s identity some time ago, but if he wants to remain “John” here he is entitled to it. As you suggest, he has left enough clues here and elsewhere that it didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out who he is.

  57. JPotter says:

    Hermitian: Next you Xerox boys are going to claim … [yet another expression of ironic ignorance]

    That’s fatally embarrassing coming from a poseur styling himself a mathematician to the point of abuses the moniker of an actual, accomplished giant of mathematics!

    … and brings to mind Clarke’s First and Third laws (if you can humor me for a sec and pretend Herms is what he always wished he was, a “distinguished scientist”):

    1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
    3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

  58. Hermitian says:

    JPotter: 1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

    Like maybe when he claims that the label (YCbCr) which is the default color space for JFIF files is unique to Xerox ?

    [I reviewed the discussion on NBC’s site. You have misrepresented what he said, and he already replied to you. Doc]

  59. JPotter says:

    Hermitian: Like maybe when

    If that’s what you’re claiming today then … yes, exactly! 😀

    Congrats on yet another fail.

    It’s always 179 in the shade in mom’s basement, eh, Herms?

  60. nbc says:

    Hermitian: Like maybe when he claims that the label (YCbCr) which is the default color space for JFIF files is unique to Xerox ?

    [I reviewed the discussion on NBC’s site. You have misrepresented what he said, and he already replied to you. Doc]

    Hermitian is wrong about so many things, the YCbCr comment so far has been found consistently in Xerox jpeg’s and not in others. I doubt that Hermitian even understands what this means, or why the finding that the same quantization tables used in the LFBC were found to match those generated by a Xerox.

    I just think that Hermitian does not understand these issues. He appears to be horribly confused on so many fronts.

  61. nbc says:

    Hermitian: These objects could not be attributed to MRC compression.

    Total nonsense, these objects originated from MRC compression.

    Hermitian is just upset that Kevin and I destroyed his foolish positions and that he cannot address our findings about Xerox and the LFBC.

    But he has been very helpful in building the case. Great job Hermie…

  62. nbc says:

    Hermitian: Next you Xerox boys are going to claim that the Xerox capabilities include the detection of a repeating pattern of elements,

    Hermitian has obviously not heard of JBIG2 compression. What a fool

  63. Monkey Boy says:

    Many moons ago, on this blog, Hermie intimated that President is illegitimate because no one has seen his birth certificate (untrue, of course).

    I then asked him which Presidents’ BC has he seen…I’m still waiting for a reply. So, I’ll try again:

    @Hermie: WHICH PRESIDENTS’ BIRTH CERTIFICATIONS HAVE YOU SEEN, just so we know which ones were legitimate.

  64. John Reilly says:

    Hermie is a racist troll who never answers any questions.

  65. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Monkey Boy: Many moons ago, on this blog, Hermie intimated that President is illegitimate because no one has seen his birth certificate (untrue, of course). I then asked him which Presidents’ BC has he seen…I’m still waiting for a reply. So, I’ll try again:@Hermie: WHICH PRESIDENTS’ BIRTH CERTIFICATIONS HAVE YOU SEEN, just so we know which ones were legitimate.

    Further how would someone not seeing a birth certificate somehow make the president illegitimate? Over half our presidents didn’t even have one.

  66. The Magic M says:

    JPotter: … and brings to mind Clarke’s First and Third laws […]
    3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

    My favourite version of that comes from AI theory and goes: “Any sufficiently advanced benevolence may be indistinguishable from malevolence.”

    (Referencing the problem that “jail all humans so they can’t harm each other anymore” may appear convincing to a highly advanced AI, and definitely appears convincing to tyrants, some of them starting out as benevolent rulers.)

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