I dropped by The Fogbow forum this morning to see if anything was up, and I noticed a few posts in defense of Foggy in the wake of some smears that appeared at Obama Release Your Records, and apparently on the Carl Gallups Freedom Friday program this past week (which I haven’t listened to). Frankly, I never thought to come to the defense of Foggy because criticism of him from the likes of Carl Gallups and Mike Zullo is about as meaningful as someone scribbling his phone number on the wall of poorly maintained gas station public restroom (you just want to get out of there as fast as possible).
I will say this: some of the best folks I have encountered in my life were people who had to struggle at some point. They are more effective and more compassionate than folks on average. I respect Foggy for being the man he is and getting through his tough times.
At the same time Gallups has been taking potshots at RC, shots unlikely to hit home since he doesn’t even know where to aim. While RC’s identity would be totally uninteresting if you knew it, I think not knowing it is a major difficulty for the Cold Case Posse. They claim to be this high-powered law enforcement organization, but they can’t even figure out who one little Obot is. In fact, all of the so-called investigation of the Cold Case Posse is just stuff that birthers feed them and that’s how they know who Foggy and I are. (Actually I was first “outed” by a commenter at the old Orly Taitz web site back in 2009, with some detail of my work history plus some nonsense. At that time the obamaconspiracy.org domain was registered under my real name.) They couldn’t investigate themselves out of a paper bag, and they have no backing from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, who regard the Posse as an embarrassment. So just as Zullo has done time and time again when he was in a jam, he got Carl Gallups to lie and say that they know who RC is but for some inexplicable reason, they are keeping it under wraps. It’s under wraps because if you removed the wraps, nothing would be there.
The latest fru fru at Obama Release Your Records is talk of an Obot mole. Falcon wrote:
Zullo appears to be asking for collaboration against the others using the info supplied by the mole.
Sounds like RC sold out the o-holes and went to Zullo after his cell phone meltdown and decided he had enough.
Fagbow – you have a mole.
Nate Spencer said:
From what I know Dr. Richard C. Rockwell is the best suspect. I believe that he has flipped over to the CCP and is ratting out the obots that are involved in the conspiracy. Commander Zullo is not ready to expose Reality Check at this time because he is working for the Commander.
But the Obots know who Reality Check is already (and it’s not Rockwell), so exactly why is Zullo keeping it under wraps unless it’s all a lie and he doesn’t know?
I can, however, confirm that RC has ratted out to the CCP the forger of Obama’s Long Form PDF. He told them it was a Xerox Workcentre 7655 multi-function office machine.
I suppose I should make some remark in defense of myself while I’m at it. Falcon wrote [bold face removed]:
Dr. Conspiracy / Fat Ass Davidson involved in Hawaiian vital records – sold software for a half a million dollars to Hawaii.
That’s simply not true: my ass is not all that fat—the weight is in front. I don’t know who provided the vital records software used by the State of Hawaii, but I know it wasn’t the company I worked for. Big software procurements are matters of public record, so I would presume that they wrote it in house. I wanted to look at a report on vital statistics systems in the US, but it said:
Due to the lapse in federal government funding, this website is not available.
We sincerely regret this inconvenience.
I have now been officially inconvenienced by the shutdown of the Federal Government.
I’ve now listened to half of the Freedom Friday broadcast, and I must say that they lied shamefully about Foggy and clearly defamed him.
As for what they said about me, it was mostly funny, with Carl Gallups totally unable to keep me and Foggy straight. They kept saying I was a navigator for Obamacare, when I’ve nothing to do with Obamacare. (Foggy isn’t a navigator either, but he does sell health insurance for Blue Cross.)
I would like to clear up a few points:
One thing they got completely wrong is saying that I had stated that I was never vice-president of anything. I’ve been vice-president of lots of things, including my high school Junior Class and the company I used to work for, for about 27 years (I was president for a few years). I have never said otherwise.
Another point that I was reminded of (this came up before years back) is that the company that bought the company I worked for apparently did sell some software to the State of Hawaii at some point–not software for vital records but for behavioral health—a different division of the company with offices in another state.
And finally, our company was a corporate member of the National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems, of which Dr. Alvin Onaka was the president for one year. I didn’t know that at the time, and never met nor knew of Dr. Onaka until I saw Obama’s birth certificate. I attended a few NAPHSIS annual meetings, but not one when Onaka was President. For us NAPHSIS was primarily a trade show opportunity and we were trying to sell software to the states.
Gallups wonders at the connection that the “ramrod” of the anti-birther movement should turn out to be connected closely with vital records software. I would turn that around: Is it surprising that someone whose career was tied to vital records software and birth certificates should become interested in the birthers?
Foggy seems like a nice enough guy to me, and he’s done more with this life than any of the Kooky Keyboard Kommandos at birther report can ever hope to accomplish.
Thanks for pointing me to TFB Doc, brought a whole new understanding of the kooks.
I heard most of Zullo’s segment on fact free Fridays last week. They’ve claimed for a long time that obots were of no concern, yet they spent Zullo’s entire segment talking about it. I heard Foggy call in. As soon as he mentioned how small the birther movement is now, Gallups became noticeably agitated and defensive.
Then of course he hung up on Foggy. Very similar to how he and other birthers blocks commenter on their YouTube channels. Censorship is the only way they can “win”. Cowards!
The Fogbow is a great collection of crowd-sourced information on the birthers. I updated my article to link directly to The Fogbow rather than to articles here ABOUT The Fogbow, and will do that in the future.
“Then of course he hung up on Foggy. Very similar to how he and other birthers blocks commenter on their YouTube channels. Censorship is the only way they can “win”. Cowards!”
Someday Birthers will figure out that they’ve been misled.
i was not allowed on the air after I asked the screener about the Rep Woodall call and why it was taken offline.
I have to say I’ve been blocked from almost every birther site I’ve gone to. Thus far:
Orly Taitz youtube
PPsimmons/Carl Gallups Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
Mark Gillar: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube
Birther Report: Youtube, site
Terry Lakin: Youtube, facebook
I’m sure there’s plenty more.
“Someday Birthers will figure out that they’ve been misled.”
No they won’t.
I really would enjoy a “Trial of the Century” between Zullo and Foggy. 😆
I can say with 100% certainty that a select number of individuals (Not Obots) know exactly who RC really is. And No, it not Dr. Richard Rockwell.
There are so many flavors of crazy available in the Birther Madhouse, that it’s easy to dismiss everybody in there as a loon. But Zullo and Gallups aren’t lunatics in the Birther Universe – they just play one in real life!
They don’t believe any of the claims of fraudulent illegality they have made against the birth certificate. They know no crime was committed by the Whitehouse in creating an informational likeness of the birth certificate that truthfully conveys the vital information which Hawaii confirmed matches the official birth information for Obama, recorded and stored by Hawaii.
They know they have NOTHING in the way of evidence of a crime that would be accepted in any legitimate courtroom proceeding. The County attorney in Sheriff Joe’s Arizona base of operations has already told the Birthers that none of their allegations have enough evidence supporting them to be actionable.
So when they say that they “think that Congress is the place to take this investigation”, they are really just hoping to find some nutter member of the House or the Senate, who would be politically willing to have an unwarranted fishing expedition and call it an investigation of Obama, just for the political spectacle of it all.
So truth is, Gallups and Zullo know they have no legitimate case, but are taking cynical joy from getting our attention by, no matter how incompetently, directly menacing our President in much the same way as any lunatic can get our attention by making, for example, all the residents in an entire metropolitan region feel unsafe, by randomly shooting people, i.e. sniping.
Their only power over us is the power of the lunatic alone. And sweetly, they know that.
The question is whether Mike Zullo knows or not.
I have been thinking about the possibility of suing Mike Zullo, Carl Gallups, the Cold Case Posse, WEBY radio, Joe Arpaio and Maricopa County for defamation.
While the monetary damages I would likely receive would not be in the millions, still there are some interesting likely outcomes of such a suit including Arpaio and the Maricopa County filing a brief denying any connection with the Posse’s conclusions, and distancing them in every way possible from the investigation.
Who knows Doc? I would put money on that he probably does.
Weel I ‘m sure KKKlayman or Failio or Orly would be happy to take on your quest for justice…. 😎
Defamation Cases are extremely hard to prove Doc. And it appears based on everything we’ve seen, you have not suffered any real and tangible harm.
John magically reappears to defend the Arizona Kid with 100% certainty. Would that include 100% court ready evidence?
“They know they have NOTHING in the way of evidence of a crime that would be accepted in any legitimate courtroom proceeding. The County attorney in Sheriff Joe’s Arizona base of operations has already told the Birthers that none of their allegations have enough evidence supporting them to be actionable.”
To save face they must dump it on Congress. “We passed the football to Congress. It’s now up to the Congress to run with it.” Then comes the tell all CCCP book. Chapter 1, “We did everything that we could and Congress dropped the ball.” Chapter 2, “Please send more donations to continue our great work.”
Not really. There is something called “defamation per se.” If the defamation falls under that category, it is not necessary to prove damages. One such instance of defamation per se is calling someone a criminal. That is what I am carefully listening for. Once Zullo or Gallups calls me a criminal, their little game is over. I will win three ways:
1. Maricopa County will throw the Cold Case Posse under the bus
2. I will have a judgment against them proving that they make false accusations
3. I will get access to the CCP financial records to aid in determining the amount of the award.
How much money are we talking about here?
I ain’t a legal expert, but they keep throwing around vague arrest threats, even through they have no power to do so. I wouldn’t be surprised there’s something illegal in that, or at the very least something frowned upon heavily.
And John, why are you back? Did your dominatrix not do a satisfactory job, so you came here for another lashing? There ain’t no safe word here.
FYI, Orly was at the “Million Veteran March” in DC this weekend along with the other nutballs.
Censorship on birther blogs made for an interesting discussion on the Reality Check Radio program last Tuesday (which I got around to listening to this morning).
I am sensitive to this issue because I do ban some birthers on this blog, and I occasionally delete posts leading up to a ban. Generally I ban folks because they post an inordinate amount, provoke a flurry of pointless discussion, dump their stuff on unrelated active topics, and most importantly, refuse to engage in the back and forth of a normal discussion or argument.
That said, there are many, many birthers who have commented here, and are not banned.
About the only place I cam post on a birther blog is at Obama Release Your Records, where I can post freely and without moderation. Some of my comments occasionally get deleted.
Big Money Doc!
another interesting sidebar,,,
So Doc, Are you willing to now expose the Obot lie that Mike Zullo is part of of the Maricopa County Sheriff Office and that when Zullo submitted his affadavitt to the Alabama Supreme Court he was doing so on the behalf and under the juristiction of Sheriff Joe Arapio and Maricopa Sheriff Office Contary to the Obot’s contentions that Zullo was just a private citizen who doesn’t represent anybody.
They would have openly accuse you of a criminal defense Doc. And they would probably have to accuse Kevin Davidson of a Criminal Defense. Doc Conspericy is a fictional character who runs a highly contraversial blog and therefore subjects himself to attack and accusation.
John dear boy,
Lets see, we have an ex-used car salesman and a “pastor” of a micro church in the middle of butt kiss feck off God knows where.
Total liquid assets, outside of Birfer Bux probably a couple of thousand at most
Maricopa County PD seems to have endlessly deep pockets when it comes to lawsuits against Ole Joe but I would expect them to very rapidly throw Zullo and the Klown Kar Pussies to the wolves and disown any and all ties to Birfin’. Maybe a case for facilitating, maybe not, that’s why lawyers charge beaucoup bucks
So, monetary return, not likely to be much at all…..however….
The case, if proven would also be interesting as Doc could then probably require the likes of ORYR et-al to pull down any and all posts and links associated with the CCCP where said defamatory comments lurk.
In point of fact he could also lay the same sort of requirement against the Mother of the Beast itself….Free Republic. Ole RimJob would have to scrub all the associated nasty little comments and links about Doc posted by the likes of edge919, seizethecarp, RedSteel, rxsid etc.
If they don’t want to play then……. 😎
Accusing of a being criminal would probably be too vague Doc. They would have accuse you of actual specific criminal action that is known to be false. So far, they havn’t done any of that. And again, to get any damages, you would have to prove how their accusations actually damaged you.
Someone can’t be a criminal without committing a crime, and crimes are specific. So to call one someone a criminal or to say that they “belong in jail” is basically a smear unless specifying the crime. Now you see how much of the rhetoric coming out of the Cold Case Posse (i.e. Zullo) is in the way of a smear.
Indeed the Cold Case Posse hasn’t accused me of a particular crime because a) there is no crime and b) they knew that if they it would be defamation.
That said, you are simply wrong. One doesn’t have to prove damages in the case of defamation per se.
Were did you get your legal degree again?
You are on the right course, Doc.
Zullo and Arpaio are particularly vulnerable, IMHO, because – despite their protestations – they are acting under the color of authority and, as a result, exposing Maricopa County to claims for their conduct.
You might want to chat with a lawyer about simply filing a claim with the county. As I recall that is required before you file a suit and, as we know, that avenue has been successful for others wronged by the sheriff and his hangers on.
Haven’t they already described you, and others, as possible participants in the “forgery” of the PDF?
If so they may have already crossed the line.
Well, the Cold Case Posse likes to have it both ways. When it comes to propaganda they wrap themselves in the cloak of the Sheriff’s office, they wear badges, they get Arpaio to front them at their press conferences.
When it comes to finances. they aren’t accountable to the MCSO. The have no police power. They aren’t qualified under the State of Arizona to be law enforcement
The Cold Case Posse is neither fish nor fowl.
My feeling is that if sued, the MCSO would throw Zullo under the bus in a moment, but one can never know for sure. After paying out $50 mil in settlements, Arpaio might not be shy about sticking with Zullo and paying out some more.
It’s that weasel word “possible” that lets them get away with it.
Your poor writing and Zullo’s lies and misstatements notwithstanding the Cold Case Posse and Mike Zullo have absolutely no police authority in Arizona or anywhere else.
Arpaio has already thrown Zullo under the bus with his explanation that the posse is a separate entity from the sheriff’s office.
I guarantee you that when push comes to shove no one in authority at the SO or the county will take ownership of the posse and its shenanigans.
Which helps explain why many so many commenters at ORYR seem to think that Zullo is a real police officer, working with Arpaio, and granted official power to bring charges and/or arrest Obama. No matter how many times they get corrected, they refuse to give up their myths about Zullo. Moreover, these myths contribute to birther angst, for they are angry and confused that Zullo hasn’t taken legal action against Obama. They actually seem to prefer being angry and angst-filled to being happy and at peace.
Here’s where you can get the ball rolling.
Alas, it’s too late for Zullo the Clown. I put him on trial yesterday in Orly’s infamous District Court of Bun-Dogs. Naturally, he was found guilty of being dishonest and insignificant. Judgment first, testimony second, opening statements at the end.
Then I sentenced him to be Mike Zullo for the rest of his natural life. That may seem harsh, but I feel he deserved it, poor bunny.
The court was 100% fake. The trial was a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. The District Court of Bun-Dogs is pure Theater of the Absurd.
But that sentence is valid and enforceable and can’t be appealed. Zullo the Clown is going to be a loser and a liar for all his days, and no one can possibly overturn his fate. That’s my final rulin’ on the subject!
I’m working with R.C. and we may hold a Show Trial on R.C. Radio tomorrow night, just to rub it in. Guy like that, you can’t mock him often enough, IMHO.
“They would have openly accuse you of a criminal defense Doc. And they would probably have to accuse Kevin Davidson of a Criminal Defense.”
A criminal defense? It would be best if you sent your law degree back to the local swap meet where you paid your $25.00.
I’ll look later but it’s my recollection that Arpaio and/or Zullo have been quite empathic about the PDF being a forgery and that whatever was done was illegal.
Lawyers tell us that the weasel words like “possible” and “alleged” provide little or no protection if most circumstances.
Actually the settlements were not approved by or paid by Arpaio or the SO. They are handled by the county manager, board of supervisors and the county’s insurance carrier.
I can’t imagine any of them wasting their time and taxpayer’s money defending Zullo and the posse.
Looks like you’re getting plenty of volunteers to participate. I am disappointed though…no one has volunteered to be the Prosecutor! You’d think that would have been the position most in demand! It will be good to see the drawings from the court artist! 😀
A couple thoughts:
First, the MCSO isn’t going to respond. Surprise! Second, the county attorney is conflicted and, beyond some sort of boilerplate response, I doubt he will say anything.
Politically the board of supervisors is the most responsive (read that vulnerable) component of county government.
But they’re not going to do anything until they have to…hence the need for a claim and possible lawsuit.
Oh, the humanity!
Say, Doc, seeing this practical and prudent advice to you from CarlOrcas, reminds me that Gallups and Zullo have staged so many rambling “Obama Fraud Case update” interviews on Gallups pretend news radio network, often confusingly derailed by caller questions from their own frustrated screwball supporters, that at least Zullo, who is Gallups intellectual inferior, likely has compromised the script and yielded to the temptation to put words in Arpaio’s mouth and exaggerate the degree of continuing support that this effort has from old, old, old, light-skinned Joe.
If you were to use the county’s web site contact format first and include in your pre-suit reasonable notification to them of a possible legal action to follow if they take no corrective action, an actual listing of some of the publicly uttered Arpaio-characterizing excesses their “lead investigator” has put out there in trying to cloak himself with the color of the Sheriff’s authority to add undeserved credence to his own (Zullo’s) statements about whether a crime has been committed by Team Obama and/or you, and SUGGEST that the Sheriff’s office should demand a correcting disclaimer from PPSimmons and issue one themselves on the county website, throwing Zullo under the bus premptively, they might just do it at no cost to you. I understand that you personally might prefer the respectability of a formal legal proceeding, but recall that the bad guys here, have generically lost hundreds of formal legal proceedings already, and because they are just a smear campaign, and have no legal basis for their complaints and allegations, are not chagrined in the slightest by the rejection or contempt with which they are dismissed and debunked by the legitimate legal community. Remember, they actually think one of the patriotic rock stars of that community, is the wild-eyed lunatic, Larriot “Call me Larry” Clay Man.
Consequently, Birthers like our own, John, here, are likely to see Zullo’s imagined power and credibility regarding this issue, less savaged by a unanimous negative SCOTUS decision than by a published note or one sentence press conference statement from Sheriff Joe, throwing Zullo and his hand-maiden Gallups, under the Church bus.
By the way John, what others here have referred to as, in effect, your mediocre writing skills, would seem to entitle you to start your own Birther blog and then you can add that on-screen button that will complete your transition from “Birther John”, to PayPal-toilet
I happen to know for a fact that RC is the only remaining legitimate heir to the royal throne of Scotland.
In addition to being wrong legally (“innuendo,” as the lawyers call it; look it up), john obviously hasn’t listened to the actual show because Zullo and Gallups repeatedly referenced Doc by his actual name and his moniker.
Gallups kept confusing Foggy and Doc, and Zullo had to correct Gallups to tell him that Doc and Foggy are two different people.
Same place he got his degree in English Composition.
I’m finally listening to the Zullo/Gallups Obamabot hate fest and what he says about Foggy is deeply disturbing in addition to being an outright lie.
I’m into the part about me now, and it’s comedy gold. I am accused of antagonizing Congressman Stockman by sending him TWEETS! They got me. I confess. I sent two or three tweets to Stockman. My momma didn’t raise me to send no tweets, by gar.
lots of brogues on that show… anywho, I found this: http://www.agci.org/library/presentations/about/presentation_details.php?recordID=17194
crowd-sourced information … I like that.
Well Doc, don’t you know? Freedom of speech and all the other rights protected by the Constitution are for “real patriots” only! 😉
Not sure what I listened to……a couple parts, as I recall…..and, you’re right, it is very disturbing. Then you look at the comments and it gets even worse.
These folks are taking “Obama derangement syndrome” to a new level. It’s really sick stuff.
The Art of Insinuation: Defamation by Implication
SCOTUS Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co. et al.
Florida Defamation Per Se
“In Mid-Florida Television Co. v. Boyles, 467 So.2d 282 (Fla. 1985), the Florida Supreme Court ruled that the state no longer recognizes presumed damages for defamation per se in lawsuits against media defendants. (Defamation “per se” refers to a legal doctrine which holds that some statements of fact are so egregious that a court will presume that they harmed the plaintiff’s reputation.) The CMLP is not aware of any Florida cases deciding whether a blogger or non-traditional journalist is a “media defendant” for purposes of applying this rule. In cases involving matters of purely private concern, a Florida court could still presume damages based on defamation per se. In Florida, a statement amounts to defamation per se if it accuses the plaintiff of committing a crime or imputes to the plaintiff conduct, characteristics, or a condition incompatible with the proper exercise of his or her lawful business, trade, profession, or office.”
OK, this one has me scratching my head:
I presume that the company I used to work for now provides an online demo. I didn’t know that.
At looks to me like the company that acquired yours doesn’t provide an on-line demo for that product as they do for others they sell. You have to register to get a demo.
Filling out forms on a piece of demo software means nothing. And, of course, it isn’t “Dr. Conspiracy’s website”.
There appear to be some resellers (?) but I haven’t found an on-line demo there either.
Ah, this could explain much, if his “lead investigation” consisted of eating paint chips.
Wrong again, John. If I had a dollar for every time you have been wrong I could treat myself to a very expensive dinner.
“Doc Conspiracy” is a pseudonym, a nom de plume, a stage name if you will. He is not a fictional character.
Do you realize that Lady Gaga is not the entertainer’s real name? Do you really believe that the only way to defame her is to call her by her real name?
And neither am I.
Defamation is fascinating subject and tangle of laws. I worked in the news business in a half dozen states and I was always surprised at how differently each dealt with it.
That said, it’s been a while since I worked in news and I’m hoping a real lawyer will jump in at some point and give us some idea of what the current state of the law is.
The Birthers have the intelligence of a box of rocks. This is just hilarious!
That is the case in most states. To sue a state, county or municipality you first have to file a Notice of Claim. The government entity then has a time limit (often 90 or 120 days) to settle or deny the claim. Doc might have to fly to Phoenix and submit to an Examination Under Oath. Once the claim is denied or the time limit is up, a lawsuit can be filed.
As a rock who lives in a box with several of my peers, I take offense to that.
This article has been updated.
This is a list of states which recognize “defamation per se”, or if you want to stretch legalese a bit, are “defamation per se states.” (It’s not correct to say that a state which doesn’t “is a defamation per quod state.”) There are states which recognize defamation per se, and six which do not make a distinction.
There is a deeper description below the list of states, which explains the historic distinction between defamation per se and per quod, and why it matters (or used to matter). It also provides the common law categories that current slander law is based on.
Alabama (AL) – Yes
Alaska (AK) – Yes
Arizona (AZ) – No
If I do anything, it will be after consultation with counsel.
Although courts have ruled in favor of bloggers and similar interactive content
providers as defendants,
courts are not likely to grant bloggers such great
deference as plaintiffs bringing their own defamation lawsuits.
Given the rising
prominence of blogging, the growing fame of individual bloggers, and concerns
about incivility in the blogosphere,
some bloggers will inevitably file defamation
or invasion of privacy lawsuits, either against other bloggers or against mainstream
news organizations.
In these suits, the same arguments that bloggers use to justify
a limitation on liability can be used to restrict a blogger’s ability to recover
damages for defamation or invasion of privacy.
I am not going to fiddle around with the format. It is from the following Law Review article.
The above references cases against other bloggers or the media, you can see the law is quite fluid.
Dr. Conspiracy: Were did you get your legal degree again?
BoxOfCrackerJacks U
Still beats the hell out of Orly’s! hehehe
Oh, I see I have a run-on sentence in my previous comments. Yikes.
Speaking of yikes on a more serious level:
A federal jury ruled yesterday that “The Amazing Randi,” a magician, defamed a Finksburg scientist by calling him a child molester but the panel did not award any monetary damages.
The jury in U.S. District Court in Baltimore found that Eldon Byrd, 53, the scientist, suffered humiliation, mental anguish, suffering and damage to his reputation because of the false statements. But the panel found that he was not entitled to any monetary damages after hearing testimony that he had sexually molested — and later married — his sister-in-law.
What a world…
I was interested in the number of times that Gallups and Zullo used the word “connections.”
Indeed there are a lot of “connections.” It was classic conspiracy theory language, rather than using words like “inference” that would be more appropriate to building a legal case.
There may be a difference as Zullo and Gallups were not discussing the Dr.C blog but rather the career of Kevin Davidson and his connection to Hawaii, Dr. Onaka, and birth certificate software while discussing President Obama’s “forged’ Hawaii birth certificate.”
“I didn’t know that at the time, and never met nor new of Dr. Onaka until I saw Obama’s birth certificate.”
Is Doc now saying he has met Dr. Onaka at some point? Why not just say you never knew of Dr. Onaka period until the birther issue came to light.
In one of the more humorous bits with Gallup’s co-host Brandon:
I did a double take on that, but I assume that my former company now offers a web demo of the vital records software.
Here’s a a nice slide presentation about the product (albeit a bit dated):
OK, here’s a conspiracy for you: the product demo page, presumably the one Brandon was accessing is now gone (links to 404).
That’s what I said–I just misspelled “knew.” I never knew of Dr. Onaka before I saw Obama’s birth certificate in 2008. I have never met, spoken nor corresponded with him.
Doc, in Birther Universe, Birthers’ neural connections might help explain Birther Think. In the sane central nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another cell, often another neuron. But in Birthers, it appears that signal is passed to another cell which is already dead. When the millions of such signals it takes to generate an idea are funneled through so many dead brain cells to emerge from the Birther as a complete appalling thought, we get the slippery oval building blocks of Birther logic, as over-applied by Orly Taitz , Tim Adams, and the Trumpeting Donald. Not exactly brain-dead, but unwell on their way!
So while Zullo and Gallups use the word “connections” to cast suspicion on their enemies, the real Birthers might be the biggest victims of the word, because whether neurologoically, they have too many or too few such connections supporting their hate borne thinking, one thing seems clear; when Obama gets into their train of thought, something synapse!
I say it might a fradulen slip Doc. So you did meet Alvin Onaka at some point after the birther issue came to light?
I would have to dive into some cases to see how far the defamation claims reach.
Did the demo allow the user to fill out forms or was it, like the others I saw, just a screen grab slide show?
Either way the answer to your question is simple: Obama did it.
All this just highlights the basic situation: making a fake birth certificate, or fake vehicle title (or anything except fake money) as far as I know is not a crime. It’s how you USE them that can be criminal. As long as you never try and “pass” the fake document no crime has been committed, right?
You’re right but, more to the point, using the demo software to create a form (usually on a standalone PC) doesn’t place the data into the vital records system nor does it stamp and certify it (assuming the person has security paper on which to print the effort) so it can be presented as authentic.
In other words we are once again dealing with birther fairy dust.
Brandon said he could fill out the form. The screen shots on the site are for the web-based version of the product, so one could very well have a live demo on the web that one could fill out. What seemed fishy, though, was that he said that he filled out the form for Zullo saying that he was born in Kenya. The standard product, does not allow for entry of “country of birth.”
No, I have never met Dr. Onaka.
Is that anything like a fraulein’s slip?
Well don’t waste time on my account. I finished listening to the audio and I wasn’t defamed. Some stuff was wrong, but not anything significant. They were freely using my name in the broadcast, maybe half a dozen times.
In contrast, they defamed Foggy in a shameful way, but they never mentioned his name. HE mentioned his name when he called in, but they never did.
Could you like go back and get your GED or something?
Sir Andrew,
My heartfelt apologies go out to you and your neighbors. I should have more consideration for the pebbles among us. I should have said Birthers have the intelligence of a cardboard box.
I think you just slipped in a big pile of fradulen, john.
Ask your doctor if Fradulen® is right for you. If you ask him nicely, he might a Fradulen slip!
He was probably working on the Birtherstan version of the program.
They don’t have to mention his given name to defame him. If I report that the Gotham City Council President is a thief, and he isn’t, I will have problems.
In this universe? I’ve seen Star Wars. I know there are lots of them out there. Hmm.
“I say it might a fradulen slip Doc.”
This guy has got to be Inspector Z’s associate. He ought to have his own comedy show. John, you truly are a funny guy. Dr. Fraudulen would think this to be a significant development.
Discernment is a good thing.
Any reputation loss he may suffer is not likely to be in the community he would desire to be respected by. I am ending an awkward sentence with a preposition but the point is hopefully made.
Scotty what does richard rockwell have to do with this site? Again you swing and miss
Who knows where he’s even pulling this out of. I’m not seeing anything for creating a birth certificate on this site.
Where did Doc said he ever knew Onaka or met him? Doc belonging to a vital records organization with thousands of members doesn’t make a direct connection to Onaka.
RC is NOT Dr. Richard Rockwell. That is a name that been orchestrated by Obots into misleading them in discovering Rc’s real identity. I can tell you that a select few know exactly what RC’s real identity is.
What part of “I have never met, spoken nor corresponded with him.” Don’t you understand?
Has Racist Jim Jilted him?
(screen handle italicize to emphasize a complete name in order to avoid confusion with similar names)
I assumed he’d come across Misha’s Kenya BC Generator from one of his links.
It does for conspiracy theorists. I’ve seen them make much more out of much less.
Yeah I was thinking that too but that’s not on any of the top links on Doc’s site. It seems that Brandon Gallups is just as bad a researcher as his father.
john woodman, for instance.
what is it about RC that requires such secrecy, that leads to him going underground. why would you let that nice old man (professor) in stoors take heat for you.
at some point RC will come back and introduce himself to the world ??
orchestrated by obots…. I like that. bomfordish.
just one more question that hangs in the balance.
As far as I can tell, Dr. Rockwell isn’t taking any heat. I’m not taking any heat, and my identity is known.
There’s nothing about RC that requires secrecy. He’s just a regular guy with a regular career, totally unrelated to the birther issues.
I do know from my own experience, that families worry that there is some lone nut case birther out there that would do some violent act against an anti-birther or their family or their property. Also I know that when I was working, I was concerned that my anti-birther activities might be misrepresented in such a way as to reflect negatively on the company I worked for, so until I retired, I tried to keep my real identity hushed up.
Foggy, who is probably the most-prominent and most-hated of the anti-birthers says that the only thing that ever happened to him was one nasty phone call. So I think that the concerns of anti-birthers are overblown. That said, I think the important thing for us to remember is that everything we do has ramifications for others (work, family, volunteer organizations), and no one is entirely on their own. Even our name being “out there” may cause anxiety for someone else.
You do know RC going underground was a joke to get you birthers riled up. Are you always so gullible Scotty?
How is RC responsible for birthers assuming RC is Richard Rockwell? This was your guys’ doing.
Your questions have nothing to do with birtherism. But hey you have plenty of questions we’ve asked you that remain in the balance. Why is it you can never answer direct questions Scotty?
Not neccessarily overblown Doc. I’ve known a few anti-birthers who have had their employers harrassed, their friends harrassed and some birthers have actually stalked anti-birthers. Birthers have shown they’re not the most stable people.
The main reason for keeping it secret is that it is driving Zullo and Giddy-Ups crazy. And John, nobody believes your claim that a few birther know who RC is.
That cannot be denied.
I’m pretty sure “Richard Rockwell” is a made-up name for Birther-punking purposes.
“Rockwell” is a hardness scale for metals and other materials, sometimes abbreviated “RC.” As in “RC62.”
“Richard” has a nickname: “Dick.”
You connect the dots.
You mean like this one?
There’s a Dick Monster who apparently works at Mars in the Netherlands
That’s what I find so offensive about your comments, and why I have you turned off: blame the victim.
RC is hosting his show and did so last week, and presumably tonight.
Were you not aware that Prof. Rockwell was a guest on RC’s radio show?
presumably. there’s a trial tonight right ? I apologise, I thought he was gone for awhile…. why won’t he defuse this name game kevin ? you did…
Actually, tonight’s show should be really entertaining.
The Fogbow Sitizens Clownsitutional Grind Jewry : the Trial of Mike Zullo
I hope you don’t mind Doc, I put you in as a Juror. Make sure to practice your “GUILTY!!!” verdicts! 😆
what’s the Skype address for the RC show ??
Yes, I am a regular guy and I don’t even have to take anything to be regular!
Seriously, Scott is perfect example of why there is no advantage to using your real name unless you were to choose to take legal action for some reason. Scott seems obsessed with knowing who I am. How do we know Scott is his real name or where he lives? I think I know his last name (I will not repeat it here out of respect for Doc’s privacy policy) but I an not certain I am correct.
I think it is safe to assume Birthers have a few screws loose anyway or they wouldn’t be Birthers in the first place. If you were going to look for dangerous individuals in a given population group I would bet that there are more per capita in conspiracy nut groups like Birthers than in the population as a whole. A number of really dangerous kooks since 2008 also turned out to be Birthers. Remember James von Brunn for example? A fair number also have run afoul of the law either before or after their time as Birthers. Walter Fitzpatrick has a long history of erratic behavior and is a convicted felon. Would anyone be surprised if Kessler did something really stupid and violent?
So Zullo will not accept evidence from me unless I give him my name to run a background check and give him the names of everyone else involved? Sure Mike. Any day now.
this seems like fluff… what happens when you are outed ?
no, I think you’re trying to sell me a false narrative.
Dr. Conspiracy: There’s nothing about RC that requires secrecy. He’s just a regular guy with a regular career, totally unrelated to the birther issues.
so the host of the RC radio blog that spoke to carl gallups and mike zullo is totally unrelated to birther issues. OK… I mean, we all have/had regular careers…
what I find interesting is john woodman described him almost word for word, the same as you, in an email to me. just a regular guy with a regular career…. hmmm doc.
Scott is busy posting stuff over on PF, about comments here.
He seems obsessed with ‘outing’ RC- for what nefarious purpose he doesn’t explain.
But then again Scott never actually explains any of his bizarre posts.
Did the sad little birther just use the word “credibility”? Seriously? Do birthers even know the definition of that word? That’d be like a bigot using the word “acceptance”.
what choice do I have j. this forum is hit and miss for me, so I use the back up to document my trail.
I think I’ve just scratched the surface with this RC thing. but he has risen to the level of prominent player in a public arena (one you all say doesn’t even exist), I didn’t do that for him, he brought it upon himself.
RC’s claim of my being obsessed seems pale in the light of the antibirther collective approach. perhaps more like boundless curiosity… lol you cannot have Falstaff, and have him thin.
I just spent quite awhile rereading my emails with john woodman about RC.
I have not yet heard back from stoors as of this posting.
Joe Mannix at OBYR makes a rather stunning admission: The Posse knows who RC is through research via the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office
If they used MCSO resources to do their research this would be illegal.
It certainly raises a lot of questions. You can’t just sift through government data bases like NCIC, driver license records, etc. without some official purpose….like a real, honest to goodness criminal investigation.
On top of that didn’t Arpaio say that no department resources were being used in the “investigation” (other than the deputy who got the nifty trip to Hawaii, and the cars and the badges and……oh…..) and then there’s the recent comment about the posse being on its own.
So many questions.
Well, given that we are talking about the same person, it doesn’t seem at all odd that we would give a similar description. My “unrelated” comment refers to RC’s career, not his avocation.
The Skype address is not consistent from week to week. You’ll have to click on the Skype button when the show is on to see what it is. It’s generally of the form btrlistenerxxx where xxx is a 3-digit number.
I had always though scott was a troll, just playing at this stuff to get folks acting like he’s important.
There’s that Joe Mannix guy again. It’s gotta be Corporal Zullo. What a cockeyed “investigation.”
Pretty much every thing you have ever committed to thinking or believing has turned out to be wrong. Consistency appears to be your only virtue… hobgoblin of small minds though it may be.
I was pretty confident he was referring to the Kenyan Birth Certificate Generator.
I never thought for a second he was taking about a real system demo. I mean seriously… what would such a demo actually tell a potential customer about the system?
If you say so, Your Royal Highness. I’m still waiting for you to assume your rightful place on the throne of Scotland at Scone.
Or am I confusing you with Idi Amin?
Well, there is some ambiguity about what “Dr. Conspiracy’s site” means. The site properly given that name is this one. However, there is at least a hyperlink that purports to go to a live demo on my former company’s web site. To understand why one might want to make such a demo available, you have to go into the background of the competing products in the industry that were evolving from a desktop application to a web-based application.
Deployment is the big hurdle with birth registration system having to be deployed to many hospitals, and death registrations to very many funeral homes. The particular vital records product being demoed touts rich functionality beyond what is usually seen in web-based data entry systems.
To use the demo Brandon would have had to have applied for and been sent a link with an id and password to run the software.
wow, i’m honored… hi frank.
all hands on deck….
is RC really joe mannix ??
I’d think it more likely to be one of Zullo’s adherents like Gallups or Volin.
You can buy those – used and with some flavor – in Japanese vending machines, John.
“I would turn that around: Is it surprising that someone whose career was tied to vital records software and birth certificates should become interested in the birthers?”
Well said!
I assume you mean Storrs.
Did you ever ask Zullo to identify the Arizona statute which was broken when Obama released his LFBC? How can he conduct a criminal investigation when he doesn’t even know which law was broken?
He’s not going to answer your question he never does
Can I be the clerk at the Citizen SCOTUS who slams the “DENIED” stamp on the case if birthers should ever appeal it? 😉
I think I know what you are getting at, but if Zullo and his ilk depend on you for legal advice, they may have another thing coming.
“Though state laws usually govern most defamation actions, when defamatory statements are published online, state, federal, and international laws could apply. Depending on the facts of the case, choosing where to file a lawsuit could become a time-consuming strategic decision. Usually, the most appropriate place to file an internet defamation lawsuit is the state to which the plaintiff, defendant, and third parties have the most significant relationship.”
I see now Charo already alluded to it.
And yes, by involving Onaka, they opened up the possibility of a suit in Hawaii.
I was a little surprised RC didn’t know nbc’s name. I think it was RC that said that, on Tuesday.
I know RC’s never been to Connecticut, but have you or RC or bill bryan ever met, talked to or communicated with that Richard Rockwell, from uconn?
RC has.
Sure he does. It’s “nbc”. And yours is “scott e”, just like mine is “JPotter”, righty-o, eh? 😉
Why would anyone have to communicate with Richard Rockwell since he has no relevance to this discussion?
How about you go back to Tracy Fair and ask her where she pulled Richard Rockwell out of during her “research”?
Did RC send Professor Rockwell a heads up that the Professor was about to be bombarded by nuts?
good question… dr. ken. and who is this nbc. if he has solved this issue, as you all say, why is he unknown even to RC, another unknown. i’m amazed that you all think it’s a secret forever, you all know how this works… eventually…
you guys and girls should be proud to stand by your work. if I had solved this controversy… well, you get the idea… too much cloak and dagger… which I actually enjoy.
Almost certain that the name came first, and the fellow at UConn was found later. By looking for the name. Poor guy. He’s about to come down with a acute case of Orlyitis.
And why would he have been there in the first place?
Methinks this almost sounds like an unwarranted smear against Mr. Rockwell.
I also do not know who RC is, seems fair enough to me. I need not know names to understand the value of their arguments.
Am I curious? Not really. RC is RC, NBC is NBC who really cares… I am not in it for fame or notoriety, just the facts…
Well, you’re missing out on one thing: going out to eat with a bunch of cool folks, sitting around the pool and wearing funny hats.
So the government shutdown cost the wife and me $160. Sigh.
If you somehow managed to actually prove that the president of the United States has conducted an elaborate hoax that has lasted five decades running without being detected by anyone in the world but certain keyboard warriors, I’d have to say, yeah, that’s something and sure, take a bow.
“Solving” a “controversy” by affirming that yes, a guy was born in the city his parents lived in at the time? I don’t think most people find that to be especially noteworthy. It’s not even “dog bites man.” It’s “dog remains dog.”
I wanted to add that many people, including NBC, have done some very insightful and noteworthy work, and I don’t want to minimize that — I just never got the impression that they were doing it to seek fame, as scott e seems to think they ought to.
It takes a certain mindset to solve this ‘controversy’ and it is not for just anyone. It requires attention to detail, an inquisitive mind, determination and an open mind. I am not sure if the average birther would have been able to stand up to such a challenge as many were too quick to jump to conclusions based on ignorance.
I doubt that people will ever get to know the identity of RC and/or NBC, in fact, as I have already stated, my only interest is to share my findings and see how people respond to the facts presented. The scientific response would be to rebut, the alternative is however much more fun to watch…
To me the lack of anything relevant from the CCP has been more than satisfactory as they are likely aware that they dropped the ball and wasted thousands of hours staring at birther blogs and other ‘investigative’ approaches… Thank goodness the failures were funded by the birthers themselves.
The CCP and its ‘work’ will disappear into the annals of history, never to be remembered and my work will thus inevitably follow in their path, keeping a dutiful watch over them while they sail of into oblivion.
It’s a lovely prospect really which fills me with pride and patriotism 🙂 What more can a southern gall ask for…
Well, you are right, the challenge was not as much in finding the truth, which was already known but rather to resolve a minor mystery where the argument from ignorance had misled some to claim forgery, until the gap was filled by knowledge and facts.
Just imagine if it had been up to the CCP, how an innocent person would have been accused of a crime committed by a copier… Thank goodness, nobody really took them too seriously.
You are describing my daily routine here Doc…