Obots crack birther’s greatest secret

Some days are more fun than others. Today is a good day.

A few weeks back, Carl Gallups on his Freedom Friday radio show said, during an interview with Mike Zullo, that the Cold Case Posse knows identity of the anti-birther who goes by the nom de internet Reality Check. RC hosts an Internet radio program called Reality Check Radio and writes a blog to compliment the show. Commenter John, who participates here and is also a frequent visitor to the Reality Check Radio chat room, has been claiming the same thing, saying that RC’s real name is known by a few trusted birthers, and that it was their greatest secret. Writing here, John said October 14:

RC is NOT Dr. Richard Rockwell.That is a name that been orchestrated by Obots into misleading them in discovering Rc’s real identity.I can tell you that a select few know exactly what RC’s real identity is.

Birthers rather embarrassed themselves using a series of nonsense connections to conclude that RC was Dr. Rockwell. John excuses the mistake by blaming it on the Obots. That brings to mind the quote from George W. Bush [video]:

There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

I don’t accept that Obots are to blame for the original birther mistake, but in any case, birthers should have used this as a learning opportunity–they didn’t, and in the words of Ronald Reagan, “there you go again.”

John emphasized the the secret nature of their latest conclusion on  October 24:

Don’t worry about RC. His identity is already known. Its the most trusted birther secret. Eventually he will outed.

Given that birthers are incompetent at investigation, I can see why they are deathly afraid to commit themselves and  be proven wrong again, hence the secrecy. John, however,  gave a devastating hint in the RC chat room: He said that RC’s actual last name was the same as the last name of a prominent birther. Well that caused some head scratching on the Obot side, and I personally did some searches on Google for RC’s surname (which I know) plus the keyword “birther.” I didn’t find the answer.

While I like to consider myself an insider, there are some Obot secrets that even I am not privy to–I don’t know, for example, JimBot’s real name, nor specific information about Obot sources in the birther inner circle. However, I have now been told the birther’s “most trusted secret,” the name that the birther inner circle MISTAKENLY THINKS is RC’s real name.

Now to play along with the game, I will also give a hint. To get the initials of the mistaken birther identification, take the initials “RC” and change one letter to one next to it in the alphabet.

I get the impression that the Cold Case Posse shares little secrets with people in order to make them feel trusted and important. Whether John himself is one of those, or not I cannot say. But I can say that we know the secret, and it is WRONG, like everything else the birthers think they know.

It may be embarrassing that the birthers have ONCE AGAIN flubbed figuring out Reality Check’s name, but in all seriousness, the birthers greatest secret is how much money they take in from credulous birthers like John. That one, I do not know. Yet.

Or perhaps, this article is Obot disinformation, realizing that the birthers have figured it out, we’re trying the trick them into backing off in their identification.

Update: as of January 19, 2017, the day before Barack Obama leaves office, the Birthers have still not given any indication that they know who RC is. The wrong name I was hinting at in this article is Randy Daniels, a name RC used when booking birthers to be on his radio show.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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92 Responses to Obots crack birther’s greatest secret

  1. The Magic M says:

    But I can say that we know the secret, and it is WRONG, like everything else the birthers think they know.

    I predict this will lead to some birthers claiming they intentionally gave out a wrong name (“it’s a trap!”), followed by some ominous claim that “your reaction gave us valuable information”(*) followed by “now we win!”. I’ve seen this often when cranks were proven to have been wrong; if they can’t bury it, they always try to turn it around and claim deliberate actions.

    (*) Just as an example, suppose birthers knew it had to be A or B, so they leaked the name of A to elicit the reaction “no, it isn’t A”, so then they’d know it’s B. Of course they’re not that smart, but they may try to sell this particular move like that.

  2. Some typos in the article have been corrected, plus a little spice in quotes from Bush and Reagan.

  3. BatGuano says:

    it must be tough to have “sad trombone” be the soundtrack to your life.

  4. john says:

    Well, Doc if its RC’s mistaken identity, why not reveal it. You not revealing his real name so there shouldn’t be any harm.

  5. The hint was sufficient.

    john: Well, Doc if its RC’s mistaken identity, why not reveal it. You not revealing his real name so there shouldn’t be any harm.

  6. john says:

    Are you now saying Doc that RC uses numerous aliases. Come on Doc, why not out a some aliases.

  7. john says:

    We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states. I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city. Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

  8. Daniel says:

    Well, Doc if its RC’s mistaken identity, why not reveal it.You not revealing his real name so there shouldn’t be any harm.

    Because that’s not how the game is played, John.

    Or do you think you’re somehow entitled to the name, just as you’re mistakenly under the assumption you’re entitled to every detail of this President’s entire life and documentation?

  9. bob says:

    We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states.I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city.Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

    Cobra Island?

  10. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I dunno which is funnier, John’s desperate floundering in this thread, or that Halloween pic I saw of Patrick Steward dressed as a Lobster.

  11. BatGuano says:

    We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states.I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city.Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

    RC is GI Joe’s arch-nemesis?

  12. truxton spangler says:

    We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states.I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city.Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

    Previously, you said his identity was known, but now you’re “narrowing down” and “guessing?”

    So is it known, or isn’t it?

  13. If you’re referring to Cobra Electronics In Chicago, there is someone by the name you probably are thinking of from there. Why don’t you run the name by Jerome Corsi and see if he knows him.

    Your hint, though, is too vague to be of use.

    john: We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states. I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city. Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

  14. No, I am not saying that.

    john: Are you now saying Doc that RC uses numerous aliases.

  15. Based on my sources, the Cold Case Posse thinks they know RC’s name, but not who he is specifically. The name is a common one and that alone doesn’t point to any specific individual.

    truxton spangler: Previously, you said his identity was known, but now you’re “narrowing down” and “guessing?”

    So is it known, or isn’t it?

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states.I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city.Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

    Do the three include where you live…..the State of Confusion?

  17. Jim says:

    Isn’t it wonderful how john goes through all this holier-than-thou attitude of already knowing who RC is, then continues on to prove himself that he hasn’t a clue?

    john: “We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states. I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city. Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.”

    john is the ultimate birther that we’ve seen for over 5 years now, the more they dig the more they prove the President is eligible.

  18. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: No, I am not saying that.

    Then Doc you have to be lying. Because if the name you think I know is not RC’s real name then it must be an alias. Therefore, you must be lying Doc.

  19. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    If you’re referring to Cobra Electronics In Chicago, there is someone by the name you probably are thinking of from there. Why don’t you run the name by Jerome Corsi and see if he knows him.

    Your hint, though, is too vague to be of use.

    your way off Doc. Didn’t you read G.I. Joe Comic Books?

  20. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    No, I am not saying that.

    Are you now saying RC uses an alias when talking to be people of credibility. Must be, if the name in question is not RC’s real name. Therefore, you are wrong Doc. RC does use an alias and you are lying about that.

  21. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    John’s desperation smacks of that old cartoon cliche of “Of course I know the secret, but I want you to tell me, so I know that you know!”

  22. gorefan says:

    We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states.I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city.Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

    Excellent, if they are the three smallest states by population then you only have about 2 million people to interview.

    Better get started today.

  23. I didn’t say anything about RC using an alias when talking to people. When I say that I didn’t say something, I am not confirming or denying what I know, only what I said.

    As for Gallups, he lied when he said he knew who RC is.

    john: Are you now saying RC uses an alias when talking to be people of credibility. Must be, if the name in question is not RC’s real name. Therefore, you are wrong Doc. RC does use an alias and you are lying about that.

  24. Uh, no. After my time. But seriously, RC is from Cobra Island? I thought (based on a quick scan of the Wikipedia) that all of the Cobra base location were fictional.

    There was a fictional Springfield, but I can assure you that RC is neither Abraham Lincoln, nor Homer Simpson.


    john: your way off Doc. Didn’t you read G.I. Joe Comic Books?

  25. Daniel says:

    We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states.I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city.Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

    What exactly is a “possible state”? Isn’t there just ” 50 states in the Union”, and “areas of the world that are not states in the Union”? Are there some secret negotiations going on right now to add Lithuania to be the 51st state?

  26. Daniel says:

    There was a fictional Springfield, but I can assure you that RC is neither Abraham Lincoln, nor Homer Simpson.


  27. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    As for Gallups, he lied when he said he knew who RC is.

    I’m absolutely sure he lied, I know this for a fact. I also know john is lying and hasn’t even a clue about what state RC is in. If he had a clue, he’d have named the states. But most of all, I know who RC is because…

    I AM RC!!! 😈

  28. OK, based on my conversation here with John, it’s pretty clear that I know the name he’s thinking of, and further that I have seriously shaken his confidence in it. Now, the difficult question: is he really wrong, or have I bamboozled him?

    Oh, the doubts!

  29. gorefan says:

    Jim: I AM RC!!!

    This sounds like a good idea for TV show.


  30. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Uh, no. After my time. But seriously, RC is from Cobra Island? I thought (based on a quick scan of the Wikipedia) that all of the Cobra base location were fictional.

    There was a fictional Springfield, but I can assure you that RC is neither Abraham Lincoln, nor Homer Simpson.


    Your still off Doc.

  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Pfft! Y’all have it wrong! RC is a Cybertronian motorcycle!

  32. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    OK, based on my conversation here with John, it’s pretty clear that I know the name he’s thinking of, and further that I have seriously shaken his confidence in it. Now, the difficult question: is he really wrong, or have I bamboozled him?

    Oh, the doubts!

    I doubt it unless RC uses aliases and in that case, I caught Doc in lie because he said that RC doesn’t use aliases especially when he talks to people of credibility.

  33. We’ve been playing a little guessing game with the birthers. They claim to know something, we claim to know that they know, but neither side will say. An impasse?

    No, thanks to cryptographic hash functions, there is a solution. I wrote about “Cryptographic hashing” back in 2011 and even provided some software that does the computation. Without disclosing the information, it is possible for both sides to publish a cryptographic digest of something and compare it to determine if both are the same. (Care has to be taken with upper an lower case characters and end of line delimiters.)

    With the instant controversy, I want to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt, so I’m not going to disclose the digest. They can.

  34. You said that. I did not say that.

    john: I doubt it unless RC uses aliases and in that case, I caught Doc in lie because he said that RC doesn’t use aliases especially when he talks to people of credibility.

  35. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    OK, based on my conversation here with John, it’s pretty clear that I know the name he’s thinking of, and further that I have seriously shaken his confidence in it. Now, the difficult question: is he really wrong, or have I bamboozled him?

    Oh, the doubts!

    What I find fascinating is John’s obsession with RC’s identity. If he ever figures out who RC is, what does he propose to do with the information?

  36. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Rickey: What I find fascinating is John’s obsession with RC’s identity. If he ever figures out who RC is, what does he propose to do with the information?

    Probably akin to the dog who catches the car he’s chasing.

  37. Sorry, I cannot accept that without the names of all the “people of credibility” with their addresses and contact information. I will also need the names and addresses of everyone who helped you develop the information.

    john: I doubt it unless RC uses aliases and in that case, I caught Doc in lie because he said that RC doesn’t use aliases especially when he talks to people of credibility.

  38. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Awww! No fair, Doc! You’re making John play by his own rules! 😉

  39. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: What I find fascinating is John’s obsession with RC’s identity. If he ever figures out who RC is, what does he propose to do with the information?

    Frog march him before a citizen’s grand jury and make him spill the beans?

  40. RanTalbott says:

    Daniel: What exactly is a “possible state”?

    Solid, liquid, gas, plasma. Plus, according to a “Nova” episode I had on in the background last night, a really weird one that happens near absolute zero. But it cost them millions of dollars just to get a few atoms to that one, so we can be pretty sure RC doesn’t live there.

    If it’s taken all this time for them just to figure out that RC isn’t a plasma, it doesn’t speak well of their detective skills.

  41. Joey says:

    I’m sick of all these games and I’m going to reveal RC’s real name, right here and right now: Barack Hussein Obama, II.

  42. RanTalbott says:

    john: We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states

    So, you “know exactly” who he is, but not where he is.

    Is this one of those quantum mechanical thingies, where every time you report an observation, it causes him to appear somewhere else?

  43. CarlOrcas says:

    I’m sick of all these games and I’m going to reveal RC’s real name, right here and right now: Barack Hussein Obama, II.

    Mr. Soros would like to see you in his office ASAP.

  44. MattR says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: You said that. I did not say that.

    I think you are misunderstanding John’s “logic”. He believes that RC’s real name is John Doe. When you state that RC’s name is not John Doe, that just proves to John that RC sometimes uses the alias John Doe to hide his true name.

  45. Sam the Centipede says:


    As a loyal patriot, surely it is your duty to publish RC’s real name if you believe him to be a threat to this great nation?

    We are not as restrictive as the Commander Zullo’s Cold Case Posse: we do not require you to sign an affidavit nor do we conduct background checks before accepting your testimony. So there’s no reason not to tell the truth.

    If you have RC’s name, tell us now… or was this was all a subtle ruse to try to trick Doc C. into giving out information that you don’t actually have? Oh, you birthers are so cunning, so clever, so versatile!

    I’m expecting Commander Zullo to take action quite soon, can you give us a date for that please?

  46. Who says that RC uses the alias “John Doe?” John has not established that he does, and I certainly never said that.

    MattR: I think you are misunderstanding John’s “logic”. He believes that RC’s real name is John Doe. When you state that RC’s name is not John Doe, that just proves to John that RC sometimes uses the alias John Doe to hide his true name.

  47. MattR says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Who says that RC uses the alias “John Doe?” John has not established that he does, and I certainly never said that.

    I completely agree with you. But in John’s world, it is a fact that RC =John Doe. He cannot accept the concept that RC might actually have no relation to John Doe. So if John Doe is not RC’s real name, then it must be an alias. (along with the corollary, that by saying that John Doe is not RC’s real name that means you are acknowledging that John Doe is an alias he uses)

  48. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: We’ve been playing a little guessing game with the birthers. They claim to know something, we claim to know that they know, but neither side will say. An impasse?

    Such tangled webs we weave. I’m reminded of this passage from “The Lion in Winter”:

    “I know. You know I know. I know you know I know. We know Henry knows, and Henry knows we know it. We’re a knowledgeable family.”

  49. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Who says that RC uses the alias “John Doe?” John has not established that he does, and I certainly never said that.

    However, RC has said he thought he MIGHT be John Doe #8 in Vogt’s complaint. john gets so easily confused, it’s hard to figure out which dimension his mind is in when he posts.

  50. MattR says:

    Jim: However, RC has said he thought he MIGHT be John Doe #8 in Vogt’s complaint. john gets so easily confused, it’s hard to figure out which dimension his mind is in when he posts.

    To be clear, I was using ‘John Doe’ to mean any generic name. I was not trying to tie RC to any of the John Doe’s mentioned in any affadavit or complaint (or anywhere else)

  51. I can’t begin to tell you how amusing I find this topic. That is unless I start having to pay income tax in three states. 😆

  52. Daniel says:


    RC, also know by his real name, John Doe, was found dead, once again, in an abandoned east side tenement yesterday.

    This marks the 13th time that John Doe has been found dead, under suspicious circumstances, this year alone in the metropolitan area.

    Sources reveal that John Doe has also died, many times, in all major cities, in all 48 contiguous states, and Alaska and Hawaii. In all cases the deaths of John Doe were characterized by local police as either suspicious, or as natural causes.

    This reporter wonders, as many of our readers do, why Mr. Doe keeps getting killed, who keeps bringing him back to life, and why no one can recall ever having attended college with him? If we can show that Mr Doe is the victim of many hundreds of Homocides, will this conclusively prove the President’s ineligibility? Experts say “No, are you daft?”.

    One thing for sure, the streets of America are no longer safe… for Mr. John Doe.

  53. Craig says:

    Fortunately via schroedinger’s taxes, there’s the distinct possibility that when the IRS looks for you in any of those three states, you may not be there.

  54. JimmyJam says:

    CarlOrcas: Mr. Soros would like to see you in his office ASAP.

    Damn. I need to work on my impulse control issues.
    “Coming Mr. Soros.”

  55. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:


    RC, also know by his real name, John Doe, was found dead, once again, in an abandoned east side tenement yesterday.

    This marks the 13th time that John Doe has been found dead, under suspicious circumstances, this year alone in the metropolitan area.

    Sources reveal that John Doe has also died, many times, in all major cities, in all 48 contiguous states, and Alaska and Hawaii. In all cases the deaths of John Doe were characterized by local police as either suspicious, or as natural causes.

    This reporter wonders, as many of our readers do, why Mr. Doe keeps getting killed, who keeps bringing him back to life, and why no one can recall ever having attended college with him? If we can show that Mr Doe is the victim of many hundreds of Homocides, will this conclusively prove the President’s ineligibility? Experts say “No, are you daft?”.

    One thing for sure, the streets of America are no longer safe… for Mr. John Doe.

    Good lord! RC has more lives than The Doctor!

  56. Keith says:

    Jim: I’m absolutely sure he lied, I know this for a fact.I also know john is lying and hasn’t even a clue about what state RC is in.If he had a clue, he’d have named the states.But most of all, I know who RC is because…

    I AM RC!!!

    Jim: I’m absolutely sure he lied, I know this for a fact.I also know john is lying and hasn’t even a clue about what state RC is in.If he had a clue, he’d have named the states.But most of all, I know who RC is because…

    I AM RC!!!


    I am RC.

    And I can prove it!

    I use my “real” name on my sportsfan site.

  57. Curious George says:

    john: We have narrowed down to where RC might living to 3 possible states. I do have a pretty good guess on one particuliar city. Hint – Cobra’s Home Town.

    John, how about letting us know who the parties are in “We” ?

  58. HistorianDude says:

    I know the name! I know the name!

    Doug Vogt told me!!!!!

  59. Curious George says:

    HistorianDude: I know the name! I know the name!Doug Vogt told me!!!!!

    I think I know who the forger is! I’m putting the name in an envelope and sealing it. Once Vogt reveals the identity of the forger, I’ll open the envelope and tell you if my prediction was right or wrong. John, we could save lots of time if you would just tell us who the forger is and I’ll tell you if you’re correct. Who is the forger John?

  60. RanTalbott says:

    HistorianDude: Doug Vogt told me!!!!!

    You probably shouldn’t admit that: he might try to have you sealed.

  61. john says:

    I don’t who the forger is but didn’t RC (Reality Check) run for public office?

  62. HistorianDude says:

    RanTalbott: You probably shouldn’t admit that: he might try to have you sealed.

    No. Really! He really did tell me!!! I didn’t realize it at the time though. I was all, “Who the @@@@ is R@@@@ D@@@@@@?”

  63. I do not know.

    john: I don’t who the forger is but didn’t RC (Reality Check) run for public office?

  64. That’s interesting. What was the context if you recall?

    HistorianDude: No. Really! He really did tell me!!! I didn’t realize it at the time though. I was all, “Who the @@@@is R@@@@ D@@@@@@?”

  65. HistorianDude says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That’s interesting. What was the context if you recall?

    He and I were involved in a brief email correspondence over the last three or four days, and he started dropping names for the purpose of making sure I knew he knew who all the Obots really were. Of course, he only proved he doesn’t know squat. His exact line was:

    “By the way say hello to Jim Johnson and R**** D******** for me.”

    Now we all know the idiotic belief (thank you Ed Hale) of Jim Johnson’s involvement with the anti-birthers. But all I could think of was, “Who the **** is R**** D******?”

  66. JPotter says:

    HistorianDude: R**** D********

    “Roger Daltrey?” … “Who?”

    “Rodney Dangerfield?” … “No respect!”

    “Rick Dees?”

    Oh, the possibilities.

    I keep thinking this goes back to the primitive belief—and pop culture trope—that true names have power (and therefore must be hidden at all costs!), a meme that served as foundation for the prescient Vernor Vinge classic, True Names, which has some hilarious parallels to this situation … uses of aliases in cyberspace, paranoia, government … and delusions of grandeur. 😉

  67. Curious George says:

    john: I don’t who the forger is but didn’t RC (Reality Check) run for public office?

    What do you mean you don’t know who the forger is? You’ve got all of these CCCP connections and you personally rub elbows with Kommander Mike Zullo and speak in terms of “we” as if you are part of the deep inner circle of the Klown Kar Posse. Well, who is the person of interest that Zullo spoke about on March 1, 2012? Certainly you must know. Is it the same person that Vogt alleges to be the forger in his sealed documents? Come on John, show us just how much you know. Who cares about RC’s identity? I don’t. Tell us who the forger is John. Show us how much Zullo confides in you.

  68. RanTalbott says:

    JPotter: I keep thinking this goes back to the primitive belief

    I think it’s a different “primitve belief”: a form of tribalism that has has spread from fringes of the right e.g., dittoheads) to become a (the??) dominant force in the GOP.

    Increasingly, GOPers judge the veracity of a statement on whether it was made by a fellow tribe member, rather than its objective verifiability. The closer they are to the fringe, the more important it is to them to attack the speaker, rather than the spoken.

  69. RanTalbott says:

    Curious George: What do you mean you don’t know who the forger is?

    Well, he did say “we know”, not “I know”, so maybe the birthers are like a “hive mind”, where the collective knows things that the individuals don’t.

    It could also explain why they almost all believe exactly the same bullshit, despite it being debunked.

  70. bovril says:

    I am truly sorry, however, John’s arguments are so strong that I must confess….The real initials are JC.

    Yes ‘RC’ is………..Jerome Corsi

  71. JPotter says:

    RanTalbott: I think it’s a different “primitve belief”:

    Well, I was thinking specifically about the subject of this thread, and a bit more broadly, about the birfers obsession with “outing” anyone who disagrees with them.

    But you are right, these tendencies are a manifestations of the larger problem, the groupthinking tribalism endemic among people who define themselves externally. They seek reasons to label enemies as Other. For parrots like these, conformity trumps truth; if you’re Not One of Us, you’re Wrong!

  72. ZixiOfIx says:

    Doctor Conspiracy said:

    Now to play along with the game, I will also give a hint. To get the initials of the mistaken birther identification, take the initials “RC” and change one letter to one next to it in the alphabet.

    So, starting with “RC”, the possible combinations making up the initials could be:


    Or, if they were reversed, they could be:



  73. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Who is RC?
    Sarge? No.
    Rosemary, the telephone operator? No.
    Henry, the mild mannered janitor? Hmmm, could be!

  74. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    RC is The Walrus.

  75. Not reversed,

    ZixiOfIx: Or, if they were reversed, they could be

  76. john says:

    I think Doug Voygt has knows who RC is too.

  77. I know for sure that Vogt knows who YOU think RC is. He spilled that detail. You’re both wrong.

    john: I think Doug Voygt has knows who RC is too.

  78. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think Doug Voygt has knows who RC is too.

    Well considering that neither you nor Vogt can tell your respective asses from a hole in the ground, I highly doubt that. You’re both idiots, the only difference is that Vogt is actually stupid enough to attempt taking his drivel to court, while you are just another keyboard warrior, trying to puff his chest out and look important.

  79. john says:

    Well, Doc please share with us what is wrong.

  80. Kiwiwriter says:

    John, it’s obvious who the forger is…

    It’s the guy you’re going to dig up in Arlington.


    john October 16, 2013 at 2:08 pm #
    I sent the following letter to the Arlington National Cemetery Administration:
    Dear Administration,
    When the government reopens, I am planning on taking a trip to Washington DC. I plan to visit Arlington National Cemetery. I am an avid treasure hunter and I am asking permission if I can metal detect on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Millions of people visit the cemetery and I want to metal detect around some of the green and the graves. I would promise to fill any holes I made and the administration can even keep an eye on me to be sure I fill in the holes I make at some the graves. I know this is an unusual request by I understand the National Park Service with approval of the President placed barricades in front of the memorials including the WWII Memorial denying Vets access to them. It seems this was OK with National Park Service and President so I don’t see why there be would a problem to allow me to metal detect around the green and the graves of Arlington National Cemetery. Thank you for your time in this matter and I look forward to quick response.

  81. realist says:

    john: Are you now saying RC uses an alias when talking to be people of credibility. Must be, if the name in question is not RC’s real name. Therefore, you are wrong Doc. RC does use an alias and you are lying about that.

    No idea who you consider “people of credibility” but if it’s a birther, that has to be ignored as no birther has any credibility.

    In addition, the critical thinking you demonstrate above is a typical of birtherlogic… completely wrong all the time.

  82. ducktape says:

    Just one point of quibble, Doc.

    “RC hosts an Internet radio program called Reality Check Radio and writes a blog to compliment the show. ”

    Did you really mean that RC writes a blog to say nice things about (compliment) his radio show?

    Or does he write it as more detail, material and context (complement) for his show?

    I suspect you meant the latter.

    Sorry for being a language geek, but as you know, we obots really like things to be fully accurate.

  83. Curious George says:

    john: I think Doug Voygt has knows who RC is too.

    John, still waiting to read your answer about who the forger is. Show us how much you know.

  84. Jim says:

    I think Doug Voygt has knows who RC is too.

    Bud: “Who is RC.”
    Lou: “Who?”
    Bud: “That’s right, who.”
    Lou: “That’s what I’m asking! Who is RC?”
    Bud: “Who is”
    Lou: “Who?”
    Bud: “RC”
    Lou: “Who is RC?”
    Bud: “Correct.”
    Lou: “I’m asking about RC!!!”
    Bud: “Calm down Lou, all I’m saying is who is RC.”
    Lou: “I don’t know…that’s why I’m asking you!!!”
    Bud: “I don’t know is the forger.”

    And another roundabout with john that goes nowhere.

  85. Daniel says:

    Well, Doc please share with us what is wrong.

    What’s wrong is that anyone foolish enough to believe the President is not eligible after all this time and years of complete and utter failure on the part of birthers, has no credibility in anything.

  86. Curious George says:

    john: Well, Doc please share with us what is wrong.

    Look into a mirror.

  87. Sef says:

    Daniel: 50 states in the Union

    I thought there were 57 states. Ah hah! Must be Pittsburgh.

  88. jdkinpa says:

    john: I think Doug Voygt has knows who RC is too.

    Curious George: John, still waiting to read your answer about who the forger is. Show us how much you know.

    There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know.
    There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don’t know.

    Well that explains everything….

  89. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    HistorianDude: I was all, “Who the @@@@is R@@@@ D@@@@@@?”

    That was my reaction, too. I even Googled the name. Can you even begin to guess how many @@@@ing “R@@@@ D@@@@@@” there are?

  90. Suranis says:

    Yeah, but how many R@@@@@ D@@@@@@@ are members of a white house special operations unit for the protection of the SECRET.

    My reaction when I saw that was puzzlement but I figured I had hust missed something. One of my failings as an investigator is my humility.


  91. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well, I just talked to Ms. Swan, and she told me that RC “Look like a man”, so we have a positive visual ID!

  92. Dave B. says:

    Is there no limit to the depth of this well?

    Well, Doc etc., etc., etc., etc.

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