Taitz: Send my ‘zibbits to Angela Merkel

Orly Taitz has asked [link to Taitz web site] her web readers to send a 16.9 MB PDF file to Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, and the other 35 (34?) world leaders who had their phone calls intercepted by the NSA. The file contains a compendium of birther claims about Barack Obama along with 169 pages of “Exhibits”: affidavits, unreadable photocopies, unredacted social-security numbers, FOIA pages on Obama’s mother, tax returns and assorted floor sweepings. Don’t ask me why Taitz can’t send the damned thing herself.

Orly logic goes, I guess, Angela Merkel is ticked at Obama for listening to her phone calls, therefore Merkel will buy into every nut case allegation Orly Taitz sends her (or more precisely her web readers send her).

Is Merkel and the other world leaders supposed to create a military alliance and invade the US to depose Obama and enthrone Orly Taitz queen? She never explains WHY her readers are supposed to send the file. Maybe she doesn’t need a reason.

NSA + world leaders = shiny objects

I am uniquely the person to exercise moral power above government, as in Queen of England.1

— Orly Taitz (2010)

1Taitz didn’t really say that. It was an April Fools joke.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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13 Responses to Taitz: Send my ‘zibbits to Angela Merkel

  1. Curious George says:

    Oh brother! It never ends.

  2. Bonsall Obot says:

    Do these people have no one who loves them enough to tell them they need help? How unutterably sad.

  3. The European says:

    To end my trolling on this topic here:

    Angela, mother of all Germans, is not merely ticked at the NSA and the people responsible – one of those may be Pres. Obama – but pis..ed all over.

    Call her naive. But she somehow believed in something like trust. She will never again trust the US. And she will still be around when Hillary finishes her second term.

  4. Keith says:

    Perhaps the plan is, that since the NSA is reading everyone elses mail, if she can plant her stuff in that mail stream the NSA will read it and recognize the awful truth.

    Then the frog marching can begin.

  5. Keith says:

    The European: Call her naive. But she somehow believed in something like trust. She will never again trust the US. And she will still be around when Hillary finishes her second term.

    Angela Merkel strikes me as anything BUT naive.

    She certainly HAS to make it sound like she is offended, and perhaps she actually is, but I expect she knows that she and every other leader of every country on the planet is going to be a ‘person of interest’ to US Intelligence.

    German intelligence would be wanting to do the same thing to every other world leader, as would British intelligence, Russian intelligence, French intelligence, Chinese intelligence…

    Everyone is duty bound to say ‘no sir, uh uh, we don’t do that’ and object when spying is found out about; but no one is naive enough to think that the world is the Good Ship Lollipop.

  6. The Magic M says:

    Is Merkel and the other world leaders supposed to create a military alliance and invade the US to depose Obama and enthrone Orly Taitz queen?

    The calls among the birthers for foreign countries to help oust the usurper, including sic’ing the KGB on him, are becoming more frequent.
    Not long and they will openly support an Iranian nuclear strike on Washington.

    Keith: She certainly HAS to make it sound like she is offended, and perhaps she actually is, but I expect she knows that she and every other leader of every country on the planet is going to be a ‘person of interest’ to US Intelligence.

    Precisely. The whole NSA matter was downplayed by the German government – it was a hoot when Ronald Pofalla, Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery, publically declared the issue “settled and moot” – when it first came out, but of course they knew that they weren’t exempt from being spied on.
    Of course it comes across kinda bigoted to evoke the impression that now, when she’s personally affected, she suddenly starts to care.

    This one went viral:

    (Translation: “And Merkel actually believed she’s the only German we’re not spying on…”)

  7. Lupin says:

    I’m not sure how public this is, but it came out yesterday (in hushed whispers as the saying goes) that the NSA had already tried to crack into the Elysee (French white house) servers in 2011 but had been thwarted by French counterintelligence. This so-called “cyberattack” was the subject of some kind of hushed diplomatic protests by the French to the White House.

    I don’t think Obama in particular is being held responsible, other than due to the fact that he is the President, of course. The US no matter who’s in charge is increasingly seen by many not as much as an ally but as a rogue nation that ought to be contained.

    Despite the “you do it too” attitude, there are actually real-world consequences to stepping wildly outside the unwritten rules that govern, this sort of things between allies. One is that the European Parliament voted two days ago to instruct the EU commission to stop swapping banking data with the US unless the US Government could produce and put into place some kind of acceptable policy (sort of like an international FISA Court) regarding electronic intelligence gathering before the end of the year.

    In the end what was more important to fight terrorism: randomly spy on millions of Europeans including heads of state or datamine international money transfers?

    In the same fashion as your Administration couldn’t get the website of Obama’s signature policy working in time, or the Pentagon wasted billions of $$ in Iraq, your NSA shoots itself regularly in the foot.

    I’m sure the world will muddle through this, but reflect on the distance traveled when in the 60s during the Cuban Missile Crisis, General de Gaulle (French prtesident then) told the US Ambassador that he didn’t need to see any evidence because the word of the US president (JFK) was good enough for him.

    The loss of that kind of goodwill is probably more hurtful to your country than all the gains made by dickish policies.

  8. The European says:

    Keith: Angela Merkel strikes me as anything BUT naive.

    She certainly HAS to make it sound like she is offended, and perhaps she actually is, but I expect she knows that she and every other leader of every country on the planet is going to be a ‘person of interest’ to US Intelligence.

    German intelligence would be wanting to do the same thing to every other world leader, as would British intelligence, Russian intelligence, French intelligence, Chinese intelligence…

    Everyone is duty bound to say ‘no sir, uh uh, we don’t do that’ and object when spying is found out about; but no one is naive enough to think that the world is the Good Ship Lollipop.

    Keith, what would be your reaction if the Germans or the French had in their Washington embassies set up a huge system to survey the phone traffic and listened to Pres. Obama chatter with Michelle ? That’s what the US does in Berlin (well, there it is Mrs. Merkel and her hubby actually).

  9. Personally, I would not so much as bat an eyebrow and it would not surprise me in the least if they had not already tried (and perhaps succeeded).

    The European: Keith, what would be your reaction if the Germans or the French had in their Washington embassies set up a huge system to survey the phone traffic and listened to Pres. Obama chatter with Michelle ?

  10. The European says:

    And you think the US would let them do that ? It needs a lot of people and equipment. Even under diplomatic rules not to hide.

    BTW, iI visited Oslo / Norway a few weeks ago. The US are building a new embassy there – a ridiculous large complex for such a small country.

  11. Keith says:

    The European: Keith, what would be your reaction if the Germans or the French had in their Washington embassies set up a huge system to survey the phone traffic and listened to Pres. Obama chatter with Michelle ? That’s what the US does in Berlin (well, there it is Mrs. Merkel and her hubby actually).

    I wouldn’t like it. But I am not naive enough to think that they don’t try. What do you think spies do for a living?

    The European: And you think the US would let them do that ? It needs a lot of people and equipment. Even under diplomatic rules not to hide.

    Of course not. They would protest. Of course in the normal case it isn’t broadcast all over the interwebs. This is only blowing up in public because of the ‘whistleblower’ releases.

    BTW, iI visited Oslo / Norway a few weeks ago. The US are building a new embassy there – a ridiculous large complex for such a small country.

    Norway is in an extremely strategic location. You should see the size of the US Embassy in Timor Leste.

  12. Monkey Boy says:

    The Magic M: The calls among the birthers for foreign countries to help oust the usurper, including sic’ing the KGB on him, are becoming more frequent.

    Isn’t that why Charles Stuart was executed?? Calling for and conspiring for a foreign invasion to depose a government not to his liking?

  13. RanTalbott says:

    Yessirree, nothing encourages people to rush to your aid like dropping a couple hundred gigabytes of spam into their inboxes…

    Do you think this attempted DDOS attack could get the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation declared a “terrorist organization”?

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