Tube thwarts Taitz

In a recent article, birther activist Orly Taitz accused YouTube [link to Taitz web site] of blocking the view counter on her videos to make it appear that she has no support. The evidence against YouTube seems to be that the counter on her video shows that Taitz has no support.

Times are tough in the birther business.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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62 Responses to Tube thwarts Taitz

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    *face palm* She literally too stupid to be allowed to live. I’ve seen stupid on the internet, but she takes the cake.

  2. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    She’s going to try to subpoena youtube and take them to court. Eh at least it gets her off the birther nonsense for a bit

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Here’s hoping they sue her out of existence. They have the money to do it.

  4. justlw says:

    Orly’s Law: If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Obama.

  5. SueDB says:

    With the government shut-down and the possibility that the Social Security Checks could be delayed, the Flying Monkeys are having to conserve their cash rather than flushing them down the rabbit hole as “Birther Buck$”.

  6. Dave says:

    There have been so many high points to Taitz’s blogging career. There was the time a supporter sent mail to Taitz’s gmail, only to have it bounce. The agitated supporter then got it to Taitz by some other means, and Taitz wrote a post about Google attacking her by bouncing her email. The post pointed out that Soros’s nephew is on the Google board of directors, QED.

    The post included the email message in question, where it was quite evident that the email address had a typo.

    This is the only case I’m aware of where Taitz deleted a post.

  7. Bob says:

    Victoria Jackson + Charles Manson = Orly Taitz

  8. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Victoria Jackson + Charles Manson = Orly Taitz

    I can’t get behind that comparison!
    The difference between Victoria Jackson and Taitz, is that at one point, Victoria Jackson was actually close to being considered as remotely relevant.(Her days as an SNL C-lister.)

  9. Rickey says:

    I would rather have a root canal than sit through an Orly Taitz video. That is, as long as the dentist isn’t Orly Taitz.

  10. bob says:

    This is the only case I’m aware of where Taitz deleted a post.

    Taitz recently posted chain e-mail about the explosion of executive orders issued by Obama. It was easily and quickly debunked, and Taitz took down the original post.

  11. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    I haven’t watched an Orly video in ages.
    I couldn’t get through 2 minutes of these newer ones.

  12. JPotter says:

    Orly posts to YouTube?

    I literally (seriously!) had no idea.

    If the people who have a sick fascination with her—who like to laugh at her—have no idea what she’s doing, how does she expect anyone else to?

  13. Bob says:

    Tonight Orly is giving a talk at a Denny’s in Huntington Beach.

    ❝Currently, Dr. Taitz has eight different cases against Obama going on. She will inform us as to what she is doing in each case, and in addition, will be speaking about the current manipulations occurring in the Department of the Treasury.❞

    Can you feel the excitement?

  14. Daniel says:

    Tonight Orly is giving a talk at a Denny’s in Huntington Beach.

    ❝Currently, Dr. Taitz has eight different cases against Obama going on. She will inform us as to what she is doing in each case, and in addition, will be speaking about the current manipulations occurring in the Department of the Treasury.❞

    Can you feel the excitement?

    “It’s likely to be a very laughable presentation,” said the same speaker; “for upon my life I don’t know of anybody to go to it. Suppose we make up a party and volunteer?”

    “I don’t mind going if a lunch is provided,” observed the gentleman with the excrescence on his nose. “But I must be fed, if I make one.”

    (with apologies to Dickens)

  15. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Can you feel the excitement?

    Nope! It was gas.

  16. jayHG says:

    Is Orly Taitz so mentally unstable that she thinks that whatever she wants/does should turn out well and if it doesn’t, it’s because of [fill in the blank]. It’s never because the law of averages plainly show that no one ever wins ALL THE TIME.

    She’s not mentally healthy with a sense of entitlement not to be believed, because there is no way that she is clear thinking and doesn’t understand that sometimes in life, shit happens……and we all just go on.

  17. Conspiracy theorists have a paranoid way of looking at the world. Read Michael Shermer’s book, The Believing Brain, for some explanation.

    jayHG: She’s not mentally healthy with a sense of entitlement not to be believed, because there is no way that she is clear thinking and doesn’t understand that sometimes in life, shit happens……and we all just go on.

  18. katahdin says:

    It would be hilarious to watch Orly Taitz try to sue YouTube. Can you imagine her trying to “serve” them in a video posted on YouTube?

  19. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    It would be hilarious to watch Orly Taitz try to sue YouTube. Can you imagine her trying to “serve” them in a video posted on YouTube?

    If I had the stomach for that much Taitz, I would totally produce a YTP* of her videos, and then laugh at her calling foul on me exercising my first amendment rights.

    *For those of you with better things to do with your life, YTP stands for “Youtube Poop”, which are puerile, sophomoric “comedy” remixes of videos. They tend to be purposefully, poorly edited, and are usually spliced with filthy non sequiturs and assorted toilet humor. In Orly’s case, it would be a vast improvement.

  20. Bob says:

    She hasn’t mentioned the presentation she gave last night. I have a feeling nobody would pony up the $5 entrance fee.

  21. RanTalbott says:

    I’m just wondering if Orly’s problem is that youtube only increments the view counter if someone watches the video all the way through.
    If that’s the way they count (which would make sense, because it would screen out people trying to artificially inflate their stats, who clicked on a link by mistake, etc), maybe she just needs to learn how to say “I got nuthin’ new” more succinctly, so people won’t bail out partway through the video.
    If anyone cares enough to experiment, I looked at the video she’s bitching about last night (but just the first few seconds), and the view counter was 1379. If I were doing their software, I’d filter out repeated hits from the same IP address, so it would probably need to be a group experiment.

  22. Orly Taitz is such a small flea, Google couldn’t show that they were damaged.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Here’s hoping they sue her out of existence. They have the money to do it.

  23. jdkinpa says:

    Dr. C,

    Do you accept candidates for The Ugly column? If you do, I offer you this link of web-infamy for your consideration.

    The Mad Jewess

  24. Arthur says:

    jdkinpa: Do you accept candidates for The Ugly column? If you do, I offer you this link of web-infamy for your consideration.

    Tell me, are there any right-wingers with blogs who AREN’T crazy?

  25. Arthur and JD

    1. To the insane everything is insane.
    2. You’re not saying anything that’s new:
    In the twentieth century, systematic political abuse of psychiatry took place in the Soviet Union.[1] During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used as a tool to eliminate political opponents (“dissidents”) who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted official dogma.
    3. Barack Hussein Obama, Muslim born in Kenya, all through the 1990s submitted documentation freely admitting that he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii
    4. Why is that I, a ‘right winger’ (patriot) believes him but you. a supporter, doesn’t?

  26. Dave says:

    Interesting question. I would suggest The Volokh Conspiracy as an example of a right-wing blog that is not crazy. But I’d be interested in seeing if others would dispute that it is right-wing, or non-crazy.

    Arthur: Tell me, are there any right-wingers with blogs who AREN’T crazy?

  27. The factually deficient assertion you make in your item 3 has been refuted completely. Whether one has to be crazy still believe it is an open question. For the debunking visit

    The MAD Jewess:
    Arthur and JD

    1.To the insane everything is insane.
    2.You’re not saying anything that’s new:
    In the twentieth century, systematic political abuse of psychiatry took place in the Soviet Union.[1] During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used as a tool to eliminate political opponents (“dissidents”) who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted official dogma.
    3. Barack Hussein Obama, Muslim born in Kenya, all through the 1990s submitted documentation freely admitting that he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii
    4. Why is that I, a ‘right winger’ (patriot) believes him but you. a supporter, doesn’t?

  28. G says:

    Sorry, but that never happened. You just proved you are delusional and / or extremely gullible. Likely both.

    The MAD Jewess: 3. Barack Hussein Obama, Muslim born in Kenya, all through the 1990s submitted documentation freely admitting that he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii

  29. Isn’t it a spoof site? Nobody could really be that crazy. Obama to bomb red states?

    Dr. C,

    Do you accept candidates for The Ugly column? If you do, I offer you this link of web-infamy for your consideration.

    The Mad Jewess

  30. The Magic M says:

    SueDB: With the government shut-down and the possibility that the Social Security Checks could be delayed, the Flying Monkeys are having to conserve their cash rather than flushing them down the rabbit hole as “Birther Buck$”.

    So Obama got the GOP to shut down the birther business? Sheer brilliance!

    The MAD Jewess: Why is that I, a ‘right winger’ (patriot) believes him but you. a supporter, doesn’t?

    You have a very special definition of “believe”. Tell me any other thing Obama (allegedly) said that you “believe”.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Isn’t it a spoof site? Nobody could really be that crazy.

    I’ve seen this person comment on WND for quite some time back in the day when I wasn’t banned there. He/she’s for real, and yes, some people make the average birther seem sane and likeable.

    The MAD Jewess: 1. To the insane everything is insane.

    … except their own. The only correct thing you’ve said so far.

  31. Bovril says:

    I’ve seen this delusional feckwit roaming the moronic hinterlands of Righwingnutteria for several years now.

    In my opinion he/she/it is jealous of BitterDelusional and desperately wants to snatch the Guano Krown O’Krazy in some bizarre cage fight of deluded insanity.

  32. Arthur says:

    The MAD Jewess: 4. Why is that I, a ‘right winger’ (patriot) believes him but you. a supporter, doesn’t?

    Why? Because you’re crazy. I mean, come on; I’ve been to your website . . . it’s kind of self evident. Also, “MAD Jewess”–bit of a give away, isn’t it?

  33. Arthur says:

    The Magic M: I’ve seen this person comment on WND for quite some time back in the day when I wasn’t banned there.

    The MAD Hater also comments at ORYR. She’s a regular Mrs. Furious for the delusional bowlers of rightwinglandia.

  34. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Nobody could really be that crazy.

    Isn’t that what they used to say about St. Paul?

  35. Bob says:

    I’m thinking of starting a blog called The Deranged Presbyterian and will focus on the misdeeds (real and imagined) of gingers.

  36. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The MAD Jewess:
    *spouts a bunch of fecal coated-tripe*

    You’re far FAR away the birther-safe echo chamber of birther report, so I’m afraid you won’t find much in the way of people willing to listen to your bellowing here. But I think it really says something when sites like Doc’s allow people with dissenting opinions to post, where as places like birther report, and your own site do not.

  37. Arthur says:

    I’m thinking of starting a blog called The Deranged Presbyterian and will focus on the misdeeds (real and imagined) of gingers.

    Gingers? They have no souls you know.

  38. The MAD Jewess: Arthur and JD

    I invite you to read my open letter to Eric Cantor:

  39. Arthur: Also, “MAD Jewess”–bit of a give away, isn’t it?

    “Mad” means clinically insane. You are angry. Why, I don’t know.

    The expression is “Mad as a hatter.” I suggest you read about hat makers and mercury.

    Also, Judaism is liberalism – like the kibbutzim.

  40. Whever I meet a conservative Jew, I always wonder what went wrong in their childhood.

  41. Arthur says:

    misha marinsky: The expression is “Mad as a hatter.” I suggest you read about hat makers and mercury.

    Right. But I meant to write “Mad Hater” because she hates and she’s crazy.

  42. Arthur: Right. But I meant to write “Mad Hater” because she hates and she’s crazy.

    Oops – I meant to aim at that shonde, whoever she is. Have you noticed that people like her, Orly and Geller are basically nuts?

  43. Bob says:

    from TalkingPointsMemo:

    “The woman who was shot dead by police after trying to breach a barrier outside the White House and lead a car chase near the U.S. Capitol believed President Barack Obama was electronically monitoring her, ABC News reported Friday.”

    Lame Cherry, Orly, Sharon Rondeau, Dr. Kate (and I’m sure other Birthers) have all stated that they are being personally monitored by the president and/or first lady.

  44. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    from TalkingPointsMemo:

    “The woman who was shot dead by police after trying to breach a barrier outside the White House and lead a car chase near the U.S. Capitol believed President Barack Obama was electronically monitoring her, ABC News reported Friday.”

    Lame Cherry, Orly, Sharon Rondeau, Dr. Kate (and I’m sure other Birthers) have all stated that they are being personally monitored by the president and/or first lady.

    I heard about that. The freepers are moaning about this “poor, innocent woman”, that “All she did was make a wrong turn!” and “They should have known better! There was a child in the car!”

    No, she plowed a barricade. Then she hit a cop. Then she hit a cruiser. Then she tried crashing the White House gates. They put her down, like she was a mad dog, because that’s how she was acting. After what went down at the Naval Yard, I’m not surprised the cops were so fast to act. They had no way of knowing there was a child in that car. The way she was using her vehicle, one can easily argue that she was not “unarmed”.
    In my opinion it was suicide by cop. She was probably hoping the kid would get hit too.

  45. Bob: Lame Cherry, Orly, Sharon Rondeau, Dr. Kate…have all stated that they are being personally monitored by the president and/or first lady.

    Even paranoids have real enemies. – Delmore Schwartz (who was Jewish)

  46. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    misha marinsky: Even paranoids have real enemies. – Delmore Schwartz (who was Jewish)

    Hmm that’s the same crap that lady claimed yesterday which caused her to try to ram the white house. That Obama was personally tracking and following her. I almost thought it was Sharon Rondeau until I heard her on Vollin’s show.

  47. MattR says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:

    Kenneth, what is the frequency?

    I was gonna respond to Bob’s comment with this quote/story anyway since it is semi-related, but doing it as reply to you is much better 🙂

  48. J.D. Sue says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: The freepers are moaning about this “poor, innocent woman”, that “All she did was make a wrong turn!” and “They should have known better! There was a child in the car!”

    From what I can see, she did not ram a barricade and she fled in fear/panic, and IMO the police are now trying to cover/justify their own panic and excessive force. I say that after watching the film and listening to the constantly changing “facts” that show she did not actually “ram” a barrier and the cop crashed his own squad car into a barrier, and after I have spent many years reviewing countless false police reports and cases of excessive force. I can’t imagine how believing this makes me a “freeper”.

  49. J.D. Sue says:

    misha marinsky: Whever I meet a conservative Jew, I always wonder what went wrong in their childhood.

    Me too. I looked at her site. She says she is Jew-tian, not Jewish, and was a member of the DAR. I guess she chooses her name out of some great need to be a true shonde.

  50. Arthur says:

    J.D. Sue: She says she is Jew-tian, not Jewish, and was a member of the DAR. I guess she chooses her name out of some great need to be a true shonde.

    That explains SO much. Just like all the fundamentalists who like to wrap themselves in the flag of Israel even as they pray for the Second Coming and the final solution to the Jewish question.

  51. Lupin says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: In my opinion it was suicide by cop. She was probably hoping the kid would get hit too.

    I’m inclined to agree; that said, we have lunatics engaging in the same behavior here too (in France) (not too often, but I do read the occasional article with a comparable story) and our law-enforcement drones (who most definitely are not peace-loving hippies) manage to not shoot them dead. I harbor doubts about your police training.

  52. Keith says:

    Lupin: I’m inclined to agree; that said, we have lunatics engaging in the same behavior here too (in France) (not too often, but I do read the occasional article with a comparable story) and our law-enforcement drones (who most definitely are not peace-loving hippies) manage to not shoot them dead. I harbor doubts about your police training.

    American copy manage to not shoot them dead most of the time too.

    Of course, some wannabe SBC candidates are more persistent that others, or happen to strike the right set of cops at the right time (or wrong/wrong depending on your PoV). I suspect that is what happened here.

  53. Bob says:

    Most of Orly’s posts for the last few days are how the president is electronically monitoring and thwarting her.

    I keep thinking she can’t get any crazier but she somehow always manages to.

  54. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Most of Orly’s posts for the last few days are how the president is electronically monitoring and thwarting her.

    I keep thinking she can’t get any crazier but she somehow always manages to.

    With her its like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Except that I am able to stop watching from time to time.

  55. Arthur says:

    Bob: Most of Orly’s posts for the last few days are how the president is electronically monitoring and thwarting her.

    Yes, you’re right. Orly’s paranoia bespeaks a specific form of mental illness: delusional disorder. As Wikipedia describes it, delusional disorder,

    “is an uncommon psychiatric condition in which patients present with non-bizarre delusions, but with no accompanying prominent hallucinations, thought disorder, mood disorder, or significant flattening of affect. Non-bizarre delusions are fixed false beliefs that involve situations that could potentially occur in real life; examples include being followed or poisoned. Apart from their delusions, people with delusional disorder may continue to socialize and function in a normal manner and their behaviour does not generally seem odd or bizarre. However, the preoccupation with delusional ideas can be disruptive to their overall lives.”

  56. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    One of her latest, if not the latest(I can’t be bothered to go back to her site tonight), was an all-caps, giant green font, eye sore. Looks like her poor grip on sanity is getting even looser.

  57. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    awww Orly blocked me from posting on her videos last night. I was destroying one of her supporters and she couldn’t have that.

  58. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: all-caps, giant green font,

    I saw it . . . very perplexing. Looked like something a scene-girl would do on her My Space page.

  59. Matt says:

    When I read this article one week ago tonight (almost to the minute), I took a screen capture of the YouTube page referenced on Orly’s site because I wanted to see what was going to happen with the counter. At that time, the video had 1,361 views, with 11 likes and 5 dislikes.

    As I write this tonight, it has 2289 views, with 35 likes and 8 dislikes. Clearly, the “regime” has not “placed a block on the you-tube counter to show that dissidents have no support and no audience”.

    But what I find truly ironic is that Orly’s post on her own website (the link in Doc’s article above) has not had one single comment since October 1.

    Is the regime blocking people from commenting on her site? Or does she just have no support and no audience? LOL

  60. The Magic M says:

    Matt: As I write this tonight, it has 2289 views, with 35 likes and 8 dislikes. Clearly, the “regime” has not “placed a block on the you-tube counter to show that dissidents have no support and no audience”.

    But Orly believes the actual view count would be 200,002,289 views with 200,002,235 likes and zero dislikes of course, so the regime has clearly been manipulating her counter remaining few brain cells.

  61. The Magic M says:

    Bob: Most of Orly’s posts for the last few days are how the president is electronically monitoring and thwarting her.

    I keep thinking she can’t get any crazier but she somehow always manages to.

    If somebody who’s an attention w****e cannot get any attention anymore, the person is forced to deal with himself, and that can lead to cases of paranoia or other neuroses.

  62. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Most of Orly’s posts for the last few days are how the president is electronically monitoring and thwarting her.

    She’s just an average kook, with an average life. She screeches nine to five, hey hell, she pays the price.

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