Birtherverse-shattering evidence piling up

I have initiated a new investigation here at Obama Conspiracy Theories. It has the potential of Birtherverse-shattering consequences. The evidence is piling up. The dots are falling into the pattern.

I’m painfully aware of my own penchant for jumping to conclusions, and I have learned about confirmation bias all too well. So this may not pan out, but if it does, it will be

Large graphic of the word "Huge"

I have reached out to some of the folks at FEMA Camp 17 to help with the investigation and to critique the evidence. I really don’t want to go off half cocked on a story this big. All I will say that it is not about the Cold Case Posse.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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56 Responses to Birtherverse-shattering evidence piling up

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Doc, I do so love it when you get cheeky like this! LOL!

  2. Slartibartfast says:

    Doc C: All I will say that it is not about the Cold Case Posse.

    Given that birthers automatically assume that anything an obot says is a lie, I imagine that substitute assistant superintendent Zullo is wetting himself right now.

  3. Jim says:

    Well, we can add that to all the other anti-birther investigations done that discovered
    1) Orly’s an idiot
    2) The CCP is a scam being run on the birthers
    3) President Obama is eligible

    and so forth and so forth and so on.

  4. I gotta figure out how to turn suggestive into proven. Like real police investigations, this one is going to take a lot of time and energy.

  5. Thinker says:

    Turning suggestive into proven is quite easy. Birthers do it all the time. All it takes is a notarized affidavit saying that you know what you know because you saw it on the internet. Voila! Fiction becomes fact. Nonsense becomes irrefutable evidence. Liars become truth-tellers.

    If you do this in a lawsuit, the judge has no choice but to grant you whatever relief you’re requesting.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I gotta figure out how to turn suggestive into proven. Like real police investigations, this one is going to take a lot of time and energy.

  6. RanTalbott says:

    I can tell your so-called “investigation” is phony, because there’s no Paypal button on this page.

  7. The Magic M says:

    Thinker: All it takes is a notarized affidavit saying that you know what you know because you saw it on the internet.

    This will only get you a B- in birther 101. Of course everyone knows you need a notarized affidavit that some unnamed person told you he saw it on the internet. 😉

  8. Grrr. My investigators are pushing back.

  9. alg says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    “Grrr. My investigators are pushing back.”

    It is of no concern….any day now…

  10. Suranis says:

    I got yer relief right here…

    Thinker: If you do this in a lawsuit, the judge has no choice but to grant you whatever relief you’re requesting.

  11. Daniel says:

    I can tell your so-called “investigation” is phony, because there’s no Paypal button on this page.

    Yes Doc you need a Paypal button. A big red one. No one is going to take you seriously without a big red Paypal button.

  12. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Gotta say, the lack of “court certified experts” and “VIPS” has me thus far unconvinced.

  13. JPotter says:

    Very clever to take advantage of the date, Doc. Distracted by “Balck Friday” Wal-Mart specials, the birfers are certainly to have left the only store that matters unguarded 😉

  14. Well I’m hoist on my own petard with this one.

    The HUGE story was going to be that I identified the birther posting at Birther Report as Falcon and that he was a certain high profile public RNWJ celebrity. The problem is that in trying to verify the connections, I discovered who Falcon actually is and unfortunately he’s not a public person, and my blog rules prevent me from publishing the identification, about which I am now nearly certain.

  15. Slartibartfast says:


    You lose nothing by demonstrating your integrity. You could always console yourself by going over to the Birther Report and rubbing it in Falcon’s nose that his information would be all over the internet if obots were as evil as he seems to believe.

    Can you reveal the RWNJ celebrity who turned out not to be Falcon?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well I’m hoist on my own petard with this one.

    The HUGE story was going to be that I identified the birther posting at Birther Report as Falcon and that he was a certain high profile public RNWJ celebrity. The problem is that in trying to verify the connections, I discovered who Falcon actually is and unfortunately he’s not a public person, and my blog rules prevent me from publishing the identification, about which I am now nearly certain.

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well I’m hoist on my own petard with this one.

    The HUGE story was going to be that I identified the birther posting at Birther Report as Falcon and that he was a certain high profile public RNWJ celebrity. The problem is that in trying to verify the connections, I discovered who Falcon actually is and unfortunately he’s not a public person, and my blog rules prevent me from publishing the identification, about which I am now nearly certain.

    Well……the good news is that your reputation and integrity remain intact.

    FALCON, on the other hand, will always be scum.

  17. Stephen says:

    I love the reference to FEMA camp 17. So appropriate.

  18. nbc says:

    CarlOrcas: I discovered who Falcon actually is and unfortunately he’s not a public person,

    So he is just a nobody with a foul mouth? Why does that not surprise me.

  19. Mark Kessler.

    Slartibartfast: Can you reveal the RWNJ celebrity who turned out not to be Falcon?

  20. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I discovered who Falcon actually is

    I thought it was common knowledge that Mini-Me is the love child of BHO II and Mia Pope, and that Mr. Obama’s refusal to acknowledge his feathery bastard turned bird-boy against his pop. Sorry if I’m letting the falcon out of the bag on this.

  21. CarlOrcas says:

    nbc: So he is just a nobody with a foul mouth? Why does that not surprise me.

    Even if he was a “high profile” public figure he’d still be a pimple on the butt of humanity.

    The man (?) is really despicable.

  22. Falcon demanded that I be banned at BR, and apparently my comments are now being auto-deleted.

  23. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Mark Kessler.

    Looks to me like FALCON is just daring you to reveal his identity.

    Deep breath time!

  24. Slartibartfast says:

    Honestly, I’m surprised that you lasted this long—I think your days there were clearly numbered after they stopped letting Foggy post.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Falcon demanded that I be banned at BR, and apparently my comments are now being auto-deleted.

  25. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Falcon demanded that I be banned at BR, and apparently my comments are now being auto-deleted.

    On top of everything else he’s a coward. There’s a surprise.

  26. alg says:

    It doesn’t surprise me that FALCON is a nobody. There are lots of birther nobodies. FALCON, though, is a particularly despicable specimen of the breed.

  27. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Falcon demanded that I be banned at BR, and apparently my comments are now being auto-deleted.

    A site kow-tows to the petulant demands of a single user?
    OK, he wasn’t the only whiner in that wilderness, but given that kind of ego that kind of stroke will only lead to more drama. They’re making [more] monsters over there!

  28. Craig HS says:

    Doc, I have here a sealed report on Falcon’s request to have you banned from teh intarwebz, and it proves without a shadow of a doubt that he forged his request. Those pixels are a duplicate of several other suspicious birthers, and my anonymous expert’s honorary certificate in Lotus 1-2-3 qualifies them as an expert on pixel creation and presentation. There’s the little matter that we can’t show you the report until such time that you expose Falcon’s true identity through whatever legal means we can infer support our one-eyed statutory assumptions once we find a judge who is willing to admit he’s been bought by the obots and won’t sell us out.

  29. nbc says:

    CarlOrcas: On top of everything else he’s a coward. There’s a surprise.

    Nothing unexpected here… Poor guy…

  30. nbc says:

    CarlOrcas: The man (?) is really despicable.

    The man is a nobody…

  31. Slartibartfast says:

    He’s a small man desperate to tear other people down so he can feel superior to them. Pathetic.

    nbc: The man is a nobody…

  32. Bob says:


  33. Curious George says:

    FALCON is one, very interesting individual. When I think of BR I think of FALCON as their mascot and possibly the site owner, or part owner. More often than not, FALCON is the first to post a comment after a new article is posted and the first to attack those who disagree with the topic. His rabid personality personifies the birther movement.

  34. I imagine that ★FALCONCHICKEN★ was also the reason BR had to remove the voting on comments. His were always mired in double digit negative territory.


  35. Curious George says:

    Doc, what letter does FALCON’s last name begin with?

  36. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Curious George:
    FALCON is one, veryinteresting individual.When I think of BR I think of FALCON as their mascot and possibly the site owner, or part owner.More often than not, FALCON is the first to post a comment after a new article is posted and the first to attack those who disagree with the topic. His rabid personality personifies the birther movement.

    I honestly believe Falcon to be a sock puppet for birther reports’ admin. Failing that, he’s the one poster the admin is afraid of losing, hence why all of Falcon’s whims get granted there. As someone else mentioned, thumbs down got removed, because Falcon had a problem with it. As I recall, the ability for random people to come and post was revoked, because Falcon complained about it.

  37. On this blog I think that it’s obvious that the Dr. Conspiracy commenter is the blog owner. At BR, I don’t ever remember seeing a comment that spoke with any authority. Certainly Falcon was not speaking like the blog owner when he demanded that I be banned, but my comments started being auto-deleted shortly after that.

    Foggy has speculated about who runs BR, but I don’t know if that’s public information, so I won’t repeat it. The person Foggy thinks runs BR is not the person I think is Falcon. That doesn’t prevent them for being BFFs.

    Curious George:
    FALCON is one, very interesting individual.When I think of BR I think of FALCON as their mascot and possibly the site owner, or part owner.More often than not, FALCON is the first to post a comment after a new article is posted and the first to attack those who disagree with the topic. His rabid personality personifies the birther movement.

  38. Sorry, no hints.

    Curious George: Doc, what letter does FALCON’s last name begin with?

  39. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I honestly believe Falcon to be a sock puppet for birther reports’ admin.

    I agree. He certainly dominates……and defines……the site.

  40. Perhaps the BR admin has realized what I have long known, site traffic shoots up when there is a villain in the house. They sell advertising.

    Slartibartfast: Honestly, I’m surprised that you lasted this long—I think your days there were clearly numbered after they stopped letting Foggy post

  41. Arthur says:

    The bird-brain of Birtherstan is getting all threaty!

    “Here’s my warning – as you try to discern my identity – you better be damn sure you’re right otherwise my attorneys will be suing both you and Davidson for slander. Just try me. And Davidson is already facing a possible lawsuit from Lucas Daniel Smith. Another will certainly put him into bankruptcy.”

    His attorney’s? You mean, Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe?

    And say, someone better tell john that, according to our feathered friend, he could be sued for slander if he tries to determine R.C.’s real name and doesn’t get it right. Oh, wait a minute–he already did. I guess that threat of slander is hyperbole.

    And as for Inspector Smith, he must not know that Lucas’ hopes of a law suit have evaporated in the humiliating air of an elaborate fabrication.

  42. I don’t understand the threat. I can imagine some third party suing me for associating them with the obscene Falcon by mistake, but what does Falcon have to sue for should I associate him with some nobody? And besides, to sue me Falcon would have to do what he is deathly afraid of doing, identify himself.

    Too bad I’m not allowed to say that over at BR.

    Smith, of course, has made no threat whatever of suing me, nor would he have any grounds for doing so.

    Arthur: “Here’s my warning – as you try to discern my identity – you better be damn sure you’re right otherwise my attorneys will be suing both you and Davidson for slander. Just try me. And Davidson is already facing a possible lawsuit from Lucas Daniel Smith. Another will certainly put him into bankruptcy.”

  43. OK, Foggy did make that speculation public:

    but nobody mention the name here, please.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Foggy has speculated about who runs BR, but I don’t know if that’s public information, so I won’t repeat it. The person Foggy thinks runs BR is not the person I think is Falcon. That doesn’t prevent them for being BFFs.

  44. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I don’t understand the threat. I can imagine some third party suing me for associating them with the obscene Falcon by mistake, but what does Falcon have to sue for should I associate him with some nobody? And besides, to sue me Falcon would have to do what he is deathly afraid of doing, identify himself.

    What does he have to sue your for? Well….for cuz he’s crazy. Simple

    Just looked at the thread on BR and he’s in rare form tonight. The bile is running knee deep.

  45. JPotter says:

    Just read the hilarious (and ironically titled) “Repeal Reality / Stop the Insanity” thread over at BR. Looks like you went out with a bang over there.

    While they may be saving you from the temptation to get deeper in the mud over there, their isolationist tendencies are a slow form of community suicide. All that will be left is a dwindling pool of the last thing they need: mutual affirmation of their respective crazy.

  46. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Sorry, no hints.

    Okay, no hints.

  47. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: And besides, to sue me Falcon would have to do what he is deathly afraid of doing, identify himself.

    Big talkers talk big.

  48. Kiwiwriter says:

    I respect your desire to keep Falcon’s identity secret…if he’s a private person, his privacy should be protected. He should not be subjected to threats or harassment by angry people…aside from being an internet blowhard, I cannot see any laws that he has broken…yet.

    Were there any clues in his life to the cause of his behavior?

  49. Curious George says:

    Kiwiwriter: I respect your desire to keep Falcon’s identity secret…if he’s a private person, his privacy should be protected. He should not be subjected to threats or harassment by angry people…aside from being an internet blowhard, I cannot see any laws that he has broken…yet.Were there any clues in his life to the cause of his behavior?

    Hanging out with too many birthers in kindergarten. It never wore off, including the potty mouth. It’s starting to smell like the diaper brigade needs to do some changing over there at BR. Pheeeew!

  50. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’ll just wait for the FEMA Death Camp Psyops guys to find out Falcon’s identity. 😉

  51. Kiwiwriter says:

    Curious George: Hanging out with too many birthers in kindergarten.It never wore off, including the potty mouth.It’s starting to smell like the diaper brigade needs to do some changing over there at BR.Pheeeew!

    That’s why I absolutely refuse to even take a glance there…I’ll read their material on the side when it’s posted here or at Fogbow, but not verbatim.

  52. predicto says:

    Ok, I’m stupid. What does RNWJ mean?

  53. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Ok, I’m stupid.What does RNWJ mean?

    R.ight N.ut J.ob

  54. Pip says:

    Ok, I’m stupid.What does RNWJ mean?

    Right Nut Wing Job

    Not to be confused with RWNJ

  55. Historical perspective:

    The year 2019 is drawing to a close. Birther Report shut down in 2016.

    FALCON’s identity, as surmised in this article, was correctly identified, and confirmed by two independent lines of investigation. As far as I have been able to determine, his identity has never been made public.

    One of the lines of investigation involved reversing the cryptographic hash of his email address used to post at BR (the OARPA project described elsewhere) and the other was to track down biographical details that FALCON carelessly dropped in his BR comments.

    Staying anonymous online requires discipline.

  56. Doc, your computer and database skills are nonpareil. This was one example. I have not seen Falcon posting on any other blog since the demise of BR. I think he was on Twitter for a while.

    I have a theory that the owner of BR passed away in 2016. If the owner was who we think he was he was already in his 70’s.I am also wondering if Trader Jack passed. He used to comment fairly regularly on my blog but suddenly stopped. He claimed to be 94 about two years ago. I did a little research and what I found seemed to confirm his age. He was a real troll.

    Dr. Conspiracy: The year 2019 is drawing to a close. Birther Report shut down in 2016.

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