Remember my article, “Tricked out Obotmobile?” The Obama 2012 sticker in the photo looked bright and shiny. It’s coming apart today. I don’t mean my tattered Obama bumper sticker as a metaphor for President Obama’s second term in office. It’s just an example of things that get old and wear out, or in the words of the hymn writer Henry Francis Lyte:
Change and decay in all around I see;
Replacing the bumper sticker is on my to-do list and so are a lot of other decay-related things.
One of my wishes is that one day when I hang up my Dr. Conspiracy hat, the blog will remain online as a reference for anyone interested in our peculiar topic. Towards that end, I’ve been doing some work on the site, cleaning up old articles for typos, and adding updated references in a few old stories—and there are the inevitable broken hyperlinks.
The first bad hyperlink I found appeared in the “Bad” links at the bottom of the page, a link to a blog called “The Betrayal.” It had a black background on the page, and it seemed to pick up every birther story from the other sites. I knew that it had been offline for a while, but hadn’t removed the link. The one that surprised me was the Hawaii Department of Health Obama FAQ, a document I refer to almost weekly. It’s moved and been reformatted, but it still opens with that powerful statement:
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.
Can’t you just feel a thrill up your leg every time you read that?
The reason that I’m writing this article is primarily to publish a list of web sites I referenced that have gone away since I started writing this blog:
- (The Betrayal)
- (suspended for TOS violation)
- (Leonard Daneman)
- (domain expired this month)
- (Taitz dental practice)
and there are more. In addition to these web sites that have gone dark, there are hundreds of specific court and newspaper pages no longer available. I have about 3,000 hyperlinks to check out and replace with the Wayback Machine when available, remove when not. I have some of the court documents on my hard drive that I can upload.
And please, don’t leave a bad URL with your name and email when posting a comment. The URL is not required, and bad ones clog the list of broken links on the pages. Don’t say “none,” just leave it blank.
Gotta love the classy titles on some of those.
“Can’t you just feel a shiver up your leg every time you read that?”
Mmmmm .. no.
It actually annoys the hell out of me, because it encourages the birfoons to think that there’s some value to their ridiculous attempts at divination by interpreting the entrails of the PDF.
Second Talbott. It’s not a certified copy; it’s an image of a certified copy. And thus were the dreams of a legion of keyboard warriors enflamed.
The allusion is to a comment by Chris Matthews: “I have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.”
I’ll change the word to “thrill.”
I wish we could somehow grill these people and ask them why they gave up their all-important crusade and what they’re doing now.