New speculation about what Zullo’s been up to

Carl Gallups in an interview with Mike Zullo talked about “universe shattering” new evidence, piles of it, coming out of the of the Cold Case Posse investigation. Zullo supposedly has been “out west” for three weeks following up the lead.

I was at a loss as to what Zullo might have been up to but I was thinking “inside the box” with some vague idea that it had to do with something remotely to do with law enforcement, and remotely to do with Maricopa County Arizona, where his tax-subsidized Cold Case Posse was chartered to look into unsolved homicides in the county. Conspiracy theorists, however, don’t think inside the box—it’s one of their enabling characteristics, and one of the birthers over at Birther Report made a comment that I think has merit as to what Zullo has been doing. Here’s the comment:

FUBO: I think I might have it Doc.

End of September’s, Obamas dear Friend Keith was arrested for rape in California. He wanted to talk.

Now let’s connect the dots. Zullo has been out west for a three week interview. Kieth is out west, wanting to talk.

Keith was friends with O in the FMD days, and when O got his Social Security card, and when O was first applying to colleges. Our was also coming to terms with who he is, where he came from.

Doc, if Keith is talking, all the dots may be coming together. All of them. The Bill Ayers connection, FMD, cocaine, gay life, the SSN, his parents, and God knows what else. The genesis of the greatest deception in American history may be getting documented. Universe shattering? Maybe.

The Keith Kakugawa arrest is not something I paid any attention to when the news report surfaced in September. The Daily Mail in the UK was the only substantial coverage I could find with a smaller article in The New York Post. Our old birther friend Mara Zebest wrote it up as a smear at The Gateway Pundit. Kakugawa, two years older than Obama, was the character behind the figure of “Ray” in Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father.

The Daily Mail reported that Obama had snubbed his old friend:

Kenneth Kakugawa said his son got in touch with Obama in 2007 during his first White House campaign but claims Obama brushed him off and passed him along to his assistant.

That report differs from a report by Jake Tapper at ABC News in 2007:

Shortly after getting out of prison earlier this month, Kakugawa walked into a pay phone at the intersection of 66th and Figueroa, right off the 110 highway near Watts in Los Angeles. He was patched through to Obama’s executive assistant, whom Kakugawa told, “This is Keith Kakugawa otherwise known as Ray in the book,” he says. “She said ‘Oh my God,’ and she, put me right in touch with him” on his cell phone.

Zebest cites the Independent Journal Review blog as saying that Kakugawa is trying to sell a book he’s written about Obama that allegedly says Obama wanted to convert to Islam after reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X in high school (this was supposedly from an earlier version of The Daily Mail article that was scrubbed of this item). The statement is true, though as we can see from Keith Kakugawa’s own web site:

Barry and I were in the Academy’s large school library one Wednesday afternoon. He picked up a Malcolm X book and said that he’d thought about maybe becoming a Muslim.

I said, “Hold on, man. What you gonna do? You don’t know the first thing about being a Muslim.What are you going to do, change your name?”
He said, “Well, my name is Barack Hussein Obama.”

mm … Hussein, huh?

Kakugawa, living in Eureka, California, is certainly “out west” and maybe Zullo (or Corsi or Cashill or one of the other right-wing smear specialists) has done a deal with him for some dirt about Obama’s admitted drug use in high school or the conversion to Islam allegation. But against this, is, again in Kakugawa’s own words:

One person who identified himself as a member of the Republican National Congressional Committee (and always referred to himself in the third person as “Mr. Jones”) offered to get me out of my “current situation” with the California Department of Corrections … if I would talk to the press about all the partying, specifically the “drugs and hookers” Barry and I had done while we were in school. He had even gone so far as to offer me a list of “things” we had done together in high school.

That wasn’t the only time as this book promotional statement shows:

Discover how one famous supermarket tabloid (which one?) first offered Keith $7,000, then upped its offer. Then more. And still even more. Then finally, a $70,000 cashier’s check in exchange for a “shocking, untold story” about then-Senator Obama to print alongside its usual fare of dog-faced humans being abducted by aliens.

The more I think about this, the more I am coming to think that this may well be what Zullo has been up to.

The problem with all of this is twofold—there is simply no way anything from Obama’s high school years is the legitimate concern of law enforcement in Maricopa County, Arizona, much less a tax-subsidized charity chartered with helping with unsolved homicides there.

The other problem is that there is nothing “universe shattering” in the story. Obama has already admitted to using drugs]. His own book, Dreams from My Father (in chapter 3), talks about his reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X in high school. Kakugawa was quoted in the New York Times, in a February, 2008, article “Old friends say drugs played bit part in Obama’s life”:

Mr. Kakugawa, who spent seven years in and out of prison for drug offenses beginning in 1996, said he pressured Mr. Obama into drinking beer.

But Mr. Obama did not smoke marijuana during the two years they spent time together even though it was readily available, Mr. Kakugawa said, adding that he never knew Mr. Obama to have done cocaine. “As far as pot, booze or coke being a prevalent part of his life, I doubt it,” Mr. Kakugawa said. He had graduated, however, by the time Mr. Obama was in his junior and senior years, when he wrote that he most frequently used marijuana and cocaine “when you could afford it.”

The election is over, dudes. For all the talk from the birthers about the hidden Obama, what we continue to discover is how utterly candid he has actually been.

I’m not going to talk about what I did as a child. It is irrelevant what I did 20 to 30 years ago.

— George W. Bush

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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35 Responses to New speculation about what Zullo’s been up to

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Looks like Zullo is setting himself up to snatch defeat from the jaws of…defeat? I guess.
    Since victory was never a part of the equation here.

  2. It’s good that I had the chance to mention the Kakugawa story for blog completeness reasons.

  3. nbc says:

    The other problem is that there is nothing “universe shattering” in the story.

    But compared to the failed forgery claims about the Whitehouse PDF, anything becomes ‘universe shattering’. But only in the minds of those who cannot accept that they failed.

    Poor Zullo will have a hard time going through the stages of grief. Until then, I doubt he will be able to accept that he has wasted the last few years of his life chasing a ghost.

  4. Bonsall Obot says:

    If the universe shatters, can I still get my deposit back?

  5. CarlOrcas says:

    nbc: Poor Zullo will have a hard time going through the stages of grief. Until then, I doubt he will be able to accept that he has wasted the last few years of his life chasing a ghost.

    What I find most amusing is how the grifters feed on each other. Kakugawa is another ex-con and if Zullo finds him credible he deserves all the derision being heaped on him.

  6. Slartibartfast says:

    You break it, you bought it.

    Bonsall Obot:
    If the universe shatters, can I still get my deposit back?

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    This is the most reasonable hypothesis I’ve seen as to what Zullo has been doing.

  8. Keith Kakugawa’s web site:

    He transferred to Punahou at age 13 (which Mia Marie Pope said was unheard of).

  9. This article has been updated with more information from Kakugawa.

  10. Mary says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Keith Kakugawa’s web site:

    He transferred to Punahou at age 13 (which Mia Marie Pope said was unheard of).

    Excellent find, Doc! One more nail in Ms. Pope’s story.

  11. Benji Franklin says:

    nbc: But compared to the failed forgery claims about the Whitehouse PDF, anything becomes ‘universe shattering’.

    The first part of your excerpted comment above is exquisitely and hilariously true. True believing Birthers think that mankind lives in an infinite Universe of politically reactionary ways to reverse social progress, bound only by the possibility that Obama is eligible to the Presidency.

    Having created an imaginary Obama-disqualifying Universe which can be debunked by one or two easily verifiable truths, they seek to declare that the real Universe where Obama’s eligibility is overwhelmingly evidenced, is likewise fragily and catastrophically susceptible to being dismissed by one or two outrageous Birther lies.

    You also wrote:”Poor Zullo will have a hard time going through the stages of grief. Until then, I doubt he will be able to accept that he has wasted the last few years of his life chasing a ghost.”

    But Zullo is a political smear artist, not a true-believing Birther. So his stages of grief over wasting the last few years of his life, will not be regretted as time wasted chasing a ghost he does not himself actually believe in; his lost time will be regretted as time wasted unsuccessfully trying to get Congress or the Justice Dept to publicly chase a ghost he does not himself actually believe in.

    Thanks again for all of your tireless and productive research on the BC.

  12. Rickey says:

    I’m at a loss as to how Keith would know anything about Obama’s SSN. And Obama wasn’t at all religious while he was in high school, so it would hardly be a shocker if he told Keith that he was thinking “about maybe becoming a Muslim.”

    Nevertheless, this is the best speculation I have seen about Zullo’s mysterious trip “out west.”

  13. alg says:

    And so this is what MCSO “resources” have supposedly been deployed for?!?

    It’s a plausible possibility for an implausible reason to criminally prosecute the President.

  14. Benji Franklin says:

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Listeners, here’s breaking blockbuster news on the Obama fraudulent document scandal from Generalissimo Mo Mo No Mo Zoo Low! Mike, you’ll have to over-enunciate like I do on air, if we’re to make out what you’re saying, there’s quite an echo there – where have you been and what’s the big news?”

    Generalissimo Mo Mo No Mo Zoo Low!:” This is big, Karl! And I’ve been underground the last few weeks so I could really get my teeth into this new angle – and Karl, forget all the previous suspicions, this is bigger than World War 3 – by far!”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Well, what is it?”

    Generalissimo Mo Mo No Mo Zoo Low!:”Well I’m in a subterranean vault where hospital paper records were stored in one of Obama’s college days neighborhoods, and it was flooded by a sanitary sewer and abandoned and there’s dirt on a ton of people here, and – you’ve seen the color of his character, Karl, – how could he be eligible to the Presidency? We don’t need to see his name on a piece of paper to know he’s connected somehow to all this drug-related information! So, Karl, there’s your-”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”SMOKING GUN?”

    Generalissimo Mo Mo No Mo Zoo Low!:”You got it, Karl! Forget the forgeries and the treason! We’ve got a smoking gun! And how’s he gonna explain wiping his fingerprints off of all of these pieces of excrement I’m cataloging?”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”WOW! So Listeners, the criminal evidence against Obama is growing not just arithmetically, not just geometrically, not just algbraically, but I promise you, excrementally! And those hip-boots don’t come cheap, am I right about that, Mike?”

  15. Curious George says:

    “Poor Zullo will have a hard time going through the stages of grief. Until then, I doubt he will be able to accept that he has wasted the last few years of his life chasing a ghost.”

    What a racket. Announce an investigation. Ask for donations. Don’t account for the use of those donations. Keep everyone on the hook for “more to come.” Find pastors to endorse your efforts to make your investigation look legitimate. Reach out to birther nutcakes for support. Sheeesh! And so it goes.

  16. RanTalbott says:

    I hate to rain on your parade, Doc, but his just isn’t possible. As we all know, the CCP has Very Strict Rules™ about accepting evydunce, and there’s no way Kakugawa could pass their Official Law Enforcement Really-really-really-deep Background Check.

  17. The Magic M says:

    The other problem is that there is nothing “universe shattering” in the story.

    Which is why I doubt this could be “it”. If it was, it’s just a rehash or reinforcement of the Pope story (albeit from someone who actually *was* close to Obama).

    Trust me, while birthers in general will lap up anything negative about Obama, Gallups/Zullo would not go below “crimes”, “forgery”, “covered-up heritage” or “the anti-Christ”.
    Something like “he really is a Muslim / gay / a Marxist” would not go anywhere and they know that.
    (Although the belief that as soon as Obama’s approval rating goes below a certain threshold, impeachment will inevitably succeed, is quite strong in birtherverse right now.)

    If their vaporware actually exists, it will be something along those lines (though it could be something as simple as the old false “Hawaii allowed out-of-state births to be registered as local” claim – it’s a good example because, if true, it would not just cast doubts on Obama’s documents but on the citizenship of millions of people “allegedly” born in Hawaii, so that would qualify as “something-shattering”).
    Since Zullo is part of it, I would venture a guess that it will be some pseudo-legal claim (maybe they’ve “discovered” some “cover-up” of some local court ruling you need two citizen parents?) similar to the “Hawaiian loophole” claim.

  18. Curious George says:

    Way out west…….my guess….Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA.

    “Occidental College Offering ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Course”

    This warrants an intense, universe shattering investigation by Private Z. Please send donations now to keep this monumental, once in a lifetime investigation going to seek the “truth.”

  19. JPotter says:

    The Magic M: (Although the belief that as soon as Obama’s approval rating goes below a certain threshold, impeachment will inevitably succeed, is quite strong in birtherverse right now.)

    Them wingnuts has suddenly acquired a nuanced understanding of parliamentary governance. Prime Minister Obama better start shoring up his coalition!

  20. Keith says:

    I just wanted to point out that while ‘Keith’ is not an extremely popular given name, it is by no means rare.

    When I was 8 or 9 years old living in Phoenix, there were three of us within a block of each other and in the same grade.

    I am not Keith Kakugawa and I am not the person under discussion here.

    Just sayin’.

  21. RanTalbott says:

    Posted by someone who signed up recently as “Mark Edward Gillar” at (i.e., authenticity completely unknown):

    As someone who knows what they have, I can assure it’s irrefutable. I don’t know what made Obama think he could get away with this, but he will not. Obama, as well as many at the HDOH, Hawaii Gov. Office, Hawaii Attorney General’s office, the Selective Service System, and U.S. Post office will be wearing orange jumpsuits within a year.

    Also posted:


    When crimes were committed against the MCSO in an attempt to thwart the Obama document fraud investigation, it opened the door for department resources to be used. The circumstances changed since Arpaio made that first statement..

    “Gillar” did not respond to requests for clarification, or for confirmation of his identity. Or to the many expressions of doubt and/or disdain.

  22. foreigner says:

    Xerox refutation.
    crimes against MCSO

    indicate that it’s still related to the BC and not something entirely new

    although with a new “direction”

  23. gorefan says:

    RanTalbott: authenticity completely unknown

    That sounds like Gillar. He’ll post one or two comments and than disappear back into the shadows.

    As to the “irrefutable” evidence, I suspect it has to do with the claim that the President’s LFBC is on different security paper than the type used for other Hawaiian COLB’s. He made a comment at the end of the recent Vogt interview along the lines of ‘note to forger next time only use one type of security paper’. This is similar to a claim that Butterdezillion has been making at Free Republic.

    As to the crimes against the MCSO, I’m guessing, but that might have something to do with the complaint that RC made against Zullo. Zullo calls them fake complaints. So maybe he considers it filing a false police report. Who knows. Than again it may be Zullo and Gillar are mischaracterizing the whole “department resources” are being used mime. It wouldn’t be the first time they have exaggerated a claim.

  24. It isn’t Gillar, however. It’s a guy from Germany whose name I know, but won’t mention as a matter of policy. I do not think you would recognize it of I did, but he posts at other places under a different name that you would recognize.

    He’s been around in the past and commented quite a bit.

    gorefan: That sounds like Gillar.He’ll post one or two comments and than disappear back into the shadows.

  25. RC complained about remarks made in public and available from their original sources on the Internet. I don’t see how one could complaint that they were “false.” As for “department resources” it was the birthers that took that and ran with it.

    gorefan: As to the crimes against the MCSO, I’m guessing, but that might have something to do with the complaint that RC made against Zullo. Zullo calls them fake complaints.

  26. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    RC complained about remarks made in public and available from their original sources on the Internet. I don’t see how one could complaint that they were “false.” As for “department resources” it was the birthers that took that and ran with it.

    Here’s how the Arizona statute on false reports reads:

    13-2907.01. False reporting to law enforcement agencies; classification

    A. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly make to a law enforcement agency of either this state or a political subdivision of this state a false, fraudulent or unfounded report or statement or to knowingly misrepresent a fact for the purpose of interfering with the orderly operation of a law enforcement agency or misleading a peace officer.

    B. Violation of this section is a class 1 misdemeanor.

    Complaining about Zullo doesn’t cut it. On top of that the posse isn’t a “law enforcement agency” and Zullo isn’t a “peace officer”.

    Other than that……………………..

  27. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It isn’t Gillar, however. It’s a guy from Germany

    The poster at using Gillar’s name is from Germany?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    RC complained about remarks made in public and available from their original sources on the Internet. I don’t see how one could complaint that they were “false.” As for “department resources” it was the birthers that took that and ran with it.

    IIRC, RC’s first complaint was about a phone conversation w/Zullo. Nothing would prevent Zullo from making the claim that a complaint is false or fake just as nothing stops him from making the claim that the President’s LFBC is fake. Of course the statement about interfering with the fraud investgation might also refer to the Xerox. Zullo considers it to be a red herring meant to distract the investigation. It wouldn’t be the first time Zullo has mischaracterized the investigation.

    It was Zullo who made the remark about using sheriff department resources and birthers who assumed he meant the crime lab when he may have been talking about the department copy machines.

  28. Sorry, I had that confused with the comment from “foreigner” that appears right above yours and also uses the words “crimes against the MCSO”.

    gorefan: The poster at using Gillar’s name is from Germany?

  29. nbc says:

    gorefan: As to the crimes against the MCSO, I’m guessing, but that might have something to do with the complaint that RC made against Zullo. Zullo calls them fake complaints. So maybe he considers it filing a false police report.

    It can hardly be a crime to inform the CCP that their experts have missed an obvious candidate for the forger: Roxy.
    It may be embarrassing for the CCP that they missed something so obvious in their haste to convict but that does not amount to much of a crime.

    Of course, the CCP never has been really much of a law enforcement agency anyway.

    I’d love to see them pursue this line of reasoning…

  30. foreigner=gsgs says:

    > it isn’t Gillar, however. It’s a guy from Germany whose name I know, but won’t mention
    > as a matter of policy. I do not think you would recognize it of I did, but he posts at other
    > places under a different name that you would recognize.
    > He’s been around in the past and commented quite a bit.

    if you had actually read my posts in that thread or “at other places” and tried to understand them,
    you’d quickly noticed, how absurd that Gillar-comparison is

    Guenter Stertenbrink = gsgs in the forums
    usually called “concern troll” by Dr.C.
    profile here:
    birth certificate here:
    vital statistics:
    birth certificate analysis:

  31. Of course I knew that, because once in the past you posted here as “foreigner=gsgs” and you have a profile under gsgs at The Obama File.

    foreigner=gsgs: Guenter Stertenbrink = gsgs in the forums

  32. Lucky for all the birthers who have filed false reports with Zullo over the last couple of years.

    CarlOrcas: Complaining about Zullo doesn’t cut it. On top of that the posse isn’t a “law enforcement agency” and Zullo isn’t a “peace officer”.

  33. nbc says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Lucky for all the birthers who have filed false reports with Zullo over the last couple of years.


  34. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Lucky for all the birthers who have filed false reports with Zullo over the last couple of years.

    Rants on Birther Report don’t qualify as police reports either. They could, i suspect, be used in a hearing to determine the poster’s sanity.

  35. foreigner says:

    OK, sorry,I see that you thought that gorefan thought that Gillar had posted
    as foreigner here.
    And not that you thought that I had posted as Gillar at city-data

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