This is really off topic, I suppose. A little box popped up on my computer desktop listing recent email arrivals, including one with the subject “Scan from a Xerox WorkCentre.” My first though was that RC had used the Xerox “scan to email” feature to send me (or he forwarded to me) the results of his latest tests of scanning birth certificates.
Here’s the text of the email:
Please download the document. It was scanned and sent to you using a Xerox multifunction device.
File Type: pdf
Download: Scanned from a Xerox multi~2.pdfmultifunction device Location: machine location not set
Device Name: Xerox0077For more information on Xerox products and solutions, please visit
Rather than having a PDF file attached, it was a zip file, and in the zip file was an executable file. Who knows what that might have done had I opened it.
I have finally got in contact with the proper people to help confirm the Xerox thing the Obots are peddling around regarding the birth certificate. I hope they will help. Their expertise cannot be matched by any Obot or birther for that matter and they will be able to tell me definitively whether or not RC and NBCs findings are hogwash. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed that these folks will help you, or crossed that you won’t be disproven?
Just remember, anonymous experts cannot be cited as authorities. Real experts are always welcome.
Believe me Doc, they persons are experts. If they say one way or another that a Xerox WorkCenter scanned or didn’t scan Obama’s Long Form Certificate, you can take it to the bank they are right regardless of what RC, NBC or the CCP can produce or refute.
So they have less than no expertise?
Really John, considering how many announcements of “soon to be revealed” anonymous experts that you birthers have peddled over the course of five years, how can you possibly expect more than yawns in response?
I’m sorry… why should we believe you again?
John, you’re a birther. Of course I don’t believe you. I don’t think you’re lying but I don’t trust your judgment. If you knew anything about expertise and trustworthiness, you wouldn’t be a birther in the first place.
And exactly why would it matter if the BC was scanned by a Xerox Workcenter or not? Or have you completely missed the point here?
It doesn’t matter what machine the BC was actually scanned with. The point is that Zullo and the CCCP claimed that the anomalies were impossible to have happened by a scan. NBC proved they could have happened by a scan, because at least one machine is capable of producing them. That in itself disproves Zullo’s claim. What actual machine was employed isn’t relevant.
Is that plain enough, or should I type slower for you?
And while I’m still a John,
Believe me Doc, they marbles are bowling balls.
Believe me Doc, they molehills are mountains.
Believe me Doc, they pencils are rotary presses.
Believe me Doc, they turds are jewels.
Believe me Doc, they English are perfect.
So, john, why don’t you just post their names and e-mail addresses so we can all drop them a note and tell them how much we’d appreciate hearing and seeing what they have to say?
I’m sure once they see that level of interest they’ll get hopping.
The only “experts” that might ever really matter are those authorities who submit their credentials to a court of law, are subjected to cross-examination as to their areas of expertise and are then qualified as expert witnesses by a Trier of Fact such as a judge.
In a field like computer science, such experts will have been published in peer reviewed scholarly professional journals.
Anonymous experts posting on Internet blogs are in a completely different category. Being anonymous doesn’t make them more right or more wrong, just different from a court qualified expert.
And what if they say that they cannot say for sure whether or not the Workcentre scanned it, but are positive that the PDF was created by their software? I can pretty much promise you that your request will be passed around and possibly appear in the “The Idiots Out There” section of their company newsletter because people like you don’t understand WTF YOU ARE DOING!
Too funny!
Hey John, how is that IRS inquiry working out? Also, who is they forger John?
you people are not typing slow enough for birther john.
John said: “I have finally got in contact with the proper people to help confirm the Xerox thing the Obots are peddling around regarding the birth certificate….”
It would be a good idea to contact someone from, wait for it, Xerox.
Here’s the telephone number of their corporate headquarters: 1-203-968-3000. You might ask for public relations to guide you to a technical representative who can comment. However, I’m not holding my breath.
Please do not be alarmed, Dr. C. That email was just a spoof sent by my cousin Rocky who is a pernicious practical joker.
It would have been inconvenient and irritating had you opened the file, but it would not have been catastrophic. Rocky (0077′s nickname) finds it entertaining to mess with humans… especially by wasting their time. For us a minute is an epoch, so Rocky does not see why time matters so much to them.
Rocky was the one who suggested I add a few extra-conspicuous anomalies when I scanned the President’s birth certificate, just to drive the Birthers insane. Had I realized how well it would work, I might have declined.
Oh well… function and learn.
If you actually had people who could refute the work that nbc and RC have done you would be doing your best to explain your methodology exactly to allow others to independently verify those findings. That is how scientific investigation works. I’m guessing that the reason that you are anything but open about what you are doing is either because you haven’t really contacted any experts, the experts you contacted don’t have any relevant expertise, or you’re afraid that your experts will tell you that what nbc and RC say is correct.
I think you’ll notice that no one here is at all worried about your “experts”. We don’t need to know if you’re holding a busted flush, a missed straight draw, or 7 high garbage to understand that President Obama’s royal flush is the winning hand. Do keep bleating out your desperation and bigotry, though, it’s not much, but it helps keep the birther movement marginally entertaining.
RANSOMWARE – Cryptolocker
Doc, I do not know if this is the case with the file you mentioned as receiving, but everyone should be extremely careful in opening any such file in Windows. There is a disastrous virus being distributed as a pdf.exe file. The default for Windows is not to display extensions, so people think the file is a PDF instead of an executable. When the file is executed it encrypts everything it can access and then says that to get your files back you must send them $300. (See ) Be careful and make sure you have a good backup which is NOT connected to your computer.
John, you obviously are unaware of the expertise of at least one member of this group.
So sorry for posting on-topic, but: yeah, good call, that email was trojan spam that’s been around since at least 2011.
Oh dear. If what you all say is so, and I do believe you, it appears Rocky has escalated from mischief to vandalism and extortion. I will recommend to Renegade that he be taken in for a kernel reboot.
So that’s where Obama’s BC came from!
Heh, it’d be hilarious to say this was les birfers attempting to trojan Doc, but, even as obvious and as lame as this message was, it’s still far too slick for a birther to manage!
Then why didn’t the Cold Case Clownship contact them instead of doing their own experiments “to see if an innocuous process can duplicate the WH PDF”?
Are you still not concerned that alleged “law enforcement” tries to elevate themselves to forensic experts, or get their info from other non-experts with a birther agenda? Can you say “tainted investigation”?
At least they could’ve sneaked some “WorkCentre 7655” into it. 😉
I never open attached documents (especially ZIPs) unless I know who they come from and they have been pre-announced.
Your base are all belong to us.
John – I challenge you to have your “experts” post here the findings. Not with any one of the known birther sites. Come here first and let us have an intelligent conversion with these folks.
John, the only explanations I want to hear are about this:
john October 16, 2013 at 2:08 pm #
I sent the following letter to the Arlington National Cemetery Administration:
Dear Administration,
When the government reopens, I am planning on taking a trip to Washington DC. I plan to visit Arlington National Cemetery. I am an avid treasure hunter and I am asking permission if I can metal detect on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Millions of people visit the cemetery and I want to metal detect around some of the green and the graves. I would promise to fill any holes I made and the administration can even keep an eye on me to be sure I fill in the holes I make at some the graves. I know this is an unusual request by I understand the National Park Service with approval of the President placed barricades in front of the memorials including the WWII Memorial denying Vets access to them. It seems this was OK with National Park Service and President so I don’t see why there be would a problem to allow me to metal detect around the green and the graves of Arlington National Cemetery. Thank you for your time in this matter and I look forward to quick response.
So, my questions remain:
1. How did your request work out?
2. What was the point of it?
3. Did you dig up anything interesting?
John, you just don’t get it! But, that’s not surprising for a birther.
It doesn’t not matter one whit what any “experts” say concerning the reproduction of the BC. The PDF is informational only, and doesn’t amount to a hill of beans legally.
The lawfully qualified and empowered experts on the birth certification–HawaiIan officials–has verified that the information displayed thereon is correct.
Let me say it again and SHOUT IT: HAWAIIAN HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL ARE THE ONLY “EXPERTS” THAT MATTER. See if you can find their opinion on the veracity of the (real) birth certification.
It’s easier than that, even.
The issue was settled legally with the production of the President’s COLB. That is the legally self-authenticating instrument of birth record from Hawaii. The long form, verification from Hawaii, birth notices in the papers etc. are actually redundant.
To my knowledge there is no purpose (driver’s license, passport, security clearance, what have you) for which the COLB would not be sufficient.
You forgot about “Shutting up idiot birthers”.
Birther baiting…
Der Expert kommt …
“I am ex-PERT!” 😉
“Hmmm, I don’t remember scanning anything in the last 5 minutes…
“…Well, what the hey, let’s see what it is! Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?”
…sometimes the bar eats you.
Seriously John? Did you just write that?
Proving Hawaiian ancestry. But since Obama never claimed to be the descendant of Hawaiians, that’s of academic interest only.
I stand corrected on all points.
Hmmm. And how is that accomplished, exactly? Short of mindwipes (or liquidation…) that is?