Last night on Reality Check Radio, Foggy was substituting for RC. Foggy discussed the question: Where is Mike Zullo? The question was raised by a birther over at Birther Report, Ed from W. Va.:
where’s zullo ? this is the same question I keep asking to mike volin in e – mails to him . him and others are sticking their necks out on this fraud and zullo is no where to be found or heard from .
I called in and we bandied about some thoughts about Zullo’s absence. In fact, Zullo has been keeping a low profile of late, not appearing on any radio programs or making any public appearances that we know of for about a month. Carl Gallups isn’t mentioning him. Partly in jest, we suggested some reasons why Zullo’s not been visible of late:
- Increasing pressure from the IRS over the two citizen complaints sent to the IRS (unlike what Douglas Vogt is doing, the anti-birthers use a legitimate mechanism to report to the IRS) has forced Zullo into hiding.
- Sheriff Arpaio has told Zullo to shut up after a complaint was filed with his office about the defamation of Foggy and Reality Check by Zullo and Carl Gallups on the latter’s radio show not long before Zullo’s disappearance, in which Zullo stated that he is in close communication with Arpaio and that Arpaio approves of everything he is doing.
- Zullo is interned in the FEMA facility in Canon City, Colorado. (This facility is disguised as the Garden Park High School.)
- Zullo is ill with some “horrific affliction.”™
Right after the RC Radio show I got a call from Mike Volin. I had sent him an email earlier reminding him of my offer to be a guest on his Blog Talk Radio show and he called me about it. He’s still considering my offer. Mike’s show schedule is irregular, but he had done one last night before he called. Volin says that he has to be careful, and I can understand that. I think back to the small flare-up I had over an extended phone conversation with Orly Taitz where she reported some things I said not quite accurately and in context. At least on a radio show, everybody hears the exact words and the context.
While I had him on the phone, I took the opportunity to ask Mr. Volin about the last of those possibilities for Zullo’s absence. Volin seemed prepared for the question, saying that he had talked to Mike Zullo just last Sunday, and that Zullo was “taking a break from politics” explaining what he meant by that—that Zullo was still investigating, but not making public appearances right now. Volin suggested that Zullo had been extremely busy dealing with all the communications and questions related to the investigation.
Foggy noted that Zullo was scheduled to make an appearance at the Deer Valley Tea Party in Phoenix on December 6, and speculated that Zullo won’t appear. We’ll see how that turns out.
LOL. Zullo is Investigating but not making public appearances. LOL. I suppose Mike Volin–and other conspiracy theorists–are predisposed to believe nonsensical BS that confirms what they already believe, but the notion that little Mikey Zullo is hunkered down and working hard on birfer stuff is ludicrous. He has produced almost nothing despite having spent, by his own estimate, the equivalent of 2 years of full time work on this.
Sure, Mike. He’s putting the final touches on his birfery dissertation.
Another possibility: He’s scrambling to put together seven years of financial records so he can file those 990’s that Doc asked about. His copy of QuickBooks is smoking!
I was unaware that stupidity counted as a “horrific affliction”.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he is hiding/vacationing in Canada.
If he does show up Dec 6, I believe it will be to deliver an obscure statement, along the lines of “We’re examining new leads and new evidence.” Which as we all know is code for “The Xerox tests killed our forgery theory deader than Trump’s head squirrel! We. Are. SCREWED!”
I wouldn’t expect any form 990’s any time soon, but there are some other forms that he’s very definitely on the hook to produce, and pretty quick.
I recall “Julio Schwartz” at ORYR saying he would no longer support Zullo if by November he hadn’t produced anything. November was the 6 month in a 3-6 month time frame he gave at a one of his “press” “conferences.”
That said, I’m sure Zullo could rope the Birthers back in with some cockamamie claim or another.
I would be interested to know if those were Zullo’s precise words. If so it was either a rare moment of honesty or a Freudian slip when he used the word “politics”. That is exactly what everything Zullo is doing is about.
How much more time does Vollin need? It’s been what a month since the original exchange? His point about being careful? Is it because the short blips of reality that come into the show must immediately be drowned out. Look at the first part of Vollin’s show last night trying to explain away something Phil from CT said.
It would be a smart move for him to get the 990’s in order……a preemptive move because he can’t hide behind the sheriff much longer.
I forget…..did you also file a FOIA with the MCSO for stuff on the posse?
Taking a break from politics? Well now.
Guys, I’ve got it!
Zullo is actually an animatronic puppet. One day, he suffered a critical mustache failure, but the CCP hasn’t been able to find proper replacement parts to fix him, as that style of mustache can no longer be found in stores. Hence why Zullo hasn’t spoken for himself in several months.
have they tried the vintage porn sites?
I hate to disagree with you Doc, but I think some folks over at the Fogbow have uncovered the real reason for Zullo’s absence…
Congratulations to the happy couple!
In case someone didn’t get the joke, “horrific affliction” is what Mike Zullo claimed Foggy was suffering from.
That was an interesting point. After Volin said “taking a break from politics” I asked him if I could quote him. He said several times not to misquote him, so I repeated back to him what he said. He then launched into a lengthy explanation which I summarized in the article in order to quote him correctly. I didn’t feel that I could quote Volin honestly without also placing it in the context of his explanation. I was earnestly trying to put zero spin on what he said.
I could have lived out my life quite well without having seen that.
Yes, for financial records and financial management oversight records. They said there were none. The reply reiterated what Sheriff Arpaio told the local Phoenix TV station, that Posse’s were independent.
Good luck with that!
You can tell it’s photoshopped. Mario’s hair was never so well-behaved.
Wooooah! An admission of wrong doing? Zullo “taking a break from politics” is interesting. The CCCP articles of incorporation prohibit the non-profit being used for political and propaganda purposes as I recall. Zu Low could be in a world of hurt and it could be his actions and lack of actions are beginning to catch up with him. If so, it couldn’t happen to a nicer moose stash.
The picture is fantastic. Of course you can’t trust any pictures found on the Internet. Love the dresses.
A whole new meaning for the birther “layers”.
The way I heard it, he’s haunting taxi companies in Albuquerque looking for that fabled former accountant who can take the heat off of him.
That’s why I think if they have any sense they are working to amend their status and catch up on their filings with the IRS.
The LLC members, especially founding members like Zullo, are exposing themselves to some real personal liability.
“Sheriff Arpaio has told Zullo to shut up after a complaint was filed with his office about the defamation of Foggy and Reality Check by Zullo and Carl Gallups on the latter’s radio show not long before Zullo’s disappearance, in which Zullo stated that he is in close communication with Arpaio and that Arpaio approves of everything he is doing.”
Have thes complaints ever been posted here Doc?
So true.
It’s a non profit corp, not an LLC, yes?
Yes!! Sorry I mistyped.
Typing and trying to the same time is dangerous!
But the point remains the same…..they had duties as officers that it appears they haven’t fulfilled.
I don’t think they have been published. Basically a conversation between someone and the Sheriff’s Office took place, and an Officer asked for details. Audio recordings of the Gallups show and other specifics were provided. This is what I understand took place.
The broadcast was clearly defamatory, as Zullo said that Foggy had paranoias and delusions, which simply isn’t true. Foggy had depression at one point in his life, but depression and paranoia are completely different.
Karl Gall Oops!: “Okay, we’re back, Listeners – Karl Gall Oops!, over-enunciating as usual here on the Pee Pee Summons Rodeo Nutwork, and we’ve been talking today to God over the phone in our studio – lots of, I have to say, GREAT advice from him about how purchasing my upcoming book, The Rabbi Who RAN on the Water, might get one to Heaven, but I tell you what, I’m putting God on hold right now beCAUSE – Hey! Mike Zoo Low is calling in on the other line, and lately, as the CCP lead investigator, he’s been as scarce around here as a winning Birther lawsuit. [Far away sound of retching ensues.]
Now Mike, have I got this right? – WE, meaning only me and secretly, every member of Congress including both major parties, know that a full Presidency-ending Congressional Investigation of Obama is already planned and he’s as good as gone – THAT’S A GIVEN! – but my producer says you’ve got breaking news on further deterioration of what we promised listeners months ago was an unshakably over-proven, and heading-to-jail certain outcome, criminal document fraud case against the Usurper, AND I’m hearing now, any children he may already have, or may have going forward. Can you confirm all that, Mike Zoo Low?”
Supreme Generalissimost Field Marshall & Grand Admiral Zoo Low: ”Well, sure Karl. But the real reason I called is, that I’m not sure where I am located right now, and, as the CCP lead investigator, I need more financial resources to find these things out. It’s so frustrating, Karl, to be a lead investigator, need the public’s respect, and have them see you unable to determine where you happen to be, and all for lack of funds! “
Karl Gall Oops!:”WOW! That’s quite an update! Okay, Listeners, let’s hit those PayPal buttons or send us any Gold teeth your grandparents can do without, loose or not, this is an emergency. Real patriots might also go out and buy my upcoming book, “The Rabbi Who Misspelled Rabbit”, but folks, hear me now, it costs REAL money to keep generating new-sounding reasons for you loyal listeners to keep donating money, am I right about that, Mike?”
I believe rhat Little Mikey has been kidnapped and is being held in an attic in the suburbs somewhere and is being used for the personal gratification of the kidnapper. Has Foggy, with all the power of the Supreme Court of Bun Dogs, issued any warrants or sent out an ABP or something.
(My money is on Big Carl)
Regards …………Dick
On the money with that quote!!!
No worries. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near that organization if and when it hits the fan. No thank you.
Which didn’t stop birthers from claiming “Obama’s lawyer admitted BC is forgery in court” even though the entire proceeding is up on YouTube several times and they could never point to the exact words or the point in the video where she “admitted” that.
So knowing birthers are shameless spinmeisters, it comes as no surprise they fear the same being done to them.
Event Details.Time: December 6, 2013 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Deer Valley Airport Restaurant
Street: 702 W Deer Valley Road
City/Town: Phoenix
Website or Map:…
Phone: (edited)
Event Type: america’s, founding, educational, constitution, 9/11, patriotic, patriot, celebrate, america
Organized By: (edited)
Latest Activity: Jul 31
Here’s the announcement for Mike Zullo’s, Deer Valley Tea Party event. “Event Type” fails to mention “seeking donations,” “bring money,” and “seeking gullible supporters for the cause.” Don’t be surprised if an announcement is made about the second Mike Zullo, future best selling e-book, possibly titled, “Watch Me Pull a Rabbit out of My Moose Stash” or, “How I learned to Work Cooperatively with the IRS.” I suspect writing a second book has kept Admiral Z very busy and out of the public eye.
Hopefully there will be folks in Arizona willing to go to this event and ask Private Z some hard hitting questions. Contact the media and let them know, this is their opportunity to see Zullo in action again.
CarlOrcas, will you be giving us a report? How about sending those nice people from the New Phoenix Times to cover the event? How about RC doing a live remote broadcast from the event? Oh, the endless possibilities!
Probably won’t work because, unlike the hate-focused and hex-casting Birthers, the media have already noticed that an opportunity to see “Zullo in action” again, is really just an opportunity to see “Zullo Inaction” again.
Given that we are currently seeing a rehash of the late 2010 meme “impeachment hearings will begin in January”, I suppose Grand Mufti Zullo will claim to somehow be involved in that particular any-day-now. After that, he’ll claim to have been disappointed by his VIP’s and that he’s contacted “VIP’s from abroad” to help him (which will probably be the likes of Oh Lordy Monckton and the Principality of Sealand) “within the next few months”. Oh, and send money. Because this time Mike’s gonna get ’em for real. Or maybe not.
“Probably won’t work because, unlike the hate-focused and hex-casting Birthers, the media have already noticed that an opportunity to see “Zullo in action” again, is really just an opportunity to see “Zullo Inaction” again.”
You’re good Benji. Too funny!
Zullo appears to be having some financial problems, and maybe he’s trying to deal with them.
He might want to get his dementia sorted out too, while he’s at it.
Betting on birferism doesn’t pay off?
Let’s see … WND can’t sell birfer books in the mainstream, Haskins can’t sell tickets to birfer events, Taitz can’t get birfers to pay for anything, not even a FedEx … there may be a pattern here.
The prospects do not look good for the soon to be released, tell-all birther fiction novel by Major Z. How many years of his life will be wasted on this delusional trek? Will Carl Gallups promote the book? Will Arpaio deliver the novels with his new drones? Will Dr. C. be asked to write the introduction? (That would be awesome!) Will RC interview the Big Z about his work of fiction? Will Birther Report advertise the book and do pre-sales?
Will “Falcon” finally figure out that he’s been taken for a ride, in the Klown Kar? Stay tuned…..
Gallups just went full whiney mode explaining away Mike Zullo’s absence
Wow! Zullo on the road for two weeks. Problem is now “deeper than you can imagine”. “Much bigger than the birth certificate.”
Any day now.
felatio friday continues to be huge… monumentaly huge
And the birthers continue their “Any Day Now” mantra. It’s fun listening to Gallups play “Whack-a-birther” with them…and they’ll be right there on the message boards begging Gallups “Thank you sir, can I have another?”. My money’s on Zullo being lead away in handcuffs and the President just laughing at them.
You could remove the date from each of Gallups videos and would never be able to tell which date they came from they sound the same. Zullo is probably hiking the appalachian trail
Consult a doctor if your erection lasts more than four hours.
Or your ex-GFs
In the comments, PP cautions that we will have to wait months… not days… for more info.
well there you go, the investigation is “much, much, deeper”. tune in next month when it will be “much, much, much, deeper”.
Sounds like Zullo’s clown car went off the road into quicksand and he’s spinning his wheels and sinking deeper and deeper and deeper …
It would be hilarious to do that with a half dozen videos and then present them to birthers to see if they can figure out the correct order that they were broadcast.
So, is the birther creedo being changed to “Any. Month. Now.”?
ORYR has done something like that: reposting old stories on slow news days. The birfers mostly seem not to notice.
It just occurred to me that maybe the birfers are all Zen masters, living completely in the moment, and forgetting that all their claims have been debunked. So all their beliefs remain “true”, and even re-runs seem new.
Oh, wait: that’s actually Alzheimer’s, or maybe senile dementia, isn’t it?
selective amnesia is a vital component of ODS maintenance.
I posted Part III showing the results scanning a test BC on a Xerox WorkCentre 7535 at the RC Radio blog.
Driving the final nail into the Cold Case Posse “investigation” coffin–Part III
LOL! And once again, birthers lose! Just as surely as the sun rises and sets.
First Arpaio pulls out and leaves all the talking to Zullo.
Now Zullo has pulled out and leaves all the talking to Gallups.
Notice a pattern?
No doubt Zullo has returned to Space Station 7 to work on Plan 11. (Assuming Plan 10 was the Cold Case posse.) Or should it be Plan 12 by now?
Any plan that doesn’t involve Tor Johnson is bound to fail miserably.
That was Plan 9. In Plan 10, the part is being played by Sheriff Arpaio.
Inquiring minds want to know: is Gallups Zullo’s dentist in disguise?
I suspect Mike Vollin will be the next guy left holding the bag.
“Hi Listeners! Karl Gall Oops! Back with you here on the Free Dumb Friday Program. To maintain complete unaccountability. I am an official non-spokesperson for Mike Zoo Low and Sheriff Our Pie, oh! Now I’m a preacher who knows how to make a fortune cultivating vote-producing outrage, so, as I talk, focus on hating Obama, because it’s hard for EVEN ME to get an audience PayPal Button-ready when they remember that our failed anti-Obama initiative has gone absolutely nowhere.”
‘Has the investigation gone silent?’, some of you ask. Are you nuts? Get this straight, you Funding Fodder, – our eligibility witch hunt IS ALL TALK, PERIOD! When we need to deceive you with a transparently sham secret-sauce so-called ‘investigation’ which has no governmental case number OR survivable legal substance, every time it again becomes obvious that we have no real evidence, we go LOUDER, not silent! Have you forgotten that the Sheriff’s official county prosecutor has already declared that there is no actual evidence of any crime here?”
“And you listeners who whine over the phone, “Karl, keeping us in the dark about everything ‘ SUCKS! We desperately need something to take to the bank!” Yeah, well you particular folks need to just shut up and keep sending US something WE can take to the bank.”
“Now,PLEASE! A word to those doubting Thomas’s out there:
Didn’t your daddy ‘scare you straight’ as a kid with endless fantastic stories about a bigger and bigger Boogey-Man, or the threat of a worser and worser whippin’, cause each stage of increasing severity soon lost its power to frighten you when it never really materialized? Well, get ready! I’m your Daddy now, and I’m going to HAVE TO AGAIN bury all my lying, and my promised, but never-gonna-happen congressional investigation of Obama, under a new and BIGGER pile of the same secrecy-shrouded crap!”
“To wit, Mike Zoo Low and I have been telling you (for months) that this investigation, already described by us ( with a straight face), as a 100% proven, biggest President toppling scandal in the history of the republic, on the basis of an alleged forged Birth Certificate, SOMEHOW (NO DETAILS, now dummies!) took a DEEPER TURN some time back, passing up World War Two in significance! And in connection with that, I had you thinkin’ a hoard of Congressional investigations of Obama were ready to start because we supposedly had a passel of V.I.P.’s ready to jerk Obama out of office!”
“Well children, now that nothing has come of that V.I.P. myth, we pretty much have to say there’s an EVEN BIGGER ISSUE now to pursue, requiring us to all be EVEN MORE SECRETIVE! Yes! Our BullCrap political fishing expedition not only took a deeper turn – but it has now become much, much, much, much, SUPER-DUPER deeper! Yes, Birthers, I mean BullCrap deeper than you could ever imagine, because you’re such dummies to believe us in the first place.”
” And you guessed it! As always, we can’t tell your sorry asses ANYTHING ABOUT it, except I CAN tell you this: Barney Mike Zoo Low Fife says, “It’s big, BIG, BIG, Floyd!!” and Gomer Mike Zoo Low Pyle says, “Well, Gollee, it’s deep, DEEP, DEEP!!, Ange”.
More when we come back from the break to discuss my new apolitical book, The Rabbi Who Recognized Satan Hiding Inside Hillary’s Unshapely Calves.”
Sadly, this is pretty much on the mark of how the RWNJ paranoid mind and its delusions work…these gullible saps are so mentally broken by their hate-based delusions and all they keep doing is swirling deeper and deeper into unrecoverable madness…
Tsk, tsk. You weren’t listening carefully: it’s now officially “beyond monumental”.
And “the investigation work has increased 100-fold in intensity”. Which, I guess, means they’ve gone from smoking weed to smoking crack while dropping acid.
We should start a pool on what will be in the next “BREAKING-ing-ing-ing!!!! NEWS-ews-ews-ews!!!”. The Illuminati? Space aliens? Obama was actually produced by in vitro fertilization using gametes collected from Idi Amin and Ethel Rosenberg?
You know it’s gotta be really dramatic to top Reed Hayes’ psychic document authentication.
I wonder how that is even possible. I thought they were already going 24/7 on this “most important case in the history of history”?
It’s one of those Zullo/Gallups things that never materialize. Zullo has been burnt often enough with his claims, so I doubt he’ll come up with anything substantial, he’ll play the “it’s a secret” game and at some time silently drop out.
The last big pre-announcement I remember that actually came to be was the “government official who met Obama as a foreign student” touted on WND that turned out to be a postman who once maybe met Obama and was told about a foreign student and assumed both persons were one and the same.
From then on, I only remember vaporware. Like the ORYR claim that some reporter had proof of Indonesian citizenship for Obama; they put it as “SHOCK CLAIM” in red atop their articles for weeks until they removed it, nothing ever came out either.
CCP Bombshell! Zullo’s Vice-President in charge of cardboard badges and refuting suggestions that Zullo is a lunatic, reveals that Zullo is in an empty underground Diet Pepsi bunker fluffing up his mustache and negotiating a non-agression pact with the former Soviet Union, before he invades Poland.
ORYR also has a habit of running headlines like “Judge declares Obama a fraud!”, but the first sentence of the article will read something along the lines “Former Judge John E. Generic explains why he feels Obama may have said some fraudulent things.” The following article ends up being an opinion piece from someone who no longer holds an ounce of power, and cannot help the birther cause in the least.
That has to be hard on folks like Falcon!
That would be like a convention announcing “Meet Star Trek’s Captain Kirk!”, only for you to walk inside and there be a sign that reads “Meet Shatner’s stunt double’s temp, from that one episode where his original stunt double took a sick day! His name is Marv.”