“Any day now” defined?

So last night on the Mike Volin Blog Talk Radio show, “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate,” there was a discussion of some sort of insider’s conference call with Mike Zullo. Poor Mike Volin is always trying really hard to sound like he is privy to stuff, but terribly afraid to let anything slip out.

Perhaps he let something slip yesterday, the birther’s most closely guarded secret: “when is ‘any day now?’” Volin was talking about the silence of the Cold Case Posse and explaining (erroneously) that it was a Law Enforcement Investigation, and that law enforcement doesn’t announce each stage in their investigation (so what were those Zullo press conferences?). He let slip, however, the time frame for Zullo releasing his results, next March.

Dr. Ken played a clip from the Volin show on Reality Check Radio, and following is the link to Volin’s actual show, although the incriminating statement might get scrubbed before you hear it: “Updates About Our Sheriff’s Kits Go to Washington D. C. Trip.”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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17 Responses to “Any day now” defined?

  1. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Actually Doc I think it was Jeff Richter who made comments that it was a law enforcement investigation and that they don’t have to reveal information.

    Perhaps RC who has access to the dropbox can post the clip I excerpted from the Volin show.

  2. gorefan says:

    Listening to the show I got the impression that Congress wasn’t very receptive to the birthers on their last trip to Washington (Nov 18-19th).

    CPAC is in Washington in March.

  3. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    For those who wanted to hear it on the volin show the clip takes place within the last 15 minutes of the show.

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Sounds like another “October surprise” promise to me. 😉

  5. Jim says:

    So they’ve finally seen the light and moved from “Any Day Now” to “Any Year Now”. Just out of reach of the birthers’ grasp!

  6. HistorianDude says:

    That would be right smack dab in the middle of the “3 to 6 month” time frame we’ve been given since last May. Remember, they promised “within 3 to 6 months.” They never told us which ones.

  7. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So they’ve finally seen the light and moved from “Any Day Now” to “Any Year Now”.Just out of reach of the birthers’ grasp!

    That’s how you run a con properly! Don’t give a concrete date, make it fluid, easy to push back. Not that Zullo is a master con by any means. Its easy to con people as gullible as birthers. Calling Zullo a great con man, for fooling birthers, would be like calling a heavy weight boxer a champ, for beating a 80 pound chemo patient.

  8. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    That would be right smack dab in the middle of the “3 to 6 month” time frame we’ve been given since last May. Remember, they promised “within 3 to 6 months.” They never told us which ones.

    Yeah if you consider 3 to 6 months as 10+ months.

  9. HistorianDude says:

    gorefan: CPAC is in Washington in March.

    And Volin says earlier in the show that they will be “doing this again” in conjunction with Zullo in March.

  10. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I have uploaded a link to soundcloud for the relevant section

  11. JPotter says:

    So they’ve finally seen the light and moved from “Any Day Now” to “Any Year Now”.Just out of reach of the birthers’ grasp!

    I’ve always taken birthers to use “day” in the same sense as apologists use “day” in relation to Genesis.

    But now thinking about that, I expect there is a high correlation between biblical literalists and birthers … and that they would reject my reading thusly: “When god says ‘day’, he means 24hrs! When we say ‘day’, we … just … uh …. errr … ummm …. ” 😉

  12. nbc says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:
    I have uploaded a link to soundcloud for the relevant section

    Still pretending that it is a law enforcement investigation…

  13. aarrgghh says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: That’s how you run a con properly! Don’t give a concrete date, make it fluid, easy to push back.Not that Zullo is a master con by any means. Its easy to con people as gullible as birthers. Calling Zullo a great con man, for fooling birthers, would be like calling a heavy weight boxer a champ, for beating a 80 pound chemo patient.

    more like calling an 80 pound chemo patient a champ for beating up a crack baby …

  14. RanTalbott says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Yeah if you consider 3 to 6 months as 10+ months

    It’s the Symmetry of the Universe™: PDFs use moving window compression, birthers use moving window prognostication.

  15. Curious George says:

    “He let slip, however, the time frame for Zullo releasing his results, next March.”

    Here comes the book! Here comes the book! Sock it to me, sock it to me, here comes the book!

    (My apologies to “Laugh In.”)

  16. The Magic M says:

    He let slip, however, the time frame for Zullo releasing his results, next March.

    And so we will see the two birther factions beating their drums again – the “what are they waiting for, we need to release it NOW” group and the “Obama’s in a panic, he’s finally going down this time” group. Nothing new under the sun…

  17. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The Magic M: And so we will see the two birther factions beating their drums again – the “what are they waiting for, we need to release it NOW” group and the “Obama’s in a panic, he’s finally going down this time” group. Nothing new under the sun…

    It’s going to be another oh sh** moment for the birthers like say Georgia, out in 30 days, fill in the blank before it.

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