CBL Project

I’m working on a combined birther list (CBL) project. The goal is to provide a list of all public birthers. It’s intended as a historical reference and Who’s Who. Also an index to the site.

The page, titled “Birthers from A to Z,” appears under the site’s Features menu.

Interestingly, while researching for this project, I came across the Encyclopedia of American Loons. It shares some entries with my list.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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138 Responses to CBL Project

  1. ZixiOfIx says:

    I hope it’s okay to add (off the top of my head):

    Chief Editor Sammy Korir (Michelle Obama’s suspected “whitey” tape).

    “Race Bannon” (Freeper/birther, who claims he met a young Obama in Hawaii, and says young Obama said that he was born in Mombasa).

    Matt Romney, who made a pandering birther comment or two during his father’s run for president.

    In fact, I’d add every pandering birther politician I could find, for two reasons:

    1). They help complete the cast list, and since any credibility they possess as candidates carries through in their comments and helps fuel birthers, they deserve to be there.

    2). To leave a permanent record of the political climate surrounding the birther movement.

  2. welsh dragon says:

    Butterdezillion’s real name is public since she testified to Nebraska State Senate Committee hearing in 2011

  3. HistorianDude says:

    Dr. Kate Vandemoer

    And I think Wrotnowski’s first name is “Court.” IIRC

  4. HistorianDude says:

    Linda Sue Belcher AKA Linda L. Starr – Berg Supporter, Blogger, minor player in the Killian Papers affair

    Texas Darlin (Pseudonym) – Blogger

    Pam Geller – Atlas Shrugs Blogger

  5. HistorianDude says:

    Tim Selaty – Founder Tea Party Tribune, Amateur birth certificate analyst

    Lisa Liberi – Berg assistant and accomplice

    Judah Benjamin (Pseudonym) – Early birther, contributor to the TD Blog

  6. Curious George says:

    Miki Booth, self proclaimed “Birther Princess.” (Spelled “Niki” on your list.)

  7. Unless the Supreme COURT got it wrong, it’s “Cort.”


    HistorianDude: And I think Wrotnowski’s first name is “Court.” IIRC

  8. OK, I’ll drop the pseudonym, and replace with real name.

    welsh dragon: Butterdezillion’s real name is public since she testified to Nebraska State Senate Committee hearing in 2011

  9. HistorianDude says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Unless the Supreme COURT got it wrong, it’s “Cort.”

    So much for my IIRC.

  10. HistorianDude says:

    Jeff Schrieber – America’s Right blog, early supporter and early abandoner of Phil Berg

    And off the top of my head I don’t know his real name so he might already be on the list… Citizen Wells.

    And I can’t remember Phil’s last name at The Right Side of Life

  11. HistorianDude says:

    And certainly you can’t have Margaret Hemenway and forget her dad John.

  12. Yes, I just hadn’t had time to look up his first name.

    I’ve added some more, including the infamous Theresa Cao, but spent most of my time hyperlinking. I’m also doing a lot of updates to article tags (sigh). A lot of articles towards the middle of this blog’s history are not well tagged.

    And certainly you can’t have Margaret Hemenway and forget her dad John.

  13. Volkonski says:

    Wayne Allyn Root?

  14. Volkonski says:

    Keith Judd?

  15. JPotter says:

    I am sure this is meant as a reference, and, hey, it might even prove useful for birthers. But, they’ll decry it as an “enemies’ list” any second now.

    What’s the criteria for inclusion? Simply any level of active birthering, online or off? Obviously bonus points to any and all who have taken part in court actions, authored manifestos, or birf’d while in public office. Do you have a set standard in mind?

  16. HistorianDude says:

    New Hampshire Legislative Birthers:

    Susan DeLemus
    Harry Accornero

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    If bloggers count, A. R. Nash spews his “natural law” nonsense on a blog which virtually no one reads…

    I am sure this is meant as a reference, and, hey, it might even prove useful for birthers. But, they’ll decry it as an “enemies’ list” any second now.

    What’s the criteria for inclusion? Simply any level of active birthering, online or off? Obviously bonus points to any and all who have taken part in court actions, authored manifestos, or birf’d while in public office. Do you have a set standard in mind?

  18. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Henry Wayland Blake. His name is public since being involved in one of Orly’s cases. Told Paul Irey that he would not testify in court because he’s afraid the defense attorneys would pick him apart during cross examination. Electrical engineer? Claims to be an expert on anything from the PDF to Andrew Breitbart’s death. Frequent commenter on Amazon, here (before banned) NBC’s blog (before banned) and other places.

  19. Steve says:

    New Hampshire Legislative Birthers:

    Susan DeLemus
    Harry Accornero

    Stella Tremblay
    Al Baldassaro
    Larry Rappaport

  20. While we are on crazy Birther NH legislators how about Carol and Lucien Vita from Middleton, NH; the husband and wife team?

  21. Joey says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:
    Henry Wayland Blake.His name is public since being involved in one of Orly’s cases.Told Paul Irey that he would not testify in court because he’s afraid the defense attorneys would pick him apart during cross examination.Electrical engineer?Claims to be an expert on anything from the PDF to Andrew Breitbart’s death.Frequent commenter on Amazon, here (before banned) NBC’s blog (before banned) and other places.

    Some call him “[REDACTED. DOC.]” 😉

  22. roadburner says:

    I am sure this is meant as a reference, and, hey, it might even prove useful for birthers. But, they’ll decry it as an “enemies’ list” any second now.

    What’s the criteria for inclusion? Simply any level of active birthering, online or off? Obviously bonus points to any and all who have taken part in court actions, authored manifestos, or birf’d while in public office. Do you have a set standard in mind?

    we’ve got to be sure we don’t miss anyone when we open the FEMA camps


  23. The first criterion is to include anyone who brought an eligibility lawsuit.
    The second category is to include any attorney who actively promoted birtherism.
    The third would be anyone who is a birther and a news maker.
    The fourth is anyone who runs a birther blog and/or publishes birther content.
    The fifth is anyone who has published a report or given testimony that Barack Obama is not eligible to be President.
    The sixth is anyone I think needs including.

    What I am not really interested is some politician who has given a wish-washy response to a birther question from a constituent, or someone who said something birtherish and walked it back.

    JPotter: What’s the criteria for inclusion?

  24. Well, that’s a problem, and I don’t have a ready solution for it. As much as anything I am doing this to give myself a realistic idea of the size of the group of birthers who believe it enough to go public.

    All I can say is that the very fact that I’m asking for assistance with the list is evidence of the fact that it didn’t exist before, and I think a real enemies list wouldn’t be public.

    JPotter: I am sure this is meant as a reference, and, hey, it might even prove useful for birthers. But, they’ll decry it as an “enemies’ list” any second now.

  25. Three more:

    jbjd – blogger
    ladyforest – blogger
    Helen Tansey – blogger http://www.t-room.us/tag/helen-tansey/

  26. Even more:

    Don Houston (I think he was active at ObamaCrimes and might have had a radio show for a while)
    Mark McGrew – Blog Talk Radio host
    CJ and Tallulah – Radio hosts on Chalice’s Blog Talk Channel
    Pieter Nosworthy – Birther commenter at Politijab and The Fogbow
    “Walmart” Ken Dunbar – Frequent guest and host on Ed Hale’s Plains Radio
    Lisa Ostella – Orly’s websmaster for a while
    “Ducktape” Penny Kelso – vet and Birther
    Steven Pidgeon – Birther attorney
    Red Beckman – Sometimes hosts Dr. Kate’s show
    Neil Sankey – Birther investigator
    Someone already listed RSOL Phil – I know his last name but I don’t think it is public
    Douglas Schell aka Captain Moroni – blogger

  27. In a quandary about Jonathan Levy


    Is he really a birther?

  28. Interestingly, while researching for this project, I came across the Encyclopedia of American Loons.


  29. Daniel says:

    Majority Will:
    Chuck Norris is a birther.


    Chuck Norris writes for World Nut Daily… ’nuff said.

  30. The particular story you cited doesn’t make Norris a birther, just an idiot.

    Majority Will:
    Chuck Norris is a birther.


  31. You have Anthony Martin (-Trigona) but there is also Anthony Martin who wrote an Examiner column. aka Ginormous Talking Head

  32. OK this is addictive dang it. How could we forget Mae Beavers and Mark Hatfield who were both guests on RC Radio?

  33. welsh dragon says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    In a quandary about Jonathan Levy


    Is he really a birther?

    IMO not – just eccentric.

  34. Majority Will says:

    00Bob Gard.

  35. Dave says:

    Bradlee Dean

  36. Bob J says:

    Luke Scott, pro baseball player. Came out as a birther in 2010 while a Baltimore Oriole.

  37. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The particular story you cited doesn’t make Norris a birther, just an idiot.

    For me, Chuck Norris will always be a C-list celebrity, whose real claim to fame was 80s Namsploitation movies, and being an internet meme, based on recycled Bill Brasky jokes.

  38. Dave B. says:

    Albert W. L. Moore

    00Bob Gard

    Albert (“And I do this for a living”) Renshaw

    Linda Joy Adams.

  39. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Andrea Shea King. Nutjob “conservative” birther and internet radio host.

  40. twinx says:

    Judson Phillips – former Shelby County Tennessee assistant district attorney, founder of the ‘Tea Party Nation’ & author of their ‘Birther Manifesto’.


  41. Thinker says:

    Mark Kessler
    Pete Santilli from Guerilla Radio Network
    Greg Black, Orly Taitz’s co-counsel in Indiana
    Nathaniel Olseson, Kreep’s acolyte who took over for him in the CA ballot challenge
    John S. Carroll, who represented Duncan Sunahara and William Wolf in separate cases in Hawaii

  42. foreigner=gsgs says:

    > list of all public birthers
    once a “birther”, forever a birther.

    for one time I was at about ~20% probability, that he wasn’t born in USA, does that qualify ?

    how about a list of “concern trolls”, whatever that is

  43. JPotter says:

    What? Still no ‘Q’s? Never fear:

    Quinn, Jim

  44. aarrgghh says:

    i’m surprised no one remembers that former cnn anchor lou dobbs lost his cushy 30-year seat for primetime birfing among other things. that’s quite a noteworthy feather in the anti-birfer cap.

    on another note, i was going through birfer posts on my blog and found this feb 2011 boast from butterdezillion on a freeper thread re joe farah’s “why eligibility is a winning issue”. it seemed fitting …

    … i wear the “birther” title proudly, just as i wear the “vexatious requester” title proudly.

    someday i’m gonna sing, “i was ‘birther’ when ‘birther’ wasn’t cool.” lol

    they’ve thrown all the rotten tomatoes that they have at us and we’ve come out of it unscathed. what are they gonna do now – bleed on us? wave their privates at our aunties? taunt us a second time? lol.

    we are the little bunnies they ridicule but in the end they will be the ones soiling their armor. lol. the only question is whether they, in their figurative death throes, will bother to write out, “aaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhh” (with a gutteral sound, in the back of the throat). lol

  45. Curious George says:

    Birther Summit Personalities from your article. Some are on your new CBL, some aren’t.

    •Rev. David Manning
    •Mario Apuzzo
    •Dr. Orly Taitz
    •CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret.)
    •Terry Lakin Action Fund
    •Pamela Barnett
    •Linda Bentley
    •Miki Booth
    •Susan Daniels
    •Tony Dolz
    •Don Fredrick
    •Dean Haskins
    •Paul Irey
    •David LaRocque,
    •Jeff Lichter
    •William Lolli
    •Lyle Rapacki
    •Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.)
    •Carl Swensson
    •Helen Tansey
    •Neil Turner
    •Gary Wilmott

  46. We need an X

    JPotter: What? Still no ‘Q’s? Never fear:

  47. TMG22 says:

    Peter Boyles, radio talk show host at 710 KNUS AM in Denver, CO. He has promoted just about every birther idiot since Berg got things going in 2008. Did anyone mention Joel Gilbert? Did anyone on this website ever receive a copy of his DVD that he was sending out in swing states during the election?

  48. Up to 223 and still adding your suggestions. Lots of time hyperlinking and fixing article tags.

  49. Bovril says:


    Whilst Root is not a “classic” birfer, he does buy into and promote a swathe of other ODS memes….possiibly add as a (dis)honourable mention…. 😎

  50. Yes,


    Reality Check: Don Houston (I think he was active at ObamaCrimes and might have had a radio show for a while)

  51. Birthers from A to Z has gone live under the Features Menu, but I’m still adding to it.

  52. Don’t forget his TV series.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: For me, Chuck Norris will always be a C-list celebrity, whose real claim to fame was 80s Namsploitation movies, and being an internet meme, based on recycled Bill Brasky jokes.

  53. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Don’t forget his TV series.

    Honestly, out of his shows, Karate Kommados was way better than Texas Ranger. It was far more believable!

  54. Couldn’t find this one.

    Thinker: Nathaniel Olseson,

  55. Is he a birther?

    Thinker: John S. Carroll

  56. No.

    foreigner=gsgs: for one time I was at about ~20% probability, that he wasn’t born in USA, does that qualify ?

    how about a list of “concern trolls”, whatever that is

  57. Dave B. says:

    Brian Reilly of the Surprise! Tea Party!
    “So now, for the first time in U.S.history, a county sheriff is investigating a sitting president. The Lord’s hand is in this project.”

  58. List now at 256. Thanks for all the suggestions. Now to go mining on my own again.

  59. Benji Franklin says:

    How about Cody Robert Judy, Leonard Daneman, and Rudy?

  60. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Benji Franklin:
    How about Cody Robert Judy, Leonard Daneman, and Rudy?

    I’m not sure Cody Robert Judy even knows what planet he’s on. I’m not doctor, but I know genuine insanity when I see it!

  61. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    We need an X

    I’ll call the Assyrians. Failing that, the Aztecs.

  62. slash2k says:

    Roger Walters was Orly’s puppet litigant in Kansas.

    Tracey Mann made birther-ish comments while running in the 2010 congressional race in the Kansas 1st district.

  63. So many birthers, so little time.

    Added: Herb Titus
    Bettina Vivano
    Bob Unruh (!)
    Martha Trowbridge
    Debbie Schlussel
    Miss Tickly
    P. A. Madison
    Dale Laudenslager
    Penbrook Johannson
    Dan Crosby

    A cast of supporting hyperlinks

    Plus your fine suggestions

  64. Already have Rudy and Judy

    Benji Franklin: How about Cody Robert Judy, Leonard Daneman, and Rudy?

  65. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Already have Rudy and Judy

    They’re not nearly as fun to watch as Punch and Judy though.
    Oh, and I had a good laugh earlier. One or two of the birther sites have seen this article and are in a big panic, about how the Obots are compiling an “enemies list” for some nefarious purpose. Funny, they’re usually claiming that we’re the ones who are panicking.

  66. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Gabor “Gabe” Zolna. Youtube video creator. Posts videos of himself talking about various issues. Doesn’t bother to do research on things he’s read then whines when people point out his information is wrong

    Take for instance his repeating of Zullo’s claim that Obama was the only president not to visit mount vernon.

  67. They will be the first ones up against the wall after Obama declares “Marshall” Law in his third term.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: One or two of the birther sites have seen this article and are in a big panic, about how the Obots are compiling an “enemies list” for some nefarious purpose.

  68. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    They will be the first ones up against the wall after Obama declares “Marshall” Law in his third term.

    I’ll bring the popcorn..the COMMUNIST popcorn.

  69. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: One or two of the birther sites have seen this article and are in a big panic, about how the Obots are compiling an “enemies list” for some nefarious purpose.

    Yeah, Kerchner’s blog has got something about that. Of course, the ol’ sea dog just has to make an Alinsky reference, too. Then he also goes off about liars, but his prose is rather convoluted. I can see why he went into the Navy and not into English:

    “Of course if you read their training material such as Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ and another book which outlines their communist ideologue campaign tactics, ‘You Can Trust Communists to Be a Communists’, you get a better understanding of their ‘ends justifies the means – any lie or devious dirty trick goes to achieve their goals’ mentality and tactics. And lying and deceiving is training rule #1. It is also interesting how Obama and team have allied themselves with the atheist Communist Party taught to lie liars and the Radical Islamist taught to lie liars who are both taught and trained to outright lie as much as necessary to further their objectives.”

  70. justlw says:

    Stephen Coffman (tagged here as Steven Coffman), originator of the “forged Selective Service card” story, Orly’s “Chief Inspector of the US Coast Guard!!” expert witless, and proponent of the “handcrafted artisan Makiki stamper” theory.

  71. Corrected, thank you. (Several things have been corrected in the project.)

    justlw: Stephen Coffman (tagged here as Steven Coffman)

  72. I left this comment:

    “Sorry if my list caused anyone any anxiety. It’s just an index for historical purposes. I’m looking towards my blog remaining as a reference tool once Obama leaves office in 2017, and trying to make it as useful for that purpose as possible.”

    Arthur: Yeah, Kerchner’s blog has got something about that. Of course, the ol’ sea dog just has to make an Alinsky reference, too.

  73. justlw says:

    Arthur (quoting Cdrkerchnerret): you get a better understanding of their ‘ends justifies the means – any lie or devious dirty trick goes to achieve their goals’ mentality and tactics.

    “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”
    One of “them,” apparently

  74. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: They’re not nearly as fun to watch as Punch and Judy though.
    Oh, and I had a good laugh earlier. One or two of the birther sites have seen this article and are in a big panic, about how the Obots are compiling an “enemies list” for some nefarious purpose. Funny, they’re usually claiming that we’re the ones who are panicking.

    Heh, called it!

    They admit to straying over to OCT?

    Run-of-the-mill commenters need not fear. Are they all indulging in delusions of prominence? As Doc laid out, it’s a guide to public, prominent birthers. Listing online IDs would be nuts, and of little value … unless the project was a “Great Moments in Birfer Commentary” collection.

  75. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Oh, and I had a good laugh earlier. One or two of the birther sites have seen this article and are in a big panic, about how the Obots are compiling an “enemies list” for some nefarious purpose. Funny, they’re usually claiming that we’re the ones who are panicking.

    Bunch of hateful CINO’s IMO.

  76. Joey says:

    A missing name and a person who I think should get a special place of honor on the list is the very first person to file a birther-related lawsuit, Mr. Fred Hollander of New Hampshire who tried to keep John McCain from being the Republican nominee at the time of the 2008 New Hampshire Primary.
    Mr. Hollander even submitted a birth certificate for Senator McCain showing that he had been born in Colon, Panama and not in the Canal Zone at Coco Solo Naval Air Station.
    In irony of ironies, McCain’s attorneys and the attorneys for the Republican National Committee got Hollander’s lawsuit dismissed on grounds of lack of standing!

  77. Benji Franklin says:

    Would Charles Lincoln III, qualify? He was the first Orly helper to use SpellCheck, a few competent legal terms, and hopefully, condoms. Or would the latter make him anti-Birther?

  78. Majority Will says:

    Benji Franklin:
    Would Charles Lincoln III, qualify?He was the first Orly helper to use SpellCheck, a few competent legal terms, and hopefully, condoms. Or would the latter make him anti-Birther?

    He’s been in and out of it many times.

  79. mimi says:

    Bob Smith is running to get his Senate seat back. Yikes. Anyway, Bob Smith and Paul Rolf Jensen founded The American Patriot Foundation. The Lakin ‘Safeguard Our Constitution’ website is The American Patriot Foundation.

    The birther stuff won’t faze Smith’s supporters in the least. That’s prolly the tamest thing he’s done.

    Here’s a link that might help: http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/entity.jsp?entity=terrence_lee___terry___lakin_1

  80. Matt says:

    Rafael Cruz, Ted’s father?

  81. Arthur says:

    Here’s a new birther, ex-Navy. He likes to email bombastic “open letters” to people. Stuff like this, which he says he sent to the “boys and girls at the US Secret Service and Homeland Security.”

    “Do you not agree that the current occupant of the White House is living in this country under a fake Social Security number registered in Connecticut? Do you not agree his birth certificate is fake? It does not matter if Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, Hawaii or even at the foot of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. The fact that his father was a Kenyan/Marxist/Muslim disqualifies him from holding the office of president.”

    He openly publishes his personal information:

    Senior Chief Geoff Ross US Navy Retired
    Navarre FL

    He posts stuff at http://www.saveamericafoundation.com, but I keep getting a 403 error message when I try to access the site.

  82. mimi says:

    Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK)


    Tennessee Republican congressmembers Eric Swafford (<-former rep), Stacey Campfield, Glen Casada and Frank Niceley (now TN State Senator Niceley) were all plaintiffs in one of Orly's earliest birfer suits.

  83. mimi says:

    Salon Article:
    Tuesday, Jul 28, 2009 10:26 AM UTC
    The Birthers in Congress
    Seventeen men and women who are either enabling the fringe movement or having trouble admitting Obama is president

    I think a bunch of them are there cuz they cosponsered birther legislation.

  84. mimi says:

    Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-MO)

    “You know I have a lot of doubts about all [Obama’s birth certificate]….I don’t understand why he didn’t show that right away.” When asked to clarify her doubts during press availability after the event, Hartzler said: “I have doubts that it is really his real birth certificate, and I think a lot of Americans do, but they claim it is, so we are just going to go with that.”


  85. Uhhh, now could a social-security number be both “fake” and “registered?”

    Arthur: “Do you not agree that the current occupant of the White House is living in this country under a fake Social Security number registered in Connecticut?

  86. mimi says:

    Former Missouri State Rep. Cynthia Davis were both plaintiffs in one of Orly’s early suits. You have Tim Jones listed, but not Cynthia.

    Roy Blunt – Then U.S. Rep. Blunt, now U.S. Senator Blunt:

    “What I don’t know is why the president can’t produce a birth certificate,” said Blunt. “I don’t know anybody else that can’t produce one. And I think that that’s a legitimate question — no health records, no birth certificate.” Blunt was unaware that Obama already has produced a certificate from Hawaii, which Chris Matthews has waved around on TV.”


  87. mimi says:

    Rep. Randy Neugebauer R-TX

    Q: So you believe the President is a US citizen?

    NEUGEBAUER: You know I don’t know. I’ve never seen him produce documents that would say one way or another.


  88. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Uhhh, now could a social-security number be both “fake” and “registered?”

    Would it be anything like the “Genuine Ersatz Spanish Fly” they used to advertise in comic books?

  89. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Uhhh, now could a social-security number be both “fake” and “registered?”

    Perhaps a known fake SSN, “registered” in a database, maintained by some State of Connecticut entity, of known fake SSN’s .

    I am sure that’s exactly what he meant.

  90. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Uhhh, now could a social-security number be both “fake” and “registered?”

    According to birther physics, at the quantum level, a ssn can be both fake and registered.

  91. Arthur says:

    I don’t know if this Colorado politician qualifies as a full-blown birther, but he definitely is sympathetic to the cause:

    Congressman Coffman Said President Obama is “Not an American.”

    According to 9News, “Coffman had steadfastly refused to speak on camera regarding his May 12th comment at a fundraiser in Elbert County. The comments, recorded and posted online by a Coffman supporter, were first aired by 9NEWS. ‘I don’t know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don’t know that,’ Coffman told donors. ‘But I do know this, that in his heart, he’s not an American. He’s just not an American.’ [9News, 5/22/12; Denver Post, 5/16/12]


  92. Notorial Dissent says:

    A request, if you are going to post real names for some of these people, please include their pseudonyms as well for those of us who aren’t quite as familiar with them as the rest of you.

  93. Arthur says:

    Keith: Would it be anything like the “Genuine Ersatz Spanish Fly” they used to advertise in comic books?

    I remember those ads. When I was an inquisitive junior high school student, older guys told me that Spanish Fly was so powerful that you couldn’t give it to a girl if you drove a car with manual transmission because she might form an unnatural attachment to the stick shift.

    Was I stupid enough to believe it? Yeah.

  94. Doing that can be problematic for the site’s privacy policy. If they typically use the two names together, then I can include it.

    Notorial Dissent: A request, if you are going to post real names for some of these people, please include their pseudonyms as well for those of us who aren’t quite as familiar with them as the rest of you.

  95. Slartibartfast says:

    Just to clarify, you would then be okay with associating [Redacted. Doc] with the pseduonym “[Redacted. Doc]“, but wouldn’t call butter-de-de-de-bazillion by her real name?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Doing that can be problematic for the site’s privacy policy. If they typically use the two names together, then I can include it.

  96. No, insofar that I am not aware that thowe two names are used to together in public. Now if we were talking about Gerry Nance who sometimes signs his name as Gerry Nance (Borderraven), then that would be OK, as it is in the list now.

    Slartibartfast: Just to clarify, you would then be okay with associating [Redacted. Doc] with the pseduonym “[Redacted. Doc]“, but wouldn’t call butter-de-de-de-bazillion by her real name?

  97. Benji Franklin says:

    Arthur: According to birther physics, at the quantum level, a ssn can be both fake and registered.

    Birther Physics violates the quantum level principle of complementarity in yet another way.

    Because, for any absurd allegation of criminal behavior they make against Obama, the more precisely we know the Birther’s POSITION, the more accurately we know their MOVEMENT.

  98. One name that is not on the list is ORYR. There is some debate about whether that blog is run by one person or several. I researched a year or so ago and found someone who posted as “ORYR” on Patriot’s Action Network was Bob Nelson of [Redacted] Doc. That was before ORYR/BR was started. Orly has published emails from a Bob Nelson and claimed he is the owner of the blog. If Doc thinks this breaks the rules then I take no offense if he redacts the name. Taitz has published his name at least a couple of times.

    [See notes on redaction in reply. Doc.]

  99. Dave B. says:

    Daryn Moran, AWOL birther airman
    And an interesting little article about Moran, by an entirely different Robert Nelson:
    “So, my question was: When, against mounting evidence to the contrary of their beliefs, do birthers go from being idiots to suffering from a clinical delusional disorder?”

  100. It’s an important question. Very early in this site’s history I wrote an article on it:


    The main point of that article is that one cannot understand birther behavior outside the context of the sub-culture of birther web sites and forums.

    Since then I have written many articles on birther psychology and understanding the birthers (which are inexpert and speculative):


    Dave B.: When, against mounting evidence to the contrary of their beliefs, do birthers go from being idiots to suffering from a clinical delusional disorder?”

  101. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: According to birther physics, at the quantum level, a ssn can be both fake and registered.

    Schroedinger’s Cat:

    The cat is both alive and dead, until somebody looks.

    Schroedinger’s President:

    The President is both eligible and not eligible, until somebody black takes office.

  102. Curious George says:

    Article II Super Pac Board Members:


    Richard Garoutte

    Hellen Tansey

    George Miller

    Gary W.

  103. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Magic M: Schroedinger’s Cat:

    The cat is both alive and dead, until somebody looks.

    Schroedinger’s President:

    The President is both eligible and not eligible, until somebody black takes office.


  104. foreigner=gsgs says:


  105. foreigner=gsgs says:


  106. foreigner=gsgs says:

    There are quite some people on the list that you might have trusted.
    It wasn’t so easy to decide for the average citizen.

    Is there any birther who converted or unbirthed ?
    Or any Obot who became Birther ?

  107. Based on polling results alone, there were millions of people who “unbirthed” when the President released his long form in 2011.

    As for the list, those are people who are invested in the belief and people who are invested don’t readily change their minds.

    I know of about three birthers who had commented on this site that changed their minds.

    I have never heard of an “Obot” going over to the birther side. Generally Obots are well-informed, and well-informed people don’t become birthers.

    A problem with assessing conversions is that you can never know if someone is telling the truth about a change of opinion. Conversion stories can be made up to give credibility to the narrative.

    foreigner=gsgs: Is there any birther who converted or unbirthed ?
    Or any Obot who became Birther ?

  108. Foggy has the opinion that it’s somebody else. There is also a claim that this person called Taitz to deny that he runs ORYR.

    Some searching reveals that this identification by Orly Taitz appears several times in comments on this site already. Since it’s speculation rather than identification, I’ll let it slide.

    In researching this question, I came across a new birther for the list, a prolific blogger who runs a blog called “Storm’n Norm’n“, Norman Hooben.

    Reality Check: One name that is not on the list is ORYR.

  109. Added Shawn Glasco, author of article on Obama’s newspaper announcements.

  110. nbc says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I have never heard of an “Obot” going over to the birther side. Generally Obots are well-informed, and well-informed people don’t become birthers.

    When it is fear and ignorance that drives one to become a birther, it is hard to change course. However, there are many people sitting on the fence and providing them with the facts may sway them.

    Does it matter? Not to me, as I am interested in the facts, not fear or ignorance, to drive my beliefs.

  111. The European says:

    welsh dragon: IMO not – just eccentric.

    I second that.

  112. There is one newly added birther to the list who claims that he voted for Obama in 2008, Allen Johnson. One on the list, Tim Adams, stated after his birther foray that he was supporting Obama for re-election in 2012.

    foreigner=gsgs: Or any Obot who became Birther ?

  113. Added Allen Johnson, the black Mormon birther

  114. List reaches 300 with the addition of birther rocker Dave Mustaine.


  115. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    List reaches 300 with the addition of birther rocker Dave Mustaine.


    “With all of the proof about his birth certificate being fake. And you see the signs in Kenya1 that say ‘the birthplace of Barack Obama.’ Hello?! C’mon, guys. How stupid are we right now?”, says an idiot fooled by a photoshopped sign.

  116. JPotter says:

    foreigner=gsgs: Or any Obot who became Birther ?

    My very first critique of birther nuttery, when I first fell into the rabbit hole in mid-2011, was that if birther arguments had any merit—hell, if they were even arguments worthy of the term—then there would be Obama supporters who were reluctantly convinced.

    Honest, rational, principled people often and continually have to acknowledge inconvenient realities. Without a capacity to do so, simply getting through the day would be a challenge.

    Still waiting for any examples of the persistently non-existent “double-positive”, Obama-fan-cum-birfer.

  117. aarrgghh says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: List reaches 300 with the addition of birther rocker Dave Mustaine.

    which according to birfer calculus comes to 300 million patriots — the entire u.s. population.

  118. Arthur says:

    From a comment at Birther Report, apparently from someone who failed reading comprehension, i.e., “The goal is to provide a list of all public birthers.”

    Amazed and simply bewildered.

    Allow me the brief moment of perception here. The [Doc] has expressively written articles whereby his distaste for exposure of private citizens and their families – regardless of their political view, should be off limits as this typically presents unwarranted threats, and in some cases life threatening (been there done that one). However, the [Doc] advocates and spends time compiling a list to expose the private information of every person (birther) and their families on an open blog? What part of hypocrisy do you not see here?


  119. Rickey says:

    The list is missing crazy birther and self-proclaimed messiah Geir Smith.

  120. aarrgghh says:

    an unexpected find: steven speilberg (@ 20 secs)

  121. jdkinpa says:

    an unexpected find: steven speilberg (@ 20 secs)

    You had me there (@ about 21 secs). Thanks for the laugh.

  122. Added “experts” from WorldNetDaily who called the birth certificate altered or fake of fishy:

    James Colby
    Joseph M. Newcomer
    Victoria Nicks
    Gary Poyssick

    For links see:


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