Obama claims statute of limitation has run out on his use of a fake ID

Sometimes it’s good to go back and revisit an old story, like this one from December 6, 2009. Here Obama admits on video using a fake ID, but noting that the statute of limitations has run out. It’s around 8:51 in the video.

President Obama Celebrates Kennedy Center Honorees from Vimeo.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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10 Responses to Obama claims statute of limitation has run out on his use of a fake ID

  1. Daniel says:

    Maybe that’s the instance that Susan Daniels found out about in her “investimagation”?

  2. Bob says:

    I thought Larry Klayman the interim president now anyway.

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    No doubt Birthers are gonna scream and howl about this!

  4. Black Lion says:

    It seems that the birfers have recycled some old news into something new….

    Imposter Proof: Occidental College Recalls ‘Barry’ Obama with Records to Prove it

    Investor Village reported: The smoking gun evidence that annuls Obama’s presidency is Obama’s college transcripts regarding his application for and receiving of foreign student aid. Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript from Occidental College shows that Obama (Barry Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship (scholarship) for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program – an international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. Grants are available for U.S. citizens to go abroad and for non-U.S. citizens with no U.S. permanent residence to come to the U.S. To qualify, for the non-US citizen scholarship to study in the U.S., a student applicant must claim and provide proof of foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama’s detractors have been seeking. The United States Constitution requires that Presidents (and Vice Presidents) of the United States be natural born citizens of the United States.

    “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

    Obama hasn’t met and doesn’t meet the basic qualifications for the presidency – must be natural born citizen.

    Obama has been named in dozens of civil lawsuits alleging he is not eligible to be president, with many filing a criminal complaint alleging the commander-in-chief is a fraud.

    The filed indictments disputes Obama’s eligibility to be president under the U.S. Constitution which requires that eligible candidates for the United States presidency be “natural born” citizens.

    U.S. soldiers including a general refuse to recognize Obama as their Commander in Chief since he is not a U.S. citizen. The soldiers have challenged Obama’s legitimacy by filing federal lawsuits against Obama.


  5. RoadScholar says:

    Someone should send them the Occidental/Fulbright/Foreign Student debunk.

  6. The fact of the matter is that Obama did attend school as a foreign student and misrepresented the fact.

    From ages 6-10 Obama attended school in Indonesia and was a foreign student, but his registration form said he was Indonesian.

    The “source” of the preceding is Investor Village and it’s not an article but a comment. I’ve seen off topic nut case posts on investor web sites for years. Someone posted the debunking link there.

    “Conservative Angle” commenters are a great collection of total wackos and nut jobs.

    Someone should send them the Occidental/Fulbright/Foreign Student debunk.

  7. JimmyJam says:

    For the record, in the real world of criminal law practice, the federal Statute of Limitations (five years for any crime that Barack Obama could be charged with regarding presidential eligibility) runs out at the end of 2013 (from the 2008 campaign up until today). Prosecution of a crime such as forgery or fraud must begin within five years of the date that the last overt act connected with the actual commission of the alleged crime took place.

    The statute of limitations on the birther allegations of Social Security fraud or Selective Service System fraud ran out decades ago.

    Please don’t tell the birthers though!

  8. ObiWanCannoli says:

    Prosecution of a crime such as forgery or fraud must begin within five years of the date that the last overt act connected with the actual commission of the alleged crime took place.

    The statute of limitations on the birther allegations of Social Security fraud or Selective Service System fraud ran out decades ago.

    I read that some prosecutors get around the SOL by charging a fictional John/Jane Doe for the crime. When the real perpetrator is apprehended decades later, they just simply replace the John Doe with the perp’s name and commence the prosecution. Not sure how is this possible with the right to speedy trial and all.

    This is probably why a majority of the birthers still believe in the “any day now” wait.

  9. Joey says:

    ObiWanCannoli: I read that some prosecutors get around the SOL by charging a fictional John/Jane Doe for the crime.When the real perpetrator is apprehended decades later, they just simply replace the John Doe with the perp’s name and commence the prosecution.Not sure how is this possible with the right to speedy trial and all.

    This is probably why a majority of the birthers still believe in the “any day now” wait.

    There are 93 U.S. Attorneys who prosecute federal crimes. 92 of the are Obama appointees and the other one (in Maryland) is a Bush holdover. Only Attorney General Holder can appoint a Special Counsel.
    I don’t see getting around the Statute of Limitations being used at any time over the next four years.

  10. JD Reed says:

    RoadScholar: Someone should send them the Occidental/Fulbright/Foreign Student debunk.

    To what end? Surely all but the lowest-information birthers have already seen the debunk, and have chosen to pretend it doesn’t exist. These people are largely impervious to facts that prove them wrong.
    To segue, a fascinating book titled Dallas 1963 sheds light on the birther mindset. How? It demonstrates how people then blinded by Kennedy Derangement Syndrome are so similar to today’s Obama Derangement Syndrome fanatics. Some very high profile hard-right civic leaders in Dallas were obsessed with removing JFK from the White House, and some of their followers didn’t necessarioly mean by election. Kennedy was a assasinated by a Marxist misfit loner, of course, but despite this the glaring spotlight shone on the city in the aftermath started the transformation of this most hard-rock conservative of America’s large cities into one that today votes Democratic.

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