Monthly Archives: December 2013

Queen Orly hoax?

Did I punk myself? In an article published today, I quoted an earlier article that I had written, “Orly Taitz demands to be made Queen of the United States” that includes a quotation ostensibly from one of Taitz’s email broadsides … Continue reading

Posted in Old News, Orly Taitz | Tagged , | 19 Comments

Remember Mississippi?

I was reminded today of an order issued by US District Judge Henry T. Wingate on July 18, 2013 in the case of Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi.  Here is the order: TEXT ONLY ORDER: Recently, Samuel Begley, counsel … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Orly Taitz: Who the hell does she think she is?

The excesses of Orly Taitz Orly Taitz: I have an urgent petition to bring before the court. Judge: The clerk will file the petition with the other urgent Taitz petitions. Taitz: But your honor, this is an emergency. Judge: The … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , | 61 Comments

Reading on the lines

I’ve noticed a few stories appearing on various sites today that follow a theme, reading things that are not there. One of them involves Ted Cruz and a headline at Birther Report: Shock Claim: Ted Cruz Said Obama Not Eligible … Continue reading

Posted in FOIA, Orly Taitz, Social-security numbers | Tagged , , , | 28 Comments

An open letter to Jack Kelly

Jack Kelly is a writer for the Pittsburgh Press, and not a very good one. Yesterday he published one of those misinformation-laden smear pieces against Barack Obama that we more often see on tabloid internet sites and blogs. This one … Continue reading

Posted in Adoption, Birth Certificate, Hawaii Dept. of Health, Media, Social-security numbers | Tagged , , | 86 Comments

What’s really going on in Taitz v. Colvin

There must be a pony in here somewhere!1 Orly Taitz is nothing if not an optimist. She’s particularly excited about a recent ruling from Federal District Judge Ellen Hollander in Maryland, allowing her to file a second amended complaint in … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz, Social-security numbers | Tagged | 9 Comments