Did you read something really outrageous on a birther blog, but they won’t let you reply? Did they make a really big error in their facts or the law, and you’re itching to set the record straight? Does Orly leave your thoughtful comments languishing in moderation, or does Birther Report auto-delete1 everything you say?
Don’t get mad …
You could do what I did and get a blog, but that’s a lot of trouble. Now you can just put your comment here on the Banned by Birthers™ thread. Include a bit of the article or comment you’re replying to (remember “fair use”) and then let ‘em have it.
Note: this does not apply to people banned here.
1The last time my IP address changed the BR auto-delete on me stopped.
A note to Doc,
What do you think about having a special thread to copy comments made on BR and paste the more remarkable (?) comments with our answers here on this site? Many on your site have been excluded from making comments on BR and maybe this would be a way to counter the more ridiculous BR articles and comments. What do you think, Doc? This could be fun.
How about:
Thank you for starting the “Banned by Birthers” thread. It is so frustrating not to be able to reply to so much of the nonsense spewed by so many of the Birthers. Thanks for the safety valve.
Not nearly as much fun as debunking them directly on their post…
I was banned from commenting on WND after calling them out on their BS too many times. Ignorance is bliss, apparently.
There’s a website for that: fstdt.com
They even have special sections for conspiracy theorists and racists.
It must be the approaching full moon but there has been some priceless stuff on Birther Report in the last couple days.
I recommend……two threads on the just released video of the Fuddy plane crash and two more on the coming shattering of the universe.
It may be difficult picking out the best stuff without pushing the “fair use” doctrine around but it’s worth a try.
The commenter “Smack,” who almost always uses upper-case type and always believes events like the Boston Marathon bombing are hoaxes, is good for a incredulous laugh or two. Of the plane crash that killed Loretta Fuddy he writes,
Yes, “smack” was beating that drum in the earlier thread. But….wait…there’s more…..FALCON has figured it out:
My buddy has worked in some sort of special mercenary services basically all his life. He’s ready to retire now. He says Breitbart was hit with a cyanide aerosol mist and dropped dead, and he says that from a point of knowledge. I wouldn’t doubt that Fuddy was injected by someone swimming under the plane crash.
Essentially, Hawaii is ground zero in this conspiracy – so nothing would surprise me.
Nothing surprised FALCON…….especially the stuff he makes up.
Then there was the two hour conniption fit several of them threw when they noticed that the fellow who shot the video was wearing a cap with a U.S. Marshal’s Service badge embroidered on it. (“Damn, I knew I forgot something when I got on the plane!!”)
And finally the capper…….everyone is too calm so it had to be staged…..and rehearsed. Of course.
The Dim Blonde (and some other birfers) are now peddling the story that Loretta Fuddy survived the plane crash and got out of the plane into the open water …. and then was murdered. It must have been one (or more) of the other 8 people in the plane. So, if someone is a survivor of that crash, then there’s at least a 1 in 8 chance (maybe 1 in 4 or worse) that he’s a murderer.
This could lead to a really ugly defamation suit.
Yeah, like the claim that he wears “24 hours a day” two loaded .45s, and has an additional gun strapped to the seat of his car. Funny thing about ol’ 45 Falcon, though he calls continually for an armed uprising, he’s never attended any of the D.C. marches that birthers and other RWNJs have tried to organize. In Iowa he’s what we call all belt and no corn.
Or to a really good game of “Clue.” I’ll take Colonel Mustard in the water with a stroke harpoon.
When Falcon writes that he has a buddy who “has worked in some sort of special mercenary services basically all his life,” he’s referring to a friend from high school who puts dogs down at the humane society.
One post talks about the Navy training dolphins and speculates (jokingly, I hope) that a dolphin did the deed.
Can a dolphin sue for defamation???
I still have that vision of FALCON in his “Command Post” monitoring events around the world. I see him in a pair of BVD’s with his two gun rig strapped on and ready for action.
I’m pretty sure he’s wearing bunny slippers.
I’m pretty sure his friend is the bug man. FALCON goes on ride-alongs with him…..45’s and all.
Why do I always see this as “VDB” (as in 1909 S)?
And apt and hilarious image. It captures his impotent sputtering perfectly.
Of course! I’m thinking Dale Gribble from “King of the Hill,” a character who perfectly embodies Tea Party and birther paranoia.
Very strange. A coin fetish, possibly?
Oh, yes!!! I’m sure there’s a pair of mirrored sunglasses in his kit. And probably a NRA cap rather than a Mack cap……they’re so pedestrian!
I remember getting called a troll when I posted on James Tracy’s site. He complained that the media was libeling him.
I basically said “Cry me a river. You libel Boston Marathon bombing victims and parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims and you have the gall to complain about being a victim of a smear campaign.”
For that, I was called a troll.
But his blog, his rules, right?
Several years ago, Team Sarah was overflowing with Birhers. I used to tweak them all the time. I’ll bet they banned me at least 5 times. They were a ferocious bunch.
Every (admittedly, few) attempt I made to explain the correct translation of Vattel on a “birther site” has resulted in a swift deletion of my post. No insults, no replies, just a deletion.
This would indicate to me that many Birthers KNOW they’re wrong, but won’t admit it because of their prejudices.
We see this here all the time.
Lupin, I would suspect that a great many birfers don’t really understand Vattel at all, too many big words and concepts they aren’t familiar with. They’ve been told that he agrees with their current prejudice(s), and they get all twitterpated and twisted when some one has the gall to come along and give them the real translation using small words they can understand. But, you’re right, I think a good many of them have an awareness somewhere that it doesn’t say what they want it to.
Fast Falcon @ BR:
“…..Zullo suggests it is an international conspiracy,…..
This is the UNIVERSE SHATTERING info. I’m just not sure on the details.”
You’re not sure about the details, but you’re sure it’s UNIVERSE SHATTERING????
Well, sometimes the devil is not in the details: if there’s a “city-sized” meteor headed straight for Earth, and you can’t say whether it’s the size of Buffalo or Tokyo, and aren’t sure whether it’s going to land on downtown L.A. or in the ocean, you can’t be criticized for climbing the nearest building, and screaming, in your best Lewis Black voice, “WE ARE TOTALLY F*CKING F*CKED!!”.
Otoh, the fact that he used “Zullo suggested” as the basis for his conclusion is indicative of a need for an MRI of his head to see whether it still contains a brain.
“Otoh, the fact that he used “Zullo suggested” as the basis for his conclusion is indicative of a need for an MRI of his head to see whether it still contains a brain.”
I just about fell out of my chair laughing. 🙂
If they only knew that Vattel wants to take away their swords ….
And court off their women during a time of war!
Query: If les birfers manage to shatter a universe other than this one, how will we (or they) ever know?
There ya go, birfers, your only path to victory, courtesy of good ol’ JPotter: just go ahead and claim victory in another dimension. You’ve demonstrated your affinity for alternate realities—indeed, the more mutable, the better—so … go ahead, carry on.
Dr. Zahnwalt’s latest:
Press release: after Judge Hollander denies motion for summary judgment by the SSA, the feds are replacing the attorney on the case…
I told her quite polite that she had misread something (published right in her “Press Release”): Judge Hollander has denied a Motion for Summary Judgement, but not one by the SSA. Dr. Zahnwalt’s own motion was denined. Hilarious. She did not publish my post, of course.
(The “Zahnwalt” is a German play with words, not by me but by some German site. It combines “Zahnarzt = Dentist” and “Anwalt = Lawyer”)
As I read Vattel a state may even start a war if there is a need of women, just like President Cheney went against Iraq because he needed some barrels of crude.
Of course not: he’d be arrested for carrying his .45s before he even had a chance to start revoltin’ ‘n stuff.
Sa-a-a-y, that might explain the poor turnout for the .00001 Million Nutbar March, et al: a Real Conservative™ never goes to a “gun-free zone”, because he knows that’s where the commie-lib criminals congregate to prey on those rendered defenseless by the Nazi gun laws. Sure, that explains it…
Obviously, they need to stage their revolution from, say, Alaska, so they won’t run afoul of local gun regulations.
A point of knoweldge? He witnessed a homicide and didn’t report it to law enforcement? But shared it with FALCON? Does FALCON somehow not fear being named as an accessory to murder? Or perhaps that “point of knowledge” is something other than actual knowledge.
As is often the case in his posts I don’t think FALCON understands what “knowledge” means.
Scribblings on a bathroom wall do not impart knowledge.
In Texas they have a similar phrase for people like this – “big hat, no cattle”
Someone who wears his .45s 24 hours a day will soon find that water from the shower or bath is not conducive to getting a fireman in good operating condition. And I suspect Mr. Falcon’s Mother does insist he shower from time to time.
Otherwise he doesn’t get supper?
I’m kind of dancing on a grave here, but given the invitation to post birther-censored comments, this is the first one that came to mind. After his self-administered fleecing in the matter of Old Carco LLC, Leo Donofrio had approved responses in which I rubbed his hose in his defeat. He threatened to sue me for defamation. He drew the line at letting this one through:
Leo tells me, “You are insane.”
Insanity consists of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Leo, first I heard of you was Donofrio v. Wells. You lost at all levels, and came out ranting against the courts. Falsified records, clerks and judges defrauded you, that kind of thing. Oh, look, it happened again.
“The arbiter wont be some crooked judge”
While you are going off with some fantastical threat of a defamation suit might not be the best time to call judges “crooked”.
“Got your email and your name.”
And when my name proved so easy to find, did you notice that my moniker — “brygenon” — is not even a pseudonym?
“This is not the place for such warfare. The courts are. Go post what you tried to post here. I dare you. I really do.”
Have to disagree with you there, attorney Donofrio. The Internet is exactly the place for your bunk and my debunk. The courts are not. You dare me? That’s something little kids do. Imagine standing in the hallowed halls of justice and explaining that you and the defendant are before the Court on a dare.
On the other hand, Leo, I enjoy your poker references: You are not bluffing; I don’t want to see at the table; and so on. I get that. I do. I play poker, at a low level. Leo, I never said you were bluffing. I said that you’re nuts. Not the poker term “the nuts”. Just nuts. Have you read Mason Malmuth’s poker essay on the cost of being oblivious? That’s what happened in your lawsuit here. You bet, round after round, when anyone could see you were beat. You sat at the table and you could not spot the sucker, which means…
In English, that’s called a portmanteau (or “Kofferwort” in German).
It’s because Hawaii isn’t really Murican to them, y’know? 😉
If our universe is just the intersection of two higher-dimensional structures, destroying one of those structures would result in our universe vanishing on the spot. Now all birthers need is a boojum…
Another possibility is that we’re in a closed time loop – as soon as the universe-shattering information is made public, we’ll go right back to 2008 (or maybe 1961?). Where’s Captain Janeway when you need her?
The third possibility is that only the tangent universe that was created when Obama was elected (born?) will be destroyed by said evidence. This would mean Mike Zullo is actually Donnie Darko.
Either way, it’s possible that, come March, they will declare that releasing the information will be even more dangerous to life as we know it than allowing the black guy to serve out his term, so sorry, can’t give you the information you want…
I must be banned as well. All I did was try to point out that since Nov 2008 Birther Report has posted an average of 3 sensational claims about Obama every day, any one of which should have been enough to arrest him and hang him. Each of these posts had an average of 30 comments (at least) 98% agin Obama. That adds up to about 2250 earth shattering posts and around 70000 breathless comments (about 20000 from Falcon alone). And where has all of this got them? You guessed it, NOWHERE.
It was never posted.
Compared to 99 percent of the birthers we see today Leo Donofrio is a Gentleman.
The Magic M:
“Either way, it’s possible that, come March, they will declare that releasing the information will be even more dangerous to life as we know it than allowing the black guy to serve out his term, so sorry, can’t give you the information you want…”
Or April, or May or June or whenever…….
And highly intelligent even by non-birther standards. When he resided in birfdom Donofrio was *the* intellectual. I enjoyed arguing with him when I could get comments through.
Hint: there is an election in November.
“Hint: there is an election in November.”
It’s all political. They’ll run this until the 2016 Arpaio reelection campaign.
From Kristin @ BR
“The only think (sic) I wonder is why Zullo and Arpaio [are] still alive……. Makes me wonder if we’re not bein(sic) scammed by them….”
Kristin, if you keep openly wondering on BR whether you’re a victim of an Arpiao and Zullo scam, you soon will be banned at BR as well.
It’s quite obvious anyone who is still alive (Zullo, Gallups, Corsi, Farah, Orly, …) is clearly part of the conspiracy, either willingly or unwillingly (because they’re so much on the wrong track that they’re a welcome distraction from the real issues). 😉
I imagine the beginning of die hard 2 but with more fat and less competence.
brygenon, do you know if he and his partner were finally sanctioned in that Chrysler case (Where “The Traitor ™ ” sold out the US to the Italians) ?
Opposing counsel were awarded $127k in legal fees, to be paid by Donofrio and Pidgeon.
Leo did the right thing – quit lawyering and live as a musician / poet / pokerplayer.
So it is the Pidgeon who pays all. Maybe he writes another book about that Canadian born boy who later tranformed into BHO. This:
was his source. Karma is such a bitch. And it even works for “Christians”.
(And thanxs for the info)
I found Stephen Pidgeons book on Amazon. You can read the first pages online. Hilarious. He brings the nude Ann Dunham and lots, lots more !
The Court awarded attorney’s fees to the defendant, charged to D&P and not their clients . Whether they paid, I do not know.
“Uber-Führer Obama wants your papers, while he has none himself…….”
Hey, *FALCON* how about showing us your papers…..and your qualifications to make such a claim? I would venture the only papers that you have are to be found on the floor of your bird cage.