Ineligibility is the new “nigger”

The dreaded “N” word is pretty much banned from public discourse in the USA. You can say s*** and f*** the rest of George Carlin’s 7 dirty words with impunity in many social settings (even if you’re the Vice President—it’s no BFD), but not that other one. I think the reason for the distinction is that the usual dirty words are only obscene by convention, while the “N” word is an expression of hatred for a person or a class. The distinction is one of intent.

I went over to Birther Report yesterday for some misguided reason, and I found commenters laying into the President with all sorts of hateful comments, accusing him of hateful things, and denigrating him in every way imaginable (and ways I couldn’t imagine). This is hate speech and it serves the same purpose, exists in the same context, and is operationally the same as calling the President a “nigger” only without the obvious racist association. Hate speech is hate speech, and the particular words used really don’t matter—it’s the same thing.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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39 Responses to Ineligibility is the new “nigger”

  1. Curious George says:

    That one word sums up the whole site……hate.

  2. Woodrowfan says:

    a significant minority of Americans have been swept up into a hate movement. (I am including non-birthers with ODS). I wonder how they can recover, or if they ever can.

  3. sfjeff says:

    Every time I see a Birther proclaim rather self rightiously that Obama is “only half black” I assume in the back of their mind they are thinking that that is an acceptable substitute for “Nigger”

  4. The Magic M says:

    Ineligibility is the new “n***r”

    Many other words have been used as substitutes when it’s about Obama – “Muslim”, “gay”, “Communist” (anybody with half a brain would not claim the NWO is Communist or uses Communism to destroy countries), “Kenyan”, “Mulatto”, “bastard” (which is why they were so keen on the marriage question, as if being born out of wedlock would somehow justify the use of that word) etc.

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Curious George:
    That one word sums up the whole site……hate.

    A winner is you! Birther Report was willed into existence by one man’s extreme ODS.

  6. Bob says:

    As usual, the question is: stupid or evil?

    If you honestly believe that Obama isn’t eligible to be president you’d have to be pretty darn stupid, you couldn’t be trusted to use a fork without hurting yourself and you certainly wouldn’t be able to read or comment on blogs.

    That leaves “evil.”

  7. Bernie Harison says:

    Until recently, I was able to view both this site and the “Obama Release Your Records” site at work. However the net filter started blocking the ORYR site due to the hate comments from that “Falcon” idiot tripping the net nanny software alarms. I wish you would be careful with what words you put in here, because you might easily get this site locked out also. Then I won’t know what to do with my time at work.

    These are both interesting sites (in completely different ways) but it won’t matter if nobody can see them.

  8. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George:
    That one word sums up the whole site……hate.

    How about two words: Irrational hate.

  9. CarlOrcas says:

    a significant minority of Americans have been swept up into a hate movement. (I am including non-birthers with ODS).I wonder how they can recover, or if they ever can.

    When the posts get particularly virulent at Birther Report it strikes me that if it’s real (and not a bunch of kids playing on their computers) those folks are living terribly miserable lives. It it weren’t so disgusting it would be sad.

  10. Yoda says:

    I recently saw a post on challenging someone to find even a single racist post on the page. Unfortunately, I was eating cereal at the time and had to buy a new laptop as a result.

  11. Rickey says:

    Another recurring theme is the claim that Obama and Michelle got into Ivy League schools because of racial quotas, because how could black people get into Columbia and Princeton on merit? We all recall that Trump raised the same question about how Obama got into Harvard Law. This mindset also feeds into the “foreign student” myth, because in birther minds foreign students were given special consideration, and of course they believe that Obama needed special consideration.

  12. Yoda says:

    Another recurring theme is the claim that Obama and Michelle got into Ivy League schools because of racial quotas, because how could black people get into Columbia and Princeton on merit? We all recall that Trump raised the same question about how Obama got into Harvard Law. This mindset also feeds into the “foreign student” myth, because in birther minds foreign students were given special consideration, and of course they believe that Obama needed special consideration.

    I believe that a lot of what passes for conspiracy theory is based on racism. I agree with your assessment, but think about the 9/11 “truthers”. The basic belief behind that is that the people who did it were too stupid and unsophisticated to pull it off and the only people who are smart enough are either the US government or Israel.

  13. aarrgghh says:

    something i just posted before seeing this thread:

    a common trope among the radical right claims that minorities enjoy underserved advantages or privileges at the expense of their betters. minorities themselves find such claims understandably offensive. yet there it is in the (amalgamated) flesh, that melting pot horror, the ultimate distillation of wingnut fears come to life, usurper barack hussein obama. birfoonery was an inevitable reaction.

    via freeper gulch:

    Too Black to Fail
    by Flotsam_Jetsome

    Wikipedia describes “Too big to fail” as “a colloquial term in regulation and public policy that refers to businesses dealing with market complications related to moral hazard . . .” and describes the theory as being one which purports that “certain financial institutions are so large and so interconnected that their failure” would be catastrophic to the economy, and they therefore deserve to receive special treatment in the form of favorable financial and economic policies from either governments, central banks or both to ensure their continued viability. It’s as if these entities are so integral, so critical, that they must be propped up at virtually all costs.

    Barack Obama is similarly the recipient of such favorable treatment. The policies beneficial to him are myriad, long-standing, and encompass not only economically and financially favorable elements, but include an astounding immunity to criticism. They are also racist.

    No other man or woman would, with Mr. Obama’s stunning lack of verifiable historical, educational and vocational records, have ever in a million years been considered even a serious contender, let alone successful aspirant to the presidency, unless the fix was in. In short, Mr. Obama was elected on the basis of three traits: his good looks, his ability to follow a script, and his tan.

    … The liberal American media wanted a candidate that could advance their favored socialist agenda with impunity. A huge number of the American electorate wanted, and still want to demonstrate that they aren’t racists themselves, by supporting a “black” man for office at all costs. The need for “racial healing” trumped all when it came to promoting, nurturing and cosseting Obama as a candidate, and it continues three years into the “administration” of this America-hating, Marxist, ineligible FAKE.

    I wish that I could tell you that Obama and his evil (yes, evil) team of thugs are headed for a life of pink jumpsuits and baloney sandwiches a la Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s illustrious accommodations at a prison tent city in Arizona. Alas, I believe that the usurper and his helpers will for the most part be allowed to continue their shenanigans with near impunity through 20 January 2013, and that presumes that the electorate is not duped or shamed into voting for the huckster once again. In a world where truth and justice are honored, Dear Reader and his cabal of thugs, grifters and thieves would have been held to account long ago. Obama’s status as the first so-called “African American President” has unfortunately lent him a level of protection from political attack heretofore unseen in American politics. In the opinions of Congress, the Mainstream Media, the courts and far, far too many of the American public, he has truly been deemed Too Black to Fail. More’s the pity.


    nathanbedford: [“the elite media”] do not get that Obama is illegitimate. Whether he is constitutionally eligible or not, he is unqualified by experience and biography and, more importantly, by philosophy for governing America. The problem with Obama is not that he is unintelligent, he is intelligent enough. Nor is the problem that he is inarticulate, one need only watch a few of his one-on-one interviews to see that he sounds and looks presidential and has mastered that art. The problem is that Obama is a psychically incapable of governing America properly.

    “nathanbedford”‘s psychograph of obama is difficult enough to take seriously on its own, but coming from a longtime freeper adopting both the name and avatar of a civil war era klansman

    Flotsam_Jetsome: [obama] is in love with the position and the perks that go along with it, and is absolutely down with effecting socialist change via the powers of his office (as long as it’s others that are doing the heavy lifting), he is unwilling or unable to actually take his feet off the Resolute Desk and work to move the country forward. Scandalous is a good descriptor not only for how he gained office, but how he continues to hold it and fails to perform the duties of same.

    just another shiftless ni**er …

  14. sfjeff says:

    aarrgghh: No other man or woman would, with Mr. Obama’s stunning lack of verifiable historical, educational and vocational records, have ever in a million years been considered even a serious contender, let alone successful aspirant to the presidency, unless the fix was in. In short, Mr. Obama was elected on the basis of three traits: his good looks, his ability to follow a script, and his tan.

    I read this fairly frequently.

    And my thought always is:

    Is it racism or sheer ignorance?

    I suspect racism- after all the previous President from Illinois had even a greater
    “lack of verifiable historical, educational and vocational records,”- but no one said the only reason Lincoln got elected was because he was white.

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    sfjeff: Is it racism or sheer ignorance?

    Racism is the fulcrum on which all the claims, conspiracies and just utter nonsense are leveraged.

    That said the foundation on which racism is built and survives is ignorance.

    I see a playground teeter totter sitting atop a cesspool of racist excrement with various birthers on each end seeing who can go the fastest and highest while splashing the crap all over the place.

  16. jd reed says:

    SF Jeff: And certainly not on his good looks.

  17. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: How about two words: Irrational hate.

    Your additional word is redundant.

  18. Keith says:

    I recently saw a post on challenging someone to find even a single racist post on the page.Unfortunately, I was eating cereal at the time and had to buy a new laptop as a result.

    Since in their eyes, anyone pointing out the racism in such posts are themselves the ones that are guilty of racism, they are, in their minds, in a win-win situation when they make such challenges.

  19. sfjeff says:

    I think so much of Birtherism comes down to the glaringly obvious- that if you line up photo’s of all 40 odd Presidents we have had, the one and only President that these folks have ever questioned the bonavides of is glaringly obvious.

    If this was about membership to a country club, and one of the members challenged the membership of the first black member and demanded that he produce documentation that no other member ever had to produce, no one would hesitate to call that obviously racist.

    But how are Birthers any different from that country club member that wants to deny the eligibility of the first black member?

  20. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith: Your additional word is redundant.

    I disagree. There are lots of things and people worthy of hatred.

    Racism would be one of them.

  21. CarlOrcas says:

    sfjeff: But how are Birthers any different from that country club member that wants to deny the eligibility of the first black member?

    They aren’t.

  22. The word in this article’s title appears in 11 articles and 48 comments on the site. So I presume that the particular word isn’t triggering your particular filters. That said, I assume it triggers somebody’s filters.

    Bernie Harison:
    Until recently, I was able to view both this site and the “Obama Release Your Records” site at work.However the net filter started blocking the ORYR site due to the hate comments from that “Falcon” idiot tripping the net nanny software alarms. I wish you would be careful with what words you put in here, because you might easily get this site locked out also.Then I won’t know what to do with my time at work.

    These are both interesting sites (in completely different ways) but it won’t matter if nobody can see them.

  23. Thomas Brown says:

    As usual, the question is: stupid or evil?

    If you honestly believe that Obama isn’t eligible to be president you’d have to be pretty darn stupid, you couldn’t be trusted to use a fork without hurting yourself and you certainly wouldn’t be able to read or comment on blogs.

    That leaves “evil.”

    There are a few exceptions: folks who say that BHO “shouldn’t have been eligible” based on sincerely-believed interpretations of the founders’ intentions, and that that means Rubio, Jindal, Cruz and others aren’t eligible either. They don’t use the word “usurper.” They just disagree with the way such definitions evolved in the Supreme Court and Congress, and would like to see them changed back to what they once were, in their view.

    That’s not evil, and certainly is not necessarily completely stupid.

    It’s like the old saw about psychosis vs. neurosis: the psychotic doesn’t know what reality is. The neurotic knows, but really doesn’t like it.

  24. John Reilly says:

    Thomas Brown: There are a few exceptions: folks who say that BHO “shouldn’t have been eligible” based on sincerely-believed interpretations of the founders’ intentions, and that that means Rubio, Jindal, Cruz and others aren’t eligible either.They don’t use the word “usurper.”They just disagree with the way such definitions evolved in the Supreme Court and Congress, and would like to see them changed back to what they once were, in their view.

    That’s not evil, and certainly is not necessarily completely stupid.

    It’s like the old saw about psychosis vs. neurosis: the psychotic doesn’t know what reality is.The neurotic knows, but really doesn’t like it.

    It may not be evil or stupid. In 2008 or 2009. In 2014, it is evil and stupid.

  25. The Magic M says:

    Thomas Brown: based on sincerely-believed interpretations of the founders’ intentions

    Does such a thing even exist anymore? The other day I read somebody claim the Founders would’ve hung liberals from the nearest tree.
    For right-wingers, the Founders are just a blanket they can project their own desires on. It’s the secular version of “I’m just doing God’s will”.

  26. Roadscholar says:

    The Magic M: Does such a thing even exist anymore? The other day I read somebody claim the Founders would’ve hung liberals from the nearest tree.
    For right-wingers, the Founders are just a blanket they can project their own desires on. It’s the secular version of “I’m just doing God’s will”.

    Those are crazy people.

    I know a guy professionally, a highly-regarded locksmith, who is writing a book on his theories about the intention behind Natural Born Citizen eligibility. I’ve known him for years, and he’s neither evil nor stupid. For instance, he’s read Minor v Happersett, and doesn’t think the decision defined NBC, which, of course, it didn’t. His opinions are more in line with the dissent opinion in WKA.

    That said, I would guess that, in terms of the eligibility “question,” he is maybe 1 in 1000, maybe 1 in 100,000. Perhaps he is the exception that proves the rule? I dunno. I try to be fair.

  27. The Magic M says:

    Roadscholar: Perhaps he is the exception that proves the rule?

    For every legal question, there are minority opinions (in German law, for example about the question whether an article with a price tag in the supermarket is an invitatio ad offerendum, i.e. an invitation to make an offer, or already an offer; the latter opinion is the minority one). So I guess you will find the occasional person (even lawyers) who will question the validity of the majority opinion on “what’s an NBC” without being crazy or politically motivated. So these people do exist. However I don’t think they will bolster their argument with the claim that the minority opinion was “suppressed” via some kind of cover-up and that those proffering the majority opinion are part of a conspiracy.
    In fact, the claim that they’re being “silenced” by a “conspiracy” of “liars” is a litmus test that every crank and crackpot fails and every legitimate doubter passes.

    I doubt many things about official statements because I know people lie and politicians lie especially often, but that doesn’t mean I’m going full-tilt conspiracy nut.
    For example if it turns out somebody lied about a terrorist attack, I would assume it was because they wanted to cover up their incompetence (e.g. that they ignored warnings), not because they staged the event.

    (I remember a guy from university who told me he was writing a book that would revolutionize physics as we know it and be the Grand Theory of Everything that science has been looking for. While I believe he was slightly off his rocker, he did not accuse other physicists of conspiring to suppress his theories.)

  28. Ginger Rodgers says:

    If dr. conspiracy weren’t such a stupid bitch he would realize his use of the term “birther” serves the same strategic function as those who use the term “nigger” as a general purpose term of disparagement. but dr. conspiracy isn’t smart. he’s a stupid bitch.

  29. But, but, but, some of my best friends are birthers.

    Ginger Rodgers: If dr. conspiracy weren’t such a stupid bitch he would realize his use of the term “birther” serves the same strategic function as those who use the term “nigger” as a general purpose term of disparagement. but dr. conspiracy isn’t smart. he’s a stupid bitch.

  30. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: But, but, but, some of my best friends are birthers.

    LOL! Still the master the short retort, Doc! 😉

    Ginger Rodgers: … birtherniggerbitch!

    Whew! Setting a new gold standard for epithets per inch!

    ‘Nice’ try, but wrong, wrong, wrong, and you got’em backwards. “Birther” has a very specific meaning. Now, “bitch” on the other hand, once upon a time had a specific meaning, in terms of species and gender, but over time became, as you say, a “general purpose term of disparagement.” First, it was generalized across species, and, in recent decades, been watered down by use to reference any gender as well (As you have demonstrated here, poorly), to the point that it’s practically a pronoun.

    If anyone has instances of “birther” being used as a pronoun, particularly in a non-political context, I’d be saddened to see it.

  31. Dave B. says:

    I haven’t yet found anything to indicate that this person is a birther, but the particular attitude towards race is, uh, interesting. And not entirely irrelevant.
    “In an effort to eliminate race/color as a group description (i.e. White/Black), I will most often use the accepted group designation for the Black race that was in use within our time frame here (1865 to 1968), which was ‘Negro’. For white people I will most often refer to them as the ‘Americans’ , or DMG (Dominant Male Group) members. Again, the purpose here is to eliminate race/color in describing U.S. history.”

  32. Thomas Brown says:

    Here’s wishing you a long life, Ginger. Because you are going to be knocked silly watching how the terms “nigger” and “birther” are understood and used in the future.

    The “disparagement” value of the former is nearly defunct, and it is even used by the term’s targets as a backhand ironic compliment.* The latter, sadly for you, will soon and always afterward be understood universally as an insult… alongside such terms as flat-earther, knuckle-dragger, mouth-breather, sovereign citizen, cargo-cultist, and the like. Everyone will realize that BHO was at least a decent President and was perfectly eligible for the office… and those who cried “usurper!” “reverse racist” “Communist!” “persecutor of Christians!” etc. etc. will be seen through the sharp lens of hindsight as the pathetic hate-filled morons and/or jerks they were.

    Better get used to it.

    I predict if you live a long life “Birther” will become such an odious moniker that you will deny ever having been one.

    *this has wide appeal. Marines embraced “jarhead,” Irish embraced “bog-trotter,” etc.

  33. Rickey says:

    Ginger Rodgers:
    If dr. conspiracy weren’t such a stupid bitch he would realize his use of the term “birther” serves the same strategic function as those who use the term “nigger” as a general purpose term of disparagement.but dr. conspiracy isn’t smart. he’s a stupid bitch.

    Dr. Conspiracy knows how to use capital letters. What’s your problem?

  34. Thinker says:

    I think the meaning of the word “birther” is already starting to morph to mean someone who–through a combination of intellectual dullness and bigotry–ignores obvious facts and reality-based things in favor of ridiculous, absurd, implausible, and insulting conclusions not supported by facts or reason.

  35. CarlOrcas says:

    I think the meaning of the word “birther” is already starting to morph to mean someone who–through a combination of intellectual dullness and bigotry–ignores obvious facts and reality-based things in favor of ridiculous, absurd, implausible, and insulting conclusions not supported by facts or reason.

    Hard to avoid given the evidence at hand.

  36. sfjeff says:

    Ginger Rodgers: If dr. conspiracy weren’t such a stupid bitch he would realize his use of the term “birther” serves the same strategic function as those who use the term “nigger” as a general purpose term of disparagement. but dr. conspiracy isn’t smart. he’s a stupid bitch.

    The unconscious irony is thick with this post

  37. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Ginger Rodgers:
    If dr. conspiracy weren’t such a stupid bitch he would realize his use of the term “birther” serves the same strategic function as those who use the term “nigger” as a general purpose term of disparagement.but dr. conspiracy isn’t smart. he’s a stupid bitch.

    So then why do many in the birther community refer to themselves as birthers? Why does the “birtherreport” exist?

  38. Rickey says:

    Birthers are ridiculed because of their nonsensical theories and beliefs. The epithet “nigger” refers to a person’s skin color. Comparing the two is false equivalence.

  39. Keith says:

    I’m not sure I’m comfortable bumping this post, but I think it is the most obvious outside of the open thread.

    I thought this article on Politicus had some interesting insights.

    King Ended the Reign of Terror So Now It’s Time For the Truth About White Privilege

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