Mississippi countdown

Continuing our pre-game coverage of Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi, and making a big deal out of the fact that the Taitz team has not even acknowledged that there is going to be a game, I present this countdown timer to the telephonic hearing where Judge Wingate will present his rulings on the outstanding motions, including motions for judgment on the pleadings.

[countdown date=2014/01/22-11:00:00] [timer] [after] End of countdown reached[/countdown]

One thing I had overlooked in the mass of filings in the case is a request for attorney’s fees and costs by Barack Obama, Obama for America, and Nancy Peolsi. It appeared in their Answer to the complaint.

WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, President Barack H. Obama, II, Representative Pelosi, Democratic Leader of the United States House of Representatives, and Obama For America respectfully request that their foregoing Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Plaintiffs’ First Amended Complaint be received and they hereby move the Court to dismiss Plaintiffs’ claims, with prejudice, to assess all costs of this action to Plaintiffs, and to grant Defendants all such further relief as is deemed just and proper.

Defendants further respectfully request that this court assess attorney’s fees against Plaintiffs pursuant to the Mississippi Litigation Accountability Act of 1988, FED. R. CIV. P. 11 and/or 28 U.S.C. § 1927, for a wholly frivolous, unreasonable, vexatious and malicious complaint.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to Mississippi countdown

  1. Jim says:

    It may be just me…but I think the anti-birthers are looking much more forward to this than the birthers.

  2. Joey says:

    I haven’t seen any recent birther comments on the Mississippi lawsuit on any of the birther blogs.

  3. Arthur says:

    Joey: I haven’t seen any recent birther comments on the Mississippi lawsuit on any of the birther blogs.

    Nope, they seem to all be focused on Zullo’s earth-shattering information that may or may not be released sometime in March. Or April. But certainly by May. Or June. Definitely by June. Unless something comes up. And then, well, who knows. Only one thing’s for certain–send more money so that this earth-shattering investigation can continue.

  4. Slartibartfast says:

    Well, you could say it was because they don’t have anything to look forward to, but it’s probably that they have no idea what’s happening until Orly announces it on her website.

    It may be just me…but I think the anti-birthers are looking much more forward to this than the birthers.

  5. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Arthur: released sometime in March. Or April. But certainly by May. Or June. Definitely by June. Unless something comes up. And then, well, who knows.

    It’s really entertaining to see how the folks at Birther Report are already telling themselves “this multiverse-cracking everdunce may not even exist, but it’s a cunning plan to force Obama’s hand, so I lovelovelove Zullo even if he has nothing to show”. So their minds are already preparing for the non-event they subconsciously know is inevitable.

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The post-game show will include John coming along to whine about how the judge was wrong to throw the case out.

  7. Rickey says:

    Over on The Fogbow it has been reported that someone calling himself “Virgil E. Byrd” posted a note on Orly’s site claiming that he spoke to Judge Wingate at a Yale Club meeting in Jackson and supposedly told Byrd that he his going to bring the hammer down on Orly.

    Orly’s response: “I do not believe any judge would say anything like that. I believe you are making this up to harass and intimidate me. I will ask Judge Wingate for a subpoena to internet providers seeking the name and address of all the individuals harassing me.”

    There is no attorney named “Virgil Byrd” in the state of Mississippi.

  8. Jim says:

    If there is something Judge Wingate could do that would make me extremely happy, even happier than sanctions against Orly, would be for him to declare that the President was born in Hawaii and is a natural born Citizen. That would perk up the birfersphere! They’ve just become too damn boring.

  9. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey: Over on The Fogbow it has been reported that someone calling himself “Virgil E. Byrd” posted a note on Orly’s site claiming that he spoke to Judge Wingate at a Yale Club meeting in Jackson and supposedly told Byrd that he his going to bring the hammer down on Orly. Orly’s response: “I do not believe any judge would say anything like that. I believe you are making this up to harass and intimidate me. I will ask Judge Wingate for a subpoena to internet providers seeking the name and address of all the individuals harassing me.”There is no attorney named “Virgil Byrd” in the state of Mississippi.

    And now if there are sanctions she will run with this saying there was improper communications with the judge and etc.

  10. Bonsall Obot says:

    ” I will ask Judge Wingate for a subpoena to internet providers seeking the name and address of all the individuals harassing me.”

    Please proceed, Governor.

  11. Nor is there a Yale Club.

    It appears that Orly scrubbed the comment/article, but there is a remnant of comment thread remaining from January 19.:

    An Obama operative using this IP and posting thousands of defamatory comments by pseudonym Jackson writes to me “Judge Wingate is well aware of this blog”

    I would like to know, how does he know that? Does this Obama operative talk directly to the judge, which is not allowed or is he defaming the judge? Does something written on the blog affect the decision of the court?

    In a comment on this Taitz wrote:

    I hope the judge will sign a subpoena to get the names of all the operatives, who were using pseudonyms and engaged in harassment, intimidation and bullying of me

    There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that Wingate will do that.

    Rickey: There is no attorney named “Virgil Byrd” in the state of Mississippi.

  12. I would be extremely surprised if there were any sanctions levied at this hearing.

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: And now if there are sanctions she will run with this saying there was improper communications with the judge and etc.

  13. Arthur says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): So their minds are already preparing for the non-event they subconsciously know is inevitable.

    I think you’re quite correct. The level of claw-minded animosity in the comments at Birther Report suggest they really don’t believe anything earth-shattering is going to happen, and that they are angry about it, but don’t want to admit it.

  14. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I would be extremely surprised if there were any sanctions levied at this hearing.

    Agreed. There will be a dismissal first, then Tepper will ask for sanctions. At the very least the defendants will be asking for attorney fees and costs, and that could take some time to put together.

  15. I was mistaken in that a request for attorney fees and costs has already been made by one party.

    Rickey: Agreed. There will be a dismissal first, then Tepper will ask for sanctions. At the very least the defendants will be asking for attorney fees and costs, and that could take some time to put together.

  16. Curious George says:

    The BR site should be investigated. It appears to be a computer generated forgery with numerous layers of nonsense.

  17. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was mistaken in that a request for attorney fees and costs has already been made by one party.

    I see that now. It is possible that Judge Wingate could award fees and costs tomorrow, but if so we won’t know the amount until the defense attorneys put together an accounting.

    Of course, they almost certainly will be asking for additional sanctions above and beyond the attorney fees and costs.

  18. alg says:

    Since the motion is already made, it is entirely possible that the judge would order it so and invite the defendants to submit an accounting of their costs which I suspect is pretty much all ready to submit. Once submitted, the justification of those costs could be the subject of argument between the parties. However, count on Orly to ask for reconsideration, before filing an appeal.

  19. chancery says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Nor is there a Yale Club.

    Say what? It’s on Vanderbilt Avenue. I’ve been there many times (as a guest; I’m not an Eli).

  20. chancery says:

    Oh … er … I guess you meant that there’s no Yale Club in Jackson Mississippi. DKI.

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