Taitz files in Mississippi on the eve of decision

The day before Judge Wingate’s hearing on Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi, Orly Taitz filed a “Notice of new material facts” with the Court. Well, bless her heart, it contains a new fact that is material: one of the defendants, Loretta Fuddy, died, albeit hardly under what I would hardly call “suspicious circumstances,” given that the death was ruled accidental.

She also brings the conspiracy tableau up to date with these items:

  • Obama had problems registering for health insurance due to ID verification problems.
  • A decision by the District Court in Maryland dismissing Orly’s complaint there (not sure how that is material). Orly says her case wasn’t dismissed (true), but her complaint was dismissed. The judge just gave her another chance.
  • Undocketed opinion (more below)
  • Petition to submit Orly’s criminal claims to a federal grand jury.

The undocketed opinion is the story reported at The Fogbow and commented on here about someone messing with Orly on her web site [link to comment at Taitz web site], claiming that they had talked to the judge and purportedly gotten a copy of tomorrow’s orders, quoting from them to Taitz. Taitz wrote:

Plaintiff Taitz is greatly concerned about those claims, as there should not be any extrajudicial contacts between any employees of this court and any one of the parties. If such contacts exists (sic), that creates a suspicion of bias and lack impartiality. Taitz is requesting an investigation, discovery and administrative hearing on this matter.

It would perhaps have been probative if Taitz had included these alleged quotations from the unpublished decision so that they might be compared to the real decision, but that would really be too much to expect from her. Anyone with a ounce of sense would know that if any of the parties had improper advance notice from the court, the LAST thing they would do is to post it on Orly Taitz’ web site or send it to her in an email. Duh.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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9 Responses to Taitz files in Mississippi on the eve of decision

  1. Bonsall Obot says:

    There’s that word again, “discovery.” Dream big, Orly.

  2. Arthur says:

    Bonsall Obot: There’s that word again, “discovery.”

    The only discovery that Orly will make is that she’s failed again.

  3. Arthur says:

    I don’t know if this is actually from Orly, but over at Birther Report the following comment has been left under the most recent article:

    Orly Taitzdr 1 hour ago
    I have tomorrow a telephone hearing on my RICO in Mississippi. I need supporters to be there.

    It’s just crazy enough of a comment to actually come from the mind of a Orly.

  4. Joey says:

    I don’t know if this is actually from Orly, but over at Birther Report the following comment has been left under the most recent article:

    Orly Taitzdr 1 hour ago
    I have tomorrow a telephone hearing on my RICO in Mississippi. I need supporters to be there.

    It’s just crazy enough of a comment to actually come from the mind of a Orly.

    Maybe she wants her supporters to be there when Judge Wingate arrives for work at the federal courthouse tomorrow?

  5. JPotter says:

    Is this filing the twelfth hour or the last ditch?

    I do appreciate her efforts to keep her crazy collection as complete and up-to-date as possible.

  6. JPotter says:

    Arthur: I need supporters to be there.

    That is her stock comment. She really ought to give her minions more notice! But, hey, maybe the whole thing slipped her mind. Thus, the last minute filing.

    She did say “there”, so that must mean the MS end of the call. I’m sure the Judge will be happy to let random visitors right on in. I know I enjoy having a peanut gallery on all my conf. calls!

  7. Unlikely to be authentic. Taitz rarely comments outside her own blog and she has been avoiding mentioning the hearing there.

    Arthur: I don’t know if this is actually from Orly, but over at Birther Report the following comment has been left under the most recent article:

    Orly Taitzdr 1 hour ago
    I have tomorrow a telephone hearing on my RICO in Mississippi. I need supporters to be there.

  8. Andrew Morris says:

    I think it’s highly likely that most of the people who post on her blog are Obots.

  9. Jim says:

    Andrew Morris:
    I think it’s highly likely that most of the people who post on her blog are Obots.

    Early on, when she was the Great White Russian hope, I don’t think that was true…now even the hard-core birthers are realizing she’s just a publicity hound and otherwise useless piece of lint.

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