The occasional open thread: you scratch my back and I’ll write about it

Put your Obama Conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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202 Responses to The occasional open thread: you scratch my back and I’ll write about it

  1. The European says:

    /quote from Orly’s
    “There seem to be another cyber attack: my desk top computer crashed and I am not able to restore it, working on it. There is some tampering with my lap top computer as well”

    She forgot to mention the stains in her underwear …

  2. Missyourmark says:

    Speaking of Orly, I’ve notice a slow but significant change in the direction she is taking her website. I know there have been many comments about how she is no longer just interested in informing people of her current lawsuit status, but has slowly morphed into an expert on criminology, American politics, immigration, the economy, international politics, and on and on. She thinks she has the expertise to tell people what to think in all of these arenas. And what’s more interesting is that she believes that she commands a small army of devoted followers. She is always telling her readers to “call this person”, “email another person”, “look up records for this person/address/news article”, “trace this person’s IP address for me”, and then after these people do all of her legwork for her, she asks them for donations for all of HER hard work. It’s like they are paying her for the work they themselves are doing. And now she is talking about running for political office again. How big can her ego get?

  3. JPotter says:

    I seem to have sleep through the Laity-themed slumber party! Rats. It will take me all day to catch up! Thanks in advance to all for the crowd-sourced hilarity. 🙂

  4. sfjeff says:

    The Laity thread being closed makes me sad.

    I was looking forward to more Laitism’s.

    And explanation as to why Bob is no bigot- he just wants to discriminate against all Muslims.

    Because he apparently believes- that ‘unlike Japanese-Americans’- Muslim Americans are all terrorists.

  5. Lupin says:

    sfjeff: Because he apparently believes- that ‘unlike Japanese-Americans’- Muslim Americans are all terrorists.

    And Satanic too!

  6. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    sfjeff: The Laity thread being closed makes me sad.I was looking forward to more Laitism’s. And explanation as to why Bob is no bigot- he just wants to discriminate against all Muslims. Because he apparently believes- that ‘unlike Japanese-Americans’- Muslim Americans are all terrorists.

    I thought he packed up his toys and left anyway? I looked forward to seeing more instances of NBC explaining to Laity why he’s wrong on every claim he makes.

  7. Lupin says:

    That said, if Laity is truly a disabled Vietnam Vet, it’s obvious he has mental problems. Jon Stewart recently did a piece on the Army not recognizing PTSD for Vietnam Vets because they acknowledged the existence of the PTSD long after the War in good part BECAUSE of the effect of that same War on the veterans — an appalling case of Catch-22 if I ever saw one.

    Laity needs help and it’s a shame he isn’t getting it.

  8. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Lupin: That said, if Laity is truly a disabled Vietnam Vet, it’s obvious he has mental problems. Jon Stewart recently did a piece on the Army not recognizing PTSD for Vietnam Vets because they acknowledged the existence of the PTSD long after the War in good part BECAUSE of the effect of that same War on the veterans — an appalling case of Catch-22 if I ever saw one.Laity needs help and it’s a shame he isn’t getting it.

    I think the reason he sued the government a while back was because he wasn’t considered 100% disabled or something. Someone a while back on fogbow I think mentioned it.

  9. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Laity thread being closed makes me sad.

    I was looking forward to more Laitism’s.

    And explanation as to why Bob is no bigot- he just wants to discriminate against all Muslims.

    Because he apparently believes- that ‘unlike Japanese-Americans’- Muslim Americans are all terrorists.

    But he’s not a bigot, honest! 😉

  10. Dave B. says:

    From the Twitter feed:

    Sasha: @CSPANWJ HEY LIARS #CSPAN #RAdioSilence from the #BIRTHER #cathymcmorris moved to DC from WASHINGTON state! TERM LIMITS?

    What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  11. American Mzungu says:

    Lupin: Laity needs help and it’s a shame he isn’t getting it.

    You display a magnanimous spirit.

  12. nbc says:

    Laity: I have had fun debating you airheaded Obama trolls. Got to go. You guys stew in your own sludge. Get you noses out of Obama’s ass. You will breathe better.

    We have totally destroyed his claims, he has failed to provide any evidence and has been shown to have been wrong about many ‘accusations’….

    Hilarious…What a guy… I am sure he will be bragging about his wins 🙂

    He created a mess and is now unable to control it any longer. The truth hurts, does it not my foolish friend?

    Ignorance, fear and hatred can lead to quite a disaster… I’d like to thank our friend for providing us with another example.

  13. nbc says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: I thought he packed up his toys and left anyway? I looked forward to seeing more instances of NBC explaining to Laity why he’s wrong on every claim he makes.

    I have rarely seen anyone who makes so many poorly informed claims… And when I look at them, they quickly fall apart.

    He said, he was learning from his mistakes but shows no inclination to do so.

    I wish him well with his Scotus case, which I predict will be denied cert, quite unceremoniously, adding another one to Laity’s impressive ‘record’ of ‘successes’.

  14. Ellen says:

    Whatever happened to the Alabama case that the birthers are counting on so much, I think it was called McInnish? It must be over a year, probably a lot over a year, since they filed that appeal. I know that birther sites say that the case is still alive—but is that true? (And if so, how long is it supposed to be before rulings are normally issued?)

  15. I should point out that Laity was allowed to come on this bog and make completely groundless accusations of treason against the president and openly present his views. After getting pummeled on the facts he chose to leave on his own. Compare that with what happens when an “Obot” dares present a few facts on the Birther blog of your choice.

  16. Jim says:

    Whatever happened to the Alabama case that the birthers are counting on so much,

    Still waiting…like Miss, there’s no hurry for a ruling on something that’s already happened over a year ago. I’m hoping they all line up and are ruled on the same week, watch the birther tears flow! 😀

  17. sfjeff says:

    I want to point out that among other things “other than Constitutional” that Bob wants is to create a religious test for immigrants to the United States, i.e. banning from immigration those who belong to the religion of Islam.

    I am no great fan of Islam- some of the most repressive countries in the world are Islamic majority or Islamic ruled countries.

    But I am a great fan of the essential wisdom of the Constitution of the United States. And as an atheist, I am firmly committed to protecting Freedom of worship in the United States and against discrimination based upon religion.

  18. Dave B. says:

    Speaking of “winning,” whatever happened to that all-time champion, Super-Genius Sam Sewell?

    nbc: We have totally destroyed his claims, he has failed to provide any evidence and has been shown to have been wrong about many ‘accusations’….

    Hilarious…What a guy… I am sure he will be bragging about his wins

    He created a mess and is now unable to control it any longer. The truth hurts, does it not my foolish friend?

    Ignorance, fear and hatred can lead to quite a disaster… I’d like to thank our friend for providing us with another example.

  19. True, but Stalin was an atheist and Hitler was a lapsed Catholic and Pol Pot banned all religion. Before the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, the Islamic empire was quite open-minded.

    sfjeff: I am no great fan of Islam- some of the most repressive countries in the world are Islamic majority or Islamic ruled countries.

  20. I think Sewell gave up birthing, and is now focusing on generalized right-wing commentary on his blog. I tried to get a sense of what he’s doing but there are just too many uninteresting WORDS on it.

    Dave B.: Speaking of “winning,” whatever happened to that all-time champion, Super-Genius Sam Sewell?

  21. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dave B.:
    Speaking of “winning,” whatever happened to that all-time champion, Super-Genius Sam Sewell?

    Well I popped by Herman Munster’s “Steady Drip”, and didn’t see anything remotely birthery on his front page. Granted, all I did was skim. Looks like birtherism is becoming a dry well for many.

  22. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    nbc: I have rarely seen anyone who makes so many poorly informed claims… And when I look at them, they quickly fall apart.He said, he was learning from his mistakes but shows no inclination to do so. I wish him well with his Scotus case, which I predict will be denied cert, quite unceremoniously, adding another one to Laity’s impressive ‘record’ of ‘successes’.

    That’s the problem with birthers they believe any negative claim that is made about Obama wholesale without taking the time to check the veracity of the claims. Every birther claim thus far falls apart with the least bit of scrutiny; which is why they jump from claim to claim each time you dispute one.

  23. nbc says:

    Reality Check: I should point out that Laity was allowed to come on this bog and make completely groundless accusations of treason against the president and openly present his views. After getting pummeled on the facts he chose to leave on his own. Compare that with what happens when an “Obot” dares present a few facts on the Birther blog of your choice.

    Yes, quite instructive indeed. Compare the use of facts, reason and logic with the use of ad hominems.

    Laity has provided us with an excellent example of the intellectual vacuity of the birther movement.

  24. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dave B.: Speaking of “winning,” whatever happened to that all-time champion, Super-Genius Sam Sewell?

    Last time I saw Sam Sewell he was posting on Terry Lakin’s failure of a book on amazon. He made some comments about James David Manning and Susan Daniels then scampered off.

  25. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Well I popped by Herman Munster’s “Steady Drip”, and didn’t see anything remotely birthery on his front page. Granted, all I did was skim. Looks like birtherism is becoming a dry well for many.

    Swept under the rug you might say 😉

  26. The appeal is still pending before the Alabama Supreme Court. They issue their opinions on Fridays. According to the FY 2013 Statistical Report of the Alabama Supreme Court, they had 670 cases pending as of September 30, 2013. On average, “Original decisions” were pending for 315 days (original decisions are those not previously reviewed by and appellate court). See Tabie VI.

    The opening brief in McInnish was file around March 26, 2013 (307 days ago). Based on the statistical averages, it is not at all odd that case hasn’t been decided yet.

    McInnish and Goode are being represented by Larry Klayman.

    Ellen: Whatever happened to the Alabama case that the birthers are counting on so much, I think it was called McInnish? It must be over a year, probably a lot over a year, since they filed that appeal. I know that birther sites say that the case is still alive—but is that true? (And if so, how long is it supposed to be before rulings are normally issued?)

  27. Dave B. says:

    I take it then that he has moved on to other conquests, as mountains of skulls vanish on the horizon behind him.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I think Sewell gave up birthing, and is now focusing on generalized right-wing commentary on his blog. I tried to get a sense of what he’s doing but there are just too many uninteresting WORDS on it.

  28. Jim says:

    In honor of the President’s State of the Union address tomorrow night, I proudly present the 2014 edition of the State of the Birthers

    1) Numbers continue to fall, fewer and fewer people believe what they’re selling
    2) birthers can’t keep their story straight, infighting against each other is at an all-time high. Meanwhile, the President’s narrative remains the same after 5 years
    3) Donations continue to fall as more and more recognize that all the Orlys, Zullos, etc. are not in it to get the President out of office, just to separate the gullible from their money
    4) birthers have become so scared of anti-birthers they have now closed down all commenting and opinions that show birthers to be completely inept and clueless.
    5) All congress members contacted by birthers have blown them off…nicely, but still completely
    6) birthers is now in the dictionary…listed as a synonym for “failure”
    7) birthers are now secretly hoping that court cases continue to languish instead of coming to a conclusion because they know they will lose
    8) birthers are now used by the main stream press when they want to do stories about “Can these people really be this dumb?”
    9) President Obama will be in the White House, legally and constitutionally, till January 20, 2017…and birthers will still be sitting in their mother’s basements typing pathetic insults to no one.

    State of the Birthers…DELUSIONAL! 😀

  29. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Jim you forgot to mention birthers going to “obot” sites and then running away when each of their claims are picked apart.

  30. Jim says:

    Feel free to add on…it’s not a complete list by any means!

  31. sfjeff says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: True, but Stalin was an atheist and Hitler was a lapsed Catholic and Pol Pot banned all religion. Before the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, the Islamic empire was quite open-minded.

    I have engaged in endless debates over at PF with those who would strip Americans of the freedom to worship if they worship the wrong religion i.e. Islam.

    I put the proviso in about Islam in general because at this point in history, many Islamic regimes are amongst the most repressive, and essentially medieval governments in the world. As a supporter of rights for homosexuals, I don’t want to ignore that governments of Iran or Saudi Arabia are incredibly repressive.

    Historically of course, during the medieval ages, the Islamic countries were the enlightened countries which in general provided greater freedoms than in general Christian nations.

    I have had a great many Islamic friends over the years, and I get irritated at attacks on them because of what religion that they believe. I may not care for how a religion is interpreted by its zealots, but I deeply believe that in America we should be free to worship as we please- or not to worship.

  32. Excellent work Jim!

    Feel free to add on…it’s not a complete list by any means!

  33. Northland10 says:

    Back in the endless “New High Score” thread, somebody mentioned that Vattel was not even mentioned in the debates. That is not entirely true, as he, and other philosophers, were brought quoted debates about equal votes/sovereignty of the states.This does not help Birthers since it is about the States and their equal voice, and not about the Birther’s favorite paragraph, which does not say what they think it says.

    To copy from a previous comment by Gorefan:

    Mr. L. MARTIN, “…that an equal vote in each State was essential to the federal idea, and was founded in justice & freedom, not merely in policy: that tho’ the States may give up this right of sovereignty, yet they had not, and ought not: that the States like individuals were in a State of nature equally sovereign & free. In order to prove that individuals in a State of nature are equally free & independent he read passages from Locke, Vattel, Lord Summers- Priestly. To prove that the case is the same with States till they surrender their equal sovereignty, he read other passages in Locke & Vattel, and also Rutherford: that the States being equal cannot treat or confederate so as to give up an equality of votes without giving up their liberty…” Madison Debates on the Convention, Wednesday, June 27, 1787.

    Rufus King also references Mr. Martin’s speech, “All men out of Society are by nature equal, in freedom and every other Property of men. Locke, Vattel and all other writers establish this Truth.”

  34. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Back in the endless “New High Score” thread, somebody mentioned that Vattel was not even mentioned in the debates.That is not entirely true, as he, and other philosophers, were brought quoted debates about equal votes/sovereignty of the states.This does not help Birthers since it is about the States and their equal voice, and not about the Birther’s favorite paragraph, which does not say what they think it says.

    To copy from a previous comment by Gorefan:

    What I said about Vattel had to do with Vattel on citizenship not being mentioned at the debates.

  35. Bob says:

    ❛Kirby Ferguson, creator of Everything Is a Remix, has launched the first installment of his serial documentary project about “the forces that that shape us.” In this first entertaining episode, Ferguson explains why people fall for conspiracy theories.❜


  36. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: What I said about Vattel had to do with Vattel on citizenship not being mentioned at the debates.

    Well then, never mind. 🙂

  37. justlw says:

    I notice in the “New High Score” thread that not-Doctor Laity references not-Doctor Manning, who in turn uncorks this riveting 64 pages of hot fake-jury-selection action, which leads off with:

    It has been widely reported that our Government no longer operates as a Constitutional Republic, but instead has become a Corporation, and that We The People are unwittingly conducting our affairs in that environment.

    So has not-Doctor Manning always been a SovCit, or is this just a temporary hookup, based on mutual requisite Obama-hatin’? I note that he’s hosted Jedi Pauly guest rantatorials on his web site. Is this any more than an affair of convenience?

  38. jdkinpa says:

    Ran across a rather interesting story (and video) over at The Raw Story ref. Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (US Army ret.). It’s a forty-eight minute video and covers just about everything that get the birthers and the RWNJs salivating over the prospect of an armed revolution that will rid ‘Merica’ of the usurper in the White House. Or as Vallely called him “the first white black President” while commenting on the ‘Joe Arpaio’ investigation. Valley say he had his CIA friends look at the BC and they agreed it was a fake.

    It’s mostly crazy BS but it does give a rather disturbing picture of just how bat-crap-crazy these people are.

  39. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    jdkinpa: Valley say he had his CIA friends look at the BC and they agreed it was a fake.

    This was one of the earliest claims on WND after the LFBC release. Interestingly, none of these anonymous CIA people ever came forward to confirm that. But how would that have been possible, given they only exist in Vallely’s head?

  40. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Jim: birthers are now secretly hoping that court cases continue to languish instead of coming to a conclusion because they know they will lose

    I think they already did that in 2011/2012. Their propaganda goal was to claim that “there are active ballot challenges against Obama in all 50 states”.

  41. Lupin says:

    American Mzungu: You display a magnanimous spirit.

    Possibly, but I do have some experience with mental disorders (sadly) and PTSD might explain Laity’s behavior.

    Jon Stewart’s very recent report on the total lack of treatments for the Vietnam Vets was an eye-opener.

    I’m not a Christian, but if Laity is suffering from a mental disorder, arguing with him is pointless (as shown in that last thread) and mocking him is cruel.

    Based on his conduct at some kind of public hearing as reported in the other thread , he may even be a danger to others.

  42. Arthur says:

    Lupin: Possibly, but I do have some experience with mental disorders (sadly) and PTSD might explain Laity’s behavior.

    The current article at BR is a Sharon Rondeau interview of Laity. When he’s not challenged, he sound quite rational–although his notions about Obama and natural-born citizenship are obviously misguided.

  43. nbc says:

    Arthur: The current article at BR is a Sharon Rondeau interview of Laity. When he’s not challenged, he sound quite rational–although his notions about Obama and natural-born citizenship are obviously misguided.

    He continues to repeat his foolish and erroneous claims. It keeps him feeling useful I guess. Who am I to interfere with his failings?

    Hint: The issue before the Supreme Court is NOT President Obama’s eligibility but rather the rulings in the lower courts that dismissed Laity’s case. The Supreme Court is not going to be interested in such a narrow issue of law.

  44. nbc says:

    Arthur: The current article at BR is a Sharon Rondeau interview of Laity. When he’s not challenged, he sound quite rational–although his notions about Obama and natural-born citizenship are obviously misguided.

    He still believes in poorly supported or developed claims and arguments, such as President Obama and Odinga, which are based on rumor and innuendo and lack any solid foundation in fact.

    He also considers the fact that our President is dealing with the establishment problem in the military as being in violation of the establishment order. By removing the cross and bible, the military avoids the establishment clause problems but Laity somehow seems to believe that the establishment clause grants preferential treatment to his preferred religion. That’s quite interesting by itself.

    Our military has been infiltrated to some extent by some extreme religious people who are trying to proselytize Christian faith. It’s time that our President restores the balance here. We do not want an Al Qaeda like military based on religious extremism.

    Read about bible burning

    The Al Jazeera report also showed footage of Lt. Col. Gary Hensley, the chief of the U.S. military chaplains in Afghanistan, telling his congregation that followers of Jesus Christ have a responsibility “to be witnesses for him.”

    “The special forces guys — they hunt men basically. We do the same things as Christians, we hunt people for Jesus. We do, we hunt them down,” Lt. Col. Hensley says. “Get the hound of heaven after them, so we get them into the kingdom. That’s what we do, that’s our business.”

    There is no room for such people in our military leadership.

  45. JD Sue says:

    Doc, I think this Laity quote from BR is worthy of being a quote of the day:

    MR. LAITY: Every time Fox News refers to him as “president,” they’re doing a great disservice. Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose, because they say it an awful lot. No matter how many times they’re going to repeat a lie doesn’t make the lie truthful. There’s the apparent Connecticut Social Security number. Adolf Hitler did the same thing as Obama: his real name was “Schicklgruber.” Whoever is the real “Hitler” probably had a good reputation, but Schicklgruber took it and shoddied up the name.


    Arthur: The current article at BR is a Sharon Rondeau interview of Laity.

  46. Crustacean says:

    Your comment reminded me of a Harper’s Magazine article from a few years ago. I wonder how much has changed since then.

    OK, I just found it on the interwebs. I think you may find this an interesting read, NBC:

    nbc: Our military has been infiltrated to some extent by some extreme religious people who are trying to proselytize Christian faith. It’s time that our President restores the balance here. We do not want an Al Qaeda like military based on religious extremism.

  47. nbc says:

    JD Sue:
    Doc, I think this Laity quote from BR is worthy of being a quote of the day:

    MR. LAITY:Every time Fox News refers to him as “president,” they’re doing a great disservice.Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose, because they say it an awful lot.No matter how many times they’re going to repeat a lie doesn’t make the lie truthful.There’s the apparent Connecticut Social Security number.Adolf Hitler did the same thing as Obama:his real name was “Schicklgruber.”Whoever is the real “Hitler” probably had a good reputation, but Schicklgruber took it and shoddied up the name.


    Laity does not even understand that there is no evidence that his Connecticut SSN is somehow fraudulent.

    Ignorance does not make for a very good foundation in arguments, under the Garbage In, Garbage Out Doctrine.

    Most of Laity’s claims suffer from such.

  48. CarlOrcas says:

    nbc: Most of Laity’s claims suffer from such.

    I just finished reading the entry at BirtherReport. Here it is:

    The man is seriously deluded.

  49. Majority Will says:

    CarlOrcas: I just finished reading the entry at BirtherReport. Here it is:

    The man is seriously deluded.

    I’d say deluded may be too kind and an understatement.

    Number of Bonkers Bob’s paranoid, idiotic, bigoted, repetitive, reality denying, racist and anger filled rants on mostly obsessing over President Obama?

    28,080 and counting since 11/2/08.

  50. sfjeff says:

    I love this quote of Bob’s

    ” I think the case has a lot of foundation in it because it’s a prima facie case. We all know what “natural born Citizen” is, and being from this area, I read The Law of Nations in the original French. Being so close to Canada, we kind-of dabble in French. Even some of our merchandise is in French and English. Niagara Falls has bilingual signs up. The Canadians are over here quite a bit. I hate to say this, but I can sing the Canadian national anthem better than I can sing our own.”

    As opposed to Lupin…..a native French speaker and lawyer…..

    And this gem of course

    “Then you look at the definition of “natural born Citizen” in English, it’s “born in a country of parents who are citizens,” but when you look at the original French, it says “parents citoyens,” which means “parents” [plural], and “citoyens” is “citizens” [plural]. So that means both parents. It doesn’t say “of a parent who is a citizen;” it says “of parents who are citizens.” So right away, Obama’s prima facie shows he is not qualified because everybody knows his father was not naturalized. So it’s prima facie; there’s no other proof necessary”

    Bob is delusional.

    And Lupin is very kind to treat him as gently as he does..

  51. sfjeff says:

    More of Bob’s keen analysis

    ” Isn’t it interesting that Obama, our second usurper, and Chester Arthur, our first, were born with British citizenship? I sometimes wonder if it’s an insidious plan for the British to take our country back. It’s a strange thing. Chester Arthur used to have his staff salute the Union Jack.”

    And this gem

    ,” it says that if a person is guilty of treason, he cannot hold any office in the United States of America. I said that prior to his becoming president, he campaigned for an enemy of the United States, Raila Odinga. President Kibaki was our ally, and Odinga ran against him”

    Apparently Bob thinks Odinga is a country.

  52. Not to mention George Washington.

    sfjeff: More of Bob’s keen analysis

    ” Isn’t it interesting that Obama, our second usurper, and Chester Arthur, our first, were born with British citizenship?

  53. Keith says:

    nbc: He also considers the fact that our President is dealing with the establishment problem in the military as being in violation of the establishment order. By removing the cross and bible, the military avoids the establishment clause problems but Laity somehow seems to believe that the establishment clause grants preferential treatment to his preferred religion. That’s quite interesting by itself.

    Hey, the light bulb just came on!

    He’s an antidisestablishmentarian.

  54. Rickey says:

    JD Sue:
    Doc, I think this Laity quote from BR is worthy of being a quote of the day:

    MR. LAITY:Every time Fox News refers to him as “president,” they’re doing a great disservice.Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose, because they say it an awful lot.No matter how many times they’re going to repeat a lie doesn’t make the lie truthful.There’s the apparent Connecticut Social Security number.Adolf Hitler did the same thing as Obama:his real name was “Schicklgruber.”Whoever is the real “Hitler” probably had a good reputation, but Schicklgruber took it and shoddied up the name.

    Not to mention that his claim about Hitler isn’t accurate. Hitler never had the surname “Schicklgruber.” Hitler’s father was born Alois Schicklgruber because his parents weren’t married and he was given his mother’s surname. Later his mother married Johann Georg Hiedler and in 1876 Alois had his name changed (in the process, the spelling was changed from Hiedler to Hitler). Adolf Hitler was born 13 years later, so his surname was “Hitler” at birth.

    Laity once again demonstrates his ignorance of history.

  55. John Reilly says:

    I did not realize that Hitler had a Connecticut Social Security number or that Obama’s original birth name was Schicklgruber. I trust Mr. Laity knows we have had two Presidents who used different names when they ran from their birth names.

    We can add to the list of proofs that Obama is President that Fox News recognizes him as President. That goes along with Congress, the Electoral College and at least some members of the Supreme Court. Perhaps Mr. Laity ought to think about that. If there was any question, Fox News would raise it.

    Oh, yeah, Fox has been threatened and they fear Black race riots.

  56. The Magic M says:

    John Reilly: I trust Mr. Laity knows we have had two Presidents who used different names when they ran from their birth names.

    The conspiracy blog “Fellowship of the Minds” named “6 different names for Obama”, including making a difference between “Barack Obama” and “Barry Obama” and including his mother’s maiden name though I’ve yet to see any document that says “Barry Dunham”. When I pointed out to them that Bill Clinton has at least 5 names by that logic, they banned my IP.
    (The first time they did that was when I pointed out Eisenhower’s BC was filed decades after his birth.)

  57. Keith says:

    Rickey: Adolf Hitler was born 13 years later, so his surname was “Hitler” at birth.

    Party pooper. You’re no fun.

  58. The Magic M says:

    Laity’s “Whoever is the real “Hitler” probably had a good reputation” eeriely reminds me of the right-wing claims that the Jews aren’t the “real Jews” but “Khazars” who “took over the name”.

    Though, partly in his defense, ironically referring to Hitler as “Schicklgruber” is quite popular in Germany (mostly because it sounds very Bavarian/Austrian to German ears, you might call it a “redneck name”).
    I think there’s still a percentage of people here who believe “Hitler” was a special moniker like “Lenin” or “Stalin” and not actually his birth name.

  59. Arthur says:

    It’s not just Obama . . .

    Lorde’s Real Age Questioned By Conspiracy Theorists, Birth Certificate Revealed

  60. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: Birth Certificate Revealed

    I’d like to see birthers if Obama’s BC had looked anything like it (computer printout, “registration data printout” and not “birth certificate”, registered almost 3 years after birth etc.)

    Hey, it’s obfuscatiously a forgificationery!

    Also, if I went with the “she’s actually 41” narrative, I’d claim this was her 17 year old daughter’s BC and not hers (and that her daughter simply has the same first name(s) as her).

    Birfin’ is so easy once you’re an alumnus of Obama Birtherism! 😉

  61. Roadscholar says:

    I must have missed where Chester Allen Arthur’s name was stricken from the list of US Presidents, and his portrait removed from the Gallery. And where history books for the last 100 years have referred to him as a “usurper” or even that he was “arguably not eligible.”

    Why is that, Bob?

  62. Arthur says:

    The Magic M: Birfin’ is so easy once you’re an alumnus of Obama Birtherism!

    You’re right, it is easy. Thinkin’ like a Birther, 101:
    1. Any unfortunate incident or untimely death . . . thanks, Obama!
    2. If the Multi-verse is possible, then it’s possible for Obama to have four fathers and three mothers, and to be a secret citizen of Great Britain, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and any other country where people look or talk funny.
    3. Islam, Communism, Atheism, Socialism, Marxism all mean the same thing. Also, respecting freedom of worship for non-Christians makes you the Antichrist.
    4. Someone is always just about to reveal something earth-shattering.
    5. Experts are experts if they reinforce my delusions, everyone else is an Obama stooge.
    6. All Republican politicians are secret supporters of Obama, except for the ones I like.
    7. John McCain and Mitt Romney are terrific candidates and will kick Obama’s butt, except when they don’t. Then they become the worst candidates ever, foisted on America by the NWO.
    8. Washington rallies will attract millions to bring down Obama, and when they don’t, I’ll forget I ever said anything about them.
    9. Obama’s the stupidest, laziest, most incompetent doofus in the world, except when I’m accusing him of running the most complex, successful, multi-generational conspiracy in the world.
    10. The Constitution is the most sacred public document in the world and all its provisions must be fully honored, except for those that would protect the rights of people I hate. P.S. Most of the Constitution was written by a patriot named Vattel.

  63. sfjeff says:

    Arthur: 10. The Constitution is the most sacred public document in the world and all its provisions must be fully honored, except for those that would protect the rights of people I hate. P.S. Most of the Constitution was written by a patriot named Vattel.

    LOL- that nails every Birther correctly.

  64. Keith says:

    I must have missed where Chester Allen Arthur’s name was stricken from the list of US Presidents, and his portrait removed from the Gallery.And where history books for the last 100 years have referred to him as a “usurper” or even that he was “arguably not eligible.”

    Why is that, Bob?

    You left out the overthrow of the Civil Service system that he reformed.

  65. Keith says:

    Do the birthers have a new candidate for the President’s father?

    Someone on another site I follow asked why is the Speaker of the House Boehner actually darker skinned than the first President with African ancestry (the question was asked as a joke by the way)?

    Link to Image demonstrating the question.

  66. justlw says:

    LOL Biden. The first Vice President with bro ancestry.

    Keith: Link to Image demonstrating the question.

  67. Keith says:

    LOL Biden.The first Vice President with bro ancestry.

    Yeah, there was a comment about Biden on that other post as well, but I guffawed (yes guffawed) at the Boehner comment.

  68. justlw says:

    Keith: but I guffawed (yes guffawed) at the Boehner comment.

    Speaking of Boehner comments (get it!?!?)…

    I actually dropped by to comment that Boehner has taken up one of the more reprehensible anti-Obama memes, that of him somehow taking on extralegal powers at will:

    This idea that he’s just going to go it alone, I have to remind him we do have a Constitution.

    This of course is one of the classic tenets of ODS in general and birtherism in particular — that the president can just haul off and do anything he wants, and “trample all over the Constitution.” Not-doctor Laity took this even further in his assertion that in the ’70s Nixon could ignore the Presidential Succession Act and pick his own VP and no one would (could?) do a thing about it.

    In Birtherland, and now it appears, in Boehner Righteous Indignation Land, executive orders allow the president to do absolutely anything. Whereas here on Planet Earth, they actually always must have, and do have, foundation in existing law — and the Constitution.

    (Note: yes, Nixon actually did do a lot of extralegal things, but he had the common indecency to do them in secret, rather than Obama’s purported ultimate goal to just blatantly, oh say, create new Black Panther militias, or declare himself Dictator For Life, or something.)

  69. The Magic M says:

    justlw: ot-doctor Laity took this even further in his assertion that in the ’70s Nixon could ignore the Presidential Succession Act and pick his own VP and no one would (could?) do a thing about it.

    Reminds me of the birther claim how a President who served two terms could run again as VP and then become President (because they make some weird distinction between being “elected” and being “selected”), and basically repeat this process as often as he likes.
    As usual, this shows more about how they want things to be than how they think Obama will act – a pipe dream of how a President they like could game the system to effectively be President for life.

  70. Jim says:

    Ahhhh, nothing like a little Arizona Republicans/birther meeting…

    Entertaining and scary…these people get to vote? 😀

  71. Site statistics for January 23 are now posted. They show a continuing downtrend in readership.

  72. interestedbystander says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Site statistics for January 23 are now posted. They show a continuing downtrendin readership.

    I haven’t been pulling my weight here – I promise to visit at least 3 times daily henceforth.

  73. Joey says:

    Executive Orders by President
    Franklin D. Roosevelt: 3,522 Executive Orders Issued
    Harry S Truman: 907
    Dwight D. Eisenhower: 484
    John F. Kennedy: 214
    Lyndon B. Johnson: 325
    Richard M. Nixon: 346
    Gerald R. Ford: 169
    James E. Carter: 320
    Ronald Reagan: 381
    George H.W. Bush: 166
    William J. Clinton: 364
    George W. Bush: 291
    Barack H. Obama: 168 through 1/20/14

  74. CarlOrcas says:

    Jim: Entertaining and scary…these people get to vote? 😀

    Yes. And they get to carry guns also.

  75. Dave B. says:

    Man, used to be I couldn’t go have a beer without running into a self-proclaimed CIA agent or two. I should look some of those guys up and ask them what they think about it.

    jdkinpa: Valley say he had his CIA friends look at the BC and they agreed it was a fake.

  76. The Magic M says:

    Joey: Barack H. Obama: 168 through 1/20/14

    But… but… you forgot those 3,000 *secret* EO’s that nobody except birthers have seen! 😉

    (German right-wing cranks claimed some provision of the Hague Convention means we’re still at war with the Allied Forces. When it turned out said provision does not exist, they claimed it was in a “secret additional protocol” to the Hague Convention.

    Another crank favourite is the claim that every German chancellor has to sign a secret declaration of subserviance to the US first day in office. They even produced an obviously forged “official” document that referred to that declaration.

    The thing that most cracks me up is when those cranks produce fake documents allegedly coming from the Allied Headquarters. They’re always written in bad school English, including terms of art translated literally. When being called out on it, those documents are quickly scrubbed from their websites.)

  77. I’ve been playing with the site layout again. I’ve been unhappy with the appearance of the menus since they changed in a theme update some time ago. I’ve done away with the main navigation bar entirely and added top navigation and I think the appearance is much improved.

    I also added some background gray color to the widgets on the sidebar. Also, the site background (the green basket weave) no longer scrolls. I think this will take care of the problem of the background being omitted on some browsers displaying very long pages.

  78. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’ve been playing with the site layout again.

    Looking good, Doc! Invoking my BFA in Design Studies, my expert opinion is, your site is looking better all the time.

    On PCs running Chrome anyway. 😀

  79. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’ve done away with the main navigation bar entirely and added top navigation

    Some days ago the top navigation no longer worked as pulldown (which is why I’ve posted “not logged in” for some time), so now I’ve got to click on “Visitor Guide” to find the “User Login” link.

  80. The pull down menus were replaced by pages because they didn’t work on some mobile devices. I’ve reinstated some of the more popular sub-menus options (including login) and renamed Visitor’s Guide to simply Guide. People using Windows tablets can tap-hold to access the sub-menus.

    I looked at the other menus that were formerly sub-menus, Bookmarks, Resources and Features. There are too many items under Bookmarks for it to make sense. At this point, I think it works better not to have sub-menus for the others. What I need to do, however, is to dress up these sub-menu landing pages a little.

    The Magic M: Some days ago the top navigation no longer worked as pulldown (which is why I’ve posted “not logged in” for some time), so now I’ve got to click on “Visitor Guide” to find the “User Login” link.

  81. John Henry says:

    [Moved to the Open Thread. Doc]


    This is amazing. There are two parts. Be sure to read the 2nd part
    (in RED).

    Thomas Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started learning very
    early in life and never stopped.

    At 5, began studying under his cousin’s tutor.

    At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French.

    At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages.

    At 16, entered the College of William and Mary. Also could write in
    Greek with one hand while writing the same in Latin with the other.

    At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.

    At 23, started his own law practice.

    At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.

    At 31, wrote the widely circulated “Summary View of the Rights of
    British America? And retired from his law practice.

    At 32, was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.

    At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence.

    At 33, took three years to revise Virginia’s legal code and wrote a
    Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.

    At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick

    At 40, served in Congress for two years.

    At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial
    treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.

    At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.

    At 53, served as Vice President and was elected president of the
    American Philosophical Society.

    At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of
    Republican Party.

    At 57, was elected the third president of the United States.

    At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation’s size.

    At 61, was elected to a second term as President.

    At 65, retired to Monticello.

    At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.

    At 81, almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and
    served as its first president.

    At 83, died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration
    of Independence along with John Adams.

    Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed
    attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, his
    laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most
    understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to
    lead us in the future:

    John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the
    brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: “This is
    perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in
    the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”

    “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we
    shall become as corrupt as Europe.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who
    are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A
    principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
    government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of
    taking care of them.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results
    from too much government.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and
    bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood
    of patriots and tyrants.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas
    which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

    “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
    liberties than standing armies.

    If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of
    their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and
    corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of
    all property – until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their
    fathers conquered.”

  82. No,apparently Thomas Jefferson said this is in 1937, since there is no earlier record of his name being attached to these words. Would you like to try to retrieve a shred of credibility and prove that you are capable of some actual research, and tell us which of your Jefferson quotes are authentic and which are fake?

    John Henry: Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

    “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
    liberties than standing armies.

  83. JPotter says:

    John Henry: This is amazing.

    Yes, an e-mail forward. Full of quaint winger gee-whizzers. How so very 1990’s of you!

  84. Dave B. says:

    John Henry: This is amazing. There are two parts. Be sure to read the 2nd part
    (in RED).

  85. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who
    are willing to work and give to those who would not — Quote unknown before 1986

    My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results
    from too much government — Quote unknown before 1913, first attributed to Jefferson in 1950

    The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government — Quote unknown before 1989

    If you want to be taken seriously in these pages, Mr Henry, you might try to take the trouble to do some serious research, in this case, Googling for 5 minutes!

  86. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    No,apparently Thomas Jefferson said this is in 1937, since there is no earlier record of his name being attached to these words. Would you like to try to retrieve a shred of credibility and prove that you are capable of some actual research, and tell us which of your Jefferson quotes are authentic and which are fake?

    “The problem with internet quotes is that you cant always depend on their accuracy”, Archduke Franz Ferdinand 1943

  87. gorefan says:

    John Henry:
    [Moved to the Open Thread. Doc]


    Since we are making up Thomas Jefferson quotes, these are my two favorites:

    “If Brack Obama is not a natural born citizen, nobody is.” Letter to George Soros, 1795

    “I can honestly say that Barack Obama knows more about the Constitution than I do. And that’s saying something.” Huffington Post interview 1800

  88. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    He also wrote glowing praise for Betamax in the 1950s.

  89. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    John Henry: blah blah blah

    What’s amazing is how much of a gullible fool you are:

    Jefferson never wrote or said the second quotation.
    The 5th quote is another quote falsely attributed to Jefferson it was something he never wrote or said.
    #7 is also fake as its not something jefferson ever said or wrote
    The last quote no it’s not something he said in 1802.

    So you failed miserably again.

  90. Keith says:

    “The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.”

    Theodore Roosevelt, somewhere, sometime between October 27, 1858 and January 6, 1919 or so.

    “If a Thomas Jefferson quote appears anywhere, without attribution to the source and date, you can be almost absolutely guaranteed that it is fake.”

    Theodore Roosevelt, State of the Union Address, 1902.

    (one of those quotes is relatively authentic, I leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide which)

  91. Thomas Brown says:

    “Jefferson still survives. And in 184 years, Barack Obama will become the 44th President.” –John Adams

  92. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I can do you one better!
    “Any sissy can tame a wild stallion! REAL men ride weaponized Tyrannosaurses!”, Teddy Roosevelt

  93. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: What’s amazing is how much of a gullible fool you are:

    Jefferson never wrote or said the second quotation.
    The 5th quote is another quote falsely attributed to Jefferson it was something he never wrote or said.
    #7 is also fake as its not something jefferson ever said or wrote
    The last quote no it’s not something he said in 1802.

    So you failed miserably again.

    “So you failed miserably again.”

    But not at being a bigoted jackass.

    Give credit where it’s due.

  94. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Thomas Brown:
    “Jefferson still survives. And in 184 years, Barack Obama will become the 44th President.”–John Adams

  95. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Also, the site background (the green basket weave) no longer scrolls. I think this will take care of the problem of the background being omitted on some browsers displaying very long pages.

    But it adds the problem that next month Zullo will announce “UNIVERSE!!! SHATTERING!!! EVIDENCE-ENCe-ENce-Ence-ence…” that your website is an amateurish forgery and you were born in Kinshasa.

  96. Egipcios says:

    I realize this may be a little OT, since the Operation American Spring is not a birther phenomena as such “yet”. The weakness of Harry Riley’s leadership has been noted both within and without the OAS. In his most recent interviews he comes across as tired, ill or intoxicated. (One interviewer told him “your phone is slurring”). He has not been present on the OAS website in the past week. (

    But nature abhors a vacuum. The most active participant today is excreable hatemonger and longtime birther, the “Reverend” Wiley Drake. His posts are not incompatible with an intention to take over. With Drake coming in, one wonders if Alan Keyes can be far behind.

  97. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Every so often, I’ll come across a birther comment along the lines of “If only John Wayne were alive today! American needs a real hero like that to force Obama out of office.”, or something to that effect.
    They do understand that Marion Morrison only PLAYED tough guys, right?

  98. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: They do understand that Marion Morrison only PLAYED tough guys, right?

    Why, no, no they don’t … but thanks for asking!

    Today’s Short Answer … 😛

  99. JPotter says:

    FAUX interrupts Super Bowl pregame “coverage” for Conspiracy Buffet at the White House with Bill O’Really …. good times on Twitter ensue. Look forward to 24-hours of backlash.

    A ten-minute commercial for his network’s talking points … it’s a new low in shilling for the aptly named Mr. Ailes, and pretty much gives the game away.

  100. American Mzungu says:

    JPotter: FAUX interrupts Super Bowl pregame “coverage” for Conspiracy Buffet at the White House with Bill O’Really ….

    I guess Bill needed to stay on the RWNJ message, but it is so sterile and unimaginative. A real turn off for all but the hard right. There are lots of sports topics or the intersection of sports and politics on which to engage Obama that would be interesting on Super Bowl Sunday. Football safety, college unions for athletes, Olympic security, prospects for the American hockey team, drugs in athletic performance, Michelle’s campaign for fitness and good eating, a little analysis of Super Bowl quarterbacks, etc.

    Has anyone watched Colbert’s Superb Owl coverage? Much more fun than most Super Bowl hype.

  101. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Wow. Barrel bottom scraping at its most pathetic.
    On second thought, is there a word in the English language that covers this? Because “pathetic” is just too weak to describe this.

  102. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Wow. Barrel bottom scraping at its most pathetic.
    On second thought, is there a word in the English language that covers this? Because “pathetic” is just too weak to describe this.

    Delusional would be clinically accurate. In the real world it’s just plain batsh*t crazy.

    How long do you think it took him (her?) to figure that out?

    But…..never fear…..Zullo will explain all next month.

  103. RanTalbott says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Barrel bottom scraping at its most pathetic.

    Oh, I dunno: the author of that drivel promoted it in a comment posted on an ORYR story making the galaxy-shattering announcement that Volin had gotten back the receipt for the certified letter he sent to the WH, “asking Barack Hussein Obama to release his original paper birth certificate allegedly on file with the Hawaii Department of Health”. I think there’s some serious competition for the coveted Barrel Bottom Proximity Award.

    However, “Accidental Patriot” may be ahead in the “Glaring Stupidity” category:

    He gets the numbering of his “exhibits” wrong in the text, confusing #2 and #3. He also bizarrely claims that the 120-or-so dpi scan/photo from Getty Images (the one showing the bleed-through of the short form that appeared in a lot of newspapers) is the “parent” to all the others. Including the 600-or-so dpi JPEG which he claims was “a SUPER high resolution version released as a PDF to the press”, but which appears to be a reduced-quality version of the photo JPEG Vogt and Irey bought from AP for Vogt’s not-a-lawsuit.

    As nerd humor goes, it’s “comedy latinum”.

  104. I’ve always been partial to “inane.”

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: On second thought, is there a word in the English language that covers this? Because “pathetic” is just too weak to describe this.

  105. Sef says:

    Re: the recent “article” on BR about the impossibility of the “X” after Dr. Sinclair’s name on the LFBC being anything other than created from segments of “2”s, I very easily used the stylus on my Samsung Note to create an “X” very similar to the one on the BC. I had better luck in duplicating the results by starting from the upper right instead of the upper left. This would be similar to what would be created with a pen on paper.

  106. Sef says:

    Egipcios: The weakness of Harry Riley’s leadership has been noted both within and without the OAS.

    Maybe Riley is the “Ace of Spies” within the OAS.

  107. Arthur says:

    If you’ve ever been to Dr. Kate’s site, you’ll know that a lot of birthers there like to rant about chemtrails and govt. controlled weather phenomenon. Cue this article about lunatics and the two-inch snowfall in Atlanta:

  108. justlw says:

    In this weekend’s Great Moments in Conspiracy Theorism, we get someone busting into post-Superb Owl coverage to explain how Our Own Government has been involved in a conspiracy that at a minimum would involve tens of thousands of people planning, executing, and hiding one of the most outrageous acts of our time, with not a one of them issuing a peep over the ensuing dozen years, with only the concerted efforts of the world’s cadre of brave keyboard warriors able to see through the hoax.

    …he of course got his moment to do this by hopping on a passing bus on a whim, then broke through Our Own Government’s impenetrable security (see above) by saying, “Hey, I’m late for work.”

    Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your irony meters.

  109. Arthur says:

    More evidence of the birther generation gap, this courtesy of Racerjim at B.R. who’s complaining about that dag-nab-bit nephew of his!

    “My 24yo, far left-wing progressive American University Poly-Sci graduate, Obama minion nephew knows but doesn’t care that Obama is not eligible to be POTUS..”

    That’s right jim–your relative isn’t persuaded by your senile mongering. Good on him.

  110. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    If you’ve ever been to Dr. Kate’s site, you’ll know that a lot of birthers there like to rant about chemtrails and govt. controlled weather phenomenon. Cue this article about lunatics and the two-inch snowfall in Atlanta:

    Dr Kate’s site, and the comment section it contains, is an excellent cross section of people who love them some paint chips.

  111. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Dr Kate’s site, and the comment section it contains, is an excellent cross section of people who love them some paint chips.

    Yup. The common birfer (insanus domesticus) of Bither Report is almost rational compared to it’s feral cousin (mephitus silvestris) found at Dr. Kate’s cesspool. This type of birfer (common name: “stink in the woods”) is differentiated from it’s slightly less crazy cousin by it’s strident antisemitism.

  112. You have to check out ButterNut’s latest pile o’ crazy. She thinks Fuddy was cremated and one of the videos of the funeral shows an urn in the casket. Nellie, you should seek help.

    Freep thread:

    ButterNut’s pdf at her blog:

  113. [Moved to the Open Thread. Doc.]
    That stamp and the postal witness are key in the birther issue.

  114. CarlOrcas says:

    Reality Check: Nellie, you should seek help.


  115. justlw says:

    In this weekend’s Great Moments in Conspiracy Theorism, we get someone busting into post-Superb Owl coverage to explain how Our Own Government has been involved in a conspiracy […]

    […] he broke through Our Own Government’s impenetrable security (see above) by saying, “Hey, I’m late for work.”

    Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your irony meters.

    Re-reading this, I realize I left out my actual point (not the first time, alas).

    Which is: this guy apparently sincerely believes The Man can pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude when he’s just proven it can’t even keep someone with a fake press pass out of the prime tarrist target of the day.

  116. The Magic M says:

    American Mzungu: There are lots of sports topics or the intersection of sports and politics on which to engage Obama that would be interesting on Super Bowl Sunday.

    I think the conspiracy nuts were just happy that Obama’s devious plan of postponing Superbowl until March to divert attention from Zullo’s scoreboard-shattering evidence was foiled at the last minute (proof: Peyton Manning, who was obviously “in on it”, was totally unprepared for the game because he relied on the postponed date in March and went on a booze-filled night-out on Saturday).

    Poor Obama, now Zullo’s incontrovertible everdunce that Obama is actually a fan of the Mombasa Kenyans is going to hit like a safety 10 seconds in…

  117. Arthur says:

    While I don’t like to give Falcon, the Bird-boy of Birtherstan, publicity, I wanted to share and preserve his prediction about what Mike Zullo’s earth-shattering announcement will be. I’ve edited his comments for brevity

    “I’m going all in – Saudi Arabia / 9-11 / Obama. Other co-conspirators in both parties yet to be named. I could literally believe almost anything regarding this homosexual drug abusing communist – however, a Saudi maggot in control of America after the biggest attack on US soil would be the pinnacle of usurpation.

    “The truth is always stranger than fiction. Bank it.”

  118. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So now chicken hawk is trying to pin 9/11 on Obama?
    Give him time, he’ll try pinning Pearl Harbor on him too.

  119. CarlOrcas says:

    While I don’t like to give Falcon, the Bird-boy of Birtherstan, publicity, I wanted to share and preserve his prediction about what Mike Zullo’s earth-shattering announcement will be. I’ve edited his comments for brevity

    “I’m going all in – Saudi Arabia / 9-11 / Obama. Other co-conspirators in both parties yet to be named. I could literally believe almost anything regarding this homosexual drug abusing communist – however, a Saudi maggot in control of America after the biggest attack on US soil would be the pinnacle of usurpation.

    “The truth is always stranger than fiction. Bank it.”

    Somewhere in that thread or another one *FALCON* notes that the President is scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia in March……MARCH, MARCH…..get it; and *FALCON* is just sure Obama will defect while he’s there.

    You can’t make this stuff up……again.

  120. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Give him time, he’ll try pinning Pearl Harbor on him too.

    I’m waiting for him to blame Obama for the Bronco’s loss.

  121. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: You can’t make this stuff up……again.

    You can’t, and I can’t, but the birthers can. And that’s what makes ’em so special.

  122. The Magic M says:

    CarlOrcas: *FALCON* is just sure Obama will defect while he’s there

    Like they’ve said every time Obama leaves the country. Yawn.

    The funniest “Obama abroad” claim was how he was “surprisingly” and “unexpectedly” spending his holidays in Hawaii after Fuddy’s death – y’know, it’s not like he’s been there every single Christmas holidays I can think of…

  123. RanTalbott says:

    Of course! That’s it! The “universe-shattering evidence” is that Obama had Fuddy killed because the story would keep the reporters so busy they wouldn’t have time to bother him while he was trying to surf. Or to cover the filing of Orly’s 117th Amended Complaint.
    It all makes sense now…

  124. The Magic M says:

    I just read this comment over at Birther Report

    With all this excitement how is Zullo going to weasel out of presenting any information.

    and pondered this for a while. Yes, how are they going to “sell” their non-stuff this time? Well, I heeded my own advice and looked at what birthers accuse Obama of planning for March to distract from the “universe-shattering evidence” (USE) to see what Zullo might be planning: a false flag!

    I’d wager a bet that their excuse for not releasing or delaying the USE will be something like “a fire destroyed our evidence, but we’re investigating it and once we’ve proven it leads back to Obama, he will go down, just wait another few months” or “we’ve unmasked an Obot mole in the Cold Case Posse and are interrogating him at the moment, once we’ve got his full testimony, this will bring Obama down, just wait another few months”.

  125. Mike Zullo to appear on Gallups Freedom Friday radio show this week. He’s scheduled to be up first.

  126. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    So now chicken hawk is trying to pin 9/11 on Obama?
    Give him time, he’ll try pinning Pearl Harbor on him too.

    If you’ve gopt ODS, the Obama in your brain is the Universal, All-Purpose, Omni-everything Bogeyman*. Foolproof and bulletproof. Slices, dices, renders vampires into spices. Satan, Loki, Sauron, Voldemort, Shaitan**, and Black Pete*** are merely his avatars.


    * Though, given the racial insensibilities typically attendant with ODS, that would be “boogieman” in this case!
    ** Of course.
    *** Double of course!

  127. Reality Check:
    I should point out that Laity was allowed to come on this bog and make completely groundless accusations of treason against the president and openly present his views. After getting pummeled on the facts he chose to leave on his own. Compare that with what happens when an “Obot” dares present a few facts on the Birther blog of your choice.

    Yeah, RC, we all know how your shows go. What a joke. No one even bothers to tune in anymore, do they? Is that why you’ve stopped coming to your own show every Tuesday?

  128. CarlOrcas says:

    The Magic M: I’d wager a bet that their excuse for not releasing or delaying the USE will be something like “a fire destroyed our evidence

    How about “The dog ate my homework!”

    It will be interesting to hear how he explains what he has been doing and if he sets a definite date in March.

    Notice the PPSimmons announcement contains the following caveat:

    (scheduling subject to change without notice)

  129. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens: Yeah, RC, we all know how your shows go. What a joke. No one even bothers to tune in anymore, do they? Is that why you’ve stopped coming to your own show every Tuesday?

    More whining from Nancy Ruth Owens. Birthers have ran out of anything to say which is why the show isn’t as regular. There have been no new developments out of the birthers. All you guys have is the same old recycled claims.

  130. Kate says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens: Yeah, RC, we all know how your shows go. What a joke. No one even bothers to tune in anymore, do they? Is that why you’ve stopped coming to your own show every Tuesday?

    The delusional Nancy, Molly or whatever name she is using this week dares to call someone a joke when she’s been nabbed as being one of the biggest liars ever to call in to RC’s show. You’re just pissed because you were shown to be nothing but a nutjob who was spreading lies about President Obama’s past. His childhood is well-documented and it had absolutely nothing to do with you. You’ve claimed to be his little sister in a picture that has long been identified as him and his sister, Maya. There is almost ten years difference in their ages and you have also admitted that you and he are roughly the same age. Your discrepancies in your stories are easily found. Any woman who would go on record and lie about killing people as easily as you do is f*cking nuts. You talk about killing as if it is a routine occurrence. WTF is wrong with you? Are you so desperate for attention that you would stoop so low? You’re a sick woman in need of professional help.

  131. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Kate: The delusional Nancy, Molly or whatever name she is using this week dares to call someone a joke when she’s been nabbed as being one of the biggest liars ever to call in to RC’s show. You’re just pissed because you were shown to be nothing but a nutjob who was spreading lies about President Obama’s past. His childhood is well-documented and it had absolutely nothing to do with you. You’ve claimed to be his little sister in a picture that has long been identified as him and his sister, Maya. There is almost ten years difference in their ages and you have also admitted that you and he are roughly the same age. Your discrepancies in your stories are easily found. Any woman who would go on record and lie about killing people as easily as you do is f*cking nuts. You talk about killing as if it is a routine occurrence. WTF is wrong with you? Are you so desperate for attention that you would stoop so low? You’re a sick woman in need of professional help.

    Yeah her latest bit of nonsense is that Obama was behind the Challenger Shuttle disaster of 1986

  132. The Magic M says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Yeah her latest bit of nonsense is that Obama was behind the Challenger Shuttle disaster of 1986

    He probably framed Nixon with Watergate, too.
    And cancelled Futurama.
    And then that one time when he personally stole the toast from my breakfast table. That shoulda get him impeachified!

    Still not the level of the German guy who believes 1/3 of the population is part of a conspiracy to “rip off, then kill” the other 2/3’s.
    (As opposed to typical conspiracy believers who think the conspiracy consists only of a few hundred people who control everyone else.)
    I think that happens when you watch “They Live” once too often.

  133. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Yeah her latest bit of nonsense is that Obama was behind the Challenger Shuttle disaster of 1986

    Probably some sort of wacky college prank gone awry. Makes sense to me.

  134. sfjeff says:

    . I could literally believe almost anything

    Paring down the quote to the essential truth

  135. Arthur says:

    Kate: You talk about killing as if it is a routine occurrence. WTF is wrong with you? Are you so desperate for attention that you would stoop so low? You’re a sick woman in need of professional help.

    Her comments are disgusting, but Nancy is undoubtedly mentally ill and on disability.

  136. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: Falcon, the Bird-boy of Birtherstan

    Just some random observation I just made (seems my proxy’s current IP is not blocked at Birther Report):
    Replies to Falcon’s posts go to moderation, all others are posted immediately. More circumstantial evidence this guy runs BR or is at least its owner’s favourite pet…

  137. Rickey says:

    Of course! That’s it! The “universe-shattering evidence” is that Obama had Fuddy killed because the story would keep the reporters so busy they wouldn’t have time to bother him while he was trying to surf. Or to cover the filing of Orly’s 117th Amended Complaint.
    It all makes sense now…

    There was an amusing bit on The Daily Show last night about how whenever Obama talks about any subject Fox News declares that he’s doing it to distract people from something else.

    For example, when he gave a speech about Immigration Reform, Fox News said that he was trying to distract people from the economy. Then, when he gave a speech about the economy, Fox News said that he was trying to distract people from one of the phony “scandals.:

  138. I guess you missed the part about the Cubans running submarines in Lake Okeechobee during the early 80’s under the cowardly Ronald Reagan. Murders happened all of the time and it is why Miami is now under the control of the Hispanic New World Order. There have been no new developments because nobody’s REALLY trying to uncover the truth as I have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt with my call to the FBI. It’s all a big show and by the time the truth is exposed all of the witnesses will be conveniently deceased. They don’t classify to protect the innocent. They classify to protect the guilty and the assets of the guilty. Americans have no rights whatsoever. It’s just an illusion.

  139. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens: I guess you missed the part about the Cubans running submarines in Lake Okeechobee

    How exactly would a submarine get into a landlocked lake like Lake Okeechobee? What kind of submarines were they? It’s funny how the only instances I can find of this claim is you making them. Including going to the Lake Okeechobee facebook page to make a rant about it.

  140. Arthur says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens: I guess you missed the part about the Cubans running submarines in Lake Okeechobee during the early 80′s

    I think Nancy has confused Lake Okeechobee with the Seven Seas Lagoon, and Cuban submarines with the rides from Capt. Nemo’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

  141. Crustacean says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens: I guess you missed the part about the Cubans running submarines in Lake Okeechobee

    I guess I did miss that news. So I Googled “Wikipedia Cubans submarines Lake Okeechobee.” Nothing about Cubans in submarines, but the 6th search result was “Who is Nancy Ruth Owens – WikiAnswers.”

    OK, either Nancy wrote that “answer” (and, perhaps, asked the question in the first place?) or I have lost the ability to determine up from down.

    Nancy: I don’t know whether or not you are just having a bit of perverse fun on the Internet, as you make this stuff up. But if you truly believe in this fantastical Hoffa/Escobar/Challenger/Obama story, you are suffering from a mental illness. These things are often treatable, but you can’t do it alone. Find a professional who can help you. You don’t have to live like this.

  142. Lake Okeechobee has a maximum depth of 12 feet. Perhaps they were toy submarines run by the children of Cuban immigrants.

    Nancy Ruth Owens: I guess you missed the part about the Cubans running submarines in Lake Okeechobee during the early 80′s

  143. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Lake Okeechobee has a maximum depth of 12 feet. Perhaps they were toy submarines run by the children of Cuban immigrants.

    It’s like this

    and the average depth of the lake is 9 feet.

  144. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Crustacean: OK, either Nancy wrote that “answer” (and, perhaps, asked the question in the first place?) or I have lost the ability to determine up from down.

    Of course she did. That’s how all this crap gets on the net. She posts it anywhere and everywhere. From random facebook pages to twitter to forums. She spends a lot of her time posting it. She has me followed on twitter with 5 different accounts.

  145. aarrgghh says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens: Miami is now under the control of the Hispanic New World Order.

    apparently the nwo runs franchises.

  146. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    aarrgghh: apparently the nwo runs franchises.

    I wonder what the start up costs are for opening a franchise.

  147. AGROD says:

    Another “researched” article at American thinker – cult leader Fuddy?? – Doc might need to add Kissner to the birther list.

    Barack Hussein Soebarkah: In Two Places at the Same Time?
    By Jason Kissner

    The 44th President of the United States is, of course, Barack Hussein Obama II. Barack Hussein Obama II has also been known by names such as Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, and Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah). To be sure, only supposed madmen note that the name “Soebarkah” originated in very tight spatiotemporal proximity to the operations of a cult called “Subud” that was founded by a Muslim named Mohammad Subuh — a cult wherein personal name changes were the order of the day. That Soebarkah’s mother associated with members of the cult, and that, some 45 years later, a leader of the cult (Deliana Loretta Fuddy) would be the first non-medical doctor in the state of Hawaii to run the State’s Department of Health (and therefore have custody over Soebarkah’s long form birth certificate) is, shall we say, rather odd — but nothing more than that, except to the most determined and deluded of conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists might add that cult leader Fuddy, relatively soon after her certification of Soebarkah’s

  148. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    AGROD: would be the first non-medical doctor in the state of Hawaii to run the State’s Department of Health

    They didn’t bother doing any research then since Bruce Anderson who was director from 1999 to 2002 was a Scientist and not a medical doctor by trade.

  149. RanTalbott says:

    aarrgghh: apparently the nwo runs franchises

    Actually, it’s rival group. The reason Obama hasn’t been able to wrap up the transition to a Marxist dictatorship is that all the NWO minions are busy supporting the trademark infringement litigation.

  150. JPotter says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens:

    Hey, well, case solved. Cha-ching! Now if we could only find The Dude’s car. Do you find them much?

  151. Arthur says:

    JPotter: Hey, well, case solved.

    Have you seen Nancy’s other sites?*

    *Cuz she’s not always about the money

  152. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Arthur: Have you seen Nancy’s other sites?*

    *Cuz she’s not always about the money

    You forgot about

  153. In the mail:

    Greetings, I am Moussa Ibrahim a Coordinator to the late Gaddafi of Libyan, who was killed by rebels on Thursday 20th Oct 2011, I have a business proposal for you based on the deposited fund of $25 Million floating in offshore right now and this fund is being held under a Non-investment fund without the Gaddafi Family’s name as the late Gaddafi wanted the funds kept undisclosed until he decides what to do with it.

    As the Gaddafi’s Coordinator officer, I plan to nominate you as the next person to receive the fund depositor and the documentations aspect will be perfectly handle for us., You will get 50 percent of the total money for your role .

    I will furnish you with more details as soon as I hear your response indicating your interest to partner with me. At present I don’t receive or make calls for security reason (s) all communication is based on email please.

    Waiting for your prompt and positive response

    Moussa Ibrahim

  154. And

    Arthur: Have you seen Nancy’s other sites?*

    *Cuz she’s not always about the money

  155. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    In the mail:

    Greetings, I am Moussa Ibrahim a Coordinator to the late Gaddafi of Libyan, who was killed by rebels on Thursday 20th Oct 2011, I have a business proposal for you based on the deposited fund of $25 Million floating in offshore right now and this fund is being held under a Non-investment fund without the Gaddafi Family’s name as the late Gaddafi wanted the funds kept undisclosed until he decides what to do with it.

    As the Gaddafi’s Coordinator officer, I plan to nominate you as the next person to receive the fund depositor and the documentations aspectwill be perfectly handle for us., You will get 50 percent of the total money for your role .

    I will furnish you with more details as soon as I hear your response indicating your interest to partner with me. At present I don’t receive or make calls for security reason (s) all communication is based on email please.

    Waiting for your prompt and positive response

    Moussa Ibrahim

    Should forward it to Zullo he could use the money

  156. RanTalbott says:

    Shouldn’t give Zullo ideas. I can see it now:


    As you may have read on the Internet, Barak Obama has stashed away billions of dollars in acounts in Muslim banks in Kenya and Indonesia. As the only Official Law Enforcement(-ish) Organization pursuing his case, the MCSO(sort of)CCCP will be entitled to claim that money under the forfeiture laws once he’s been deposed.

    By making a donation now, you will help ensure our successful prosecution*, and will be entitled to a share of that money, once we’ve recovered it.

    Please note that the distribution to the donors will be in proportion to the size of their donations, so give as generously as you can, and be sure to do so before midnight of March 18, as no further betsdonations will be accepted once the camears start rolling at our press conference.

    Looking forward to your prompt and generous response,

    Commandante de Oro Mike Zullo
    Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (sort of. Sometimes) Cold Case Posse
    A 501(c)3 organization (so far, anyway. Knock wood.)

    *SEC Notice: Prior performance is not a guarantee of future results. Therefore, you should not assume that this is going to be a monumental cock-up. Although it’s a pretty safe bet that it will.

  157. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: In the mail:

    If you need help dealing with scammers: Anti-Fraud News

    If you want examples of possible ways to fuck with the scammers: 419 Eaters


    Please remember that these people are CRIMINALS and should be treated as such.

    Under no circumstances must you enter into any communications with these people unless you feel you are adequately prepared to deal with them.

    Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES give them ANY real private information about yourself. These guys may appear dumb and clueless, but I suspect it wouldn’t be so funny if you were to come face-to-face with one of them, although I’ll be the first to admit the chances against this happening are astronomical – unless of course you are dumb enough to fly over to meet them in person, in which case you need to be sectioned ASAP!

    The tips below are for INFORMATION ONLY. cannot be held responsible for what you decide to do with the information.

    If you are unsure of what you are doing please LEAVE WELL ALONE!

  158. Keith says:

    The recent ‘debate’ between Nye and Hamm (or was that Hamm on Nye? – sorry, couldn’t resist) reminded me of the term ‘Gish Gallop‘ and its applicability to birther ‘arguments’.

    The Gish Gallop, named after creationist Duane Gish, is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood in real time. The term was coined by Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education. Sam Harris describes the technique as “starting 10 fires in 10 minutes.”

    The formal debating term for this is spreading. It arose as a way to throw as much rubbish into five minutes as possible. In response, some debate judges now limit number of arguments as well as time. However, in places where debating judges aren’t there to call bullshit on the practice (like the Internet) such techniques are remarkably common.

    (my commentary here is mosty interpreted from that RationalWiki link)

    The Gish Gallop is the stock in trade for Creationists and anti-Science campaigners in general, but other fields of endeavor are aware of its ability to “paint the Galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjects and the opponent as an incompetent bumbler who didn’t do their homework before the debate.” In the Nye/Hamm debate the other day, Hamm took every opportunity to raise faux point after faux point without ever once addressing the questions posed by Nye or the audience.

    Some birther folks pick away at one ‘anomaly’ and beat it like a dead horse. No matter what you say to them, they cannot let go of it and keep on and on and on. That would be Orly Taitz and the SS number. This is not the ‘Gish Gallop’.

    Others seem to write page after page after page after page of supposed ‘legal’ gobbledegook stringing one non-sequiter after another. This is the ‘Gish Gallop’, or perhaps the special kind of Gallop called the ‘Argumentum ad tl;dr‘. They are specifically designed to wear you down, and prevent you from doing anything else, like a filibuster in the Senate.

    Doc and others have engaged these folk from time to time with mixed results and there is a reason for those mixed results: the ‘Gish Gallop’ and the ‘Argumentum ad tl;dr’ are usually combined with the “point refuted a thousand times” (PRATT). If you refute 99 out of 100 points (due to some mistake and the arguer got one right, or you got one wrong, or you just missed it, or you just got fed up with the whole thing, then magically the arguer’s whole argument is scored a victory for the arguer.

    In science, if 99 of 100 experiments match exactly with the predictions of an hypothesis, but 1 experiment invalidates it, the hypothesis is WRONG. In Birtherdom, if 1 ‘experiment’ matches the ‘prediction’, but 99 are wrong, then Obama is a Marxist, Nazi, Muslim, Athiest, Traitor.

  159. Arthur says:

    BREAKING NEWS! Bird-boy of Bitherstan Nixes Evil Evo!!

    Falcon, posting a video from PPSimmons that says Bill Nye lost a debate on evolution to Ken Ham, reveals the following: “As most of you know I am an evolutionist denier.”


    He thinks evolution is a commie lie and Sandy Hook and the Boston bombings were government hoaxes. While this feathery fellow has a deep-seated hatred of reality, his mind is perfectly set up to be a birther.

  160. Keith says:

    Huh, I seem to have a rude word train of thought today, and I’ve got a couple stewing in the moderation pot.

    Sorry about that, Chief*.

    *And by ‘Chief’ I mean Doc.

  161. RanTalbott says:

    Arthur: As most of you know I am an evolutionist denier

    Does that mean he denies the existence of evolutionists? That he’s an evolutionist who’s on a strict diet? That he disavowed a friend who was about to be crucified for teaching evolution?

    For someone who claims to have such definite beliefs, he sure is a sloppy writer.

  162. nbc says:

    Arthur: Falcon, posting a video from PPSimmons that says Bill Nye lost a debate on evolution to Ken Ham, reveals the following: “As most of you know I am an evolutionist denier.”

    Falcon is reality impaired. Not that it wasn’t self evident. Poor soul… Ignorant all the way.

  163. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: Have you seen Nancy’s other sites?

    I actually read that as “”. 😉
    Same as “expertsexchange.*” and my favourite “therapists.*”.

  164. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The Magic M: I actually read that as “”. Same as “expertsexchange.*” and my favourite “therapists.*”.

    I bet you do, I bet you do indeed Trebek!

  165. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Getting kinda bored watching birthers fall over each other.
    Might give up birf watching until March rolls around.
    It’ll give my brain enough time to purge all derp residue.

  166. The Magic M says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: I bet you do indeed Trebek

    Thanks for reminding me, I couldn’t remember for the life of me in what sketch I had seen this. 😉

  167. I can understand that; however, don’t miss the exciting developments in Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi — any day now.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Getting kinda bored watching birthers fall over each other.

  168. Rickey says:

    Butterdezillion is slapped down by Wonkette – “The Dumbest Birther Claim Yet?”

  169. CarlOrcas says:

    Butterdezillion is slapped down by Wonkette – “The Dumbest Birther Claim Yet?”

    More crazy. This one from Orly: “I am asking readers to either prove of disprove this finding in the article below, author alleges that the picture of a person in an open casket was taken from another funeral, not Fuddy’s. They note a different pattern on the fall and other inconsistencies . At the moment I am not sure whether the author is right.”

    I can’t figure out who the author is but here is a direct link to what has Orly in a dither this morning:

  170. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I can understand that; however, don’t miss the exciting developments in Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi — any day now.

    I’m not holding my breath…Judge Wingate just put Taitz’s pile o’ poo back on the bottom of the stack again…another 6 months to a year till it gets back near the top.

  171. Bovril says:


    If you are truly desperate to drift through the inane and insane mutterings of a profoundly damaged individual then……

    Then when she gets slapped around and mocked by FREEPERS for hells sake, she then opens another one….

  172. CarlOrcas says:

    Bovril: If you are truly desperate to drift through the inane and insane mutterings of a profoundly damaged individual then……

    I’m not that desperate…..and hope never to be.

  173. JPotter says:

    The Magic M: I actually read that as “”.
    Same as “expertsexchange.*” and my favourite “therapists.*”.

    Heh, me to ….. was wondering, “What about HOT Lincoln…?”

    And, no, I am not familiar with NRO …. I try to get around, but, there’s just so much crazy, for so little time 😀

  174. bovril says:


    In a nutshell, BitterDelusionals posts show the desperation and out right vile depths of the RWNJ mind. In what passes for BZ’s mind everything bad that happens anywhere is proof positive that Obama is Satan’s minion, everything is a plot and pretty much everyone is “in on it”.

    For a pastors wife she sure fails on the majority of the 10 commandments

  175. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I can understand that; however, don’t miss the exciting developments in Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi — any day now.

    Nah, I think I’ll blow the dust off of my copy of Morrowind, then mod the hell out of it until it looks more like a new-ish game.

  176. jdkinpa says:

    Dr. C


    Ha, beat me to it.

  177. Arthur says:

    Dr. C


    Ha, beat me to it.

    Sorry, that site is already taken:

  178. Orly Taitz was on the Peter Boyles KNUS radio show this morning, the topic: “Orly Taitz on Barack Obama Social Security Number Court Case.”

  179. gorefan says:

    Carl Gallups has a new Facebook page devoted to the Cold Case Posse.

  180. CarlOrcas says:

    Carl Gallups has a new Facebook page devoted to the Cold Case Posse.

    I think Zullo is going to need prayers to get out of the fix he’s in.

  181. Arthur says:

    When it comes to hate-filled right-wingers and the politicians who pander to them, there’s nothing like those that grow wild in Oklahoma:

    Rep. Has Cordial Chat About Whether Obama ‘Should Be Executed’ (VIDEO)

  182. gorefan says:

    Just listened to the Zullo interview on Gallups show. My take away was they have nothing of any interest for the March reveal.

    It was interesting when Zullo said that after they name names be prepared for people to deny that they work for the administration. Sounds like they are going to slander some people and when the people respond, they can say we told you so.

  183. Well, I get a government check–it’s called “Social Security,” but I don’t have to work for it (any more).

    gorefan: It was interesting when Zullo said that after they name names be prepared for people to deny that they work for the administration. Sounds like they are going to slander some people and when the people respond, they can say we told you so.

  184. JPotter says:

    gorefan: It was interesting when Zullo said that after they name names be prepared for people to deny that they work for the administration.

    Got to manage expectations, drop a little poison in the well.

    Since Gallups has gone in whole hog now for months and months re: the month of March, I am wondering whether he will turn on Zullo after Zullo predictably—and completely—underwhelms.

    I bet not. I say Gallups perversely doubles down on the multiverse-massacring nature of Zullo’s moldy March rehash, however near absolute zero it may be.

    I say Gallups takes his rhetoric to unprecedented levels of unjustified superlatives!

  185. CarlOrcas says:

    I don’t have the stomach to wade through the audio but they’ve apparently traced IP addresses to the administration – DOD and White House?

    Never fear though the Great and Powerful *FALCON* knows how they figured it out:

    No doubt, but they’re not real smart. They left digital signatures all over the place. Here’s what I suspect happened – the CCP set up an internet trap to attract the internet hooligans and they walked right in. I did something similar a few years ago and it works every-time. If you want information and are having a hard time finding it (and that’s not typical on the internet, you let the information come to you). Remember this is a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. They found what they were looking for due to the stupidity of people who think too highly of themselves.

  186. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well, I get a government check–it’s called “Social Security,” but I don’t have to work for it (any more).

    If I understand the comments on BirtherReport (no easy task, mind you) Zullo talks about opening a second investigation that people seem to think is aimed at “Obots”.

    Beware the Ides of March, Doctor.

  187. gorefan says:

    JPotter: Got to manage expectations

    That is the perfect description of the interview.

    Now there are two investigations: Zullo drew a very definite line between them. The BC investigation that he and the Cold Case Posse are looking into and some other investigation by two MCSD detectives that sounds like is focused on the obot identities. And there might be two different press conferences. So March will be the CCP BC investigation focusing on the Xerox and at a later date (menaing never) will be the deeper, darker MCSO investigation.

    Gallups is on blogtalk radio wheresobamasbirthcertificate right now.

  188. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: Now there are two investigations: Zullo drew a very definite line between them. The BC investigation that he and the Cold Case Posse are looking into and some other investigation by two MCSD detectives that sounds like is focused on the obot identities.

    And exactly what are the paid detectives investigating…..what crime? What crime committed in the State of Arizona?

    And, of course, why hasn’t Sheriff Arpaio stepped forward to back this new investigation?

    So many questions……so much bullsh*t!

  189. gorefan says:

    CarlOrcas: And exactly what are the paid detectives investigating…..what crime? What crime committed in the State of Arizona?

    That’s what I was thinking, they don’t have much jurisdiction beyond the county line.

    Listening to Mike Voiln shows as he talks to Sharon Rhondue reminds me very much of a PBS pledge break.

  190. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: That’s what I was thinking, they don’t have much jurisdiction beyond the county line.

    Like all certified peace officers in Arizona they have authority throughout the state but, for that to work, there has to be a crime. Other than pissing off birthers did they say what the crime might be?

    gorefan: Listening to Mike Voiln shows as he talks to Sharon Rhondue reminds me very much of a PBS pledge break.

    Painfully predictable?

  191. JPotter says:

    CarlOrcas: Other than pissing off birthers did they say what the crime might be?

    Birfers deal in projection and (mis)perceptions, never mind the actualities. Them’s only details, Carl!

    CarlOrcas: Beware the Ides of March, Doctor.

    Yeah, because, you might like, laugh y’self into a hernia! 😀

  192. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: And, of course, why hasn’t Sheriff Arpaio stepped forward to back this new investigation?

    Maybe he’s acting like a real professional, running a real investigation, and not holding a presser unless he needs to reassure the public or ask for help?

    It’s a long shot, I know, but he may be trying to de-buffoonify his image in anticipation of his gubernatorial run.

  193. RanTalbott says:

    gorefan: Listening to Mike Voiln shows as he talks to Sharon Rhondue reminds me very much of a PBS pledge break

    Damn. Who runs your local PBS affiliate? Roger Ailes?

  194. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: What crime committed in the State of Arizona?

    “Interjection of facts and/or logic into a political debate” is a misdemeanor here.

    At least, quite a few people seem to think it is…

    Maybe they’re pursuing “Obstruction of Injustice” charges against the people who exposed the CCP’s “manual coding” and “PDF anomaly” frauds.

  195. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: Maybe he’s acting like a real professional, running a real investigation, and not holding a presser unless he needs to reassure the public or ask for help?

    It’s a long shot, I know, but he may be trying to de-buffoonify his image in anticipation of his gubernatorial run.

    Not likely. He just issued a press release about arresting three people for ID theft during an immigration raid on a Red Robin in Chandler.

  196. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: Maybe they’re pursuing “Obstruction of Injustice” charges against the people who exposed the CCP’s “manual coding” and “PDF anomaly” frauds.

    Yes….in their dreams.

  197. jdkinpa says:

    Well, I get a government check–it’s called “Social Security,” but I don’t have to work for it (any more).

    Hey….I’ll get my first one (Social Security) next week. But then I’ve been getting a gubment check (Army retired) since 1994. Now I’ll be a doubly damned Obot.


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