Birther apocalypse

In less than 24 hours it will be the month of March, when Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups will strap on their swords, Obot Cleaver and Fogbow Basher, hitch up their boots, and come for the Obots. Leading their birther army, they will slash and burn everything that crosses their path, and no supporter of Obama shall escape retribution as birthers shatter the universe in their righteous fury.

Any day now

“Any day now” has not been my favorite phrase, but I have warmed up to it of late. It is becoming more and more appropriate as birthers shift from arguments against Obama to promises of punishment or all that do not agree with their conspiracy theories. Yesterday I read at Birther Report:

Come on march. 3 more days, come on sheriff Joe, Mike Zullo, and CCP release the findings. Come on America Snap out of the trance, strap up your boots and get outside and kick some Obot . Stop letting Obama loving democrats trendy’s walk all over you, um up, look me up on face book, Im in VA, and I dont give a about a morally bankrupt society of zombies threatening me or mine, because I walk the walk, There only one man in that mob destined to take you out and you are destined to take him out , You go through the mob to meet him and cut down all others like blades of grass until you cross and the take meet your fate, Im sure you men and women could take out at least 20 obots apiece.. 1


There’s not much I can say that I haven’t already said many times. This article is just a place for discussion of Zullo’s March surprise (or lack thereof). I’ll be surprised if anything happens but an appearance on the Gallups radio show to hype what’s coming some other month. Mid month, I’ll put up another article, The Ides of March or something and April will probably see an article about the destruction of the Obots (April Fool) and that will be the end of it.

Here’s a count-down timer for the end of March:

[countdown date=2014/04/01-00:00:00] [timer] [after] March is over. We’re still here.[/countdown]

If the universe is going to shatter, what better vantage point to watch than the International Space Station.

Live streaming video by Ustream

1No, that didn’t make a lot of sense to me either.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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88 Responses to Birther apocalypse

  1. Benji Franklin says:

    I just listened to (too much of) Mike Volin’s Blogtalk radio show. The Birthers are leaving the planet of sane reasoning.

    They really seem to think that the big March announcement will bring about a cataclysmic response. They think Zulo has proof of….of…..of……something?

    And whatever it is, it will prove to everyone that Obama is ineligible, then he will declare marshall law, he will never give up power, and crazy on and on and on!

  2. Lupin says:

    Benji Franklin: And whatever it is, it will prove to everyone that Obama is ineligible, then he will declare marshall law, he will never give up power, and crazy on and on and on!

    This would actually be a fun movie to watch: sort of Bizarro Red Dawn: after the Obamapocalypse, armies of Kenyans and Mexicans would drag the birthers and freepers out of their basements and into the nearest FEMA camp.

    We would find out that Apuzzo was really a mole infiltrated in the birthers camp and Orly would try to commit suicide by setting herself on fire with saline solution instead of nail polish, and fail.

    I’d pay to see that movie.

  3. Towards the end of the show in the chat room either Mike or one of the cohosts said that Zullo told them two weeks ago the big news would be in six weeks. According to my math that makes the big day April 1, April Fools Day. Is Zullo taking a page from Ed Hale’s play book? 😆

  4. Hermitian says:

    There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

  5. Preceding comments moved to this thread.

  6. alg says:

    Is this what they mean by “March Madness?”

    Looking for the March frog march. 🙂

  7. Curious George says:

    Benji Franklin,

    “I just listened to (too much of) Mike Volin’s Blogtalk radio show. The Birthers are leaving the planet of sane reasoning.”

    I could only hold on for 17 minutes. At the very beginning of the interviews with the Surprise Tea Party leaders, Volin was cut off from the interview due to some technical difficulties. This of course, according to the Surprise Tea Party people who were still on the line, was credited to the government monitoring the interview and shutting it down. These people are really sick.

    What is happening is the build up for the release of more Zullo poppycock. It’s the final (let’s hope) full court press into oblivion.

  8. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Hermitian: There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

    31 days worth of birther failures.

  9. Dalekmaster says:

    Zullo already backed off his promise of releasing his “universe-shattering” findings in March, claiming the Band of Birthers is working on another criminal investigation with the help of the MCSO (which said he was lying). Imagine my surprise.

  10. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Curious George: Benji Franklin,“I just listened to (too much of) Mike Volin’s Blogtalk radio show. The Birthers are leaving the planet of sane reasoning.”I could only hold on for 17 minutes. At the very beginning of the interviews with the Surprise Tea Party leaders, Volin was cut off from the interview due to some technical difficulties. This of course, according to the Surprise Tea Party people who were still on the line, was credited to the government monitoring the interview and shutting it down. These people are really sick.What is happening is the build up for the release of more Zullo poppycock. It’s the final (let’s hope) full court press into oblivion.

    Volin has gotten more vile as we get closer to march. You should have heard it on Wednesday when Volin also had problems with Skype they started shouting about it being DARPA and the obots shutting them down. There was a part that annoyed me though was when Volin brought up in Obama’s book on “page 26”. Obama talking about finding an old birth certificate amongst vaccination records and Volin said “I didn’t know they were giving vaccination shots for rabies”. I think the funniest thing I heard was Gabe Zolna talking about other people being insane.

  11. I was using approximate dates and April 1 is the most appropriate day for anything Zullo does.

    Did you find that YCbCr comment yet?

    There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

  12. The Bible, Acts Chapter 23: “You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people”

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: There was a part that annoyed me though was when Volin brought up in Obama’s book on “page 26″. Obama talking about finding an old birth certificate amongst vaccination records and Volin said “I didn’t know they were giving vaccination shots for rabies”.

  13. BTW Hermie, your grammar is not correct. Your sentence should have been written “There are only 31 days in March.” Doofus.

    You could have used the contraction “There’re” but its use is frowned upon by most grammarians. So where did you get your PhD?

  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

    31 days of birthers crying and gnashing their teeth.
    31 days of cooking up excuses for Zullo failing to deliver.
    31 days of “Any. Day. Now.”

  15. Curious George says:

    Dr C.

    “The Bible, Acts Chapter 23: “You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people”

    They are on a mission. Don’t confuse the poor souls.

  16. Andy Partridge says:

    Any day now
    Any day now, now
    It’s nearly Africa!

  17. Jim says:

    April Fool’s Day sounds about right for the birthers, they fall for about anything posted on that day.

  18. Birther Weary says:

    April Fool’s Day sounds about right for the birthers, they fall for about anything posted on that day.

    Every day is April Fool’s Day in Birtherdom.

  19. Arthur says:

    Benji Franklin: They really seem to think that the big March announcement will bring about a cataclysmic response. They think Zulo has proof of….of…..of……something?

    Based on the number of commenters at BR who have embraced the ridiculous claims of this Shrimpton character, Zullo should feel very much at ease. It appears that he could make the most outrageous claim about Obama without any fear of being questioned or dismissed.

  20. CarlOrcas says:

    There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

    There could be 311 days in March and it wouldn’t make any difference.

  21. sfjeff says:

    There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

    Maybe we could have a Birther advent calender?

    With a little surprise for each day of March.

    That will lesson the disappointment of Birthers when April 1 rolls around and Zullo and Company big accomplishment will have been to give vague threats of “Any day now”

  22. OllieOxenFree says:

    There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

    I believe he was referring to the clock that Doc put up. I am guessing that he didn’t’ realize that today was the 28th of February and Doc was including that time as well. Indeed, quite the “Doofus.”

    Reality Check: So where did you get your PhD?

    PHD huh?

  23. Krosis says:

    Bracing myself for the March Reveal!

  24. OllieOxenFree says:

    I am prepared for the usual Carl Gallups cover story…

    “This is a criminal investigation, folks. Big things are happening and they don’t follow a time schedule or meet deadlines. Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio are working tirelessly to complete this investigation and when something new comes up, they want to investigate it thoroughly before they make it public. Trust me when I say that you will be stunned at the new information coming out of this criminal investigation. The forensic analysis that has proven that the birth certificate is a forgery, the current revelations being made by a former British Intelligence advisor, and the Reed Hayes report are all just the tip of the iceberg, people. You can’t imagine how deep this goes. Lives are on the line, ladies and gentlemen. I can only ask that you be patient. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. We are approaching the end of our nations nightmare, and when Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio release this information, there will be a lot of people who are going to face judgement.”

    … or at least something like that.

  25. Georgetown University JD says:

    If Zullo and Gallups come looking for me in the early days of March, I will be at the Mardi Gras celebrations along St. Charles Avenue. They can spot me — I will be the one adorned with purple, green and gold beads.

  26. Yoda says:

    Arthur: Based on the number of commenters at BR who have embraced the ridiculous claims of this Shrimpton character, Zullo should feel very much at ease. It appears thathe could make the most outrageous claim about Obama without any fear of being questioned or dismissed.

    Zullo probably released the Shrimpton video. Now he has an excuse to delay his announcement in order to investigate this new information.

  27. Arthur says:

    OllieOxenFree: “This is a criminal investigation, folks. Big things are happening and they don’t follow a time schedule or meet deadlines. Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio are working tirelessly to complete this investigation and when something new comes up, they want to investigate it thoroughly before they make it public.

    Mastered his style, you have, young Padawan.

  28. Arthur says:

    Yoda: Now he has an excuse to delay his announcement in order to investigate this new information.

    Ah, a possible method to his madness!

  29. sactosintolerant says:

    Shouldn’t Zullo get a few extra hours on the clock for Arizona Standard Time?

    It could totally make all the difference.

  30. Yoda says:

    Now Zullo gets to be rebuffed by the Clinton’s, Guilani, Edwards and McCain and Gallups gets to scream about how widespread the corruption, conspiracy and coverup is. It’s a win win situation for birthers.

  31. Crustacean says:

    Arthur: Mastered his style, you have, young Padawan.

    Agreed! Ollie does an excellent impersonation of the Master Pastor of Birferstan.

    I had to call the IRS yesterday, and the agent who took my call sounded just like Gallups. It was really distracting. The big difference is that I didn’t get the feeling the IRS agent was trying to bullsh– me.

  32. Steve says:

    Benji Franklin: I just listened to (too much of) Mike Volin’s Blogtalk radio show. The Birthers are leaving the planet of sane reasoning.

    Were they ever on that planet in the first place?

  33. That is what Hermie claimed in his Daffydavit.

    OllieOxenFree: I believe he was referring to the clock that Doc put up.I am guessing that he didn’t’ realize that today was the 28th of February and Doc was including that time as well.Indeed, quite the “Doofus.”

    PHD huh?

  34. Ms. Conspiracy corrects me about this all the time. From

    According to the standard rule, when the pronoun there precedes a verb such as be, seem, or appear, the verb agrees in number with the following grammatical subject: There is a great Italian deli across the street. There are fabulous wildflowers in the hills. There seems to be a blueberry pie cooking in the kitchen. There seem to be a few trees between the green and me. But people often disregard this rule and use a singular verb with a plural subject, especially when speaking or when using the contraction there’s. The Usage Panel dislikes this construction, however. Seventy-nine percent reject the sentence There’s only three things you need to know about this book. But when there’s is followed by a compound subject whose first element is singular, the panel feels differently. Fifty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentence In each of us there’s a dreamer and a realist, and 32 percent more accept it in informal usage. The panel is even more accepting of the sentence When you get to the stop light, there’s a gas station on the left and a grocery store on the right; 58 percent accept it in formal usage, while 37 percent more accept it in informal usage. Although this usage would seem to violate the rules of subject and verb agreement, the attraction of the verb to the singular noun phrase following it is so strong that it is hard to avoid the construction entirely.

    The subject of the sentence in my mind is not “days” (plural) but a the rule expressed by the noun phrase “31 days in March.”

    Consider this dialog:

    RC: I believe there are 31 days in March.

    DOC: “31 days in March” is correct.

    That’s how I look at it.

    Reality Check: BTW Hermie, your grammar is not correct. Your sentence should have been written “There are only 31 days in March.” Doofus.

  35. Jim says:

    Steve: Were they ever on that planet in the first place?

    Right planet, wrong dimension…or should that be wrong planet, right dementia?

  36. Thinker says:

    This was certainly offensive, but I was more dismayed that Gabe thinks it’s hilarious that Harry Reid’s father killed himself.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: There was a part that annoyed me though was when Volin brought up in Obama’s book on “page 26″.Obama talking about finding an old birth certificate amongst vaccination records and Volin said “I didn’t know they were giving vaccination shots for rabies”.

  37. justlw says:

    This works quite nicely if you imagine it as a beat poem. Bongos, string bass, and Orly in the front row, in a beret, snapping her fingers.

    Zullo’s there, too, but he’s wearing a leisure suit and awkwardly clapping his hands.

    Come on march. 3 more days, come on sheriff Joe, Mike Zullo, and CCP release the findings. Come on America Snap out of the trance, strap up your boots and get outside and kick some Obot . Stop letting Obama loving democrats trendy’s walk all over you, um up, look me up on face book, Im in VA, and I dont give a about a morally bankrupt society of zombies threatening me or mine, because I walk the walk, There only one man in that mob destined to take you out and you are destined to take him out , You go through the mob to meet him and cut down all others like blades of grass until you cross and the take meet your fate, Im sure you men and women could take out at least 20 obots apiece..

    [drops mic]

  38. Benji Franklin says:

    Breaking News from Mike Violin: “The OBOT Attack Continues! I was about to brush my tooth this morning, when, I swear to Birtherism, the following happened. The toothpaste started to come out of the tube onto the brush. Then BAM! Nothing happened, but I felt an evil presence. Then I thought, was there a tiny bubble in the toothpaste, where none should be? Was this where Obama was striking?

    I continued squeezing and then stopped when the brush was loaded. I looked very closely. No bubble. Where a bubble maybe SHOULD HAVE BEEN! Obama and his thugs again! Coincidence? No way! So I threw the brush away. They never let up people! Keep up your guard. Pass this on. Get the news out! Obot wreckless disregard for life! What if a child had bought that toothpaste? Or given it to a beloved pet to eat?

  39. Crustacean says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Consider this dialog:
    RC: I believe there are 31 days in March.
    DOC: “31 days in March” is correct.
    That’s how I look at it.

    I’m a sucker for discussions about grammar.

    Sometimes it helps to think about the implied words that aren’t in a sentence. I do this to help myself with subject-verb agreement of collective nouns:

    The (members of) the audience are taking their seats.

    as opposed to

    The audience is large. “Members of” would change the meaning considerably.

    Doc, the fact you put quotation marks around “31 days in March” emphasizes that the subject of the sentence is the phrase itself, rather than the plural word “days.”

    “(The phrase) ’31 days in March’ is correct”

    correctly has the singular verb. But for

    “There are/is 31 days in March”

    The verb must agree with the plural word “days.” Therefore, the verb “are” must be correct.

    I’d also suggest that the examples you cited contain implied words:

    “There is a gas station on the left, and (there is) a grocery store on the right.”

    This usage is helpful in emphasizing that the grocery store and the gas station are in different locations. If they were both on the same side of the street, wouldn’t it be correct to say, “to the left are a gas station and a grocery store”? Because you wouldn’t say “a gas station and a grocery store *is* to the left,” would you?

    But then again, I’m hardly an expert, though I am fascinated by the subject. I recently realized I need to cut way back on my use (abuse?) of semicolons when I saw this quote from Kurt Vonnegut:

    “Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you’ve been to college.”

    Bottom line: Hermitian is still a doofus.

  40. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    “We don’t have a date in march but we’re still shooting for a late march conference release… Mike says its universe shattering information… that date of late march is still fluid… obots keep saying we make promises and we keep moving the date you’re going to be shocked real soon. Major media is now involved… If I was Arpaio and late march came around and i have all this major media that has signed on and they’re doing filming and interviewing and the information is still coming and we’re still confirming yeah I’d put it off for a little bit…if it has to go to april or may or june sometime this year it’s going to be released.”

  41. Jim says:

    Major media huh? Are Gallups and Volin considered “Major Media”?

  42. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Major media is now involved…

    Gallups (and by extension Zullo) knows as much about how the “major media” work as he does about real criminal investigations.

  43. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    CarlOrcas: Gallups (and by extension Zullo) knows as much about how the “major media” work as he does about real criminal investigations.

    I think it’s funny how volin claims that the media are ignoring them then gallups claims the major media is involved.

  44. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I think it’s funny how volin claims that the media are ignoring them then gallups claims the major media is involved.

    These guys can’t keep their lies straight.

    Just read the comments on BirtherReport. Not a lot of bright people there but every once in a while someone asks an obvious question:

    pragmaticite 72p · 31 minutes ago
    I am sick to death of Carl Gallups gleefully telling us he knows everything and that everyone else just has to wait.

    WHAT entitles this audio blogger to exclusive access to this information?

    *FALCON* and the regulars are slobbering all over themselves making excuses for Zullo. Can they really be that stupid?

  45. Curious George says:

    “*FALCON* and the regulars are slobbering all over themselves making excuses for Zullo. Can they really be that stupid?”

    They’re experts at covering for the used car salesman. The ends justify the means for this wild bunch of magnificent misfits. For a few dollars more, they’d go from good to bad to ugly. It’s a big country but it’s not big enough for them to accept those who see through their deception. The three amigos, Zullo, Arpaio and Gallups are mavericks just waiting to spring their March madness on the birther bird brains. Their universe shattering evidence will surely result in a bonanza of donations. They say they are searchers for the truth but only for their truth. It’s time for this horse opera to end. Yippie Ki Yee!

  46. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: It’s time for this horse opera to end. Yippie Ki Yee!


    But…………….I just can’t imagine what could happen (or not happen) that would cause these computer cowboys to hang up their spurs.

  47. JPotter says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I think it’s funny how volin claims that the media are ignoring them then gallups claims the major media is involved.

    There is absolutely no contradiction. They (the “major media”) are involved in purposefully not being involved.

  48. Uh, yes.

    CarlOrcas: *FALCON* and the regulars are slobbering all over themselves making excuses for Zullo. Can they really be that stupid?

  49. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Uh, yes.

    Ah, I know…..silly question.

  50. Joey says:

    Its called “True Believers engaging in wishful thinking.”

  51. CarlOrcas says:

    Its called “True Believers engaging in wishful thinking.”

    Speaking of which….here is a perfect example of just that:

    RS1 · 1 hour ago
    Dr. CON has started a March countdown clock on us because they the FlogBlowers and Obama-CONs fully expect that nothing is going to happen. That Arpaio and Zullo have nothing but zilch.

    A false premise: if nothing happens in March, Arpaio is lying and has no case. OBots are truly fools who see no Obama evil.

    A false premise: release it now and today!! …Or what – Arpaio has no case? LoL.

    Relax guys. If Arpaio and Zullo got what they say they have, there is no reason to fret. Are they trustworthy? That would be a yes. The release will happen when it is ripe to do it.

    What a deal. No matter which way it goes they win. Now if I could just get the lottery to work that way.

  52. aarrgghh says:

    any day now
    we’ll know the score
    it’s just a few months
    and a few dollars more
    burma shave

  53. RanTalbott says:

    sactosintolerant: Shouldn’t Zullo get a few extra hours on the clock for Arizona Standard Time?

    Absolutely not: in order to determine whether that’s the case, you’d have to reveal what time zone you’re in. And that’s all that Zullo and his team of crack investigators (selection of which of the multiple cheap jokes implied by that particular phrase to insert is left as an exercise for the reader) need to hunt you down and … um … something-or-other. It’s not really clear what.

    You skipped the Stealth Trolling 101 class, didn’t you? Tsk.

  54. JPotter says:

    There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

    Yes, but if you read even not-so-carefully, you’d see that the countdown is to the end of March, from the time of the article’s posting.

    OllieOxenFree: PHD huh?

    Herms has a PhDuh in Derp.

    Shouldn’t Zullo get a few extra hours on the clock for Arizona Standard Time?

    It could totally make all the difference.

    I say Hawaii-Aleutian Time … can’t give him all the time in the world, but we can at least give him all the time in the United States! 😛

  55. Curious George says:


    Curious George: It’s time for this horse opera to end. Yippie Ki Yee!


    But…………….I just can’t imagine what could happen (or not happen) that would cause these computer cowboys to hang up their spurs.

    Ya can’t ride without a horse, and spurs that jingle jangle don’t work without a horse. And Corsi says it’s a “dead horse.” Time to hang up them thar posse and birther spurs, pardner and we’ll have a rootin tootin good ol’ time.

  56. Majority Will says:

    any day now
    we’ll know the score
    it’s just a few months
    and a few dollars more
    burma shave

    Well done.

  57. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The Bible, Acts Chapter 23: “You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people”

    Ah!, Dueling Bible Quotes is it? This one is perhaps more apropos for these guys: Ezekiel 20:23.

    I won’t quote it though. This is a family site.

  58. Keith says:

    Crustacean: I’d also suggest that the examples you cited contain implied words:

    “There is a gas station on the left, and (there is) a grocery store on the right.”

    I was going to make the same point.

    Also consider the sentence “There (are/is) 4 bases in Baseball”.

    I think most people would grant that ‘are’ is correct, yet it is exactly analogous to “There (are/is) 31 days in March”.

    (and yes I know there are only 3 bases and 1 home plate in baseball – y’all know what I mean)

  59. That confused me for a moment. Hermitian is referring to RC’s April 1 in 6 weeks approximation.

    JPotter: Yes, but if you read even not-so-carefully, you’d see that the countdown is to the end of March, from the time of the article’s posting.

  60. Perhaps a typo in your citation?

    Keith: This one is perhaps more apropos for these guys: Ezekiel 20:23.

  61. Hermitian says:

    JPotter: Hermitian:
    There’s only 31 days in March Doofus !!!

    Yes, but if you read even not-so-carefully, you’d see that the countdown is to the end of March, from the time of the article’s posting.

    I deleted my post within the countdown but Mr. C put it up anyway. That’s what you get from the Obots. The ends justify the means.

    Ridicule is the means employed by the Obots. The ends are to enable the usurper Obama.

    Of course what Arpaio has now proved is that the means and the ends are both illegal.

  62. I must have been approving your post at the same time you were deleting it. If it had been already deleted, I wouldn’t have appeared on the Pending list, and I would have never seen it. I don’t read the trash folder. If I didn’t think you had some kind of a point, I wouldn’t have approved the comment in the first place, since you’re generally banned.

    Hermitian: I deleted my post within the countdown but Mr. C put it up anyway. That’s what you get from the Obots. The ends justify the means.

  63. Hermie

    If you would quit providing so much great material we would probably stop.

    Hermitian: Ridicule is the means employed by the Obots. The ends are to enable the usurper Obama.

  64. Yoda says:

    Hermitian: I deleted my post within the countdown but Mr. C put it up anyway.That’s what you get from the Obots.The ends justify the means.

    Ridicule is the means employed by the Obots.The ends are to enable the usurper Obama.

    Of course what Arpaio has now proved is that the means and the ends are both illegal.

    Exactly what has Arpaio proven?

  65. Bob says:


    Ridicule is the means employed by the Obots.

    What means would you suggest? If Obots just ignored them Birthers would die of suffocation.

  66. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That confused me for a moment. Hermitian is referring to RC’s April 1 in 6 weeks approximation.

    In which case, he’s also “Wrong!” having overlooked the quote being of someone else 2 weeks ago noting it was ~6 weeks hence. Years of experience biases me toward assuming Herms is wrong until proven otherwise. Confirmation bias again confirmed. This is not helping! 😉

    Hermitian: I deleted my post within the countdown but Mr. C put it up anyway. That’s what you get from the Obots. The ends justify the means.

    Herms, Herms, Hermione, it’s ever been shout “Wrong!” first and cogitate later with you. You’re always in such a hurry to carp “Wrong!” that you’re reliably blowing your toes off before the barrel of your would-be wit clears the holster! Doc charitably tried to suggest you were referring to something else, and you repay him by childishly whining that he is somehow responsible for your running at the mouth. Take responsibility for yourself, you’ll be all the more respectable for it.

    Hermitian: Of course what Arpaio has now proved is that the means and the ends are both illegal.

    What means? What ends? Arpaio has been ever careful to avoid making any specific allegation, much less try to prove any allegation. He played your crowd to boost his campaign and to try to distract media attention from himself. Which served only to draw more attention to his own ridiculous nature, than to birfer claims. And the birfers, dependent and abused in nature, cling to him yet. “Treat’em like dirt, they’ll stick like mud!”

    Well, it’s the first day of the new Birfer Cripesmas. Bright and early. I do look forward to the increasing agitation of the Faithful as the days fly by!

  67. Curious George says:

    Arpaio has continually said that he wants to clear the president. Now we read at BR an article from the P&E that “It is generally understood by most Americans that a “natural born Citizen” is one born in the United States…… Zullo and Gallups have previously stated that the question regarding Obama is whether or not he is even a U.S. citizen at all.”

    Doesn’t the Hawaii Verification of Birth issued to the state of Arizona officially answer Arpaio’s and Zullo’s concern about Obama’s citizenship? Didn’t the Verification of Birth clear the president?

    Do these people have any idea what they’re doing?

  68. Arthur says:

    Reality Check: If you would quit providing so much great material we would probably stop.

    Hermtian is one of those pompous fools that drove Nobel laureate Richard Feynmanup a wall. “Ordinary fools are all right; you can talk to them, and try to help them out. But pompous fools—guys who are fools and are covering it all over and impressing people as to how wonderful they are with all this hocus pocus—THAT, I CANNOT STAND! An ordinary fool isn’t a faker; an honest fool is all right. But a dishonest fool is terrible!”

  69. Curious George says:


    “An ordinary fool isn’t a faker; an honest fool is all right. But a dishonest fool is terrible!”

    As March unfolds, it will become more evident.

  70. CarlOrcas says:

    Yoda: Exactly what has Arpaio proven?

    Not to be too blunt about it but I think the answer is pretty simple. Arpaio has proved that birthers are idiots.

  71. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: Ya can’t ride without a horse, and spurs that jingle jangle don’t work without a horse. And Corsi says it’s a “dead horse.” Time to hang up them thar posse and birther spurs, pardner and we’ll have a rootin tootin good ol’ time.

    I’m sure one of Sheriff Joe’s mounted posses will be happy to lend Zullo another horse.

  72. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: Do these people have any idea what they’re doing?

    It’s bigger. Much bigger. Really big. Way beyond Hawaii or probably even America….maybe even Earth.

    You don’t think the recent stories about scientists finding hundreds of new habitable planets are just a coincidence do you?

    Wake up!! Smell the cactus blossoms. This is BIG!!

  73. Curious George says:

    March 1, 2014
    Curious George: Do these people have any idea what they’re doing?

    It’s bigger. Much bigger. Really big. Way beyond Hawaii or probably even America….maybe even Earth.

    You don’t think the recent stories about scientists finding hundreds of new habitable planets are just a coincidence do you?

    Wake up!! Smell the cactus blossoms. This is BIG!!

    March will bring the day the earth stood still. That’s how big the rebelations of the investimagination will be. The rebels will be banging at the White House door to unseat the “usurper.” Will the nonsense ever end? Will the birther crazies ever realize they’ve been taken for a ride in the Klown Kar? Ohh, the humanity.

  74. Northland10 says:

    CarlOrcas: Not to be too blunt about it but I think the answer is pretty simple. Arpaio has proved that birthers are idiots.

    Arpaio has proven that birthers are extremely gullible idiots. That is not a good combination.

  75. Sef says:

    Curious George: You don’t think the recent stories about scientists finding hundreds of new habitable planets are just a coincidence do you?

    And I bet the U.S. doesn’t have extradition treaties with any of them

  76. JPotter says:

    Attempting to project the unfolding of increasing birfer denial as March runs its course …. mmmm …. ohhhmmm … arrrrgh … *pant, pant* … aaaaaAAAAGH–ah, it’s so clear, now!

    March 2014 will never end!

    It’s All March ’til Frog March.

    In a stunning display of solidarity and crowdsourced madness, the birfer community will, w/o even giving it a conscious thought, simply agree that’s it’s still March, until Zullo shatters the universe and Obama is out of office, one way or another.

    The day after Monday, March 31st, will be Tuesday, March 32nd, followed by Wednesday, March 33rd, then the 34th, the 35th, the 36th …

    Of course, all Zullo promised was some kind of announcement in March, he didn’t promise results (did he?), but that’s not how the Faithful fantasize.

    The only thing more painful for them to acknowledge than a march with no results … is the advent of the next day … the perennial day of peak psychic trauma for birfers …

    April 1.

    ( The countdown to Fool’s Day continues! 😀 )

  77. Saul Allinsky says:

    Been reading the Obama defense commenters; not one can explain the phony birth certificate. I didn’t know which side to believe but I am with the side with facts and documents not with the communist propaganda. Lock and loaded ready to go.

  78. To move the discussion along:

    me: There are no phony birth certificates to explain
    you: [everybody knows] [every expert] [it’s obvious that] Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery.
    me: It may be obvious to you, but it is certainly not obvious to me, I’ve looked at all of those arguments, and they don’t hold water, and the so-called experts demonstrate that they don’t know what they are talking about.

    The fact is that the Hawaii department of health has verified all of the information on Obama’s birth certificate, and original sealed verifications reside with the secretaries of state of Kansas and Arizona, and with a federal court in Mississippi. That is not propaganda.

    Saul Allinsky: Been reading the Obama defense commenters; not one can explain the phony birth certificate. I didn’t know which side to believe but I am with the side with facts and documents not with the communist propaganda. Lock and loaded ready to go.

  79. Yoda says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    To move the discussion along:

    me: There are no phony birth certificates to explain
    you: [everybody knows] [every expert] [it’s obvious that] Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery.
    me: It may be obvious to you, but it is certainly not obvious to me, I’ve looked at all of those arguments, and they don’t hold water, and the so-called experts demonstrate that they don’t know what they are talking about.

    The fact is that the Hawaii department of health has verified all of the information on Obama’s birth certificate, and original sealed verifications reside with the secretaries of state of Kansas and Arizona, and with a federal court in Mississippi. That is not propaganda.

    What doc said

  80. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Saul Allinsky:
    Been reading the Obama defensecommenters; not one can explain the phony birth certificate. I didn’t know which side to believe but I am with the side with facts and documents not with the communist propaganda. Lock and loaded ready to go.

    According to the State of Hawaii, Obama’s birth certificate is the genuine article. And thanks to the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. Constitution, their word is good enough for the other 49 states.

  81. CarlOrcas says:

    Saul Allinsky: Been reading the Obama defense commenters; not one can explain the phony birth certificate. I didn’t know which side to believe but I am with the side with facts and documents not with the communist propaganda. Lock and loaded ready to go.

    The “side” with the “facts and documents” says the Hawaii certificates are genuine and most reasonable people, even communists, have accepted that and moved on with their lives.

    As far as your gun is concerned…..where are you going?

  82. nbc says:

    Saul Allinsky: Been reading the Obama defense commenters; not one can explain the phony birth certificate. I didn’t know which side to believe but I am with the side with facts and documents not with the communist propaganda. Lock and loaded ready to go.

    There is no phony birth certificate other than one or two presented by birthers. We have shown how the accusations of fraud because of artifacts found in the PDF resulted from a simple workflow involving a Xerox copier.

    Simple facts… So what part do you not comprehend?

  83. Egipcios says:

    Operation American Spring shifts to Assassination Mode

    The stench of fail is pretty thick over at Col. Riley’s headquarters, since anyone who can count can see that the total participation so far is less than the number they would be needing to enroll every few seconds, if there is any chance of them reaching even the lower end of their goals.

    So the remaining few inmates are turning ever increasingly to violent and unlawful intentions. True to form, Riley himself repeats that this is to be a non-violent movement, and then instantly gives an escape clause by saying he can’t prevent anybody from bringing weapons.

    This thread is in the common pattern of suggesting something violent and unlawful while back pedaling before letting the minions run with it.

    It starts off with seed corn from J.B. Williams:

    “We can only charge an occupant of the Oval Office with crimes after they have been removed from office. There are only three ways to remove an individual from the Oval Office…
    1.The Election Booth (FAILED)
    2.The John Wilkes Booth method (NOT RECOMMENDED)
    3.Impeachment (ON THE TABLE)”

    And the comments take the hint from option 2:

    “Reply by JW IN THE DESERT yesterday

    The only way we will get rid of this SOB is thru a scope. Take that for what its worth.”

    “Reply by Hillside 8 hours ago


    “Reply by Patricia L Hinds 16 hours ago

    I agree and have wonder why there hasn’t been more attempt to take him out.”

    Bear in mind, this is a very low traffic blog, with only a couple of dozen participants on a given day. And it is heavily moderated, both by Col Riley, and a couple of assistants. (The moderators are a significant percentage of the posters.)

    So it is impossible to believe these remarks and plans are “just slipping past” the oversight of the treasonous ex-Colonel.

  84. OllieOxenFree says:

    Hermitian: I deleted my post within the countdown but Mr. C put it up anyway. That’s what you get from the Obots. The ends justify the means.

    Ridicule is the means employed by the Obots. The ends are to enable the usurper Obama.

    Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold up just one second, Sparky.

    Your original post was intended to ridicule Doc when you believed he had miscalculated his countdown clock. You did so by calling him a name. Then realizing that it was in fact YOU who had miscalculated, you attempted to delete your post so that others would not be witness to your own mistake. Now, you are crying that others are ridiculing you for the same mistake that you had attempted to ridicule another for.

    You sir, are the poster child for Birtherism.

  85. Oh, I read that “lock and loaded” bit to mean that he was in the drunk tank.

    CarlOrcas: Saul Allinsky: Been reading the Obama defense commenters; not one can explain the phony birth certificate. I didn’t know which side to believe but I am with the side with facts and documents not with the communist propaganda. Lock and loaded ready to go.

    The “side” with the “facts and documents” says the Hawaii certificates are genuine and most reasonable people, even communists, have accepted that and moved on with their lives.

    As far as your gun is concerned…..where are you going?

  86. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Oh, I read that “lock and loaded” bit to mean that he was in the drunk tank.

    That is far more probable than his fantasy of single-handedly saving the republic from the Great Usurper.

  87. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Hermitian: I deleted my post within the countdown but Mr. C put it up anyway.That’s what you get from the Obots.The ends justify the means.

    Ridicule is the means employed by the Obots.The ends are to enable the usurper Obama.

    Of course what Arpaio has now proved is that the means and the ends are both illegal.

    Welcome to the internet. Once you post something, its out there. There is no taking it back.

  88. Rickey says:


    Of course what Arpaio has now proved is that the means and the ends are both illegal.

    Once again – what law has been broken? Please identify the specific statute(s).

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