Crazy new anti-Taitz video on YouTube

I don’t know how long this video will remain available (I saved a copy), but it’s a wacky attack ad against Orly Taitz’ run for California Attorney General. The YouTube uploader is DavidJamesManning, but presumably the real Pastor Manning has denied having anything to do with it.


I wish I had the video skills to make something like this:

or this:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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87 Responses to Crazy new anti-Taitz video on YouTube

  1. justlw says:

    Looks like they got their skills the old-fashioned way: practice!

  2. Jim says:

    Doc: “I wish I had the video skills to make something like this:”

    However, we CAN still make radio commercials for RC to use on his program. Instead of listing her accomplishments, it would be a list of her failures. Do you think RC would hold us to only a minute long…might not be long enough to list all of them! 😆

  3. JPotter says:

    “I wish I had the video skills to make something like this…”

    What videos would you like to make? If you had something that really needed doin’, I’m sure we can cobble it together.

  4. Bob says:

    The all important “view count” has more than doubled since Orly first posted it.

  5. Lupin says:

    Compared to the ghastly truth, it’s almost kind to her, in fact.

  6. Great video. I made that 100% crazy pic like 4 years ago. Cool to see it 🙂

  7. BatGuano says:

    i LOVE that she checked with manning if he actually made it ( so hard to tell if it was legitimate from the credits).

  8. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The funny thing is, she thinks that she’s special, so no one should be allowed to speak against her. If I wasn’t banned from her site, I’d tell her something like “Welcome to politics, you bitchy old screech owl! You won’t get any special treatment, and every nasty thing you’ve ever done, is going to be dragged out for public viewing! Just like any other would-be politician’s misdeeds would!”

  9. aarrgghh says:

    i’m tempted to take a shot at it but i’m probably not gonna have the time.

  10. Leslie says:

    LOL, whoever made this video is the cry-baby. Just can’t accept the facts or do reliable research. The requirements of AG has nothing to do with being a natural-born citizen. They just have to be a citizen whether naturalized/natural-born. I would must rather trust someone who has experienced socialism first-hand and loves liberty, rather than a natural-born fool such as Hillary Clinton who supports Obama. Orly knows socialism is bad news.

  11. Her biggest platform issue is nullification of all sorts of federal statutes. That, of course, would be something that the legislature would perhaps consider. Can you imagine the State of California being represented by Orly Taitz in the inevitable lawsuit?

    Leslie: The requirements of AG has nothing to do with being a natural-born citizen.

  12. JPotter says:

    Any particular reason why the videosmith would choose to use Manning’s name? I’m not good at tracking who hates who in the birferverse.

    Of course, the guy’s name could just happen to be “David James Manning”. Why not? If she can believe her Bounel nonsense, she can believe that 😉

    The video is also posted at (heh)
    … but ti is also YouTube-powered there, so if YT yanks it, it will disappear.
    But why would YT yank it? If Taitz complains? If Manning complains?

  13. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well since no one in their right mind is going to vote for her, that leaves her cavity creeps.

  14. Harold says:

    ORLY TAITZ is makin the scuz-ball liberals who support the biggest FRAUD in history (Obama) mad-it is a fact that every part of Obama’s past life in which his past was hidden (and cost millions to hide) is one big lie (even his kindergarten records are sealed)- just GOOGLE “Mia Marie Pope” to hear one of Obama’s old friends (before politics) talk about why Obamas past is hidden at such great expense- (shocking) other past friends have said the same thing as Mia-

  15. If you want to take a shot at a one or two minute spot be my guest. 😉 Just use the contact link on

    Doc: “I wish I had the video skills to make something like this:”

    However, we CAN still make radio commercials for RC to use on his program.Instead of listing her accomplishments, it would be a list of her failures.Do you think RC would hold us to only a minute long…might not be long enough to list all of them!

  16. I should draw a chart or something. It is confusing to me too.

    As for the video, Manning has no grounds for complaint; it’s not his right name. I’m not a copyright wonk, but I’m thinking that all the images are altered enough to pass. I know at least one of those comes from a commercial photographer.

    I recognize the Taitz image that appears on the Super PAC web page: it’s from the Wikipedia.

    JPotter: Any particular reason why the videosmith would choose to use Manning’s name? I’m not good at tracking who hates who in the birferverse.

  17. Harold (if I may call you Harold), just as a matter of curiosity, did you follow me over here from a link at Birther Report?

    If you can manage some independent thinking, you will find out that the big fraud is not Obama; it is the birthers. Take that “millions to hide” thing. You can’t find a single source to back that up, meaning it was made up.

    If for some crazy reason you would like to start thinking for yourself, let me introduce you to the Debunker’s Guide to Obama Conspiracy Theories. It’s not important whether you believe what you see there, but that you follow the links to all the primary sources and look for yourself.

    Listening to other birthers tell each other how right they are is not a way to the truth.

    Harold: ORLY TAITZ is makin the scuz-ball liberals who support the biggest FRAUD in history (Obama) mad-it is a fact that every part of Obama’s past life in which his past was hidden (and cost millions to hide) is one big lie (even his kindergarten records are sealed)- just GOOGLE “Mia Marie Pope” to hear one of Obama’s old friends (before politics) talk about why Obamas past is hidden at such great expense- (shocking) other past friends have said the same thing as Mia-

  18. BatGuano says:

    …. just GOOGLE “Mia Marie Pope” …..

    ….or use the search feature on this site. just sayin’.

  19. Bob says:

    What bothers Birthers the most about Obama is not that he has hidden who he is (he hasn’t) but that he’s proud of who he is, his family, his accomplishments, and his past.

  20. BatGuano says:

    … whoever made this video is the cry-baby. Just can’t accept the facts or do reliable research. The requirements of AG has nothing to do with being a natural-born citizen.

    oh, beautiful irony.

    how did your “reliable research” miss the fact that the video never makes the claim that an AG has to be a natural-born citizen?

  21. JPotter says:

    Leslie: I would must rather trust someone who has experienced socialism first-hand

    Hmm … that used to be a primary cause for suspecting someone! Let’s have a seance and consult HUAC and a few Birchers. Let’s see who the Realest ‘Murricans of all time (1950s WASPs) would trust. It ain’t gonna be funny-accent lady! 😛

  22. Daniel says:

    Some anonymous person appears to have made a copy

    Hopefully anonymous people will make sure it never disappears from youtube

  23. realist says:

    It’s not just one video. There are many. This is not a new thing for this poster… Goes back at least a year, perhaps more.

  24. sfjeff says:

    Harold: even his kindergarten records are sealed)-

    Everytime Birthers bring up the kindergarten records again it just makes me chuckle- they just are oblivious that demanding the kindergarten records just makes it that much more obvious how batguano crazy they really are.

    There is a part of me that wants Orly to be linked to the Republican Party of California- but I am beginning to think that they are an endangered species in California and we may have to intervene to start a breeding colony of Republicans before they disappear completely.

    It worked with California Condors- it could possibly work for California Republicans.

  25. donna says:

    according to birther leo berman, youtubes are infallible

    Mr. Berman said he got his information from e-mail and online video clips. “YouTubes are infallible,” he said.

  26. JoZeppy says:

    Now why on earth would Orly, “need to find out, who created 2 highly offensive videos “don’t vote for Orly Taitz” within 1 day of me taking an oath of a candidate for office, who paid for it?” ?

    Is she a little thin skinned, and can’t take the absolutely fair abuse she opens herself up to by forcing herself on the public?

  27. DaveH says:

    Orly claims the videos are “highly offensive”. There’s nothing offensive about them and they’re pretty much par for the course when it comes to campaign ads attacking other candidates.

    If Orly can’t take the heat, maybe she should get out of the kitchen.

  28. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Harold: ORLY TAITZ is makin the scuz-ball liberals who support the biggest FRAUD in history (Obama) mad-it is a fact that every part of Obama’s past life in which his past was hidden (and cost millions to hide) is one big lie (even his kindergarten records are sealed)- just GOOGLE “Mia Marie Pope” to hear one of Obama’s old friends (before politics) talk about why Obamas past is hidden at such great expense- (shocking) other past friends have said the same thing as Mia-

    Lol I don’t think you got a single thing right there. Tell me which Presidents Kindergarten records are public. How exactly do what grades you got in finger painting apply to qualifications to the Presidency. How about showing it is normal for people to keep those? Most schools don’t keep records for 10 years after they graduate let alone 50.

    Yes Google Mia Marie Pope who can never show that she actually knew Obama. She couldn’t bring forth any mutual friends who knew both of them. She claims he was named Soetoro at Punahou but says she never attended. The yearbooks at Punahou say differently. Not one of her claims could be verified. She originally claimed that she knew Obama did drugs all the time yet according to her 2nd interview she never actually saw him do drugs.

    Sorry but no one who was actually Obama’s friend has said the stuff Pope claimed.

  29. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    My phone doesn’t do the quote thingy, but spot on Bob!

    Good video but a little of her whiney, high pitched, hysterical, incoherent blather wouldve been a nice touch. 😀

  30. CarlOrcas says:

    Leslie: The requirements of AG has nothing to do with being a natural-born citizen.

    Neither is sanity. But it certainly would help in this case.

    Orly Taitz will never be elected Attorney General of California.

  31. The European says:

    CarlOrcas: Neither is sanity. But it certainly would help in this case.

    Orly Taitz will never be elected Attorney General of California.

    You are right. But there are places in your country where she could / would be elected a congresswoman. She just has to move …..

  32. Thinker says:

    No there aren’t. She could possibly be elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, which has 400 members for about 1.3 million people–one representative for every 3300 people. But Congress? No way. Even the most backward district in the most backward state would reject her.

    The European: You are right. But there are places in your country where she could / would be elected a congresswoman. She just has to move …..

  33. Andrew Morris says:

    What is the law regarding an AG candidate who is actively suing other elected state officials? I don’t suppose it matters. She won’t get elected, and it’ll be fun watching her squander large amounts of her (and other people’s money) just to make an even bigger fool of herself.

  34. sfjeff says:

    Thinker: No there aren’t. She could possibly be elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, which has 400 members for about 1.3 million people–one representative for every 3300 people. But Congress? No way. Even the most backward district in the most backward state would reject her.

    No there aren’t. She could possibly be elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, which has 400 members for about 1.3 million people–one representative for every 3300 people. But Congress? No way. Even the most backward district in the most backward state would reject her.

    I am not that confident.

    Consider Michelle Bachmann

  35. Keith says:

    JPotter: Let’s have a seance and consult …a few Birchers.

    No seance necessary. They’re called TEA-partiers these days.

  36. BatGuano says:

    If Orly can’t take the heat, maybe she should get out of the kitchen.

    i think a better food analogy for this campaign is that orly is in the drive-thru yelling at the clown…….. after hours.

  37. CarlOrcas says:

    The European: You are right. But there are places in your country where she could / would be elected a congresswoman. She just has to move …..

    Our history is littered with examples of how true your statement is.

  38. Steve says:

    No there aren’t. She could possibly be elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, which has 400 members for about 1.3 million people–one representative for every 3300 people. But Congress? No way. Even the most backward district in the most backward state would reject her.

    Well, there was a district that elected Stella Tremblay…twice.

  39. Thinker says:

    Michelle Bachmann is a nut and a moron who’s blinded by hate and religious extremism, but she’s way smarter and far less offensive to human decency than Orly Taitz. But ideology aside, Taitz doesn’t work well with others. She could never network and schmooze and organize at the local level the way a candidate has to do to win an election. Can you imagine Orly Taitz on the campaign trail? Think of the epic meltdown we’d see if a protester showed up at one of her events with a poster of one of those pancake paintings. Or if a reporter asked her about her affair with Charles Lincoln. Or if the local media reported on her obvious incompetence as a lawyer.

    I am not that confident.

    Consider Michelle Bachmann

  40. J.D. Sue says:

    Harold: ORLY TAITZ is makin the scuz-ball liberals who support the biggest FRAUD in history (Obama) mad-it is a fact that every part of Obama’s past life in which his past was hidden (and cost millions to hide) is one big lie (even his kindergarten records are sealed)-


    Harold, I can’t get any of your records either. It seems like every part of your past life is hidden! I can’t even get your kindergarten records!

    So, Harold, you’ve got me wondering now what horrendous things you did–even at the age of five–to go to all that trouble and expense to hide your records like that. I wonder if you are afraid your records will show you did not “play well with others” or worse. Did this have anything to do with your mom and dad? Were you “playing doctor” too much with the other little boys?

    Anyhow, how much money have you paid to hide those records from us? From what you’ve suggested, you must have paid a vast fortune. But, why….?

  41. Northland10 says:

    It’s not just one video.There are many.This is not a new thing for this poster…Goes back at least a year, perhaps more.

    He has videos from 5 years ago that mock James Manning. This is just another one of Orly’s attempts at attention by pleading for sympathy.

  42. CarlOrcas says:

    Harold: ORLY TAITZ is makin the scuz-ball liberals who support the biggest FRAUD in history (Obama) mad-it is a fact that every part of Obama’s past life in which his past was hidden (and cost millions to hide) is one big lie (even his kindergarten records are sealed)

    If they’re all hidden and sealed how do you know they exist? How do you know what’s in them?

  43. Crustacean says:

    Thinker: Can you imagine Orly Taitz on the campaign trail?

    Oh yes! Yes I can! Lucky me, I live in Northern California (where it’s 72F and sunny, though we’re all on the verge of dying of thirst). Way too many things I’d rather do in *this* universe to actually go through with it, but I like your poster idea. I was thinking something similar the other night as I was fantasizing about what I could do if Orly were to give a campaign speech in the Bay Area.

    Step 1: get one of those “giant-head” posters that are all the rage these days. But instead of the Orly-with-Pancakes design, I’m thinking about a photo of Obama, preferably one where he’s wearing a very stern, disapproving expression on his face. Step 2: just stand in the back of the crowd holding Obama’s head up so he can glare at Orly while she’s giving her speech. I’m guessing no more than a couple dozen people would be in the crowd, so an Orlybuster (who you gonna call?) should be able to get pretty close – and wouldn’t need to say a word. Just let Obama’s angry stare do all the talking.

    Or maybe a photo of a laughing Obama would be more appropriate…

  44. JPotter says:

    Keith: No seance necessary. They’re called TEA-partiers these days.

    That was the joke … a wingnut embracing a Russkie, oh my!

    The European: You are right. But there are places in your country where she could / would be elected a congresswoman. She just has to move …..

    Moving to your base (if your geography and ideology do not coincide) is the first step to political success. Worked great for Hillary Clinton. That Taitz will not do this, and keeps running for statewide / national offices in big, blue California, is yet another sign of obstinacy, obliviousness, madness. She might have a prayer in a city or county race in Orange County.

    However, some nutjobs have no appreciable base.

    Taitz is a prime example. Even if she were to run the in reddest depths of Okieland, she would be rejected. Between the accent and lifestyle, Voters would not identify with her, no matter how much reed meat she flings to them. She’s an outsider. Very outside.

    She would need expert, intense handling (muzzling), savvy media blitz, and an incredibly inept opponent to win. She wouldn’t put up with the muzzling, her failure to do so would undermine the media spin, and any opponent, unless even more of a fish out of water than she is (like a gay atheist communist who’s millitant about all three, in rural Okieland), would just need to look sane while watching her flame out.

  45. aarrgghh says:

    JPotter: She would need expert, intense handling (muzzling), savvy media blitz, and an incredibly inept opponent to win.

    not to mention a wayback machine that not only scrubs but also resets the internet …

  46. Thinker says:

    Remember how limited her actual campaigning was when she ran for Senate? She decided she couldn’t announce her appearances in advance because when she did, the organizers frequently rescinded her invitation because other candidates did not want to be at the same event as her. I think she was also nervous about obot hecklers showing up. She limited her campaign appearances to small invitation-only teabagger events with a friendly audience and no press. Not exactly a path to victory.

    Crustacean: Oh yes! Yes I can!Lucky me, I live in Northern California (where it’s 72F and sunny, though we’re all on the verge of dying of thirst).Way too many things I’d rather do in *this* universe to actually go through with it, but I like your poster idea.I was thinking something similar the other night as I was fantasizing about what I could do if Orly were to give a campaign speech in the Bay Area.

  47. katahdin says:

    This reminds me of when President Obama was running against Alan Keyes for the US Senate. He remarked that all he had to do was keep his mouth shut and start planning his swearing-in ceremony.
    Orly’s way crazier than even Keyes.

    JPotter: She would need expert, intense handling (muzzling), savvy media blitz, and an incredibly inept opponent to win. She wouldn’t put up with the muzzling, her failure to do so would undermine the media spin, and any opponent, unless even more of a fish out of water than she is (like a gay atheist communist who’s millitant about all three, in rural Okieland), would just need to look sane while watching her flame out.

  48. RanTalbott says:

    Thinker: Even the most backward district in the most backward state would reject her.

    Louie Gohmert. Jean Schmidt. Paul Broun. Steve King.

    Less frothing at the mouth, but still contenders: Virginia Foxx and Ted Poe.

    I’m sure there are others among the Tea Party Caucus freshmen and sophomores, but I don’t watch as much C-SPAN as I used to.

    I rest my case.

  49. JPotter says:

    jdkinpa: Referencing Crazy video(s) check this out….

    “End Times Headlines” hosting poo from Infowars. Jesus.

  50. Fred Flintstone says:

    A few observations .. .

    1. Orly Taitz can dish it out, but she can’t take it.
    2. Orly taitz has disparaged people for years.
    3. Orly Taitz has embraced racist web sites in the past.
    4. Orly Taitz has never release a financial statement of her “foundation.”
    5. Orly Taitz thinks that the military will overthrow the POTUS and her “endorsers” are all military.
    6. Orly Taitz has never revealed the names of her husband and children and what they do for a living.
    7. Orly Taitz has no clue when it comes to RICO laws.
    8. Orly Taitz has no clue about campaign finances and is setting herself up for an investigation by mixing public and private funds.
    9. Orly Taitz went after AG Harris and suggested they had an affair – but didn’t someone accuse her of having an affair?
    10. Orly Taitz is nuts and she is taking advantage of racists who are distraught that a black man resides in the White House.

  51. Steve says:

    Steve: Well, there was a district that elected Stella Tremblay…twice.

    Sorry, misread that. Tremblay was a state rep.

  52. MattR says:

    katahdin: He remarked that all he had to do was keep his mouth shut and start planning his swearing-in ceremony. Orly’s way crazier than even Keyes.

    Wasn’t that the election that led John Rogers to define the “Crazification Factor” as 27%?

  53. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Jim: Do you think RC would hold us to only a minute long…might not be long enough to list all of them!

    It would if you made a song like “We didn’t start the fire”. 😉

  54. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Leslie: I would must rather trust someone who has experienced socialism first-hand and loves liberty, rather than a natural-born fool such as Hillary Clinton who supports Obama.

    Quite ironic that birthers love to claim how only a natural-born citizen can have “true 100% allegiance” to the US – until their own candidate is a naturalized ex-Moldovan, then suddenly “having experienced socialism” somehow trumps “100% full-blooded Murican with full-blooded Murican parents”.
    The cognitive dissonance is amazing (and shows again how much you peeps are driven by hate and racism while claiming to have actual principles).

  55. Lupin says:

    LOL, whoever made this video is the cry-baby. Just can’t accept the facts or do reliable research. The requirements of AG has nothing to do with being a natural-born citizen. They just have to be a citizen whether naturalized/natural-born. I would must rather trust someone who has experienced socialism first-hand and loves liberty, rather than a natural-born fool such as Hillary Clinton who supports Obama. Orly knows socialism is bad news.

    After the hijacking of Vattel, the accusing of Obama of soc ialism is the one other thing that really irritates me.

    Obama, whose policies are to the right of Richard Nixon’s (who, granted, had a Democratic Congress), or David Cameron’s, who’s been Wall Street’s best friend, whose healthcare policy has been a tremendous gift to insurance companies, is anything but soc ialist.

  56. RanTalbott says:

    Leslie: I would must rather trust someone who has experienced socialism first-hand and loves liberty, rather than a natural-born fool such as Hillary Clinton who supports Obama.

    The “natural-born fools” are the idiots who don’t realize that everyone in the U.S. “has experienced socialism first-hand”. And, for the most part, liked it where we’ve applied it.

  57. Given the importance of the issues we discuss, no.

    Back in the box.

    helen: Couldn’t possibly be affecting this site, could it?

  58. sfjeff says:

    Crustacean: Oh yes! Yes I can! Lucky me, I live in Northern California (where it’s 72F and sunny, though we’re all on the verge of dying of thirst). Way too many things I’d rather do in *this* universe to actually go through with it, but I like your poster idea. I was thinking something similar the other night as I was fantasizing about what I could do if Orly were to give a campaign speech in the Bay Area.

    Yesterday was rather spectacular weather wise, wasn’t it?

    Folks who don’t live in the Bay Area don’t realize that while droughts are terrible for many things, we get some fantastic winter weather out of it. It was warmer yesterday in San Francisco than most summer days.

  59. Plantmaster says:

    Harold: ORLY TAITZ is makin the scuz-ball liberals who support the biggest FRAUD in history (Obama) mad-it is a fact that every part of Obama’s past life in which his past was hidden (and cost millions to hide) is one big lie (even his kindergarten records are sealed)

    Would Harold let us see HIS kindergarten records? He can rest assured that the privacy of his school records are protected by the same law that protects Obama, Biden, Bush, Cheney, Ted Cruz…and even Orly…the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, sponsored by an ardent conservative–Sen. James L. Buckley.

    (BTW, Harold, Orly isn’t making us mad. She’s providing entertainment…pass the popcorn, please…)

  60. Thomas Brown says:

    Sure, Harold. That’s why we’re winning.

    Know why we’re winning, Harold? because we are on the side of the truth, and the truth will eventually win out every time.

    Your side, however, is entirely built on lies.

    Everything you think you know… the hiding of records that have never been hidden, the Pakistani travel ban that never was, the “old friends” of Obama’s who are just plain liars and never knew the man… the “poor student” that all his professors and colleagues remember as brilliant… the gay Muslim Socialist… the forged documents that aren’t… not a single solitary bit of it is true. If it were, there’d be real evidence, and there isn’t.

    So you are someone who believes and spreads lies about our President. That doesn’t make you a patriot, it makes you a gullible fool who is a detriment to America. How does it feel to be a traitor? How will it feel when your grandchildren realize how disloyal you are to their country?

  61. This afternoon I had an hour car trip so I turned on PRI’s The World. The program included two interviews, one on the Ukraine and one on continuing unrest in Egypt, plus mention of water canons turned on demonstrators in Turkey. Turkish unrest hinges on the authenticity of a document (an audio recording).

    One cannot help but compare and contrast how unrest plays out in the US with those other countries. I conclude that now matter how loudly the birthers yell, they and the rest of us actually believe in the democratic process, otherwise they would be in the streets. And despite expressions of doom, I think most Americans of not pretty well off, have hope of things becoming better, and so they are not willing to tear down their towns and institutions.

    Thomas Brown: So you are someone who believes and spreads lies about our President. That doesn’t make you a patriot, it makes you a gullible fool who is a detriment to America. How does it feel to be a traitor? How will it feel when your grandchildren realize how disloyal you are to their country?

  62. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    otherwise they would be in the streets.

    They were, but there was so few of them everyone just assumed it was the local old folks home taking them out for a day of sight-seeing.

  63. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: One cannot help but compare and contrast how unrest plays out in the US with those other countries. I conclude that now matter how loudly the birthers yell, they and the rest of us actually believe in the democratic process, otherwise they would be in the streets.

    I don’t know. I think some of them – under the right circumstances – could easily be in the streets rounding up the folks that they see as a threat to their personal values and way of life.

    In the meantime they are left to “lock and load” their keyboards.

  64. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    CarlOrcas: I don’t know. I think some of them – under the right circumstances – could easily be in the streets rounding up the folks that they see as a threat to their personal values and way of life.In the meantime they are left to “lock and load” their keyboards.

    I dont think their rascal scooters get the right mileage required for them to be in the streets.

  65. JPotter says:

    CarlOrcas: I think some of them – under the right circumstances – could easily be in the streets rounding up the folks that they see as a threat to their personal values and way of life.

    Yeah, the right circumstances: Someone else going first.

  66. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I dont think their rascal scooters get the right mileage required for them to be in the streets.

    Let us hope.

    Not to get to deep here but have you been to Germany?

    I’ve been several times and I have a particularly vivid memory of a business trip about 20 years ago to Dusseldorf during the Christmas season. I remember going out for a walk on a very nice, upscale shopping boulevard near my hotel.

    The sidewalks were crowded and I took particular notice of the folks who appeared to be my parent’s age. They looked just as ordinary as my folks.

    After about a half hour it really hit me: These folks were the “enemy” my parents were fighting 50 years earlier. I still can’t answer the question: If it can happen here why couldn’t it happen in America?

  67. CarlOrcas says:

    JPotter: Yeah, the right circumstances:Someone else going first.

    Yes. Crowds have a courage of their own.

    See my reply to Dr. Noisewater.

  68. Crustacean says:

    CarlOrcas: I don’t know. I think some of them – under the right circumstances – could easily be in the streets rounding up the folks that they see as a threat to their personal values and way of life.

    Well, Falcon did declare recently that he would make the Islamist terrorists (“head cutters” I think was the phrase) look like amateurs. And I have no doubt some of the regulars at Birther Report would be more than happy to go all “Kristallnacht” on Obama supporters.

    But I agree with Doc’s conclusion, because I can’t imagine there being enough nuts like Falcon out there to start anything. and unlike when the Brownshirts were torching Germany, the police would not just stand aside and watch. At least for now – and, in my opinion, the foreseeable future – the right circumstances have not been met for the rounding up of anyone. We may be a dysfunctional nation of hot-pocket eating, TV addicted dunderheads, but democracy is still alive. Mob rule is not yet on the table.

    But who knows, maybe Grand Martial (pun intended) Zullo’s Universe Shattering news will change all that. I’m sure Falcon is sharpening his blades at this very moment…

  69. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    CarlOrcas: After about a half hour it really hit me: These folks were the “enemy” my parents were fighting 50 years earlier. I still can’t answer the question: If it can happen here why couldn’t it happen in America?

    I’m not saying it can’t in fact it has. During the lead up to the iraq war there were big crowds of protesters they far outnumber anything the birthers could ever muster let alone the tea party crowd.

  70. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: If it can happen here why couldn’t it happen in America?

    It can, and it has: the sons of Klansmen are marrying the daughters of Freedom Riders (sometimes even the sons of Freedom Riders). I have relatives who sailed on U.S. battleships in WWII, and others who spent the war in internment camps (our camps, that is).

    The conflict may seem permanent sometimes, and for some of the hard-core haters, it is (at least,until they die off). But, if you look at how long some ridiculous prejudices and emnities have lasted in history, we’re actually moving pretty quickly.

  71. CarlOrcas says:

    Crustacean: Well, Falcon did declare recently that he would make the Islamist terrorists (“head cutters” I think was the phrase) look like amateurs. And I have no doubt some of the regulars at Birther Report would be more than happy to go all “Kristallnacht” on Obama supporters.

    *FALCON* is a blowhard. If push came to shove he’d wet his pants before he did anything. Same with most of the others I suspect.

    Crustacean: But I agree with Doc’s conclusion, because I can’t imagine there being enough nuts like Falcon out there to start anything. and unlike when the Brownshirts were torching Germany, the police would not just stand aside and watch. At least for now – and, in my opinion, the foreseeable future – the right circumstances have not been met for the rounding up of anyone. We may be a dysfunctional nation of hot-pocket eating, TV addicted dunderheads, but democracy is still alive. Mob rule is not yet on the table.

    I agree on all counts but the niggling notion remains: If it could happen there it could happen anywhere.

    The problem is not the “starters” but the followers who were quite content to go along with Hitler while it served them.

  72. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: The conflict may seem permanent sometimes, and for some of the hard-core haters, it is (at least,until they die off). But, if you look at how long some ridiculous prejudices and emnities have lasted in history, we’re actually moving pretty quickly.

    I agree. We have made incredible progress….even in my lifetime.

  73. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I’m not saying it can’t in fact it has.During the lead up to the iraq war there were big crowds of protesters they far outnumber anything the birthers could ever muster let alone the tea party crowd.

    Yes. I doubt it could happen here but as Germany demonstrated it didn’t take much to light the flame and only one crazy man to fan it into life.

  74. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: If it can happen here why couldn’t it happen in America?

    Oh, I just realized that the “it” referred to Nazism, not the reconciliation.

    That can’t happen here because conditions are very different: in Germany they had a small minority of Jews, who were the object of near-universal prejudice that wasn’t frowned upon, and who weren’t anticipating anything like the Holocaust. So there were fewer victims, and less resistance.

    Our ancestors did similar things to blacks and native nations, but our attitudes have undergone the seismic shift I mentioned in my previous post, so that those events are seen as shameful, and never to be repeated.

    Any attempt to do anything like them on a political basis is going to meet opposition from a far larger, forewarned, and better-armed group of potential victims than the Nazis did. And, as you pointed out, a government intent on preventing such actions, not on causing them.

    There are some would-be Brownshirts out there today, but their numbers are tiny, and societal attitudes keep them from coalescing into groups large enough to do widespread harm (though not, sadly, from acting as individuals or small groups who cause great tragedies for individual victims and their loved ones).

    Those people you saw in Dusseldorf weren’t all that different from your parents when you saw them, but they were quite different from the way they were when they were younger, and we’re even more different.

    So that monstrous evil can’t happen here, and if we’re lucky and vigilant, we can make sure that no one even tries to make it happen.

  75. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: Those people you saw in Dusseldorf weren’t all that different from your parents when you saw them, but they were quite different from the way they were when they were younger, and we’re even more different.

    It’s important to remember that the Nazi’s were a small minority of the population when they came to power and still a minority when Germany was defeated.

    What has always struck me is that the vast majority of Germans – good Germans? – did nothing to stop the Nazis and that’s what I wondered about looking into the faces of those people 20 years ago in Dusseldorf.

    The circumstances and factors that lead to Hitler’s rise during the years between the wars are starkly different than anything we have ever seen here but you just have to wonder what would we do in the same situation.

  76. Northland10 says:

    CarlOrcas: Yes. I doubt it could happen here but as Germany demonstrated it didn’t take much to light the flame and only one crazy man to fan it into life.

    Unlike Germany, and many other nations, our country has a founding and history much different than the rest of world. The words “conceived in liberty” has actual meaning to the people of this country. That is a cultural history that other nations have not held. It is the always present conscious that prevents us from going too far astray. Though we may not have always lived up to the high ideals of our great experiment, we do eventually find our way back home.

    Even through the worst of our nativism and racism, we still kept lifted the “lamp at the golden door.”

  77. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    CarlOrcas: Yes. I doubt it could happen here but as Germany demonstrated it didn’t take much to light the flame and only one crazy man to fan it into life.

    I didnt realize you were talking about nazism i thought it was just about large protests.

  78. The Magic M says:

    CarlOrcas: The sidewalks were crowded and I took particular notice of the folks who appeared to be my parent’s age. They looked just as ordinary as my folks.

    After about a half hour it really hit me: These folks were the “enemy” my parents were fighting 50 years earlier.

    The problem is that there was no simple division of the German people into “good Germans” and “Nazis”. Many people who would never have participated in any of the atrocities of the Holocaust still supported the regime for other reasons.

    I consider my father (aged 90) a good person in general, but he still hasn’t shaken off his anti-Semitism. He would not have worked in Auschwitz, but he is still in denial about what happened there (he doesn’t say it didn’t happen, he simply ignores the subject completely).
    I give him a little credit because he was indoctrinated as a child, being 10 years old when the Nazis came to power.

    A typical conversation I had with him years ago went:

    He: “But the British had concentration camps, too!” (A typical modern right-wing talking point conflating the original meaning of the term – “internment camp” – with what we mean by it today, “where the Holocaust happened”.)
    Me: “Maybe, but they didn’t murder millions of Jews there.
    He: “…” (grimaces as if to say “I don’t like to be reminded of that”)

    So yes, he’s a good person today, but he was one of the millions who enabled the Nazi regime.

  79. Lupin says:

    Robert Heinlein, one of my favorite SF writers (despite many of his positions with which I wholeheartedly disagree), wrote REVOLT IN 2100 to depict the rise and eventual overthrow of a religious dictature in America and I never found it unbelievable.

    (Interestingly Fritz Leiber also penned a far more fanciful work on the same theme entitled GATHER YE DARKNESS. It must be something that resonates in the American psyche.)

  80. Bonsall Obot says:

    It must be something that resonates in the American psyche

    The colonies were founded by religious fanatics and the nation’s founding documents specifically enshrined racism as a fundamental value. So I’d say you’re right.

  81. Added second DavidJamesManning video to the artice.

  82. J.D. Sue says:

    The Magic M: I consider my father (aged 90) a good person in general, but he still hasn’t shaken off his anti-Semitism. . . . He: “…” (grimaces as if to say “I don’t like to be reminded of that”)”

    I appreciate your candid perspective. It reminds of a young man I met in 1980 on a bus from Beersheva to Eilat, Israel. It was clear to me that he was not Jewish or Arab; he looked German and in my young naivete I thought that was odd and I asked why he would want to come to Israel. He explained to me that he and his friends had recently seen the TV miniseries, “The Holocaust”, and were shocked. He said they were very angry at their parents (and school teachers) for never telling them about it. He had come to Israel to learn more about what had happened, about what no older adults in Germany would talk about.

    My late father would also be 90 years old if he were alive (so count your blessings). He was a US soldier in Germany. He would never talk about the war. I would try to prod him for information, but he just said war wasn’t something he wanted to talk about with his daughter. He did say that he had feared capture more than death, because his dog tags had an “H” for Hebrew, that he’d lost some hearing because he was in artillery, and that he mostly remembered a lot of mud and freezing cold. That’s it.

    I say all this to say that people don’t like to talk about their experiences in war. I guess people on this blog who have actually experienced war may share some insight on this. I hope you are not too hard on your father at this point; he was raised in a time and place where there was zero tolerance for disagreement, and fear and retribution was everywhere.

    Fear and promises of retribution, with zero tolerance for disagreement — the birther calling card…

  83. James M says:

    CarlOrcas: Yes. I doubt it could happen here but as Germany demonstrated it didn’t take much to light the flame and only one crazy man to fan it into life.

    You mean Anton Drexler? Or Herschel Grynspan?

  84. James M says:

    Plantmaster: One cannot help but compare and contrast how unrest plays out in the US with those other countries. I conclude that now matter how loudly the birthers yell, they and the rest of us actually believe in the democratic process, otherwise they would be in the streets. And despite expressions of doom, I think most Americans of not pretty well off, have hope of things becoming better, and so they are not willing to tear down their towns and institutions.

    How much did Harold pay to have not only his own kindergarten records hidden, but those of his children? What terrible secret could his children be hiding?

  85. James M says:

    The European: You are right. But there are places in your country where she could / would be elected a congresswoman. She just has to move …..

    Whenever someone says “vote them out” but is clearly ignorant of the fact that Congressional elections are local, and especially when the blame is cast on “Gerrymandering”, I point out that the way to vote out, say, a Tea Party incumbent, is to relocate to their Congressional District, register and vote there. Voters aren’t motivated enough to take on this level of responsibility, and certainly not in numbers, but on the other hand, neither do the candidates.

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