It’s official. Federal Judge Henry T. Wingate says that he will ask the US attorney to investigate messages posted by an unknown individual on the popular anti-birther web site, The Fogbow, so states a Minute Entry in the case of Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi. The docket entry reads:
Further, the court discussed the recent blog posted on FogHorn (sic) of a Virgil E. Byrd, and advised the parties that the US Attorney will be asked to investigate this matter.
All I can say is that it wasn’t me—I only post at The Fogbow as Dr. Conspiracy.
One hopes the judge will get the name straight, or that the US Attorney will figure it out before he starts watching old cartoon shows for a mention of Virgil Byrd.
Different byrd
Of course, once the Fogbow is investigated, the US Attorney will find out that the comment was posted on the Taitz web site. 😯
Well, she did it. She finally found one honest judge. Who can’t spell.
On also hopes that someone will figure out what they’re investigating. I don’t get it. Maybe one of our lawyers can explain it.
It would also be good if he could figure out what board the comment was actually posted two, since it was on Orly’s bored and not fogbow.
Plausible deniability. The US Attorney investigates for 5 mins, announces that it was a prank. Oily loses her perceived basis for her inevitable appeal.
The association to Fogbow was made by Thomas Lamb.
Fascinating: Right wingers concerned about people “disparaging” courts.
Memories are short and selective in Birtherstan. Impeach Earl Warren!
C’mon Doc. I know you have more info than this. Cough it up for us, huh?
See also “GreatGrey” toward the bottom of this page.
I may be missing something, but I still don’t seen any evidence that “Virgil Byrd” posted anything at The Fogbow – although Fogbow people did post notes about the post that was made on Orly’s blog.
You’re missing the sentence I just added to the end of the article.
Ah,yes. You are right. I have added it to the end of the article.
Great Grey attended a court proceeding that’s open to the public, and then wrote about it.
Which law, exactly, was broken here?
Dr. Conspiracy –
Shouldn’t your title read “Foghorn to be investigated by US Attorney?”
Just sayin’.
Thomas Lamb is clearly trying to implicate “GreatGrey” based on his own warped imagination, his exaggerated sense of importance and his lack of rational judgment. I’m sure that his defective mental process has already imagined all sorts of crimes and conspiracies to go with his groundless suspicions.
which is:”Of course, once the Fogbow is investigated, the US Attorney will find out that the comment was posted on the Taitz web site. ”
And then Orly’s shit-fan will turn on her when the court finally sees that she’s complaining about a comment which SHE HERSELF PUBLISHED on the Internet FIRST, through insufficient monitoring of her own blog/site!
She is the most inept activist on Earth!
OMG this is pure genius. Orly has managed to point the judge towards the biggest birther debunking site on the web, where he will see all her lies and incompetence exposed, including her accusations of treason towards judges. I’m sure that will go down well. Simply hilariously incompetent.
In mnsho there is not much to be seen there. Someone in the office “transcripted” the tape of the conference and got not everything right.
It wasn’t insufficient monitoring but deliberate as she always chooses whether or not to put through each comment. She can’t claim the comment appeared without her knowledge as she responded to it when publishing it.
We don’t disagree, Bob; her monitoring was deliberately insufficient!
Hey, Doc! The irony is that this situation is actually fraught with the danger of a states attorney making a carelessly arbitrary evaluation of who’s at fault here, because of the quagmire, blizzard, and hailstorm of disinforming Birther postings that a naive search by an honest observer, new to the asylum might encounter.
Face it, the denialist filter through which Birthers see Obama as an usurper, has sucked us all into a 5 year plus mode of endlessly debating the significance of minutia. Birthers initiate the practice because they have zero real evidence of any Obama wrongdoing, so they try create a thousand paper cuts by pretending they can flawlessly interpret as proof of his criminality, (or ineligibility) any fact generally known OR NOT known, about his past.
We so-called Obots, spend FOREVER painstakingly debunking all these crazy Birther premises, hoping that because sane people like us would be convinced of our error if our own premises were demonstrated to be nuts, the Birthers will surely see that by their own desperate claims’ proven insufficiency, they need to reexamine their negative assumptions and allegations against Obama.
Slowly, we have learned that instead, they shake off reality and charge on to even wilder allegations of Obama wrongdoing, and that Birthers will sooner or later limp right back onto every issue-related battlefield upon which they have been soundly defeated, in the manner of the Black Knight in Monty Python’s Holy Grail movie.
An outsider newly exposed to a fast forward summary of all these years of what will appear to be fairly petty exchanges that resolve nothing because the prevailing arguments pointing at reality are never acknowledged by the Birthers, will not long have patience in trying to reconcile the charges and counter charges into a sensible apprehension – there’s just too damn much crap in the stew to endure prolonged taste testing!
To a sensible newby, it is likely to seem like a feud-based food-fight, meriting only a general scolding that finds everyone in the cafeteria at fault.
My point is, that for we who are old hands at this, it is easy to see that an investigator need only notice that Orly knowingly published the comment accusing the judge of criminal conduct first HERSELF, to see how dirty her hands are in this instance.
But in what, for a serious-minded, and overloaded states attorney, will likely be little more than a disgust-shortened initial glimpse into the Birther/Obot Eligibility/Document Fraud Cafeteria Food Fight, shouldn’t somebody sane point out for that public servant, which one of the several thousand keys hanging on the wall, will be found to fairly and quickly open the vault of verifiable reality?
How could we make sure this investigator STARTS, knowing Orly DECIDED herself to publish this rumor about the judge; that her charges disingenuously and purposefully seek to instead blame an Obot site for that impropriety, and that she herself is a serial judge slammer, usually accusing judges who find her cases insufficient and their staffs, of unethical or illegal conduct?
Lamb needs to improve his critical thinking skills. In that letter, he claims that Great Grey told him that Judge Wingate would issue his rulings in the MS case on Jan. 22 and is implying that GG had information he shouldn’t have had. But Judge Wingate did not issue any rulings on Jan. 22. GG’s information was not accurate. If Lamb is trying to bolster an argument that someone in the judge’s office leaked information, his argument would be slightly more compelling if Great Grey’s assertion about the rulings had been accurate.
BTW, GG got that information from an email a court clerk sent to counsel in the case…nothing at all improper about it. But, as it turned out, Judge Wingate either didn’t get the work done on time to rule on the 22nd, or he was conned by Orly Taitz and her last-minute word-vomit, or he never intended to rule on the 22nd. Nothing about this situation reflects well on Judge Wingate.