Inexplicable geographic interest in birtherism

Why is Orly’s web site 21 times more popular in Colombia than in the US?

Here are the current statistics for the Taitz web site:


Just how does someone explain something as stark as that? And it’s not just the Taitz web site, although the numbers are not as striking. Here’s Birther Report:


This trend has been around for over a year, and I am clueless to explain it.

I asked the question over at BR whether they thought the Colombian numbers were accurate. If they reply I’ll update the article.

Alexa doesn’t indicate that I have any international concentrations worth them tabulating, but I can get accurate statistics from Google Analytics. These are for the past 3 months:


In the full report, I have listed 20 visits from Colombia (and 28 from Moldova). Note that those are visits, not page views. A visitor on average viewed 2.22 pages. Alexa has my US percentage pegged at 86.9% which is pretty darned close.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to Inexplicable geographic interest in birtherism

  1. IzMeBee says:

    The Nancy Owens Cabal?

  2. Daniel says:

    Anecdotaly there are quite a few Free VPNs and Anomymous proxy sites that operate out of Colombia. I wonder if one or more of them has been advertising heavily on birther sites maybe?

  3. AC180 says:

    Maybe Nancy is spreading her non-sense conspiracy theory on websites in Columbia, linking them to BR.

  4. JPotter says:

    Maybe all the expats in Belize went Tea Party 😛

    There was a guy from Brazil that used to post on Amazon … completely wacked out, just as fervent and delusional as our finest domestic nutjobs. Maybe he isn’t alone.

    The 2012 discussion re: Orly’s Colombian fanbase didn’t reach a determination. My guess, other than overseas RWNJs, would be malware?

  5. Keith says:

    The Australia stat could be me. All me.

    I have you set as one of my Firefox home pages, so every time I fire up the browser you get a hit. I’ll change that when I get home from my campingtrip (it’s raining of course).

  6. Lupin says:

    I probably account for the French hits.

    I suspect the Columbian hits are actually Americans using proxy servers. Paranoid delusional birthers fearing black helicopters.

    (Hey, john, they’re coming for YOU!)

  7. Slartibartfast says:


    I didn’t like how you presented the data, so I did a bit of statistics for you. If you would like, I could email you the spreadsheet I made.

    If we determine the proportion of visits per capita from each country and normalize by the US value, I think we get a lot more information…

    Orly’s site has a NPoVpC (Normalized Proportion of Visits per Capita) of 5.4 from Columbia—in other words, these numbers suggest that Columbians are more than 5 times more likely to be interested in birtherism than Americans—I think that Lupin is on the money here and Keith adds the context: This is probably an artifact of someone using a proxy server and checking Orly’s site a lot (and BR less frequently).

    For the Birther Report, the NPoVpC is 2.37 from Columbia and 0.014 from India—showing us that India is not really that into birthers but it has a lot of people…

    Here are the numbers for Doc’s site expressed as a percentage of the US value:

    US – 100%
    Ireland – 37.8%
    Norway – 37.7%
    Canada – 34.9%
    Australia – 19.5%
    UK – 14.2%
    France – 3.8%
    Moldova – 3.1%
    Germany – 2.9%
    Russia – 1.5%
    Brazil – 1.1%
    Columbia – 0.2%

    Looking at the raw number of visits that Doc posted, I think that it is likely that the bulk of the visits from Australia, Ireland, France and Germany are explained primarily by Keith, Suranis, Lupin, and The Magic M respectively and that Canadian visits are significantly inflated by Hektor (I would expect Canada to intrinsically have the highest rate of interest in the birthers next to the US). Bovril might be responsible for a goodly fraction of the UK visits, but I think he’s mostly flying around the world staying in five star hotels and messing up the data… 🙁

    This leaves us with one glaring question: Why all the interest in birthers in Norway? I might have done the coastline, but I promise I’m not using a Norwegian proxy server…

  8. Two concerns I have with that. First, in absolute numbers, somebody would have to be visiting Orly’s site a huge amount to show up in her site statistics. I also wonder about Alexa toolbar and proxy server fitting the same person. That’s would sort of be like Clark Kent wearing a Superman t-shirt.

    Also, Alexa is reporting visitors, not visits. Since they count from their own toolbar, they should be able to track individuals well, even if using a proxy.

    Slartibartfast: This is probably an artifact of someone using a proxy server and checking Orly’s site a lot (and BR less frequently).

  9. Slartibartfast says:

    I didn’t have the absolute numbers for Orly’s site (or BR), but my guess is that the Columbia IPs must be related in some way. What are the relative magnitudes between your site traffic and Orly’s? Given the visit numbers for your site, I feel like known posters account for the bulk of the visits from Australia (I suspect MichaelN still lurks here too), France, Ireland and Germany as well as a significant part of the Canadians, eh? All that leaves you with is a big Norwegian mystery lurking around here somewhere…

    As for Clark Kent wearing a superman t-shirt, I submit that if he were as stupid as the birthers have shown themselves to be he might well do that… just sayin’.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Two concerns I have with that. First, in absolute numbers, somebody would have to be visiting Orly’s site a huge amount to show up in her site statistics. I also wonder about Alexa toolbar and proxy server fitting the same person. That’s would sort of be like Clark Kent wearing a Superman t-shirt.

    Also, Alexa is reporting visitors, not visits. Since they count from their own toolbar, they should be able to track individuals well, even if using a proxy.

  10. Taitz wrote today:

    “this month there were 3 times more visitors to this site, however it appears that rating company “Alexa” is aiding and abetting the regime to intentionally downgrade the rating of this site and upgrade the rating of sites aiding the regime”

  11. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I suspect those visitors from Moldova visit her site to make sure she isn’t planning to return there.

  12. Lupin says:

    Slartibartfast: I think that it is likely that the bulk of the visits from Australia, Ireland, France and Germany are explained primarily by Keith, Suranis, Lupin, and The Magic M respectively

    This blog used to be visited by Paul Piezeny from Belgium, but he doesn’t seem to be checking in too frequently these days.

  13. He last posted 3-Feb.

    Lupin: This blog used to be visited by Paul Piezeny from Belgium, but he doesn’t seem to be checking in too frequently these days.

  14. Slartibartfast says:


    Well, I guess Belgium (I apologize for the profanity) is close to Norway…


    Why don’t you ask Lord Soros to have Alexa bump your rankings up above Orly’s?

    Lupin: This blog used to be visited by Paul Piezeny from Belgium, but he doesn’t seem to be checking in too frequently these days.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Taitz wrote today:

    “this month there were 3 times more visitors to this site, however it appears that rating company “Alexa” is aiding and abetting the regime to intentionally downgrade the rating of this site and upgrade the rating of sites aiding the regime”

  15. The European says:

    I probably account for the French hits.

    Not for all …

  16. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    He last posted 3-Feb.

    But still reading. During the last year, thanks to WIFI, I have been reading from Poland, Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Will visit the Netherlands and again Poland before the end of April.

    It is true I am not such a frequent frequenter and commenter anymore, thanks to a new job as a teacher of religion. FWIW, I have never been to Norway.

  17. Paul Pieniezny says:

    OTOH. I have no idea where I am posting from now, however.

  18. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I post mainly from the Klingon Neutral Zone. As long as I can keep BSing that Communications Post, I’m golden. 😉

  19. Slartibartfast says:

    Aha! Everyone knows that the Neutral Zone is between Federation Space and the Romulan Empire! I think we’ve found our mystery Norwegian! We’re on to your Andrew… or should I say “Olaf”? 😛

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I post mainly from the Klingon Neutral Zone. As long as I can keep BSing that Communications Post, I’m golden.

  20. Majority Will says:

    Aha!Everyone knows that the Neutral Zone is between Federation Space and the Romulan Empire!I think we’ve found our mystery Norwegian!We’re on to your Andrew… or should I say “Olaf”?

    Just Sven you think it’s Olaf . . .

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