Taitz: Shrimpton wanted money

Michael Shrimpton is all the rage at Birther Report with their new article: “Bombshell: British Intelligence Advisor; Obama Born in Kenya In 1960; CIA DNA Test.”

Shrimpton’s CIA DNA test tale is quite old. I wrote about it the very first month of this blog, in December 2008: “CIA DNA Test Reveals Barack Obama was ADOPTED.” Both then and today, no evidence is offered for the claim, nor any plausible explanation for how anyone knows it. Commenter Dr. Ken notes that the Shrimpton reference to President Medvedev just assuming the presidency in the BR videos dates it back to 2008. Comparing what Shrimpton said in the video with my article, it appears that it’s the same story (for example the detail that alleges Ann Dunham wasn’t pregnant in July of 1961); however, searching for that original story on the Internet associated with Shrimpton’s name returned no results, suggesting to me that Shrimpton got the story from birther accounts on the Internet rather than the other way round.

You can read more details from Shrimpton in this  2012 article at Veterans Today: “Rejection of Obama by the Electoral College” (site is very slow today).

Some of the BR commenters note the lack of evidence, one saying: “Barrister Michael Shrimpton speaks some interesting words. Now he needs to come up with some proofs. Words are not proof of anything….words are only hearsay and speculation.”

Orly Taitz echoes the skeptical theme in an article/press release from her yesterday, “Barrister Michael Shrimpton contacted Attorney Taitz in 2013, however never provided any proof of his statements.” Taitz wrote:

British Attorney Michael  Shrimpton contacted Attorney Orly Taitz a year ago, on February 7, 2013. He claimed that there was a DNA test proving Obama was not connected to Dunhams, his maternal grandparents. When Taitz requested some proof, Shrimpton provided absolutely nothing. Further, Shrimpton was trying to get money from Taitz to bribe officials in Kenya. If he has a DNA test, why does he need to bribe officials in Kenya? Without any proof of his statements Shrimpton might be either an opportunist seeking money or working for a joined CIA-MI6 operation to try to discredit Taitz and others by bringing forward hoaxes. Shrimpton needs to provide some evidence in order to be believed.

Shrimpton is variously described depending on how you view him. Alex Jones had Shrimpton on as a guest on his InfoWars program and provided this brief biography:

Michael Shrimpton, of course, is a national security lawyer, that is barrister, in government matters. He’s written for the Journal for International Security Affairs. He has given advice and briefed the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, that’s the US Senate. He’s given speeches and consulted all over western Europe and the United States. And of course he’s been an invited guest of the State Department.

That program was about allegations that a UK bioweapons expert named David Kelly was murdered by the British government, rather than the official cause of death, suicide. The Wikipedia article on Kelly covers the controversy. Shrimpton also claims that former British Prime Minister Edward Health was a serial pedophile. Shrimpton asserts that the death of Conservative Party’s Christopher Shale was also a political assassination, as was the death of RAF Chief Sir Christopher Moran.

Objective biographical information on Shrimpton is not easy to come by—no Wikipedia article, for example. Citizen WElls News says Shrimpton’s Wikipedia profile was scrubbed. Wikipedia profiles are basically user pages, created by individual Wikipedia editors about themselves1. The Shrimpton profile was indeed deleted back in 2012. Wikipedia profiles are supposed to be created by the subject themself, and this one wasn’t, basically turning the profile page into a biography of a living person without sources. Here’s the deletion discussion (“BLP” is an abbreviation for “Biography of a living person).”

Shrimpton made the mainstream news in 1998 as the representative of a number of luxury car enthusiasts (Shrimpton drives a Bentley) who tried to stop the sale of Rolls Royce to Volkswagen by making higher bid, bankrolled by wealthy investors. In his book about the acquisition, Kidnap of the Flying Lady: How Germany Captured Both Rolls-Royce and Bentley, Richard Feast writes:

And, of course, there was Michael Shrimpton, now leading another consortium called Crewe Motors. His claim to have secured promises of cash worth £490 million could not be ignored … however much a diversion it would prove. In the knowledge that he could rely on institutional investors, if not private ones, to vote for the Volkswagen offer, Chandler called for an adjournment. This gave time to examine the validity of Shrimpton’s claims he had the necessary finance lodged in the Bahamas and Switzerland…. However, Vickers failed to find the proof it needed that the funds were in place.

I include the Volkswagen story primarily because it is about all I could find in the mainstream about Shrimpton.

I think the big question that casts doubt on Shrimpton’s tale is simply, “why would the CIA be testing Barack Obama’s DNA?” The obvious answer is that there is no reason for them to do it.

Shrimpton blogged at The Shrimpton Report during 2012.

1Here’s my Wikipedia profile.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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66 Responses to Taitz: Shrimpton wanted money

  1. The European says:

    The British have their shi.load (let’s see if this triggers your decency filter, Doc) of nuts as well. BR promotes some “Michael Shrimpton”. Be happy that he does not accuse BHO of being a pedophile who murders young boys.

    That is what he accuses PM Heath of …. Just google his name and you know everything you need to know.

    Edited: went through

  2. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The European:
    The British have their shi.load (let’s see if this triggers your decency filter, Doc) of nuts as well. BR promotes some “Michael Shrimpton”. Be happy that he does not accuse BHO of being a pedophile who murders young boys.

    That is what he accuses PM Heath of …. Just google his name and you know everything you need to know.

    Edited: went through

    Yeah Shrimpton’s story is just as bs crazy as Nancy’s. Supposedly they got DNA off some glasses at a fundraiser of Obama’s grandparents. Not sure how they got both sides of the family together since Stanley Dunham died in 1992 and Obama Sr’s father died in 1975 and Obama Sr’s mother died in 2006. But supposedly he says the CIA did DNA testing and found that Obama Sr was his father (this destroys birther claims about FMD) while at the same time saying Ann Dunham wasn’t his mother. Oh and somehow Obama was born in Kenya in 1960…

    But that’s not the only thing Shrimpton believes he thinks Sandy Hook was a Hoax, that the germans secretly installed and controlled the uk’s prime ministers for a 50 year period. Also something about them smuggling cocaine in subs which is probably where nancy pulled her stories.

  3. Black Lion says:

    Some more crazt British crazy…


    British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael Shrimpton reported Obama’s purported mom was not pregnant in 1961 and that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960. He said Kenya was under British intelligence files and that Obama’s father ran guns for the Mau Mau. He then dropped a bombshell claiming the CIA did covert DNA testing on Obama at a fundraising dinner and the test came back with no match to the claimed grandparents. Shrimpton said Rudy Giuliani’s people knew and sat on the intelligence and further stated he spoke with Hillary Clinton’s people and that they were quite interested.

  4. Sherrif Joe CCP says:

    Doc, what can you tell us about Briton Michael Shrimpton, the new Birther hero today, with some wild Youtube claiming Obama was born in Mobassa and that he has DNA proof(not provided of course). A site search came up empty.

  5. Arthur says:

    Birthers have long salivated over the prospect of proving Obama is not who he says he is through DNA testing. Now a British fellow named Michael Shrimpton, who claims connections to British and Intelligence, has been uncovered, who says in an undated video (though presumable made around 2008) that DNA tests confirm Obama was born in Kenya. Shrimpton alleges that the CIA did DNA tests on Obama and his “alleged” grandparents when Obama was a senator, and they didn’t match. The claim is ludicrous, but even if test were run, how exactly does a mis-match prove that Obama was born in Kenya? Moreover, without being able to test the president’s DNA against his father’s, how can Shrimpton’s claim that Obama Sr. is Obama Jr.’s father be taken seriously?

  6. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Birthers have long salivated over the prospect of proving Obama is not who he says he is through DNA testing. Now a British fellow named Michael Shrimpton, who claims connections to British and Intelligence, has been uncovered, who says in an undated video (though presumable made around 2008)that DNA tests confirm Obama was born in Kenya. Shrimpton alleges that the CIA did DNA tests on Obama and his “alleged” grandparents when Obama was a senator, and they didn’t match. The claim is ludicrous, but even if test were run, how exactly does a mis-match prove that Obama was born in Kenya? Moreover, without being able to test the president’s DNA against his father’s, how can Shrimpton’s claim that Obama Sr. is Obama Jr.’s father be taken seriously?

    The video is actually old. The giveaway is when he talks about Medvedev just becoming President. Medvedev was president in 2008

  7. I’ve never covered Shrimpton here. I did report the DNA thing in my article from December 2008, “CIA DNA test reveals Barack Obama was adopted.”

    Sherrif Joe CCP: Doc, what can you tell us about Briton Michael Shrimpton, the new Birther hero today, with some wild Youtube claiming Obama was born in Mobassa and that he has DNA proof(not provided of course). A site search came up empty.

  8. Bovril says:

    In Birferstan there is much squealing that THE REGIME HAS SCRUBBED SHRIMPTONS WIKIPEDIA IT MUST BE TROOTHINESS…!!!!!

    Of course none of them bother to check the mods conversation thread on this where they dismiss him as a non entity, without any independent verification available of his claims and where his page is basically his resume/CV.

    All violations of the T’s&C’s and done 11 Aug 2012…….


  9. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Sherrif Joe CCP:
    Doc, what can you tell us about Briton Michael Shrimpton, the new Birther hero today, with some wild Youtube claiming Obama was born in Mobassa and that he has DNA proof(not provided of course).A site search came up empty.

    The video is most likely from 2008. Notice how he mentions Medvedev just assuming the Presidency? Medvedev was president of russia from 2008 until 2012

  10. Yoda says:

    Shrimpton is birtherism in a nut shell–Broad pronouncement of an outlandish claim with no evidence to support it. Further, when you think about the statement and apply any logic, it falls apart.

    First, why would the CIA use a low level DNA test?

    Second, why would the CIA have the grandparents’ DNA? Why would they have both? You would only need one because Stanley Ann is their biological daughter.

    Third, what incentive do the Clintons, Guilani, McCain and others have to keep it a secret? If you want to claim threats, I call BS, once the information is disclosed to the public they are safest people in the world, particularly if other people confirm the information. Is there any reason to believe that it would not be shared with the RNC?

    Fourth-If the narrative is true, why would Stanley Ann be selected to be the mother? Why would there have to be a fake Hawaiian birth in the first place unless this was a conspiracy from day one to put Obama in the White House?

    Even Orly Taitz rejected this information as unreliable and without evidence. It is a sad day in birtherstan when Taitz is the voice of reason.

  11. mimi says:

    here are a couple of links on Shrimpton. I believe this one is from July, 2013:

    “AYLESBURY A barrister accused of making hoax claims to a senior Ministry of Defence official about a bomb being hidden at an east London hospital is to stand trial next year…”


    A profile of sorts from ‘The Lawyer’ dated 2002:
    This is an old piece on him from 2002 in The Lawyer.


    He fought to keep voting rights for those with inherited titles.

    A post by Richard Bartholomew:
    Shrimp Cracker
    Posted on July 4, 2009 by Richard Bartholomew

    and another from there:

    And he represented the ‘Metric Martyrs’. He lost.

    There were a few other posts I saw, but meh.

  12. I left this at Birther Report:

    Your “bombshell” is more of an old UXB.

    References in the Shrimpton video to Medvedev assuming the presidency of Russia date it from late 2008 / early 2009. Basically the same CIA DNA story was making the rounds on birther web sites and The Free Republic towards the end of 2008, including specific repeated details like the claim that Ann Dunham wasn’t pregnant in July of 1961. Since 2008 Internet versions of the story don’t mention Shrimpton’s name, it appears that Shrimpton was not the source, and that he got his information reading the Internet..

    It’s common in conspiracy and fringe literature for writers to cite each other in a circle, with no actual original source. Here we have Shrimpton getting his stuff from birther web sites, and now 5 years later, birther web sites are getting their own story back from him and calling it new. (You see this kind of circular citation in the Bermuda Triangle books.)

  13. mimi says:

    Richard Bartholomew confirms the video is from an event from November, 2008. It was at that second link I gave above. This one:


  14. mimi says:

    I read somewhere (I forget where) that the bomb hoax thing was to go to trial in February or March. But I can’t confirm that.

  15. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Shrimpton also claimed Heath was installed by Germany and was under their power for 50 years. He actually accused multiple Prime Ministers of being under German rule.

  16. Ellen says:

    I’m somewhat confused by Shrimpton’s claim that Stanley Ann was not Obama’s real mother and that he was born to another woman in Kenya in 1960. That would mean that Obama would not be of mixed race, so he would have to be as black as his father—but he isn’t. And it would mean that Obama senior would have had to have been in Kenya in late 1959 or early 1960—but there is no evidence that he ever returned to Kenya at that time, and finally it would mean that somehow Obama’s father would have had to have smuggled a black child from Kenya to Hawaii without a visa or any papers at all.

    It seems more likely that it is simply a LIE, like many birther lies in the past.

  17. The European says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    Shrimpton also claimed Heath was installed by Germany and was under their power for 50 years.He actually accused multiple Prime Ministers of being under German rule.

    I can confirm that. Look here:


  18. Bonsall Obot says:

    I’m going to contact the creators of SpongeBob SquarePants and pitch a new character, sleazy fop lawyer crustacean “Shrimpton.”


  19. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: Birthers have long salivated over the prospect of proving Obama is not who he says he is through DNA testing.

    You could put out a story that you’d determined the Easter Bunny was Obama’s father and birthers would believe it.

  20. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’ve never covered Shrimpton here. I did report the DNA thing in my article from December 2008, “CIA DNA test reveals Barack Obama was adopted.”

    i believe that he should be included in your A to Z list.He and Monckton appear to have a lot in common.

  21. Birther Weary says:

    “When Taitz requested some proof, Shrimpton provided absolutely nothing.”

    Orly Taitz requested proof? This has to be the most astonishing thing I’ve read this week.

  22. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Birther Weary:
    Orly Taitz requested proof? This has to be the most astonishing thing I’ve read this week.

    Its a world gone mad I tells ya!

  23. Daniel says:

    So on the crazy scale from Nugent to Full Nancy… he’s like a 6 or a 7?

  24. Curious George says:

    “He fought to keep voting rights for those with inherited titles.”

    A possible Lord Monckton connection? That would make sense to me.

  25. Crustacean says:

    Bonsall Obot: I’m going to contact the creators of SpongeBob SquarePants and pitch a new character, sleazy fop lawyer crustacean “Shrimpton.”

    Oh, fer Pete’s sake! All it takes is one rotten Shrimp to ruin it for the rest of us bottom feeders…

  26. Bonsall Obot says:

    This Shrimpton, he’s not kosher.

  27. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    More attempts to pin birtherism on Hillary. Seems the Koch brothers don’t think Benghaaaaaaazi will
    do for a swift-boating.

  28. Curious George says:

    I found this on The Lord Monckton web page.


    I figured there would be a connection.

  29. Absolutely!

    Rickey: i believe that he should be included in your A to Z list.He and Monckton appear to have a lot in common.

  30. He asked for money.

    Birther Weary: Orly Taitz requested proof? This has to be the most astonishing thing I’ve read this week.

  31. Joey says:

    I’m somewhat confused by Shrimpton’s claim that Stanley Ann was not Obama’s real mother and that he was born to another woman in Kenya in 1960. That would mean that Obama would not be of mixed race, so he would have to be as black as his father—but he isn’t. And it would mean that Obama senior would have had to have been in Kenya in late 1959 or early 1960—but there is no evidence that he ever returned to Kenya at that time, and finally it would mean that somehow Obama’s father would have had to have smuggled a black child from Kenya to Hawaii without a visa or any papers at all.

    It seems more likely that it is simply a LIE, like many birther lies in the past.

    There are white women in Kenya. It had been a British Colony.

  32. Greenfinches says:

    I see from one of Mimi’s posts a connection of sorts between Shrimpton and David Icke – now there is someone several sandwiches short of a picnic, and who makes Monckton seem rational…… Once a sports journalist of some repute, on the BBC, Icke, then he turns into a believer in lizard people (including Queen Elizabeth herself).

    My oh my I suppose we should expect foolishness to attract fools!

  33. Sef says:

    “I think the big question that casts doubt on Shrimpton’s tale is simply, “why would the CIA be testing Barack Obama’s DNA?” The obvious answer is that there is no reason for them to do it.”

    Wouldn’t it be logical to assume that samples of the President’s family’s DNA are kept somewhere in the government for some improbable (and too sad to contemplate) purpose sometime in the future when they might be needed. This is not meant to imply that any such test to compare for parentage has ever been done. (which would, at the least, require mitochondrial DNA for the matrineal line and Y-DNA for the paternal line)

  34. roadburner says:

    y’know, if i was conspiracy minded, i’d be inclined to think there was a false flag operation going on in birferstan.

    here’s a guy no-one really knew about 72 hours ago (that already the birfoons are referring to as `highly respected’) reguritating long debunked crap from a website on a video from 2008!

    and it says about DNA testing – the thing the birfoons want soooo much! just perfect to get the knuckle-draggers salivating!

    and this comes out when?…….just as we’re going into march, the month that zullo will fail to deliver his `universe shattering’ evvydunce.

    so when the birfoons have gotten over shrimpton and noticed the fact they are now reaching the end of march, and it won’t be so hard for zullo to put the date back – again

  35. ArthurWankspittle says:

    …David Icke – now there is someone several sandwiches short of a picnic, and who makes Monckton seem rational…… Once a sports journalist of some repute, on the BBC, Icke, then he turns into a believer in lizard people (including Queen Elizabeth herself).

    You missed out the bit where he only wore purple and was God/second coming of Jesus. Icke makes Orly look almost normal.

  36. Sure, but not when it was allegedly done in 2007.

    Sef: Wouldn’t it be logical to assume that samples of the President’s family’s DNA are kept somewhere in the government for some improbable (and too sad to contemplate) purpose sometime in the future when they might be needed.

  37. welsh dragon says:

    Curious George:
    I found this on The Lord Monckton web page.


    I figured there would be a connection.

    I wouldn’t read too much into it. Whoever is running that website is simply trawling the internet for material and links that will appeal to his readers. I can tell it’s not Shrimpton because it refers to him as “Michael Shrimpton QC” and Shrimpton is not a QC and fairness has never claimed to be one.

  38. bgansel9 says:

    Taitz only asked for proof because Shrimpton wanted money. You don’t ask for money from the Birther Queen. Money only flows one way in her world, into her waiting hands.

  39. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    Shrimpton also claimed Heath was installed by Germany and was under their power for 50 years.He actually accused multiple Prime Ministers of being under German rule.

    Why not? Even the British Royal Family is German and changed their name to Windsor from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha: http://www.royal.gov.uk/historyofthemonarchy/kingsandqueensoftheunitedkingdom/saxe-coburg-gotha/saxe-coburg-gotha.aspx

    Just saying… (this is not me agreeing with the crazy Birther jerk).

  40. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bgansel9: Why not? Even the British Royal Family is German and changed their name to Windsor from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha:

    Well there is the part of his crazy claims about smuggling cocaine in Uboats through the UK and Germany to drug kids for the PMs personal funtime.

  41. jdkinpa says:

    Dr. C….


    Rickey: i believe that he should be included in your A to Z list.He and Monckton appear to have a lot in common.

    I can’t help but think now that Jerome Corsi has apparently lost his mojo as one of the go to guys in birferstan; they’ve had to outsource his crazy to this guy.

  42. justlw says:

    More seriously, here’s the bio page that was “speedied”, as they say on teh WP:


  43. JPotter says:

    “I think the big question that casts doubt on Shrimpton’s tale is simply, “why would the CIA be testing Barack Obama’s DNA?” The obvious answer is that there is no reason for them to do it.”

    You have to upload all the ODS memes at the same time to arrive at the obvious ( 😛 ) conclusion: “Of course the CIA checked his DNA! It is SOP to verify the lizard lineage of all agents being time-traveled to Mars. It would be completely irresponsible to send an actual human on such a trip. Didn’t you know the CIA pioneered DNA-testing in the early 70s?”

    Can never consider a birfer meme in a vacuum. Unless you discover conflicting memes … a theoretical possibility, but not yet observed.

  44. Greenfinches says:

    bgansel9: the British Royal Family is German

    well it used to be – a healthy dose of Scots in there now, and some Danish and Greek….and let’s not forget Diana’s input. I suspect the German is overestimated; and the name was changed almost a hundred years ago.

    I am sure that Icke has a few theories about all this, but he is beyond wacko.

  45. Jim says:

    taitz: “Without any proof of his statements Shrimpton might be either an opportunist seeking money or working for a joined CIA-MI6 operation to try to discredit Taitz and others by bringing forward hoaxes.”

    I am constantly amazed at the depth that Taitz’ delusions of self-importance take. A joint CIA-MI6 against HER?!?!?! For that expense, she’d have had an accident years ago.

  46. Now WHAT? says:

    Now WHAT! this report isn’t factual either or what ? Barry BULLSHIT does it again… Soetero [explicit homoerotic languages deleted. Doc] … and what about cocaine and pot EH? OH! Soetero… wasn’t on the BC either. So OBOTS take your crap and move on… NONE of you DOLTS can understand that none of you can validate the BC data… DUMMKOPFS


    [The video is the Mia Marie Pope interview with Pastor Manning. Doc.]

  47. Dave says:

    A few points I noticed about this Shrimpton thing:

    1. Shrimpton’s bio at whackjob blog “Veterans Today,” where he is a regular columnist, he is on the faculty of American Military University. According to AMU’s faculty list, he is not.

    2. His article at “Veterans Today” about a USNI spaceflight conference contains the following: “I was encouraged to learn that the Aerospace Engineering Department at Annapolis adopt a scientific approach to that crazy old Kraut Einstein’s flawed theory that the speed of light (C) is a limiting velocity. It isn’t.” So he’s also decided that special relativity is wrong. Though I find his allegation that anybody at USNA agrees with this dubious.

    3. BR has six posts about the video. So far. If that isn’t proof that BR is running out of material, I don’t know what is.

  48. The difference between Shrimpton and Pope is that Shrimpton gives no reason whatever for one to believe his story. So it sits at zero credibility pending evidence.

    Pope on the other hand claims to be a witness to what unnamed people she hung with were saying. At least she explains how she knows what she claims to know. The problem with Pope is in several instances she was caught making stuff up. So she too has no credibility.

    Now WHAT?:
    Now WHAT!this report isn’t factual either or what ? Barry BULLSHIT does it again… Soetero[explicit homoerotic languages deleted. Doc] … and what about cocaine and pot EH?OH! Soetero… wasn’t on the BC either.So OBOTS take your crap and move on… NONE of you DOLTS can understand that none of you can validate the BC data… DUMMKOPFS


    [The video is the Mia Marie Pope interview with Pastor Manning. Doc.]

  49. The BLP is pretty obvious. Thanks.

    justlw: More seriously, here’s the bio page that was “speedied”, as they say on teh WP:

  50. sureloc homes says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Yeah Shrimpton’s story is just as bs crazy as Nancy’s.Supposedly they got DNA off some glasses at a fundraiser of Obama’s grandparents.Not sure how they got both sides of the family together since Stanley Dunham died in 1992 and Obama Sr’s father died in 1975 and Obama Sr’s mother died in 2006.But supposedly he says the CIA did DNA testing and found that Obama Sr was his father (this destroys birther claims about FMD) while at the same time saying Ann Dunham wasn’t his mother.Oh and somehow Obama was born in Kenya in 1960…

    But that’s not the only thing Shrimpton believes he thinks Sandy Hook was a Hoax, that the germans secretly installed and controlled the uk’s prime ministers for a 50 year period.Also something about them smuggling cocaine in subs which is probably where nancy pulled her stories.

    Dr. Noisewater, Grandma Dunham died Nov 2008. The DNA request came from Bill Clinton in 2007. Hillary Clinton was notified in 2007 about BHO’s book bio listing him since 1991 as born in Mombasa, Kenya.

  51. Ellen says:

    Re: “There are white women in Kenya. It had been a British Colony.”

    That is true. Still, there are far more black women in Kenya—meaning that the odds would be that one of them would be the mother (according to the Shrimpton myth that Obama was born in Kenya to another woman rather than Stanley Ann, of course). But say that the woman had been white. Then the officials in Kenya would have had to have allowed a child of a white woman to be carried out of the colony and taken to another country without any records of it happening, and as I said before, the child would have had to have been taken to Hawaii without US passport or a US visa—all three of which are extremely unlikely. Of course all birther theories are loony—but this is one of the looniest.

  52. And you know this how?

    Making up more stuff is not a way to corroborate other made-up stuff.

    sureloc homes: Dr. Noisewater, Grandma Dunham died Nov 2008. The DNA request came from Bill Clinton in 2007. Hillary Clinton was notified in 2007 about BHO’s book bio listing him since 1991 as born in Mombasa, Kenya.

  53. Bovril says:

    In which case Homes-Babes….why oh why did Hillary and Bill not use this info to get Obama to throw this campaign…?

    Or are we going to do the traditional “They wuz threated wiv bad stuff !!!! ”

    I must say the quaility of drive by drivel is ridiculously low quality nowadays.

  54. They call them “African” over there.

    Ellen: Still, there are far more black women in Kenya

  55. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    sureloc homes: Dr. Noisewater, Grandma Dunham died Nov 2008. The DNA request came from Bill Clinton in 2007. Hillary Clinton was notified in 2007 about BHO’s book bio listing him since 1991 as born in Mombasa, Kenya.

    Interesting claim do you have any proof to support any of this? Shrimpton said they took DNA from his grandparents. Okay so who on his father’s side did they get DNA from? What authority in 2007 did Bill Clinton have to order the CIA to do anything?

    So if Hillary was notified in 2007 how come it took birthers until 2012 to find the blurb? It wasn’t a book bio and it was uncirculated. Tell me what would be the point of saying you’re born in Kenya in some uncirculated blurb that most people didn’t see while at the same time telling everyone else you were born in Hawaii? In 1990 both the LA Times and NY Times ran articles saying Obama was born in Hawaii. In Obama’s books it says he was born in Hawaii in multiple interviews it says he was born in Hawaii

  56. Rickey says:

    sureloc homes: Hillary Clinton was notified in 2007 about BHO’s book bio listing him since 1991 as born in Mombasa, Kenya.

    You birthers can’t even get your erroneous facts straight.

    The booklet in question never mentions Mombasa.


    Early In 1990 Obama told the New York Times that he was born in Hawaii.


    You really believe that a year later he told some book publicist that he was born in Kenya? Miriam Goderich, the publicist who was responsible for the booklet, has said this about it:

    “This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me–an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.”

    Obama’s birth in Hawaii also is confirmed by State Department passport records from the early sixties.

  57. Crustacean says:

    Now WHAT?: Testing the million monkeys sitting at a million keyboards theory

    In the wise words of Northland10:

    What troll?

  58. OllieOxenFree says:

    sureloc homes: The DNA request came from Bill Clinton in 2007. Hillary Clinton was notified in 2007 about BHO’s book bio listing him since 1991 as born in Mombasa, Kenya.

    Source please, because I am pretty sure you haven’t got a clue as to what you are talking about. As pointed out, you clearly were not aware of what the promotional pamphlet actually said, so it is safe to say that the rest of your statement shares the same lack of factional information. But, if you can please provide a source for the Clinton claims that you have made.

  59. According to a comment at Birther Report, the Shrimpton video came through Carl Gallups. Here is the comment:

    Gaia Militia: It isnt that much of a story…Ive been researching the German involvement in the European Union & the New World Order, I was listening to WW2 Codebreaker Dr Harry Beckhough in a playlist…the next video that came on was Shrimpton…who has never let me down yet…so I let it play…all of a sudden, I heard the name Obama mentioned and Kenya…it brought a big smile to my face, and I thought of America straight away…so I cut out the Obama parts, stuck them together and uploaded…I contact Carl Gallups straight away as I knew he was the person who would get this video where it needed to go

  60. Yoda says:

    Looks like I was close doc

  61. Sherrif Joe CCP says:

    Doc, it shows that Gallups just disseminated it to the extreme right wing blogoshpere(where it needed to go), and like obedient sheep, they just excitedly posted it, like it was something brand new. It was really funny to see the spread of this. Great work in getting to the bottom of it.

  62. CarlOrcas says:

    Speaking of lawyer Taitz and just how paranoid she can get. Check out this post on her website today, the 1st of March:

    For the past several years there were multiple incidents of vandalism of my car. Previously someone disconnected the fumes emissions hose on my car and hot combustible fumes were going back to the engine. Several tires blew up.

    Just last Saturday a tire blew up yet again. Today suddenly there was a red signal light showing open trunk. I checked and saw that both the trunk and the gas tank doors were open and there are signs of someone braking the lock of the trunk, there are signs of somebody using something sharp to brake the lock. Later I saw that the gasoline indicator showed that the gasoline was below zero, even though I recently filled gasoline. I filled gasoline again and indicator was showing below zero again. As I started driving, I did not switch on the radio. Suddenly, as I was entering the freeway, the DVD started playing on full volume without me switching it on. It happened several times, the DVD would go on and off by itself. It is as if someone is trying to send me a message, taunting me.

    Any ideas? I hope one of the judges would have the strength of character and integrity to order production of documents and discovery, so we can identify all these people and end all of this thuggery

    From my experience it sounds like Orly needs a mechanic who understands her car’s computer system and how to check her tire pressure rather than a subpoena happy judge.


  63. Yoda says:

    Orly’s paranoia is tied to her NPD. She has convinced herself that the “regime” is afraid of her tremendous skills in the courtroom and how close she is to uncovering the “truth”. She believes that she is important enough to target for harassment, but not important enough to kill.

  64. CarlOrcas says:

    Orly’s paranoia is tied to her NPD. She has convinced herself that the “regime” is afraid of her tremendous skills in the courtroom and how close she is to uncovering the “truth”. She believes that she is important enough to target for harassment, but not important enough to kill.

    It’s like my cat when he catches a mouse. He loses all interest once it moves on to mouse heaven.

  65. aarrgghh says:

    CarlOrcas (quoting orly): For the past several years there were multiple incidents of vandalism of my car. … It is as if someone is trying to send me a message, taunting me.

    “orly, i want a divorce.”

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