Monthly Archives: March 2014

False flag operation

Have you gotten one of these emails about Michelle Obama waving the Communist Chinese flag? Here’s one version from a web site called Now the End Begins in an article titled: “Michelle Obama Proudly and Wildly Waves The Flags of … Continue reading

Posted in Fakes and frauds | Tagged | 11 Comments

This is the way March ends

not with a bang but with a whimper Weather lore says that March comes in like a like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Applied to birtherism, March came in with bluster and high expectations of the great … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Inspector Smith, Joe Arpaio, Larry Klayman, Mike Zullo, Orly Taitz, Pastor Manning | Tagged , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Birther eschatology

Many moons ago I taught high school students in Sunday School. It was an exceptional group. One of the most popular features of the class was the weekly $5 or $10 word, some fancy theological term that I would explain, … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Religion | Tagged , , , , , | 28 Comments

Unfair and unbalanced

I just added Fritz Wenzel to my list of “Birthers From A – Z,” based on an article at Media Matters for America. They wrote: Wenzel is a birther who has called President Obama an “imposter,” and teamed up with … Continue reading

Posted in Fox News, Lounge, Media | Tagged , , , , , , | 51 Comments

Why did Bruce Steadman give Lucas Daniel Smith $5,800?

and was it a good investment? In an timing error almost as monumental as that of the release of Jerome Corsi’s Where’s the Birth Certificate?, Lucas Daniel Smith misses April Fools by a scant 3 days with his latest article: … Continue reading

Posted in Inspector Smith | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 76 Comments

Chop chop

Birther Report allows advocacy of violence Here’s a comment from Falcon over at Birther Report yesterday: In my opinion Obama is done. And so are his sycophants who ran over America and her citizens for the last five years. Obama … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Report, Conspiracies and Mobs, Threats | Tagged , , , | 104 Comments