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- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
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OK, as a personal favor, would you folks all be polite to each other on this thread. We might have company.
You need to get your behind over to giveusliberty1776.blogspot.com/2014/03/obama-is-stateless-undocumented.html
(or my website from whence it was copied) and experience your head exploding when you read what it says.
March 7, 2014
~Obama is a stateless, undocumented immigrant
You will be surprised by its statements from a dozen different angles.
Good luck trying to disprove any of them. But if you can, I need to know about it in order to recant and correct the record. I already realize it’s an error to label Obama as “undocumented” since that is countered by the claim that he had a Green Card.
Have at it.
[Moved to the open thread. Doc.]
The question is not disproving the article, but whether the article proves anything, and it doesn’t. It doesn’t even try to prove anything–just unfounded assertion after unfounded assertion. It’s rather something like our Sven would have written. Take this bit of nuttiness from the beginning:
“Government has taken to resorting to depending on the use of birth certificates as evidence [of citizenship] because they are so convenient for the task, even though definitely not intended for that usage.”
Proof of the facts of birth (and citizenship is based on those facts) is exactly why birth registrations were created (and birth certificates are certified copies of birth registrations).
And more assertions: “The problem was that his mother was not able to obtain a birth certificate for him wherever he was born.”
And you know this how?
Anyone who has studied logic knows that you can prove anything if you start from false premises, and you do that with the premise: “No birth certificate.” That false premise alone invalidates any conclusion you draw from it. That article is poor, even for you. It needs no debunking, since it doesn’t make any argument in the first place.
Back in the box.
Well, I can’t “disprove” the statement that “the essential documents of Barry Soetoro [sic] Obama’s origin and nationality” […] “will never see the light of day.” But I can predict that you are wrong. I think that one of the certified copies of Obama’s LFBC will be on display at his presidential library one day. Maybe it will be accompanied by a video clip of President Obama making fun of Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011. Or a clip of Orly Taitz’s greatest hits: the MSNBC “let me feeeneesh” interview that guaranteed that birthers would never be taken seriously; the interview with Stephen Colbert where he’s making fun of her right to her face and she’s too stupid to realize it; maybe the time she morphed from incompetent lawyer into incompetent witness during the closing arguments in her Georgia case. Most people who see the display will be amused and perplexed by birtherism and unimpressed by an utterly unremarkable birth certificate that caused so many wingnuts to waste their lives chasing nonsensical conspiracy theories.
That’s my prediction.
orly attended the “uninvited” CPAC:
“Toward the end of the Q and A, “Birther” leader Orly Taitz piped up and took the discussion off course with a question about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be President of the United States. Bannon—along with a chorus of booing audience members—shut her down, but the Breitbart Executive Chairman offered to have it out with her after the session came to a close.”
photo of her: http://imagine2050.newcomm.org/2014/03/06/cpac-anti-immigrant-anti-muslim-uninvited-2014/
the “uninvited” included the loonier loons: gohmert (whom palin mentioned in her speech), vitter, steve king, mo brooks, trent franks, frank gaffney, my former DA & fox’s judge jeanine pirro, 90-year old phyllis schlafly, pam gellar, orly taitz, and others
I think that’s last year’s CPAC.
I wrote this article, but at the last minute decided it wasn’t appropriate for this blog. It’s a personal story of growing up white. If you’re interested, it’s here:
I invited someone over from BR who had some questions, but I don’t think he showed up.
How about this particular piece of nonsense:
“would have left his son unable to qualify for 14th Amendment citizenship because that requires birth to a father who is fully subject to the entirety of American sovereign authority over American citizens”
Nowhere in the 14th does it say you need a citizen father to be a US citizen.
Since your challenge was to just disprove one thing you said, I win and you lose.
Besides, what’s the word salad of “fully subject to the entirety of … over …”? The 14th says “subject to the jurisdiction”, not your blabber of “fully”, “entirety” and “American citizens”. Apart from being completely made up by you, it would also mean a circular definition – “you are a citizen if you’re subject … to the same … authority … as citizens are” – what the duck?!
Really….a Green Card……
Kinda hard since American citizens, as evidenced by their BC (you remember, the BC that the governmnet and state of Hawai’i stand by) can’t get a GC.
The President, as a child, lest you forget, had a quite extensive set of immigration paper trails, unearthed by BIRTHERS that mention the US born nature of young B Obama.
So, fail by Drip of Sad Stupidity.
Indeed, as Justice Mathews stated in Yick Wo v Hopkins.
Since Nash makes up his own history, laws and reality, a little Supreme Court ruling will not stand in his way.
I don’t know what’s worse, birther lies about Obama, or Republican lies about the ACA:
“Cancer Patient Who Blamed Obamacare For ‘Unaffordable’ Costs Will Actually Save Money”
By the way, how are birthers and health care deniers the same? They won’t believe facts. From the article,
“Before her plan was canceled, Boonstra was paying a $1,100 monthly premium. That’s $13,200 a year, without adding out-of-pocket expenses like co-pays and prescription drugs. But under her new plan, the Blue Cross Premier Gold, Boonstra’s premiums are down to $571 a month, and out-of-pocket costs are capped at $5,100. That’s a maximum annual expense of $11,952 a year.
“According to The Detroit News, Boonstra said it “can’t be true” that her new coverage is cheaper than her old.
“‘I personally do not believe that,’ Boonstra said.”
“I personally do not believe that.” Now how many birfoons beside Boonstra have we heard that from?
Once in a while one of my French friends will ask me (I’m the resident expert on the US of A — mind you, our village has only 1000 inhabitants) why is there such a hubbub about the ACA, and I confess that other than “blind partisanship” I can’t explain it.
It reminds me a little of the chickens in CHICKEN RUN (great movie!) who are against the escape attempt.
I will concede that Obama is not and never has been “documented” as an immigrant. That’s because he has never been an immigrant.
By the way, it says right on my birth certificate that it is proof of the circumstances of my birth. It was good enough for me to obtain a Social Security Number, a driver’s license, enlist in the U.S. Navy, register to vote, and obtain a U.S. passport.
A lot of it (maybe more) comes from “woefule ignorance”: Americans generally don’t realize how costly and inefficient our system is. Because most health insurance is employer-based, and people change jobs a lot, it’s “term”, rather than “whole life” coverage like the socialized (and most of the mixed) systems in the rest of the world. That short-term involvement incentivizes insurers to avoid the costs of health improvement and health maintenance practices that only pay off in the long term. I.e., after the insured has moved on to some other carrier. So we wind up wasting a log of money on treatment of preventable crises and conditions.
Plus, some of the reform includes encouraging Americans to change bad health habits, and many of us don’t like that idea, for a variety of reasons.
Some of that resentment (getting back on-topic) is being expressed with ridiculous whines about “the Usurper” bringing “Marxism” and/or “tyranny” to “our once-great country”, and is driving some of the remaining birferism. Because no “real American” would try to take away our freedom to eat 3 double cheeseburgers for lunch and a whole pizza for dinner…
At least Birther lies don’t kill anyone. Lies about the ACA have that potential, by convincing people to avoid getting potentially lifesaving healthcare coverage (often, though not always, for less).
Until they’ve found their lone wolf who tries something stupid and dies in a barrage of gunshots from the Secret Service.
You GOTTA see this video:
That was truly funny–much better than I thought it would be. I guess that’s the last time I get my video critiques from BirtherReport. For example,
“What? Are you an obot-troll? Did you not listen to this confession? Mr. Galifianankis asked, ‘not to bring up the birth certificate… that you never did produce…’Then Mr. Soetoro countered with: ‘Where is YOUR birth certificate?’
“Mr. Soetoro did not deny his birth certificate was bogus.
(6) Effect of Failing to Deny. An allegation—other than one relating to the amount of damages—is admitted if a responsive pleading is required and the allegation is not denied. If a responsive pleading is not required, an allegation is considered denied or avoided.
“This video is proof positive that Soetoro agrees that his birth certificate is bogus. Everyone should immediately announce that this is one of the first records stating that Soetoro agrees that his birth certificate is bogus and he cannot prove that he is a U.S. Citizen.
“The headlines of every national newspaper and TV News report should read:
God, is there hope for America?
It should come as no great surprise when people who have trouble distinguishing between “a document” and “a picture of a document” also have difficulty understanding the difference between “a fake talk show host questioning a guest” and “a lawyer questioning a witness”.
As long as no one else dies, I’m perfectly A-ok with that.
Hell It’d probably even scare armchair anti-patriots like Falcon into piping down a bit. Not to mention all of those “Moron Labia!” idiots like Mark Kessler.
Heh. Birfer skullzapoppin’ and birfer buttzaburnin’! Their ‘heroes’ have to take whatever they can get … occasional appearances on online radio blogs, Youtube videos (if they can be bothered/are even able to make them themselves) … and that’s about it. They rack up views in the dozens. And no one cares.
Their fixation can book any platform he wants, and when he does it’s national news. If it’s online, it’s instantly viral. This video, published today has 7.5M views, and rising fast LOL
That was funny as all get out. A home run.
In the same category as Nixon popping up out of nowhere on Laugh In and saying ‘Sock it to me?’.
Ah, the internet. Proving once and for all that no matter how idiotic a man is, he can still type.
As Doc says: that is non-sense.
The 14th amendment does not ‘require’ subjection. It says that folks born in USA under USA JURISDICTION are citizens.
Jurisdiction and Subjection are two different things.
Everyone who is on U.S. soil, for whatever reason, is 100% subject to U.S. Jurisdiction (except invading armies).
Official diplomats of certain rank are, by law and international treaty, immune to U.S. Jurisdiction. That is why (some) UN officials can rack up bazillions of dollars in parking tickets and thumb their nose at the City. This immunity extends only so far, however; diplomats are not free to commit murder and mayhem in this country; though there is a protocol to go through to strip the diplomatic credentials from an accused diplomat. Notice that this immunity is ‘granted’ via U.S. Law; in this sense it can be noted that even foreign diplomats are subject to U.S. Jurisdiction.
By obvious consideration, members of invading foreign armies are not subject to US jurisdiction. They are clearly subject only to their commanders jurisdiction. Once upon a time, some Native Americans (Indians) were once considered to be not subject to US jurisdiction. I do not believe there are any still in this position.
Everyone who stands on U.S. soil is 100% subject to U.S. Jurisdiction (except invading armies). Which means they are subject to U.S. law. “Everyone” includes citizens, tourists, undocumented aliens, green card holders, foreign students, refugees, in-transit travelers, EVERYONE.
They can be drafted, if the law says so. They can be taxed if the law says so. They can sign-up for ObamaCare if the law says so. The law says that, in general, foreign diplomats are immune from most laws, so they aren’t drafted for example. Green Card holders certainly can be drafted.
Undocumented Aliens certainly can be drafted, if the Draft Board knows who they are. The nature of their presence in the U.S. means that the Draft Board probably doesn’t know who they are but that doesn’t change the fact that they are eligible for the draft.
The 14th Amendment has nothing in it about subjection. The word is ‘jurisdiction’ and jurisdiction means “subject to the laws”.
Everyone on U.S. soil is subject to the jurisdiction of U.S. law. Everyone (with the stated exceptions).
I think the Doc blew away Adrian’s comment, but it is clear he did not read what I posted or is again, making up his own law. Yick Wo leaves very little grey area on what they meant by subject to jurisdiction. “All persons” is a unambiguous term, unless Mr. Nash thinks that certain races/guests are not persons in respect to the law.
I’m wondering how many crazy birthers are going to misread that and think you meant that we’re being considerate to invading armies. Hahaha!
I admit that that is clumsy wording. I was in a hurry at the time and had a bit of writers block.
Which is precisely why Nash (and other “14th Amendment citizen” nutjobs) have invented their inflated “fully subject to the entirety of American sovereign authority over American citizens” definition (which has no basis in the 14th or anywhere else).
They make up additional prerequisites and then claim Obama does not meet them. Which pretty much shows you what we’d mostly be talking about if there was no Vattel for them to obsess over.
They *always* find some crank theory which makes the guy they don’t like ineligible.
I’m rooting for Hillary 2016 simply because I would love to see them turn themselves and the law and the English language into a pretzel to argue why women can’t be President. 😉
I decide to visit the USA and on arrival…in the US, I present my passport to immigration and they note a stamp from Cuba….Guess what, they can ban me from the USA, as I am subject to the USA’s list of naughty countries for the purpose of entry to the US
I’m a visitor to the USA and I buy a MegaMillions lottery ticket and win the jackpot…..
I decide to take the lump sum, guess what, I have pay tax on it….
I decide to take the annuity, guess what, I have to pay the tax EVERY YEAR on it
Whilst here I decide to supplement my windfall with a bit of burglary and I get caught…..Guess what, I’m subject to the USA and its laws, go to trial, get convicted and pend time in jail
So. oops, swamp water of death fails again………
I once sent Nash a long string of quotes from the Congressmen who wrote and ratified the 14th Amendment all saying his theory was wrong. Nash, of course, said such people were wrong and he was right. Really can’t argue with people who think they are right and the people who wrote the amendment are wrong.
Yes, a basic maxim of Internation Law is:
“From the definition of a sovereign state it follows that “the jurisdiction of a nation within its own territory is necessarily exclusive and absolute. It is susceptible of no limitation not imposed by itself. Any restriction upon it deriving validity from any external source would imply a diminution of its sovereignty to the extent of the restriction, and an investment of that sovereignty to the same extent in that power which could impose such restriction.’ This jurisdiction extends to all subjects and over all persons within its territorial limits, it matters not whether those persons be native-born, or naturalized citizens, or aliens.” George Breckinridge Davis, Elements of International Law, pg. 39 (1900)
Davis is quoting Chief Justice Marshall. Marshall explained the only exception to this absolute jurisidiction were persons covered by the privilege of extraterritoriatiliy, i.e., a foreign sovereign, his diplomats and his military.
However, though an alien visitor was fully subject to the laws of the United States, such doesn’t mean we didn’t treat visitors differently than citizens or permenant residents.
“To be resident within the territory of a Nation is to be subject to its Jurisdiction; but Nations, from considerations of mutual Comity, do not apply the same Laws in all matters to persons who are only temporarily resident, as to persons who are permanently resident within its territory. The discretion, however, of a Nation as to the particular Law which shall be administered in its Courts is absolute, and it may decline to allow its Courts to give any effect to Foreign Law……..” Travers Twiss, The Law of Nations, pg. 260 (1884)
Thus, although we have complete jurisdiciton over aliens, we generally didn’t draft them because we wouldn’t want our citizens drafted when traveling overseas. Such become the accepted custom, at least in the 19th century. I don’t don’t if there are more formal treaties on the subject today.
Despite this custom, there was controversy over the circumstance under which aliens could be drafted. During the Civil War, after some debate, the north eventually decided they could draft aliens who had exercised the right to vote or proclaimed their intention to become citizens. Some European nations protested. The United States said if would give such aliens a period of time to leave before being drafted. The protests were generally dropped though the debate not resolved.
There was no debate as to whether native born chilldren of aliens could be drafted. England and all jus soli nations maintained the right to draft its native born and there was no international rule against it. Such persons were deemed citizens by the Lincoln administration. For example, from Lincoln’s attorney general:
“A child born in the United States of alien parents, who have never been naturalized, is by the fact of birth a native-born citizen of the United States, entitled to all the rights and privileges of citizenship.” Attorney General Bates, 10 Op. A. G., p. 328 (1862).
Some English/American dual citizens born in the US sought protection from the draft from England. England declined as under English law, one owed his primary allegaince to the nation of his birth and England never protected such persons from their native nation. France appears to be the only nation to try to protect children of its citizens from being drafted. Our Secretary of State refused to discuss the issue since no actual case of such a person had arisen.
Not unfounded, but facts.
A birth certificate is legal record created and maintained by a state health registry after accepting an affidavit attesting to certain facts by the mother, delivery doctor and hospital administrator. Usually, a person with a birth record on file with the health registry of any U.S. state is a U.S. citizen. Usually is not always.
It’s unconstitutional for an ineligible person to become Vice President of the United States pursuant to the 12th Amendment.
An ineligible person who is sworn in as President of the United States is objectionable, but not preventable. There is no federal mechanism to prevent an ineligible President from being sworn in as President of the U.S. A mountain of verifiable evidence proving ineligibility cannot prevent an ineligible President from being sworn in. If a person objects to an ineligible President assuming the Office of the President of the United States, he or she can object in U.S. district court, allege the President is ineligible, and seek an exemption from the laws, rules, regulations and executive orders for themselves. If you choose not to object to an ineligible President, then it is presumed you accept and support the usurpation of the Office of the President of the U.S.
Cheerleaders for the usurpation of the Office of the President of the United States are not required to object or seek exemptions. You are free to subject yourselves to the laws, rules, regulations and executive orders of the usurper, but I am free to object and seek an exemption.
Enjoy Obama’s fundamental change of America while you can. Once people begin to figure out they can object and obtain an exemption, the house of cards will collapse.
There’s a subset of birthers who have already thrown the Founders under the bus, either as “too dumb to foresee a usurper like Obama” or Illuminati or secret Muslims or whatnot. That’s almost the bottom of the barrel (below them are only the certifiably mentally ill and the hardcore racists).
(Speaking of bottom of the barrel, today I happened to encounter a small group of conspiracy nuts who seem to believe many celebrities are actually the same person, e.g. Christian Bale and Tom Cruise, or Jared Leto and Paris Jackson (I kid you not). It’s a funny theory for a change, but the same people also believe there was nobody aboard Malaysia Airlines flight 370 and are also Sandy Hookers, so no reason to just smile about them.)
No. ALL unfounded.
Not a single piece of actual evidence, or even credible speculation, to back up his hypothetical scenario.
It would be more amusing, and more productive, to discuss the possibility that he’s a Vulcan who volunteered to have his ears bobbed, and come here to save us from the RWNJs.
I find it kind of interesting that ORYR has a post that he personally spoke to Arpaio recently, who told him that much more Obama ID fraud evidence is coming.
Have I missed something — hasn’t it been years since the last time Arpaio mentioned the CCP in public?
When I consider this scenario, where Arpaio assures birthers in private about this “investigation” that he won’t even mention in public, what I find most odd is that ORYR doesn’t notice it’s odd.
Yes, blind partisanship to a party that overwhelms them with disinformation.
I’d add that the insurance industry has been feeding the population with propaganda for many years, well before the ACA was proposed. I worked in that industry for many years, in their systems departments, so I saw it first hand on a regular basis.
For example, decades ago the industry used anti-doctor and anti-patient propaganda to convince Americans (and their legislators) that the insurance industry needed to be the go-between for doctors and patients. Thus, we got something called “managed care”, where the insurance companies
decided what the doctors/hospitals could do, and what a patient could get. It got so bad, that there were doctors and non-doctors working directly for the insurance industry who regularly called shots on the care of individual patients–without ever examining the patient–in service of the interests of the insurance company who didn’t want to pay for anything, and who had stockholders who demanded increasing profits.
This insurance industry control over medical care was exacerbated by the fact that the industry also controlled medical malpractice insurance for medical providers, dictating standards to avoid liability and controlling all litigation to defend doctors and hospitals (actually, to defend the insurance company against liability). This too required a lot of relentless propaganda about evil greedy “trial lawyers” who represented hapless plaintiffs (injured patients) only to squeeze all the money out of doctors and hospitals for the lawyer’s own pocket.
Personal fact: After many years working in that industry, and while still working there, I went to law school at night. I wanted tuition reimbursement, since I had jumped through many hoops through the years to qualify for it. The company told me it would reimburse anything but law school. They tried to get me to get an MBA, but since I already had a masters in management that didn’t make a lot of sense. (I also had become certified in the insurance-related study programs). They said law school couldn’t help me on the job (which, incidentally, was not an actual factor in the company’s stated policy on tuition reimbursement).
At the time, I was a requirements data modeler all day long, developing detailed requirements for commercial and individual property insurance systems, medical malpractice systems, health insurance systems, etc. etc. At night, I studied torts, contracts, property law, business organizations, etc. Funny thing is, the entire insurance industry is all about contracts, property, torts, and issues of legal liability throughout.
I like to joke that, if people in the insurance industry hate litigation and lawyers so much, why did they choose a field that consists of absolutely nothing but contracts re property, torts, and other contracts.
One of my heroes is a guy named Wendell Potter. He used to be a VP in charge of propaganda (marketing) for a huge insurance company. One day, he saw a very long line of sick people trying to see a doctor at a free health fair, and it moved him. He left the biz and became a whistle blower. He writes extensively on this and the ACA.
Anyhow, in sum, it’s about decades of big business control and propaganda.
(sorry for all the law schools stories, but I guess I get flashbacks that seem relevant)
In preparation for the start of a constitutional law class, I had to purchase this huge pile of unbound documents from the school book store. On the top of the pile was an silly article from a supermarket newspaper rag. The article said the founders were obviously helped from extraterrestrial aliens, because they were too dumb to come up with the constitution themselves.
I hope that doesn’t mean you went to that law school (Oral Roberts??) that cranked out all the ideologues who went to work for the W administration.
Nah: they’d never allow discussion of ETs. Could lead to Darwinism…
Nah, I went to a great school. Of course, the professor included the article as a joke.
Our friend Brian Reilly – who tells us that he lost his health insurance plan because of Obamacare – may be a case like that. It reminds me of Saulus who “came to Jesus” and became Paulus. St.Paul still was a misogynic ass-hole.
After the ACA some people have “lost their insurance” but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have or can’t get insurance. A family member of mine lost coverage under a plan that was no longer offered after the ACA and had to sign up with a different company, but she could get health insurance through the exchange or in her case get a slightly better deal outside it.
There are some inequities that I think should be addressed, particularly the subsidy amounts being adjusted for regional differences in the cost of living. What I found crunching the numbers is that a young person (with lower expected health care costs) pays a lot less through the exchange than an older person. I personally was able to keep my own coverage through a group plan with a former employer.
Any time something changes, some people will be better off and some worse off. Opponents of the ACA aggregate all of the “worse off” stories and use them to characterize the experience of everyone (and I suppose the other side does the same thing). I find anecdotes next to useless in judging the success of the legislation.
Change that from “extraterrestrial aliens” to Emer de Vattel, and you’ve got Mario Apuzzo.
For some, Paul is a saint, and I grant him one of the most important figures in Christianity. I, however, tend to share your estimation. Looking back, it was the revulsion I felt after studying Romans, in preparation to teach a class called Stories of God and the Human Condition, that began my long journey towards atheism.
Awwwwww, then you’ll hate this anecdote
Heck, even when it saves people money, keep the same doctor, and benefits them, they don’t believe it! 😀
Nothing I say is a LIE , they are opinions, based upon what I think, not what other people think.
I tend to think posters post their beliefs and opinion, some of them good, and some of them poor.
Some fail to understand that if there are a tremendous amount of Opinions on the LFBC being false, they should not automatically discount those opinions because their opinions are different.
Google, search , “obama’s birth certificate is fake”, (About 159,000 results (0.20 seconds)
Search ” obama’s birth certificate is real?
“(About 39,800 results (0.16 seconds”)
that is what the searchs shows, and it seems to indicate that some opinions are wrong!
More posting indicate they think it is fake, and less think it is real.
What that means is nothing at all, because it depends upon Google.
And why is the BC sealed? Never thought of that!
“The History of Amending and Sealing Shows why it Needs to Stop
Georgia Tann was the first adoption worker to convince the Tennessee Vital Statistics Office to amend and seal the birth certificates for her adoptions. Tann’s adoptions were illegal; all 5,000 of them. She pushed for the anonymity of the adoptee and of the adoptive parents by issuing the adopted person a new birth certificate, claiming it would protect the adoptive family from interference from the original family as well as protect the adopted person from the stigma of their impoverished and illegitimate origins by making it appear as though the child had been born to married parents. In actuality, she was trying to leave as little recourse as possible for original families to find and reclaim their children who had been unlawfully removed by Tann. Tann’s goal was to handle adoptions across the United States and her push for policies of secrecy spread far and wide. Alabama was first to make amending and sealing and official act of the state for all its adoptions (it is now an open access state). Tan’s stomping ground, Tennessee, was second (Tennessee is now an open access state for adoptees of Tann’s era and conditional open access state for those born after Tann’s era). The practice of sealing Original Birth Certificates spread to all the States but two, Alaska and Kansas.
Birth records were amended and sealed in those 48 states based on ideas on the shame of adoption, the stigma of illegitimacy, and the attempt to hide the adoptive family from the very socially scorned original mother. We should be past this shame and stigma and the need for such measures. Unfortunately, these laws are still on the books. The sealed OBC law in New York, for example, is nearing its 80th birthday. This law was no doubt influenced by Tann herself as the governor who signed it into law adopted two children from her.
The origins of amending and sealing are steeped in shame and stigma and horrendously unethical practices. In my opinion, the modern day justifications not only fall short but do not erase how sincerely offensive it is to me to have amended and sealed birth certificates that were not designed for my ease and comfort, but to hide who I am and where I come from, because it isn’t good enough by society’s standards.”
Perhaps that will explain the thought as to why someone can not find out when there cousin was born , and where.
attribution to previous,
Guess who the founders of new Super PAC are?
Robert Laity’s SCOTUS petition has been dead listed. New York State didn’t even bother to file a waiver of its right to respond and instead just ignored it entirely. It has been distributed for conference without calling for a response, and we all know what that means.
No. 13-875
Robert C. Laity, Petitioner
New York
Docketed: January 23, 2014
Lower Ct: Appellate Division, Supreme Court of New York, Third Judicial Department
Case Nos.: (516176)
Decision Date: April 11, 2013
Discretionary Court
Decision Date: November 19, 2013
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jan 20 2014 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due February 24, 2014)
Mar 12 2014 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of March 28, 2014.
Doc, IMO, there is lots to love and lots to not love about the ACA, but the most important part of the ACA is that it exists at all.
IMO, the greatest achievement is that we have legislation, upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, that regulates health insurance. Until that legislation, and given the usual exceptions of VA and Medicare etc. programs, the entire health insurance industry has been regulated by the states. The federal government had no recognized authority to regulate insurance companies. NOW, we have federal executive, legislative, and judiciary acceptance that the federal government can regulate health insurance. Kinda reminds me of the fight over the Civil Rights Act of 1964–there, the main question was whether the federal government had any authority to regulate private businesses who were not violating state law.
True that.
We don’t: we discount them because their facts are different. As in, either wrong, or nonexistent.
And their “logic” is different. As in, “Possibility (however remote) proves actuality”. And “The burden of proof is on the person disputing the claim, not the person making it”. And in:
A google search for “birthers are insane” returns 1,550,000.
Enjoy the view from atop your own petard.
And a Google search for “trader jack is a douchebag” returns about 41,600,000 results (0.18 seconds).
That’s amazng (sic) ! ! Birther bigots can be such funny, little idiots.
Something has been buggin’ me about the Corsican Ape’s face … finally got it. Compare:
I expect you guys have read what Bishop John Shelby Spong says about Paul?
A review of Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, by John Shelby Spong
From that review:
There is other stuff in that book and more in Spong’s other writings. He is a thoroughly enjoyable read for anyone, religious or athiest, interested in history and theology.
I was rude enough to post this at BR:
And it was deleted in less than 60 secs.
So, naturally, I posted it again.
And, again, gone in 60 secs.
Soooo …. they don’t mind my blatantly “Obot” antics, as that feed their Faithful’s expectations of persecution by lie-barrels, but the above will not be tolerated.
First the word ‘seal’ is used in three different meanings with respect to Birth Certificates (or any public record for that matter).
One is as a noun and it refers to the imprinted ‘seal’ the registrar applies to the certified copy as a security talisman – this indicates that the physical document bearing the seal is authentic. All Birth Certificates are sealed in this manner or they are not Birth Certificates, but mere documents containing birth event information.
Two is as a verb referring to the act of affixing the seal (noun) to a document.
Three is as a verb referring to the (usually) Court Ordered act of preventing them from release. Most Birth Certificates are not sealed in this manner; in some cases the actual birth record of children who were adopted are sealed; there may be some others. When Birth Certificates are sealed in this manner, NO ONE can get access without a Court Order; not even the Child whose birth it describes. That is why adoptees are fighting against those kind of seals. On the other hand, most people can access their own Birth Certificates with out problems – because they are not ‘Sealed’ (verb).
Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate is NOT sealed. It is PROTECTED from unauthorized access. Hawai’ian Law defines exactly who is authorized to access the record. That authorization does not extend to every Jane or John Doe who has a morbid curiosity. More specifically, it does not extend to you, or me, or anyone other than Barack Hussein Obama II.
I repeat Obama’s Birth Certificate is NOT sealed – it is PROTECTED. Obama can obtain a Certified Copy any time he wants and the State will provide him with a document that contains his birth event information. The State will CERTIFY that the information on that document is a true and accurate COPY of the information in their records and will affix the Official Seal as a sign of authenticity.
Obama can show that Certified Copy to anyone he wants – it is HIS copy. Hawai’i cannot show any document containing Obama’s birth information to anyone but Obama. Hawai’i is bound by Hawai’i law with regards to who can see this information – Obama is of course, not.
Please be careful to indicate whether you are discussing the ‘seal’ (noun) on the document, or the act of sealing (verb for ‘locking up’) the document, or the act of applying the seal (verb for ‘affixing the seal to the document’).
Mixing the usage in one sentence or paragraph or topic without such indication is intellectually dishonest – your readers get twisted up in knots trying to figure out what you are saying – and it is much too easy to sneak a lie. Mixing the two verb usages is especially egregious.
And if Helen was born in the United States (and most likely even if she wasn’t) I’ll bet her Birth Certificate is protected too!
It is not sealed. You are so desperate.
How desperate can you become Helen because you will have to face 3 more years of Obama.
Yes, I think I first picked up Spong’s book courtesy of a United Methodist Church library back in the ’90s. The problem I had with it was that by the end, he had so thoroughly debunked biblical literalism that everything in it seemed nothing but an extended metaphor. He didn’t rescue the Bible for me, he just punctured it. Nevertheless, I tend to agree with his analysis of Paul’s character.
Yeah, well, maybe and maybe not. Not every state protects their vital statistics in the same way. I am no expert, but I think that California is an open records state. I am also not 100% sure how the Feds and HIPAA fit into it.
Well, at least we’ll see another round of “that perfectly coincides with the release of the shattering stuff, OMG, any day now!”…
Again you show your dishonesty by using totally inappropriate search terms (namely two specific formulations which can’t possibly be all that are used in discussing the issue).
Especially since the latter isn’t even proper English and is a question, not a statement.
You fail even within your (admitted) failure of trying to use Google as an arbiter.
Let’s play that game:
“flat Earth” returns 882,000 results.
“spherical Earth” returns 211,000 results. (Both with the quote marks.)
So according to that logic, Earth is flat or at least there is a “genuine controversy”.
You crack me up, fool.
The best part is you get deleted then ORYR coughs up a now wholly without context hairball of indignation along with ye traditional blurry cam photo of some random 1U server propped out the back of a car.
That’s right. California is one of the dozen or so open records states.
There aren’t any federal laws regarding the release of birth certificates. Hospitals report medical information for statistical purposes along with the facts of birth, and that is typically protected, but it depends on the organizational structure of the vital records agency. HIPAA doesn’t protect all health data, only the disclosure of health data by “covered entities,” namely healthcare providers, insurance companies and claims clearing houses. Probably most vital records agencies are organizationally associated with a health provider, but that’s not necessarily the case.
Spong’s book reminds me of another book, The Secret Gospel of Mark, by Morton Smith. By Smith’s analysis Paul’s thorn in the flesh was foundational to Christianity.
But in the final analysis, the arguments in both books are not far removed from the conspiracist writings we talk about on this blog, the piling up of evidence on one side, while ignoring a larger body of evidence on the other, and making dubious connections.
More precisely, all birth certificates are certified. Original birth certificates are certified by informants and witnesses. Certified copies, what most folks have, typically contain seals, raised or colored. In the future, they have holograms or something.
I personally lobbied vital records groups to adopt 2-D barcodes with digital signatures to insure the information was unaltered, but the idea never caught on. There will always be a problem so long as birth certificates are used as identity documents.
What’s your real name, Nancy? And have you turned yourself in to law enforcement for those murders you say you committed? How many was it now? I think you were up to three, yes?
Yeah, not the most sophisticated admin. I was being provocative, not surprised at being deleted, but very surprised at the deletion combined with a reply.
He did post earlier that they had bought a Dell Poweredge server, and the photo is of a Dell Poweredge server. So, holy cow, they actually bought a server. But they got to plug it in first, hehe. RC, Foggy, and many commenters here have speculated malice on the part of BR in their fundraising. Looks like, no, it’s incompetence, and they are being taken for a ride!
Also maintains in his reply that Shrimpton is new news. It’s incompetence all around at BR.
Why not? Machine-readable BC’s too creepy? Too “Mark of the Beast”-ish for state administrators? Worried that ne’er-do-wells might ‘steal’ the info with a cell phone cam? Or just couldn’t get them to realize the benefits?
Lack of vision is a very frustrating brick wall.
I was under the impression we were talking about the original documents, no? Aren’t all original documents protected? I keep hearing how the Birthers want to touch and hold the original document of Obama’s birth certificate. I am not aware of any state that will allow anyone to do that.
Most of the legislation I know of deals with disclosure of information. My impression is that restricted access to original documents is a matter of agency policy, and the way to get access is through a court order.
I personally have seen and handled such documents in 3 states in my role as a contractor.
Wrong thread, sweetheart, and you did all those things only in your dreams.
No person could kill a county sheriff and 4 deputies and say “law enforcement doesn’t want me”.
Nancy’s illness is growing and her mental condition is metastasizing into something truly disturbing. I think the time has come to kill this cancer through the cure of silence.
Oh, Sugar Bear, you have no idea. We killed the Hendry County Sheriff August 16, 1980. Within the hour, I slipped into my Hendry County Dispatcher’s seat smelling like ****, thanks to Griselda pointing a gun at my head, I’ll explain that one later, and just waited for the call to come in.
I have hard-core physical evidence that I saved for over thirty five years to prove this one which I sent to the FBI. Ignored, as usual. I also have my voice recording to LaBelle dispatch which is on record.
They’re not going to tell you that the Sheriff’s own son, Sermon Dyess, Jr. who became acting Sheriff, had motive to kill his own father and that the former Florida State Att, Joseph P DALESSANDRO (reportedly kin to Nancy DALESSANDRO Pelosi, had motive to cover it up as well. Uh uh. Ain’t gonna happen.
Fast forward to the solving of the Adam Walsh case which leads right straight to the drug dealing White House. What do you do to counter-move?
Note in the article Dyess says, “More (cocaine) money than….”
Yes, we could kill as many deputies, FBI agents, CIA agents, DEA agents as we wished and the sheriff and state att. would do everything within their power to keep it all hush hush.
Are we now left with people like Helen and Nancy? That by itself shows that the issue has been laid to rest.
She has no integrity and makes accusations against others as if they are so much worse than her. She’s a self-confessed killer, according to her. She says she killed cops. What could be worse? Why should I allow her to try to keep her imagined integrity intact?
Stepping over and ignoring a small, flaming bag of dog crap.
You seriously need to be Baker acted into a mental institution.
Correction: I am the Number One serial killer (“Kaleidoscope’) having taken out two of the top ten Medellin Cartel Drug Lords, Escobar and Lehder. How pathetic is it to have a sitting President, Bill Clinton, claim one of your kills? What does that say about us as a nation?
Clinton didn’t serve under Escobar. He didn’t witness the blood and gore that the Castro’s brought with them. He didn’t witness the white genocide. Our so-called American leaders p**sing all over themselves with fear and greed while Pablo repeatedly asks his white American male and female killer/servants, “Where is jur military? Why ju have no protection, eh?”
Or, have another one, Reagan, twiddle his Hollywood party thumbs while the Castro’s infiltrated and dominated South Florida? Anyone with half a brain can look at the history of Miami over the past four decades and know the truth.
Now, Cuba’s Ted Cruz (Canada my tush) and Russia’s Vladmir Putin ride in to our country like heroes and this idiot nation screams with ignorant pleasure?
A foreign King on the American throne. Soft little puppies in the White House, pretending that they don’t know anything about the fake birth certificates and who dare not question or investigate trying to pretend that this was all planned?
Don’t be fooled. It’s not. They lost control in the early 80’s under the near-sighted, never served overseas or in open combat, sitting comfy, cozy on American soil during the war, Ronald “I Am Hollywood. Nothing more. Nothing less,” Ronald Reagan.
I’m just bringing you the truth. Either you can handle it or you can’t. I’ll put you down in the “Can’t handle the truth,” category.
No one cares about your delusions Nancy.
I’ll put you down for “Can’t handle the truth.”
Here is a cute little article about the lesser of two evils:
You wouldn’t know the truth if you bumped into it in a padded cell.
The truth is that the truth doesn’t matter.
And with that comment, I am shutting down your participation here.
The only thing you have to say relevant to this web site is your claim that you forged Obama’s birth certificate in 1985.
That is demonstrably false for any number of reasons, not the least of which are Obama’s birth certificate appearing in a bound volume from 1961, 1961 newspaper announcements, Obama’s listing in the Department of Health’s 1961 birth index, his mention in a 1961 note in the state department files, and his listing on Anne Dunham’s passport application.
Of course you dismiss all of that by saying how powerful Pablo Escobar was. An appeal to an omnipotent conspirator is not a falsifiable claim, therefore it lies outside the realm of evidence and argument, and so makes even your birth certificate claim off topic for this web site.
yes we know to you the truth doesn’t matter which is why you have to keep lying.
I think Nancy’s participation here was feeding her delusions. I also think that the abuse and ridicule heaped upon her by some of the commenters here occasionally went way beyond the bounds of decency (although I don’t know if she was bothered by them). She will certainly say that she was banned because you want to keep her from telling her story about how she forged Obama’s birth certificate. But she is wrong. I honestly think banning her is a very compassionate thing to do.
I don’t have the skill set to try to determine what’s good or bad for someone like that. But whatever she might think or say, she told her story. It’s still here for anyone who wants to read it. I was not going to let her try to insert her story in everything we discuss here from now on.
I suppose I don’t either, and obviously, I’ve never met her. I stand by my opinion, but I’m a layperson and my opinion is mostly just an intuitive response.
I agree. Her claims were becoming increasingly bizarre, perhaps due to the need for her to constantly inflate her infamy in order to get attention. Although this site is now closed to her, she can continue to make YouTube videos and hope that some naive conspiracy monger will take her seriously.
Thank you!
There are plenty of venues for that kind of whack-a-doodle nonsense: Alex Jones, Donald Trump, CPAC, the sidewalk in front of the White House.
I was beginning to wonder if there was any dead person she hadn’t personally killed.
I also wonder if the FBI has a crank file on her.
That’s right! Maybe Nancy could get a pair of angel wings and flit around like Theresa Cao.
Give her time. Pretty soon she’s apt to take credit for killing off the dinosaurs.
You read enough birther comments and an immunity to ill-reason builds up. Over time, it takes a strong slap of insanity to get you attention. And so there’s the sublime Martha Trowbridge:
“April 27 1945: Hitler’s last day in Berlin; escapes just after midnight enroute to Argentina
April 27 2009: Obamas4thReich Victory lap, triumph over America
April 27 2011: Obama presents forged + fraudulent identity doc [lfbc]
“200 9 – 20 11 = 9/11
“Get it?”
And then, to add a head scratcher to Martha’s WTF, “William” says, “I will also add Martha, that my past co-worker friend – his brother was the pilot of Airforce2.”
An idiot breeze is blowing, and it’s a mighty wind.
The Cold Cream Case Posse website appears to have been hacked, Please use caution if visiting
It appears to be ordinary Joomla Hackers exploiting a site badly in need of updating. I doubt it has anything to do with the site subject.
The pilot of Air Force 2 was somebody’s brother? What a shocking revelation!
Did you feel it?! The universe just shifted. Oh wait. Nope, just a fart.
Air Force 2?? The plane that the President literally NEVER rides on???
How insanely diabolical!
When you get a chance, ask her where she buried Jimmy Hoffa. I think there’s still a reward.
That dang Biden spilled the beans about the Schickelgruber connection??? All is lost!
I received a report that the Cold Case Posse’s web site was hacked again last night. They are back to normal now.
Murky financing through the Sheriff’s Posse’s nothing new;
Yes, it’s the round one on the floor near the corner of every agent’s desk.
Thanks, Doc. I would never have thought to look back that far.
“Would You Rather find out you’re on a date with a Birther or a 9/11 Truther?”
Read more: http://hypervocal.com/politics/2014/date-birther-9-11-truther/#ixzz2w4bDodFu
As far as my life is concerned, there is no future with either. Date over!
Strunk tries again: http://www.scribd.com/doc/212515572/CES-NOM-and-Aff-in-Support-of-2nd-NOM-to-Renew-and-Reargue-Service-w-Exhibits-and-Supplement-to-the-Complaint-29642-2008
Ditto. I would go with neither.
The rules of Would you Rather? don’t allow for a “neither” or “both” option.
I’d have to go with the Truther; some Truthers are just misguided people of good will who were traumatized by 9/11 and have been sold a bill of goods by people of evil intent.
But Birthers? Every single Birther who’s not actively profiting from Birthering is motivated by bigotry. Every single Birther is full of hate.
Can someone explain this to me, please?
“Barack Hussein Obama’s birth riddle is being analyzed in a 13 page, Amicus Curiae brief filed with the Alabama Supreme Court by Harvard Attorney Albert W.L. Moore Jr. The brief promises to offer a straightforward theory as to just who this man in our White House really and truly is.”
How is this being “analyzed”? Why does this plaintiff seem to believe his procedure will offer him the ability to move forward without going through any procedural ramifications?
Aha,I found this in a comment from Dave B. –
“One little note about Mr. Moore’s brief (putting aside for a moment his mangled understanding of renunciation)–
From the brief:
“In 1979, he (President Obama) confirmed as an adult his relinquishment of American citizenship in favor of his underlying Indonesian naturalization by refraining from registration with the Selective Service System.”
Mr. Moore neglected to read this:
“1-103. Persons born in calendar year 1961 shall present themselves for registration on any of the six days beginning Monday, July 28, 1980.”
NOBODY was obligated to register for the draft in 1979. I certainly wasn’t; and President Obama registered on the second day he was ALLOWED to do so.”
From the Moore brief in McInnish case thread: http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2013/06/moore-brief-in-mcinnish-case/
So, apparently Mr. Moore is going to make a fool out of himself. LOL
The author of that article is claimed to be one ‘George Spelvin’. A rather transparent variation of ‘Georgina Spelvin’, don’t you think?.
Georgina Spelvin – 2006 Interview, Part 1 of 3
“George Spelvin” is a traditional pseudonym used when an actor or other tradesperson doesn’t want to be credited by their real name for a given work. “Alan Smithee” and “Walter Plinge” are others.
(Harlan Ellison uses “Cordwainer Bird”, but that’s Harlan Ellison for you.)
“Georgina Spelvin” took her name from that tradition, rather than the other way around.
Sometimes I learn the most interesting things that I would never expect to find here. Thanks justlw.
You’re welcome! It’s what I do.
Not to mention this:
Almost all male U.S. citizens regardless of where they live, and male immigrant aliens residing in the U.S., are required to be registered with Selective Service if they are at least 18 years old but are not yet 26 years old.
Obama was required to register for the draft regardless of his citizenship.
Moore’s erroneous beliefs remind me of Adrian Nash’s claim that aliens are not subject to the draft. He should try to tell that to my high school friend Kevin Cahalane, who was a citizen of Great Britain and Ireland and was drafted in the U.S. Army in 1968.
Being a female, I did not have to deal with such things. I honestly didn’t pay attention to them. Good to know this Rickey. Thanks!
Birther blog articles such as this one are about keeping the troops interested and involved. The ONLY issue before the Alabama Supreme Court is whether Alabama law requires the Secretary of State to approve a candidate’s eligibility credentials or not. The lower court said that there is no such requirement.
Hilarious comments on this thread at Freeperville: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/3133822/posts
My favorite comment:
(responding to this quote): “Sorry,IMHO,zero will never be removed from office,”
“A lot of people said the same thing about Nixon.
Stick around, and practice saying “President Biden”…
The same way we practiced saying “President Agnew”…”
Bwahahahahaha! Do they really think Nixon was REMOVED from Office? LOL
You may notice a
appearing under the Welcome sidebar. Clicking on this takes you to the bottom of the page where you find a corresponding up arrow to go most of the way to the top.
That’s handy. Thanks.
Thank you!!
OMG! – http://obamaseligibility.com/
“Anyone viewing this web site and wanting more information should click here or if you would like to speak to someone live please phone Mike Volin at 570-394-2570.” (I am not sharing undisclosed information, check the bottom of the link above, he placed his phone number there.)
I guess he’s planning to answer phone calls 24 hours a day? LOL
Reading the “Forward” page (the header for the entire site says “The Sheriff’s Report”):
“This Report is the latest update to an ongoing official legal investigation by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, about persistent rumors that the documentation of the Long Form Birth Certificate of Barack Hussein Obama, which was placed on the official White House web site on April 27, 2011, is a forgery.”
I’m just absolutely thrilled to see Sheriff Joe’s name up in lights like this. LOL I wonder, how does he feel about it? – http://obamaseligibility.com/foreword.html
On the News Page (Page 9) it states: “The lead investigator in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation of President Obama’s birth certificate says the case has taken a startling turn, and sheriff’s investigators now are assisting the Cold Case volunteers.”
That’s funny, I just called the MCSO non-emergency number and was told that is not true (the person who answered the line stated and I quote “that was a long time ago”) and then said that I should call the sheriff’s administrative office at 602-876-1801 on Monday (press option 6).
In the usual birfer fashion: by starting with a set of implausible assumptions, then committing violations of the Fifth Geneva Convention (“Prohibition of the Use of Torture Upon the Rules of Logic, Grammar, and Word Usage”) until you reach the conclusion you wanted.
So, I guess that would be a picture of an empty evidence box next to a blank copy of Maricopa County’s version of a DD-5 form.
That’d actually make a great anti-birfer website: “Breaking: Shocking Live Update of CCP Progress Toward Universe-Shattering Official Criminal Case! Entire U.S. Electorate to be Arrested??” (like the title? Carl came up with it). Put a webcam on the scene, and stream video of spiders using the box to support their webs, and mice turning the form into nesting material.
Fred Phelps, Sr. founder of the hateful Westboro Baptist Church, is near death in a Kansas hospice, according to his son, Nathan Phelps.
Nathan Phelps, who left his father’s church in 1976, also revealed that Phelps, Sr. was excommunicated from the WBC back in August of 2013. Phelps wouldn’t say why his father was voted out of the church, but he offered that the removal had a devastating effect on Fred Phelps’ mental and physical health.
My take: his family learned what many outside the church suspected–this virulent old fiend was a deeply closeted, extraordinarily self-loathing homosexual.
They want Congress to appoint a “special prosecutor”. I thought the special prosecutor law ran out several years ago and even than it was up to the attorney general to appoint one. Congress couldn’t appoint a special prosecutor even if they wanted one.
And by now does everyone in congress have a sheriff’s kit? Are the members more likely to act if they have two or three sheriff’s kits?
universeshattering.com is available.
So, who is up for some funeral picketing? I’ll make the “God hates assholes!” signs!
If it were not lent, I would loudly shout the A or H word. My iPad has taken to jumping to the top while I am typing a comment. I am sooooooo happy now.
I’m there!
I confess that it took a minute to figure out the unspeakable words. I think it’s reasonably inserted into the UI now and not too ugly. Someday I’ll figure out how to attach javascript onto a OnClick event and then I can scroll it all the way to the top without hacking the theme.
OK, I now have it the way I want it. You may stop holding your breath.
Indeed; by picketing his funeral, we will show how morally superior we are to him and his ilk.
Oh, wait, my mistake, that would actually show that we are morally identical to him and his ilk.
Hmm …. shattereduniverse.com /.net /.org /.us /.gov (/etc, etc) are all available!
Kinda surprising, seems like something scifi-ish would already be there.
Debating registering …. what to do with it tho …. I haven’t hosted any sites in a looooooong time.
Me thinks the joke was lost on you.
Wouldn’t be the first time. I just find the whole mess sad for everyone concerned, and am not inclined to joke about it.
Since Fred Phelps, Sr. was ex-communicated from the church he founded, I’m expecting the Phelps family church to picket their own father’s funeral.
You could sell them to birthers. I understand they have money to spend.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Party Pooper.
An end so ironic, that Rod Sterling’s ghost will be narrating!
I cannot feel sympathy for him or his sick little clan. No matter how deep I dig. They made it their mission in life to harass grieving people, while spreading a very sick brand of hatred in the process. Good riddance. The devil can have him.
No sympathy here. Maybe a little empathy. But the prevailing sentiment on this end is pity. Pity that he lived such a useless life, harming as many people as he could, and now dies alone, demented and unrepentant for the damage he’s done. Good riddance, indeed. The world will be a better place when he’s no longer in it, and his cult inevitably disintegrates. But you’ll excuse me for not seeing the humor in it.
That we can agree on. A good pastor leads his flock to do good for their community, and enrich the lives of others. Phelps squandered that leadership. Instead using it to do harm.
Anywho, sorry Doc. We kinda got way off topic.
You’re welcome! It’s what I do.
Most of the same could be said for a few hardcore birthers.
Yes, and when I encounter them or even discuss them, I will mock them and ridicule them and refute them and debase them in all the ways they so richly deserve.
But when they take ill or die, I will not celebrate nor make jokes, because to do so debases me.
Savannah Guthrie is married and pregnant.
Congrats to them!
birther spin in 3…2…1…
So, you’re saying she has layers.
But asking them “Where’s your God now?” does not debase me, it just exposes their own foolish beliefs (e.g. that illness is somehow punishment from God, as these people are quick to claim when it’s about HIV).
Women are still exempt from registering, although may change some day (although it is difficult to imagine a return to the draft).
My friend Kevin was lucky – he was sent to Germany and spent most of his active duty time there.
There is an interesting story about the draft which most people have not heard. The last man to be drafted was Jeff Mellinger, an 18-year-old living in Eugene, Oregon. After basic training he was sent to Germany, He planned to get out of the Army at the end of his two years on active duty, but his company commander convinced him to apply to be an Army Ranger. He was accepted and he ended up staying in the Army for almost 40 years, completing more than 3700 parachute jumps. He retired as a Command Master Sergeant, the highest enlisted rank in the U.S. Army.
I have siblings who are much older than I. I had a brother who was drafted into the Vietnam war. It ruined him both physically and mentally. He came back a completely different person and not one I would consider affable at all. He is now deceased, but, he and I had our battles before he died.
Obviously this is her reward for being involved in the forgery.
Which is not the same thing as picketing a funeral or joking about someone’s miserable death. I’m a horrible person, but I’m better than that.
Birther Report has reprinted a Sharon Rondeau story about Robert Laity’s SCOTUS petition being distributed for a conference on March 28.
I tried to post a very nice note explaining that the petition has already been dead filed because no justice called for a response from New York State, but it doesn’t appear that it will make it through moderation. The birthers would rather talk about bringing up the SCOTUS justices on charges of treason than face the truth.
Perfect characterization!
Well, I take it back. It took more than an hour, but my comment finally made it through moderation. Here is what I wrote:
Sorry folks, but Laity’s petition has effectively already been denied by the Supreme Court. New York State’s failure to file a response is treated as a waiver, and the petition was sent to conference without a single justice calling for a response from New York. This means that the case has been “dead filed” – i.e., it won’t even be discussed at the conference on March 28. The denial will be formally issued the following Tuesday, but anyone who is familiar with Supreme Court procedure knows that this is a done deal. It only takes one justice to call for a response, and it only takes four justices to grant cert, so Chris Farrell’s concerns about Kagan and Sotomayor are irrelevant. I know that you don’t want to believe this, but check back the first week of April and you will see that I am correct.
One birther actually agreed with me!
Incidentally, “the following Tuesday” is April Fool’s Day! How fitting.
You mean “birther evidence Day”? Where every negative April Fool’s joke about the President is treated as unimpeachable evidence to the birthers?
Has Laity posted his cert petition anywhere? Be interesting to read it.
For everyone’s sake, I hope she posts the BC.
That capital G looks suspiciously like a smiley face.
Looks like Fred will be able to ask Him himself…unless he gets the ultimate surprise.
I wasn’t able to find anything beyond the picture of the first page at the P&E. I asked him on Facebook whether there was a copy online.
The birfers will say that, because they’re crass. But propriety demands that we assume only one. And that she’ll be properly flattened after the (pro)creation of the image is complete.
(saving a slot, since this thread probably won’t make it to 2 weeks before overflowing)
My uncle (only slightly older than I) joined the Air Force and spent his time watching the DEW Line, or somesuch, in Minnesota. Then he went to work for Univac, and they sent him to Vietnam.
My father was in ROTC during Korea, and spent his entire active duty hitch at one base in Alabama. Then he went to work in the defense industry, and we moved almost a dozen times before I struck out on my own.
I got lucky number 7 in the draft lottery, but I was hit by a DUI driver, who made some rather unfortunate modifications to my skeletal structure (this was before the days of arthroscopic surgery, so I was stuck with the incorrect way my wrist reassembled itself). The Army took one look at my X-rays, and lost all interest in me: it seems they didn’t like their soldiers coming in pre-maimed.
Ironically, I spent the war in Canada: got a job offer there when the recession had dried up opportunities here, and wound up staying for several years.
So, my family got to see some of the common effects of military service (though, luckily, in fairly mild forms). We just got them elsewhere.
You could be right. My take is that the excommunication had more to do with who had control of the finances than anything else.
The scroll keys are excellent. Could I get a tab key to the Recent Comments? 😀
I was venting. You’re proposal is probably closer to the truth.
In the welcome text, I have added a hyperlink on “comments others have left” and if you click that, the browser should position to the recent comments. It worked on Firefox and IE.
Thanks Doc! Works great.
You’re welcome. I don’t know why it works, but I’m not complaining.
In other site news, the Visitor Guide has been revamped to include a table of contents, and I have added a new item called “Advanced Navigation” to cover the recent additions for fast scrolling.
Further indications that Birther Report has run out of material:
1. This post with a video of a person who supported Obama in 2008 and Ron Paul in 2012 burning her old Obama T-shirt.
2. This post … honestly, I can’t even figure out what that post is about. A guy named Mike reports on his call to some radio talk show, the topic is that literary agent bio that says Obama was born in Kenya, Mike seems pretty sure he’s right and the hosts are wrong, otherwise I can’t figure out what the point is. Can anyone decipher this sentence: “I assumed that he wasn’t aware of Acton & Dystel’s “Born in Kenya” claims … and I was right, yet, he was aware of Acton & Dystel, as I get him to admit.”
That “person” was a hot chick (not to be confused with “an attractive young woman”), dressed in short shorts and a tube top she nearly spilled out of when removing the T-shirt. If she’d been wearing a floor-length flannel bathrobe, and carrying the shirt, she wouldn’t’ve gotten so much as a link in someone’s comment.
It means the radio host was aware of the existence of A&D, but not of the controversy about the bio.
With every real birfer news story these days being either a defeat, or a tease from someone who has repeatedly failed to deliver, they have to feature whatever tiny victory they can find.
And, of course, misleadingly title it with something like “Obot burns”, suggesting somone self-immolated to try to trigger a revolution.
Should also that story was about a girl complaining that Obama has been too moderate for her leftist tastes, and thus a fraud in her eyes. Doesn’t fit well with BR’s overall theme, but it was someone calling Obama a fraud, so they went with it. Much tasteless commentary from the Faithful ensued.
Their point is that this phone call somehow “proves” that authors always write their own bio, everywhere, no exceptions, never ever or ever, no Sir, and that this therefore “proves” Obama told A&D he was born in Kenya.
Oh, I really hope for birthers that this is the quality level of Zullo’s “shattering evidence”.
Should also say that while she makes a few good points, she makes some egregious ones as well. I’m as pissed off as anyone that Guantanamo is still open, it isn’t because Obama refuses to shut it down, and he is shutting down Bush’s wars, too slowly, but they are shutting down, not expanding, just to mention a couple.
Her message, while I am sure it is heart felt, is just too simplistic and naive, even for my simplistic and naive world view.
Has been so far.
There’s a follow-up story on BR: Goderich (the then-assistant, now-partner) will be on some wingnut’s talk radio show tomorrow (Maybe: Falcon appears to be trying to start a betting pool on whether she and the wingnut will get whacked before then). Today the guy’s guest was Vogt, who appears to have come on to announce that he’d gotten the final decree in his divorce from reality.
I came across a couple of interesting tidbits while listening to a few snippets. Most notably, Vogt claims that “the Sheriff’s office has parts of the “original forgery”, and that Corsi has the rest. I thought it rather odd that Mr. Misprision hasn’t filed any not-reall-a-lawsuits in federal court to inform it that his buddy is concealing evidence of The Crime of the Cenozoic Era™. Does this mean he’s guilty of misprision, after all?
If there’s any truth to this (which is always a Powerball-win-grade bet with Vogt), it could be part of The Big Reveal.
I wonder if they’ll use a Xerox to make the images for their website…
If Vogt isn’t making stuff up (heaped on the already made-up stuff from Zullo & others), this might explain why Zullo can’t reveal anything yet – he’s not “making sure everything is air-tight” but rather has to keep begging Corsi to give him more stuff. (So far, I’ve yet to see one bit of information that was Zullo’s original research and not stuff given to him by other birthers.)
So BR has a story posted and they use an image of a graphic reading “Damage Control -noun…” as the header.
I ain’t an English professor, but I’m pretty sure they’re not using “noun” properly. But that’s part of the course. They don’t know the meanings for plenty of words they use, like “Patriot”, “Treason”, “Freedom”, “Evidence”, “Fact”, “Marklar”, etc.
Normally the regulars at TFB post information that usually can be relied on for its accuracy, but posts today be SueDB are just staggering for the confusion exhibited about technology. See http://www.thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=10728&start=450#p596708 and http://www.thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=10728&start=450#p596720 . Since I don’t have a TFB account I can’t post a comment. Maybe someone who reads this can help SueDB understand a bit about computer components and how they work.
Dang, and she started out so politically nuanced and stuff, too.
The posts didn’t seem all that bad. The only thing I’d find fault with is the idea that much of anything useful can be gotten from RAM on a computer that’s been off for more than a few seconds and hasn’t been cooled in any way. As I understand it, cold boot attacks are most effective in getting the disk encryption keys from a computer that you have physical access to while it’s still running, more than anything else.
The part about exploiting an old hiberfil.sys image sounds much more promising, based on what little I’ve read on it (which is not much). It would not appear that there’s any strong protection against reading it, since the whole point is convenience over security.
Well, the pubs have booted replacing the ACA again. Now they’re going to have a series of town-hall meetings to get ideas and suggestions from the public.
You know what that means…it’s birther time! Time to get the word out and hit all the meetings with their evidence and demand their congressman IMPEACH OBAMA! This is you VERY LAST CHANCE birthers! If you don’t get him out this election, you never will. Get out there and convert them!
I can see that going something like…
Representative: Obamacare needs to be stopped, and replaced with something that works!
Constituent: Well, what ARE you Republicans going to replace it with?
Representative: Look! The important thing is that Obama wears Mom jeans!
Constituent: But, what’s that got to do with coming up a viable replaceme-
Representative: MOM JEANS!
Yeah, I saw that one. She said…something?
I see them going more like this…
She’s a classic Low Information Voter. She started out as a stereotypical Obot, who took all the “Hope” and “Change” campaign slogans literally, and expected that everything would magically get fixed by merely electing Obama. Then she discovered that “Mister Smith Goes to Washington” was not a documentary, and decided she’d been “scammed”.
I watched part of one of her other videos, which suggests that she met a new boyfriend about that time, who gave her a new collection of bumper stickers and turned her into a stereotypical Paulista.
She’s young yet. Maybe someday she’ll grow up and develop an actual philosophy.
Huh. Well, I guess there’s no point in turning the sound on.
I have my criticisms of President Obama, but in fairness he had no idea that from the minute he took office the Repuglicans (no, that’s not a typo) would try to block everything he proposed.
The icing on the cake occurred just recently, when they voted to filibuster several of his judicial nominees and then voted UNANIMOUSLY to confirm those nominees when the filibusters failed. Here is the story about one:
Then there’s the whole blue slip debacle, which has been holding up Jill Pryor’s nomination for two years.
Despite my moniker, I’m certainly not going to defend the President’s every action. But these things don’t happen in a vacuum, and for every issue that the President has been wrong about, Johnny Volcano or Mittens would have been far, far worse.
With the current crisis over Crimea, I’m thrilled someone like McCain (who IMHO ought to be put into a home at this stage) isn’t in charge.
Further evidence that candidates who win GOP primaries are lunatics: “Susanne Atanus, Who Blames Gay Rights For Tornadoes, Wins GOP Nomination For Congress”
From the article:
She blamed natural disasters and mental disorders on recent advances in LGBT equality and legal abortions.
“God is angry. We are provoking him with abortions and same-sex marriage and civil unions,” she said. “Same-sex activity is going to increase AIDS. If it’s in our military, it will weaken our military. We need to respect God.”
Atanus also reached out to the Windy City Times, an LGBT publication, in an attempt to explain her views.
“Everybody knows that God controls weather,” she told the news site in January. “God is super angry,” she added. “Gay marriage is not appropriate, and it doesn’t look right, and it breeds AIDS.”
The way that ignorance and prejudice masquerade as morality in this country is sickening.
are smarter people more trusting?
Study: Smarter People Are More Trusting
Those who ranked higher in “generalized trust” scored more highly on vocabulary and question comprehension.
This needs a little context: this is a district that the GOP has zero chance of winning. In a case like that, only a whackjob would waste their time running in the primary.
Is that the same girl? Hmmm. Looks like I got suckered on that one.
In Re: Fred Phelps is dead.
Thank God for God’s little mercies.
And may he RIH.
I thought the increase in killer tornados and cyclones and stuff were visited on us because God was angry that we were digging up all that carbon and dumping it into the atmosphere.
Wouldn’t you be pissed off if you took 4 billion years to sequester massive amounts of poison out of the way and some johnny-come-latelys decided to undo all that work in a couple of hundred years? I know I would.
And in what was probably the biggest birther news of the week, somebody sold their “Victorinox Ted Nugent Farmer Alox Knife w/ box” on Ebay for $400.
Phelps came from Mississippi and after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, he was one of the few lawyers that would take civil rights cases. He was later disbarred and then he did the anti-gay thing.
Maybe he got hit in the head or something.
Yes, context is important; nevertheless, even in secure districts, extremism often wins the day because primaries tend to draw a small, but highly agitated type of voter.
I suggest throwing her in a local volcano. She sounds concerned enough to sacrifice herself.
Got a kick out of the latest birfer pseudo-event .. the literary agent who wrote the ‘infamous’ bio (wait! I thought Obama wrote the bio himself???) was supposedly going to be interviewed on Boyles. And, shock, didn’t show up.
And the birfers eat this manipulation up.
Meanwhile, over at Birther Report some nutter believes that SCOTUS will remand Laity’s case to Kings County Supreme Court in New York and consolidate it with Strunk’s lawsuits.
Excellent idea. A true public servant would jump at the chance.
If they actually get “a local volcano” in Chicago, you’re likely to encounter heavy opposition, as many would regard that us supporting her proposition.
Doc, something strange is happening that may just be me. When finished with a computer I clear out my history in firefox and clean up. When I return to your site, I log back in. No big deal. But, the first article I see before logging in is the Pro Birther one. Then, when logged in I see all the later articles listed above.
It’s probably a caching issue. People who log into the site, or leave comments, don’t see cached pages, but live ones. I am guessing that by cleaning out your history, you’re losing something that the site relies on to identify you as a commenter.
I had one other report of anomalies seen by someone who doesn’t login and who never comments.
I’ll look at the settings again.
Grrr. I looked at the settings and caching was turned off entirely. I do NOT know what happened in your case, nor how my caching got turned off. Anyway, try it again.
It isn’t! I got misled into thinking it was based on Something I Read, and I didn’t verify it before posting the link. So, my bad. My March revelation has been a total sham.
Not about Birfers per se, but a fascinating insight into the conspiracy theorist recursive loop (they’re trying to silence me! Proof of the conspiracy!) and of the prevalence of “libertarians” (they’re not, really,) among conspiracy theorists.
In a quick test, that got it taken care of. Thanks!
I wanted to make sure all the birthers and CCP lurkers don’t miss a single article! Can’t have them crying those birther tears at the end of the month and not know why! 😀
as a sicilian woman, i won’t apologize for this one:
Suor Cristina Scuccia ‘No One’ di Alicia Keys a The Voice Italia
Not at all Ran.
She has put forth a hypothesis regarding the cause of natural disasters.
If they indeed do not have any local volcanos in Chicago yet, then obviously the gods are not very angry (yet). I must say I am very confused tho. She said the gods were angry, that implies the presence of a volcano. If there’s no volcano, how does she know? Well, never mind.
The next step if to test her hypothesis.
Could either have the people of Chicago get together for lots and lots of gay sex and gay marriages. Preferably sex first, to make it premarital. Have to get the gods as angry as possible.
If a volcano appears, she may be on to something.
In any case, if so concerned, she could willingly throw herself in harm’s way. No volcano? Fine, tango with a twister and ride it to glory.
If that fails to calm the storms, well, it was worth a shot. She was simply wrong.
They do seem to be acutely aware of all the goings on at OCT, don’t they? 😉
I could’ve told you that. You might slip a blonde or two by me, but I NEVER get two brunettes mixed up.
Speaking of which, when did a Sicilian woman ever have to apologize for anything?
Okay, I went and looked. And no, I wasn’t surprised.
Another group of birthers who think Obama is an “illegal” president are heard from:
In case there is any doubt, here is a post-meeting interview:
the money quote:
“… and impeaching President Obama – not because of his skin color, Preston insisted, but because he said he is not a U.S. citizen.”
Mario (likely of counsel) couldn’t have put it better.
He didn’t even have to add the part about his skin color. It’s not about his skin color because NOTHING is EVER about skin color, we don’t even SEE skin color, RACISM IS OVER, WE HAVE A BLACKITY-BLACK-BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE SO RACISM IS OVER STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.