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Birthers aren’t too bright. Found this link at BR:
I just want to say I’m glad to be here.
Glad I didn’t buy any green bananas.
Do they think President-Elect Clinton takes over the minute the polls close?
Considering their level of understanding of the ACTUAL Constitution… maybe they do.
No, even worse, they apparently think she takes over when the polls open. Even funnier ‘user’ almost certainly betrayed their location by stipulating San Bernadino time … LOL
I’ve been hanging out over at the Conterio-Colliano article on Senator Cruz’s eligibility lately and it’s had its moments. Anyway, Patrick Colliano was provoked by one tediously obtuse birther participant into referring to him as an “artless dissembler,” which brought me to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux’s “On Consideration,” where we find a fairly apt description of birthers in general, and some more particularly than others:
“These are they who cannot bear to be beneath, though they are not qualified to be at the head, faithless to superiors, insufferable to inferiors. They have no modesty in asking, and no shame in refusing. They worry you to get what they want; they cannot rest till they get it; they have no gratitude once they have got it. They have taught their tongue to speak great things, when there is but little doing. They are lavish promisers, niggardly performers; the smoothest of flatterers, and the worst of backbiters; artless dissemblers, and malignant traitors.”
I think Saint Bernard deserves his own quote of the day. I’d put it as a sub-header over every article about Zullo and the Cold Case Posse.
~submitted for your enlightenment and contemplation: The Secret Obama’s Mother Couldn’t Tell Him
Nothing you’ve ever written Adrian could be considered enlightening or subject to contemplation.
Delusional and bigoted political smears and disgusting and blatant racist lies are pathetic and expected from the remaining handful of desperate birther lunatics.
Did your Mama tell you what an ass you are? Oh, wait a minute– that’s no secret.
You should join Martha Trowbridge and help her write her fictional novel.
But don’t spread this article in the birther echo chambers, they will surely cast you out because you posit a scenario that would allow Obama to claim innocence and leave office unpunished. 😛
Oh, don’t forget to loop in Sven and his ever evolvong story of Barry and the Pirates….
You, Martha and Sven for the story, Orly for the grammar, fact and copy checking, WND for the publishing….match made in heaven……
Have you heard about the secret that Adrian’s mother couldn’t tell him? “Son . . . you were dropped on your head. A lot.”
Kill em with kindness. Funniest part…
“I don’t even know what they mean by what they’re saying,” Drain told KSHB-TV.
I guess they never really bothered to READ the bible.
Adrian is a racist troll. He considers a conception resulting from a relationship between a white woman and a black male to be “aberrant.”
I have a hard time contemplating how horrible it must be to be a person who harbors so much hatred.
New DavidJamesManning video:
What is the purpose of a private thread that Obama supporters can’t access?
I guess that means he won’t be sending his DNA sample off to Ancestry.com anytime soon, as he would then find out he had brown-skinned ancestors too. He is a man without a full DNA history, I guess. – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2057546/Early-humans-Africa-route-Arabia-Egypt.html
Doc’s being funny.
Apparently 5 people have accessed it so far. I don’t have the password either.
It’s driving me crazy that, apparently, several people have guessed the password, and I can’t.
It’s unlikely to be guessed.
Apparently, it is only Zullo who is confused on whether he needs to submit a 990. I was looking around and noticed all of the other Posses were submitting them, such as the Sun City Posse:
Sun City Posse 990 for 2012
There are many more for the other Posses.
I had the password, but then Doc said I was lying, so I had to erase it from my memory.
Well, considering that all he is doing doesn’t really fall under the scope of aiding the sheriff’s officers, it could be universe shattering if he does actually file (and did he file last year or the year before…?)
OMG! This is amazing:
“The court also found that a necessary condition is that there is indeed a Special Grand Jury impaneled in Alabama. For that we should look at 18 USC 3331 which shows that such a Special Grand Jury has to be impaneled every 18 months in districts with more than 4 million inhabitants, or
in which the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General, or any designated Assistant Attorney General, certifies in writing to the chief judge of the district that in his judgment a special grand jury is necessary because of criminal activity in the district.
Alabama has three districts: The Northern, Middle and the Southern District. Alabama has 4.8M inhabitants, so we can reject that a Special Grand Jury is impaneled under the 4 million inhabitants rule.” – http://nativeborncitizen.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/educating-the-confused-orlys-illogical-logic/
Dave, the password is . . . oh, cripes, I’ve been Breitbarted with an icicle dipped in heart attack poison! Damn you, Attorney General Holder . . . .
Oh Adrian, what a marvelous revealing God of explanations you have become from gazing at the tall Sequoias you can see from your front porch. It has given you a privileged perspective on real or imagined Obama-related events stretching back over a half-century through time and space as though YOU were THERE witnessing EACH ONE!
Why, you’re a virtual Redwood Forest Gump, not constrained like the rest of us non-witnesses, to accept the consensus views of our citizens and official proclamations of officials when accounting for a set of circumstances! Oh, no! You make absolute serial declarative judgments about what everyone involved did and why they did it, for the sake of creating a smooth narrative explanation, which every intelligent person over forty knows practically guarantees that the narrative doesn’t explain the imponderable, meandering, human interaction path leading to the reality that ultimately eventuated.
Your style remains tastelessly narcissistic; with grotesquely incomplete information, you pretend your personal opinion about every imaginable POSSIBLE link in an incredibly volatile chain of hypothetically massaged events, is unquestionably correct.
We don’t need to remain open to other interpretations of what happened, by objective observers using additional factual information that might turn up; Adrian Nash has connected the few dots he considers sufficient to omnisciently read between the resulting lines, the final word on Obama’s origins.
Just as Nations don’t need to pass laws and constitutions that define Natural Born Citizen in any way except as Adrian Nash has declared is dictated by Adrian Nash’s interpretation of what constitutes, “Natural Law”.
The rest of us look up at the night time sky and have to see 6 stars superficially prominently grouped to see, “The Big Dipper”.
( see http://www.solarmythology.com/lessons/sp383.jpg )
But there are Adrian’s gnashing among us who think they can affirm their superiority to we common folk, by declaring that from their perspective several dozen unrelated stars unmistakably are arranged to portray an image that the rest of us just can’t quite get visual closure on, and they present for our enlightenment a new constellation that they think is self-authenticating at a glance. It need not look like Roger Ebert for Adrian to declare that it IS Roger Ebert.
( see http://www.solarmythology.com/lessons/sp518.jpg )
But God, through Adrian’s eyes has been seeing an evolving indisputable Obama-condemning constellation of events for years now. He omnisciently KNEW Obama was ineligible to the Presidency when he had far fewer stars to connect, and he “courted impartiality” by typically assuming the worst about Obama and every conspirator Nash’s Obama tale required or invented. After all, the Narcissist thinks that if he tells us just TWO particular isolated stars obviously form a constellation that portrays the Crusades, we can only be wrong by disagreeing with him.
( see http://www.solarmythology.com/lessons/sp583.jpg )
You’re just another leaf on the anarchistic Birther Tree, Adrian, hanging there along with Crank Case Orly! Birthers sew their conspiracies in the vacuum of no evidence, fertilize them with endlessly republished hateful lies about insufficient information, and appropriately harvest the disgust of the overwhelming majority of real defenders of the Constitution who abide by the decisions of the Judiciary and Congress as the Framers intended, without demanding exceptions to soothe their own hatreds and stroke their own ego’s.
Not amazing, just looking at the facts. I have yet to figure out what federal districts have Special Grand Juries but if Orly or others want to proceed under 18 USC 3332, they will first have to find such a jury.
Of course, there are many other obstacles.
Doc wants to find the mole among us. 😉
Doc is screwing with the ORYR/BR Birfoons based on ridiculous posts they make……….or is he…??????
BR commenter “buckhusaneofama” now officially worse than Hitler:
“We will be needing about 60 million ropes to end the tyranny and ease our tax burden. ”
Get your copy of “Holocaust Times Ten” now at your local Birfshop!
What burden? They’re lucky this isn’t the 50’s.
You did an awesome job.
ist ein dummer Narr
sein Geist ist nichts
als Wirrwarr
Burma Shave
The following article in The Atlantic is a must read: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/03/after-the-latest-mh370-report-how-to-think-about-speculation/284610 . It says so much about the birthers and CTs in general.
And if you haven’t watched Steven Colbert’s MH 370 report, I strongly recommend it.
It follows the first commercial break at about 9:38.
I’m nearing the end of the Roger Ailes biography, The Loudest Voice in the Room. It talks a lot about the ratings war between Fox News and CNN. Frankly, it’s about ratings, and it is reported that the wall-to-wall CNN coverage of flight 370 boosted its ratings by 25%.
I personally don’t watch Fox News (it’s even deleted from my channel listing), but I don’t watch CNN either. I use two much more reliable sources, National Public Radio and the Colbert Report.
Oops, I seem to have deleted cable entirely. I’m sure I’ll start missing it … any day now 😉
Dinesh D’Souza Mocks President Obama in Funny or Die Spoof
Oh,look, more coattailing, “me too” desperation.
So BR had an article recently a bit out of the ordinary in that it was not just a rehash of stuff we’ve heard a million times. The story is that a member of Venezuela’s National Assembly, Walter Marquez, has alleged that he has evidence that President Nicolas Maduro was born in Colombia, has dual citizenship, and therefore is not eligible to be President.
I am not in a great position to evaluate this claim, since I know little about Venezuela and speak no Spanish, so I am relying heavily on Google Translate. But far as I can tell the major piece of evidence Marquez has is the testimony of an elderly woman who says she knew Maduro when he was little, and that he was born in Bogota. Marquez also has an expert who examined Maduro’s birth certificate and declared it a forgery. The part that causes me the most concern is where Marquez states that Cuban agents destroyed the Colombian records that would have proven that Maduro was born there.
BR of course tries to tie all this to Obama.
But it was old news. I wrote about the story last July:
Sounds exactly like the Obama birthers (“Grandmother says born in Kenya”, “experts say forgery”, “Kenya says records may have been destroyed”). Seems it’s finally been exported. 😉
well, i logged on to the `intense debate’ part of BR to see if i could post, and managed to for less than 24 hours before getting banned.
so much for their claims of a lack of censorship
Yeah basically if you use ID, irrespective of which IP address you have, you get banned 4 EVAH.
Post as Guest or …well….any other name and so long as the IP address is different AND you don’t trip what appears to be a very paranoid moderation filter you get to drop in a few before ORYR/BR bans and deletes.
The best one is when BR deletes an “offensive” post that got through then immediately posts a rant about it…..No context argle-bargle leads to “Man shouts a cloud” moment…. 😎
I had forgotten that — and for once I can’t really blame BR for recycling, because there are recent MSM stories, as if this was news. For example, BR links to one at ABC Spain from a few days ago, and I’ve found others. The only difference I can see between the old reports and the new is the claim that Cuban agents have destroyed the Colombian records that otherwise would have proven Maduro was born there. Which in my opinion is the craziest part.
I am surprised to see that the old reports had the part about going to the Supreme Court for a ruling, was is in some of the new reports like it was news. If that started eight months ago, you’d think it would be resolved by now.
Since I don’t read Spanish at this level, does he say he’s got proof or is this just a claim out of the blue (in which case he would be on par with “h2ooflife” who rants about “Obama’s loss of citizenship in 1983” without even hinting at what he bases such claims on.
I don’t read Spanish either, I’ve been relying on Google Translate and a few news reports that are in English. They don’t clarify what proof he has or claims to have.
But what I also don’t see is any explanation of what would motivate Cuba to do this.
Meanwhile, here in California, a candidate for state office was just arrested in embarrassing circumstances, including collusion with someone going by the name of “Shrimpboy.”
…and it wasn’t Orly!
I can read Spanish a mile a minute. Perfect pronunciation in a Mexican accent.
I just can’t understand 99.44% of what I read.
There is a hilarious cartoon posted at http://www.constitution.org . If you haven’t been there in a while (or ever), check it out. The site is a portal to rightwing nuttery, A venerable antique that goes all the way back to the Red “Revolution” of ’94. The cartoon was made at one of those engines that generates animation and deadpan speech to a supplied script, and is about raising “constitutional issues” in attempts to unseat incumbents.
What ties it specifically to birferism is its description of standing. It’s hilarious, implies that standing only exists in federal courts, and is a conspiratorial device that wicked judges use to deny Real Murricans™ the right to “protect” the Constitution.
Constitution.org has educated many an online scholar and keyboard warrior.
I’m embarassed to say that I bookmarked them long ago. They have great searchable versions of the Constitution and other foundation docs.
This is the kind of garbage site that too many consider a reliable source:
“In the 2008 election both major parties nominated candidates whose eligibility is dubious. For Barack Obama the question was whether he was born in Hawaii, which is U.S. soil. For John McCain the question was whether the Panama Canal Zone, where he was born, was U.S. soil. It is not, and being born of parents both of whom were U.S. citizens did not make him a “natural-born” citizen, although a statute was later adopted naturalizing such persons at birth.”
“The burden of proof is on the claimant to office. The presumption must be ineligibility unless it is proved otherwise.”
And “How Maskell got it wrong”.
It’s filled with a mix of historical information designed to confuse and manipulate the uneducated.
And check out the reference links and YouTube videos at the bottom of the page:
“Image of alleged Obama Certificate of Live Birth, taken from the White House website on 04/27/2011, which is an obvious forgery.”
Cites to Sibley, Zebest and Arpaio.
That must make it pure.
Seems you don’t have enough crazy people in the US, need the Brits:
“Dr. Corsi confirms he was just in England working with British intel advisor Michael Shrimpton. Mr. Shrimpton claims the CIA has DNA evidence on Obama and that Obama was born in Kenya. Dr. Corsi also reports he met with Lord Christopher Monckton and he’s prepared to take the Obama birth certificate challenge to court.”
OMG that’s it, we better all confess quick!!!!1!!11!!!one!!!eleven!!!!
Well, it was bound to happen that someone found the only approach we and Obama are defenseless against. Damn you, Christopher! Damn you!!
I suppose Zullo’s big reveal will also be along the lines of “we know someone who claims he knows who has proof… so WE’VE GOT PROOF”… *yawn*
That would be me and Japanese. 😉
I know enough Spanish to get through the day but I wouldn’t partake in a political discussion based on what I think I understood about a complex issue.
Doc, I’ve come across a natural born citizen quotation I don’t think I’ve seen here. From “Commentaries on the Law of Public Corporations,” Vol. 1, page 137, by Charles Fisk Beach, Jr. (1893) :
“There are in the United States two classes of citizens– natural and naturalized citizens. Citizenship of the former class is created by the birth of the citizen within the jurisdiction of the United States. Citizenship of the latter class is created by the performance of certain requirements defined by statute. The naturalized citizen is from the time of naturalization a full-fledged citizen, entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities of a natural citizen, saving certain disabilities which relate back to the period during which he was an alien. It is conceded learning that birth within the jurisdiction of the United States creates natural citizenship whether the parents of the citizen are aliens or citizens.”
Thanks. I have added to the Great Mother of All Natural Born Citizen Quotation Pages.
Well, gee willikers. That predates Minor. The birfers promised me that infernal activists took over SCOTUS and made an unprecedented ruling out of thin air 😉
Did you mean Wong? Minor was 1874.
I came across another one the other day–
William F. Wharton, acting Secretary of State, writing to William W. Phelps, Minister to Germany, in the matter of John Haberacker (March 19, 1892)
“When our law makes a child a citizen at the moment of birth, whether that be because born within the United States (as provided in section 1992 and in the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution) or because born of American parents abroad (as provided in section 1993), such a child is a natural-born citizen. If, however, a person is born an alien, there is no way by which he can be made a citizen except by adopting and clothing him with the privileges of a native citizen, which is naturalization.”
That’s on page 526 (page 31 of the pdf)
According to RC, today is Wong Kim Ark day! Be sure to laugh at a birther to celebrate!
Argued March 5, 8, 1897
Decided March 28, 1898
169 U.S. 649
Happy 116th!
Yes, yes I do. Although the point I was sarcastically making, was that the jus soli basis of NBCship was a common understanding before Wong, applies to Minor as well. But the newfound quote does not. Thanks for the correction!
Major Announcement from Birther Report!
It is reported that Carl Gallups recently spoke to “Sheriff Arpaio’s Obama investigator Mike Zullo yesterday and he assured that the investigation is hot and heavy and there will be some conferences coming soon. Says they’d hoped for the end of March but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Reiterates that no date is set but it is going to happen soon.”
That is all.
These guys have cojones the size of Cleveland.
Yes, but take a look at this from Jim Youngblood, a.k.a., “john.” It appears our own john has left the reservation:
Gallup on the Zullo and CCP……
March 28, 2014 – Says they’d hoped for the end of March but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Reiterates that no date is set but it is going to happen soon.
April 28, 2014 – Says they’d hoped for the end of April but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Reiterates that no date is set but it is going to happen soon.
May 28, 2014 – Says they’d hoped for the end of May but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Reiterates that no date is set but it is going to happen soon.
June 28, 2014 – Says they’d hoped for the end of June but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Reiterates that no date is set but it is going to happen soon.
I think you see my point. It’s getting old Gallup!!!!!
the scoreboard has been updated.
JY said that if they didn’t deliver in March that the CCP would be done for. I doubt he’ll sing that tune now and will instead lap up the excuses.
Go placidly amid the noise and waste,
And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof.
Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep.
Rotate your tires.
Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself,
And heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys.
Know what to kiss, and when.
Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three do.
Wherever possible, put people on hold.
Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment,
and despite the changing fortunes of time,
There is always a big future in computer maintenance.
Remember The Pueblo.
Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate.
Know yourself. If you need help, call the FBI.
Exercise caution in your daily affairs,
Especially with those persons closest to you –
That lemon on your left, for instance.
Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls
Would scarcely get your feet wet.
Fall not in love therefore. It will stick to your face.
Gracefully surrender the things of youth: birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan.
And let not the sands of time get in your lunch.
Hire people with hooks.
For a good time, call 606-4311. Ask for Ken.
Take heart in the bedeepening gloom
That your dog is finally getting enough cheese.
And reflect that whatever fortune may be your lot,
It could only be worse in Milwaukee.
You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.
Therefore, make peace with your god,
Whatever you perceive him to be – hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin.
With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal,
The world continues to deteriorate.
Give up!
March 23 site statistics are up:
sorry, i lost count ……….
does anyone know which birther attorney leads in losses, klayman or taitz?
OMG! It’s about to get real all up in here, people! America’s most trusted news site — Before It’s News — has this universe shattering announcement!!!
“CIA Reveals Arpaio Information To Media – Video – Apocalypse Breaks Right Now Before your Eyes
“In this video CIA former operative Doug Hagmann reveals that he’s breaking all Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse information this week end in Orlando.”
Yes, all will be revealed at this prophecy ‘conference’ … at which Hagmann isn’t listed as a speaker?
It is of no concern.
Rumor has it he will be in the parking lot…..working the show out of the trunk of a 1950 Studebaker.
I’m having a little trouble picking this one apart to figure out who said what. It appears that this post at Before It’s News is by Geir Smith, who is whackier than the average birther. He embeds a recording of a Hagman show — I certainly didn’t listen to the whole thing, but I listened to enough to know that Smith’s quotes in the story are paraphrases. Hagman does not say he’s making a presentation at the prophesy thing, he says he’s going to talk to the speakers while he’s there. He does not say he has the CCP information, he only says his information is similar or analogous in some vague and unspecified way.
If you’re talking about birther cases, then Taitz wins hands down with the most losses. If you’re talking about cases in general, I couldn’t say–probably Klayman.
Operation American Spring has a sign-up sheet.
And one of the dumbest schedules I have ever seen.
I would bet a silk pyjama that none of the “springs” occurring in the Arab world began with a sign-up sheet. That’s more appropriate to a company softball league.
Larry Sinclair was taken into custody and released on $15k bond. Per Larry.
It has to do with an outstanding warrant in Colorado.
So the month that the Obots were supposed to be arrested, we learn about three on the other side incarcerated instead: Larry, Lucas and Walt (not that I believe Lucas).
Maybe Larry saw how well the grift was working for LDS and decided to run the same con; we’ve no evidence either of them needed bail money. And both are convicted grifters.
So I had a thought about what this secret investigation of Sheriff Arpaio might be. I figured it has to be something really surprising, something that no one, and I mean no one, would see coming. He’s working on the backlog of sexual assault complaints in Maricopa County.
Bet he tries to pin them all on the President.
Charlie Lincoln has depression, anxiety and a broken tooth. Naturally, someone must pay.
And the “Universe-shattering” news will be that Benghazi was a false flag to distract from what Obama thought was going to be the CCP’s “Earth-shattering” revelation that he and Holder used to drive through the hills around Phoenix in a pickup truck built in Mexico and imported duty-free under NAFTA, raping women and having an elite CIA team sanitize the crime scenes and drug the women into forgetting who did it.
Plus, IRSGate was an effort to obfuscate the fact that their real goal was to hobble the CCP investigation by revoking their tax-exempt status.
And the NSA metadata-Hoovering was actually intended to discover which Obots were talking to Zullo.
See how it all ties toghether?
I wonder if the guy who said OAS was a trap intended to bring all the patiots out into the open so they could be FEMA-guillotined is now claiming vindication…
Last I heard, Lincoln was no longer in possession of his law license. So how does he file a class-action complaint? Maybe he got his license re-instated?
Or it’s a different Charles E. Lincoln III. Or it’s cool since it’s pro se. Or he’s nuts. Regardless, it’s a non-starter, since he’s wrong about the “price-gouging” during the Super Bowl being illegal in the first place.
Maybe he’s acting pro se, and claiming he contains Multitudes?
What a concept!!
It would be a surprise to the folks in Maricopa County.
Here are the links about Larry Sinclair.
The regulator:
Larry’s own site:
oh boy. I gotta see that one.
Ah, thanks. Looks like I got it backward. LDS saw Larry’s post and decided to use it as a basis for his own grift.
Part of Lincoln’s standard grift is hooking up with gullible, love-starved female lawyers who will put their name on frivolous, vexatious, unethical lawsuits he wants to pursue.
If that expert is a graphologist who lives on Isla Margarita, and has name that translates to something like “reed” or “straw”, I’m gonna look into getting an Armageddon rider on my homeowner’s insurance.
As far as I can determine, price-gouging laws are applicable only during a state of emergency. Still, I’d be interested in learning how the broken tooth fits into this.
I had the same understanding, both from my cursory research and extensive personal experience. But grifters gonna grift.
thanks Doc and i was talking about birther cases – sorry i wasn’t more explicit
Here it is:
In this case the statute applies to certain named sporting events.
Orly Taitz Super PAC attacks spoof Taitz campaign video:
Fritz Wenzel added to Birthers A-Z
Read about Wenzel:
I’ll defer to the attorneys on this, but it appears to me that the statute which CEL is relying upon covers hotel guests, not hotel owners. The chapter heading is “Offenses by Guests.”
It looks like it is intended to cover re-sellers of hotel rooms, such as travel agents who book rooms in bulk and then sell them to consumers.
That said, I don’t have enough interest in this to research it further.
Having scanned the complaint, I have to revise what I said before; Charlie appears to have no case regarding the gouging complaint (if the hotelier covered his bases by advertising an exorbitant rack rate in an obscure publication, as he’d have been taught in a hospitality management course at any university,) but the hotelier really set himself up for abuse by someone exactly like Charlie by allowing him to stay longer than thirty consecutive days. At common law (an in most states,) that’s the point where someone becomes a resident, not a guest, with a great deal more rights & protections, particularly when it comes to eviction.
Since Charlie is a known liar, I’ll be interested to see how this shakes out, but it looks to me like this hotelier really set himself up for this kind of suit sooner or later.
The student came to Dr. Conspiracy and said:
Master: What would you do if you were certain the Universe would shatter tomorrow?
Dr. Conspiracy: I would schedule the next Open Thread.
Now BR has posted a Sharon Rondeau story responding to Geir Smith’s claim that the Hagmans were going to break the CCP evidence this past weekend. She says basically the same thing I said in a comment way up this thread: that the audio of Hagman that Smith posts doesn’t have him saying any of the things Smith attributes to him.
I note that Rondeau was unable to figure out that Geir Smith wrote this story. It is perhaps slightly obfuscated by the fact that the by-line is “by King of Shambhala” and you have to click on the “Contributor profile” link right under it to get to a paragraph of lunacy that begins “I’m the King of Shambhala (Universal World Messiah). I’m Geir Smith.”
Rondeau’s subtitle is “THE WORK OF OBAMA OPERATIVES?” and in the comments it’s pretty much unanimous: Geir Smith is obviously an Obama operative. Well, Poe’s Law and all, maybe he is.
I am also amused that ★FALCON★ does not disappoint: he posts a comment insinuating that the Hagmans are Obama operatives. So I guess that means that even Rondeau’s writing is beyond his comprehension level.
BirtherReport is starting to resemble Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First?” routine……albeit with a kinda sick fixation on bodily functions.
That first sentence of my comment does kind of indicate how inbred it’s getting: A birther site posts another birther’s story about what a birther said another birther was going to do with another bunch of birthers’ “evidence.”
I think you should try to separate church and state.
Zullo and Arpaio were asked to look into a situation. They did so and found anomalies that they found troubling. They asked for clarification and were stonewalled.
The evidence they want is easy to produce. For some reason the guy who has it, who happens to be the most powerful man in the world, refuses to produce it. To me that makes him look guilty.
You write a lot but it just seems to an attempt to cover for a guy who won’t produce the evidence. So as far as I can tell you’re just a team player for someone who’s behavior makes him look guilty.
If that’s true, what does the Bible and Jesus say about you?
Any Day Now
“The evidence they want is easy to produce. For some reason the guy who has it, who happens to be the most powerful man in the world, refuses to produce it. To me that makes him look guilty.”
The evidence was posted on the White House website April 27, 2011. And, in May of 2012, the Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett received a certified Verification of Birth from the Hawaii Department oh Health that verified all of the information contained on the copy of the Obama birth certificate displayed on the White House website.
Jesus would say “Seek the truth.”
No, Zullo and Arpaio were asked by a bunch of nuts to look into a conspiracy theory. Zullo hasn’t actually looked into it, because looking into it would actually require looking into both sides, trying to disprove it, as well as prove it.
They were offered help from John Woodman, who debunked every single one of the anomolies that they found troubling, showing exactly how that can happen on a simple scan-to-PDF. They ignored him. If they had actually been investigating the anomolies, then they would have accepted help from John Woodman, instead of ignoring him.
And just wondering, how would he produce it. First it was, “His middle name is Mohammad. Just show us your birth certificate, and it’ll be all over.” Okay, I’ll show you my birth certificate. I’ll scan it into a format that everybody can take a look at, and put it on my website. I’ll also allow the most reputable fact-checking organization in the nation, to handle the birth certificate, photograph it, and display the photographs on their website with their analysis. I’ll also allow the Department of Health to put out statements and their spokesman put out interviews with statements such as, “it’s a valid Hawaii State Birth Certificate”. Response from birthers: “It’s a forgery. It’s not a valid birth certificate. It doesn’t matter anyways, because he’s not eligible because his father is from Kenya.”
So, round two. “You’re not born in the United States. Show us your birth certificate, and it’ll all be over.” So, he gets special permission from the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health to get a long-form birth certificate (which the birthers erroneously believe is the only true birth certificate). He takes it into the middle of the White House Press Corps, lets everybody in there touch it (Savannah Guthrie says that she felt the seal, and took a photograph of it with her phone). He further gives everybody a press packet with their own photocopy. He then scans it in, and posts it on the White House Website so that everybody can see for themselves the birth certificate.
Response from birthers: “It’s a forgery. It doesn’t actually prove anything, as anybody can get a birth certificate which says that they were born in Hawaii. And it doesn’t matter anyways, because your father’s Kenyan.”
So, tell me, what should he do for round three. Should he get the Department of Health to state, “It’s a valid Hawaii State Birth Certificate?” He’s already done that. The birthers don’t accept it, and want more proof. Should he get special permission from the Director of HDoH to get documentation that the Hawaii Department of Health doesn’t normally issue anymore in order to satify the birthers and take them at their word that they’ll be satisfied? He’s already done that, and guess what, the birthers weren’t satified.
And why should we believe that the birthers will do anything but claim that it’s a forgery based upon so-called anomalies that really just mean that they don’t know what the hell they are talking about, and then ask for further documentation, like they have the last two times that they’ve been out there?
What should he do? Why should he give any creedence to Zullo and Arpaio, when they’ve already proven that they have no freakin’ clue what they’re talking about? Why should he do anything to please the birthers when he’s tried doing that twice before, and they’ve renegged on their “it’ll be easy. You just have to release the birth certificate.”?
Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. Why should Obama release more documentation and expect any sort of different result from the birthers other than “it’s a forgery, it doesn’t actuallly prove anything, and it doesn’t matter anyways.”
And “Joe Mannix” (rumored to have an in with the CCP) offers a nifty all-purpose excuse for delay:
Since Gallups claims that they’re continuously coming up with new evidence, the CCP may soon be applying for a patent on a “Perpetual non-Motion Machine”…
He goes on to add this gem, priceless to anyone familiar with Corporal Zullo’s history:
Which begs the musical question: Has Zullo recently been knocked from his horse by a beam of light that endowed him with common sense?
And has been produced, not once, but at least FOUR times: short form, long form, verification to to different State SOS.
There is a lot of fail in that one sentence.
1) … the guy who has it…
Exactly WHAT is ‘IT’?
a) The official Birth Certificate? Obama has published TWO official Birth Certificates. Why can’t they get ‘it’?
b) Legal verification from the State of Hawai’i? Again, they have at least two examples of that.
c) The original 1951 Hospital record? NO ONE expect authorized Hawai’i DOH officials can see that, and only in the line of their official duties. BY LAW. That LAW makes no exception, not even for the President of the United States. It is concievable that a Court could order such examination, but that would only happen if there was demonstrable proof of conflicting evidence (for example if another State’s vital records showed that he was born in that state – then the controversy may need to be adjudicated).
2) … the guy who has it…
Exactly WHO is ‘THE GUY’ that has it?
a) The Director of the Hawai’ian Department of Health? Hardly the most powerful man in the world, but anyway…
By Hawai’ian LAW, under no circumstances short of a court order can he ‘release’ any information to anyone outside the lawful list of interested parties. The HDoH has already released 2 legally valid Birth Certificates to President Obama. This is the most he can do BY LAW. Obama can, of course, do anything he wants with those Birth Certificates and that does not affect in anyway the Hawai’ian law that forbids the release of a birth certificate to anyone other than subject of that record.
BY LAW, the closest the HDoH can come to ‘releasing’ that information is if an authorized officer of another State requests verification of the INFORMATION of which the HDoH has direct knowledge. So, if the Arizona Secretary of State needs to verify Obama’s birth date and birth location, and they can justify that need according to Hawai’ian law, then SOS can ask a direct question and receive a direct answer. The Arizona SOS has done so, and so has at least one other State SOS.
b) President Obama? Yes, he is by most opinion, the most powerful man in the world.
Just because he is the most powerful man in the world doesn’t mean he can do anything he bloody well likes. He is subject to the law just like everyone else. He cannot tell Hawai’i to anything that Hawai’i law forbids. If by ‘IT’ you mean the 1961 birth record, he does not ‘HAVE IT’ and cannot force the HDoH to violate Hawai’ian law to release that record to anyone.
If by ‘IT’ you mean a certified copy of that record, he has done that already, TWICE.
President Obama has obtained (at least) two official and legally valid birth certificates from HDoH. Obama can, of course, do anything he wants with those Birth Certificates, and in both instances he has chosen to publish images of those BC’s on the internet for inspection by anyone who wants to look. Again, whatever Obama does with his copies of the Birth Certificate is none of Hawai’i’s business and does not affect the HDoH’s duty to protect its vital records – President or no President.
To me, that makes him look exactly like any other citizen of the United States.
To me, your observation makes you look like someone who hates “the American Way of Life”. An important part of “the American Way of Life” is embodied in the phrase “innocent until proven guilty” – a fundamental rule in American Law, embodied in the rights that are protected by the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments.
By coming to the conclusion that Obama is guilty of some crime that is implied only by innuendo and demonstrable lies, and by demanding an illegal and unwarranted fishing expedition you, and others expose your true motivation: propaganda. The only thing that such a fishing expedition would accomplish is propaganda point scoring.
You have, with your assertion exposed yourself as un-American (considering people guilty before charged, let alone proven guilty), un-Patriotic (rejecting the authority of the Constitution, particularly the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendment protections), and dis-Loyal (you have no desire to keep those in office honest, you just reject the choices made by the American people). In a Parliamentary system, the party that is not in power is known as ‘the Loyal Opposition’. In America, in our democratic republic, we used to have a ‘loyal opposition’ as well. But not anymore; loyalty is no longer involved with opposition; only obstruction.
Once upon a time, if the President said ‘A’, the opposition would say not good enough lets make it ‘A+’, or too much, how about ‘A-‘; or the opposition would offer an alternative approach to solving the same problem and then they would negotiate in good faith. Now it doesn’t matter what the topic is, if the President says ‘A’, you say ‘B’. If the President says OK, ‘B’; you say ‘A’. No in between, no compromise, no negotiation. Just ‘no’, period.
Well you can take your ‘makes him look guilty’ and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine bucko. There is no hint of anything for him to be guilty of, he has done everything legally possible to bend over backwards to answer the unfounded lies and innuendo pulled out of some propagandist’s backside. The response has demonstrated clearly and definitely that the only purpose of that innuendo is indeed poison pen propaganda from unpatriotic antiAmericans.
People have already responded plenty about your numerous misrepresentations and errors of fact.
As a French citizen, I’ll limit myself to pointing the big picture: there is a process. It’s called “elections”. Candidates are vetted by their party and the opposition party(ies). One is ultimately elected. IThe result of such elections is finally vetted by your Congress.
Even if what you’re saying was true (which it isn’t), IT.DOES.NOT.MATTER. Obama has been & still is the legitimate president of your country. More importantly, he is recognized as such by all the domestic, foreign and international instances which matter.
He doesn’t owe you & your coterie of hooded bigots anything except contempt.
International Court just shut down Japan’s Whaling Industry. Assuming they obey, of course.
Isn’t that what we are here for?
What “evidence” have they (Zullo AND Arpaio) formally asked for? When and how did they do it?
That’s not true in the slightest as we’ve found out from a former Cold Case Posse member Brian Reily. Zullo and Arpaio intentionally avoided any answers and instead continued to push doubt. This is why from the beginning they listened to a hours long presentation by Jerome Corsi. They then dug up every birther who has said anything on the subject and read their claims. Zullo and Arpaio’s first goal should have been to contact Hawaii before even contacting Corsi. They could have contacted the DOH to get a statement. They could have looked at the DOH website: http://health.hawaii.gov/vitalrecords/faq-obama/
Which has been up for a while now. They could have asked sources in Hawaii, instead they went about on a one sided snowjob.
Every piece of evidence that contradicted their claims they ignored. This is not how you run an objective investigation.
Any Day Now: “The evidence they want is easy to produce. For some reason the guy who has it, who happens to be the most powerful man in the world, refuses to produce it. To me that makes him look guilty”
Barack Obama’s birth certificate has been publically available since 2008. The original short form Certification of Live Birth is all that’s required for any and all legal purposes requiring a birth certificate.
Since then we have the following corroboration of its authenticity:
* One copy of the President’s long form birth certificate;
* Three official and certified verifications from the State of Hawaii;
* Two published birth announcements from two separate newspapers in 1961;
* Copy of the President’s passport stating birth in Hawaii in 1961;
* The statements of two different Hawaii Governors, Republican and Democrat;
* The statements of two different Hawaii Directors of Public Health;
* The statements of two different Hawaii Attorney Generals; and,
* The public confirmation of the attending hospital.
I dare you to produce the equivalent amount of evidence of your own birth.
it’s the kindergarten records of course. the fate of the universe depends on those kindergarten records. obama could clear this all up if he’d just release the kindergarten records.
That’s counter to the facts. When asked the Cold Case Posse stated that they had not contacted the White House, nor the Hawaii Department of Health.
Let’s say that the IRS has a question about my tax filings. How do they ask for clarification? Do they send me a letter asking for more information, or do they hold a press conference in Phoenix, Arizona? Of course they send a letter. The Cold Case Posse has admitted that they have not asked for clarification; they just held a press conference. A press conference is publicity, not investigation.
The only thing I know of that the CCP/Arpaio actually asked for was some material from the Selective Service about Obama’s registration, and they got that.
It’s not true.
I write to expose liars, and the assassins of reputation. Jesus was killed by such people.
As promised, the Zullo Show is beginning to shatter the birther universe. 😉
At least that shows that some of the players are in full damage control mode now that highly anticipated March has passed without even a whimper – trying to reinforce the
cop-outnarrative that nobody ever promised anything so no promises were broken, any year now.Dr. Conspiracy: “That’s counter to the facts. When asked the Cold Case Posse stated that they had not contacted the White House, nor the Hawaii Department of Health.”
Certainly a key point. Using the Cold Case Posse’s definition, every pdf ever produced is a “forgery.”
The only way to ascertain whether or not a pdf document is “forged” is to examine the paper copy from which the pdf is made and confirm with the party that is the owner of the original that it is legit or not.
At no time has Zullo ever sought to examine the paper document from which the pdf is said to be made and at no time has Zullo ever asked the State of Hawaii if it is legit. Pretty cheesy investigation.
So, less than 24 hours. The universe doesn’t FEEL very shattery…Wait! Wait! I feel something! …Nope, just gas.
I think it’s more along the lines that every time he releases something it is so easily debunked that he no longer wants to release anything that we can tear apart.
Well I can report from Sao Paulo that the is no visible sign of shattering at this moment in time’
Although the copious amount of Caipirinha’ s drunk does, I have found, tend to lead to a wish that it would and just shut the f*ck up….. 😎
I think my favorite birther narratives are the ones that are stitched together from conflicting stories, or ones that utterly negate the argument that he’s ineligible. Stuff along the lines of “I bet you’ll find the name of Frank Marshal Davis, his real father, on his Kenyan birth certificate!”
Robert Laity’s universe was shattered when his SCOTUS petition was denied today.
No. 13-875
Robert C. Laity, Petitioner
New York
Docketed: January 23, 2014
Lower Ct: Appellate Division, Supreme Court of New York, Third Judicial Department
Case Nos.: (516176)
Decision Date: April 11, 2013
Discretionary Court
Decision Date: November 19, 2013
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jan 20 2014 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due February 24, 2014)
Mar 12 2014 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of March 28, 2014.
Mar 31 2014 Petition DENIED.
That one has always fascinated me. Maybe because I got in trouble for kissing a little girl on the cheek.
I regret that he never posted his petition. I bet it is an interesting read.
How did they do that? I ask because I would like to see anything “official” the posse has done and how they did it: Letter on letterhead? Signed by someone with a title?
This definitely makes March, Birtherism’s biggest hope of the last 1.5 years, their biggest failure.
* Alabama SC denies their case and no real birfin’ from Roy Moore.
* SCOTUS denies Laity case
* No Zullo surprise
(Wasn’t Strunk’s failure also imminent?)
I’m curious as to how they’ll cope. Forget about the whole month and pin their hopes on “American Spring” in May?
We all know that only kindergarten records are authoritative for proving birthplace, race, adoption status and religion. 😉
Some birthers were hyping Strunk’s case because he led them to believe that there was a hearing on the case last week. It wasn’t a hearing, it was just a routine conference. The case was adjourned to June 13 for another conference.
Anyone have a current count?
ArizonaColorado gubernatorial candidate, Bob Beauprez, exposed as a birther.http://kdvr.com/2014/03/30/dems-unearth-beauprez-birther-comments-from-2010/
Details here:
To say nothing of Birfer incarcerations in March, both the actual ones and the imaginary one.
Because they are Birfers. No rational person would support Strunk after a sixty-second investigation of his record.
I think he’s running for Colorado governor but it will be interesting to see how this flies there.
In the last few days, in a thread on another site, I saw speculation that the Punahou (sp?) application file might contain a photocopy of his BC. So that’s actually a lot less loony than the college record demand, because they might be right, for a change (which, in itself, could be “universe-shattering”).
OK. Now I remember. I don’t see the actual letter sent to Selective Service. Have you seen it? Just curious to see it.
Matter of opinion what constitutes a birther comment — this is definitely throwing a bone to the birthers, but I’m not sure I’d call it being a birther.
But he does get in the “not a real American” dog whistle, and he says Alinsky was Obama’s mentor. That’s not going to look good when the press points out that Alinsky died when Obama was 11.
Surprisingly, Birther Report let me post the docket update about Laity’s petition being denied. Of course I did so without making any comment about it, so they don’t yet have me pegged as an Obot.
Next up is Vogt’s petition, which has already been dead filed and will be formally denied on April 21. Then it will be Brooke Paige’s petition, which will be dead filed and distributed for conference after the deadline for responding passes on April 9.
I didn’t include Klayman’s
ObamacareNSA petition, which will be denied on April 7, because it isn’t a birther case.It’s good to be correct all of the time!
How long until Paige shows up demanding we not make predictions about his filing? I say no more than three hours.
Well, yeah, but when you’re conducting a criminal investigation, don’t you…do you…oh hell, never mind.
The things you learn from birdboy’s comments at B.R.!
“Leftist morons typically post Monday thru Friday from 9 am until 5 pm, depending on the time zone. Roger discovered that years ago and could literally tell which one was on deck to disrupt the adult conversation depending on the time of day. They also have handlers and most of the handlers are non-American. Roger tracked down a whole cell of them and apparently they even have office hours. They are paid, and that was discovered years before it was a known operation.”
Ironic that he posted that in response to a claim about activty on a Sunday night.
Does that mean that people doing that posting were non-Leftist morons? Leftist non-morons? Or non-leftist non-morons?
Inquiring minds, frankly, don’t really care enough to find out.
That leaves me out. It’s 11:46 PM right now. What a [personal insult deleted for Lent] !
Klayman’s case isn’t about Obamacare. It’s an appeal from the district court ruling in his NSA case. Regardless, yeah, it’s d-e-a-d.
Massachusetts candidate for governor says Obama loves ‘sexual anarchy’ and might be gay
“I think Mr. Obama may well be a homosexual himself,” Scott Lively told UK’s Channel 4 News in an interview published last week. “He is certainly a radical homosexualist – meaning a person, whether they are homosexual or not, meaning a person who is 100 percent invested in the homosexual agenda.”
“He is lending the weight of his office to a movement that’s goal is to overturn the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic and replace it with the gay ethic of sexual anarchy. That’s what he’s doing,” Lively explained.
Right, my mistake. I meant to say NSA case. I had Obamacare on my mind.
So I started to write this article, “Mike Zullo is of no concern,” but since he is of no concern, I didn’t see a reason to write the article.
New quote of the day:
I sometimes wonder why anyone bothers to blog. Almost nothing anyone writes ever changes anyone else’s mind. Most people who read a blog already agree with the writer’s point of view. The others read so they can write quick, nasty comments in response. The whole blogosphere sometimes seems like one vast game of verbal paintball.
— Mcginniss, Joe (2011-09-20). The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin (Kindle Locations 1089-1091). Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
That’s a really scary book!
I think your initial instincts were correct. The expression, “no concern” is actually a hyperbole meaning, “of known inconsequentially negligible concern”. If the uneducated public encounters the name “Mike Zullo” without having your evaluation of his importance attached, they may assume he is a person of some concern as long as to them he remains a person of unknown concern.
I think John’s concern at this point, is over whether Mike Zullo has missed noting some Arizona statutes and could end up in misprison!
radio performance artist joe frank:
And the places online where you have to go “searching for the real Sarah Palin” are.
The closer you get to the fringes, the more politics becomes like religion: faith-based, fervent, dismissive of failures of reality to conform to beliefs, and intolerant of “infidels”. The people on those fringes seek out echo chambers to reinforce their beliefs, and fight like mujahideen, not only to expel “interlopers”, but also to purgethe unorthodox. There’s little, if any, actual debate there (except, sometimes, over whether to work their conquered enemies to death or just shoot them and get it over with).
But McGinniss failed to see that there are vast segments of the blogosphere that have nothing to do with politics, where real discussions go on every day. Millions of people use blogs to share their experiences in growing flowers, raising kids, getting better gas mileage from their cars, or keeping their model airplanes from crashing. And even some that do deal with politics and ideology strive to maintain an environment of serious debate.
Methinks he spent too long gazing into the abyss, and lost sight of who and what flourished on the plains and hills surrounding it.
I’ve always cringed at the weight that some people are given by a label like “candidate for governor”. Cody Robert Judy was a “Presidential candidate” but that was about as realistic as calling me “potential future Pope”.
I’ve noted that especially the wingnuts love to inflate the importance of people agreeing with them by labeling them accordingly.
Any loon can run for governor, that doesn’t make him any more important than he was before (here: zilch).
That’s why I criticize this kind of labeling, no matter which side does it.
If he’s someone with a realistic chance of winning, it’s a different issue.
Does anyone have a copy of John Woodman’s book? I seem to recall him pointing out that the right side of the birth certificate was distorted when it was copied for the AP copy. It was an argument he made to show that Irey’s analysis was wrong.
What was the distortion?
Woodman says about the distortion that some naturally comes from the act of photocopying, but adds::
That was from the section: “So Why the Distortion” at Nook location 448.
banned from BR again!
bird boy dreged up an article on clinton from `red flag’ in the april fools thread and got the mouths foaming, so i asked where his anger was for smith and klayman.
he drank a long glass of STFU (for once) cbut cassandra said i was leaving myself open for being sued for slander 😀
i posted the judges notes in klaymans divorce case, notably the part where he repetedly took the 5th.
instant deletion of previous posts and banned again!
`the only people afraid of the truth are those with something to hide’
Glad you and the missus are OK.
In other news:
Massive OC rally by birthers/impeachers
watch video for birther sign @2:40
I have 33 friend requests at Facebook and I don’t know who any of those folks are.
Generally, though, I’m not interested in increasing social networking. Casual friends at Facebook are a problem because they distract from posting from close friends. I only get on Facebook a few times a month and so I may well miss something important that’s too far down.
So, Birther Report is claiming that Colorado Congressman Cory Gardner has hired a private investigator to investigate President Obama’s so-called ID fraud. This claim is based on some drivel put out by Mike Volin during an interview with Peter Boyles. It’s all based on a second-hand report from someone named “Tim,” who Volin said delivered a jaw-dropping “Sheriff’s Kit” presentation to Gardner’s staff. Volin claims that Tim told him that Gardner’s staff is going to look into Obama’s ineligibility, and that from what Tim said, it is Volin’s “understanding” that Gardner has hired a private investigator.
Unmitaged b.s., of course, but, of course, the birthbots are eating it up, probably because they only read the misleading headline. If you’re interested in listening to the relevant section, it begins around 2:30 in the recording posted at B.R.
In the comments section, Volin says he misstated the facts and that the congressman only talked to a private investigator. Whatever that means.
Volin’s original comments were so vague as to be meaningless. Typically, Birther Report created a headline from them that tried to create significance from nothing. And just as typically, the birthbots ignore the fact that they are being lied to.
New Quote of the day:
After 3 years of promises and fund raising talk show host Carl Gallops announced that he will have “Universe shattering news” from Arpaio and Zullo in March. March came and went and we got nothing, zilch nada.
However “universe shattering news” arrived. Gallops announced a special paid subscription for special morons who will pay a special moron fee to be the first to get the special “Universe shattering news” when and if they arrive.
— Orly Taitz, April 1, 2014
— OrlyTaitzEsq.com
This is just Orly trying to be sarcastic, right? I haven’t see anything on Gallups site about this.
The rest of the announcement reads
“The arrival date is scheduled for January 21, 2017 right after the new president is elected and Arpaio, Zullo and Gallops release their memoirs.”
So yeah it looks like sarcasm.
So Orly is mocking Zullo? Wait . . . isn’t that an ALINSKY tactic!! Are you telling me Orly’s . . . an Obot?
Seriously (not!), this is the world of never-ending failure that the Birther movement fateful are pretending to thrive on almost DAILY! From endless failures, Bird-boy concludes that COMPLETE Obama ejecting SUCCESS, is getting MORE LIKELY with every hopeless initiative!
They flip a penny 10,000 times and conclude because it lands on heads every time, not that it’s a two-headed penny, but that with each prospective toss, tails is MORE likely to come up!
Ha! WND used to run that scam, remember? Back when they were foisting “press conferences” upon unsuspecting motel basements. Sign your life away to us to be the first to get the newest, freshest, hashiest rehash around!
How many Birfers will gladly buy two or three?
If the “O” stands for “Orly,” then she is queen of the Obots.
Despite the April 1 date, I think Orly is pointing to a real statement, but being catty about it. This is what is posted on the PPSIMMONS site:
— “Zullo on Release Date: PPSIMMONS will know first” March 30,2014.
Notice the word “subscribers” in the statement. Now I take “information” in this context to mean information about the release schedule, not the universe shattering information itself.
“Only we have The Truth.”
Not the least but creepy or cultish. Nope.
Is today the day?
Special Edition of Freedom Friday Today! 5-7 Eastern… 4-6 Central!
There is no Ustream Broadcast today.
Does this mean you won’t be able to listen live from the website?
Makes sense. Secret Reed report, secret evidence, secret VIP’s, secret annoucements for those special someones only. 😉
Upstream is the video feed for their show. It sounds like they don’t want the Birthers to see them smirking as they make the big announcement.
Mark Gillar and Mike Volin must be fuming about this. They got pushed to the side by their bff
So basically this “universe-shattering” news is only for the few birthers willing to pay for the privilege. Nothing like a “for-profit” official police investigation to remove the POTUS. Do all the candidates for US congress get a special “impeachment rate”? What about the press, since this little podunk station barely reaches .01% of the population, shouldn’t the press get a special “Look at our BS” rate?
Does this mean that I need a CCP Secret Decoder Ring?
Docket update: The State of Vermont has waived its right to respond to H. Brooke Paige’s SCOTUS petition. It will be dead filed and distributed for a conference soon.
No. 13-1076
H. Brooke Paige, Petitioner
Vermont, et al.
Docketed: March 10, 2014
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of Vermont
Case Nos.: (2012-439)
Decision Date: October 18, 2013
Rehearing Denied: December 6, 2013
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 6 2014 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 9, 2014)
Mar 26 2014 Waiver of right of respondents Vermont, et al. to respond filed.
Huge win for Birfers! Obots on the run!
Have you had your Ovaltine today?
If it happened at all, I’m guessing that a private investigator contacted Congressman Gardner rather than the other way around. Since Gardner is a Colorado Congressman, the most likely suspect is John Sampson.
And why would a U.S. Congressman hire a private investigator?
OMG! Do I hear the universe shattering?!
False alarm; dog farted.
False alarm… or false flag???
Mind. Blown.
“The colored man looms large in the Communist plan to take over America.”
— Fred C. Koch
(source: Koch, Fred C. (1960). A Business Man Looks at Communism. Wichita, Kansas: self-published.)
Sometimes you jump the shark; other times, you just step over it. But if you’re the bird-boy of Birferstan, you fly over the shark as you sing the mating call of the crested booby:
“[Obots] are worried that I told the truth and since I’m not a known liar – they have problems.”