Mississippi Democrats attempt to dam flooding Taitz

Rather than respond to Defense opposition to her previous motion to file new information, Taitz did something called a “First amended motion for leave of court to file new facts and opinions.” Attorneys for the Mississippi Democratic Executive Committee respond that they can’t find anything in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that lets her do that, but just to be safe, they are replying to it anyway. Read the MDEC reply.

Articles like this are what I call a “wrapper” because I assume that all the reader really wants to do is read the reply and go from there. The article just puts a title and some introductory text around the actual document.

The document itself is pretty much a reprise of their motion in opposition to Taitz’ previous attempt to file more stuff.

My favorite quote:

While these materials purport to show that attorney Taitz is being victimized by someone, they appear to be little more than pranks from people who have read her website.

Read more:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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30 Responses to Mississippi Democrats attempt to dam flooding Taitz

  1. Paul says:

    Pranks?! PRANKS?!?!? How DARE they accuse us of pulling PRANKS?!?!

    Yours truly,
    Lord Monkton

  2. Thinker says:

    Judge Wingate needs to shut this whole thing down. It’s really disgraceful that he lets her continue to abuse her access to the court system by filing BS like what the MS Dems are opposing in this filing.

  3. CarlOrcas says:

    Judge Wingate needs to shut this whole thing down. It’s really disgraceful that he lets her continue to abuse her access to the court system by filing BS like what the MS Dems are opposing in this filing.

    I don’t disagree but maybe its better to let her continue to make a fool of herself than turn her into a martyr.

  4. The European says:

    On Page 3 Line 12 the word “irrelevant” is “relevant”.

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: I don’t disagree but maybe its better to let her continue to make a fool of herself than turn her into a martyr.

    And its forcing her to invest time and other resources into a never-ending loop. It causes her endless frustration as well. I’m all for that. A flustered Taitz, is an amusing Taitz.

  6. Thinker says:

    If the purpose of the judicial system were to make people look like fools or martyrs I might agree, but it’s not. It’s about justice. This whole case is unquestionably fatally flawed for a variety of obvious reasons and it’s wasting a lot of resources for the defendants and for the court system.

    CarlOrcas: I don’t disagree but maybe its better to let her continue to make a fool of herself than turn her into a martyr.

  7. CarlOrcas says:

    If the purpose of the judicial system were to make people look like fools or martyrs I might agree, but it’s not. It’s about justice. This whole case is unquestionably fatally flawed for a variety of obvious reasons and it’s wasting a lot of resources for the defendants and for the court system.

    If it were the only case in our courts wasting time and resources I might agree but for Ms. Taitz the real justice may be in letting her just keep going. Even the Energizer bunny runs out of juice at some point.

  8. RanTalbott says:

    “First amended motion for leave of court to file new facts and opinions.”

    And zibbits Don’t forget the zibbits!

    I think maybe she’s getting better: based on previous performance, I half-expected a “First amended motion for leave of court to file new facts and opinions, institute Casual Fridays, and declare July 6 ‘Moldova Appreciation Day’”…

  9. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: but for Ms. Taitz the real justice may be in letting her just keep going

    Maybe, but what about justice for the poor schmuck waiting for a hearing on her 2-year-old wage discrimination suit?

    We’ve already got about 10% of federal benches sitting empty because the Republicans are hoping they can get them filled by President Cruz/Rubio/(wingnut to be named later). Tying up some of the remaining ones with this kind of nonsense is entertaining for us, but it’s unfair to the people with real grievances.

  10. interestedbystander says:

    ” … new facts and opinions … ” It’s almost as if the old facts weren’t, er, factual.

  11. The European says:

    RanTalbott: Maybe, but what about justice for the poor schmuck waiting for a hearing on her 2-year-old wage discrimination suit?

    We’ve already got about 10% of federal benches sitting empty because the Republicans are hoping they can get them filled by President Cruz/Rubio/(wingnut to be named later). Tying up some of the remaining ones with this kind of nonsense is entertaining for us, but it’s unfair to the people with real grievances.

    Ran, you can blame only Holder and Obama now. Reid broke the chains, as far as I know.

  12. The European says:

    If the purpose of the judicial system were to make people look like fools or martyrs I might agree, but it’s not. It’s about justice. This whole case is unquestionably fatally flawed for a variety of obvious reasons and it’s wasting a lot of resources for the defendants and for the court system.

    /snark on
    As far as I know the courts do deliver judgements and not justice …..

  13. Bonsall Obot says:

    The European:

    Ran, you can blame only Holder and Obama now. Reid broke the chains, as far as I know.

    Not quite true; there are still several procedural delays the Republicans are using to sidetrack each and every one of the President’s judicial nominees.

  14. Jim says:

    She was close…should have been “First amended motion for leave of court to file new factless opinions”

  15. Hermitian says:

    My Favorite Quote:

    “Even if all the technical defects in the “evidence” are cured and the hearsay hurdles overcome, the material would still not be irrelevant to the
    disposition of any pending motion in this case.”


  16. Bob says:

    Orly is an example of a troll in real life. Everything she says and does is ugly, stupid, and toxic and reinforces the assertion that her soul has been corroded beyond repair.

  17. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: Maybe, but what about justice for the poor schmuck waiting for a hearing on her 2-year-old wage discrimination suit?

    We’ve already got about 10% of federal benches sitting empty because the Republicans are hoping they can get them filled by President Cruz/Rubio/(wingnut to be named later). Tying up some of the remaining ones with this kind of nonsense is entertaining for us, but it’s unfair to the people with real grievances.

    My impression (a real lawyer may have some persepctive) is that the vast majority of her cases involve very little real work on the part of the court involved.

    That said, yes it’s unfair but there’s nothing in the Constitution about life being fair (insert snark here).

  18. Suranis says:

    yep, another impending fail from the worlds finest practicioner of dental and legal Proctology.

    My Favorite Quote:


  19. Andrew Morris says:

    However, she will of course have to drop all of these cases when she’s elected California AG.

  20. Rickey says:

    Bonsall Obot: Not quite true; there are still several procedural delays the Republicans are using to sidetrack each and every one of the President’s judicial nominees.

    Unfortunately, what you say is true.


  21. CarlOrcas says:

    The European: Ran, you can blame only Holder and Obama now. Reid broke the chains, as far as I know.

    That was the pseudo filibuster requirement of 60 votes. I do believe, however, that any Senator can still blue slip a candidate and veto any appointment in his/her state.

  22. Joey says:

    Blue slipping only applies to the two Senators from the home state of a federal judicial nominee.

  23. Bonsall Obot says:

    But Blue Slips aren’t the only problem; even without them, and without the filibuster, any Senator can use parliamentary delays to drag out individual confirmations for days. The system is broken.

  24. Thinker says:

    No, but there is lots of stuff in the Constitution (and federal regulations) about the proper use of Article III courts, and Taitz is blatantly misusing them, as judges have repeatedly pointed out to her. Her grievances are political. Her options for redress of her grievances against Obama are the ballot box and Congress.

    CarlOrcas:That said, yes it’s unfair but there’s nothing in the Constitution about life being fair (insert snark here).

  25. Rickey says:

    Blue slipping only applies to the two Senators from the home state of a federal judicial nominee.

    That’s correct, but:

    So next week’s committee vote on Beth Bloom, Darrin P. Gayles, Carlos Eduardo Mendoza, and Paul G. Byron couldn’t come soon enough. All four were recommended to the White House by Senators Rubio and Bill Nelson after they were recommended to them by the senators’ Florida Federal Judicial Nominating Commission. Yet the vote is likely to be delayed for no reason other than partisan politics. That’s because delaying the committee vote is a small but reliably constant way that Senate Republicans delay and obstruct all of President Obama’s judicial nominees.

    Committee rules let the minority have a vote “held over” until the next meeting without providing a reason. Committee Republicans have routinely held over nominees since President Obama took office, even if they are completely unopposed. The routine use of this hold, without cause and almost without exception, is unprecedented. In fact, only eleven of Obama’s judicial nominees have actually been allowed by the GOP to have their committee vote held as scheduled.

    So there is a good chance that Rubio will “blue slip” four nominees he recommended for the Federal bench. If that happens on Thursday, there could hardly be a more blatant example of Republican obstruction for the sake of obstruction.


  26. CarlOrcas says:

    Blue slipping only applies to the two Senators from the home state of a federal judicial nominee.

    Yes, you’re right. My mistake about the the Blue Slip but any Senator can place a hold on a nomination.

  27. CarlOrcas says:

    No, but there is lots of stuff in the Constitution (and federal regulations) about the proper use of Article III courts, and Taitz is blatantly misusing them, as judges have repeatedly pointed out to her. Her grievances are political. Her options for redress of her grievances against Obama are the ballot box and Congress.

    At this point its up to the courts to decide they have had too much.

    I certainly won’t shed a tear when she’s sanctioned….severely.

  28. Thinker says:

    Hopefully Judge Wingate will act on the Mississippi Democratic Party’s suggestion that he issue a restriction that her filings have to be approved by the court before they go on the docket. If that were carried out reasonably, crap like what she submitted last week will never see the light of day. As much as I enjoy the occasional peak into the mind of a lunatic that these crazy filings offer, they’re completely inappropriate.

    CarlOrcas: At this point its up to the courts to decide they have had too much.

    I certainly won’t shed a tear when she’s sanctioned….severely.

  29. Joey says:

    President Obama has had 237 Article Three (SCOTUS, District Court, Courts of Appeals, Court of International Trade & Tax Court) Judges confirmed. Another 53 District Court judges are awaiting confirmation votes as are 8 Appeals Court Judges.
    Of the 189 District Court Judges nominated by President Obama, 59 have been confirmed unanimously and other 76 district court judges were confirmed without a roll-call vote.
    Despite Republican partisan parliamentary maneuvers, President Obama has already had more federal judges confirmed than George W. Bush had confirmed in eight years.
    The most interesting nominees/confirmations on the birther issue are the six district court nominees in Arizona who are awaiting confirmation. If confirmed, Arizona District would have two Clinton judges, 4 George Bush judges, and 7 Obama judges for Joe Arpaio-Mike Zullo to petition to for redress of grievances.

  30. Mississippi Secretary of State Hosemann has joined in the Democrats’ reply.

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