Vladimir Putin: a birther?

So according to “Bob in Louisiana” via Birther Report:

It’s like this; The people in the United States don’t know what’s going on in the rest of the world. The media in America has been in a blackout for 5 years. And, Putin knows that Obama is not eligible to be president. So, that’s why Putin’s got Obama over a barrel.

The big news (for the birthers) is that Bob said this on the C-SPAN call-in show, Washington Journal. They think that there is this media blackout and it’s finally cracking–a sign of the Universe shattering?

Orly Taitz seems to prefer Putin, writing [link to Taitz web site]:

Putin Doesn’t Threaten Our National Security, Obama Does

Birthers seem to like Putin more than Obama, primarily because Putin is not Obama.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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58 Responses to Vladimir Putin: a birther?

  1. Curious George says:

    Bravo Bob. You’ve broken through the MSM blackout. So what’s changed? The birds are still a sing’n and the sun is still a ris’n in the east and the world is still a spin’n and most importantly, the universe is still intact.
    (Burma Shave)

    Bravo Bob! Bravo!

  2. Thinker says:

    I recall Taitz has written that Putin might be blackmailing Obama because Putin has secret information about Harry Bounel, who, if he had been a real person, would have been from Russia.

  3. RanTalbott says:

    They also like Pravda, because it carries birfer stories that the “Lamestream Media” won’t touch.

    Interesting bit of irony in the nickname “C-SPAN Bob”. Any relation to “Baghdad Bob”? Certainly some of the posted comments are reminiscent…

  4. aarrgghh says:

    white skin blond hair
    blue eyes a plus
    can’t wait til vlad
    annexes us
    burma shave

  5. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Birthers seem to like Putin more than Obama, primarily because Putin is not Obama.

    And because they, like most RWNJ’s, desire a strong (read: near-dictatorial) leader who shares their hatred for the gays and their desire to simply plunder weaker countries (like Trump who openly said the US should’ve taken Iraq’s oil).

  6. impartial observer says:

    You tend to generalize about the birthers and it makes you seem intellectually sloppy and not serious.

  7. Pastor Charmley says:

    It strikes me as deeply ironic that folk who work themselves up over vague allegations that Obama is a tyrant, and who indulge in fantasies about Obama making himself a dictator (fantasies that resemble almost exactly those indulged in about Bush before 2008) should be so enthusiastic about an ex-KGB thug who, when not allowed to continue in the Presidency, ruled through a puppet until he could legally reclaim the Presidency.

  8. Lupin says:

    Pastor Charmley: It strikes me as deeply ironic that folk who work themselves up over vague allegations that Obama is a tyrant, and who indulge in fantasies about Obama making himself a dictator (fantasies that resemble almost exactly those indulged in about Bush before 2008) should be so enthusiastic about an ex-KGB thug who, when not allowed to continue in the Presidency, ruled through a puppet until he could legally reclaim the Presidency.

    I bet they like gladiator movies too.

  9. I hope you find someplace else that meets your high standards for specificity.

    impartial observer: You tend to generalize about the birthers and it makes you seem intellectually sloppy and not serious.

  10. Bonsall Obot says:

    impartial observer:

    (some agenda-betraying argle-bargle)

    What is it with these Birfers and their comically ironic names?

  11. American Mzungu says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I hope you find someplace else that meets your high standards for specificity.

    There is always the Sonoran News.

  12. Bob says:

    impartial observer:
    You tend to generalize about the birthers and it makes you seem intellectually sloppy and not serious.

    Isn’t that an “Alinsky tactic?” Why else would anyone lump eyewitness-to-history-Nancy Ruth Owen-types in with a simple-Patriot-just-asking-questions-★FALCON★-types in with intellectual-scholar-Apuzzo-types?

    Yes, the gamut of Birthers runs all the way from A to B.

  13. Arthur says:

    impartial observer:
    You tend to generalize about the birthers and it makes you seem intellectually sloppy and not serious.

    Sometimes it’s valuable to generalize because you get the big picture about a topic. For example, after five years of reading articles and comments by birthers, I’ve found that, in general, birthers refuse to accept President Obama’s eligibility not because they are uneducated or uninformed, but because they are denialists. Denialism, which Princeton anthropologist Didier Fassin describes as an irrational response, often ideologically based, to something that can be objectively identified as being true, e.g., Obama is a natural-born citizen born in Hawaii to an American mother and an African father. In his recent book, “Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives,” author and journalist Michael Specter explains that denialism can exist when “a section of society, often struggling with the trauma of change, turns away from reality in favor of a more comfortable lie.” That, I think, is an accurate generalization about the birther mentality that is neither sloppy nor unserious.

  14. Could be. IP addresses on different coasts though.

    Bonsall Obot: I KNEW “Impartial” sounded familiar; Doc banned him.

  15. American Mzungu says:

    impartial observer: You tend to generalize about the birthers

    Please tell us how you don’t fit into the generalizations that Doc presented.

    1. Do you disagree that there is a media blackout?

    2. Do you think the media blackout is not cracking?

    3. Do you like Putin more than Obama?

    4. If so, is it because Putin is not Obama.?

    Please be specific. Please address every question in full.

    To give us a better idea where you are coming from, please also answer the following questions.

    5. How long have you been reading Doc C’s site?

    6. Have you posted here under different names?

    7. If so, what names have you used?

    8. Why did you chose to call yourself “impartial observer”?

    9. What do you think qualifies you as an impartial observer?

    Please be specific. Thank you.

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Pastor Charmley: It strikes me as deeply ironic that folk who work themselves up over vague allegations that Obama is a tyrant, and who indulge in fantasies about Obama making himself a dictator (fantasies that resemble almost exactly those indulged in about Bush before 2008) should be so enthusiastic about an ex-KGB thug who, when not allowed to continue in the Presidency, ruled through a puppet until he could legally reclaim the Presidency.

    When I see one of them commenting about how Putin is a strong leader and Obama is just a sissy I have visions of Peter Sellers in character as Dr. Strangelove…..unable to control his right arm.

  17. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Could be. IP addresses on different coasts though.

    People move sometimes, especially if they’re hiding from The Regime.

  18. sfjeff says:

    I continue to be bemused by the admiration of some of the Right for Putin.

    He is everything that they proclaim that Obama is conspiring to be- except of course he is white.

  19. Bonsall Obot says:


    He is everything that they proclaim that Obama is conspiring to be- except of course he is white.

    And he hates all the correct people. This is not to be ignored.

  20. Joey says:

    impartial observer:
    You tend to generalize about the birthers and it makes you seem intellectually sloppy and not serious.

    I think that it IS possible to generalize about those people who are supporting an issue that has lost in courts of law in just about every state in the nation 335 times in a row.

    That’s 220 consecutive original jurisdiction losses, 95 state and federal appellate court losses and 20 denials at the U.S. Supreme Court. It is the Birthers who chose the judiciary as the forum to pursue their “petitions for redress of grievances” and for six years they have done nothing but lose.

    One conservative federal judge appointed by George W. Bush put it succinctly: Rhodes v. MacDonald, U.S. District Court Judge Clay D. Land: “A spurious claim questioning the president’s constitutional legitimacy may be protected by the First Amendment, but a Court’s placement of its imprimatur upon a claim that is so lacking in factual support that it is frivolous would undoubtedly disserve the public interest.”—U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, September 16, 2009.

    Judge Land then sanctioned Birther attorney Orly Taitz $20,000 for wasting his time with nonsense and the Supreme Court of the United States refused to issue an injunction to stop the sanction.

  21. Bonsall Obot says:

    The notion of those who regard Lucas Smith and Mara Zebest as “experts,” who call Mike Zullo an “investigator,” and create unsupportable legal theories out of whole cloth, referring to anyone as “intellectually sloppy and not serious” is simultaneously sad, hilarious and frightening.

  22. Arthur says:

    This birther blather claiming Putin knows that Obama is not a natural-born citizen, reminds me of similarly ridiculous claims that the Russians detained Obama because he was a British spy.

    Back in 2005, when Obama was still a senator, the plane that he and Senator Richard Lugar (R) were traveling on, was, for several hours, prevented from leaving the city of Perm. Obama and Lugar had been touring storage sites where nuclear warheads were stored prior to destruction. At the time, Fox news reported that Russian officials did not disclose the nature of the dispute that lead to the plane being detained. Shortly after the event, USA Today revealed that an official with “the border control service at Perm’s Bolshoye Savino airport, accused the senators of refusing to follow border guards’ orders” and that was the reason for the delay.

    Obama calumnists disinterred this story in 2011 and reanimated it with a smear that claimed Russians placed “Obama in custody under suspicion of being a British operative illegally spying in Russia at off-limits secret facilities.”

    This b.s. continues to get recycled at B.R.

  23. BillTheCat says:

    impartial observer:
    You tend to generalize about the birthers and it makes you seem intellectually sloppy and not serious.

    Apparently, you’re new here. Do some reading then get back to us. Otherwise your comments seem intellectually sloppy and not serious.

  24. bgansel9 says:

    Birthers seem to like Putin more than Obama, primarily because Putin is not Obama.

    Then they should move there.

  25. Suranis says:

    Yeah But Obama is a communist. You see. And Putin was a strong patriot of the USmuttermutter.

  26. Keith says:

    American Mzungu: Please tell us how you don’t fit into the generalizations that Doc presented.

    1. Do you…

    Is this like one of those ‘religious tests’ that religious groups give to office candidates before they are deemed worthy? Cool.

  27. Keith says:

    Bonsall Obot: Dr. Conspiracy:
    Could be. IP addresses on different coasts though.

    People move sometimes, especially if they’re hiding from The Regime.

    And they sometimes use IP address obfuscators to dodge the banning scripts.

  28. Seamus says:

    Don’t forget the original birther, HillRy Clinton, the first media birther Chris Matthews.

  29. American Mzungu says:

    Keith: Is this like one of those ‘religious tests’ that religious groups give to office candidates before they are deemed worthy?

    We have to do SOMETHING to raise the quality of drive-by birthers on this site.

    I have no idea what to do about Seamus.

  30. roadburner says:

    American Mzungu: We have to do SOMETHING to raise the quality of drive-by birthers on this site.

    I have no idea what to do about Seamus.


  31. Joey says:

    Don’t forget the original birther, HillRy Clinton, the first media birther Chris Matthews.

    Seamus will buy each and every myth that the Birther Cult puts out.

    The first birther was a Republican named Fred Hollander. Fred filed suit in federal court against John McCain and the Republican National Committee after McCain won the New Hampshire Primary. Mr. Hollander is a conservative New Hampshire Republican and he was none too pleased that a moderate like McCain won the nation’s first primary so he sued, claiming that Mc Cain was not a natural born citizen due to his birth in Panama. The exhibits even included a forged Panama birth certificate for McCain.
    Hollander’s lawsuit was five months before Hillary Clinton supporter Phil Berg filed the first birther suit against Barack Obama.
    McCain’s and Republican Party’s attorneys got Hollander’s lawsuit dismissed on grounds of lack of standing to bring suit.
    (March, 2008) Hollander v Mccain: http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/litigation/hollanderv.mccain.php
    (August, 2008) Berg v. Obama:

  32. Bonsall Obot says:


    …Hillary Clinton supporter Phil Berg filed the first birther suit against Barack Obama…

    So you admit that, through the Transitive Property of Birfering, Hillary Clinton is Phil Berg?

  33. Thinker says:

    One of the defining characteristics of birthers is that they ignore evidence and logic and believe what they want to believe even if the evidence does not support it. A single birthery comments 7 years ago does not make a person a birther. Matthews was wrong. He figured it out and got his facts straight. He is most certainly not now, nor was he ever, a birther.

    Seamus: the first media birther Chris Matthews.

  34. Benji Franklin says:

    American Mzungu: We have to do SOMETHING to raise the quality of drive-by birthers on this site.

    I have no idea what to do about Seamus.

    I know of no other situation in real life, where a group of sane people like the anti-Birthers, tolerate and (generally) patiently and civilly respond to the same already debunked premises over and over again the way we have done here for going on 6 years.

    While their is room for SOME degree of reasonable speculative disagreement about certain aspects of the Birther standard list of conclusary allegations against Obama, I think it’s about time for Doc to publish a list of one sentence declarations about certain popular discussion polluting Birther mantras, and simply redact them from Troll postings or refuse to publish comments that try to reintroduce these long-disproved or astronomically unlikely obstacles to a meaningful further conversation about Obama’s eligibility.

    A few examples would be:
    1)Obama spent millions to seal his records and created self-serving presidential order secrecy laws
    2)Pakistan travel ban
    3)Courts haven’t found FOR Obama’s eligibility “on the merits”
    4)He lost his US citizenship as a foreign student when his parents enrolled him in a grade school in another country
    5)Hypothetically, a statute forbidding government employment by someone who breaks some law, supersedes the Constitution’s list of Presidential eligibility requirements.

    And so forth.

    I think discussions here would proceed much more rationally were this the policy. But maybe it would be tiresome to do for Doc, and he does a lot selflessly for all of us already. Just an idea.

  35. Hillary Clinton is not now, nor has she ever been a birther.

    Seamus: Don’t forget the original birther, HillRy Clinton, t

  36. Wouldn’t it just be simpler to ignore them?

    Yeah, I know that doesn’t work, but you know what they say about power corrupting.

    Benji Franklin: I think discussions here would proceed much more rationally were this the policy. But maybe it would be tiresome to do for Doc, and he does a lot selflessly for all of us already. Just an idea.

  37. Benji Franklin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Yeah, I know that doesn’t work, but you know what they say about power corrupting.

    Absolutely! Or in the case of the Internet Birther Donation Banditos , abso LOOT lee!

    Imagine the degree of corruption Mike Zoo Low contemplates now that he thinks he has the power to shatter the Universe.

  38. Dave says:

    It is likely that the original rumors that Obama was not born in the US were spread by Clinton supporters. That would be about as close as Clinton ever got to this.

    However, those people stopped pushing that rumor when Obama released his birth certificate in June 2008. So I don’t know if you can really call them birthers. To really be a birther, you need to keep pushing it after the theory is obviously wrong.

  39. justlw says:

    I firmly believe that the amount that Clinton supporters (other than Berg, of course) pushed this at all has been seriously overstated. “Clinton supporters did it first” is a meme that itself was pushed hard by the Washington Times’ magazine Insight on the News. Basically, they were trying to give themselves cover for their ongoing rumor campaign that Obama was a sekrit Mooslem.

    The milder form of this meme was that this was the disaffected “PUMA” faction at work — a group that turned out to be much tinier and more ineffectual than touted by the likes of Rush Limbaugh.

  40. Joey says:

    Bonsall Obot: So you admit that, through the Transitive Property of Birfering, Hillary Clinton is Phil Berg?

    Exactly! 🙂 if Michelle Obama is a man to Birthers then Hillary Clinton is really Phil Berg be it transitive or intransitive.

  41. RanTalbott says:

    Benji Franklin: I think it’s about time for Doc to publish a list of one sentence declarations about certain popular discussion polluting Birther mantras

    You really only need one:

    That’s a load of hooey that was debunked ___ years ago.

    Another approach would be to highlight one word on each of the webpages in the Debunker’s Guide, and have a script that automatically posts the URL as a reply, then changes the clown’s password to that word.

    For second and subsequent offenses, you add a puzzle: reverse the word, invert the case, etc., until you get to, say, “It’s an anagram of the Luo translation”.

  42. Whatever4 says:

    roadburner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddN6WHBmBmI

    Maybe take him off the roof of the car. I think the wind is dehydrating him something fierce.

  43. Whatever4 says:

    It is likely that the original rumors that Obama was not born in the US were spread by Clinton supporters. That would be about as close as Clinton ever got to this.

    However, those people stopped pushing that rumor when Obama released his birth certificate in June 2008. So I don’t know if you can really call them birthers. To really be a birther, you need to keep pushing it after the theory is obviously wrong.

    Loren sussed out the Ur-Birther in his excellent 2-part series The Secret Origin of the Birthers. http://birthofanotion.com/home/the-secret-origin-of-the-birthers

  44. BillTheCat says:

    Don’t forget the original birther, HillRy Clinton, the first media birther Chris Matthews.

    Oh yeh, and remember the dem’s started the KKK? Irrelevant non-factual history is fun!

  45. Thomas Brown says:

    Don’t forget the original birther, HillRy Clinton, the first media birther Chris Matthews.

    You’re not fooling anyone Seamus; your real name is Jim Bob.

  46. Bonsall Obot says:


    HillRy Clinton

    I’m sure I’ll regret asking…

    I know they have their Keyboard Kommando Kode that lets them know they’re among friends, but what’s the significance (if any) of this particular misspelling?

  47. justlw says:

    Bonsall Obot: HillRy Clinton

    I’m sure I’ll regret asking…

    I know they have their Keyboard Kommando Kode that lets them know they’re among friends, but what’s the significance (if any) of this particular misspelling?

    The “R” is for BENGHAZI.

  48. If you want to see this characteristic displayed in all its glory check out any of Hermitian’s (Henry Blake) hundreds of posts on this article at my blog:

    New Xerox 7655 files with 1652 x 1276 JPG background images

    He has brought in so many straw man arguments that I am afraid my blog would be rated a Class A fire hazard

    Thinker: One of the defining characteristics of birthers is that they ignore evidence and logic and believe what they want to believe even if the evidence does not support it.

  49. Rickey says:

    Don’t forget the original birther, HillRy Clinton, the first media birther Chris Matthews.

    You birthers are so gullible.

    Chris Matthews was never a birther. That particular birther lie is a mischaracterization of comments Matthews made on his show on 12/18/07. Here is what he actually said:

    Here is Hillary Clinton defending him and Bob Kerrey: “I think the remarks were very positive. I know Bob. He was being very complimentary of Senator Obama. He was making a point that Senator Obama makes himself all the time, that, because of his upbringing and his heritage, he is, in his view”—“in his view”—catch that line—“very well-suited to communicate with the rest of the world. And he has just himself that he wants to have a particular outreach to the Islamic world. So, I think Senator Kerrey was being, you know, very generous in what he said.”

    But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?


    He obviously meant that to say “for having been raised in Indonesia,” because he was paraphrasing Hillary Clinton and she has never suggested that Obama was born in Indonesia.

  50. GLaB says:

    Bonsall Obot: I’m sure I’ll regret asking…

    I know they have their Keyboard Kommando Kode that lets them know they’re among friends, but what’s the significance (if any) of this particular misspelling?

    I’ll take a stab at it – Seamus is a Ron Paul fan; an ongoing meme of theirs is that there is no real difference between mainstream Rs and Ds, and HRC is just another RINO (DINO?).

  51. Bonsall Obot says:

    GLaB: I’ll take a stab at it – Seamus is a Ron Paul fan;an ongoing meme of theirs is that there is no real difference between mainstream Rs and Ds, and HRC is just another RINO (DINO?).

    Sounds stupid enough to be true.

  52. GLaB says:

    And not just Ron Paul fans anymore:

    Maybe time to start printing the “Clinton/Bush 2016” bumperstickers. #amnesty #CommonCore #ChinaTrade #NSA #bipartisan

    Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) April 07, 2014

  53. Bonsall Obot says:

    Ingraham may not be a Paulista, but she gives them a run for their money in the bile department.

  54. The Magic M says:

    Bonsall Obot: I know they have their Keyboard Kommando Kode that lets them know they’re among friends, but what’s the significance (if any) of this particular misspelling?

    Couldn’t find any. I suppose Seamus wrote on an iPhone and hit “Shift” when he meant to hit “a”. So “ar” => “Shift r” => “R”.

  55. Majority Will says:

    Bonsall Obot: I’m sure I’ll regret asking…

    I know they have their Keyboard Kommando Kode that lets them know they’re among friends, but what’s the significance (if any) of this particular misspelling?

    Vicodin, Gin and Inbreeding.

  56. justlw says:

    Majority Will: Vicodin, Gin and Inbreeding.

    My second-favorite Pogues album.

  57. justlw says:

    I’m thinking “Hill-R-y” is what he was aiming for. Elucidative punctuation is not the hallmark of this crowd, as they’re generally still struggling with the basics.

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