Monthly Archives: May 2014

Obots betrayed!

  Birther says Today’s Quote of the Day came from William, writing at Birther Report: Besides, 2 of the main Obots (possibly more now) have already rolled over. Their followers are simply too stupid to know it – Yet… Being … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Report, Wild & Wacky | Tagged , , , , | 49 Comments

Donald Trump still a birther

Just for historical completeness, I note the recent remarks by birther Donald Trump who is still displaying his orangutanian heritage as a birther. Trump said at a Republican gathering in New Orleans (as reported in The Daily Beast): I would … Continue reading

Posted in Donald Trump | Tagged , | 63 Comments

Federal lawsuit names George W. Bush as accomplice in Obama ineligibility

The title of this article, while true, isn’t the best summary of this baffling lawsuit out of Arizona. Indeed inmate Arnold James Begay blames quite a few people, including: … all Government, The House of Rep. and Congress, United States … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Old News, Wild & Wacky | Tagged | 11 Comments

The moral dimension of birtherism

The reason that I have so much motivation to combat birtherism is that I consider it immoral, and not just immoral in and of itself, but a movement that promotes immorality and encourages others to act badly, and not only … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Report, Birthers, Featured Articles, Jerome Corsi, Joseph Farah, Religion, Terry Lakin | Tagged , , , , , | 42 Comments

Breaking: Arizona Corporations Commission responds to complaint against Cold Case Posse

Dissolution threatened Today the Arizona Corporations Commission issued a letter to Arizona resident Brian Reilly, containing this statement: We have received your complaint regarding the above company. In these situations, our process is to send a letter to The Maricopa … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo | Tagged , , , | 168 Comments

Hillary’s brain v. the generic birther

“Xerox” and “Kleenex” are words that have taken on a generic meaning beyond their specific product brands. Is this happening with “birther”? Case in point is an article at the Huffington Post titled, “Fox News Jumps on Board the New … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers | Tagged , , , | 27 Comments