Fox News leads media blackout of Operation American Spring

I ran a Google query to find out what Fox News Channel is saying about Operation American Spring. They aren’t saying anything–the only hits were from Fox Radio’s token liberal, Alan Colmes.

I will admit that sometimes Fox News makes editorial decisions based on its Republican bias, but in the case of Operation American Spring, I think that the lack of coverage at Fox (and CNN and MSNBC and the hometown Washington Post) is not a matter of editorial bias, but that it’s just not a real story. I even checked the US Capitol Police web site, and there’s nothing there about OAS.

It’s always useful to keep in mind the difference between real law enforcement, real lawyers, real forensic document examiners and real journalists—compared to citizen bloggers like me.1 I expect that real journalists have made some calls to people in the know to find out whether there is anything to “Operation American Spring” beyond some web sites and social media. The fact that there’s no media coverage probably means that they have found that there’s no national mobilization and that there is going to be no event of note. If even 10,000 protesters were coming, not to mention the 10 million fantasy league fans, it would be big news.

Dog bites man v. Man bites dog

I understand that there is somebody in front of the White House protesting something every day, so that in and of itself protest is not news. In order to be news, something special is required, such as the presence of a celebrity, like actress Maria Conchita Alonzo.



One cannot argue with the fact that Obama supporters can organize. They make phone calls, they knock on doors, they raise big money, and they motivate people. I get the impression that the right-wing types behind Operation American Spring are more in line with the movie cliché, “if you build it, they will come.” Reports on OAS web sites say that they haven’t even applied for demonstration permits (required for groups of 20 or more).2 They say that the 10,000,000 people coming will not be in groups that large—sounds to me like a lame excuse for a lack of organization.

Of course, the Operation American Spring folks aren’t building anything, but rather are trying to tear something down, something that for all it’s failings, is much beloved by my country folk: the Constitution, the ballot and the rule of law. Most Americans don’t want to be Egypt.

1It’s also worth noting the difference between real community organizers and keyboard astroturfers.

2Here, by the way, are the areas where demonstrations are permitted.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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124 Responses to Fox News leads media blackout of Operation American Spring

  1. Egipcios says:

    Organization skills.

    We have the ACA.

    But they have the OAS.

  2. Thinker says:

    There are 32 different federal law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction over some part of Washington, DC. Plus, there is the WMATA (transit) police and the Metro Police of the City of the District of Columbia. Law enforcement jurisdiction there is very complicated. The US Capitol Police are only in charge of the grounds of the US Capitol complex. The White House, the National Mall, the memorials, and Lafayette Park (and lots of other public spaces in DC) belong to the National Park Service. The NPS’s law enforcement arm–the Park Police–are in charge of managing demonstrations on Park Service land, including the area around the White House that the OAS protesters fantasize about invading. The Park Service allows peaceful gatherings of up to 25 people without a permit. Of the other public space in DC (streets, parks, sidewalks), most of it belongs to the City of the District of Columbia, which has its own rules on permits and demonstrations.

  3. RanTalbott says:

    They say that the 10,000,000 people coming will not be in groups that large—sounds to me like a lame excuse for a lack of organization.

    I thought it was a lame excuse for not being able to raise enough money to pay for the permit fee, and/or find someone willing to sign on the dotted line to say “I’ll take responsibility for the actions of these loons and cleaning up the mess they leave behind”.

  4. JPotter says:

    I think it’s hilarious whenever FOX studiously ignores the looniest of the way out right’s lunacy. Particularly when the left weighs in, covering such lunacy in jest 😀

  5. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    like actress Maria Conchita Alonzo

    Seriously, if it had been Obama and the American flag in that photo, birthers (and the Breitbart crowd) would’ve gone wild how “Obama is taking a dump on the flag”…

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think it’s hilarious whenever FOX studiously ignores the looniest of the way out right’s lunacy. Particularly when the left weighs in, covering such lunacy in jest

    Too RWNJ for Fox News…wow. That’s really saying something.

  7. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Most self-titled patriots are all hat and no cattle.

  8. Daniel says:

    I did a quick set of calculations and as usual, the birthers and teabillies come out as a laughingstock

    The national mall consists of 309 acres, that’s 13.5 million sq feet (including water and the tops of monuments, more on that in a bit.

    Now Washington DC has within it’s borders, 1500 miles of road surface. According to the national average, that’s 37.5 million sq feet.

    Assuming 10 million nutbags actually show up…. where would we put them?

    Well if we assume that packed in evenly and given barely enough room just to breathe, but not enough to actually move or function in any way, a human requires 5 sq ft to stand and not die. So that’s 50 million sq ft required for the OAS rally.

    All the area of the roadways and the national mall add up to 51million sq ft.

    So congratulations nutbags. If you managed to somehow

    1. pack everyone in, in the water and on top of monuments, in the National Mall, and;
    2. Occupy every square foot of road surface as well, and;
    3. No vehicles were moving or even parked on any road in the city, and;
    4. No resident of the city left their home for the duration, and;
    5. Nobody needed to use the bathroom…….

    You might just make it work.


  9. Nobody told me there would be math.

    Daniel: All the area of the roadways and the national mall add up to 51million sq ft.

  10. Thomas Brown says:

    When reality means nothing, you can explain anything.

    Fox ignoring them? Obviously, they’ve been paid off and/or are RINOs. People don’t show? That’s easy: because they are afraid Obama will order a drone strike. And/or Obamunists will infiltrate the crowd and start a false-flag bloodbath by firing shots. So it’s not their fault. All ten million would have shown up, except for that.


  11. So we have two confirmed for DC: Miki Booth and Mike Volin.

  12. Rickey says:

    The conservative Washington Times likewise has nothing about OAS,

  13. Thinker says:

    Doc: Your post refers to the US Capitol Police. They only deal with the US Capitol Complex. That’s not where these OAS people are talking about amassing. They will be on the National Mall. That space belongs to the National Park Service. Your post should be referencing the Park Police and its rules, not the US Capitol Police and its rules.

  14. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    So we have two confirmed for DC: Miki Booth and Mike Volin.

    Obviously through guilt by association Mike Volin is John Doe #9

  15. J.D. Sue says:

    Hey, don’t you know–the revolution will not be televised…

    In 1969, I rode a chartered school bus to DC for one of the massive very-well organized “moratorium” demonstrations against the war in Viet Nam. (FYI, for a while, they were held every month on the 15th; in D.C. and in towns, villages, and cities across the country–people demonstrated and held vigils on the same day(s). I went to DC for the one on November 15th). All over the hill/lawns of Congress and around the Lincoln Memorial pool, there were masses of people as far as my eyes could see. It was a lot like that scene in Forrest Gump. I’ve seen various estimates. According to the BBC, regarding the 1st moratorium on October 15th, there were 250K in D,C. alone, and 2,000,000 people in total–making it the largest demonstration in American history.

    I think the most famous demonstration–the 1963 March on Washington with MLK– had about 250K.

  16. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Nobody told me there would be math.

    Ha! Well let’s keep it simple: Take one 1963 March on Washington led by MLK, and multiply by 40. See, there’s the 10,000,000!

  17. Thinker says:

    Estimating crowd size at DC events became so controversial after the original Million Man March in 1995 that the Park Police and the Metro Police no longer offer estimates.

  18. The Magic M says:

    Daniel: Assuming 10 million nutbags actually show up…. where would we put them?

    And what if they jumped up?

    Thomas Brown: So it’s not their fault. All ten million would have shown up, except for that.

    I suppose they will claim that they recommend, “for security purposes”, that everyone who can’t make it (i.e. everyone) will just demonstrate in front of their own house. That way they will still have their 10,000 billion trillion patriots taking part, so SUCCESS!

    (Plus, my bet is they will have some fake photos, at least one of which being from “Forrest Gump”. I still remember their “1 million truckers” where the only legit photo showed two slow-driving trucks blocking two lanes.)

  19. Notorial Dissent says:

    I really don’t think there is any mystery in why Fox is ignoring OAS any more than any of the rest of the news crowd, there just plain isn’t anything there. On any given day, there are probably a fair number of nutcase groups demonstrating, read standing around, and none of them are really news unless they are really short of something else to do and need some filler of the weird people on the mall variety. At this point, that is all OAS is and for the most part, will remain, even with their handful, if that, of crazies showing up to overthrow the gov’t.

  20. ZixiOfIx says:

    What if they flushed? What If All of America’s Toilets Were Flushed Simultaneously? ~ Live Science

    Also, Washington DC had 27,611 existing hotel rooms last anyone counted. Wonder how they plan to get 10,000,000 people into the under 28,000 rooms? D.C. hotel room rates stagnant 5 years running – Washington Business Journal

    The Magic M: And what if they jumped up?

  21. The Magic M says:

    ZixiOfIx: Wonder how they plan to get 10,000,000 people into the under 28,000 rooms?

    To be fair, I don’t think the Arab Spring had much to do with hotel accomodation. But then again, wingnut “patriots” seem to be too posh to even sleep in their car, as evidenced by the excuses for not attending previous birther rallies.

  22. ZixiOfIx says:

    When I was in college, there were makeshift camps on campus where students took turns occupying to protest the fact that the university had stocks/bonds/investments in South Africa.

    It was hard on the students (too cold or too hot, mostly). I can’t imagine a bunch of overfed, overstuffed blowhards doing it for more than a day or so.

    The Magic M: To be fair, I don’t think the Arab Spring had much to do with hotel accomodation. But then again, wingnut “patriots” seem to be too posh to even sleep in their car, as evidenced by the excuses fornot attending previous birther rallies.

  23. bgansel9 says:

    Reports on OAS web sites say that they haven’t even applied for demonstration permits (required for groups of 20 or more).2 They say that the 10,000,000 people coming will not be in groups that large—sounds to me like a lame excuse for a lack of organization.

    How is that even possible?

  24. bgansel9 says:

    Daniel: So congratulations nutbags. If you managed to somehow

    1. pack everyone in, in the water and on top of monuments, in the National Mall, and;
    2. Occupy every square foot of road surface as well, and;
    3. No vehicles were moving or even parked on any road in the city, and;
    4. No resident of the city left their home for the duration, and;
    5. Nobody needed to use the bathroom…….

    You might just make it work.

    I’m sorry, but your calculations are off. You fail to consider that the president of the United States requires security space. He cannot be packed into a crowd like a fish in a sardine can. You’ll have to recalculate, sorry. 😛

    You also alluded to but didn’t actually mention that this method of calculation you used would require that Washingtonians take hundreds of people into their homes to make every one fit. LOL

  25. ZixiOfIx says:

    It isn’t possible, but it sounds nice to birther ears, and really, that is all that matters.

    If they get 300 people, I will be utterly amazed and astonished.

    bgansel9: How is that even possible?

  26. The Magic M says:

    ZixiOfIx: When I was in college, there were makeshift camps on campus where students took turns occupying to protest the fact that the university had stocks/bonds/investments in South Africa.

    It was hard on the students (too cold or too hot, mostly). I can’t imagine a bunch of overfed, overstuffed blowhards doing it for more than a day or so.

    The only “occupy style” demonstration I ever took part in was back when I was in school, against a specific reform of our high school system, but for 99% of the crowd it was just an excuse to skip school and everyone went home at 1:30 p.m. (when class would’ve been over anyway).
    I took part in other run-of-the-mill demonstrations (mostly anti-fascist ones) but never again in one of the “stay until we get what we want” kind.

    bgansel9: How is that even possible?

    If they really claim there will be more than half a million demonstrations of less than 20 people each, they are either way off their rockers or think that without any organisation, they can pull off a way to automatically spread these small groups across all of D.C. Hey, that’s more than one group per household! So even if they placed one group in front of every house, they will have lots of leftovers.

    Yup, this has “mathematical analphabetism” written all over it. And it makes the impending failfest even funnier to watch.

    But rest assured, birthers will tell themselves what a smashing success it was, just like they still believe their “1 million truckers, 2 million bikers” stories that somehow just didn’t have any impact at all, what with the usurper not sweating a single bullet and all. 😉

  27. The Magic M says:

    ZixiOfIx: If they get 300 people, I will be utterly amazed and astonished.

    If they get 300 people, they will compare themselves to the Spartans. *smh*

  28. Rickey says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    I really don’t think there is any mystery in why Fox is ignoring OAS any more than any of the rest of the news crowd, there just plain isn’t anything there. On any given day, there are probably a fair number of nutcase groups demonstrating, read standing around, and none of them are really news unless they are really short of something else to do and need some filler of the weird people on the mall variety. At this point, that is all OAS is and for the most part, will remain, even with their handful, if that, of crazies showing up to overthrow the gov’t.

    Fox may have learned its lesson after foolishly hyping last fall’s trucker protest, only to find it fizzle.

    Fox’s headline on October 11:

    Dozens, not thousands, show up for DC trucker protest

  29. Crustacean says:

    The Magic M: If they get 300 people, they will compare themselves to the Spartans. *smh*

    Oh, they’ve been comparing themselves to Spartans for a while now. “Molon labe” is one of their favorite phrases.

  30. Daniel says:

    The birthers and teabillies are still insisting that there actually were 1.8 million bikers last 9/11, despite the fact there weren’t. They claim that was a government cover-up too.

    For some reason they get angry when I show them my calculations for that event…..

  31. Dave says:

    I think the truckers got some outsized media publicity because they hit one of the nerves of a metropolitan area: an even slightly credible threat of a traffic problem.

  32. donna says:

    Operation American Spring promises to drive Obama from office this Friday

    “We are calling for the removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder as a start toward constitutional restoration,” said retired Army Col. Harry Riley, leader of the Operation American Spring protest group. “They have all abandoned the US Constitution, are unworthy to be retained in a position that calls for servant status.”

    Operation American Spring aims to pressure those lawmakers who remain – or are replaced by officials of their own choosing – “to sponsor and pass very Constitutionally crafted State legislation to dissolve the size, powers, scope and spending of the U.S. Government by 2/3rds.”

    The activists say they expect 10 million to 30 million like-minded Americans to join them Friday in the nation’s capital for a rally patterned after Occupy Wall Street and “Arab Spring” protests.

    Or, as a blogger speculated at Before It’s News, the whole operation could be a false flag planted by the Obama administration to launch a civil war.

  33. Bonsall Obot says:

    Fiendish clever, this Obama; a double-reverse false-flag psy-ops boogie-woogie hyphen-abuser, he is.

  34. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Magic M: If they get 300 people, they will compare themselves to the Spartans. *smh*

    If they get 300 people, it will be a new record!

  35. RanTalbott says:

    bgansel9: How is that even possible?

    To the stupid, all things are possible.

    Until they actually try it, and discover that it’s not.

  36. J.D. Sue says:

    The Magic M: Plus, my bet is they will have some fake photos, at least one of which being from “Forrest Gump”.

    Hmm, that’s a lot of hippies and commies they’ll have to photo-shop out.

  37. Crustacean says:

    donna: The activists say they expect 10 million to 30 million like-minded Americans

    So if they hit our expectation value of 300 “patriots” – the (in)discreet random variables in the equation – they’d only be off by around ten million percent. In the Birferverse, that’s known as being in the ballpark.

    My theory is that there is a correlation between those who birf and those who are unable to comprehend extremely large numbers. I’m sure it’s why so many of them are evolution deniers. They probably think Darwin’s theory is that one day a few thousand years ago an ape gave birth – hey presto! – to a human. They just can’t wrap their minds around the vast span of time it takes for something as complex as, say, an eye to evolve (hint for birthers: it’s less time than it would take Mike Zullo to prove Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery).

  38. Benji Franklin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Nobody told me there would be math

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Welcome back, Listeners! On our Free Dumb Friday program today is the organizer of Operation Anti-American Sprain, an attempt to run a legally elected President of the United States out of office and out of town, and our prayers are with that organizer, a Mr. Hurry Rally. Are you really in a hurry to hold this rally Hurry? Or would you, Hurry, really prefer an unhurried rally, in order to more royally, really rally both attendees? “

    Hurry Rally:”Wait a minute! Who’s on first base?”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”What a great 84 year old sense of humor! But seriously, Mr. Rally, could you describe the preparations you have made for feeding, clothing, and hospitalizing the 10 million Birthers you expect to join you under your petite Totes umbrella as you stand near the Washington Monument on the first day? And what about that minimum of 1 million Birthers, who you say must stay there without twitching a muscle, at least through the remaining two plus years of Obama’s second term as POTUS, forcing him out of office during the final second of his last term?”

    Hurry Rally:”Well, Karl, we’re trying to keep it real, so we’ve revised our predicted turnout – to maintain our credibility. In looking at the latest coloring book version of Mike Violin’s Sheriff’s Kit we have lowered our starting day projected turnout, from 10 million, down to 9 million, 9 hundred thousand, 9 hundred and 99.”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Holy Birther on Bun! I mean, that’s all 10 million of the demonstrators you were hoping for, EXCEPT ONE! Who can’t make it?”

    Hurry Rally:”Me, Karl. I can’t figure out how to get there, and I’m not so clear on the time frames, and I’m the organizer, so who am I supposed to ask?”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”It’s SETTLED! I’m picking you up in the Birther Klown Kar!”

    Hurry Rally:”Okay, but can we stop by the 9/11 Store on the way to the rally? Mike Zoo Low sold me a coupon for chocolate glazed donuts – buy 500,000, get 500,000 free!”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”I understand Mike is also bringing the 50,000 porta-potties, am I right about that?”

    Hurry Rally: ”No, Mike Zoo Low spent the porta-pottie money on his investigative junket to Hawaii so, unfortunately, instead of the 50,000 port-potties, I picked up one fairly generous bowl of parsley, a single standard box of Kleen-X and we’re posting one or two origami paper-folding instruction sheets, with a special emphasis on sanitary containment fold-ups . “

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Parsley?”

    Hurry Rally: ”- Yeah, it’s just for presentation though.”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Wow! Sounds like you’ve thought of everything! If Obama’s Presidency survives your rally, Hurry, at least you will have made a big stink!”

    Hurry Rally:”Oh! Oh! Mike Zoo Low just texted me on our final projection for attendance based on 10 million RSVP emails he says he just received in the past hour!”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Okay, Obot naysayers! Here comes your nightmare right now! Go ahead, Hurry, and tell the Listeners how many millions of patriotic Birthers will be participating in your Operation Anti-American Sprain! (drum roll)“

    Hurry Rally:”One.”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”One million?”

    Hurry Rally:”No, one. Just me. And that means apparently, YOU, Karl, are not coming either! ”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Yeah, I canceled. Well, I can write another whole book that day about rabbis effectively being converted to my religion. Sorry.”

    Hurry Rally:”No, problem. Actually, it opens the way for us to have enough space on the mall that day to hook up with Pastor Neigh! Thin Pickle’s Million Potential Lone Wolf Assassin March on Washington. ”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”What? Why are you getting mixed up with that low-life hypocrite, Pastor Neigh! Thin Pickle? I thought I was your Goddam ethicist!”

  39. The Magic M says:

    donna: The activists say they expect 10 million to 30 million like-minded Americans to join them Friday in the nation’s capital

    I bet their final claim will be that, on top of the dozens of people in D.C., “millions were with us in spirit and prayer, so WE WON”.

    And I wish them the best. I mean, I’m pretty sure we won’t see a single violation of the Constitution by Obama after their rally (well, just like before their rally, but who’s counting?).

  40. mug says:

    OK. I’m supremely pissed off. I’ve been looking for new jack boots and now I find that Obama’s minions have bought them all.

  41. Try eBay.

    mug: OK. I’m supremely pissed off. I’ve been looking for new jack boots and now I find that Obama’s minions have bought them all.

  42. gorefan says:

    mug: jack boots

    You have your choice. You can go with the Post-WWII German Jack Boot

    Or, the Soviet Jack Boots

    If you are in a rush to get them before attending Operation American Spring, I’m sure the websites have next day shipping.

  43. Sef says:

    I did a quick set of calculations and as usual, the birthers and teabillies come out as a laughingstock

    The national mall consists of 309 acres, that’s 13.5 million sq feet (including water and the tops of monuments, more on that in a bit.

    Now Washington DC has within it’s borders, 1500 miles of road surface. According to the national average, that’s 37.5 million sq feet.

    Assuming 10 million nutbags actually show up…. where would we put them?

    Well if we assume that packed in evenly and given barely enough room just to breathe, but not enough to actually move or function in any way, a human requires 5 sq ft to stand and not die. So that’s 50 million sq ft required for the OAS rally.

    All the area of the roadways and the national mall add up to 51million sq ft.

    So congratulations nutbags. If you managed to somehow

    1. pack everyone in, in the water and on top of monuments, in the National Mall, and;
    2. Occupy every square foot of road surface as well, and;
    3. No vehicles were moving or even parked on any road in the city, and;
    4. No resident of the city left their home for the duration, and;
    5. Nobody needed to use the bathroom…….

    You might just make it work.


    As someone who has experienced what 2 million people is like in DC (Jan 20, 2009) I can attest that nothing moves anywhere,

  44. roxy7655 says:

    Do jack boots work like elevator shoes?

    Enquiring devices want to know!

  45. RanTalbott says:

    roxy7655: Do jack boots work like elevator shoes?

    Jack boots are used to raise your feet so you can slide the elevator shoes underneath them. But only by people who think they’re too good to put their shoes on one at a time like everyone else.

  46. Rickey says:

    Has anyone spotted a horde of patriots advancing toward Washington?

  47. RD says:

    The conservative Washington Times likewise has nothing about OAS,

    Yeah, the Times has now:

    Oddly, there’s been no mention of these incoming millions in any traffic reports today…

  48. Dave B. says:

    Do a last 24 hours Google search for “Operation American Spring” and the first result is from They’re eating it up.

  49. ZixiOfIx says:

    As of a few minutes ago, if you wanted to book a room in Washington, DC from tomorrow through the 23rd (surely it won’t take more than a week for Obama & Co. to fold like cheap chairs), there are 392 hotels from which to choose to make reservations on

    Not 392 rooms – 392 hotels. Thousands of rooms,

    Tomorrow isn’t looking good for an overthrow of the elected government,

  50. Matt says:

    A commenter on thewire brought up a good point about this foolishness.

    The stated goal of OAS Phase 2 is “…to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office.”

    So looking at the Presidential Line of Succession –

    President Barack Obama (D)
    Vice President Joe Biden (D)
    Speaker of the House John Boehner (R)
    President pro tempore of the Senate Patrick Leahy (D)
    Secretary of State John Kerry (D)
    Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew (D)
    Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (RINO)
    Attorney General Eric Holder (D)
    Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell (D) not natural-born
    Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack (D)
    Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker (D)
    Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez (D)
    Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (D)
    Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan (D)
    Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx (D)
    Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz (D)
    Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (D)
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki (I)
    Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson (D)

    Which of these is a suitable President, according to the RWNJ’s?

    (H/T leftofright3

  51. Benji Franklin says:

    Hurry Really (Dwarfed by his huge megaphone as it echoes out over the mall and cheapens the Washington Monument):”OH KAY Kay kay, Operation Anti-American Sprain is officially starting when you see the eye-holes in my white cloak’s hood flash bright red. Let’s change that – it’s not happening – I forgot the batteries. First some announcements: Please don’t bother to complain about the lack of sanitary facilities here today, we’re putting the best face on the situation by changing our official inspirational mascot for OAAS from the American Bald Eagle to URINE, Urine, urine.

    Now we can’t begin until all ten million of you are here. I have the list. I’ll check off attendance, SOUND OFF!”

    Birther # One: “Don Old Tuh Rump, present SIR!
    Birther # Two: “Bat Poone, present SIR!

    Hurry Really: “That’s it? Where are the rest of the ten million?”

    Don Old Tuh Rump:”This is a disaster. I’m a pretty smart guy, you know.”

    Bat Poone :”I was promised a publicity shot of me completing the coast-to-coast human chain of linked-arm Birthers, and it had better happen SOON!”

    Hurry Really:”Well, Bat, we’ll just have to scale that down to the three of us linking arms around this homeless patriot who has become a part of our demonstration today by losing consciousness and collapsing at our feet!.”

    Don Old Tuh Rump:”Not for long, Hurry. This guy’s dead. I’m a pretty smart guy, you know.”

    Bat Poone:”We’re linking arms around a dead man?”

    Hurry Really:”Look, he’s not one of us, but at least he showed up – quick, let’s work him into the narrative! Here comes a reporter!”

    Reporter:”Excuse me, I’m here for a tour, but this man doesn’t look well!”

    Bat Poone:”He’s fine, HE’S FINE!”

    Don Old Tuh Rump (taking charge):”Yeah, you won’t believe what my people are finding out about this dead guy!”

    Reporter:”This man is DEAD???”

    Hurry Really (tersely into his megaphone) : “Attention! Until the following legitimate government officials resign their offices and leave Washington DC, the three of us will continue to block all traffic and access to the capitol that involves crossing the square yard or so of ground that we and a dead man to be named later, are occupying!”

    Oily Traits (Running up to the site shouting):”DEAD MAN? DEAD MAN? That could be Harry Bonell! I have to talk to him! I need my readers to call the coroner and demand that I be allowed to speak to this dead man! I’ll make him sing!”

    Bat Poone:”What? Sing? I’m not even warmed up!”

  52. bovril says:

    Ahhhhh, well we are NOT ACTUALLY calling for the violent overthrow of the Ebil Gbmint after all….

    The organizers of Operation American Spring don’t really expect their demonstration to dislodge some of the nation’s top elected officials. At least, not right away.

    “We’re not trying to overthrow anything, we’re just saying ‘we the people’ should have the ability to address our grievances,” Coffey told The Raw Story

    Over the long term, Coffey said, the group anticipates the “incremental nullification” over the next five years by state legislatures of all federally imposed taxes, and some members are urging their state lawmakers to call a convention of the states to amend the Constitution.

    Coffey recognizes 10 million participants would be a “lofty goal,” but he said the figure was based on the unverified estimate that 3 percent of Americans participated in the Revolutionary War and also inspired the name of an anti-government extremist group that would refuse to voluntarily disarm.

    More nonsense at the link

  53. The Magic M says:

    bovril (quoting a quote of …): some members are urging their state lawmakers to call a convention of the states to amend the Constitution

    Allahu Akhbar… uh… Admiral Ackbar – It’s a trap! *lol*

    It’s funny to see that particular schism – one faction wants this “Constitutional Convention” to circumvent Congress, the other warns how this would allow removing the Constitution altogether and replacing it with something even more insane (although I have the theory this has already happened, or why do wingnuts keep referring to their “male white Christians only” Constitution?).

  54. The Magic M says:

    Too bad my IP is banned at BR. I would like to personally ask everyone posting there today “WHY ARE YOU HERE AND NOT IN DC?”. 😉

  55. roadburner says:

    The Magic M: Too bad my IP is banned at BR. I would like to personally ask everyone posting there today “WHY ARE YOU HERE AND NOT IN DC?”.

    i just asked bird-boy that, and i’m waiting for my next ban

    this is going to be an epic fail week in birferstan. first taitz, today vogt and sibley, and OAS failing to even get close to 1 million.

    must suck to be a birfoon today

  56. JPotter says:

    ZixiOfIx: Not 392 rooms – 392 hotels. Thousands of rooms,

    C’mon Zix. Insurgents on’t need no hotels. Them’s fuh lazy DC fatcat lobbyists. Real ‘Muricans™ live off the land—’Murican soil!

  57. The Magic M says:

    roadburner: must suck to be a birfoon today

    Must suck to be a birfoon every day. 😉

  58. dwdude says:

    “Most Americans don’t want to be Egypt” which of course, along with libya, was orchestrated behind the scenes by this administration. bet all of you voted for that man. how again does that make you a patriot? you can laugh all you want, but the conflict is coming soon and my guess is all of you are going to do alot of “sheltering in place”

  59. Curious George says:

    Breaking NEWS…….OAS, DOA!……..Demonstrator asks, “Where is everyone?” BR live feed shows crowd similar to Larry Klayman DC event and failed Birther Summit event. Another Birther week of disasters!

    Burma Shave.

  60. bgansel9 says:

    dwdude: you can laugh all you want, but the conflict is coming soon

    The economy is improving and you are itching for the economic demise of this country. You are no patriot.

  61. Rickey says:

    “Most Americans don’t want to be Egypt” which of course, along with libya, was orchestrated behind the scenes by this administration. bet all of you voted for that man. how again does that make you a patriot? you can laugh all you want, but the conflict is coming soon and my guess is all of you are going to do alot of “sheltering in place”

    Any day now.

  62. Majority Will says:

    “Most Americans don’t want to be Egypt” which of course, along with libya, was orchestrated behind the scenes by this administration. bet all of you voted for that man. how again does that make you a patriot? you can laugh all you want, but the conflict is coming soon and my guess is all of you are going to do alot of “sheltering in place”

    That’s really stupid.

    “you can laugh all you want”


  63. Bonsall Obot says:

    “Most Americans don’t want to be Egypt” which of course, along with libya, was orchestrated behind the scenes by this administration.

    Citation needed.

    dwdude: hat bet.

    how again does that make you a patriot?

    Because we participated in free and fair elections. Your guy lost.

    you can laugh all you want,

    Frankly, I am in danger of asphyxiation.

    but the conflict is coming soon and my guess is all of you are going to do alot of “sheltering in place”

    Says the Keyboard Kommando Korpsman who couldn’t be arsed to show up.

  64. TERI says:

    YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME WANT TO VOMMIT! You call these people that are doing this nutjobs while you sit behind your computer screens judging them and wacking off the politicians of this fine country are robbing us blind! You make me sick! What do you have in your wallets? Mine is shrinking more every day! Grow the F@#K up! At least these people are making an attempt at changing the status quo or as you liberal pukes like to call it,”buisness as usual”! Grow up change your depends and step away from your computers you geeks!

  65. Henry says:

    Current photo of the Mall show normal ho-hum tourist activity.

  66. TERI says:

    Years from now when you are sitting around waiting on your government subsidy weekly allotment of moldy cheese and one loaf of bread, think back to this day and regret your comments! This is America, we are Americans! This is our country and these politicians and law enforcement work for us! They do not own us!

  67. Rickey says:

    Now they’re streaming dozens of people milling around the Washington Monument.

  68. Rickey says:

    I e-mailed Cheryl Chumley, the reporter for the Washington Times who posted a story about OAS the other day, and asked if she is going to write a followup piece now that fewer than a million militia members have shown up. She actually responded and said that she is writing an update now.

  69. JPotter says:

    I e-mailed Cheryl Chumley, the reporter for the Washington Times who posted a story about OAS the other day, and asked if she is going to write a followup piece now that fewer than a million militia members have shown up. She actually responded and said that she is writing an update now.

    Shouldn’t be a problem to include short profile on each attendee, for posterity’s sake 😉

  70. Arthur says:

    JPotter: Shouldn’t be a problem to include short profile on each attendee, for posterity’s sake

    Those profiles would begin one of two ways:

    “Retired and enjoying fruits of Medicare and Social Security . . . ”


    “Having recently completed coursework towards a GED . . .”

  71. Dave says:

    Extrapolating forward, I’d expect the next wingnut march on Washington to expect 100 million attendees, and the one after that will expect a billion.

  72. Jim says:

    I e-mailed Cheryl Chumley, the reporter for the Washington Times who posted a story about OAS the other day, and asked if she is going to write a followup piece now that fewer than a million militia members have shown up. She actually responded and said that she is writing an update now.

  73. Rickey says:

    “It’s a very dismal turnout,” said Jackie Milton, 61, a Jacksboro, Texas, resident and the head of Texans for Operation American Spring, to The Washington Times.

  74. Dave says:

    At least they’re getting some media coverage. If you count the Moonie Times as media.

  75. Curious George says:

    Like I said, OAS,DOA. Can’t wait for OAS II, (Operation Arizona Spring 2017) for the big, biG, BIG Arpaio / Zullo release! Arpaio sounds like he wasn’t too pleased with the results of the first two press conferences and this time they’re going to get it right. (We’ll see.) It just might work if Pat Boone is the MC.

  76. BillTheCat says:

    “Most Americans don’t want to be Egypt” which of course, along with libya, was orchestrated behind the scenes by this administration. bet all of you voted for that man. how again does that make you a patriot? you can laugh all you want, but the conflict is coming soon and my guess is all of you are going to do alot of “sheltering in place”

    Sounds like you’re upset.

  77. J.D. Sue says:

    dwdude: bet all of you voted for that man. how again does that make you a patriot? you can laugh all you want, but the conflict is coming soon and my guess is all of you are going to do alot of “sheltering in place”

    It’s untrue that all of us here voted for the President. Some of us did, some of us didn’t. We the People cast secret ballots at the polls.

    As for me, I voted for my U. S. Senator, a constitutional scholar. I guess that is just one of many things that makes me a patriot.

  78. CEHughes says:

    “It’s a very dismal turnout,” said Jackie Milton, 61, a Jacksboro, Texas, resident and the head of Texans for Operation American Spring, to The Washington Times.

    This is a great quote:

    “This isn’t just the one day thing,” Mr. Milton said. “Most of our group [126 from Texas] are going to stay most of the weekend.’

    So it’s not just today but also Saturday and Sunday. President Obama just has to wait them out until Monday and he’s in the clear.

  79. Majority Will says:


    Comments are great!

    “Only liberals use lowercase.”


  80. Jim says:

    My favorite comment…

    “I’ve been to weddings with more people in attendance.”

    Including mine!!! 😆

    Crowd estimates to welcome the inauguration of the President 800,000 – 1 Million

    Crowd estimate to get rid of the President 150-200

    The People have spoken!!! 😀

  81. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The blink-and-you-miss-it town I went to school in had more people!

  82. Jim says:

    “Can’t tell if that’s the #OperationAmericanSpring rally or some dudes from Home Depot having a smoke break.”

    “#OperationAmericanSpring, or as America will remember it, “Friday.””

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So far, so good for another Friday beatdown! 😀

  83. Majority Will says:


    “Can’t tell if that’s the #OperationAmericanSpring rally or some dudes from Home Depot having a smoke break.”

    “#OperationAmericanSpring, or as America will remember it, “Friday.””

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!So far, so good for another Friday beatdown!

    LMAO ! ! ! !

    Morons can be entertaining.

  84. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I was taught that laughing at the mentally ill is wrong, but what can I say? I ain’t perfect! 🙂

  85. Dave B. says:

    They have declared victory on their Facebook page, and can all go home now.
    “Lol. Naysayers wrong. OAS Day 1 success. Closing in on White House.”

  86. Majority Will says:

    Dave B.:
    They have declared victory on their Facebook page, and can all go home now.
    “Lol. Naysayers wrong. OAS Day 1 success. Closing in on White House.”

    That must be a typo. They were closing in on a White Castle.

  87. And that’s going to change because 100 people show up holding signs in DC.

    TERI: This is our country and these politicians and law enforcement work for us! They do not own us!

  88. First, you don’t know the people here. Your critical comments are based on ignorance and therefore are irresponsible.

    The OAS demonstrators are not a step in the right direction. They think that by putting up web sites and yelling a lot, they can accomplish something. They are too lazy to do the hard work of organizing and getting out the vote to accomplish their goals.

    Obama is in the White House because of the hard work of volunteers pounding the pavement getting people registered to vote. The OAS people want to take a short cut around the Constitution. It didn’t work.

    TERI: YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME WANT TO VOMMIT! You call these people that are doing this nutjobs while you sit behind your computer screens judging them and wacking off the politicians of this fine country are robbing us blind! You make me sick! What do you have in your wallets? Mine is shrinking more every day! Grow the F@#K up! At least these people are making an attempt at changing the status quo or as you liberal pukes like to call it,”buisness as usual”! Grow up change your depends and step away from your computers you geeks!

  89. Dave B. says:

    Geez, don’t get any on you.


  90. roadburner says:

    spring has sprung
    the grass is riz
    i wonder where
    the birfers is?

    burma shave

  91. The European says:

    This is the best:

    Volin: “The senior citizens can’t keep up with the crowd, so they are playing a critical role by sitting on the park benches waiving their signs.”

    (reminds me of John Lennon in the Royal Albert Hall)

  92. CarlOrcas says:

    TERI: Grow up change your depends and step away from your computers you geeks!

    And you’re typing your message on what exactly???

  93. CarlOrcas says:

    TERI: Years from now when you are sitting around waiting on your government subsidy weekly allotment of moldy cheese and one loaf of bread, think back to this day and regret your comments!

    Not if it’s a nice Gorgonzola with a fresh baguette. I know, a little strong, but it can be very nice.

  94. gorefan says:

    The European:
    This is the best:

    Volin: “The senior citizens can’t keep up with the crowd, so they are playing a critical role by sitting on the park benches waiving their signs.”

    (reminds me of John Lennon in the Royal Albert Hall)

    He also said there were tens of thousands in attendance.

  95. CarlOrcas says:

    At least they’re getting some media coverage. If you count the Moonie Times as media.

    Good pictures on Think Progress – “Tens of people descend on Capitol……”

  96. Crustacean says:

    I’m pretty sure the American Revolution, Part Deux, will not begin with the rallying cry, “Hey, let’s meet at the Waffle House and then stroll over to Memorial Park. I’ve got a futon you can crash on…”

    The following words do not mean what OAS(SOL) “organizers” apparently think they do:

    “Ten Million”

    (What a bunch of OAS-SOL’s)

  97. RanTalbott says:

    Faux News has ended its blackout.

  98. Rickey says:

    Faux News has ended its blackout.

    That’s actually a re-run of the Washington Times story which appeared a couple of days ago.

  99. Keith says:

    J.D. Sue: As for me, I voted for my U. S. Senator, a constitutional scholar. I guess that is just one of many things that makes me a patriot.

    I (think I) see what you did there 😉

  100. Northland10 says:

    YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME WANT TO VOMMIT! You call these people that are doing this nutjobs while you sit behind your computer screens judging them and wacking off the politicians of this fine country are robbing us blind! You make me sick! What do you have in your wallets? Mine is shrinking more every day! Grow the F@#K up! At least these people are making an attempt at changing the status quo or as you liberal pukes like to call it,”buisness as usual”! Grow up change your depends and step away from your computers you geeks!

    You live in a world that “isn’t.” I live in a world that can be. You existence is ruled by fear and loss. Mine is ruled by hope. When things around you are not perfect, you seek out someone to blame. I look for ways to to make things better.

    Obama, government, and all those you fear have control over everything you do. None of them control me or my future.

    How long will you wait for others to make your life better?

  101. gorefan says:

    TERI: What do you have in your wallets? Mine is shrinking more every day!

    Mine has been growing especially as I moved my 401k into stocks in March, 2009.

    “I drink your milkshake”

  102. Joey says:

    Years from now when you are sitting around waiting on your government subsidy weekly allotment of moldy cheese and one loaf of bread, think back to this day and regret your comments! This is America, we are Americans! This is our country and these politicians and law enforcement work for us! They do not own us!

    The stock market has more than doubled since Barack Obama became President. Tens of millions of Americans have more money in their 401.k’s and other portfolios so that their retirement years will be comfortable.
    I doubt that anything that happens positively or negatively over the remaining two and a half years of the Obama presidency will determine much of the future for most of us 317 million Americans.

  103. TERI:
    YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME WANT TO VOMMIT! … What do you have in your wallets?

    Well, on June 9th, I start a new job that pays $20,000 more per year than I was making at the end of 2013 (and the added benefits are probably worth another $15,000). I have $6,000 dollars in the bank, no car loans, no credit card debt except for the $200 purchase we made at the art museum tonight, and over $300,000 in retirement accounts. The company I’m leaving has tripled in size in the last six months mainly due to a huge contract I landed, and they even offered to make me a part-owner to keep me from leaving. In a week, I will be moving into a larger home.

    Oh, and my wife graduated with her PhD two weeks ago.

    I’m doing quite well, thank you.

  104. roxy7655 says:

    You make me sick! What do you have in your wallets? Mine is shrinking more every day!

    Not a great believer in personal responsibility, are you? You blame the government for your failure, you blame us for supporting the legitimately elected government… but you are the one who has no marketable skills.

    Like for instance spelling.

  105. Majority Will says:

    W. Kevin Vicklund: Well, on June 9th, I start a new job that pays $20,000 more per year than I was making at the end of 2013 (and the added benefits are probably worth another $15,000).I have $6,000 dollars in the bank, no car loans, no credit card debt except for the $200 purchase we made at the art museum tonight, and over $300,000 in retirement accounts.The company I’m leaving has tripled in size in the last six months mainly due to a huge contract I landed, and they even offered to make me a part-owner to keep me from leaving.In a week, I will be moving into a larger home.

    Oh, and my wife graduated with her PhD two weeks ago.

    I’m doing quite well, thank you.

    Mazel tov!

  106. JPotter says:

    TERI: This is America, we are Americans!

    A distinction that only has the meaning we bring to it. Is whining how you demonstrate your idea of “American”ness?

    My “American has a hell of a lot more dedication, perseverance, determination, independence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and plain ol’work to it than that.

  107. JPotter says:

    gorefan: “I drink your milkshake”

    Gorefan wins Reference of the Day. A bit mean-spirited, but awesome none the less 😀

  108. W. Kevin Vicklund: Well, on June 9th, I start a new job that pays $20,000 more per year than I was making at the end of 2013 (and the added benefits are probably worth another $15,000).I have $6,000 dollars in the bank, no car loans, no credit card debt except for the $200 purchase we made at the art museum tonight, and over $300,000 in retirement accounts.The company I’m leaving has tripled in size in the last six months mainly due to a huge contract I landed, and they even offered to make me a part-owner to keep me from leaving.In a week, I will be moving into a larger home.

    Oh, and my wife graduated with her PhD two weeks ago.

    A Capital One VISA card. Doesn’t everyone?
    I’m doing quite well, thank you.

    TERI: What do you have in your wallets?

  109. mimi says:

    Did you see the doctored photo Bickel put up? He’s bearing false witness again:

  110. mimi says:

    The Operation American Spring Failure Facebook has an eyewitness account:

  111. Majority Will says:

    Did you see the doctored photo Bickel put up?He’s bearing false witness again:

    That lunatic is seriously disturbed.

  112. mimi says:

    Majority Will: That lunatic is seriously disturbed.


    I note he changed the photo though. He took down the doctored one. But it’s cached here:

    If that doesn’t work, just google the original link and view the cached copy from there.

  113. bovril says:

    TERI: You make me sick! What do you have in your wallets?

    Depends on which country I’m in TERI darling.

    When I’m back in the US it’s my JP Morgan Chase cards, when I travel I use my US American Express Platinum for expenses, when in Europe I generally use my UK National Westminster Bank Black Account cards.

    Right now I have 180 Euro’s, £200 and $400 USD in the wallet as I’m just back from a business trip to Amsterdam, am in the UK and will be zipping off to NY after the weekend for a couple of days on work.

    What else, oh a a slip from the cobblers for resoling my shoes, some receipts from Melbourne Australia and Bangkok (must get my expenses in) an NJ and a UK drivers licence my US SIM card, an NYC MTA card and a London Transport Oyster card.

    Lets see……Just completed the purchase on a new house in London, no other debt, my 401K is looking good and my UK pensions are ticking along nicely.

    Would you like any more..?

  114. Rickey says:

    The Operation American Spring Failure Facebook has an eyewitness account:

    An informal head count shows about 600 people today, and most of them will be going home tomorrow.

  115. Arthur says:

    TERI: You make me sick! What do you have in your wallets? Mine is shrinking more every day!

    Glad to hear our policies are impoverishing hateful little right-wing nuts like you. Maybe you should consider getting your GED?

  116. MLK 50th anniversary photo.

    mimi: Yeah.

    I note he changed the photo though.He took down the doctored one.But it’s cached here:

    If that doesn’t work, just google the original link and view the cached copy from there.

  117. ZixiOfIx says:

    Barack Obama was re-elected in 2012, with a final vote tally of 65,915,796.

    “These people”, as you call them, are not patriots. They are not visionaries. They are not brave. They are not strong. They have no honor in this instance.

    “These people” are cry-babies and bullies of the very worst sort. They are immature cowards and they have neither history nor the backing of their fellow Americans behind them. A few dozen of them think that they have the moral wherewithal to override the votes of tens of millions of their fellow Americans because “reasons”. “These people are deluded if they think that others will listen to them without snickering.

    If their most fervent wishes had come true, 30,000,000 people would have flooded Washington, DC to demand that the president and others step down immediately.

    Even if this goal (reaching 30 million) had somehow magically happened; in spite of the fact that they got no permits, arranged no travel, and did nothing except play keyboard commando on internet forums for a couple of months; they would have fallen 35,915,796 bodies short of approaching the number of Americans who voted for President Obama in 2012.

    The people of America last spoke en-mass on November 6, 2012. Bullies, whether they number 300 or 30,000,000, don’t get to change the outcome.

    “These people” aren’t special because they say so or because you say so. Their votes don’t count more because they think they should. “These people” aren’t smarter, more clever, or more patriotic that those 65,915,796 who voted for the president.

    You can hold your breath till you turn blue and demand that the President vacate office, but that doesn’t make you a patriot. It makes you a sore loser. It makes these people sore losers.

    “These people” made no attempt to do anything – creating a website and yacking it up on a forum isn’t doing anything. Having an eagle avatar on an obscure internet forum doesn’t make you a patriot.

    Everyone is laughing because no one in the OAS movement did anything of note; their “rally” was an weak joke, and insisting that it was much more than the nothing it was doesn’t make it true.

    As Miss Hoover said to Ralph Wiggum when he said something stupid in class, “The children are right to laugh at you, Ralph.”

    YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME WANT TO VOMMIT! You call these people that are doing this nutjobs while you sit behind your computer screens judging them and wacking off the politicians of this fine country are robbing us blind! You make me sick! What do you have in your wallets? Mine is shrinking more every day! Grow the F@#K up! At least these people are making an attempt at changing the status quo or as you liberal pukes like to call it,”business as usual”! Grow up change your depends and step away from your computers you geeks!

  118. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    ZixiOfIx: Bullies, whether they number 300 or 30,000,000, don’t get to change the outcome.

    Even 300,000,000 don’t, because republic, not democracy (as they never fail to point out). 😉

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