I want to publicize a set of articles by Frank Arduini originally published at the Reality Check Radio Blog.
“God’s Birther – The Fractal Failures of Carl Gallups” at Scribd.
How an obscure southern preacher became a hero to “Birthers,” a laughing stock to “Obots,” and the single worst Baptist prognosticator of the future since William Miller.
What a great expose of Birther hypocrisy and the callous disrespect Gallups has for the human beings he exploits! It’s also a literate and apt window into the lunacy of their followers! Well done!
For those interested, a final consolidated version of these articles was published to SCRIB.
I knew that, but it slipped my mind. I have added that link to this site’s Resources page (Resources under the main menu).
Historian Dude…….I just had the opportunity to re-review your 10 part series. Well done. Hopefully your series of articles will open the eyes of many diehard Birthers.
George made a funny.
Hopefully your series of articles will CLOSE the Ayes of many diehard Birthers!
My wife likes to record television miniseries and then watch them one after another in a single sitting. She says you get the full impact and its easier to follow the story line.
Now I understand.
Nice job Mr. Arduini!
In my opinion the only thing that opens a birther’s eyes is inability to maintain their denial. That moment when they realize that they can no longer fool even themselves.
I really enjoyed reading this!
Again, Frank, thanks for doing that great work.
Folks who haven’t read it yet should note that the scribd version has footnotes (and possibly other annotations: don’t recall offhand) that aren’t in the serialized version on RC’s site.
It’s particularly interesting to see how similar the Zullups team’s handling of the previous failures to deliver (the “eligibility event” that was going to undo the 2012 election, and the mysterious vanishing “VIPs with standing”) is to what they’re doing now.
Brilliant as usual. I read the Scribd version some time ago and it strikes me how birthers can’t see those patterns…
Excellent series! I think out of all the birther personalities, I dislike Lyin Carl the most.
The way he hides behind religion, is particularly disturbing.
I can’t listen to him more than a couple/few minutes at a time. He’s nauseating to listen to.
I think my favorite birther personally could very well be Cody Robert Judy. All birthers are at least a little bit nuts, but he is completely bat$%@# insane! His rants go so far off the beaten path, that they lead straight to Mars and all points weird. Truly above and beyond the usual birther kooks. He even makes bizarre music videos. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear the guy is a performance artist, and this is all an act, but he’s actually gone to jail for his one of his insane stunts. So the crazy is very real.