OAS supporters tout fake photo of event

If you do a Google Image Search on the following image, it may be described as a “Tea Party event” perhaps because it has appeared today on the Internet as an Operation American Spring attendance photo.

That copy comes from Before It’s News and linked from Birther Report. That’s quite a crowd! Unfortunately for the OAS folks, it’s not from today or yesterday. That’s really a photo of the 50th Anniversary of the March 8, 2013 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and the iconic “I have a dream” speech from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

It’s not cool to fake images and try to mislead people. Tsk, tsk.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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91 Responses to OAS supporters tout fake photo of event

  1. Curious George says:

    Dr. C…….
    “That copy comes from Before It’s News and linked from Birther Report. That’s quite a crowd! Unfortunately for the OAS folks, it’s not from today or yesterday. That’s really a photo of the 50th Anniversary of the March 8, 2013 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and the iconic “I have a dream” speech from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”

    Once again, the Birther narrative has nothing to do with truth. The Birther “truth” is anything, including lies, that advance the Birther agenda. The agenda: remove Obama from office at all costs. Zullo, Arpaio and Gallops should be ashamed to associate with these dishonest malcontents. But, birds of a feather do seem to flock together, don’t they? Not impressed.

  2. Jim says:

    Well, another huge lie and another attempt at a cover-up…by the RWNJs. They don’t seem to understand is the only people they’re fooling is themselves. Threatening empty talk and showing their false patriotism and their hate of our Constitution is their realm, not President Obama. Sorry folks, the President will leave office in 2017 having repaired the mess that the Bush administration left behind. And all you’ll ever be is a punchline in the Obama Presidential Museum for all eternity. Must s*ck to be you, huh Falcon? BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  3. Majority Will says:

    The scaffolding on the Washington Monument for the quake repairs is a pretty big giveaway since it came down days ago.

    Birther bigots are nothing but simple idiots, grifters and liars.

  4. justlw says:

    Oh, look up at the White House
    There’s a black guy at the helm
    He’s written up some EOs
    And it’s tyrannized the realm

    Maybe we should have a march
    And usurp his usurpin’ ass
    But Jimmy’s got his prom tonight
    And I can’t afford the gas

    And I’m sure it wouldn’t interest
    Outside of a small circle of loons


    We miss ya, Phil.

  5. CarlOrcas says:

    Doc says: It’s not cool to fake images and try to mislead people. Tsk, tsk.

    In the age of Google image searches the operative word is “stupid”. As in how “stupid” are they to post an old picture and do they really think people are “stupid” enough to believe it?

    Like all things birther it is a delusion built on a foundation of lies and self-deception.

    Speaking of which it’s fascinating to watch them on Birther Report where I see the believers have settled down into two basic camps:

    One is the “any day now” camp that really thinks Zullo and Arpaio have something and that when they release it (any day now) it’ll all be over. Patience. Patience. They are the true believers….and they seem to have some good drugs.

    The others are certifiable and going berserk. They lash out at anyone who wonders why they’re still sitting around after five years waiting…and waiting. But to make it worthwhile they are just sure the “traitors” will be swinging from gallows any day now. And the “traitors”? Anyone who disagrees with them and especially anyone who laughs at them.

    Fortunately as events in Washington have demonstrated this weekend in addition to being pitiful they’re also powerless.

  6. aarrgghh says:

    our grand crusade
    to oust the spade
    numbered in the zeroes
    but we aint too proud
    to shanghai crowds
    from famous negro heroes
    burma shave

  7. JPotter says:

    Weather is wrong, season is wrong, scaffolding should be gone … I guess their lofty goal is to fool themselves.

  8. Keith says:

    our grand crusade
    to oust the spade
    numbered in the zeroes
    but we aint too proud
    to shanghai crowds
    from famous negro heroes
    burma shave

    You are getting
    quite good at this
    you almost never
    swing and miss
    Burma Shave

  9. J.D. Sue says:

    justlw: We miss ya, Phil.

    My appreciation for Phil is perhaps only matched and exceeded by my sister’s adoration for him. By some coincidence, I suppose, he was scheduled to appear at our high school theater for a concert at the very same moment that President Johnson would be announcing that he would not seek reelection. Someone came onto the stage and whispered in his ear, and he then announced that Johnson would not run, and he immediately broke into the song, “I Believe the War Is Over” and the crowd went wild… All while he was looking wonderful in his black leather jacket with acoustical guitar….

    Ah, to be a young girl again…. Now, as an older gal, I realize that we just got Nixon instead …

    I miss Phil too.

  10. Keith says:

    Post event review at Politicus: Operation American Spring Rallies a Few Hundred Lunatics at Most

    It contains a quote via Twitter from Ari Zed (no, I haven’t heard of him either) that seems apropos:

    BREAKING NEWS: 29,999,990 free-trade Christian patriots mysteriously raptured prior to #OperationAmericanSpring

  11. J.D. Sue says:

    J.D. Sue: broke into the song, “I Believe the War Is Over”


    p.s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGHHdZoT4F8

  12. MarylandCountryGirl says:

    I love the title to this story! OAS supporters tout fake photo of event. Let me say this on the record. The fact that all of the live streaming and all of the cell phone service mysteriously went out in the D.C. area, made for panicking people to know what was going on. People were scrambling for information.

    Somewhere along the line, this picture was presented as a photo of the event. Those of us who are aware of that photo, attempted to correct the information immediately.

    No one tried to pull this off as a real photo while knowing it wasn’t from OAS. This article infuriates me, because it is so typical to try and make Patriots out to be evil! The Patriots are the only ones who are trying to stop the corruption that IS Washington. LAY THE HELL OFF!! Get off of your fat asses and do something about the corruption, since you seem to know so much better how to do it. What’s your answer? Hmm? To pretend like it’s all ok! Maybe to blame the other party is your solution. Maybe to pretend like your party is the only right party is the answer.

    I love the criticism of people who are at least trying to make a difference, by people who are incapable of making an educated decision, much less a difference!

  13. James M says:

    Post event review at Politicus: Operation American Spring Rallies a Few Hundred Lunatics at Most

    It contains a quote via Twitter from Ari Zed (no, I haven’t heard of him either) that seems apropos:

    What’s strange about this is that during a normal weekend there would usually be significantly more people just in places like Lafayette Park, let alone in the big parks South of Constitution Avenue.

    But next week has a big holiday weekend. The numbers of the OAS parade will need to be compared to the Memorial Day tourist traffic.

    There was once a Fourth of July when I got all the way to Forest Hills before finding a place to stop my car. Not “a place to park” mind you. If the OAS loons think they’ve made any impact whatsoever they’ve never been to DC on a busy day.

  14. Craig HS says:

    “The fact that all of the live streaming and all of the cell phone service mysteriously went out in the D.C. area”…

    got a reliable source for that? Not that it would have mattered… 10million patriots just MIGHT have been able to find like minded groups in DC if they were there, cell phones or not. They’d be tripping over each other.

  15. justlw says:

    MarylandCountryGirl: The fact that all of the live streaming and all of the cell phone service mysteriously went out in the D.C. area,

    Yeah, and remember when the service eventually came back and everybody in the DC area, as you know they inevitably would, posted about the outage on Twitter and Facebook?


  16. Dave says:

    1. Corruption is indeed a serious problem.
    2. Many people are trying to do something about it. The name Larry Lessig springs to my mind, but he is one of many.
    3. Riley’s plan was, from the start, obviously going to accomplish nothing. Executing an obviously and ludicrously ineffective plan is not what I would call really trying.
    4. Anyone whose stated goal is to overthrow the government but calls themselves a “patriot” comes off looking like an idiot.

    The Patriots are the only ones who are trying to stop the corruption that IS Washington.LAY THE HELL OFF!!Get off of your fat asses and do something about the corruption, since you seem to know so much better how to do it.What’s your answer?Hmm?

  17. Daniel says:

    MarylandCountryGirl: it is so typical to try and make Patriots out to be evil!

    You’re not Patriots.

    You are a handful (Friday made that plainly obvious if nothing else)… a handful of delusional, seditious anti-American nutbags, who hate the Constitution you pretend to support.

  18. gorefan says:

    MarylandCountryGirl: I love the criticism of people who are at least trying to make a difference, by people who are incapable of making an educated decision, much less a difference!

    “I don’t know whether to laugh at that kind of megalomania, or simply cry.”

  19. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:


    I love the criticism of people who are at least trying to make a difference, by people who are incapable of making an educated decision, much less a difference!

    Its the KIND of difference they’re trying to make that’s the problem.
    Efforts like OAS essentially say “We, the minority, will try to force you to override what the majority voted for, by acting like spoiled children! Democracy is for commies!”

  20. CarlOrcas says:

    MarylandCountryGirl: Let me say this on the record. The fact that all of the live streaming and all of the cell phone service mysteriously went out in the D.C. area, made for panicking people to know what was going on. People were scrambling for information.

    What time did the service fail? Are you saying all cell services in the District (the metro area?) failed at the same time? I don’t find any mention of this in any stories and i wonder if you have any sources to back up your assertion?

    Did any of the people “scrambling for information” think to use a land line?

    MarylandCountryGirl: Somewhere along the line, this picture was presented as a photo of the event. Those of us who are aware of that photo, attempted to correct the information immediately.

    So who “presented” the picture? Do you know?

    MarylandCountryGirl: I love the criticism of people who are at least trying to make a difference, by people who are incapable of making an educated decision, much less a difference!

    What “difference” do you want to make? How about some details?

  21. J.D. Sue says:

    MarylandCountryGirl: criticism of people who are at least trying to make a difference,

    if you are trying to overthrow the U.S.A. by a military/militia coup, expect criticism.

  22. At the time this article was posted the Gorilla Media live stream was working and I watched a few people walking around, with one interviewing a girl in a Guy Fawkes Mask. People were also Tweeting photos of the event.

    Your claim appears to be about as true as the fake photo in my article.

    Bank robbers are “trying” but I don’t applaud them for it.

    MarylandCountryGirl: The fact that all of the live streaming and all of the cell phone service mysteriously went out in the D.C. area, made for panicking people to know what was going on. People were scrambling for information.

  23. RanTalbott says:


    I love the criticism of people who are at least trying to make a difference, by people who are incapable of making an educated decision


    Let’s leave aside, for the moment, the fact that you want to overthrow the government, and discard the Constitution, based on a story so lame that, if your teenager used something like it as an excuse for missing curfew, you’d ground her for an extra week for stupidity.

    Take a look at the poll on this page: http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2014/05/where-do-we-meet-if-we-get-separated/

    A couple of people have admitted that they picked the high numbers as a joke, and I’m sure a few picked the lowest just to be snarky. But the fact is that almost every person here who made a serious estimate of the turnout you’d get had about the right order of magnitude (albeit a little too pessimistic, overall).

    And it’s damned lucky for you that they were right: despite having months of lead time, you didn’t put together the logistics to look after a crowd even a tenth the size of your most pessimistic projection. There are teenagers who do better planning for trips to the mall.

    Like the birthers, the OASers have demonstrated an ignorance of the law, of economics, and of history that’s almost medieval in its depth. It’s like an extended version of Leno’s “Jay walking” gag, except that you want to shoot the people who disagree with your (usually wrong) answers.

    If you want people to ” LAY THE HELL OFF!!”, stop acting like spoiled adolescents who’ve gotten into their oparents’ gun and loquor cabinets.

  24. RanTalbott says:

    Craig HS: “The fact that all of the live streaming and all of the cell phone service mysteriously went out in the D.C. area”…

    got a reliable source for that?

    Happens a lot to people who buy their cellphones at the dollar store.

  25. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: At the time this article was posted the Gorilla Media live stream was working

    Ooooo, bested by gorillas. That’s gotta sting for all those Creationists…

    But, do they have an audio channel? You’d think they wouldn’t bother, since they only talk in sign language.

  26. Notorial Dissent says:

    MarylandCountryGirl, you make a number of claims about how badly your “friends” have been abused, unfortunately you offer no proof of same.

    You claim your group is attempting to “make a difference”, yet other than providing a great deal of free amusement, they, and apparently you, have nothing to offer other than the appearance as a group of disgruntled fruit loops. You claim to want to stop corruption and restore the constitution, yet I would be willing to bet that most if not all of you have let alone can read the actual document you claim to revere. If it were otherwise, this exercise in low comedy would never have happened. The simple facts of the matter are that the current administration, and Congress were voted in to office by a large majority of the voters of this country over the last several years, many of whom have been repeatedly re-elected, so it would seem that the majority of the population of this country, exercising their constitutional rights as actually enumerated in the constitution, have voted these people in to office. Get over it. The actual number voting outnumber your collections of cranks so significantly as to make your claims ridiculous, and under the constitution you claim to revere and defend, that means they are the gov’t.

    I seriously doubt that the greater majority of the OAS brain trust has ever even read the constitution, let alone has even the least understanding of it.

  27. The European says:

    As far as I read the OAS comments, THEIR communication broke down because

    – the phone batteries were empty and they had not thought about means to recharge (extern batteries for phones do exist, but do people like Col Riley know that ?)

    – they gave up to report, just being too frustrated

    If you want to know what frustration really is, follow The Birdboy and William on BR. Hilarious.

  28. Thinker says:

    As long as there are people trying to oust the President of the United States through any mechanism other than elections, I will not lay off. As long as any plan teabaggers have requires ‘laying off’ by people who oppose them, the plan will fail. (And every other plan will fail as well because they have shown many, many times that they do not have the human or financial resources necessary to plan any sort of successful event, in large part because they continuously bicker over what conspiracy theories to believe.)

    FWIW, I don’t read this article as attempting to show teabaggers are evil. I think it is attempting to show they are morons because they passed around a photo as being from Operation American Spring that was laden with clues that it was not and with Google image search being so readily available to confirm it is from a different event. And the people who knew this photo was not from this event and passed it around anyway (you couldn’t possibly know that no one did that) are morons because verifying that it is not is ridiculously easy.

    No one tried to pull this off as a real photo while knowing it wasn’t from OAS.This article infuriates me, because it is so typical to try and make Patriots out to be evil!The Patriots are the only ones who are trying to stop the corruption that IS Washington.LAY THE HELL OFF!!

  29. Keith says:

    Dave: 4. Anyone whose stated goal is to overthrow the government but calls themselves a “patriot” comes off looking like an idiot.

    Daniel: You’re not Patriots.

    Bu.. Bu.. But they got themselves little USA flag pins on their collars, er, I mean caps since t-shirts don’t have collars.

  30. Keith says:

    RanTalbott: Like the birthers, the OASers have demonstrated an ignorance of the law, of economics, and of history that’s almost medieval in its depth.

    Machiavelli was medieval. Give or take a decade or two depending on when you think the middle ages ended of course.

  31. Lupin says:

    MarylandCountryGirl: I love the criticism of people who are at least trying to make a difference, by people who are incapable of making an educated decision, much less a difference

    You can make a difference: campaign for the candidate of your choice and vote.

    And if you lose as badly as you did last time, sh*t the f*ck up until the next election. You already have an entire network devoted to promoting your agenda and slander the opposition.

  32. Thinker says:

    MarylandCountryGirl and her friends still haven’t figured out that the teabagging in 2009 and 2010 was not a spontaneous grassroots movement. It was heavily driven by Fox News and the Koch family. The rank and file were tools for them. And it worked briefly and partially. Tea Party candidates did well in 2010, but the the teabagger movement got out of hand in some cases. The GOP lost some seats they should have won by choosing wingnut candidates like Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle. Then they started opposing mainstream Republican politicians. Then all the ‘unskewed polls’ idiocy, persistent birtherism, suggestions by lunatics like Larry Kayman to overthrow the US government. Even the Kochs didn’t want anything to do with these loons any more. What the movement is left with today is a bunch of really, really angry people who believe that they represent the majority of the nation because they still haven’t figured out that the whole Tea Party movement was one big con.

  33. Suranis says:

    Point of order! People in Medieval times were not ignorant in the slightest. Anyone that can calculate the position of the planets without using a computer is using high mathematics by any standard. And they had known the Earth was round for over a thousand years. Hell, some people were debating the mechanism of Evolution. Ok, I admit that in medicine you would have a point…

    But comparing medieval people to these cretins is an insult, sir! Anyone from medevil times would have known to bring freaking batteries, and not to bother saying that the cel phone service went down in DC when it flatly didn’t.

    RanTalbott: Like the birthers, the OASers have demonstrated an ignorance of the law, of economics, and of history that’s almost medieval in its depth.

  34. The European says:

    As long as there are people trying to oust the President of the United States through any mechanism other than elections, I will not lay off.

    May I remind you that the US Government lately supported the ouster of an elected president by armed, hooded thugs – in Ukraine ?

  35. The European says:

    Point of order! People in Medieval times were not ignorant in the slightest. Anyone that can calculate the position of the planets without using a computer is using high mathematics by any standard. And they had known the Earth was round for over a thousand years. Hell, some people were debating the mechanism of Evolution. Ok, I admit that in medicine you would have a point…

    But comparing medieval people to these cretins is an insult, sir! Anyone from medevil times would have known to bring freaking batteries, and not to bother saying that the cel phone service went down in DC when it flatly didn’t.

    It is true that we tend to think that our forefathers were dumber than we are. Nothing is more wrong than that. And I am quite sure that humans even before history began – some 20 thousand years ago – were as intelligent as we are now.

    And of course much more intelligent than the average teabagger.

  36. The European says:


    Does someone know how to stream a videocapture from a smartphone ? On Android ?

  37. Jim F says:

    Did I Win? Did I win? Did I Win?
    I voted for less than 1000 at the spring gathering. Where do I pick up my prize?

  38. Thinker says:

    This has no bearing on my opinion about American teabaggers trying to oust the President of the United States by a mechanism other than an election. As long as they are trying it, I will be actively opposing it.

    The European: May I remind you that the US Government lately supported the ouster of an elected president by armed, hooded thugs – in Ukraine ?

  39. The European says:

    The European:

    Does someone know how to stream a videocapture from a smartphone ? On Android ?

    found something here:


  40. jayhg says:

    marylandcountrygirl wrote:

    Somewhere along the line, this picture was presented as a photo of the event. Those of us who are aware of that photo, attempted to correct the information immediately.

    I don’t believe a word of it….the only places who even show that this is a fake photo are blogs like this. All the birther blogs are either ignoring it or saying “those leftist did this to make us look bad.”

    Does anyone notice that birthers somehow don’t think that anything they do themselves make them look bad…lol!! It’s hilarious!

  41. donna says:


    there are videos available like this one on youtube

    Operation American Spring’ Protesters March on White House


    at around 13 minutes, do you support this man?

    “….. money is free speech – they (the supremes) opened the gates and let our government be bought out by whoever has the money – it doesn’t matter if their interests are in the best of the amercan people – it matters who’s paying their checks …. their campaign contributions – and until we have a constitutional amendment that says money is not speech and corporations are not people, it doesn’t matter if we’re successful today and we put scooby-doo in obama’s place, the problem is still going to continue” [applause]

  42. I bet I know who MCG is but out of respect for Doc’s privacy policy I will withhold my guess.

  43. Joey says:

    Tracy Fair (MarylandCountryGirl ) has a right under the First Amendment to “petition the government for redress of grievances” any time she and her friends want. The government, though, does not have to respond favorably to her petition.
    Ms. Fair lost her court case, the Maryland ballot challenge to the President and she also lost her appeal. She is petitioning further with a Motion for Reconsideration. I expect that petition will fail as well. Just like Operation American Spring is failing to impress.

  44. gorefan says:

    Joey: The government, though, does not have to respond favorably to her petition.

    According to the Supreme Court, they don’t have to respond at all.

  45. Suranis says:

    Teabaggers, truly modern stupidity.

    The European: It is true that we tend to think that our forefathers were dumber than we are. Nothing is more wrong than that. And I am quite sure that humans even before history began – some 20 thousand years ago – were as intelligent as we are now.

    And of course much more intelligent than the average teabagger.

  46. The European says:

    marylandcountrygirl aka Tracy Fair,

    a lot of people here know very well what you have published the last years.

    You just just can’t accept that the colored son of a (sometimes and somehow) single white mother has become the elected leader of your country – a million times more powerful than you are. And a lot more handsome than you, as well ….

  47. Woodrowfan says:

    I liv\e in DC, cell phone service was fine. MCG is a liar as well as a traitor.

  48. Majority Will says:

    I liv\e in DC, cell phone service was fine. MCG is a liar as well as a traitor.

    You left out bigoted moron.

  49. Joey says:

    gorefan: According to the Supreme Court, they don’t have to respond at all.

    The Supreme Court is a part of the government and they always respond to the Birther Cult’s petitions with two words: “Certiorari Denied!”

  50. Keith (not logged on) says:

    I liv\e in DC, cell phone service was fine. MCG isa liar as well as a traitor.

    Majority Will: You left out bigoted moron.

    I don’t think it is reasonable or fair to use the false accusation technique just because ‘they’ do.

    Those of us who love and are proud of the American Constitution can’t just sit around and listen to accusations of ‘traitor’ go unchallenged. I for one am quite tired of hearing the accusation thrown around like it is used tissue paper.

    Liar? OK, obviously.

    Bigoted moron? Undoubtedly.

    Seditionist? For sure.

    Traitor? Most assuredly not.

  51. BillTheCat says:

    Haha Tracy… Figures. 🙂

  52. jdkinpa says:


    A fourth verse, not added to the final production release, but confirmed to exist by Ochs’ sister Sonny contains a call to action:

    Yet our land is still troubled by men who have to hate

    They twist away our freedom and they twist away our fate

    Fear is their weapon and treason is their cry.

    We can stop them if we try.

    Phil Ochs — “Power and the Glory”

    How prophetic!

  53. Woodrowfan says:

    Keith (not logged on): Traitor? Most assuredly not.

    She wants to subvert the Constitution. Indeed, she wants to scrap it entirely, because the “American Spring’ is basically a coup. They want to replace elected officials with a small group of people who would then rewrite the government to suit themselves and to hell with what the voters chose. Sounds like treason to me.

  54. Keith (not logged on) says:

    Woodrowfan: She wants to subvert the Constitution. Indeed, she wants to scrap it entirely, because the “American Spring’ is basically a coup. They want to replace elected officials with a small group of people who would then rewrite the government to suit themselves and to hell with what the voters chose.Sounds like treason to me.

    Thing is that the Constitution defines treason very narrowly, and what you describe is not treason according to the U. S. Constitution.

    Actual armed rebellion can be considered treason, but that is not what is happening. Even the OAS ‘organizers’ (to use that term loosely) emphasised it was to be an unarmed protest.

    Article III Section 2 Paragraph 1.
    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

  55. jayhg says:


    there are videos available like this one on youtube

    Operation American Spring’ Protesters March on White House


    at around 13 minutes, do you support this man?

    “….. money is free speech – they (the supremes) opened the gates and let our government be bought out by whoever has the money – it doesn’t matter if their interests are in the best of the amercan people – it matters who’s paying their checks …. their campaign contributions – and until we have a constitutional amendment that says money is not speech and corporations are not people, it doesn’t matter if we’re successful today and we put scooby-doo in obama’s place, the problem is still going to continue” [applause]

    what are you talking about? I don’t support any lunatic birthers…

  56. roxy7655 says:

    The crux I believe would be the interpretation of “levying war.”

    Couldn’t the use or threatened use of deadly force to prevent the lawful functions of government be considered an act of “levying war” if those doing so are part of a group or movement advocating unilateral, undemocratic, unconstitutional seizure and alteration of government… even a group that gives lip service to wanting an “unarmed” coup?

    How would such groups not be considered this nation’s “enemies?”

    Deep in my chips I can’t help but wonder if behavior like we just saw at the Cliven Bundy compound wouldn’t in fact qualify as treason.

  57. bgansel9 says:

    MarylandCountryGirl: The Patriots are the only ones who are trying to stop the corruption that IS Washington.

    Trying to remove elected leaders by force is not patriotic, it’s treasonous. If you agree with it, get out of my country and go somewhere you like better…. like, say, Somalia!

  58. bgansel9 says:

    Keith (not logged on): Actual armed rebellion can be considered treason, but that is not what is happening. Even the OAS ‘organizers’ (to use that term loosely) emphasised it was to be an unarmed protest.

    I don’t think anyone is going to be removed with an unarmed protest. It would take guns. If the guns come out and these crazy people start shooting and trying to kill or remove our elected officials, surely that would be treason. Would it not?

  59. Thinker says:

    According to wikipedia, even John Walker Lindh–the American Taliban who briefly fought against Americans in Afghanistan–was not charged with treason, even before his plea bargain. I think the last people charged with treason were charged for WWII-era crimes. However, there is a common definition of the word “traitor” that does not refer to treason. Per Merriam-Webster, a traitor can be “one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty.” I think the people involved in Operation American Spring could be considered traitors under that definition.

  60. bovril says:

    I thinbk the line here is that

    a. They are by their acts and actions being seditious
    b. Through their seditious acts and activities they are ADVOCATING treasonous acts

  61. The European says:

    Birdboy over at BR is so frustrated that he opens the gates of hell:

    – he has you, good Doc, by your testicles because “you are named a coconspirator in an unsealed affidavit”. I guess in this case the judge has no other chance than to condemn you to ….. a good laughter ?

    – poor rikker is in that privacy trap that was discussed a few days ago. When every mugshot is in the public domain ….

    – FogbowFoggy is the real enemy. When you provoke people like the Birdboy you better have no weak points …..

  62. In the last week or so Foggy reminded Bob Nelson at BR that he had still not moved the blog to the new server bought and paid for with donations a few months ago when Blogger shut them down for a day for being infected with Malware. Bob got all testy about it and said it was still in the box.

  63. The European says:

    I heard somewhere that Bob Nelson needed the money to pay for an abortion ….

  64. Woodrowfan says:

    Keith, you

    Keith (not logged on): Thing is that the Constitution defines treason very narrowly, and what you describe is not treason according to the U. S. Constitution.

    Actual armed rebellion can be considered treason, but that is not what is happening. Even the OAS ‘organizers’ (to use that term loosely) emphasised it was to be an unarmed protest.

    Article III Section 2 Paragraph 1.
    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

    Keith, you’re right, I forgot about that part. I let my anger do my thinking for me…

  65. Bonsall Obot says:

    The European:
    I heard somewhere that Bob Nelson needed the money to pay for an abortion ….

    His site is already an abortion.

  66. HistorianDude says:

    SCOTUS order out.

    Vogt denied.

    Paige denied.

    The Doc is safe.

  67. Bonsall Obot says:

    This is NOT what I was promised at BR!

  68. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The European:
    Birdboy over at BR is so frustrated that he opens the gates of hell:

    – he has you, good Doc, by your testicles because “you are named a coconspirator in an unsealed affidavit”. I guess in this case the judge has no other chance than to condemn you to …..a good laughter ?

    – poor rikker is in that privacy trap that was discussed a few days ago. When every mugshot is in the public domain ….

    – FogbowFoggyis the real enemy. When you provoke people like the Birdboy you better have no weak points …..

    Foggy’s really got birdboy in a tizzy today. Its not the usual “durr you suk!” type stuff. Falcon is lashing out in a very fearful way, like whatever Foggy said scared the hell out of him.

  69. jd reed says:

    Maryland Country Girl:
    Just who do you think you are to tell those who disagree with you to shut the hell up? Free speech only for your kind? You made one ridiculous assertion that calls for ridicule–that none of the would be insurrectionists posted the photo with false information. You could know this only if you’re omniscient, a trait that belongs only to the Almighty. And for sure that’s not you. So what’s left is that t
    denizens of birthdays have suddenly repented to a person of their ingrained habit of lying after having spread collectively scores if not hundreds of lies seeking to convince others that Mr. Obama is a usurper. Come to think of it these two choices are equally probable, which is to say, not at all.

  70. JPotter says:

    Reality Check: Bob got all testy about it and said it was still in the box.

    Whaaaaaat? When I goaded him about blowing donation money to pay off that weasel from Britain, he got all testy and posted a photo of a server being lifted out of the trunk of a car …. no box in evidence.

    Kinda looked secondhand.

    We need better grifters.

    There’s no need to lie to himself a/o his readers. He could just guilt his Faithful … maintaining the site takes time, effort, personal sacrifice …. if it’s appreciated, kick a buck.

    But no, this whole server charade. It fell out of the back of a car … and now it’s so urgent, it found a box to hide in 😉

  71. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Golly! I wonder why BR hasn’t taken that info and ran with it yet. 🙂

  72. Arthur says:

    HistorianDude: Vogt denied.

    Paige denied.

    The Doc is safe.

    To which the birthers say, “Praise Jesus, another victory!”

  73. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Golly! I wonder why BR hasn’t taken that info and ran with it yet.

    Well, it’s all a matter of proportion. After the staggerment of Operation American Spring, trumpeting another birther success would look like gloating.

  74. Suranis says:

    From the looks of it they are too busy convincing themselves that Foggy was disbarred 14 years ago and so after demonstrating that incompetence was the perfect choice to head up a really deep and omnipresent international conspiracy.

  75. Curious George says:

    No worries for Doc or Miki B.! Another universe shattering failure.

    When it’s least expected,
    Your case is rejected,
    It’s your unlucky day. But,
    Smile, you’re on BR camera!

    Burma Shave

  76. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    You know, I thought the universe was shattering a little while ago. Turns out it was just gas.

  77. Fred Flintstone says:

    The humorous thing to me Doc is that Orly Taitz is now trying to co-opt the rally and she wants to give it a hand at OVERTHROWING THE GOVERNMENT. When you read their radical ideas (which has now been proved officially as being in the fringe element – less than 1/1,000,000th of the American population showed up. They want to unconstitutionally remove the President in favor of someone of their choosing. That sounds like a junta to me. Orly has mislead her minions by saying that the POTUS can be removed by legal means instead of constitutional methods. I’m wondering why there are always a handful of poor, misguided souls that think that a revolution (and some have advocated for the hanging of the POTUS, VPOTUS, SOS, SOTH, POTS, and other governmental leaders so they can set up a “Truman” form of fake government with them pulling the strings. They don’t realize that they are in the minority and we don’t full grasp that they are more pissed off that “mainstream media” (doesn’t that include FOX since they are the largest cable network?) will not “give them a fair and balanced hearing” on national outlets.

  78. CarlOrcas says:

    Well Birther Report is on it and, as one might expect, *FALCON* is tied up in knots.

    In this one he appears to be suggesting that Doc and Foggy should be killed……sick stuff!

    ★FALCON★ 138p · 17 minutes ago
    Everyone knows the Courts are tainted by Communists, Maude. Everyone, but you. No one expects anything to ever go through there that isn’t 1 billionth of a micron thick.

    And no one cares about Faggy – although we do want to see him and Crunt “Fuddied”. The laws of Communism demand it.


  79. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well Birther Report is on it and, as one might expect, *FALCON* is tied up in knots.

    In this one he appears to be suggesting that Doc and Foggy should be killed……sick stuff!

    ★FALCON★ 138p · 17 minutes ago
    Everyone knows the Courts are tainted by Communists, Maude. Everyone, but you. No one expects anything to ever go through there that isn’t 1 billionth of a micron thick.

    And no one cares about Faggy – although we do want to see him and Crunt “Fuddied”. The laws of Communism demand it.


    Birdboy is pretty disturbed. If memory serves, he’s one of those Sandy Hook deniers.

  80. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Birdboy is pretty disturbed. If memory serves, he’s one of those Sandy Hook deniers.

    I left a message asking if he was suggesting Bill and Kevin should be killed. It went into moderation never to be seen again.

    Fascinating situational standards.

  81. Majority Will says:

    From elsewhere on the intarwebs:



  82. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: I left a message asking if he was suggesting Bill and Kevin should be killed. It went into moderation never to be seen again.

    Fascinating situational standards.

    Strange how one addressed directly to him goes into moderation so fast.

  83. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: Everyone knows the Courts are tainted by Communists, Maude.

    Now, I’m no an internet detective, but I do find this interesting. Birdboy was responding to a commenter named “Arthur B.” ( who I believe comments here) and Birdie referred to him as “Maude.” Did you spot the pop culture reference? Bea Arthur (or “Arthur B.) played “Maude” in the eponymous TV show. The show premiered in 1972 and ran until 1978, and I doubt anyone who isn’t at least in his late 40s would be able to make such a reference.

    It’s that, or else Falcon is a young man with a serious affection for Bea Arthur and probably owns every season of “Golden Girls” on DVD. Now, I’m not saying birdie’s love for “Maude” means he’s gay, but here’s Gawker’s headline for his idol’s obituary: “Bea Arthur, Beloved Gay Icon, 1922-2009.”

    So, do I get the Walter Fitzpatrick Award putting 2 and 3 together to get 27?

  84. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: So, do I get the Walter Fitzpatrick Award putting 2 and 3 together to get 27?

    I am in awe, sir

  85. John Reilly says:

    Dr. Taitz and her followers are currently debating whether there were 200 or 3000 people at OAS. As if having 3000 show up justifies suspension of the Constitution and installation of a government of the RWNJs, by the RWNJs, and certainly only for the RWNJs.

    Some of us respect the outcome of the election.

  86. RanTalbott says:

    John Reilly: Dr. Taitz and her followers are currently debating whether there were 200 or 3000 people at OAS

    Typical conspiracy nuts: arguing about a false choice between two answers, both of which everyone else knows to be wrong, to a question that everyone else knows to be irrelevant.

    It’s like someone spiked the punch at a Jesuit dinner with LSD.

  87. Keith (not logged on) says:

    Arthur: “Bea Arthur, Beloved Gay Icon, 1922-2009.”

    Bea may have been a gay icon, but probably not for ‘Maude’. More likely for ‘The Golden Girls’.

    Now Maude’s daughter was played by Adrienne Barbeauand she was a “pimply teenage boy” icon, for two reasons.

  88. Keith (not logged on) says:

    that was supposed to read

    Adrienne Barbeau and she

  89. John Reilly says:

    In any event, I’m off to Costco tomorrow. Dr. Taitz has a new running theme of other sites not letting her post comments, for which she is quite indignant.

    I’m hoping Costco has irony meters in 6 packs. My old one broke.

  90. Upgradedd says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Strange how one addressed directly to him goes into moderation so fast.

    Not really all that strange, how active would BR be without his proddings…
    think about why he would be posting there 24/7 orchestrating the topic and driving the traffic… there is an obvious reason.. N’est-ce pas?

  91. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    John Reilly: Dr. Taitz has a new running theme of other sites not letting her post comments

    Irony meter alert!

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