Obama out of office–ANY DAY NOW!

Birthers are a bit vague about the specifics of when Obama will leave office, but the Obot Patriots have the inside information. Obama will leave office in:

[countdown date=2017/01/20-12:00:00] [timer] [after] Thank you, Mr. President, for your service[/countdown].

Patience is a virtue.
— John Vorlick

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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14 Responses to Obama out of office–ANY DAY NOW!

  1. The Magic M says:

    My favourite was always this one which is still #1 on Google for “Obama out of office countdown”:

    Whoever made this obviously believed Obama’s time in office ends on election night 2016… *facepalm*

  2. The Magic M says:

    the Obot Patriots have the inside information

    Who knows, maybe he’s gonna stay in office for a full 3 seconds longer (“Dictator with disregard for the law!”) or shorter (“Obama is always vacationing!”). He’s not German, after all. 😉

  3. Jim says:

    No, NO, NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I want to keep driving the brithers CRAZY!

    MICHELLE 2016

  4. Well, if the alternative was Sarah Palin, sure.

    Jim: MICHELLE 2016

  5. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well, if the alternative was Sarah Palin, sure.

    I think Jim means Michelle Obama, not Michele Bachmann. Oh, what a difference an ‘l’ makes LOL

  6. BJB says:

    Yes Doc! I hope this is from my e-mail…can’t wait for birther heads to explode…hah just checked-it was
    Thanks doc

  7. Jim says:

    Well, once the King (Barack) is out of office, it come time for the Queen (Michelle) to take over. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! And even longer still may the name Obama drive birthers crazy. 😀

  8. alg says:

    What I am really looking forward to are all the Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster conspiracy stories to re-emerge in 2016. I have no doubt that someone will figure out how to tie the whole thing to Benghazi and the blue dress.

  9. Thomas Brown says:

    Already happened:

    Rand Paul: Benghazi Has ‘Precluded’ Hillary From Being President


  10. BillTheCat says:

    Thomas Brown:
    Already happened:

    Rand Paul: Benghazi Has ‘Precluded’ Hillary From Being President


    Haha poor Rand thinks he can wave a magic wand and make her go away. Ain’t happenin’ Rand.

  11. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Good thing that the American people, not Rand Paul, decide who “should be considered” for being President.

  12. Majority Will says:

    Obama Countdown Clock (not made in Kenya) found at a thrift store: http://imgur.com/TuH5VaI

    Note the date.

  13. RanTalbott says:

    Majority Will: Obama Countdown Clock (not made in Kenya) found at a thrift store

    Looks like a forgery to me: you cn tell from the electronic image that the packaging has multiple layers…

    What I find most interesting is that it’s unopened. I wonder what the story was. Did someone buy it before 2013 to taunt a “liberal” friend? Did someone buy it after 2012 to taunt an anti-Obama friend (Do those gadgets count up after the expiration date?)? Did someone buy a case of them, hoping to ebay them as “collectibles”, only to discover that he couldn’t sell them for enough to even recoup the ebay fees?

    Disquieting minds want to know.

  14. Majority Will says:

    RanTalbott: Looks like a forgery to me: you cn tell from the electronic image that the packaging has multiple layers…

    What I find most interesting is that it’s unopened. I wonder what the story was. Did someone buy it before 2013 to taunt a “liberal” friend? Did someone buy it after 2012 to taunt an anti-Obama friend (Do those gadgets count up after the expiration date?)? Did someone buy a case of them, hoping to ebay them as “collectibles”, only to discover that he couldn’t sell them for enough to even recoup the ebay fees?

    Disquieting minds want to know.

    Original in package collector seems like a plausible possibility.

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